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How out of 9 matches. Tasks with matches for children. Logic games and puzzles with matches for children

Logic tasks with matches, this is an excellent way to entertain and take a child. For children, it is an opportunity in the game form to develop your logic and smelting. In addition, logic games with matches develop imagination and design skills. This page contains puzzles with matches for children from 4 to 15 years. In tasks with matches you can play with children at home, on the street, or on the road. The main thing is to find a flat surface for laying matches.

Puzzle number 1.

Ask a child to fold 6 identical squares of 17 matches as shown in the figure. And then remove one of the matches so that it turned out 5 squares.

Puzzle number 2.

Task for a child: there are 4 identical square of 12 matches as shown in the figure. Remove 2 matches so that it turned out 3 identical squares.

Puzzle number 3.

Task for a child: lay 3 identical squares of 10 matches as shown in the figure. Frames 2 matches so that it turned out 2 squares - 1 large and 1 small.

Puzzle number 4.

Task for a child: layer 4 identical squares of 13 matches as shown in the figure. Add 2 matches so that it turned out 5 squares.

Puzzle number 5.

Task for a child: layer 6 identical squares of 17 matches as shown in the figure. Remove 3 matches so that it turned out 4 equal squares.

Task number 6.

Task for a child: Mathematical examples of 11 mathemes as shown in the figure. And now there are one matches so that the equality becomes faithful.

Task number 7.

Task for a child: Mathematical examples of 12 mathemes as shown in the figure. And now there are one matches so that the equality becomes faithful.

Puzzle number 8.

Task for a child: laying 9 identical squares of 24 matches as shown in the figure. Remove 4 matches so that it turned out 5 equal squares.

Puzzle number 9.

Task for a child: there are 9 squares of 24 matches as shown in the figure. Remove 8 matches so that it turned out 5 equal squares.

We all ever tried to solve the tasks with moving matches. Remember such? Just visually and quite interesting. We suggest you remember how this is done, and solve these 10 fascinating tasks. There will be no examples and mathematics here, you can try to think about them with children. Each riddle is attached to the answer. Here we go? 😉

1. Expand Fish

The task. Rearrange three matches so that the fish swallow in the opposite direction. In other words, you need to turn the fish 180 degrees horizontally.

Answer. To solve the problem, you need to move the matches that make up low part Tail and torso, as well as bottom fin fish. Move 2 matches upstairs, and one to the right, as shown in the diagram. Now the fish floats not right, but to the left.

2. Pick the key

The task. In this task of 10 matches, a key shape is folded. Move 4 matches so that it turned out three squares.

Answer. The task is solved quite simply. Four matches forming the part of the key knob should be moved to the key rod so that 3 squares are laid out in a row.

3. Glass with Cherry

The task. With the help of four matches, the shape of the glass is folded, inside which the cherry lies. You need to move two matches so that the cherry is outside the glass. It is allowed to change the position of the glass in space, but its form should remain unchanged.

Answer. The solution to this sufficiently well-known logical problem with 4 matches is based on the fact that we change the position of the glade, turning it over. The leftmost match goes to the right down, and the horizontal - moves the right to half of its length.

4. Seven squares

The task. Place 2 matches so as to form 7 squares.

Answer. To solve this quite complicated task, you need to think nonsense. We take 2 any matches that form the angle of the largest outer square and put their cross-cross-time on each other into one of the small squares. So we get 3 squares 1 per 1 match and 4 squares with the sides of half the matches.

5. Hexagonal star

The task. You see a star consisting of 2 large triangles and 6 small. The movement of the 2nd matches achieve that 6 triangles remain in the star.

Answer.Move the matches according to this scheme, and the triangles will be 6.

6. Cheerful calf

The task. Place only two matches, so that the calf looked in the other side. At the same time, he must remain cheerful, that is, his tail should remain pointing up.

Answer. In order to look in the other direction, the calf is enough just to turn your head.

7. House from a glass

The task. Move the six matches so that the house is a house of two glasses.

Answer. Of the two extreme matches of each glass, the roof and wall will turn out, and two matches at the bases of a glass need to be simply moved.

8. Scales

The task. Scales are composed of nine matches and are not in a state of equilibrium. It is necessary to shift five matches in them so that the scales are in equilibrium.

