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Dorian Gray Heroes. Character character. Poetry in prose and lyrics

Mystical and philosophical novel "Portrait of Dorian Gray" will seduce everyone who at least once in thoughts or loud wished to preserve their youth and beauty. But Oscar Wilde had no intention to share the secret of immortality, the author reflected his own glance on human morality, love and peace, where the desire for pleasure rules.

The plot is built around a young man who has natural, sensual beauty. The young fitter poses for his friend, the artist Basila Hallojord. In the workshop of Bazila Dorian gets acquainted with Henry Watton, with a person who later poisons the mind of the young man with his sophistic speeches and cynical views. Henry shifts regret that beauty is not eternal, and youth, in his opinion, is the only wealth that is worthwhile. Well, a portrait of a beautiful hedonist is completed. The handsome man delighted with his reflection, transferred to the canvas, but in his soul, bitterness was filmed caused by the words of a new acquaintance. The young man understands that the time will take his beauty from him, the freshness of his face, and it will turn into a wrinkled old man with an ugly figure. In the excitement, he exclaims: "If I always remained young, and this portrait stood! For this ... For that, I would give everything in the world! Nothing regretted! I would be ready to give a soul for it. " From this point on, the description of the book "Dorian Gray" acquires a dark tone: the main character is reincarnated in the perverted egoist, transferring all the consequences of his lifestyle to the picture. She makes up instead of him.

His desire comes true. A man rushes into a vice pool, pulling the soul and body with pleasures and sweatings. Over the years, hero has remained young for many years, and his portrait takes on all his sins and crimes, becoming repulsive. He ruins a charming girl Sibylla Wein, breaking her heart. Kills her loyal friend Basila, who was very tied to the young man and loved him. And in the final, the distraught Dorian is blunting a knife into a gloomy image, wanting to end the past and to find peace. But so finds only your death.

History of creation

Oscar Wilded concluded a dispute with his friend that he would write a novel who would drive the entire London crazy. Dorian Gray was written in the shortest possible time, in a single catch of creative will. The writer won the writer, but he paid for the victory: he was tried for corruption of English morals. As a result, he received a real prison sentence.

Roman has a real basis. Oscar Uald really was a friend of Basil, who was a talented artist. Once in his workshop, the writer saw a very beautiful young man. Wald was delighted with a charming appearance of a simulator and with bitterness noticed that this beauty was not to avoid old age with its violence. But the artist was ready to draw the image of the handsome every year so that the aging and withering reflected only on the canvas.

"Portrait ..." is the only published novel who brought their crew success and almost scandalous fame. It was first printed in July 1890 in the American "monthly magazine of Lippincotta". After, in 1891, the book was published in a separate edition with six new chapters and with a special preface, which became aesthetic manifest.


The "Portrait of Dorian Gray" can be attributed to the genre of the intellectual novel. In the work of the characters and the narrator are susceptible to self-analysis, understanding of their actions and environment. Their conversations go beyond the plot, representing the debate of certain philosophical views. The book climbs the most important aesthetic, moral and "eternal" problems.

By the time of creation and stylistics, the work can be attributed to the Victorian novel. So they ordered the English prose of the reign of Queen Victoria - the era of calm, puritans and hypocrisy. Its author is gracefully ridiculed in Lord Henry's replicas.

Also applicable to the book definition "Allegoric Parable". Events occurring in it should not be perceived literally. Heroes are not people, they denote philosophical views, magical paintings - vicious temptation, death and love - tests, copper pipes that open the veil over human nature.

The direction of the creative thought of the author is at the junction between a romantic, fantastic and realistic principle. So, in the book, the element of fiction (magical power of the portrait), psychological and social components of the realism and the romantic type of the main character are manifested.

main characters

  1. Dorian Gray is a naive and wonderful young man who turned into a depraved and insensible egoist under the influence of Lord Henry. He is a nobleman, a descendant of a notable kind. His soul greedily looking for a mentor in a new world for him. Having chosen the sophisticated and vicious example for imitation, the hero, being the wins and slave, is in a hurry to test all the cynical councils of the senior comrade. From the very beginning, it is clear that he is a sensual, but a cowardly selfless person, because the thought of losing his own beauty (the only difference from other men of his circle) enslaves his mind, who did not have time to develop. He easily betray the love of other people, it speaks of the pettyness of his nature and the misfortune of the heart. In his example, the author holds a parallel between the inner and external wealth, which is not identical to each other. The image of Dorian Gray Writer has already embodied in the fairy tale "Boy-star". That Hero Wilde turns into a freak, not giving the opportunity to hide disgrace. Therefore, he quickly reincarnates in a good and highly moral young man who is aware of his guilt. However, the novel is not a fabulous parable, in him the Creator truthfully told that he was waiting for a taller and perceived character.
  2. Lord Henry is a rich and refined nobleman, well adopted in a higher society. His sarcastic replicas and a casuistic worldview (he professes hedonism) like others who enjoy his wit. Each second quotation is aphorism. However, he himself never follows his brave thinking. He sniffers, tricky, gradually corrupts Dorian's soul, but nothing like that does nothing. Its image is traditionally compared with the archetype of the devil in the literature. Watton is similar to Mephistophel from the "Faust" Goethe: He only sends a person, skillfully tasuya hedonistic ideas, thin humor and highly cynicism. Spirit of vicious, emanating from this hero, attractive. It has a refinement and hill, but it is only an external beauty that, like the charms of the face, is only a fragile veil of rotting sinful essence.
  3. Sybila Wayn is Dorian's beloved, actress. A rare beauty girl was also very talented. She struck with his gift. He loved her for him, because the artist could never bother: she reincarnated into other images every day. The real Sibila was ready to sacrifice the career, success, the creativity itself for love, and, feeling it, the young man quickly resurrected by adoration. He liked the stage, fetched lady of the heart, the same free and incomprehensible as he himself. But the young woman was just good, dreamed, naive and rasion. Therefore, the first disappointment in people forced her to end. Neither the mother nor a brother could disperse her in times in rainbow hopes.
  4. Basil Holorior - painter, friend Dorian and Lord Henry, who introduces them. It was he who wrote a fatal portrait. The artist sincerely admired a simulator and his beauty, and it was he who perceived the changes that occurred in the young man. He saw in him the emerging vanity and scored anxiety, but Gray only moved away from him in response. Basil was a humanist and moralist, his moral principles contrast with the exquisite immorality of Henry, so annoying the main character. Holorior appreciates privacy, likes to reflect and spiltily, is a carrier of the author's point of view in the novel. His swimming officer vinit in his fall, and then kills, wanting to remove the spell. He is not good that each time desperately tried to prevent him from corruption.
  5. James Wayne - Brother Sibil, Sailor. Sweese and volitional young man. From the very beginning it is skeptical about the intentions of a rich nobleman regarding the sister. A man got used to rely on himself, and not to look for light paths upstairs, so the mother warns from unnecessary confidence of a stranger from nobles. He is a typical representative of the Victorian era, his social prejudices are unshakable. When Wayne finds out about the death of a deceived sister, in his heart wakes up a desperate desire to revenge the heartless rich. Since then, solid in his beliefs and purposeful sailor chases the abuser, but meets his death earlier than he has time to present her warming.
  6. Meaning of the book

    Roman Wilde is equally multifaceted, how many people are a creative embodiment of his plan. The meaning of the work of the "Portrait of Dorian Gray" works is to show us the superiority of the internal content of the human person over the external. What would not be the beauty of the face, the souls are beautiful gusts to she not replace. The ugliness of thought and hearts even kills flesh, makes the charm of forms of lifeless and artificial. Even eternal youth will not bring the disgrace of happiness.

