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Will 3 world war of expert opinions? Whether the third world will be. Deterioration of relations because of Ukraine

In our turbulent time, when every day there are loud statements of the strengths of this world about building military potential, tensions with neighboring countries, when crises, terrorist attacks, local conflicts have already become almost the norm, people ask themselves the question: will a full-scale third world war?

Now the truth was mixed with fiction, good with evil, science with metaphysics. This led to the fact that even atheist skeptics begin to listen, although it is not always open, to various prophecies.

Here we would like to strudule existing predictions, opinions, forecasts on the topic of the Third World War. And then you already offer readers to make your own conclusions.

Millionaire, unlawful sponsor of "color revolutions", A man with a cunning and mind of the devil himself George Soros, thanks to his intuition, earned a state on speculation on the stock exchanges, reported the inevitability of revenge between East and West.

He means China along with "her secret and explicit ally - Russia" and Japan with South Korea - the US Allies, as well as all countries NATO.

"Then the world will stand on the threshold of a new, nuclear war" .

And he is sure that the victory will be for China. Therefore, at the World Bank meeting, he recommended "Go for concessions to the Chinese government""Allow to make the yuan world currency."

By the way, the head office of the Rothschild Family Foundation (which has long been the creditor's reputation of various unclear schemes, people in different countries, enterprises) was first moved to the other part of the world - namely from New York to Hong Kong. Currently, the gold and colonum reserve, documents moved with him. Is this not indirect indication on the future winner?

Mystics, prophets, clairvoyant

The question will be a nuclear war worth asking for those people (alive or long dead), which have already proven faithfulness of forecasts in other things. For example, Aloiza Irlmayer..

He did them in 1953, in the era of decline of destroyed Germany. And how were the contemporaries of his stories about the rich and attractive for immigrants of the Motherland. Just like "It will be very warm in the world" - Hasome on global warming? "People with Balkans, Africa and East" will arrive in Germany - Current migrants.

He also reported popular German currency, which will sharply depreciate.

After "invading the bear and yellow dragon to fight an eagle from the West. The explosion will destroy Prague. After that, the rulers will finally sit down at the negotiating table. "

Aloiza Irlmayer

It is curious that destroyed by Prague "climate gun", which, in those days (1980s), even no one knew, mentioned another clairvoyant - American Veronica Luchen.

She told about the war between the United States and Russia (while it was in the era of disarmament, the ideas of the Brotherhood, the Nobel Gorbachev's Nobel Prize and other hopes for peaceful coexistence.

Luken called not to believe it.

After graduation, 3 world people will refuse equipment and permitting weapons and "will begin to live a spiritual life, working with a plow on earth."

He predicted the beginning of World War II, fires in Russia and drought in Europe.

Michel Nostradamus composed his predictions in the form of poems. They are a hint of the territory of the Great War - modern Europe. Events will occur from 2040 to 2060.

By the way: Nostradamus has a lot of parallels with the predictions of Alisa Irlmayer. Although the latter did not call a specific start date of the war - "I do not see."

Matrona, the fall of the monarchy in Russia, the Civil and Great Patriotic War, revered by all Orthodox Matrona Moscow predicted.

He spoke about the new war so: it will not be it. But at the same time, "the countries of the East will be redistributed between world powers." During this will fall the price of oil and the ruble will be in the crisis, but then it will increase again. But the European currency will not be destined to become popular as before.

Another Russian psychic, juna, also charges optimism: "Third world will not be. Absolutely sure ".

Putin about the Third World War


Unfortunately, world history is the history of wars. They are like a catalyst for the formation of new countries, discoveries (remember the network of the Internet, originally created as helping military), types of management.

War "raised" future rulers and politicians. Probably, the current age will not be an exception. This is also told about the prophets from the distant past and quite modern world analysts.

When the third world war is started, no one knows. All of them or call different dates or are not called them in principle. Perhaps this is a sign of us about the variability of fate and the existing opportunity to avoid blood shedding.

Write in the comments, what do you think you think? Will the Third World War? Or not?

Many of the prophecies and saints speak of the time of the beginning of the Third World War. True, it should be noted that usually it is not about the year, but about the time of year. However, there are also instructions for the year.

Prediction of Mother Alpius Kiev:
"War will begin on the apostles Peter and Paul. It will happen a year when the corpse will be taken out. "
- July, 12. And in mind, apparently, the removal of Lenin from the Mausoleum.
Prediction of Vladislav (Noiseova)
"War will begin a cut after my holiday (meaning the feast of Seraphim Sarovsky). As soon as the people go from Diveevo, so immediately will begin! And in Diveevo I am not: I am in Moscow. In Diveevo, I, resurrected in Sarov, I will come alive with the king. "

That is, after August 1.
"From the united government, prophecies say, coming events will begin.
From June everything will begin. Run away all the dark night, and we will not have governments. That's how the end of Pseudoromaysky will begin. This prophesied by the Sacred Mosknyk Mockery Etolian. That's how the Turks will get up to us into the gate. War will be nuclear, and so all the waters will become poisoned. And in summer, these events will begin in order to make it easier for people to move difficulties and grief. "

This refers to the beginning of some events in Greece.

