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Novgorod-Luzhska offensive operation. Novgorod-Luzhskaya offensive operation battles on the line of the October Railway

direction to reduce losses and the fastest cut-off of the Baltic enemy grouping from Eastern Prussia. Realming, and continuing the offensive, by September 27, the Soviet troops came to the strong line of defense of the enemy Sigulda, 60 kilometers from Riga. The blow of the 1st Baltic Front in the Memonie (Memel operation), forced the German command to start on October 6, the removal of his troops from Riga. The troops of the 2nd and 3rd Baltic fronts switched to the pursuit of the enemy, having broken a number of defensive frontiers, on October 13, released Riga. On October 16, the 3rd Baltic Front was disbanded, his troops were transferred to the 1st and 2nd Baltic fronts, as well as the Leningrad Front. The troops of the 2nd Baltic Front, continuing the offensive, by October 22 came to the Tukuman defense border of the enemy, and together with the troops of the 1st Baltic Front blocked the enemy on the Cournedinsky Peninsula. Aviation and submarines of the Baltic fleet actions in the Riga Gulf made it difficult to supply, regrouping and evacuating the enemy forces, forming the so-called Kurneda boiler.
Results of the operation
As a result of the operation, Soviet troops defeated the forces of the Army Army Group, and almost completely liberated the territory of the Latvian SSR from the German troops.

Before the start of the Riga offensive operation before 42nd army The task of the offensive in the head of the main strike towards Nitaur from the site east of Ergli, to overcome the extension of the defensive band of the enemy, hack a defensive line and interact with the troops of the 3rd shock army to master Nitaure. At the same time, the army was required by the forces of one rifle corps to apply an auxiliary blow to the right flank, interacting with the troops of the 10th Guards Army. From September 14, 1944, the army moved to the offensive, with heavy battles slowly moving forward, by September 25, 1944, going to the defensive border of Sigulda on the site from Lake Kalu on the left flank and then towards Madlinians, Ogre. Within a few days, it is unsuccessful storming the frontier, coming along the right bank of the Daugava to Riga. From October 6, 1944, the German troops, under the threat of the environment, began a troop of troops from the border of Sigulda, and the 42nd Army passed into the offensive, pursuing the enemy and not giving him to tear off, driving fights with the detachments of the cover, by the evening of the same day the army's troops Birzez, Sunti station, October 7, 1941 afternoon came to the eastern bank of the Maza Yugg River, forcing him (48th Infantry Division). The army participation in the Riga operation ended: from October 8 to October 15, 1944, the army was rearranged on the left wing of the front to the area of \u200b\u200b60 kilometers south-west of Riga and resumed the offensive only on October 16, 1944, but already in the general direction to Lebava Brocene, breaks through the Tukuman defensive line advanced slightly. With access to the Tukuman defense border of the enemy, in collaboration with other armies, the 42nd Army began to block the blockade (and more precisely to many and unsuccessful attacks) of the North Army Group (from January 26, 1945 - the group of Army "Kurland") in Kurland Peninsula.
In the 20s of October 1944, the army handed over his turn of the west Bone, along the eastern outskirts of Vigeriai, then to the west to Xay and further along the north banks of the Venta River almost to the Majaicia of the 10th Guards Army. From October 27, 1944, he again goes to the offensive in the general direction to Saldus, moving to 5 November 1944 by several kilometers. Renewing the offensive on November 14, 1944, in order to preempt the opponent's counterpart, somewhat advanced. It goes back to the offensive in the direction of Saldus on December 21, 1944, with the hardest battles of chance to advance by 1-3 kilometers, there is no longer fighting for further advancement until the end of the year, from December 31, 1944 by going to defense.

67th Army of the 1st Formation on October 10, 1942, on the basis of the directive of the TGK rate of October 9, 1942, as part of the Leningrad Front on the basis of the Nevskaya Operational Group. By the beginning of November, it included the 45th Garvas Division, the 46th and 86th Infantry Divisions, the 11th and 55th Rifle Briga-Dy, the 16th fortified area, artillery, tank and other parts.
During the battle for Leningrad, the army until 1943 defended the right bank of the Neva -
from the thresholds to Lake Lake, one, temporarily held a bridgehead on the left bank of the river in the area of \u200b\u200bMoscow Dublovka ("Nevsky Piglet") and at-covered "Life Road" through the Lake Lake.

In January 1943 . He participated in the positive operation, held in order to defeat the main forces of the German 18th Army in the Shlisselburg-Sinyavinsky ledge and restoring land communications that bonded blocks-developed Leningrad with the country. In the jurisdiction with other troops of the Fron, and with the support of artillery and aircraft of the Baltic Fleet overcame the Neva on ice, broke through the enemy's strongly fortified defense and on January 18, joined the troops of the 2nd strike Ar-Mii of the Volkhov Front.
In February - December 1943, the army was firmly held by referee referee and periodically led private non-governmental operations in order to improve their operational position.
At the end of December 143, the army was combined with the 55th Army; Her field governance was disbanded, the UP-Warming of the troops was transferred to the left-handed control of the 55th Army, re-named in the field administration of the 67th Army. On December 25, 1943, the new on-line management of the 67th Army was also disbanded.
Army Commander - General May-OR, from August 1943 - Lieutenant-General Dukhanov M. P. (October 1942 - December 1943)
Member of the Military Council of the Army - Brie-Gad Commissioner, from December 1942 - Major General Khmel A. E. (December 1943) Head of the Army Staff - Major General Flowers A. S. (December 1943)

67th Army 2nd Formation sFOR-MEDIA December 25, 1943 on the basis of the field office of the 55th Army. According to the state on January 1, 1944, it included the 116th and 118th rifle buildings, the 291st Infantry Division, the 14th fortified area, 81st cannon artillery brigade, artillery, engineering and other parts.
In the Lenignan-Novgorod Operations (January 14 - March 1, 1944), connecting the army in cooperation with the war-skami of the Volkhov Front defeated the Mginskaya and the Luzhskaya grouping of the enemy's troops, liberated the city of MGA (January 21) and Luga (February 12) . There is a continuation of the offensive, by the end of February, Ar-Miy reached the Pskov-Ostrovsky Mc-repinted opponent district.
On April 24, 1944, the army was included in the newly educated 3rd Baltic Front. It has been successful in its composition in Pskov-Ostrovskaya (July 17-31, 1944) and Tar-Taska (August 10, September 6) Ope-Rats, liberated the city of Island (July 21), Võru (August 13) , Tartu (August 25).
In the Riga operation (September 14 - October 22), the army's troops in cooperation with other armies of the 3rd and 2nd Baltic fronts were raised by a number of compounds and parts of the 16th and 18th enemy armor. October 13, Riga was released and went on the coast of the Gulf of Riga.
On October 16, the army entered the Le Ningrad Front and until the end of the war performed the task of the protection and defense of the coast of the Gulf of Riga.
In early May 1945, her troops were attracted for disarmament and capture of the capitulus of the Courneda group of enemy.
Army disbanded in June - July 1945
Army Commanders: Lieutenant-General Sviridov V. P. (December 1943 - March 1944); Leatey-Nantes General V. 3. (March 1944 - February 1945); Lieutenant General Roginsky S. V. (February - March 1945); Lieutenant General Simonian N. P. (March 1945 - until the end of the war).
Member of the Military Council of the Army - Ge-Non-Major Romanov G. P. (January 1944 - until the end of the war).
Headquarters of the Army: Major General Flower A. S. (December 1943 - April 1945); Major General Sidelnikov N. P. (April-until the end of the war).