    Also, the author proves to the reader that art is forever. The Creator paid for his love and devotion to ideals, but his creation was alive and beautiful. In the portrait of the adorable young man in the flourishing of charming youth and beauty. And the person who dedicated himself to the cult of pleasure, in love with himself and his desires, is dead. His appearance is alive in the painting, alive in art, and the only way to keep a moment for the century is to portray it in all its glory.

    The preface to the novel consists of 25 aphorisms, which proclaim the aesthetic ideals of the author. Here are some of them: "The artist is the creator of the beautiful", "to reveal yourself and pull the creator - this is craving for art", "those who are wonderful meaning only one - beauty". "Vices and virtues for the Creator - art material." "The ethical preferences of the Creator lead to style manners." Oscar Wald, though he was a supporter of the theory of aesthetism, but in the work it is clearly distinguished by the risk of separation of ethical and aesthetic principles. The ministry leads to death, as happened to the hero of the novel. To feel and enjoy beauty, and at the same time save your face and virtue, it is necessary to always observe the rules of morality and not bring themselves to fanaticism, even if there is eternal life in stock.


    Of course, the most important moral law of being is not to erect visible to the status of the only significant. If a person is beautiful, it does not mean that his soul corresponds to the shell. On the contrary, many beauties are egoists and fools, but society continues to appreciate them higher than people gifted with genuine virtues. This erroneous worship leads to absurd cults of heartless and empty mannequins, and truly wonderful personalities remain incomprehensible. Carnival False, hypocritical following the proprietary law of the Victorian era, in which the intelligent, brave and original writer Oscar Wilde was not seated.

    The worship of love ruined Sibylla Wein, love in beauty and admiration for her, like art, led the artist Holloorca to the house where he found his death. The main character that plunged into the vicious world of pleasures, fell from his own hand. Moral novel "Portrait of Dorian Gray" indicates that any absolute worship is hazardous. You can love, create, enjoy, but at the same time leave a place for sober understanding of your actions. The characters are prone to impulsiveness, in this their trouble: Sybila after the gap cums suicide, Dorian with a triumphant angry rushes with a knife to the picture. And they all became victims of their ideals - this is the price of blinding. In reasonable limits, cynicism helps people not to make such mistakes, it is the author, depicting Lord Henry.


    The problem of "beautiful" and "ugly" is revealed in the novel. These two extremes that are needed to understand the integrity of this world. The "beautiful" belongs to the tragic and clean love of Sibil actresses, sincere affection of Basila to the young man and, of course, the main character itself, as the embodiment of genuine earthly beauty. The "ugly" carrying his soul in itself, with each defect and the crime, she pulls, gets, losing sensitivity and ability to compassion. And all these metamorphoses assumes a mysterious canvas, turning the person depicted on it in an ugly vicious creation. But society is blindly for thin glands between beauty and deformity, it fixes only the external attributes of the person, completely forgetting about the inner. Everyone knows about the tricks of Dorian, but it does not cease to love him and respect him. Someone only cowardly fears to lose their showing virtue, so it does not take it officially. In these circumstances, along with the inadvertent people, their hypocrisy and cowardice are no less important problems.

    Portrait of Dorian Gray is a reflection of his soul and conscience. It does not control the life of his owner, does not punish it, but only silently reflects all the lowness and immorality of a young man. Virtue of Tagging, real feelings gave way to hypocrisy. Handsome mansman succumbed to temptation, and only his image will show the rules for this temptation. There is a problem of human impunity from the highest society: he leads not only immoral, but also an illegal lifestyle, and no one stops. Of course, he is of the nobility, but, it means, has the right to not be considered with the law, until his behavior becomes the property of the general public. Only then will all make the appearance that they are shocked by the news, but previously did not suspect anything. Thus, the author affects the problems of social and political sense, criticizing the Victorian England for closing his eyes to the crimes of his elite.


    The most interesting for the writer was the topic of art. He argued about him in the dialogues of the main characters, he devoted the final of the Roman, where the man died, and his portrait remained eternal memory of him. The invisible power of the painting is an indicator that the most weightful of the art created is art, it overshadows and worries his creator, perpetuating his name and skill. It also makes it a truly attractive. Dorian admired the creative genius of Basil, the extraordinary talent of Sibil, the oratory of Henry. His unspoiled soul was drawn to the light of the creative start, and turned away from him, adopting licentiousness and lowness for life guidelines.

    In addition, the theme of the work can be called a dramatic clash of the ideas of hedonism (ethical doctrine, where the pleasure is like a higher blessing and purpose of life) and aesthetism (movement in European literature and in art, which is based on the predominance of aesthetic values \u200b\u200b- worship art, elegant). Basyl Holorior was in love with beautiful, art and beauty for him were inseparable. Art is beauty. He sought to indiffine her features with the help of a brush and exceptional talent. But the worship of the beautiful ruined the artist, his love and devotion of beauty were trampled by the madness of the corrupted soul. The hero chose the way of pleasure, in the center of which he himself. He drove himself with his impunity and moral fall, because no one can deprive his wealth - eternal youth. Such a lifestyle does not lead to true happiness, but only creates its illusion. Dorian at the end begins to regret the lost innocence, about the former cleanliness of his soul, but it is too late; Sincere feelings, compassion, real love forever lost importance for him.


    The contemporaries of the writer Yaros fired against Dorian Gray for the ridiculation of the Puritan Puritian society of that period. In addition, Wilde in the colors described the immoral behavior of the main character, which was not decent to see even on the pages of the book. In the secret adventures of the secular lion, especially virtuous readers saw the propaganda of the hedonistic position and vicious leisure. The enlightened and discerning public did not notice the graceful hidden condemnation, because no one has canceled competitions in the disquence of piety.

    For the crimping of morality writer even condemned, and for a real prison sentence. Although his speech on protection and produced a furor among people of sensible, I could not convince everyone else. However, later this work was assessed by dignity, and today it is one of the most significant not only in English, but also in world literature.

    Interesting? Save on your wall!

Frame from the film "Dorian Gray" (2009)

On a sunny summer day, the talented painter Basil Holorior adopts in his workshop of an old friend Lord Henry Watton - an Estet-Epicurea, Prince Paradox, to determine one of the characters. In the latter, the features of Oscar Wilde familiar to contemporaries are easily recognized, the author of the novel "gives" and the prevailing number of its glorified aphorisms. Captured with a new idea, Holorior with hobby is working on a portrait of an unusually beautiful young man, with whom she recently met. To that twenty years; His name is Dorian Gray.

Soon a fitter appears, with interest listened to the paradoxical judgment of a tired hedonist; The young beauty of Doriana, captivated Basila, leaves no indifferent and Lord Henry. But the portrait is finished; Those who are admired by his perfection. Zlakotrian, who adores all the beautiful and altogether Dorian himself dreams out loud: "If the portrait changed, and I could always stay like there!" Rastogan Basil gives a portrait of a young man.

Ignoring the sluggish resistance of Basila, Dorian accepts the invitation of Lord Henry and, with the active participation of the latter, will dip in secular life; He visits dinners, holds evenings in Opera. Meanwhile, putting a visit to his uncle Lord Farmer, Lord Henry learns about the dramatic circumstances of the origin of Dorian: he was brought up by a rich guardian, he painfully survived the early death of his mother, in order to familiar with the family traditions in love and tied his fate with a unknown infantry officer (to bring the influential testing of that soon killed on duels).

