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How to draw a boy in the water. How to draw a boy in stages with a pencil. How to draw a kid

Not all novice artists know how to draw a boy. However, this task is not overly complicated. Even a child can depict a boy with a pencil. The main thing is that proportions should be observed in the process. Having figured out how to draw a boy, you can easily portray other people.
To draw a boy with a pencil and then color in the sketch, of course, you need some stationery, which is best prepared in advance:
one). Paper;
2). Liner;
3). An ordinary pencil;
4). Eraser;
five). Multi-colored pencils.

If all those items that are on the list have already been prepared, you can proceed to learning how to draw a boy in stages:
1. Draw a vertical line. On it, outline a segment that marks the head, and also mark the line of the shoulders;
2. Draw the boy's head. On it, depict hair, nose, eyes, mouth and ears;
3. Draw the neck. Using rectangles, outline the upper and lower body of the boy. Mark the boy's legs with thin lines;
4. Draw a T-shirt. Draw the boy's arms. Draw the top of the shorts;
5. Draw the child's legs. Draw the grass on which he stands;
6. Using the liner, carefully trace the preliminary sketch;
7. Using the eraser, carefully remove absolutely all pencil lines;
8. Use brown pencils to color the child's hair. Shade the body, arms, legs and face of the child with a nude pencil. Paint a little pink on the cheeks. Those areas of the body where the shadow falls, lightly shade with a brown pencil;
9. Paint over the shirt with yellow and red tones. Color the shorts using yellow and green shades;
10. Use the blue pencil to color in the socks. Shade the shoes with a deep blue pencil. Paint over the grass with a light green shade.
Now the drawing is completely ready! Now you already know how to draw a boy in stages with a pencil, which means you can teach this to your child. To better and faster learn how to portray people, it is most useful to make quick sketches, the so-called sketches, from nature. It is most convenient to draw people from nature in a cafe, in transport, in a park. Most importantly, you should always carry a small notebook and a well-sharpened pencil or pen for this.

Today you will learn how to draw a boy's pony with a pencil step by step. Our lessons are suitable for any level of preparation. We have collected several examples of lessons for you, you just have to choose the lesson you like and start drawing a boy. As a result, you will have an easy and beautifully drawn boy with a pencil step by step easily and easily. Get started now. Write comments under the article, share with your friends.

Contents of lessons on drawing a boy

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Option 1

Option 1 - How to draw a simple boy in stages


Do you want to learn how to draw people? It is not at all necessary to draw realistic, you can draw a little simplified, like in cartoons.


Start with the skeleton. Draw a round head and guide lines. Draw a line for the neck that meets the line of the spine. Draw the shoulder line with a smooth line. Draw the lines of the arms and legs.


Draw the outline of the face, make it more elongated. Draw the outline of the hair on the face and ear, draw the eyebrows and the line of the upper eyelid.


Now sketch out the eyes, nose and mouth.


Add volume to your hair. Keep your hair short.


Draw the neck. And start drawing a T-shirt. Make a double cut line.


The cartoon boy's arms are quite thick. Draw them with smooth lines. The fingers do not require detailed drawing.

How to draw a boy when she is on the move?

You just need to know the basic basics of human anatomy and do not forget that you are drawing a child.

That is, the drawn boy must not forget to give a charming childish softness and smooth lines.

How to draw a boy. Step-by-step instruction:

1. In the center of a sheet of paper, mark 2 ovals

2. Mark the line of the legs with light strokes

3. On the body we mark the hands

4. Draw the boy's face in profile, so draw the eyes, nose and mouth with this angle in mind. While everything is very similar how to draw a girl .

5. Boys, as a rule, wear short hair, so draw the hair with abrupt lines. Don't forget to draw the eyelet

6. The next step is to draw chubby children's hands, hands and fingers.

7. Then we start to dress. Since it happens in the summer, we will draw our hero a short-sleeved shirt

8. Then draw loose knee-length shorts, shoes and socks

10. Draw the stream flow with smooth lines. Here it looks like a miniature sea

11. We begin to hatch the drawing traditionally from the shadow areas.

12. Draw the baby's hair with wide and soft strokes.

We all want to be able to draw very, very beautifully. But, to our great regret, not everyone succeeds. Usually, in absolutely any team there is a person who can display a beautiful story on paper in a matter of minutes without any guides and templates. But can't you do that? Do you think not? You are very much mistaken. Want to learn how to draw beautiful mini pictures? You just need to read this article to the end. In it we will tell you how to draw a boy.