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Anniversary of the 67th Army

Have a memorable sign at the site of the headquarters of the 67th Army on the shore of the Korkinsky Lake

On October 6, it was 75 years since the creation of the 67th Army of the Leningrad Front. Frontoviki veterans arrived in Koltushi to celebrate the birthday of their army, the fate of which is closely connected with the Koltushki settlement. Here, on the shore of the Korkinsky Lake during the war, the command paragraph 67 of the army of the Leningrad Front, whose troops led defensive battles, and in January 1943 he broke through the blockade of Leningrad in the Iskra operation. Here in the park village of Pavlovo was the headquarters of the 30th Guards Rifle Corps.

Laying colors to a memorable sign on the shore of Korkinsky Lake

Right on Levo: Ivan Nikitich Konev, Mikhail Pavlovich Dukhanov, Nikolai Pavlovich Simonian

Veterans 67 armies and members of their families visited the museum of the municipal glory of the Koltushkaya school named after Akad.I.P. Pavlov, where they were welcomed by the director of the school Tatyana Vladimirovna Zakharov and the head of the Nikolai Stepanovic Museum. Updated museum exposure caused universal delight and approval. It was decided that in the Museum to replenish the collection will be transferred to residents of relics and military raritets, which will make it possible to create a more detailed exposure dedicated to 67 armies. After the literary and poetic speeches of the school students, the veterans went to the Korkinsky lake, where they laid the flowers to a memorable sign on the site of the army team. Then, all those gathered at the memorial were invited to the tea party, which was organized by the administration of the Koltushsky rural settlement. The head of the regional department of the MKU "Koltushskaya TsS" Sergey Glebovich Medvedev offered the attention of the guests a slide report about the battle route 67 of the army, after which the veteran of the 67th Army, Pavel Mikhailovich, Colonel, retired Pavel Mikhailovich Germanov, has extended her favorite verses.

In the Museum of the Koltushki school

"Initially, in the fall of 1941, the Nevskaya operational group of the first composition (feet) was held on the banks of the Neva Defense. She commanded Major General Ivan Nikitich Konev. The multi-month defense on the Neva River began. She was very hard, because by nature she was not only defense. The Nevskaya Operational Group was engaged in offensive operations. In May-October, the month of 1942, 67 army is formed - this is the successor to the Neva Operational Group. The commander of the 67th Army was approved by General Major Mikhail Pavlovich Dukhanov, the participant of the war with Belofinnami, and with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War - the commander of the Rifle Division, then the head of the headquarters, later - the commander of the 2nd Nevsky Operational Group and from October 1942 by December 1943 - Commander of the 67th Army. 67 The army held part of the right bank of the Neva and the bridgehead in the Moscow Dubrovka area, and also protected the "Life Road" through the Lake Ladoga.

Veterans of the 67th Army Yu.G. Belov and P.M.Germanov at the School Museum

In certain periods of time, 67 army included up to 50 divisions. And they all led very active fighting, trying to break into the left bank of the Neva, block the blockade that in the end and managed in 1943 in January. This is the Operation Iskra. Our troops on the ice of the frozen Neva moved to the left bank. A narrow corridor from Shlisselburg to a large land was broken. And it subsequently made it possible to start rail transport, and products, military equipment, human reserves and everything necessary for troops began to enter the city. But still the city still remained in the ring of the German environment. For the skillful leadership of the troops in the operation of the "Spark" commander of the 67 Army of Dukhanov M.P. He was awarded the Order of Kutuzov 1 degree and he was awarded the title "General-Lieutenant".

In this building in the village of Pavlovo Pavlovoheadquarters of the 30th Guards Rifle Corps

In December 4, the 43th year began a breakthrough and the final removal of the blockade of the city, which was completed successfully on January 27, 1944.

The next path of 67 armies lay through the Leningrad region, through the cities: Sivevskaya, Gatchina, Vyrit, she freed from the German invaders of Pskov and Novgorod. Completed his combat path in battles for the liberation of the city of Riga in May 1945. For courage and heroism, manifested in battles with the enemy, tens of thousands of soldiers of the 67 armies were awarded orders and medals, more than twenty honored the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union. For participation in the breakthrough, the blockade of Leningrad this high rank was awarded the commander of the 136th Rifle Division, Major General Nikolai Pavlovich Simonian, who became the commander of the 67 Army to the end of the war from March 1945.

Breaking the blockade of Leningrad.
Diorams in the museum on the road of life, Kirovsk

I want to say once again about the first commander of the 67 Army - General Mikhail Pavlovic Dukhanov. It was a high-cultural, competent officer, an experienced military officer who began service in the Russian Imperial Army, who participated in the Civil War, then in the Finnish War. His merit in front of Leningrad is huge, because he managed not only to preserve the lives of many residents of a besieged city, having lost their hunger, but also to make a great contribution to the turn of military events: the Iskra operation, as well as operations near Moscow and Stalingrad, decided the outcome of the war. And it is very disappointed that the memory of General Dukhanova has not been noted. His colleagues - General Galstyan, General Simonian, Major Garbawny and many others remained in memory in the names of Leningrad streets. But there is no street that would be the name of General Dukhanov. Is it time to correct this error? Maybe this is possible here today here, in chipses where active construction is conducted and new streets are born today?

We, veterans of the 67 armies of the Leningrad Front, appeal to builders, to the public, to the authorities with the request to perpetuate the name of Mikhail Pavlovich Dukhanov in the title of the street in Koltysh! "

After the memorial meeting, its participants were delivered by the buses to the metro station convenient for them.