Dorian himself, meanwhile, falls in love with the beginning actress Sibila Wayne - "Girl of Seventeen, with a gentle, like a flower, face, with a head of Greek, wrapped in dark braids. Eyes - Blue Lakes Passion, Lips - Rose Petals "; She with astounding spirituality plays the poor roles of the Shakespearer repertoire as the deform of the Shakespeare repertoire. In turn, Sibyl, the possessing half-starving existence, together with his mother and brother, sixteen-year-old James, who was ready to sail the sailor at a commercial ship to Australia, Dorian is represented by an embodied miracle - "Beautiful Prince", incited from the transcendental heights. Its beloved is unknown that in her life, too, there is a thoroughly protected from prying views of the secret: and Sibilla, and James - the extramarital children, the fruits of a love alliance, in their time the mother-tied mother - "tortured, who wanted a woman", serving in the same theater With a person alien class.

The lively embodiment of beauty and talent in Sybile, the naive idealist Dorian with a celebration notifies Basila and Lord Henry about his engagement. The future of their ward instills an alarm in both; However, he and the other willingly take an invitation to the performance, where the chief of Dorian should fulfill the role of Juliet. However, absorbed by the rainbow hopes for the upcoming real happiness with his beloved, Sybila that evening reluctantly reluctantly, as if forceding (after all, "to play loved - this is a profanation!" - she believes) he says the role of the role, for the first time seeing the moonlessness of the decorations, false scenic partners And poverty by entrepreneurs. It follows a loud failure, causing a skeptical mockery of Lord Henry, a restrained sympathy of the Doriana's Dorian's Total Castles, in despair of throwing Sibyl: "You killed my love!"

Dorian speys a sleepless night, who was deliberate in his beautiful illusions, which was noticed in the faith in the indestructibility of art and reality. Sibyl, his ill confession is not able; The next morning, getting ready to send her a letter with the words of reconciliation, he learns that the girl ended up with him in the same evening. Patroneous friends and here react to the tragic news everyone in their own way: Basil advises Dorian to strengthen the spirit, and Lord Henry - "not pouring in vainly tears about Sibil Wayne." In an effort to console a young man, he invites him to Opera, promising to acquaint Lady Gwendolen with his charming sister. To the perplexity of Basila, Dorian takes an invitation. And only presented to him by the artist recently, the portrait becomes a merciless mirror of the growing spiritual metamorphosis in it: a hard wrinkle is denoted on the impeccable face of the young Greek. Not on a joke concerned, Dorian removes a portrait from his eyes.

And again he helps to drown out the alarming injections of conscience to his helpful friend Mephistofel - Lord Henry. On the advice of the latter, he with his head goes into reading a strange book of the new-fashioned French author - psychological etude about a person who decide to experience all the extremes of being. It was a long way to go ("It seemed that the heavy smell of smoking rose from her pages and dope the brain"), Dorian in the next twenty years - in the narration of the novel they fit into one chapter - "In love with his beauty, everything is more likely to observe the decomposition of his Souls. " As if settled in his ideal shell, he is looking for consolation in lush rites and rituals of other people's religions, in music, in collecting antiquity objects and precious stones, in narcotic potions offered in tritons with unkind fame. Increased with hedonistic temptations, once with a lover in love, but not able to love, it is not bent by dubious connections and suspicious dating. It is fixed by the glory of a soulless seducer of young minds.

Recalling the fate of the fate of the mimolete chosen by his whim, Doriana is trying to enjoy the Basil Holorord, who has long interrupted all sorts of ties with him, but before leaving to Paris, I gathered to visit. But in vain: in response to fair stones, he brought the painter with a laughter to see the authentic face of his old idol, imprinted in the Hallojo portrait, dusting in the dark corner. The amazed basil opens a frightened face of a co-loving old man. However, the spectacle is not able to and Dorian: believing the Creator of the portrait responsible for his moral behavior, he in the attack of an uncontrolled rage is blissing his young days of the dagger. And then, calling for the rescue of one of the past couples and feasts, the Chemist of Alan Campbell, blackmailing of that kind of shameful secret, known only to them, forces it to dissolve in nitric acid Basil's physician - material proof of the villainism.

Torzable by late remorse of conscience, he again is looking for oblivion in drugs. And he almost dies when in a suspicious tritone on the "bottom" of London, some kind of divesty sailor knows: this is James Wayn, too late the sister who has served about the fatal fate and having swore to anything to take revenge on her offend.

However, fate keeps him from physical death. But - not from the all-seeing eye Holluternal portrait. "This portrait is like conscience. Yes, conscience. And it is necessary to destroy it, "comes to the conclusion of Dorian, who survived all temptations of the world, even more empty and lonely than before, in vainly envying and purity of the innocent rustic girl, and the dedication of his accomplice inevitably, Alan Campbel, who found the strength to finish suicide, and Even ... The spiritual aristocratism of his friend-tempter Lord Henry, alien, seems to be any moral obstacle, but it is incomprehensible that "every crime of vulgar".

Late at night, alone with himself in the luxurious London mansion, Dorian is pounced with a knife on a portrait, trying to spark and destroy it. Rose on a cry of the servants are found in the room the dead body of the old man in Frak. And the portrait, without failure, in its shining greatness.

So the novel-parable ends about a person for whom "In other minutes, evil was just one of the means of implementing the fact that he considered the beauty of life."


Portrait of Doriana Gray
First (journal) publication
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Speech Date:
The date of the first publication:

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Text of the work in Wikitek

« The Picture of Dorian Grey"(Eng. THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY) - the only published Roman Oscar Wilde. In the genreality, it represents a mixture of a novel of upbringing with moral proverb. There is in two versions - in 13 chapters (1890) and in 20 chapters (1891). Became the most successful work of Wilde, more than 30 times was shielded.


The artist Basil Holorior writes a portrait of a young and beautiful Dorian Gray. Having admoved by his image, the young man expresses the desire to make a portrait of Straighten, and he always remained young. Next, he accidentally meets the friend of Basil, Lord Henry, a sarcastic hedonist, despising traditional Victorian values, and falls under the influence of its vicious ideas.

Dorian falls in love with the actress, young beauty Sibil Wayne, but after the dwelt of the play, to which he invited Lord Henry and Basila, he grossly rejects her, because of what she cums with her. Brother Sibil, Sailor James Wayne swear to revenge, and Dorian notices that after this case, the face of the portrait distorted the evil smile, and understands that his desire about "aging instead of the portrait" came true.

Having succumbed to the bad effect of Henry, Dorian is becoming more vicious and depraved, which is reflected in the portrait, but at the same time he retains youth and is still good. Years later, the artist is trying to find out if all these terrible rumors are that Doriana go, after which Gray shows him a portrait, and then kills, since it is he who is guilty to his moral fall.

After the murder, he is beginning to pursue obsessive fears who only increase after a random meeting with James Wein, who dreams of a revenge for the death of the sister. Dorian manages to leave Wayna, convincing him that he confused him with someone else - after all, he still looks young as 18 years ago. However, Wane quickly realizes his mistake, and again begins to look for it, but he dies, being accidentally shot.

Despite the mining danger, Dorian can not find peace, and decides that now will do good. Having made, in his opinion, a good deed - letting the peasant girl who fell in love with him, who did not blame her, he goes to the portrait, hoping that he had become better, but looking at him, he understood that his thoughts had only vanity. Dorian in despair is blunting a knife in a portrait, after which he dies himself.

The servants find an untouched portrait, which depicts a beautiful young man, and next to him - repenting the old man, who stunned a knife in his chest. In the old man, they recognize Dorian Gray.