We will reveal to you a couple of secrets that will allow you to quickly reproduce the desired scenes on paper. In fact, there is nothing terrible here, and even more difficult. The most important thing is to have a stock of patience, a sheet of paper and a regular pencil (it is advisable, of course, to have several of them: one with a soft rod, and the other with a hard one, then your masterpieces will be more realistic).

Don't worry if something doesn't work out right away. You are just learning.

How to draw a boy: First step

So let's get down to the drawing process. You should always start with the head. On a blank piece of paper, draw a large circle and a neck. At this stage, it is not very important how beautiful the details will turn out for you, because now we are only making blanks. Now grab an eraser and use it to start turning the circle into an oval. At the very bottom of it, draw a small circle - this will be the chin. Then smoothly connect the parts and erase the extra lines.

Now let's start working on the face. Take a ruler and pencil. Place a dot in the very center of the future boy's head. Draw 1 vertical and 1 horizontal line through it (you should end up with something like a coordinate system). These will be your guide lines.

Second step

Now we draw the eyes, they should be located at the level of the horizontal line. If you are a beginner and have never drawn faces before, then take a ruler in your hand and count the same distance in both directions from the center point along a horizontal line. This will help you draw the eyes symmetrically. There is one little trick: for the boy to have a cute look, the iris needs to be slightly covered with the upper eyelid. Also, you should not draw the pupil in the form of a circle, it should not be strictly proportional. Yes, make it a little smudged. It is not necessary for the shell to touch the lower eyelid, it will not. Make as many highlights as possible, then the eye will seem moisturized, natural. As you can see, the question "how to draw a boy with a pencil" is not so difficult. Let's continue.

Now we draw the nose. Step back on both sides from the vertical line by about a few millimeters and draw two smooth, slightly curved thin stripes - this will be the base. Draw small arcs at the bottom. Connect them with barely noticeable strokes with the lines of the base of the nose. Draw the nostrils. They should be thin and oblong.

Third step

Now draw out the eyebrows (they should be slightly raised with a slight curve), lips and ears. Then the hair. If you want to portray an anime character, pay attention to the bangs. It should be long and fall over the eyes, as if covering them a little. It is better to draw individual strands, so everything will look more beautiful.

Do not forget to detail the ear, for this it is enough to draw an oblong arc - it will be something like a shell.

Fourth step

It remains only to remove all unnecessary lines, and the drawing is ready! At the very end, outline the outlines with a simple pencil with a soft point.

So we looked at how to draw a boy in stages. However, we want to warn you: if you have never drawn people, you will hardly be able to immediately create a masterpiece. Do not despair, exercise. To maintain proportions, go to the mirror and carefully examine your face: where and how the eyes, nose, lips, ears are located. How hair grows. Yes, these are little things, but they are the ones that make the drawing realistic. Yes, you will have to spend some time and lime a couple dozen sheets of paper, but as a result, you will get a positive result.

And in the future you will be able to tell yourself how to draw a boy or a girl (there is only one principle), and, most likely, you will teach others. Good luck!

In this lesson, we will look at how to draw a full-length boy with a dog with a pencil step by step, and then also paint with colored pencils.

You will need: a state of calm confidence, readiness for new creative successes.
Materials: pencils, eraser, black pen, if desired - gouache, brush.

1. We begin by "sketching" our little character on a piece of paper. Let's designate his height - approximately three heads, the middle vertical line of the body and face, the line of the eyes. Let's outline the cheek and hair. The midline of the torso is sometimes drawn as an axis in the center of the body, and sometimes as a strip glued to the back, this may depend both on the author's preferences and on the character's posture and / or its dynamism. (Note: and then I reduced his head a little).