What are the only riddles with matches we did not invent in school! Or maybe they did not invent themselves, but just made each other to friends what they knew? Is it really important in the end? 🙂

Another important is: riddles with matches really were always one of your favorite hobbies. This now steel matches are largely anachrism. And in our time they could easily be smittered from any kitchen. 🙂 So we have fun.

Today, when I am already an adult, I nevertheless remember all these classes with great pleasure. And with the same pleasure public riddles with matches for you.

Riddles with matches with answers

1. How to fold the triangle using one match, without breaking it:

Answer. The condition does not say: "Only one match", it means that you can apply some kind of techniques, for example, the angle of the table. Having attached to it a match, we get a triangle.

2. How to fold the quadrilateral with the help of two matches?

Answer. Two matches applied parallel to the sides of the corner of the table.

3. To shift one match in this fraction to get a unit.

Answer. This fraction is 1/7. Extreme on the right to make a match from above to the Roman five on the right. We get in the denominator the root square from one, which is equal to one. Receive: 1/1 \u003d 1.

4. Of the four matches you can fold the square. Therefore, to fold five squares, twenty matches will be required. You can fold five squares with sixteen matches. And you try to fold five squares of nine matches. (Note: matches can be part of the square not completely.)


5. Figure shows the fortress and stone Wall around her. Between the fortress and the wall there is a ditch filled with water, with hungry crocodiles in it. Show how with the help of two matches you can pave a bridge between the fortress and the wall.


6. In the figure with 15.5 matches, a sad pig is posted.

Make it fun, shifting 3.5 matches.

Make a pig curious, removing one match and, shifting 2.5 matches.

Answer 1.. Cheerful pig.

Answer 2. Curious pig.

7. In incorrect equality, folded with matches, move only one match to get faithful equality.

Incorrect equality.

Answer. True equality.

9. Move in this picture three matches so that the fish swallow in the opposite direction.


10. From matches a cow with head, body, four limbs, horns and tail. It is required to move 2 matches so that the cow watches is not left, but to the right.


11. Purchase in this figure a) three matches; b) Two matches in such a way that it turned out two rectangles.


12. From the matches with the help of Roman numbers are incorrect equalities. Move only one match so as to get faithful equality.

a) xi - v \u003d iv;


a) x - vi \u003d iv or xi - v \u003d vi or xi - vi \u003d v - only three solutions.

b) IX - V \u003d IV or X - VI \u003d IV - two solutions.

13. Riddles - jokes.

a) the Son hovers with the Father, that, if you add eight to five, you can get one. And he won the argument. How did it happen to him?

Answer. With the help of five and eight matches, he laid out the word "one".

b) In this cross, posted out of matches, rearrange only one match to get a square.


And how the four is not a square? After all, it is equal to the square of the twos. 🙂

fourteen). Six equal squares are folded from eighteen matches.

If you remove two matches, you can get four such squares. How can I do that?


fifteen). A glass was made of four matches. Inside the glasses is a cherry. You need to move two matches so that the berry is outside.


sixteen). From the matches the house is folded. It is necessary to shift in it two matches in such a way as to get his mirror reflection.


17). Purchase in this lattice 3 matches in this way to form three squares.


18 We have a snake, folded from matches. Move five matches so that it turned out two squares of different quantities.

Answer. The task has two solutions.

Solution 1.

Solution 2..

19 Remove two matches so that you get five identical squares.


20 In this four squares, move four matches in such a way that three squares formed.


21 This helix is \u200b\u200bmade up of matches.

Task 1.. Move two matches to the helix to get two squares.

Task 2. Move the four matches in the spiral so that it turned out three squares.

Answer to task 1.

Answer to task 2.

22 Spread three matches on the table.

Put two more matches to them in such a way that it turned out eight.

Answer. Of the two matches, we will press the Roman number V, we get: viii - eight.

23 of the matches folded the figure, like a children's toy "NEVERSHIK".

You need to shift three matches so that this nevosha turn into a cube.


24 Remove only one match of the left part of incorrect equality, so that faithful equality it turns out.


25 of the matches is folded from the beetle that crawls right. Move the three matches in this way to go to the left of the beetle.


26 This incorrect inequality is drawn up with 25 matches.

It is necessary to shift two matches so that faithful equality it turns out.

Answer Two matches, of which the right unit is compiled, connect to twice and get eight. The resulting faithful equality takes the form: 16 - 8 \u003d 8.