Main characters

  • Dorian Gray - The young man, endowed with incredible beauty. Finding on the influence of the ideas of the new hedonism preached by Lord Henry, devotes their lives to the thirst for pleasures and vice. This is a dual figure. It combines a subtle esthete and even a romantic and vicious, ruthless criminal and debugger. These two opposite sides of his character are in constant struggle with each other. This duality of the hero is characteristic of many gothic novels.
  • Basil Holorord - artist who wrote a portrait of Dorian Gray. From other heroes, it is distinguished by the extreme attachment to Dorian Gray, in which he sees the ideal of beauty and man. In other words, he is a loser Guardian Angel Dorian Gray.
  • Lord Henry - Aristocrat, preacher ideas of new hedonism, Prince Paradoxes. Its paradoxical, contradictory thinking is imbued with criticism for all Victorian English society. It is a peculiar Mephistophele for Dorian Gray.
  • Sibila Wayn. - Actress, one of the most amazing images of the novel. Before the meeting with Dorian lived in his fictional world, the world of the theater was a talented actress. Love showed her all the artificiality of her world, where she did not live, but only played. With love in her soul, talent will disappear, since she is trying to escape from the world of illusions into the world of real. But it is precisely this leads to her death.
  • James Wayn. - Brother Sibil, sailor. A man of military gauge, practically lost the meaning of life after Sibil's suicide. It finds a rest in the desire of revenge.

sources of inspiration

According to the genre "Portrait of Dorian Gray" - this cONTE PHILOSOPHIQUE. , Intellectual-allegorical story, so popular in the Epoch of Enlightenment, but written from the standpoint of the decadence of the end of the century. In Dorian Gree, the main hero of the novel, the features of the new Faust are guessed. In the role of Mephistofel, Lord Henry is, it is he who throughout the novel seduces Dorian hearing the ideas of new hedonism, turns the innocent and talented young man in the vicious monster. For the role of Margarita, Sibylla Vane, New Valentine - James Wain. As you know, Faust also received eternal youth from Mephistofel.

The main source of inspiration for Wilde served, apparently, the allegorical novel Balzak "Shagreen leather". The decadent spirit of the work rises to the fashionable novel of Gyuismans " On the contrary"(1884). Probably this is the book that Lord Henry gives Doriana. The Gothic Roman "Melmotkov" was known to Wilde since childhood, since his author, Charles Robert Metyurin, had to him with a cousin grandfather. It is to "Melmot" and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe mysterious portrait, the prototype of which will not become, and partly the hero, who can afford everything.

Work on the novel. Publication history

The novel was written in just three weeks. For the first time printed in July 1890 in the American "Monthly Lippincott magazine" ( Lippincottt's Monthly Magazine). In April 1891 published in London a separate book, complemented by a special preface, which became the manifesto of aesthetism, as well as six new chapters. Some chapters in the second version are completely recycled.

After the publication of the novel, the scandal broke out in society. The literary establishment condemned him as an immoral work, and some critics demanded it to be banned, and the author of the novel is a trial. Wilde was accused of insulting public morality. However, ordinary readers the novel was adopted enthusiastic.

None of the vices of Dorian Gray in the novel is not named, besides his opium abuse. Wilde himself said that everyone sees his own sins and vices in his hero:

Russian translations

  • 1906 - Translation A. Minthold (Moscow, Bookbook "Grief").
  • 1909 - Translation M. F. Licardopulo under the pseudonym M. Richards. For the collection of works, published as an annex to the magazine "Niva" in the book publishing A. F. Marx edited by K. I. Chukovsky. Collection reissued in 1914. A separate publication Roman reissued in 1928.
  • 1960 - Translation Mary Abkina For the two-volume "Selected Works" (State Publishing House of Artistic Literature). He became a shit and reprinted so far.
  • 1999 - Translation Valeria Chukhno For the publishing house "Eksmo".
  • 2010 - Translation of Anastasia Rodzunova and Major Nemtsova for Eksmo publishing house.


Year Movie title Country of Origin Producer Artist Dorian Gray Note
Dorian Grays Portræt. Denmark 22x20px. Denmark Axel Ström (dates Axel Strøm) Waldemar Psilander (dates. Valdemar Psilander)
THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY USA 22x20px. USA Phillips Smallli (eng. Phillips Smalley) Wallace Reed (English Wallace Reid.)
THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY USA 22x20px. USA Matt Moore (Eng. Matt Moore.)
The Picture of Dorian Grey Russian empire22x20px. Russian empire Vsevolod Meyerhold Varvara Jnova
THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY USA 22x20px. USA Fred Darrand (Eng. Fred W. Durrant.) Henry Victor (English Henry Victor)
Das Bildnis Des Dorian Gray Germany 22x20px. Germany Richard Oswald (Him. Richard Oswald.) Bernd Aldor (Him. Bernd Aldor)
Az Élet Királya. Hungary 22x20px. Hungary Alfred Deezy (Weng. ALFRÉD DEESY) Norbert Dan (Venge. Norbert Dán) Bela Lugoshi in the role of Lord Henry
The Picture of Dorian Grey USA 22x20px. USA Albert Levin. Hörd Hatfield. Oscar Prize for the best operator work (Harry Stradling)
(film from the television series "Tales of Tomorrow")
USA 22x20px. USA Franklin Sheeffner.
The Picture of Dorian Gray (film from the television series "Armchair Theater") Great Britain 22x20px. Great Britain Charles Jarrtt (English Charles Jarrott.) Jeremy Brett (eng. Jeremy Brett.)
The Picture of Dorian Gray (film from the TV series "Golden Showcase") USA 22x20px. USA Paul Bogart (eng. Paul Bogart.) Sean Harrison (eng. Sean Garrison.)
The Picture of Dorian Grey the USSR 22x20px. the USSR Victor Turbin
Nadezhda Marusalova (Ivanovenkova)
Valery Babyatinsky In other roles, Yuri Yakovlev, Alexander Lazarev and others
El Retrato De Dorian Gray (TV series) Mexico 22x20px. Mexico Ernesto Alonso (Span. Ernesto Alonso. ) Enrique Alvares Felix (Span. Enrique Álvarez Félix. )
Portrait of Dorian Gray (Das Bildnis Des Dorian Gray) Great Britain 22x20px. Great Britain
Italy 22x20px. Italy
Massimo Dallamano (ITal. Massimo Dallamano) Helmut Berger
THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY (TVFILM) USA 22x20px. USA Glenn Jordan (English Glenn Jordan.) Shane Bryant (English Shane BRIANT.)
THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY (film from the month "BBC Play of the Month") Great Britain 22x20px. Great Britain John Gorry (English John Gorrie.) Peter Furt (eng. Peter Firth)
Le Portrait De Dorian Gray France 22x20px. France Pierre Batron (Fr. Pierre Boutron.) Patrice Alexander (FR. Patrice alexsandre)
El Retrato De Dorian Gray (film from the TV series "Los Libros") Spain 22x20px. Spain Khaima Shavari (Span. Jaime Chávarri. ) Agustin Beckless (Span. Agustín Bescos. )
Sins of Dorian Gray USA 22x20px. USA Tony Melam (English Tony Maylam) Belinda Bauer (eng. Belinda Bauer.) Dorian Gray in the women's appearance. Anthony Perkins as Lord Henry
Dorian Gray Im Spiegel Der Boulevardpresse ("The image of Dorian Gray in the yellow press") Federal Republic of Germany (until 1990) FRG Ulric Pullinger Filtering: Dorian becomes an international conspiracy tool
League outstanding gentlemen USA 22x20px. USA Stephen Norrington Stuart Townsend. Used character
Dorian Gray. Devilian portrait USA 22x20px. USA
Canada 22x20px. Canada
Allan Goldstine Ethan Erickson Malcolm McDaull as Lord Henry
Portrait of Dorian Gray (The Picture Of Dorian Gray) USA 22x20px. USA David Rosenbaum (eng. David Rosenbaum) Josh Duhamel
THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY USA 22x20px. USA Dancan Roy (eng. Duncan Roy.) David Gallacher (eng. David Gallagher.) Action moved to our time
THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY John Cunningham (English Jon Cunningham.)
THE PICTURE (OF DORIAN GRAY) Jonathan Kurtmansh (eng. Jonathan Courtemanche.)
Dorian Gray Great Britain 22x20px. Great Britain Oliver Parker Ben Barnes In the role of Lord Henry - Colin Furt
Portrait of Dorian Gray: Expertise. (Open Air, full version) Russia 22x20px. Russia Sergey Zakharin "Our days. A young woman, a famous English painting specialist in the late XIX century, meets the artist who offers her to identify a mysterious portrait. Fantasy transfers it a hundred years ago, when the canvas was created ... "
Scary fairy tales Great Britain 22x20px. Great Britain
USA 22x20px. USA
Juan Antonio Bayona Riv Carney In the role of Dorian Gray - Riv Carney.