Thus, we see that many prophesy about the beginning of the Third World War, but there is no clear indication for the month. But everyone converge on the fact that this summer.
Prediction of Greek nuns (from one attic monastery)
Now I say - that after 2050 there will be an antichrist time.
Who prays about the world now - in vain loses time. The world will not be.

The reasons:

Old man Matthew Verezphensky:
<...> On the resurrection of Russia will be the third world war and it will begin in Yugoslavia. "
- Yugoslavia is no longer, but Serbia was once part of Yugoslavia.

Old man Vladislav (noise)
"The war of Russia with Germany will begin again through Serbia."

Rev. Theodosius (Kashin), the old man of Jerusalem, predicted that the Virgin Mary will protect Russia during the next war. "Was that war? (Second World War - approx. Author). Here is ahead will be war. It will begin with the east. Mystical folk beliefs point at the end of the world when China is raised, his great battle with Russia between Bay and Katuni. And then the enemies will crawl on all sides.

We, Christians, of course, the meaning of symbolism, it is significant to seem significant that the emblem of China is a dragon. The dragon is referred to as angry ancient. No wonder in the Russian people, invariating the confidence that when China rises, there is an end to the world. China will go against Russia, or rather, against the Church of Christ, for the Russian people are a gogonymer. It keeps the true belief of Christ.

The demons will first be divided into Russia, we will weaken it, and then start robbery. The West will help to avoid Russia's destruction and give all the eastern part of it in China. Everyone will assume that with Russia is finished. And then the miracle of God will appear, some extraordinary explosion will be, and Russia will be reborn again, albeit in small sizes. The Lord and the preparing the Virgin will preserve Russia. "

Faofan Poltavsky
"Was that war (the great domestic)? That will be war. And then from all sides, Yako Prusi (locust), will crawl enemies to Russia. That will be war! "

Old man Vladislav (noise)
"There will be such a war in Russia: from the West - Germans, and from the East - the Chinese!
South Half China will be flooded with the waters of the Indian Ocean. And then the Chinese will reach the city of Chelyabinsk. Russia is united with Mongols and follow them back.
When China goes to us, then there will be war. But after the Chinese conquer in Chelyabinsk, the Lord will pay them in Orthodoxy.
Russia's war with Germany will begin again through Serbia.
Everything will be in the fire! ... Sorrow is broken, but Russia will not perish in fire.
Belarus will suffer greatly. Only then, Belarus will unite with Russia ... But Ukraine will not unite with us at the same time; And then there will be a lot of lot!
Turks will fight again with the Greeks. Russia will help the Greeks. "

Regarding the unification with Mongolia and the appeal of the Chinese in Orthodoxy, it is possible to doubt. Maybe there will be an association with India?

Igumen Guri.
"He said that he would soon be war. The service has already begun to cut. God tolerates, tolerates, and then how shaggy, and the cities will fall (Moscow, Peter ...). First there will be a civil war. All believers will take away, and then the bloodshed will begin. My God will save, and reluctant will remove. Then China will attack and reaches the Urals. 4 million Russian warriors will die for the mate (foul language) »

Older Vissarion (Optina Desert)
"In Russia, something like the state coup will happen. In the same year, the Chinese will attack. They will reach the Urals. Then there will be an association of Russians according to the Orthodox principle ... "

Old man of Paisius Svyatogorets
"The Middle East will become the arena of wars in which Russians will take part. There will be a lot of blood, and even the Chinese will switch the Euphrates River, having 200,000,000 army, and reach Jerusalem. "
Athos old man of George.
"Turkey will allow American vessels and aircraft to enter its straits and airspace to inflict strikes in Russia. From this point on, the countdown for Turkey will begin ...

In the north, Russian will invade Scandinavia countries - Finland, Sweden, Norway and will conquer them. This will happen because, although these countries will formally store neutrality, it is from their territory a first serious blow to Russia will be deposited, the victims of which civilians will be. "
- Participants: China, USA, Europe, Turkey, Russia (CIS countries)

Victims and outcome of war:
Joseph Watopedsky
"It will be for them the main obstacle to world domination. And they will shut the Turks after all to come here to Greece to start their actions, and Greece, even though she has a government, actually does not have the government as such. It does not have strength, and the Turks will come here. It will be the moment when Russia also moves its strength to discard the Turks. Events will develop so: when Russia goes to the help of Greece, Americans and NATO will try to prevent this so that there are no reunion, the mergers of the two Orthodox peoples. Other forces, such as the Japanese and others, will be reached. On the territory of the former Byzantine Empire will be a big partious. Only the dead will be about 600 million people. The Vatican will be very involved in all this in order to prevent an increase in the role of Orthodoxy and such reunification. It will be the time of complete destruction of the Vatican influence to the very foundation. So the fishery of God will turn. "

Prophecies Methodius Patarovsky
In the ancient Byzantine prophecies we find the following place speaking of the "Battle of the former Byzantine Empire", which has not yet been ", in which many nations will participate:" The human blood flows the river, so that the departure of the sea will grumble blood . Then the ec is leaving the stone dry illegal. "

Prophecies of the Saint Clamp of Etolian
"After the war, people will run a half-hour way to find a person and make it [their] brother; Happy who will live after the universal war. It will be a silver spoon. "

Old man Matthew Verephensky
"This world war, perhaps the whole of the new world order against Russia will be terrible in their consequences for humanity, carrying billions of lives. The reason for her will be pain recognizable - Serbia.<...> On the resurrection of Russia will be the third world war and it will begin in Yugoslavia. Russia will remain the winner, the Russian kingdom, which will be able to establish a durable world and prosperity after the war, although it will not conquer most of the lands of their opponents. "

Probably the elder meant not billions, but millions of lives.