Press service "Koltushi today"

Leningrad region, USSR

Victory of Soviet Forces




K. A. Meretkov

G. von Kühler

L. A. Govorov

V. Model


Forces side

Volkhov Front in full, part of the forces of the Leningrad Front

Part 18 and 16th Army Army Group North

Losses of only the Volkhov Front (including the loss of the 1st shock army): 55342 of a person (of which 13294 are irretrievable losses). According to other data - 62723 people (of which 16542 are irretrievable losses).

According to Soviet data - 82,000 people killed and wounded

Novgorod-Luzhskaya offensive operation (January 14 - February 15, 1944) - Operation of the Soviet troops of the Volkhov Front against part of the forces of the 18th German army, precipitated Leningrad, with the tasks of defeating the enemy's grouping in the area of \u200b\u200bNovgorod, release the October railway and surrounded, together with the troops of the Leningrad Front, the main forces of the 18th Army in the Luga region.

The offensive of the Troops of the Volkhov Front, started simultaneously with the Krasnosel-Ropinsky operation of the Leningrad Front, was part of the Leningrad-Novgorod strategic offensive operation, as a result of which Soviet troops completely liberated Leningrad from the enemy blockade.

Forces side

the USSR

Volkhov Front - com. The Army General K. A. Meretkov, Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General F. P. Ozers:

  • 54th Army - com. Lieutenant-General S. V. Roginsky.
  • 8th Army - com. Lieutenant-General F. N. Starikov.
  • 59th Army - com. Lieutenant-General I. T. Korovnikov.
  • 1st Impact Army (as part of the front from 02.02.1944) - com. Lieutenant-General P. short.
  • 14th Air Army - com. Lieutenant General I. P. Zhuravlev.

Leningrad Front - com. General Army L. A. Govorov:

  • 42nd Army - com. Colonel-General I. I. Maslennikov.
  • 67th Army - com. Lieutenant General V. P. Sviridov.
  • 13th Air Army - com. Colonel-General S. D. Rybalkchenko.


Army Group North - com. Feldmarshal General Georg von Kühler, from February 1 Colonel-General Walter model.

  • 18th Army. General Cavalry Georg Lindeman.
  • 16th Army - com. General artillery H. Hansen.
  • 1st air fleet - com. General Kurt Pfllugbeyl.

Field at the Theater of Military Activities in the fall of 1943

In September 1943, the command of the German Army Group "North", realizing that it would be extremely difficult to reflect the next offensive of Soviet troops, began to develop a plan for drafting his troops from Leningrad to new defensive positions at the turn of the Narva River - the Church of Lake - Pskov - Island - Idritsa (line "Panther").

The opponent's intentions quickly became known to the Soviet command. Already on September 29, the troops of the Leningrad, Volkhov and North-Western fronts received the order of the General Staff to strengthen the collection of intelligence, to accurately identify the intentions of the enemy and be ready to begin his harassment at any time.

However, at the end of 1943, German troops did not start the retreat from Leningrad. A. Hitler, believing that the Soviet troops at that time did not have the opportunity to take a major offensive in the north-western direction, ordered the North Army Group to continue to fully hold his position and retreat, only if the next Soviet offensive would make it do.

In September 1943, the Military Councils of the Leningrad and Volkhov Fronts presented the BGC bid plan a large-scale joint offensive with the aim of defeating the main forces of the 18th German army and the complete liberation of Leningrad from the enemy blockade.

The overall intent of the operation was to initiate the simultaneous blow of two fronts to defeat Peterhof-Strelinsky (Krasnoselsko-Ropshin Operation) and the Novgorod enemy grouping, located on the flanks of the 18th German army. Then it was planned, advancing in Kingisepp and Luzhsky directions, surround the main forces of the enemy. In the future, the Soviet troops had to bring strikes to Narva, Pskov and Idritsa, fully release the Leningrad region and create prerequisites for further attack in the Baltic States.

The Military Council of the Volkhov Front planned to conduct his part of the offensive in three stages. At the first stage, it was supposed to break through the defense of the enemy and release Novgorod, at the second stage - to move forward by 30 kilometers and to reach the meadow, at the third stage - salving the meadow, to develop an offensive on Iostrov's Pskov. In case of success of the three first phases of operation, it was planned to carry out another stage, designed for direct preparations for the liberation of the Baltic States.

The BGK rate soon approved the proposed plan. Since at that time the possibility of retreat of German troops was preserved, the Soviet command developed two options for the onset plan. The first option provided for the immediate transition of the Soviet troops to the persecution of the enemy, in the case of its retreat, and the second - a breakthrough of the echelonized defense of the enemy, if the German troops continue to keep its position.

By the beginning of 1944, the Volkhov Front ranked the frontier from the rated sticking to the gland and further along the Volkhov River to Lake Ilmen, holding the bridgehead on the left bank of the Volkhov on the section of the Smoke - Zvanki (captured in 1942 during the Lyuban operation).

With these frontiers, Soviet troops had to go to the offensive against parts of the 18th German army (3 aircraft divisions, 6 infantry divisions and 2 infantry brigades from the composition of the 38th, 26th and 28th Army buildings).

The troops of the Volkhov Front had to hack a well-trained enemy defense, which relied on a number of powerful resistance sites, of which MGA, Tosno, Luban, Chudovo and Novgorod were particularly distinguished. In the direction of the main impact of the front in the area of \u200b\u200bnorth of Novgorod, the main defensive strip of German troops was built along the Novgorod highway - miracle, and the second is on the river Kereship. The direct approaches to the city were covered with three lines of defense. Many stone buildings in settlements were turned into long-term firepoints.

According to the operation plan, the main strike was applied by the 59th Army: the main forces - from a springboard on the left bank of the Volkhov, 30 kilometers north of Novgorod, and part of the forces - south of Novgorod in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Ilmen. It was planned to bypass the city on both sides and advancing in the general direction to Lyolada, surround the Novgorod enemy grouping. Freeing the city, the troops of the 59th army had to step in the north-west direction to the meadow and in the south-west direction to Shimsk. The rapid seizure of the meadow would allow the Soviet troops to cut off the opponation paths of the enemy from the areas of MGU, Tosno, Chudovo and Lyuban, in the direction of which the 8th, 54th Army were coming, as well as the 67th Armyleningrad Front. The main task of these three armies was the restoration of control over the Kirov and October railways.