Other adaptation

see also

  • Dorian Gray Syndrome (the cult of youth, fear of physical fading and aging)

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  • In the library Maxim Moshkov
  • Texts on the topic The Picture of Dorian Grey in Wikitek

Excerpt that characterizes the portrait of Dorian Gray

- Hello, Michelle! - without losing time, immediately said Stella. - And we prepared you a gift!
The woman smiled surprise and affectionately asked:
- Who are you girls?
But she did not respond to her, Stella mentally called Arno ...
I do not be able to tell me what this meeting brought them ... and you don't need it. Such happiness can not be treated in words - they will die ... it was simply not, probably, at that moment the people are happier on the world, and on all the "floors"! .. And we sincerely rejoiced with them, not forgetting those who They were obliged to their happiness ... I think the baby Maria, and our kind shove, would be very happy, seeing them now, and knowing that they did not waste their life for them ...
Stella suddenly came up and disappeared somewhere. I went behind her and I, because here we had nothing more ...
- And where did you all disappear? "Surprised, but very calm, I met Maja's question." "We already thought you left us to be com." And where is our new friend? .. Does it disappear? .. We thought he would take us with him ...
There was a problem ... where it was now to give these unfortunate kids - I did not have the slightest concept. Stella looked at me, thinking about the same, and desperately trying to find some way out.
- invented! "Already just like the" former "stella, she happily slammed in his palm. - We will make a joyful world in which they will exist. And there, look, and they will meet someone ... or someone will take them away.
- Do not you think that we should introduce them with someone here? - Trying "Ponae" to attach lonely kids, I asked.
- No, it does not seem to - a friend answered very seriously. "Think myself, because not all dead kids get such ... and not about everyone here, probably, they have time to take care. Therefore, it will be honest in relation to the rest, if we just create a very beautiful house here, while they find someone. After all, they are threesome, they are easier. And others - alone ... I also had one, I remember ...
And suddenly, apparently remembering that terrible time, she became confused and sad ... and some unprotected. Wanting immediately return it back, I mentally wrapped the waterfall of incredible fantastic flowers on it ...
- Oh! - laughed by the bell Stella. - Well, that you! .. Stop!
- And you stop sad! - I did not give up. "We are out how much you still need to do, and you are Raskis." Well, let's arouse children! ..
And here, quite unexpectedly, Arno appeared again. We stared at him in surprise ... Fearing to ask. I even managed to think - didn't it happen again of something terrible? .. But he looked "favorable" happy, so I immediately threw a stupid thought.
"What are you doing here ?! .." Stella was sincerely surprised.
- Have you forgotten - I have to pick up the kids, I promised them.
- Where is Michel? What are you not together?
- Why not together? Together, of course! I just promised ... Yes, and she always loved the children. So we decided to be all together until a new life takes them.
- So it's wonderful! - Stella was delighted. And immediately reroxed to another. - Are you very happy, however? Well, tell me, are you happy? You have such a beautiful !!! ..
Arno long and carefully looked into our eyes, as if wishing, but not deciding something to say something. Then, finally, decided ...
- I can't accept this happiness with you ... it is not mine ... it is wrong ... I'm not worthy of him yet.
"How can't you ?! .." Stella literally sway. - How can't you can - as you can! .. Just try to refuse !!! Just see what kind of beauty it is! And you say - you can not ...
Arno smiled sadly, looking at the rash stella. Then gentlely hugged her and quietly, quietly pronounced:
"You brought me unspeakable happiness, and I have such a terrible pain ... forgive me cute if you ever be able to." Sorry...
Stella he was light and gently smiled, as if wishing to show that she was perfect everything, and that she forgives everything to him, and that it was not his fault. Arno only nodded sadly and, showing a quietly waiting for kids, asked:
- Can I take them with you "Top", what do you think?
"Unfortunately, no," Stella replied sadly. - They can't go there, they remain here.
- Then we will stay too ... - a gentle voice sounded. - We will stay with them.
We wrapped in surprise - it was Michel. "That's it decided," I thought quite thought. And again someone voluntarily sacrificed, and again defeated the simple human good ... I looked at Stella - Baby smiled. Again everything was fine.
- Well, we take a little more with me? - Hopefully asked Stella.
I have already had to go home for a long time, but I knew that I would never leave her now and nodded my head affirmatively ...