Prep. Seraphim Veritsky
"Many countries will run to Russia, but it will be, losing most of their lands."

About the coming Russian king
Faofan Poltavsky.
"In recent times there will be a monarchy in Russia. This will cause a hostile reaction worldwide. Enemies will crawl into Russia as a locust "

Monk Gabriel, from Bosnyan Monastery (Serbia)
"Our king will be from the genus Nemanthich on the female line. He is already born and lives in Russia.
The elder described how it will look. High, blue eyes, blonde hair, pleasant appearance, with a mole on her face. He will be the right hand of the Russian king.

I heard himself from another source, from another monk, believe me 100%, the Russian king will call Mikhail, and our Andrei. "

After reading these and many other prophecies, we can already make certain conclusions about the upcoming events. Although it is impossible to forget that not all prophecies walking over the network are true. There are distortion, mistakes, and, as it seems, many events in the providen representation as it were compressed. After all, many say that it is possible to "live before the Antichrist" at the same time there were no more events that can stretch for many decades or even a century.

It seems revealing and trusting the interpretation of the Revelation of John the Theologian, set out on the site where is invited to consider the image of the opening of seven seals, as seven global periods of 70 years. And according to this interpretation, we now live during the opening of the print of the print, which ends in 2054, when the period described as the rider's outlet named "Death". It is very similar to the beginning of the Third World War.
It is also noteworthy that according to many instructions, before the war itself there will be the resurrection of Seraphim Sarovsky and the election of the king in Russia. It should be assumed that these two events are practically interrelated.
In 2053m there will be the 150th anniversary of the glorification of Seraphim of Sarovsky in the face of saints, and it is said: "I am in Diveevo, resurrected in Sarov, I will come alive with the king." Thus, the king will not escape people, but the Lord. As the old man said Nikolai (Guryanov): "The king, whom the Lord brings the Russian people" - and we will add - through Seraphim of Sarovsky.

I would also like to draw attention to the prediction of the state coup before the war and the arrival of the king, which the old man Vissarion speaks from the optical desert: ("Something like the state coup will happen in Russia. In the same year, the Chinese will attack").
It should be assumed that it will be a similarity of troubled time. Or some patriotic forces will take power in the country because of the obvious mortality of the path that the power "Democratic" will go.
I still have to say that the image of the opening of the third printing, which is described by the current period, indicates the rise in price of food.
It comes out "Horseforn, and on it a rider who has a measure in his hand. And I heard the voice in the middle of four animals, saying: Chinite wheat for a dinarium, and three chinite barley for a dinarium; Lucky and wines do not damage "(Rev. 6: 5, 6).
In prophecies, we also meet the indication that before the war will be cards and hunger.

Vladislav (noise)
"In Moscow, cards will be introduced, and then - hunger"
Rev. Bishop of Sissing and Satittsi Father Anthony
"The grief will begin with events in Syria. When terrible events go there, start prays, it praises greatly. From there, everything will start from Syria !!! After them, wait grief and we, hunger and grief. "
Schirchimandrit Christopher
"There will be a terrible hunger, then the war, it will be very short, and after the war there will be very few people."

Many predictions suggest that the war will begin through Serbia. And we have no reason to trust this. At the same time, we have the predictions of the Greeks on the attack of the Turks to Greece. And about the fact that the Russian army will come and take Konstantinople in response to this aggression. The Russian army will take Konstantinopol for a long time, and this tradition is preserved both in the Greeks and the Turks.
It is known that the enemies will go on Russia from all sides, and China will be the most dangerous enemy. However, the battle for Constantinople is, as it seems, it seems extremely important.
The elder Martin Zadek (1769) "Constantinople will be taken by Christians without the most powerful bloodshed. Internal rebellion, inter part and inconsistent anxiety Turkish state will break off; Hunger and Mor will be the end of this disaster; They themselves will die as a pity. Turks will lose all their lands in Europe and will be forced to retire to Asia, Tunisia, Fetz and Morocco "

Prediction of Greek nuns (from one attic monastery)
"Do not hide you and not get away from your worst enemy - Turka! They will attack and capture your islands! No longer this will happen. Because the fire is waiting for them. Fire from the Russian fleet. From the Russian Fleet and on their part.
Holds them this fire and will not know where to run and where to hide. All that they did so many centuries to you - everything will be paid. Such is the fee. "

Because of the troubles that began all over the world, the Turks will attack and capture the Greek Islands. In addition, Turkey will skip American ships, which will hit Russia.