27 It is necessary to shift one match so that incorrect equality turn into faithful.

Answer 9+3 – 4=8

28 In this incorrect equality, it is necessary to shift one match to get faithful equality.

Answer The right match of the left side is applied from above to the right part of the Roman five, we get a sign square root. On the left we get a square root from one, which is equal to one. We have faithful equality: 1 \u003d 1.

29 Correct this incorrect equality, without touching any match. Make this equality faithful. (Matches can not be caught up nor move or move, etc.)


It is enough to flip the drawing 180 degrees. We get faithful equality.

30 In this numeric recording, two matches must be shifted so that incorrect equality turn into the right one.

Answer. 1 + 4 + 4 = 9

31 This isobated trapezium is made up of ten matches.

Add another five such matches to it so that this trapezium becomes four equal trapezes.


32 In incorrect equality, recorded by Roman numerals, and folded from matches, to rearrange only one match to get faithful equality.


33 Purchase four arbitrary matches from sixteen data to work out three squares.

Answer 1.

Answer 2.

34 Rearrange in incorrect equality 2 matches so that faithful equality it turns out.


35 Match 1 match so as to get one more faithful equality


36 Match one match in incorrect equality so that equality becomes faithful.


37. Well, finally, ask a riddle, which, according to our teacher of mathematics, she was asked on the entrance exams in Moscow State University:

With 6 matches build 4 equilateral triangles. I pay attention to those who do not understand. Equilateral. These are those in which all parties are equal. Matches break, of course, it is impossible.

Want to know the answer? Do not hurry! Try to solve yourself. And only then see the answer. And then you will open a sparkling truth in all its splendor! 🙂

Tip: Always go beyond the boundaries of the usual reality!

And so that you do not have a desire to believe the answer immediately, I moved it to a friend page.

Logic tasks with matches, this is an excellent way to entertain and take a child. For children, it is an opportunity in the game form to develop your logic and smelting. In addition, logic games with matches develop imagination and design skills. This page contains puzzles with matches for children from 4 to 15 years. In tasks with matches you can play with children at home, on the street, or on the road. The main thing is to find a flat surface for laying matches.

Puzzle number 1.

Ask a child to fold 6 identical squares of 17 matches as shown in the figure. And then remove one of the matches so that it turned out 5 squares.

Puzzle number 2.

Task for a child: there are 4 identical square of 12 matches as shown in the figure. Remove 2 matches so that it turned out 3 identical squares.

Puzzle number 3.

Task for a child: lay 3 identical squares of 10 matches as shown in the figure. Frames 2 matches so that it turned out 2 squares - 1 large and 1 small.

Puzzle number 4.

Task for a child: layer 4 identical squares of 13 matches as shown in the figure. Add 2 matches so that it turned out 5 squares.

Puzzle number 5.

Task for a child: layer 6 identical squares of 17 matches as shown in the figure. Remove 3 matches so that it turned out 4 equal squares.

Task number 6.

Task for a child: Mathematical examples of 11 mathemes as shown in the figure. And now there are one matches so that the equality becomes faithful.

In this article you collected the best riddles with matches. The presented puzzles are completely inhomogeneous - you will find all the levels of difficulty: from the beginning "detective", to the very real genius. Dare!

Many people love tasks, developing creative and logical thinking. A lot of puzzles are invented, but the tasks with matches are allocated from the general list not least because the material is always available for them and everything. The boxes of matches take quite a bit of the place, which means that they can be used not only at home, but also on the train, on the street or at work. All you need for classes is a smooth level surface and sufficient space to lay out some number of matches. That is - quite a bit. And the complexity of the puzzles everyone can choose to taste. Everyone knows that the children can not play matches, especially in the absence of adults, but our puzzle games are quite safe: the simplest of them will be carried away junior schoolchildrenAnd older people will be happy to solve the tasks more difficult.

If there are difficulties with solving a puzzle. But do not hurry to look into the answers, although they are also here. After all, you lose yourself with pleasure on your own find the right decision. You can even download your favorite tasks on the link you will find at the bottom of this page.

  • Matching puzzles with answers

Rules and assistance in passing

The main rules are only two. You can describe the first in two words - shift the match. The second rule - matches in no case can no break, but only move and turn. Agree, the rules look quite simple. But in fact, to fulfill the condition supplied in the puzzle, it does not always happen. Here it will very help out the ability to completely think, as well as attention and perseverance. Caution will help when learning the conditions of the task - it may be hidden in it. Sometimes, in order to understand what is required from you, you need to break your head quite a lot. It is necessary to take into account that often the key to the solution is hiding in the condition.