By the beginning of the operation, the Volkhov Front consisted of 22 small divisions, 6 rifle brigades, 4 tank brigades, 14 tank and self-propelled-artillery regiments and battalions, 2 reproduction, as well as a large number of artillery and mortar compounds in the three general-time armies and in the front reserve. Total front troops By January 10, 1944, there were 297860 soldiers and officers: 59th Army - 135040 people, 8th Army - 45328, 54th Army - 67417, 14th Air Army - 16482, and 33593 people in Composition of parts of front-line subordination. According to other data, the total number of front troops before the start of the operation was about 260,000 soldiers and officers. In the fronts of the front, there were 3633 guns and mortars, about 400 tanks and sau, as well as 257 aircraft of the 14th air army. The overall onset of two fronts was supported by a long-range aviation connections - only about 330 aircraft.

To promote the offensive of the Volkhovsky and Leningrad fronts, the troops of the 2nd Baltic Front were supposed to be the task, going to the offensive in the Idritsky direction and the north of the city of Novosokolniki, to sow the forces of the 16th German army and prevent their transfer to Leningrad and Novgorod.

In addition, a large role in the upcoming occurrence was given by the actions of the partisan compounds of the Leningrad region (only about 35,000 fighters and commanders in the composition of 13 partisan brigades), which were set in the task of "destroying local government offering authorities", "save the population from the destruction and export to Germany "And strengthen combat operations on the highway and rail communications of the enemy.

Travel of fighting, January 14 - 31

Liberation of Novgorod

At 10 o'clock 50 minutes, after a massive art preparation of the Defense of the 38th German Army Corps (the 1st airport, the 28th Hanroom Division and the 2nd Latvian Brigade of the SS) attacked parts of the 59th Army. From a bridgehead on Volkhov north of the Novgorod, the offensive passed two rifle buildings: 6th (65th, 239th and 310th Rifle divisions) and the 14th (191st, 225th and 378-jar divisions).

On the first day of the offensive, due to snowfall and blizzard, the support of artillery was ineffective, and the actions of aviation were completely excluded. In addition, a significant part of tanks stuck in swamps and funnels and could not support infantry offensive. All this did not allow the 6th and 14th rifle buildings to achieve significant success. Only the 239th and 378th rifle divisions were able to break through the defense of the enemy and move forward.

The South Group of the 59th Army under the command of the Major General T. A. Sviscline was more successfully operated, whose task was to close the ring around the Novgorod group of the enemy with the compounds of the 6th Rifle Corps. The advanced detachment of the group in the 58th Rifle Brigade, part of the forces of the 225th Rifle Division, as well as the 44th and 34th separate aerial battalions, went around Novgorod on the night of January 14 from the south of Lake Ilmen. At the dawn of the part of the "South Group" on the North-West Bank of Lake attacked parts of the 2nd Latvian SS Brigade and in the evening seized a bridgehead to 5 kilometers wide and a depth of 4 kilometers.

Fearing that the grouping defending Novgorod will be surrounded, the German command threw additional forces in this area. Part 290 of the Infantry Division and the Cavalry Regiment "Nord" received the task to block the path of the Southern Group of the 59th Army, and one regiment of the 24th Infantry Division, converted from the MGU area, strengthened the defense of the north of Novgorod.

On January 15, the Soviet command introduced to the battle north and south of Novgorod additional forces from the second echelon of the 59th Army. Parts of the 239th, 65th rifle divisions, as well as the 16th and 29th tank brigades, strengthened the offensive of the 6th Infantry Corps. As a result of persistent batts, on January 15-16, Soviet troops moved significantly forward, the 28th English division and parts of the 24th Infantry Division of the opponent were thrown and cut the railway Chudovo - Novgorod. By January 17, the 6th and 14th rifle buildings hacked the main line of the opponent's defense at the 20-kilometer section of the front, moving forward to 8 kilometers.

In the following days, overcoming off-road, swamps and forests, the mobile group of the 6th Infantry Corps was published on January 20, Novgorod - Battsky's railway, 2 kilometers east of the curtain of the Late. At the same time, with the onset of north of Novgorod, the offensive of the "Southern Group" was developed, which was enhanced by parts of the 372th, 225th rifle divisions and several artillery units. Moving forward, on January 18, part of the 372nd division firmly took control of the highway and the Railway Novgorod - Shimsk and continued the offensive towards the old mill and Goryneva.

Successful promotion of Soviet troops north and south of Novgorod jeopardized the 198th Army Corps of the enemy. The command of the 18th German army, trying to save the situation, transferred to this area of \u200b\u200bthe 21st, 121-yphodnyh and 8th straggling divisions and some other compounds in this area, but soon it became obvious that the situation was impossible to save. On January 18, Lindeman gave an order to his troops to leave Novgorod and retreat in the only remaining path in the direction of Battsky.

On the morning of January 20, the 191st and 225th rifle divisions of the 14th Infantry Corps and the 382nd Rifle Division of the 7th Infantry Corps (from the Front Reserve) without a fight occupied Novgorod. Part 28 of Hanroom, the 1st Aviation Division and the Cavalry Regiment of the SS NORD, casting heavy weapons, in the evening of January 19 left the city. However, the German troops failed to get out of the environment. On January 20, 10 kilometers west of Novgorod in the area of \u200b\u200bGoryneva, the divisions of the 6th Rifle Corps and the 372th Rifle Division of the South Group of the 59th Army, cutting the way to the retreat of German parts. Most of the German group was destroyed, and about 3,000 soldiers and officers were captured.

Fights on the Oktyabrskaya Railway line

On January 16, the 54th Army moved to the offensive in order to sow the enemy forces. Then it was planned to surround and destroy parts of the 26th and 28th Army corps who occupied the Defense in the MGI, Mgi, Miracle and Lyuban as interaction with the troops of the 8th and 67th armies.

For four days of fierce fights by January 20, the 54th Army managed to move forward only 5 kilometers and could overcome the resistance of parts of the 121st, 21-yphodnye, 12th, 13th opponent's aircraft divisions. It was extremely important to keep positions in the regions of Chudovo and Lubani for the German command, since Leningrad - Moscow was held along the Oktyabrskaya Railway and the Leningrad highway, for which the German troops began on January 21 from the MGU district.

As soon as the intelligence has discovered the departure of the German troops from the Mgin-Sinyavinsky protrusion, the 67th Army of the Leningrad Front and the 8th Army of Volkhovsky Front Focusing Order Start the persecution of the retreating opponent. By evening, January 21, MGA was released, and soon control over the Kirov railway was restored. In the future, the offensive has not developed so rapidly. The covered waste of the 26th Army Corps from the MGI district of the 212nd Infantry Division, managed to delay the offensive of the Soviet troops, which allowed the main forces to gain a foothold at the turn along the October Railway.