Amerata George (Greece, conversation 2009): "Turkey will allow American ships and aircraft to enter its straits and airspace to inflict strikes in Russia. This moment will begin the countdown for Turkey .... In Turkey, a dictatorship will be established, and at the same time they will raise the rebellion of the Kurd. "

Apparently, Constantinople will take us without much difficulties. Both due to the surprise and because of the internal problems in Turkey itself, and its involvement in the war with Greece. What is interesting, unlike most predictors who simply talk about the war with China, the old man of George (if this prediction is reliable), predicts almost the entire course of the fighting. And it claims that China at first will act almost an ally of Russia, and will enter the war treacherously and only at some stage.
After the capture of Constantinople, the Russian army, Western countries will unite to expel Russian from Byzantium. Some prophets talk about the coalition of six countries, others - about the military of 18 nations. And there will be a three-day mutual extermination that will be stopped by voice from the sky, and the call to the Greeks to elect a king of some pious inhabitant - John. After that, Constantinople will be given to the Greeks.

The inscription on the tomb of Konstantin the Great: "Blond-haired genus with the assistants, his Broadcasting of Ismail will be victorious and sevenholm [Constantinople] with special advantages [in it] will receive. Then the brutal internecine brand will begin, [lasting] to the fifth hour. And a triple voice will sound; "Stay, stop with fear! And, having hurried to the gum, they will gain her husband there, truly wondrous and strong. This will be your ruler, for he is kind to me, and you, accepting it, will fulfill my will. "
Kutlumushovskaya manuscript: "17) Fighting seven powers for Constantinople. A thirteen mutually content. The victory of the strongest power over six other;

18) Union of six powers against the winner; new thirteen mutually content;

19) Termination of hostility of God's intervention in the face of Angel and the transfer of Constantinople by Ellinam "
From this prophecy, it can be concluded that the capture of Constantinople will not be so easy ("thirteen mutual content")

The prophecy of the Methodius of Patar: "And the fair-haired genus will own the sevenholmium of five to six [months]. And the potions will be put in it, and many of them will be destroyed for the saints. And will dominate the east predetermined three [term?], And after this, some kind of self-teleste, and for him, a fierce wolf ... And they will come to the confusion of saddles, that on the northern side, and will move with the force and fury and the greatness, and They are divided into four bosses, and the first calls near Ephesus, the second - near melagia, the third - near Pergamum, the fourth - near Vhyphony. Then peoples inhabiting in the southern country will be rebeling, and the Philip is the Great with eighteen tribes, and they will be glad to sevenholmia, and will begin the battle, as it was not yet, and it will rush inside the gates and the passages of him, and the human blood flows the river, so the deep Sea climbs from blood. Then the ox is terrified and the stone is dry illegal. Then the horses will be and heard the voice from heaven: "Stop! Stop! Peace to you! Pretty ignition is wrong and indecent! Severe sevenholmia's gums country, and you will find a husband standing near two pillars in the humility of a great, light-like and righteous, ending the great poverty, harsh down, but the spirit of meek "... and the commandment from the angel will be erected:" Put it to the king and put the sword In his desk, he with the words: "Stray, John! We strengthen and defeat their sacuosts." And, having accepted the sword from Angel, the Ismailian, Ethiopians and any kind of kind are wrong. They will be divided with it with the Ismailians into three parts, and the part of the first sword will kill, part the second will discoverate, part third, which in the east, will conquer. And upon returning it [from the East], the treasures of the earth will be rejected, and everything will be enriched, and they will not have a beggar, and the earth will give "

Of this prophecy, it is not entirely clear: and if the "fair-haired genus" is Russian, it is not entirely clear that they denote the "northern peoples" who will come into motion. In any case, the Christian faith will be restored in Constantinople and is given to the German Greek King - John, edit which will be 2-3 decades. And it will be the time of the last heyday, and the spread of Orthodox faith throughout the Earth.

Andrei Jurovy: "And there will be a world on the likeness of the world, former in the days of Noah, because they will not be more fighting. And because there will be no war on Earth, spread their swords on plows, sickles and [other] agricultural tools. And the face of His face will turn to the east and smirrites the sons of Agari, because the Lord Jesus Christ is pregnant for them for lawlessness Sodomskoe, which they are doing. Of these, many will accept the holy baptism and at the pious king of the one in honor will be, others it will destroy, will burn fire and [any other] violent death will betray. In those days, everything will be restored, and Illirin [will become part of the Power] Romeyev, and Egypt will acquire their gates. And it will be imposed [the king] to his despondent on the surrounding peoples, and will conquer a fair-haired genus, and the haters will defeat their own. And the kingdom will keep for thirty-two years, the seas and gifts will not be charged for twelve years. It will restore the ruined treasury and the saints of the saints will rebuild. It will not be in those days neither litigation, nor the face [royal] all the earth will be afraid, and all the sons of human will punish him from fear to be chaste, and among the nobles of his every lawmaker destroy ... Then the joy and fun will come , and many products from the earth and the sea will occur. And it will be, as it was in the days of Noah's days ... When the dominion of His blowjob, the beginning of evils will come. "
Paisius Svyatogorets: "A great war between Russian and Europeans will occur in Constantinople, and a lot of blood will be shed. Greece will not play a primary role in this war, but it will be given to Konstantinople, not because the Russians will be aventh, but because there is no better decision, and agree together with Greece, and there will be difficult circumstances. The Greek army will not have time to go there as the city will be given to it. "