Make-up and logic will help you find non-standard solutionmaybe not immediately. Matches are allowed to put on each other, move in any direction or turn over.

Perceive the figures not literally. There are often tasks with geometric shapes, where you need to move one or more matches so that the specified number of figures can be obtained. At the same time, several small figures can hide in themselves and greater. For example, if you see 4 squares located in two rows, do not rush to assert that they are 4 - in fact the side of the squares form also the fifth.

Attempts to solve a puzzle as quickly can lead to errors, so do not rush and try to calculate all the options, approaching the correct answer. That's why persistence and calm need here.

Puzzles with matches (with answers)

Below you will find a series of the most popular puzzles. This is a kind of top 9 tasks of various complexity. The difficulty of solutions increases from simple tasks to complex. These tasks will enjoy all - both children and adults.

To compare your solution with the offered here, click on the "Answer" button. But do not hurry to give up and pry - otherwise you will lose yourself the pleasure of solving the problem, as well as a remarkable workout for the brain.

1. Faithful equality

The task. Move one match so that the arithmetic equality "8 + 3-4 \u003d 0" has become true. It is allowed to change both numbers and signs.

There are several ways to solve a puzzle, so that matches and an email to help you ...

The first way: Four turn into eleven, moving the horizontal match to the left and down and turning it 90 degrees. And now our equality looks like this: 8 + 3-11 \u003d 0.

The second way: Remove the right upper vessel from the eight and move it to the top of the four. Equality is converted to 6 + 3-9 \u003d 0, which means it is true again.

Third way: Turn the eight in the nine, and let's take the eight from zero. We obtain: 9 + 3-4 \u003d 8. Equality has become true.

There are others non-standard options solutions to this puzzle, where changes are no longer the numbers, and the sign "\u003d", for example 0 + 3-4? 0 (I lie in several places a match!), 8 + 3-4\u003e 0, but it will no longer be equality, and therefore violates the condition of the task.

2. Expand Fish

The task is: you need to shift 3 matches so that the fish becomes sailing in the opposite direction. In other words, you need to expand the fish for 180 degrees horizontally.

Answer: Move two matches, which are the lower parts of the body and tail upstairs and one match from the lower fin - right. The scheme is clearly visible. Now our fish swam back.

3. Select the key

The task. 10 matches are posted so that they form a key shape. You need to move four matches so that it turns out the "lock" consisting of three squares.

Answer: It is easier to find a solution than looks at first glance. Matches that make up the key head, shift to the base of the rod. Thus, we obtain three squares posted in a row.

4. Field for playing "Cross-Zoliki"

The task. Shoot three matches so that the playing field turns into three squares.

Answer: Two lower matches move to the left and right to one row above. Thus, they closed the side squares. The lower central match moves up, the closure of the upper figure and the three squares are obtained.

5. Task "Glass with Cherry"

The task. Four matches form the shape of a glass in which the cherry is. Move only two matches so that the berry is outside the glade. It is allowed to change the position of the glasses, but it is not allowed to redo its shape.

Answer: To find a solution to this puzzle, it is enough to remember that we have the right to change the location of the glass in space. So, we just need to turn the glass upside down. The extreme left mat is moving down and right, and the horizontal shifts half of its length to the right.

6. Two of nine

The task. You have twenty-four matches, posted so that they form nine small squares. It is necessary to remove eight matches so that the number of squares decreased to two. The rest of the matches can not move and move.

I found 2 solutions to this puzzle.

The first way: We remove matches around the square of the square, leaving a large square, which is formed by extreme matches and one little square in the center.

The second way: We leave a large square consisting of twelve matches and a square with parties 2 by 2 matches adjacent to the sides of a large square.

Maybe there are still ways. Do you find them?

7. Contactive matches

Condition. Place 6 matches in such a way that each of them relate to the rest of five.

Answer: To solve the puzzle you will need creative thinking. Matches are allowed to put on each other, which means you will have to look for a solution beyond the framework of the plane. Correct solution illustrated in the diagram. You can see that all matches really touch each other. I confess, to draw this scheme is much easier than to arrange so matches in reality.

8. Seven squares

The task. Place only two matches in such a way as to get seven squares.