The retreat of the German troops from the MGU district forced the command of the Leningrad Front to cancel the intended strike part of the forces of the 42nd Army to Pushkin, Slutsk IT with a view to jointly with the troops of the 67th Army and the Volkhov Front to surround parts of the 26th and 28th German army corps in areas MGI, Tosno and Lubani. Now the task of liberation of the October Railway has begun on the 67th Army and the troops of the Volkhov Front, and the 42nd army began the onset of the Calloon Harvest.

On January 22, the Military Council of the Volkhov Front presented a bet of VGK "Plan for the Development of Novgorod-Luzhskaya Operation". The report is the main goal of the front troops "in connection with the emergence of the enemy in the Mginch and Lyuban directions and the defeat of the Novgorod group, the following tasks were designated: the seizure of meadows by the 59th Army, as well as Tosno and Luban joint actions of the 8th and 54th armies . On the same day, the TGK rate, making some adjustments, approved the proposed plan with its directive No. 220013, in which in particular it was said:

In addition, for more effective actions, the TGC rate allowed the commander of the Volkhov Front commander to transfer the majority of the 8th army forces to the 54th Army. At the same time, the headquarters of the 8th Army was translated "to increase the efficiency of the advancing trocery management" on the left flank of the front to the area of \u200b\u200bLake Ilmen.

By this time, the German troops, which focused on the intermediate line of defense along the October Railway, continued to provide fierce resistance, but, at the same time, understanding that it was impossible for a long time to restrain the offensive of Soviet troops at this turn, they were preparing for departure to the West.

On January 25, the 54th Army, which gained significant reinforcements from the composition of the 8th, 67th armies and front reserves, continued the offensive. On January 26, the 124th, the 364th Rifle Divisions and the 1st Rifle Brigade (transferred to the 54th Army from the 67th Army) was taken toosno. On January 28, the forces of the 80s, 281st, 374th and 177-ypherk divisions were taken by Luban, and on January 29 by the 44th Rifle Division, as well as the 14th and 53rd Rifle Brigades - Miracle. At noon on January 29, the command of the Volkhov Front reported to the Supreme Commander about the full liberation of the October Railway. In the report in particular, it was said:

Pursuing an enemy receding with battles, the compounds of the 54th army by January 31, the posts were published on January 31 - Eglino - Apraksin Bor - Glushchat. At the same time, the troops of the 42nd and 67th armies liberated Krasnogvardeisk, Pushkin and Slutsk. By the end of January, the troops of the 2nd shock and the 42nd armies of the Leningrad Front reached the river Luga in the areas of the boilers, Kingisepp and Big Sabska, and the 67th Army to Silver.

The Offensive of the Volkhov Front in the meadow

After the liberation of Novgorod, the main task of the 59th army was an immediate offensive in the meadow. If successful, Soviet troops had the opportunity to surround most of the 18th German army. If there were about 5 German divisions to the West in the direction of Narva, then about 14 divisions (approximately 3/4 of the entire 18th army) were divided into the south-west in the direction of Pskov. For this reason, the BGK rate set the task to the front of the "Severe Luga no later than January 29-30".

In the direction of the main strike of the 59th Army, the 6th Rifle Corps was assumed to break the resistance of the enemy in the Battsky area and together with the 112nd Rifle Corps operating on the right flank of the army, to develop an offensive in the meadow. At the same time, the 112nd Rifle Corps should have been a part of the forces to strike in the direction of the Finev Meadow and cut the path of waste of German troops from the line of the Oktyabrskaya Railway. On the left flank of the 59th Army, there were two rifle buildings: the 7th came in the direction of the Leningrad Railway - the bottom, and the 14th - to the south-west in the direction of Shimsk.

German command, understanding the whole seriousness of the situation, was forced to strengthen and regroup their troops acting against the 59th Army. Several combat groups were formed, to which the task was set to delay the offensive of the Soviet troops in the meadow and to ensure the waste of the 28th Army Corps from the Luban region and Miracle. By January 21, the combat group "Shield" (2nd Latvian SS Brigade, the remains of the 28th English, combat groups of the 24th, 121st, 21st infantry divisions) occupied the defense on the Spasskaya Polysty plot - Tatino, covering the direction on Fine mead. The "sleeper" group (the remains of the 1st aircraft division and the cavalry regiment "Nord"), as well as the 8th English division occupied defense on both sides of the Novgorod Railway - Battsky, and the Fergut Group (parts of the cavalry regiment Nord and The 290th Infantry Division) covered the direction to Shimsk.

By continuing the offensive, the compounds of the 6th Infantry Corps and the 29th Tank Brigade, which advancing directly in the meadow, met stubborn resistance and could not bring the opponent's defense gathering. Only by January 26, after a few days of fierce fighting, parts of the body, moving along the Novgorod railway - Battsky, managed to make a few opponents, freed Lyolada and went to the river Luga.

Significantly more success was achieved by the compounds of the 59th Army, acting on the left flank. Parts of the 7th Rifle Corps in five days broke the opponent's resistance and advanced 30-35 kilometers forward in the Western and South-Western directions and went to the river Meadow at the village of Tremy. At the same time, the 256th division, with the support of the 7th Guards Tank and the 5th Partisan Brigades, by January 27, took the station for the Leningrad Railway - bottom, and the 382nd Rifle Division, who dropped the 8th English Division of the enemy, took the village of Bear and cut the Highway Meadow - Shimsk. At the same time, the 14th Rifle Corps and the 16th Tank Brigade were cleaned from the enemy the north-west coast of Lake Ilmen and by January 26 came to Shimsk, but they could not capture him. The enemy to preserve the links between the 18th and 16th armies, stubbornly defended the city.

Since the Shim's direction was secondary, the command of the Volkhov Front decided to suspend the offensive in the area and focus the basic forces in the Luzhsky direction. To do this, on January 25, the headquarters of the 8th army were fermented by the 7th (256th, 382nd, 372th rifle divisions) and the 14th rifle cases, as well as the 7th Guards, 16th, 122nd Tank brigades and some other parts of the 59th army. The compounds of the 8th army was tasked, inflicting blows to the meadow from the south and southeast, to promote the offensive of the 59th Army. To cover the left flank of the 8th Army was to be the 150th fortifications that took defense in the Shimsk area.