The duration of war.
There are prophecies telling that the war will be heavy, but not long.
"St. Mospace Etality predicted the Third World War. He described her short and terrible, that it will begin on the territory of Dolmation (Serbia) "
Schirchimandrite Christopher said that there would be a war, hunger terrible throughout the land, not only in Russia. ... "There will be a third world war for extermination, there will be very few people on Earth. Russia will become the center of war, the war is very fast, rocket, after which everything will be poisoned by several meters to the ground. And to the one who remains alive, it will be very hard, because the earth will not be able to give birth. How China goes, so everything will begin ... "And he also spoke another time:" War will be short, but after all, many will be saved, and if not, no one will be saved "

If we take the basis of the assumption that the war will begin in 2053m - or 2054m, it is very interesting to prediction, known as Kutlumushian manuscript, dated 1053 (found in the Kutlumush monastery on the Holy Mountain). It contains predictions, some of which came true, and part - refers to the coming events. Starting from the 15th prophecy describes events that have not yet come true, for example, the battle of seven states for Constantinople. But we will pay your attention to the last - 24th prophecy:
"24. At the fifty-fifth year - the end of sorrow. In the seventh [Summer] there is no Okyanny, no exile, for he returned to the embrace of the mother [about the children of his funny]. Sieu will be, this will make it. Amen. Amen. Amen". It looks very similar to 2055, which will become the year of graduation with a short but fighter world war. Thus, it can be assumed that the war, starting in the summer of 2053, will end in 2055.
Paisius Svyatogorets: "- Know that Turkey will fall apart. There will be a war two and a half years. We will be the winners, because we are Orthodox.
- Heronta, will we get damage in war?
- E, at most, one or two islands will take, and Constantinople will be given. See you see! "

The phobia of the Third World War is one of the most common on Earth. And the fears of earthlings are far away. The opposition of the world's leading powers is approaching a critical point. There are local conflicts, threatening to grow into a global war. Sufficiently small sparks to gave all the planet. The hottest point is Syria, where everyone is fighting against everyone. And there is still Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Ukraine ... The prophets and clairvoyant from ancient times before modernity predicted a terrible war, which bears the death of all mankind. And she began, according to them, should be in the XXI century.

Revelation of Horatio Wilgasa

Portuguese psychic and Mystic Horatio Wielegas back in 2015 predicted Donald Trump's victory at the coming presidential election. At the same time he warned that the new US president would be the "king of the Illuminati" and "bring the third world war to the world." At that time, he had few people believed: political scientists and other knowledgeable people believed that the red eccentric billionaire had too little chance to win the presidential race. However, this happened, and Senor Wielgas overnight became a celebrity. Now every word of his word began to catch with his determined attention. And the new prophecy did not make himself wait. Working on the deciphering of the Katren of Nostradamus, the extrasens once saw a dream with a multitude of running people under the hail of fiery balls, which fell from heaven. And he decided that this was a sign of over, foreshadowing the inevitability of a new devastating war, which would most likely be atomic. Her precursor was a recent US missile blow on the Syrian Air Base.

Russia is already drawn into this war through Syria, as well as China will be drawn by North Korea, "said Villegades to journalists for the EXPRESS edition. He identified Bashar Assad with Mabus - a man who will bring great harm to the world and the appearance of which Nostradamus warned on Earth.

One of the possible days of the beginning of the third world war, Wielegas called on May 13 of this year. It was on this day that, 100 years ago, Virgo Maria was children near the Portuguese city of Fatima. Then she reported to the inhabitants that the first world ends and the soldiers will soon return home. And the last time they saw in this area on October 13, 1917. Based on this, the most explosive period of psychics considers half a year between May 13 and October 13. At this time, a big war may begin, which "will end with huge devastation, grief and death." Although Wielegas assures that she will last long and end until the end of the year, but it is not easier for people.

Ominous prophecies

Prophecies about the Third Terrible War, threatening the death of all mankind, are known from ancient times.

Saint Columbus (521-597) predicted many events of the future: the attack of the Vikings in Ireland, the Anglo-Norman invasion in 1169, the uprising of the Irish in 1641, the Great Potato Hunger of 1845-1850, the invention of the railways ... He is a prepress Three signs will be given by the Third World War British: Tower will light up - the fortress of the Great Kings, the fire will begin at the shipyard of Gaelov, the treasury will burn, where gold is stored. Two prophecies have come true: October 31, 1841 there was a fire in Tower, artillery warehouses and museum exhibits burned; The fortress and during the raid of German aircraft on London, lights up; And in September 1940, shipbuilding shipyard caught fire during the bombing. It remains to wait for the third prediction. Perhaps it will be a fire in one of London banks.

Monk Gapidan, clairvoyant from the Swiss city of St. Gallenz, about 1080 told Pathera Bartolomeus about the three great Vains of the Future. Moreover, the latter will begin when a new star appears on the sky, which will light up "under the sign of the heavenly crown."