My moods to walk, honestly, too much, because after all that happened, the state was, let's say so, very, very "satisfactory ... But I could not leave Stella, so I could not, so that both were well although It would be "Founded", we decided not to go far, but just a little relaxing our own, almost boiling, brains, and give a rest to the enthusiasts of hearts, enjoying the silence and peace of mental floor ...
We slowly sailed in a gentle silver haze, completely relaxing our forthrigue nervous system, and plunging into a stunning, nothing compared to the local peace ... How suddenly Stella shouted enthusiastically:
- Blimey! You look only, what is it for beauty there! ..
I looked around and immediately understood what she was talking about ...
It was really unusually beautiful! .. as if someone, playing, created the real celestial-blue "crystal" kingdom! .. We surprisedly considered incredibly huge, openwork ice flowers, shipped light blue snowflakes; and bindings of sparkling ice trees flashing blue glare at the slightest movement of the "crystal" foliage and the height of those who achieved with our three-storey house ... And among all this incredible beauty, surrounded by the outbreaks of the real "Northern Light", proudly rummaged the breathtaking spirit of the Great Ice Palace, all Brightened by overflows of unprecedented silver blue shades ...
What was it?! Who liked this cold color so much? ..
So far, for some reason, no one has shown anywhere anywhere, and no one has expressed a lot of desire to meet us ... It was a little strange, since usually the owners of all these wondrous worlds were very hospitable and friendly, with the exception of only those that have just appeared on " The floor "(that is, you just died) and haven't been ready to communicate with the rest, or simply preferred to worry about something purely personal and hard alone.
- What do you think, who lives in this strange world? .. - For some reason, Stella asked the whisper.
- Want - let's see? "Suddenly, for himself, I suggested."
I did not understand where my whole fatigue was released, and why I suddenly completely forgot myself a minute ago promise not to interfere with any, even the most incredible incidents until tomorrow, or at least, until at least a bit of rest. But, of course, this was again worked by my insatiable curiosity, which I never learned yet to be packed, even when this necessity appeared ...
Therefore, trying how much my exhausted heart allowed, "disconnect" and not think about our failed, sad and heavy day, I immediately looked at the "new and unknown", anticipating some unusual and exciting adventure ...
We smoothly "slowed down" right at the very entrance to a stunning "ice" world, how suddenly a man appeared because of the sparks of the blue tree ... It was a very unusual girl - high and slim, and very beautiful, she would seem completely young , almost that if it were not for the eyes ... They shone calm, light sadness, and were deep, like a well with the purest spring water ... and in these wondrous eyes, such wisdom was buried, which we were with a stella for a long time was not given to comprehend ... no surprising of our appearance at all, the stranger smiled warmly and asked quietly:
- What are you small?
- We just took place nearby and wanted to see your beauty. Sorry, if we disturbed ... - Slightly confused, I mumbled.
- Well, what are you! Come inward, there will surely be more interesting ... - having waved his hand into depths, the stranger smiled again.
MiG slipped past it inside the "palace", is not able to keep the vouchy curiosity, and already pre-anticipating something very, very "interesting."
Inside it turned out so stunning that with Stella literally froze in a stupor, opening the mouths, like an aggreed one-day chicks, are not able to pronounce a word ...
No, what is called, "Paul" in the palace was not ... Everything is there, Parished in sparkling silver air, creating the impression of sparkling infinity. Some fantastic "seats", similar to the sparkling tight clouds, having swamped smoothly, hanging in the air, then sealing, then almost disappearing, as if attracting attention and inviting them to sit down ... Silver "Ice" flowers, Bright and shimmer, decorated everything around, hitting the variety of shapes and patterns of the finest, almost that jewelry petals. And somewhere very high in the "ceiling", blindly in the blue light, hung an incredible beauty of the huge ice "icicles", which turned this fabulous "cave" into the fantastic "Ice World", which seemed to have no end ...
- Let's go, my guests, grandfather will be extremely glad to you! - Smoothly gliding by us, the girl said the warmth.
And here I finally realized why she seemed unusual to us - as the stranger moved, he pulled out the sparkling "tail" of some special blue matter, which shone and rushed around her fragile figurines, scattered behind It is silver pollen ...
We did not have time to surprise this, as I immediately saw a very high, gray elder, proudly squeezed on a strange, very beautiful chair, as if emphasizing her significance for misunderstanding. He was completely calmly watched our approach, no wonder and not expressing any emotions, except for a warm, friendly smile.
White, silver overflowing, the flourishing clothes of the elder merged with the same, completely white, long hair, making it look like a good spirit. And only the eyes, the same mysterious, as well as our beautiful stranger, shocked the impossible patience, wisdom and depth, forcing us to get along with the infinity that begins in them ...
- Heads will be, the guest! - Laskovo said the old man. - What led you to us?
- And you hello, grandfather! - Stella joyfully greeted.
And here for the first time in all the time of our already pretty long acquaintance I was surprised to hear that she finally appealed to someone, turned to "you" ...
Stella had a very funny manner to deal with all on "you", how would it be emphasizing that all the people were met, be it an adult or a little more baby, are her good old friends, and that for each of them she has "Naraspy" The soul is open ... that of course, instantly and fully revealed to her even the most closed and the most lonely people, and only very smooth souls did not find the path to her.
- Why do you have so cold here? - Immediately, as a habit, questions fell. - I mean, why do you have such a "ice" everywhere?
The girl looked at Stella surprised.
"I never thought about it ..." she said thoughtfully. - Probably because we have enough warmth to all our remaining life? We burned on Earth, you see ...
- How - burned?!. - stared at her Stella. - Did you really burn? .. - Well, yes. Just there I was a witch - I had done a lot ... like my whole family. Here is the grandfather - he is a Venne, and Mom, she was the most strong Vidnight at that time. This means that I saw what others could not see. She saw the future just as we see the present. And the past too ... and in general, she could have known a lot - no one knew so much. And ordinary people apparently nicked - they did not love too much "knowledgeable" ... Although, when they needed help, they turned to us. And we helped ... And then the same to whom we helped, betrayed us ...
The witch girl was watched by the darkened eyes somewhere in the distance, for a moment without seeing and not hearing anything around, leaving for someone her famous distant world. Then, shy, shouted with fragile shoulders, as if he remembered something very scary, and continued quietly:
- So many centuries passed, and I still feel everything like a flame devour me ... Therefore, probably and "cold" here, as you say, honey, - already referring to Stella, finished the girl.
"But you can't be a witch! .." Stella said confidently. - Witches are old and terrible, and very bad. So in our fairy tales it is written that my grandmother I read. And you are good! And so beautiful! ..
"Well, tales of fairy tales Maintain ..." Girl-witch smiled sadly. - They are all people and comprise them ... And what they show us with old and terrible - then someone is so more convenient, probably ... it's easier to explain inexplicable, and it is easier to call dislike ... You will also cause more sympathy if they are burn young and beautiful than old and terrible, though?
"Well, I am also very sorry for old women ... just not evil, of course, having filled his eyes, said Stella. "Any person is a pity when such a terrible end is - and, having finished with her shoulders, as if imitating a girl-witch, continued:" Do you really burned the truth?!. I am completely alive? .. How probably it was hurt?!. What is your name?

The second book "Collections of Oscar Wilde" The artist is the one who creates a beautiful. To reveal to people and hide the artist - this is what arts seek. Kritik is the one who is able in a new form or new means to convey their impression from the beautiful. The highest, like the lowest, the form of criticism is one of the types of autobiography. Here, who in the beautiful finds bad, are people spoiled, and when spoiled does not make them attractive. This is a big sin. Those who are able to see in beautiful his high meaning - people are cultural. They are not hopeless. But the chosen is the one who sees only one thing: beauty. No books of moral or immoral. The book is well written or written badly. That's all. The hate of the nineteenth century to the realism is the rage of Caliban who saw himself in the mirror. The hate of the nineteenth century to romanticism is the rage of Caliban, not in the mirror of his reflection. The artist's moral life is only one of the things. Ethics of art - in perfect use of imperfect funds. The artist does not seek to prove something. You can prove even indisputable truths. The artist is not a moralist. Such a tendency of the artist gives rise to unforgivable style manners. Do not attribute an artist unhealthy trends: he is allowed to depict everything. Thought and word for the artist - the means of art. Plok and virtue - the material for his creativity. If you talk about the form, the prototype of all the arts is the art of a musician. If we talk about the feeling - the art of the actor. In any art there is something that lies on the surface, and the symbol. Who is trying to penetrate the deeper surface, he goes to risk. And who reveals the symbol, goes to risk. In essence, art is a mirror reflecting the one who looks into it is not life at all. If the work of art is controversial, it means that there is something new, complex and significant. The criticism is disagreeing in opinions, "the artist remains faithful to himself. You can forgive a person who makes something useful if he does not adversely. The same who creates a useless, only passionate love for their creation serves the only exclusion. Any art is completely useless.

"Portrait of Dorian Gray" - plot

The intrigue of the novel was built on the motive of the transaction with the devil, in which the magic portrait playing in the fate of the hero is a fateful role. In one day, the artist Basil Holorior wrote a portrait of a young and beautiful Dorian Gray, and Dorian himself fell in love with this portrait. Young handsome man, admiring his image, can not get rid of the thought that the portrait will always have the fact that he will inevitably lose himself - youth. "Oh, if it were the opposite! If the portrait changed, and I could always stay like now! I would soul the devil sold for it! " Moluba was heard, and the wish was fulfilled! But it led to a lot of terrible changes in the life of Dorian.