On January 27, the 59th Army, as part of which, at that time, included only the 6th, 112th rifle buildings and one tank brigade, continued the offensive, inflicting the main blow to the meadow along the Novgorod Railway - Battsky. In a few days of fierce fighting, the compounds of the 59th Army failed to break the opponent's resistance in the area and reached only local success. Part 6 of the 6th Rifle Corps could not seize the powerful knot of the opponent's opponent Battsky, and the connections of the 112nd rifle housing could not capture the Oredige and cut the highway in the meadow, which allowed the parts of the 28th German Army Corps to retreat from the Chudo region.

Did not achieve significant success and compounds of the 8th army. The German command has put all the strength to repel the station the Perevskaya, which had a key value. Part 285th security and 12th tank divisions were thrown into battle. The station passed several times from hand to hand. Although ultimately, the passage still remained for the Soviet troops, in these battles part of the 8th Army suffered significant losses and could not continue the offensive in the meadow.

Take a meadow no later than January 29-30, as was ordered by the BGK rate, the troops of the Volkhov Front failed. The German command, trying to keep the "Luzhsky frontier" at any cost, focused on all the cash in the area - in early February, held the defense of the 12th tank, 4 infantry divisions, 6 combat groups of infantry divisions and remains of 6 more divisions and brigades. To overcome the resistance of such a grouping Soviet troops could not, which allowed most of the German troops of the 18th Army to retreat from under Leningrad and at the same time preserve their combat potential.

The reasons for the unsuccessful occurrence of the meadow in late January were the insufficient concentration of troops in the directions of the main strike, a complex terrain, stretched supply paths, lack of support from air due to bad weather and large losses in tank parts. On January 29, the rate of VGC, dissatisfied with such developments, his directive ordered the troops of the Volkhov Front, not to get into battle for Shimsk and solutions, to direct all efforts to the fastest mastering of meadow. For the completion of the task, the front troops received 15,000 marching replenishment soldiers and 130 tanks.

The situation by the beginning of February 1944

By the end of January 1944, the troops of the Leningrad and Volkhov fronts, who threw the German troops, completely liberatedingrad from the enemy blockade. However, the 18th German army was not crushed and continued to provide fierce resistance.

In early February, the troops of the two Soviet fronts continued the offensive. The troops of the Leningrad Front fell by the forces of the 3rd shock and the 42nd armies to Narva, and the 67th Army forces in the meadow from the north and northeast. The main task of the Volkhov Front continued to be mastering the meadow forces of the 59th, 8th and 54th armies.

Since the troops of the Volkhov Front failed to master the meadow at the end of January, the BGK rate was forced to hold a number of regrouping and make some changes to the plan for further offensive. Thus, at the suggestion of L. A. Govalov, on February 1, a bet of the NGC was decided to somewhat change the direction of the main strike of the 42nd army. Now the army had to compete in the direction of the GDOV, bypassing the "Luzhskaya grouping" of the enemy from the north-west, to cut the communications of the enemy on the Luga line - Pskov and contribute to the mastering of the 67th Army and the Volkhov Front.

In addition, from February 2, the troops of the Volkhov Front were strengthened by the 1st shock army of the 2nd Baltic Front.

Understanding that the current situation can lead to the surroundings and defeat the main forces of the 18th Army, the Commander of the Army Group North. Background Kühler planned to start a retreat from the Luga district. However, on January 30, A. Hitler gave an order to keep the "Luzhsky frontier", restore the connection with the 16th army and stop the Soviet offensive. G. von Kühler considered an order impossible and was resigned. In his place was appointed V. Model, who immediately gave the order to the troops without an order not to make a single step back.

The new commander of the North Army Commander was calculated at the expense of active defense and permanent confrudars, stop the promotion of Soviet troops and restore the general front both between the two armies and the main forces of the 18th Army in the Luga area with two army corps, separated in the area of \u200b\u200bNarva .

To enhance the German grouping in the area of \u200b\u200bthe meadow, several compounds from the 16th Army were transferred. In addition, to ensure the connection between the two armies and the restoration of the General Front on February 6, on the basis of the management of the 6th COP COP, the operational group was formed under the command of General G. Frisner, which included the 38th and 10th Army Corps.

The course of combat operations, February 1-12

Offensive 42nd and 67th armies of the Leningrad Front

On January 31, the troops of the 42nd armies were forced the meadow river and continued the offensive, pursuing the part of the 50th Army Corps retreating to the Narva. For a few days, Soviet troops, with the support of partisan compounds, has moved significantly forward, liberated Lyada, Sarah Mount, gdov and reached the coast of the Church of the Lake.

In early February, the front command put the 42nd army with a new task - to bypass the Luzhskaya grouping from the West and the North-West and to promote the troops of the 67th Army and the Volkhov Front in Mastering Luga. Considering this, the connections of the army continued the onset of the 108th from the Yamma district to Pskov, and the 123rd and 116th rifle buildings - from the area of \u200b\u200bthe Lyada to the southeast with the tasks to take the Pluss, the strates are red and cut the path of the meadow - Pskov.

The offensive of the 42nd Army puts under the threat of the environment of the main forces of the 18th German army. Understanding this, V. The model gave an order to his troops at any cost to keep communications between the meadow and Pskov. To do this, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe meadow, the 11th, 212th, 215th Infantry Divisions were left, and the 13th aircraft, 24th, 58th, 21st, 207th infantry divisions were in a hurried manner. From the area west of Luga to the Church of the Lake. At the same time, parts of the 12th tank, the 12th aircraft and 126th infantry divisions were to apply counterdaddar from the eastern coast of the Lake Church in the northern direction.

On February 7, the German troops, who were preparing to go to the counteroffensive, were attacked by the parts of the 42nd Army. In the area of \u200b\u200bYamma, fierce battles were struggled between the parts of the 108th Infantry Corps and the German 207th Infantry Division, and between the meadow and the Plyus River 116th and the 123rd rifle cases, which were in the direction of the stroke of the Red, attacked positions 13- C air fulfillment and 58th infantry divisions.

On February 10, part of the 12th tank division counterattacked the 196th and 128th rifle divisions of the 108th Rifle Corps in the Yamma area, but only a few detained the offensive of Soviet troops. By February 12, the compounds of the 108th Rifle Corps, pushing the enemy to the south, took the selection, and by the forces of one rifle division - a small bridgehead on the west coast of the Lake Church.