Matthias Lange (1753-1820), a simple Bavarian shepherd, also known as Stormbherger (stormberger), prophesied: "And after the second Great Battle of Peoples, the third universal burnt is finite, which will complete. There will be an unprecedented weapon. In one day, so many people will die as for all previous wars combined. Battles will be carried out using artificial rifles. Scary disasters will occur in those times. And the peoples of the world in these disasters will be involved not by chance. They will not be able to realize what is happening, and those who will understand and say, will make silence. Everything changes and becomes completely different than it was before, and many places on Earth will turn into huge cemeteries. The Third World War will put an end to the many states. "

18 years of war

But what predicted about the Third World War in 1846, an unknown monk from the abode of La Saltte (France): "The world after will be very fragile. The Earth will tremble due to multiple shocks, the seasons will change their natural character. For half a century there will be three great. After much suffering, it is even more terrible when the great cycle will be updated. Then 18 years of wars and destruction. Evil spirits will cause strange phenomena on earth to life and throw humanity in the bunch of fear. People will not understand what is happening. Thrust, for the Lord is going to give you into the hands of your enemies. Finally, Beach, earthly and heaven will come to the ground, for the kingdom, which lies in the ground of the Moon. Gallic Babylon will be destroyed in a huge fijar. Marseille will drive the flood. The seven-headed city, more magnificent than Jerusalem, will become desert. Many land places will turn into huge cemeteries. Everyone will fight for the truth, and everyone will assume that he protects his house, his country. The Land zadrocks to its foundation, when the Lord wants to interrupt bloodshed. The war will drop by itself, but people in Europe will become so little that it will be possible to go all day and not to meet anyone. "

But the prediction of Gregory Rasputin: "Three hungry snakes will crawl along the roads, leaving the ashes and smoke, they have one house - and this is a sword, and they have one law - violence, but, dragged humanity through dust and blood, they themselves Perished from the sword. " The first two snakes have already crawled through long-suffering Europe. This is the first and second world wars, another snake remains - the third, the most terrible.

The blinding clairvoyant Wang also talked about the Global War at the beginning of the XXI century. It will begin with the "Fall of Syria", then reinfect Europe, where the large-scale battle between Christian and Muslim worlds is becoming. True, according to the Great Providian, this war will go without the use of nuclear weapons, and there is hope for its positive outcome. Allegedly from Russia will come by a certain "Teaching of the White Brotherhood", and after that the world will begin to recover.

Universal Kirdyk from the planet x

However, the end of the world can come without a nuclear war. The American scientist David MID said that the Earth would be completely destroyed by a collision with another planet in October 2017. He outlined his point of view in the work of Planet X: The 2017 Arrival, published in September last year.

According to the calculations of the scientist, in September 2017, the planet X will pass through the constellation of the Virgin, and on October 5th will completely close the sun. The signs of the future destruction of the Earth are already noticeable, the world elite is well aware of the threat and build bunkers in case of the Apocalypse, and ordinary people hold in the abnormality.

That is, again we are frightened by this notorious Nibiru, which was supposed to destroy the land back in December 2012. NASA specialists have repeatedly performed with the criticism of the very idea of \u200b\u200bthe existence of this ominous planet, but her ghost reappears on the pages of the yellow press and on the Internet.

The future is declassified!

Matthew Barrowz, former analyst of the CIA, in 2014 issued a book called "Future: declassified. What will be the world in 2030, "which predicts how our reality will change. Contrary to the sinister prophecies, he believes that the Third World War will not be. As the main reason, the author calls Military Excellence of the United States over all other states. The second reason is that a big war leans the development of countries and peoples back, and everyone understands. Democratic regimes are not inclined to fight with each other. But much depends on the position of China, as well as Russia, which Barrowz calls a potentially unstable region.

In our turbulent time, when the news line brings us all new information about events in Ukraine, Syria or DPRK, the question arises more and more often: "Will the 3rd World War in 2019?" Particularly noticeably, this terrible event was after the recent bombers of the United States, France and the UK on Syria.

And all this happens against the background of cooling relations between the two largest powers of the world - Russia and the United States. The leaders of these states are no longer constrained in expressions.

Why it all started

The opinion of experts in this issue was separated. Some believe that the deterioration of relations between the United States and Russia began with Munich V. Putin's Munich. Then he condemned the American authorities in unleashing conflicts around the world. In 2007, Russian President said that the Russian Federation is no longer a weak state and therefore disagree with a unipolar world. He also noticed that the Russian state would not continue to endure when several leading powers were unreasonably used against other countries to solve their geopolitical tasks.

At the same time, V. Putin called the policies of European states puppet. Many experts called our leader's speech by the beginning of the new "Cold War".

Journalist P. Brooks from America at that time wrote that I needed to thank Mr. Putin. Now you can not doubt the intentions of Russia. Everything became extremely clear - "Russian Bear" decided to return.

Deterioration of relations because of Ukraine

In 2014, Russia attached the Crimea. Thus, according to some political scientists, Russia violated its international obligations and existing world order. This led to a new turn of the deterioration of relations with the West. The Crimean speech of V. Putin again compared with the Munich performance. In it, the Russian President said that Russia would always defend the Russian-speaking population, wherever it was. It was regarded in Western countries as a new threat. NATO countries have become.