2. Dress the child). Remember that there is a body under the clothes and that the clothes themselves also have a certain weight. Therefore, the top of the sweater contour (on the boy's outstretched arm) will approximately repeat the contour of the arm. Whereas the lower part of the contour sags unobtrusively). It is also useful to remember that clothes are thick, and also tend to slightly change during wear - knees may sag slightly, etc. Thicker fabrics tend to form larger folds. The right leg in the knee area sags less than the left, since the fabric at the bottom is gathered into a denser fold, which partially holds the weight of the leg. The left leg sags more and the leg line is straighter. This difference is less noticeable than them, but the lines are curved a little differently.

3. Outline hair strands and facial features. Let's mark the shape of the eyes, eyebrows, nose line. We draw a mouth, in its corner I usually put a small dot, draw a line for the bottom of the lower lip. We clarify the rest of the lines (for example, I reduced the head).

4. Erase the extra lines so that they do not interfere, continue to refine the contour, work out the folds. We add animals, for example a rabbit). Although in fact it would be better to remember him earlier.

5. Start painting the drawing. With a blue pencil, lightly paint over the shaded parts of the boy (except for the face). We do it really lightly (for clarity, toning in the photo is shown with more contrast than it actually was).

6. Again, lightly begin to apply color. For carrots, first tint the middle with orange, then from the middle to the edges - tint with yellow. With dark brown, draw the hair at the crown and the ends of the hair. A stroke with strong pressure at the beginning, and almost no pressure at the end - similar to how we put commas, only very, very slightly curved strokes. Press more on the pencil at the top of the head, reducing the pressure to the glare. By the same principle, we tint the ends of the hair, reducing the pressure towards the top.

7. Then add a lighter brown color to the hair (you can have it with a slightly reddish tint). Then, using the same principle, we work out the hair with a yellow pencil, reducing the pressure on the glare.

8. We continue to paint the clothes using different shades of green, light green, light blue, blue, yellow. For the jumpsuit, a light purple pencil was also used (from the shadow side.)

9. Condensate the shading, except for the more illuminated, prominent areas (shoulder, belly, shoe noses). We begin to tone the skin of the face with a flesh-colored pencil. Then on top of the flesh one, add a little blush with a red pencil. Then we tint it again tightly - then the red is shaded a little and will look more natural.

10. Begin to trace the outline with a black pen. It is desirable that it does not flow). Just in case, keep a piece of paper nearby to wipe it off. Lightly work the hair with a pen, changing the pressure in the same way as you previously changed the pressure of the pencil.

11. Again we work on the hair, leaving a very small, not painted over area of \u200b\u200bthe glare, or you can use the eraser as you like). Draw the pupils with a pen, not forgetting about the highlights. For some reason, the glare on the slippers left me in the wrong direction, but because anyway, at the final stage, I will arrange the highlights with gouache - it doesn't really matter.

12. Working on the jumpsuit with a blue pencil, shading it around the edges. You can also add shadows on clothes, shoes and carrots using diagonal shading with a simple pencil (I use a mechanical one, because sharpening pencils is always lazy). We paint and outline the rabbit. Use a blue and light purple pencil, well, and a simple one for shaded areas, the tips of the ears and tail, and drawing the toes. The teeth can be distinguished more, otherwise I have some kind of dog-like rabbit)

13. At the thirteenth stage, the boy looks somehow strange, he is probably superstitious). We draw greens on the carrots, lightly color the child's lower lip with a pale pink pencil. We circle the eyes with a pen, do not forget about the fold of the upper eyelid, the cilia can be marked with dots. With a simple pencil, draw a shadow in the ear. Red and simple - paint the sole of the shoe. Salad - paint the patch. We remember that the boy casts a shadow). As well as a belly in principle.

14. Draw an iris with a sharpened pencil. Draw a breast pocket with a simple pencil, draw a stool with it, add a blue color to the left, outline the furniture with a handle.

15. If desired, add white gouache to the drawing, placing highlights and reflexes.
Here's another additional photo - so that you can better see where I drew the lines with a brush with gouache.

That's all). Enjoy your creativity!
These "titles" with larger fragments may be useful to you.

Click on the image to enlarge

P.S. I am not a pro, and I think (even rather know) that I am not describing everything here correctly and competently, I just madly love to draw and I want to convey at least a little of this love to you. With the help of the lesson) And may creativity always bring you happiness!)