At the same time, battles continued at the turn of the Plussian River, where the defense of the German 58th Infantry Division of the 21st and 24th Infantry Divisions, defeated in this area for the application of Conrtedar. The compounds of the 116th and 123rd rifle buildings in the Zerought - Berezians - Orekhovno, as a result of fierce fighting, February 8-15, broke through the defense of the enemy and smashed three German divisions. Part of the German 58th Infantry Division hit the environment. The German command threw into battle the 13th airplane division and part of the 12th tank divisions with the task of restore the position, but those underlined the larger losses, they could not fulfill the task. Moreover, the tank-grenadier regiment of the 12th tank division was also surrounded. On February 13, German units, throwing tanks and artillery, tried to break through in the direction of the stroke of the Red, crushing through the lake black, but only a few managed to escape from the environment. By February 15, the division of the two rifle buildings of the 42nd army, destroying surrounded parts of the enemy, continued the offensive in the directions of the collar of red and pluss.

Simultaneously with the 42nd Army in the meadow from the north and north-east, the compounds of the 110th, 117th rifle buildings of the 67th Army occurred. Having met the stubborn resistance of the enemy at the turn of the Red Mountains - long-term, the connections of the 67th army were moving forward with great difficulty and only by February 11 went on the approach to the meadow.

The offensive of the 42nd and 67th army delivered German troops in the Luga area to a critical position. The command of the Army Group "North" disappeared the last opportunity to keep the "Luzhsky frontier" and stop the offensive of the Soviet troops. At the same time, although the parts of the 123rd and 116th rifle buildings of the 42nd army managed to go to the outskirts of the pluss, they failed to cut the railway on Pskov. Thus, the parts of the 18th German army remained the possibility of retreat from the Luga region.

Continuation of the onset of the Volkhov Front

In early February, the troops of the three armies of the Volkhov Front, regrouping forces, continued the offensive in the meadow. Part 54th Army fell on the meadow from the northeast, and the compounds of the 59th Army - from the south-east on the front of the front Oredige - Battsky. The most difficult task was set in front of the 8th army, which was to be part of the forces, advancing in the direction of the Luga Railway - Pskov, to promote the offensive of the 59th Army, and the rest of the forces in cooperation with the 1st shock army to surround and destroy the German Right Flange Divisions The 16th army south-west of Lake Ilmen. The 1st Impact Army, which was part of the front in early February, was tasked to break through the defense of the enemy south of the old Russa and step in the direction of the bottom of the bottom on the connection with the parts of the 8th Army.

Since the task assigned to the parts of the 8th Army was very difficult, soon the Soviet command was forced to carry out additional regrouping of troops. So, on February 8, after part of the 54th Army liberated Orediges, they were transferred to the 67th Army of the Leningrad Front, and the army headquarters was translated into the left flank of the Volkhov Front. Having accepted under the command of the 111st and 119th rifle buildings, the 54th Army received a task together with the 8th and 1st shock armies to surround and destroy the enemy in the region of Old Russ.

Despite regrouping and significant reinforcements, the offensive in the meadow has ever developed with great difficulty. The compounds of the 59th Army met the stubborn resistance of parts of the German 38th Army Corps, in five days they managed to move forward only by 25 kilometers. Only after the part of the 54th Army began on February 8, the German troops began to retreat, but before February 12 continued to hold Battsky, thus restraining the offensive of the 59th Army.

Initially, more success was achieved by part of the 8th army, advancing in the direction of the Luga Railway - Pskov. Thus, the 7th Rifle Corps (enhanced by the 256th Rifle Division, the 1st Infantry Brigade and two tank battalions) managed to significantly move forward and on February 2 cut the Pskov Highway - a meadow from the village of Elemets. However, the troops of the 59th Army and the main forces of the 14th Rifle Corps of the 8th Army were moving forward not so rapidly and denied the flanks of the 7th Infantry Corps.

In the established atmosphere, the German command, who needed at any cost to restore control over the Pskov-meadows highway, decided to apply the counter. The Operational Group "Friesner" by the 285th Security Division and Parts of the 12th Tank Division, who arrived from the North of the Cheremnets Lake, and the 121st Infantry Division, who had a blow from the south of the Utility, switched to counteroffensive and on February 3, closed the ring of the environment, connecting in the area of \u200b\u200bOstrasheno. The surroundings were part of the 256th and 372th rifle divisions and one regiment of the 5th partisan brigade. Once in a serious position, the Soviet parts combined under the general guidance of the commander of the 256th rifle division of Colonel A. G. Kosyyev, were forced to retreat from the Luga Highway - Pskov and take defense in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Shahuzhe village. The command of the 8th Army managed to quickly arrange delivery by air food and ammunition surrounded by parts, which allowed the "group A. G. Koziev" to reflect all the attacks of the enemy, which were repeatedly taken by German troops on February 6-15.

The front command concerned about the current situation immediately tried to organize an offensive in order to defeat the German troops in the South-west of the meadow, to reliably cut the communications of the enemy and rescue the "G. Koziev group". To do this, the 99th Rifle Case (229th, 265th, 311th Rifle Divisions) was allocated from the NGC rate (229th, 265th, 311th rifle divisions), which should have shockped on the red. At the same time, reinforced by one division, the 14th Rifle Case received the task to step onto the solutions.

Starting the offensive February 7, the Soviet troops could not fully implement a conceived plan. Having met the fierce resistance to the German 8th Hanroom Division, which was supported by tanks and aviation, part of the two Soviet rifle buildings led fierce battles until February 15, but did not achieve success. At the same time, this offensive greatly facilitated the position of the troops surrounded in the overlap area. February 15 for the rescue of the 8th Army of Profit Part 59th, which February 16 was released by the group A. G. Koziev.

The fierce opponation resistance and constant counterattacks did not allow the 8th and 54th armies to properly contribute to the offensive of the 1st shock army, which, having only 4 rifle divisions in its composition and one small brigade. The compounds of the 1st shock army, starting the offensive in early February at the 100-kilometer section of the front, could not break the resistance of the 21st aircraft, the 30th Infantry and 15th Latvian Division of the SS from the 16th German Army and mid-February Promuls forward just a few kilometers.

Luga's liberation

Despite the fact that it was not possible to surround the German troops in the Soviet troops in the South-west of Lake Ilmen, the 18th German army was set in a critical position. Commander of the Army Group North V. Model until the last moment hoped to keep the front line at the turn between Lake Ilmen and the Church of the Lake. However, this idea did not find support from A. Hitler and Okch, who believed that it was better to retreat than put the troops at risk of a surroundings. Thus, V. Model was forced to give the order to his troops to start a retreat.

On February 8, there was a conclusion from the Luga of the rear and auxiliary parts, then the main forces of the 18th Army began in the direction of Pskov. By the evening, on February 12, the city of the meadow, who continued to defend the German airships, was taken by the 120th, 123rd, 201st and 46th rifle divisions of the 67th Army with the assistance of the 377th Rifle Division59th Army.