After that, Russia has held the liberation movement. Comprehensive assistance was provided to the new republics, including military. It was even more angry US and Europe. We went to the course of sanction against Russia. They were tied to Minsk agreements to resolve the situation in Ukraine.

Further exacerbation with the West

Further, in 2014, V. Putin's Valdai speech was held, where he stated in the open one that the Russian Bear would not give to Taiga. At the same time, he noticed that some in the world was trying to plant a bear on the chain, but it would never be.

Every year, the tensions between Russia and Western countries aggravated with the new force. Russia does not cease to show the world that it is no longer a weak state and should be considered with it. In the first decade of the two thousandths of the Russian Federation had enormous income from the sale of oil and gas. The countries of Europe in the energy plan began to depend on it. At the same time, arms upgrades occurred. Russia began to supply weapons in large volumes to other countries, such as:

  • Saudi Arabia;
  • Syria;
  • Iran et al.

Against this background, the war with Georgia occurred, as a result of which Abkhazia and South Ossetia, dependent on Moscow appeared.

In general, the United States and NATO countries realized that the Russian Federation was not going to surrender, and clearly stands for a lot of polar world, against the American dictate to other states.

According to the Russian leader, the monopoly management of the world does not lead to anything good. There are enough states in the world that also have the right to participate in global affairs. Their industrial potential will be comparable to America and the EU:

GDP of the Union of BRIC Exceeds the GDP of the European Union
GDP of China and India Exceeds US GDP

Flooring to the limit

The United States, together with Western partners, do not want to reckon with the point of view of Russia. They are also not satisfied with the rapidly developing China. Five years have shown that points of contact with the Russian Federation are less and less. Russia, which took the active participation in the nineties in Iran's nuclear program, continues to maintain this mode. It remained quite a lot to make rockets with nuclear warheads in this state. If Russia helps this country, then this is fraught with the exacerbation of tensions with Israel.

The Russian Federation also supports the North Korean regime. The leadership of this country is constantly threatened by Japan and the United States. Unstable at the Korean Peninsula may cause a difficult situation throughout the region, including:

  • Russia;
  • South Korea;
  • China;
  • and Japan.

Completed the relationship with the West and the intervention of Russia in the election of the United States, Germany and France.

The latter drop of patience was the incident with the Family of Clay in Salisbury. Father and daughter were poisoned by a chemical of unknown origin. Although, Western experts are confident that this is the matter of Russia. The European public is not a joke to be alarmed by the fact that in Europe it can easily get a harmful neuro-paralytic gas that is prohibited in the world. Its impact can create a threat to a large number of people.

In connection with the latest events, Western countries are also going to impose new sanctions on Russia.

The danger of world war due to Syria

As is known in this country for several years there is a civil war. Government troops supported Russia, and the forces of the opposition - the West countries. To suppress the enemy forces, the Syrian army has repeatedly used the chemical weapons. The last use of it in the Duma caused the anger of the world community. The President of the United States called the leader of this country to "Animals", which does not regret the peaceful population and poison their chemicals. In order to prevent violations of the elementary human rights to life, the countries of the West have been punctured rocket strikes in the manufacture and development of chemicals.

Russia regarding the upcoming exacerbation of the situation in Syria announced the convening of the UN Security Council. She tried to urge the leaders of the world's world's leaders not to rush to air strikes, but to deal with the current situation. Russian specialists believe that there was no chemical attack, but there was a drainage of the desired result. An agreement was reached with the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons, which she will arrive in the city of Duma and conduct a thorough investigation. However, the coalition of Western countries did not wait and hit Syria.

At this time, the world hid his breath in anticipation of something terrible. After all, the opposition of the Armed Forces of Russia and the United States and the Allies could face this. Thus, Wangi's predictions could accommodate the beginning of the third world war. The predictor before his death said that between the Russian Federation and the United States will confront, which will end the global war. In his forecast, she clearly said that world war would happen when Syria fell.

Putin's answer

The President of Russia severely condemned the act of a missing shelling of Syria, which occurred in violation of all rules of the world community. There was no vote in the UN. The actions of the United States, Great Britain and France were not even discussed in the parliaments of these states. The Russian state in the face of V. Putin expressed concern about the breakdown of the rights of the sovereign state. V. Putin called missile strikes against Syria a crime against humanity.

What do historians say

Everyone who remembers the Caribbean crisis of 1962, holds a parallel between him and the current missile strike in Syria. How and 56 years ago, the world was on the verge of a nuclear war. For pure randomness, the military personnel of the Russian army was not affected. How to know maybe if this happened, a military confrontation between Russia and the United States began. What it can end, knows one God.

At the same time, the President of the United States stated that this is not the last shelling of the Syrian territory. In addition, the authorities of America have already announced new sanctions against the Russian Federation for the support of the Assad's narrow-native regime.

No one with accuracy can say to what extent the relationship between the United States and Russia will be sharpened. God forbid that everything ended with the world and negotiations in 2019.