Answer: The task is quite complicated and for its solution you need to retreat from template thoughts. Take any two matches constituting the angle of a large outer square and put their cross-crosswise in any of the small squares. We have 3 squares with parties 1 per 1 matches and 4 squares with sides in the floor of the match.

9. Leave one triangle.

Condition. Move one match so that the number of triangles decreased from 9 to 1.

Above the decision will have to break the head because it requires a non-standard approach and creative thinking.

Answer: We need something to come up with a cross in the middle. Take the bottom match of this cross so that it simultaneously raise the top. Turn this cross for 45 degrees so that there are not triangles in the center, and squares. I note that with real matches this task is solvable much easier than on the computer.

Play online

Puzzles with matches - a wonderful way to have time to spend time and stretch the smell. And you can do it both one and in the company. But despite this, they are applied less and less. Perhaps this is due to the fact that more and more popularity is acquired modern methods Get Fire - Gas and Electric Lighters, kitchen platesEquipped with electric lodge and not requiring additional means to turn on the burners. Therefore, the matches themselves are increasingly indispensable.

But thanks to the development of the Internet to puzzles with matches, the fame of glory is returned.

Puzzles with matches have long been used as tasks for the development of logic and. The popularity of such tasks is due to the convenience of use and availability of the material from which entertaining geometric and arithmetic figures are compiled. You can solve such puzzles at home, at work, on the street or on the road: it's easy to find a flat surface for laid out scheduled schemes From matches. Logic games for shifting matches are as simple and complex, so they are suitable for both children of younger classes (despite the fact that "matches children are not a toy") and adults. This page contains interesting tasks with matches of various levels of complexity. For convenience, each task contains an answer and a description of the right solution, so you can even play online. In addition, at the end of the page there is a link that you can download all the tasks for free.

Rules and passage

The rule of any similar puzzle, tasks or games is that you need to shift one or more matches in such a way that the condition is executed. However, it is often not so simple to come to the right solution. This should show perseverance, attention and creativity. Several general rules can be distinguished in order for the correct answers when passing the match puzzles:

  1. Carefully read the task. Find out whether it does not have a trick, ambiguity of the wording. Understand exactly what they want from you. Sometimes the task condition may contain a hint.
  2. Almost any task is aimed at logic and smelting, so immediately get ready to look for a non-standard solution that you may require some time. Please note that lists can overlap on each other, move in any direction, and also turn over if the reverse is not given on the condition.
  3. Look at the figures wider. Often in the condition of the task you are asked to move the match so that it turned out a certain amount geometric figures (triangles, squares). Please note that several small figures can make one large. For example, four squares supplied in 2 rows form 5 squares: 4 small and one large.
  4. Try to solve the task, keeping calm, without trying to find the answer to anything. Look for the answer consistently, thoughtfully, gradually turning possible options, trying not to miss the correct answer. Sensity can lead to what you miss the answer from which you were only one step.

Love such riddles, games, puzzles and tests? Get all interactive materials on the site to develop more efficiently.

Tasks with matches with answers

Below are some examples of popular tasks from matches with answers. I tried to pick up the top 9 tasks that go to ascending difficulty: from the easiest to the most difficult. These tasks are suitable for both children and adults.

To view the task solution, click on the "Answer" button. However, we advise not to hurry and try to solve a puzzle on your own - in this case you will get real pleasure and good training brains.

1. Faithful equality

The task. It is necessary to move only one match in the arithmetic example "8 + 3-4 \u003d 0" with the arithmetic examples so that faithful equality is (you can change marks, numbers).

Answer: This classic mathematical mathematical puzzle is solved in several ways. As you already guessed the matches you need to move so that other numbers come out.
The first way. From the eight, we move the bottom left match in the middle of the zero. It turns out: 9 + 3-4 \u003d 8.
The second way. From the figures 8 we remove the right upper match and put it on the top of the four. As a result, the right equality: 6 + 3-9 \u003d 0.
Third way. In the figure 4, we turn the horizontal match vertically and move it to the lower left corner of the four. And again an arithmetic expression is true: 8 + 3-11 \u003d 0.
There are other ways to solve this example in mathematics, for example, with a sign modification equal to 0 + 3-4 ≠ 0, 8 + 3-4\u003e 0, but it already violates the condition.

2. Expand Fish

The task. Rearrange three matches so that the fish swallow in the opposite direction. In other words, you need to turn the fish 180 degrees horizontally.