Freeing meadow, the Soviet troops continued on the offensive, pursuing a retreating opponent, which began on February 17 a general retreat to the Panther line.

Disbanding the Volkhov Front

On February 13, 1944, the PGC Rate Directive No. 220023 Volkhov Front was disbanded. The Leningrad Front was transferred to the 54th, 59th and 8th Army, and the 2nd Baltic - 1st shock army. The front control was directed to the reserve of the TGK rates.

The proposal to disband the Volkhov Front proceeded from L. A. Govorov, who believed that in the interests of the unity of the control, all troops in the Pskov direction should be transferred to the Leningrad Front. For K. A. Metskova, who has already planned the plan for the next onset of the front to Estonia, Latviui Belarus, such a decision of the NGC rate has become a complete surprise.

In his memoirs, General S. M. Shtemenko, a representative of the General Staff on the 2nd Baltic Front, regarded this decision as erroneous:

In March, we were convinced that the Leningrad Front, which made the troops and the whole lane of the former Volkhov front, became too cumbersome. It turned out to be 7 combined-arms armies operating in four important operating areas - Vyborg, Tallinn, Pskov and Ostrovsky. It had a very negative impact on the management of troops.

Two months later, April 18, 1944, a new, 3rd Baltic front was created, which included the 42nd, 54th and 67th Leningrad Front, and then the 1st Impact Army from 2 -Ho Baltic Front.

Results of the operation

Novgorod-Luzhskaya operation ended with a strong victory of Soviet troops, which largely predetermined the success of the entire Leningrad-Novgorod strategic offensive operation.

However, the offensive has not developed so rapidly as planned before the start of the operation. To master the meadow in the time-stacked TBC time and only the forces of the Volkhov front failed. The Soviet command had to use the basic forces of the 42nd and 67th armies of the Leningrad Front to fulfill this task, which significantly weakened the offensive in the area of \u200b\u200bNarva. The German troops of the 18th Army, although they suffered a heavy defeat, nevertheless were not defeated and retained a significant part of their combat potential, which did not allow the Soviet troops in the spring of 1944 to break through the line of Panther and proceed to the liberation of the Baltic States.

One of the reasons for such a development of events was the extremely unsuccessful actions of the 2nd Baltic Front, which were not properly coordinated with the onset of the Volkhov Front, which allowed the German command to transfer significant forces from the 16th Army to the Luga area.

Commander of the Volkhov Front K. A. Metskov in his memoirs noted:

As a consequence of the compounds of the Volkhov Front, could not break the resistance of the main forces of the 18th German army and take the meadow at the end of January. However, the German troops managed only to slow down the offensive of the Army of the Volkhov and Leningrad Fronts. The Soviet command made the necessary adjustments to the plan of the offensive and promptly conducted a number of regrouping. By continuing the offensive, the Soviet troops did not allow the enemy to keep the "Luzhsky frontier" and establish a new line of the front between the mound of the lake and Lake Ilmen. In the second half of February, German troops began the general retreat on the line of Panther.

By February 15, the troops of the Volkhov Front, as well as the 42nd and 67th Army of the Leningrad Front, throwing the enemy by 50-120 kilometers, reached the line of the south coast of the Lake Church - Pluss - Utorgosh - Shimsk. 779 cities and settlements were liberated, including: Novgorod, Luga, Battsky, Oredige, MGA, Tosno, Luban, Chudovo.

The restoration of control over strategically important railways was of great importance - primarily Kirov and Oktyabrskaya. Soon, the movement was restored in full, movement on seven railways from Leningrad: to Vologda, Rybinsk, Moscow, Novgorod, Battsky, Meadow and Ust-meha.


the USSR

According to the statistical examination "Russia and the USSR in the wars of the 20th century", the loss of the Volkhov front during the operation was - 50,300 people killed, missing and wounded (of which 12011 were irrevocable losses, 38289 - sanitary). In addition, the loss of the 1st shock army (from 02.02 to 15.02. As part of the Volkhov Front) for the period from January 14 to February 10, 5042 people were (of which 1283 are irrevocably).

According to the "Report on Novgorod-Luzhskaya Operation", compiled by the headquarters of the Volkhov Front, the loss of the troops of the front for the period from January 14 to February 11, 1944 (including the loss of the 1st shock army from February 1 to February 10) were more significant - 62733 people (Of these, 16542 are irretrievable losses, 46191 - sanitary). The greatest losses suffered parts of the 59th Army, who lost 25155 people killed and wounded (only in the battles for the liberation of Novgorod losses - 14473 people) and part of the 8th army, who lost 22253 people in battles.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that parts of the 42nd and 67th armies of the Leningrad Front, who actively promoted the troops of the Volkhov Front in battles for the October Railway and for the meadow, also suffered significant losses. Apparently, these data are included in the total losses of the Leningrad Front in the Leningrad-Novgorod operation.


Since in early 1944, German troops were forced to retreat with battles from under Leningrad, accounting to the losses of the 16th and 18th armies was conducted episodically and accurately indicate the losses of German troops during the operation difficult. However, it can be argued that the German troops of the Army Group North have retained a significant part of their combat potential.

According to the Soviet data, as a result of the operation, the troops of the Volkhov Front defeated 8 infantry and 1 tank division, and also caused severe defeat by another 4 infantry divisions of the enemy, the total losses of which were about 82,000 people.

"Liberation of Novgorod", bas-relief stel "City of Military Glory", Veliky Novgorod.

  • On January 27, 1944, the Military Council of the Leningrad Front issued an order, which refers to the final removal of the blockade of Leningrad. The order also declared the gratitude of the troops of the Leningrad Front and the Sea Krasnoycious Baltic Fleet. About the victories of the troops of the Volkhov Front, who made an invaluable contribution to the liberation of Leningrad from the enemy blockade, nothing says in this order.
  • Soviet troops, freed January 20, 1944, found the city almost destroyed and deserted. Of the 2500 residential buildings, only 40 were survived. All memos of architecture suffered greatly, including the Sophia Cathedral and the Millennium Monument to the Millennium. By the time of liberation in the city there were only 30 inhabitants - the rest were either grieved in Germany, or destroyed by the occupying troops.
  • In 2008, the cities of Luga and Novgorod were awarded the honorary title "City of Military Glory" with the wording "for courage, persistence and mass heroism, shown by the defenders of the city in the struggle for freedom and independence of the Fatherland."