"Portrait of Dorian Gray" (Eng. The Picture of Dorian Gray) is the only published Roman Oscar Wilde. For the first time printed in July 1890 in the "Lippincottt's Monthly Magazine" (Lippincottt's Monthly Magazine), and later published by a separate book in April 1891, awarded a special preface, which became aestheticism, and six new chapters. Some chapters were completely recycled.


After the publication of the novel, the scandal broke out in society. All English criticism condemned him as an immoral work, some critics demanded to subjected to his ban, and the author of the novel is a trial. Wilde was accused of insulting public morality. However, ordinary readers the novel was adopted enthusiastic.


Reviews of the book "Portrait of Dorian Gray"

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As already mentioned by other reviewers, talk about this book is really a lot. This is a little bit like an artificially bloated hype with a view to notifying about Doriana as much as possible.

The book is good, I can not argue with it, but still does not capture. Perhaps this is a lack of translators talent (I can not read in the original), but I could not have this book to "see" - to draw a film in imagination. Perhaps, so I liked the movie more, which, although it has discrepancies with the original story, it turned out to be much more dynamic, atmospheric, it was able to better convey the characters, and the emotions of the characters.

Evaluation - 7 out of 10.

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2 / 1

Anna M.

Charming Dorian

The beginning of the book "The portrait of Dorian Gray" was pleasant, is easy and no darkened, until a certain point.

The breathtaking appearance of Junc Dorian, could drive a lot of girls and in our time. But as he was sometimes disgusting for me, struggling. Adorable outwardly, but deadly destructive for those with whose attention he will be surrounded. Without a doubt, I can say that our actions and our lifestyle naturally affects our appearance. There is a light sacrifice on the influence of another person. In the novel, in my opinion, there is no single hero from which it was possible to take an example for existence in real life. If you adhere to the same life principles and concepts, our portrait will quickly fade (and we do not finish one wrinkle near the lips) !!!

Always be young and swim in all sorts of pleasures, absolutely forgetting about the feelings of other people, the most the highest manifestation of egoism.

Constantly criticize, in bright colors to convey the essence of life, to have a mad influence - Wilder is too unique to convey their desires and thoughts in simple, naive.

Occasionally at the moments of enlightenment, Dorian believed that he was entertained with the lives of people, I committed unwise actions, but the artist is guilty. Immersed, I just want to say to the disgusting world. "To become the audience for my own life is to protect yourself from earthly suffering."

It would be better if Basil Holorior gave Doriana instead of a portrait, a mirror. Then, maybe Dorian realized that he himself came to such a life.

I think that the end of the novel "Portrait of Dorian Gray" is the best thing that could happen to Dorian.

The book is written beautifully, with many beautiful revolutions, the description of nature is impeccable, it is impossible not to build a chain from the events that were so similar to the beauty of moral and beauty of spiritual. I do not regret that I read the novel "Portrait of Dorian Gray".

You can withdraw a lot for yourself!

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0 / 1

Eric Nizaev

Dorian Gray: Angel or Bes? (Without spoilers)

Oscar Wilde's book has already become part of modern English culture. This is a very ambiguous book. After reading it, you either love it or wave. In the halftons you will not stay.

This book tells a huge amount of morality - hidden, and lying on the surface. And this is perhaps the main plus of this work. It is not boring, and at the same time useful. The finale of the book reveals the true promise of this book. It is a bit predictable, but it is no less shocking.

My rating: 8.5 / 10

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0 / 1

Julia Zinchenko

Many Doriana from nothing

Too many conversations were about this book all the time, and, probably, therefore she did not justify expectations at all. Many empty chatter. Apparently, the writer needed to spoke, so he had his thoughts in the speech of characters, especially Henry. Its ranting occupied interest 60 books, no less. And the plot fits in a few words: the portrait of Strain, and Dorian is not.

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1 / 3

Anastasia Fogel

Good but not enough

In my opinion the book is good, but too tedious and tightened. All reasoning about life from the face of Sir Henry was more interesting than the whole life of Dorian Gray. Despite the fact that the book affects the problems of both individuals and societies as a whole, it can be read (in my opinion) just once.

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0 / 3

Yulia Olekina

The main character is not the main

I will not argue that I liked the novel unconditionally, and that's why.

Yes, this novel is very smart (if you can talk about the books :)). You can open any page and start reading from any page and you will certainly come on to such a phrase that you want to write down somewhere and remember. And this, of course, reflections to Sir Henry.

It is generally accepted that Dorian is the main character. Actually his name even sounds in the title. But I believe that it is much more interesting to read not to describe the inner struggle of Dorian, his thinking about sin and about love, envy and hatred to yourself, attitude to the portrait, etc. It is much more interesting to watch Sir Henry. That is the truth of a smart person, soberly reasoning about life and throughout the action of the novel with his caustic phrases. Yes, all women had to fall in love in the forever young and beautiful Doriana, but in Wilded Rett Batler.

Well, so, 7 out of 10

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0 / 0

Daniel Ivanov

Time is forever, but not for everyone.

One of the best ever written books. She not only has a bright, super-standard plot, but also written unusually beautiful and simply gives him to enjoy. The main characters are very diverse and, as it seemed to me, to the end of themselves in themselves some kind of riddle, even though everyone express their thoughts and commit actions, but it remains unacceptable in the character, which gives the right to read the hero and find himself. I read in one day. Do not break off. Just a great book. Then he went to watch the movie and was shocked. The film is terrible. Do not watch the movie, if not read. Although how can I not read it yet?

Useful review?


2 / 0

Ksenia Danilov

I think I re-read and more than once

I read this book rather, I did not sleep until the dawn. Most of all I was struck by how skillfully the author draws the story with aphorism. Some of them are vital, others are very contradictory. Recommend to reading!

Useful review?


« The Picture of Dorian Grey"(English. The Picture of Dorian Gray) is the only published Roman Oscar Wilde. In the genreality, it represents a mixture of a novel of upbringing with moral proverb. There is in two versions - in 13 chapters (1890) and in 20 chapters (1891). Became the most successful work of Wilde, more than 30 times was shielded.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

    1 / 2

    ✪ Oscar Wilde. The Picture of Dorian Grey. Audiobnig

    ✪ Portrait of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde | Summary



The artist Basil Holorior writes a portrait of a young and beautiful Dorian Gray. Having admoved by his image, the young man expresses the desire to make a portrait of Straighten, and he always remained young. Next, he accidentally meets the friend of Basil, Lord Henry, a sarcastic hedonist, despising traditional Victorian values, and falls under the influence of its vicious ideas.

Dorian falls in love with the actress, young beauty Sibil Wayne, but after the dwelt of the play, to which he invited Lord Henry and Basila, he grossly rejects her, because of what she cums with her. Brother Sibil, Sailor James Wayne swear to revenge, and Dorian notices that after this case, the face of the portrait distorted the evil smile, and understands that his desire about "aging instead of the portrait" came true.

Having succumbed to the bad effect of Henry, Dorian is becoming more vicious and depraved, which is reflected in the portrait, but at the same time he retains youth and is still good. Years later, the artist is trying to figure out whether all these terrible rumors are that Doriana walks about Dorian, after which Dorian shows the portrait, and then kills him, since it is he who is guilty to his moral fall.

After the murder, he is beginning to pursue obsessive fears who only increase after a random meeting with James Wein, who dreams of a revenge for the death of the sister. Dorian manages to leave Wayna, convincing him that he confused him with someone else - after all, he still looks young as 18 years ago. However, Wane quickly realizes his mistake, and again begins to look for it, but he dies, being accidentally shot.