Answer. To solve the problem, we will move the matches that make up the lower part of the tail and the torso, as well as the lower fins of our fish. Move 2 matches upstairs, and one to the right, as shown in the diagram. Now the fish floats not right, but to the left.

3. Pick the key

The task. In this problem of 10 matches, a key shape is folded. Move 4 matches so that it turned out three squares.

Answer. The task is solved quite simply. Four matches that form that part of the key knob must be moved to the key rod so that 3 squares are laid out in the row.

4. Field for

Condition. It is necessary to shift 3 matches so as to get exactly 3 squares.

Answer. To get exactly three squares in this task, you must move 2 lower vertical matches to the right and left, respectively, so that they close side squares. A lower central horizontal match need to close the upper square.

5. Puzzle "Glass with Cherry"

Condition. With the help of four matches, the shape of the glass is folded, inside which the cherry lies. You need to move two matches so that the cherry is outside the glass. It is allowed to change the position of the glass in space, but its form should remain unchanged.

Answer. Solving this sufficiently well-known logical problem with 4 matches is based on the fact that we change the position of the glade, turning it over. The leftmost match goes to the right down, and the horizontal - moves the right to half of its length.

6. Five of nine

Condition. There are nine small squares formed by twenty-four matches. Remove 8 matches, not touching the rest so that only 2 squares remain.

Answer. For this task, I found 2 ways to solve.
The first way. Remove matches so that only the largest square formed by extreme matches and the smallest square in the center consisting of four matches remains.
The second way. Also leave the largest square of 12 matches, as well as a square 2 to 2 matches. In the last square 2, the parties should form a large square match, and 2 other parties should be in the center.

7. Sights in contact with each other

The task. It is necessary to place 6 matches so that each match comes into contact with the other five.

Answer. This task requires the connection of your creative abilities, and outlets outside the plane - after all, matches can be put on each other. The right decision as follows. In the scheme, all matches really come into contact with each other. I want to note, online to draw such figures is much easier than to lay out so real matches.

8. Seven squares

Condition. Place 2 matches so as to form 7 squares.

Answer. To solve this rather complicated task, you need to think nonsense. We take 2 any matches that form the angle of the largest outer square and put their cross-cross-time on each other into one of the small squares. So we get 3 squares 1 per 1 match and 4 squares with the sides of half the matches.

9. Leave 1 triangle

The task. Move 1 match so that instead of 9 triangles there is only one.

Decision. This puzzle is not solved by the standard way. To solve the task, you need to sharpen a bit (again to use your own). We need to get rid of the cross in the middle. We take the bottom of the cross, so that it raise and the top at the same time. Turn the cross for 45 degrees, so that it formed in the center of the house is not triangles, but squares.
It is worth noting that behind the computer screen online this task is very difficult to solve. But if you take real matches, then the puzzle is greatly easier.


If you do not have time to solve puzzles with matches on our site, you can download all the tasks in the presentation form one that can be viewed on devices without accessing the Internet or simply print on several A-4 sheets.

Download all tasks with matches you can by.


Despite the fact that puzzles with matches are a great way to check the mixture, they are less and less and less used every year. It can be said that matches become less popular (which comes to shift more modern means Fire production), the faster they lose popularity matching games and tasks.

However B. lately they begin to acquire former popularity thanks to the Internet and online games. Play in a few you can by.

Games with matches

Familiar stranger

The game contributes to the development of the skill of the concentration of attention, arbitrary memorization, the ability to listen to their feelings and differentiate them, the development of shallow motility.

3 matches are laid on the table. Tasks child.

  • Take one match.
  • Follow it. What is she: warm or cold, smooth or rough, thin or thick?
  • Sochi her. Do you like this smell?
  • Take the head of the match. Consider it. What color is it? What form?
  • What do you think, what is it made from?
  • Put the match on the table. I will mix them, and you try to find it.

The story of one match

The game is aimed at developing imagination, speech, the formation of causal relationships, expanding the ideas about the environment.

Share on the table 5 matches. The child chooses the match you like, inspects her, feeling, sniffing.

Suggest responding to the following questions.

  • Where did this match come from?
  • Where did the box come from?
  • How did he get to the store?
  • What makes matches do in the factory?
  • Where did our tree grow?
  • How did the tree become a match?

It turns out our match an interesting story.

Matching pattern

The game will help develop arbitrary attention and memory, small motor, Spatial representations.