In general, in 2019 there remains a mass of foci of tension, which can grow into a large-scale war:

  • Ukraine;
  • Syria;
  • DPRK;
  • Iran - Israel.

Few people will argue with the fact that we live in such a turbulent time that the thoughts of a pension seem to many funny joke - no one is taken to make it even for one year, not the fact that for several decades. Monthly news reports talk about the terrible events that occur in the world: the clashes of refugees and the local population in Europe, conflicts on national and religious grounds, the emergence of foci of fighting and the atrocities of terrorists have long been surprised by anyone.

Horror became a given, which accompanies a modern person daily: to school, to work, to the hospital. News on nuclear developments of the DPRK and not the most stable leadership of his opponents - the United States of America, adding this horror even more, forcing it to constantly live in the fear of the new armed conflict, in which, one way or another, will be drawn the whole world and which, in turn, It may well lead to a nuclear catastrophe.

Now, in 2018, the world stands on the verge of third world war even more than in the times of the Caribbean crisis. Will 3 world war? Will the countries agree or it is worth expecting the occurrence of a full-scale military conflict - we will tell about this and many other things below

In the light of the last political events, when a fratricidal war began between two once friendly peoples, the opinions began to spread, that this is the beginning of a new world conflict, which will be involved in all countries of the world.

This is explained, first of all, the fact that Ukraine, according to some analysts, is only a platform on which the United States is trying to find out relations with Russia, so it is natural that in the case of which the states will support Ukraine not only in a word, but also. Following the United States, their troops will be pulled out and a number of European countries, which, although they will not have a lot of desire to interfere in other people's "disassembly", but will be broken by the influence of America.

Another option for the development of events, which can provoke the beginning of the Third World War, is the complaint of the DPRK on the status of a nuclear power, followed by accession to the nuclear club.

Opponents of Koreans in this war are Americans (which is not particularly surprising, so they are against the small countries to have at least some, but influence on the events occurring in the world). For a long time, the experts believed that the words of the ruler of North Korea on the development of nuclear weapons are bluff, however, the latter tests have shown that the DPRK was still getting a nuclear arsenal.

Of course, its reserves are incomparably less than the number of warheads in the US, Russia or another country participating in the nuclear club, but are sufficient to "defeat" the territory of the adjacent South Korea and Japan, and if you need to "hook" some territory of China. However, if "Yazhnes" really have something to be afraid, China and Japan will hardly become a direct enemy of the DPRK, since the purpose of Northerners is invariably the United States.

As for the well-known predictions relating to the onset of the Third World War, here are clairvoyants say the following:

  • There is no information in the decrypted Katrenins of Nostradamus, which would indicate the emergence of a "big war". And this is despite the fact that it is known about his vision of the "two great wars", which "flood ground" and "will take millions of lives." It is possible that such a prediction is hidden in unuscharged texts, but it no longer has much importance.
  • The Great Bulgarian Providian Wang also, on the contrary, believed that the Third World War would begin with a military conflict in Asia, and Russia would take an active part in it. According to experts who are engaged in the interpretation of the prophecies of clairvoyant, we can talk about Syria and its conflict with the Islamic state banned in many countries. No wonder than Vanga's predictions said: "Russia will fall, if Syria is falling." Perhaps it is for this reason that the Russian Federation is so interested in the liberation of the Syrian people and preserving the status of a free state for this country.

  • The famous astrologer Pavel Globa suggests that there is no reason to think about what any conflict may arise, since there is a nuclear weapon on guard. But here the globa comes to the question rather from a rational point of view, rather than astrological. Many analysts agree that the third world will become the last war of humanity, and no one is interested in the destruction of civilization.
  • Some psychics, such as Vlad Ross, believe that the Third World War has already begun, but it began in the hearts and minds of people who rose to self-destruction. It adheres to this opinion and Kazakhstan's clairvoyant Vera Lyon, according to which the antichrist has already appeared on Earth, so the beginning of the third world war is only the question of time - the prerequisites have long appeared and people have no longer able to avoid death.

Will the war in the Russian Federation

As for the war, in which Russia will participate, here it should be noted here that in the case of any full-scale conflict, in which countries close to Russia or profitable partners will be involved, the Government of the Russian Federation will not be able to stand aside, and involves troops to participate In combat actions, in order to protect friendly states. So it was from Serbia in 1994, it was in Georgia in 2008, it was in Syria.

But so far it has not happened, according to the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, the country will avoid any provocations and will answer aggressively only if the enemies will encroach the borders. The answer will be "symmetrical."

Therefore, you should not be afraid that in 2018 the war will begin with the participation of Russia. If some conflict arises, it will begin in the east and not the fact that Russia's participation will be necessary. Of course, America and European countries will try to tighten the Russian Federation into a military confrontation in order to resolve the long-standing disputes and "to reduce scores", but before that long - behind our governments, which trusts their "leaders".

Hardly Russia is again ready to sacrifice with his sons in order to doubt his ambitions. We lost too much in that war, and in the end:

"Will Russian wars want?

Ask you in silence.

Ask those soldiers

That under the birch is lying.

And they will answer their sons,

Whether Russian wars want. "

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