Despite the mining danger, Dorian can not find peace, and decides that now will do good. Having made, in his opinion, a good deed - letting the peasant girl who fell in love with him, who did not blame her, he goes to the portrait, hoping that he had become better, but looking at him, he understood that his thoughts had only vanity. Dorian in despair is blunting a knife in a portrait, after which he dies himself.

The servants find an untouched portrait, which depicts a beautiful young man, and next to him - repenting the old man, who stunned a knife in his chest. In the old man, they recognize Dorian Gray.

Main characters

  • Dorian Gray - The young man, endowed with incredible beauty. Finding on the influence of the ideas of the new hedonism preached by Lord Henry, devotes their lives to the thirst for pleasures and vice. This is a dual figure. It combines a subtle esthete and even a romantic and vicious depressor, capable of a crime. These two opposite sides of his character are in constant struggle with each other. This duality of the hero is characteristic of many gothic novels.
  • Basil Holorord - artist who wrote a portrait of Dorian Gray. From other heroes, it is distinguished by the extreme attachment to Dorian Gray, in which he sees the ideal of beauty and man. In other words, he is a loser Guardian Angel Dorian Gray.
  • Lord Henry - Aristocrat, preacher ideas of new hedonism, Prince Paradoxes. Its paradoxical, contradictory thinking is imbued with criticism for all Victorian English society. It is a peculiar Mephistophele for Dorian Gray.
  • Sibila Wayn. - Actress, one of the most amazing images of the novel. Before the meeting with Dorian lived in his fictional world, the world of the theater was a talented actress. Love showed her all the artificiality of her world, where she did not live, but only played. With love in her soul, talent will disappear, since she is trying to escape from the world of illusions into the world of real. But it is precisely this leads to her death.
  • James Wayn. - Brother Sibil, sailor. A man of military gauge, practically lost the meaning of life after Sibil's suicide. It finds a rest in the desire of revenge.

sources of inspiration

According to the genre "Portrait of Dorian Gray" - this cONTE PHILOSOPHIQUE. , Intellectual-allegorical story, so popular in the Epoch of Enlightenment, but written from the standpoint of the decadence of the end of the century. In Dorian Gree, the main hero of the novel, the features of the new Faust are guessed. In the role of Mephistofel, Lord Henry is, it is he who throughout the novel seduces Dorian hearing the ideas of new hedonism, turns the innocent and talented young man in the vicious monster. For the role of Margarita, Sibylla Vane, New Valentine - James Wain. As you know, Faust also received eternal youth from Mephistofel.

The main source of inspiration for Wilde served, apparently, the allegorical novel Balzak "Chaccupy skin". The decadent spirit of the work rises to the fashionable novel of Gyuismans " On the contrary"(1884). Probably this is the book that Lord Henry gives Doriana. The Gothic Roman "Melmotkov" was known to Wilde since childhood, since his author, Charles Robert Metyurin, had to him with a cousin grandfather. It is to "Melmot" and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe mysterious portrait, the prototype of which will not become, and partly the hero, who can afford everything.

Work on the novel. Publication history

The novel was written in just three weeks. For the first time printed in July 1890 in the American "Monthly Lippincott magazine" ( Lippincottt's Monthly Magazine). In April 1891 published in London a separate book, complemented by a special preface, which became the manifesto of aesthetism, as well as six new chapters. Some chapters in the second version are completely recycled.

After the publication of the novel, the scandal broke out in society. The literary establishment condemned him as an immoral work, and some critics demanded it to be banned, and the author of the novel is a trial. Wilde was accused of insulting public morality. However, ordinary readers the novel was adopted enthusiastic.

None of the vices of Dorian Gray in the novel is not named, besides his opium abuse. Wilde himself said that everyone sees his own sins and vices in his hero:

Russian translations

  • 1906 - Translation A. Minthold (Moscow, Bookbook "Grief").
  • 1909 - Translation M. F. Licardopulo under the pseudonym M. Richards. For the collection of works, published as an annex to the magazine "Niva" in the book publishing A. F. Marx edited by K. I. Chukovsky. Collection reissued in 1914. A separate publication Roman reissued in 1928.
  • 1960 - Translation Mary Abkina For the two-volume "Selected Works" (State Publishing House of Artistic Literature). He became a shit and reprinted so far.
  • 1999 - Translation Valeria Chukhno For the publishing house "Eksmo".
  • 2010 - Translation of Anastasia Rodzunova and Major Nemtsova for Eksmo publishing house.


Year Movie title Country of Origin Producer Artist Dorian Gray Note
Dorian Grays Portræt. Denmark Denmark Axel Ström (dates Axel Strøm) Waldemar Psilander (dates. Valdemar Psilander)
THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY USA USA Phillips Smallli (English Phillips Smalley) Wallace Reid (English Wallace Reid)
The Picture of Dorian Grey Russian empire Russian empire Vsevolod Meyerhold Varvara Jnova
THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY USA USA Fred Darrand (Eng. Fred W. Durrant) Henry Victor (Eng. Henry Victor)
Das Bildnis Des Dorian Gray Germany Germany Richard Oswald (Richard Oswald) Bernd Aldor (him. Bernd Aldor)
Az Élet Királya. Hungary Hungary Alfred Deezy (Weng. ALFRÉD DEESY) Norbert Dan (Venge. Norbert Dán) Bela Lugoshi in the role of Lord Henry
The Picture of Dorian Grey USA USA Albert Levin. Hörd Hatfield. Oscar Prize for the best operator work (Harry Stradling)
(film from the television series "Tales of Tomorrow")
USA USA Franklin Sheeffner.
The Picture of Dorian Gray (film from the television series "Armchair Theater") Great Britain Great Britain Charles Jarrtt (English Charles Jarrott) Jeremy Brett (Eng. Jeremy Brett)
The Picture of Dorian Gray (film from the TV series "Golden Showcase") USA USA Paul Bogart (English Paul Bogart) Sean Harrison (English Sean Garrison)
The Picture of Dorian Grey the USSR the USSR Victor Turbin
Nadezhda Marusalova (Ivanovenkova)
Valery Babyatinsky In other roles, Yuri Yakovlev, Alexander Lazarev and others
El Retrato De Dorian Gray (TV series) Mexico Mexico Ernesto Alonso (Span. Ernesto Alonso. ) Enrique Alvares Felix (Span. Enrique Álvarez Félix. )
Portrait of Dorian Gray (Das Bildnis Des Dorian Gray) Great Britain Great Britain
Italy Italy
Massimo Dallamano (ITal. Massimo Dallamano) Helmut Berger
THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY (TVFILM) USA USA Glenn Jordan (English Glenn Jordan) Shane Briant (English SHANE BRIANT)
THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY (film from the month "BBC Play of the Month") Great Britain Great Britain John Gorrie (Eng. John Gorrie) Peter Forth (Eng. Peter Firth)
Le Portrait De Dorian Gray France France Pierre Batron (FR. Pierre Boutron) Patrice Alexander (Fr. Patrice Alexsandre)
El Retrato De Dorian Gray (film from the TV series "Los Libros") Spain Spain Khaima Shavari (Span. Jaime Chávarri. ) Agustin Beckless (Span. Agustín Bescos. )
Sins Dorian Gray USA USA Tony Melam (English Tony Maylam) Belinda Bauer (eng. BELINDA BAUER) Dorian Gray in the women's appearance. Anthony Perkins as Lord Henry
Dorian Gray Im Spiegel Der Boulevardpresse ("The image of Dorian Gray in the yellow press") Ulric Pullinger Filtering: Dorian becomes an international conspiracy tool