Take 3 matches, shake them and throw on Tol (carpet).

  • Where are the heads?
  • Remember the pattern and try to repeat.

Hide the pattern under the napkin.

  • Remember the pattern and do the same (he wants to find a brother or sister).

Right figures

The game develops imagination and ingenuity.

Pour matches on the table. Offer to fold from them home, tree, track, etc.

  • Who lives in this house? (fold from matches)
  • Where does this track lead? (fold from matches)

Match - Spear

Draw on the floor with chalk or a stick on Earth the line and, without crossing it, throw an ordinary match for a distance like a spear. The winner can be determined by three final throws.

Who will raise more

One match is put on the table. On this match, other matches are superimposed on both sides towards meetings. Then, on top, all this is fixed with one, two or large quantity matches. All this "construction" must be raised without destroying, behind the lower mat. It turns out like a shalashik. To do this, it is important to keep the balance.

Draw matches

We draw - it means that lay out some given or derivatives or objects from the matches: animals, a house, birds, a little man, a boat, etc. The author of the most witty and high-quality drawing becomes the winner.

Pile Mala

This game requires patience and a lot of time. You need to mix matches from one box. In turn, each player pulls out matches one. Task - pull out the match so as not to move others. If the player managed to pull out the match, without shifting others, then it pulls the next match. If I failed, the move goes to another .. wins the one who pulls out the greatest number matches.


Matches fold the well. Wins the one who he has the highest and just longer.

Tasks for competition

  • Put a match box, putting it on the scalp.
  • Put two box, putting them on the shoulders like epaulets.
  • Put the boxes, putting it with an end to a compressed fist.
  • Who will quickly collect scattered matches.
  • Put the boxes, putting it on the back in the area of \u200b\u200bthe waist.
  • To carry boxes, putting it on the leg in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lifting of the foot.
  • Whose team above will build a "well" from matches in two minutes?
  • Put the boxes by pressing him the chin to the neck. In the chin and the neck of the boxes should be dried by ends.
  • Put the external part of the box, taping it on the nose.
  • Build on the floor from the match of the train with two wagons.
  • Put empty boxes on the floor and blow on it so that he moves himself.
  • Take a match from the height of the shoulder level in the boxes lying on the floor.
  • Put the boxes on the table in such a way that they do not come into contact with each other and did not fall at the same time.
  • The lying boxes must be flipped on the edge only with one finger.
  • A match boxes are put on the carrier of the participant, with whom he needs to sit down, without dropping it to the floor and without holding his hands.
  • two matches you need to move half another match for a certain distance, without dropping the carrying "cargo".
  • The child is 5 seconds a drawing of matches for 5 seconds, then it must restore the drawing.

In this section of the site you are represented by many interesting puzzles, tasks, mysteries, rushes, games, logical tasks with matches. They all have answers. To pre-hide all the answers, click on the "Hide Answers" button. Subsequently, to get the answer, you need to click the mouse on the word "answer" below the task.

Solution of puzzles, tasks, mysteries with matches develop logic, thinking, visual memory, figurative thinking.

1) Move one match so that the equality becomes faithful.

3) Move one match so that the equality becomes faithful.

4) Move one match so that the equality becomes faithful. Perhaps two answers.

5) Move one match so that equality becomes faithful.

6) Remove the two matches so that only three squares remain.

7) How to make it so that this equation with Roman numbers is correct, and it is impossible to concern any matches (it is impossible to touch anything, it is impossible to blow it too).

8) Move one match so that the square is.

9) Move 4 matches so that it turned out 3 squares.

10) Try to lay out six matches on smooth surface So that each of the matches relate to five other matches.

11) Move one match so that the equality becomes faithful. In this equation, four and three in a row are equal, respectively, four and three.

12) How can you position on a flat surface of just three matches to put a glass on them, then the bottom of the glass will be from a flat surface at a distance of 2.3.4 matches (i.e., matches must be between the bottom of the glass and the surface of the table. )?


Three matches are laid out on the table in the form of a triangle, as can be seen below in the picture. The more triangle, the bottom of the glass will be closer to the table and vice versa.

13) Move two matches to get four squares.

14) Think if it is possible to raise 15 matches using one match? How can I do that?

15) Move 4 matches so that it turned out 15 squares.

16) How to make seven triangles with nine matches, the ends of the matches can be fastened with plasticine, i.e. It turns out a three-dimensional model.