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Cherry garden plan. A.P. Chekhov "Cherry Sad": description, heroes, analysis of the play. Cherry growing - Earnings from her garden

Class: 11 Class

Subject: Literature

Topic of the lesson: Features of the drama Chekhov

The objectives of the lesson: to tell about Chekhov-playwright, give an idea of \u200b\u200bsome especially Chekhov drama: to identify the initial impression of the play "Cherry Garden".

During the classes

  1. Teacher's introductory word.

Story - The main literary genre of Chekhov. In numerous stories, the writer managed to reflect the complexity of the life of the "Epoch of Strongness", with her digestion and sorting workers, and typical sentiment of representatives of the intelligentsia.

In parallel with the stories and stories of Chekhov worked on drams. The dramatic form allowed for several acts to tell about the fate of several characters, show a multifaceted picture of life. Chief thesis of Chekhov: "Let everything be on the stage will be as difficult and at the same time just as in life. People dine, and at this time their happiness is being made and smashed life. "

Piece "Ivanov" (1887), the comedy "Leshe" (1889) at the first appearance in the theater aroused disputes. On stage, just people who were tangled, disappointed in life. "... Tired, I do not believe in the idleness I spend the days about the night. Neither the brain, no hands, no legs, are not listening, "Where is this Slavs, which has become with my nerves" - that's what Ivanov talks about himself.

The best dramas of Chekhov Criticism considers the following: "Seagull" (1896), "Uncle Vanya" (1897), "Three sisters" (1901), "Cherry Garden" (1903). The main topic is an image of the fate of a virtual intelligentsia deprived of any interesting life prospects.

  1. Explanation of a new material.

The main features of innovation of Chekhov drama

There is no division on the main and secondary acting persons: there is no division of an act on phenomena, "underwater flow", i.e. the presence of text and subtext as two levels of reality: domestic, concrete, clear and spiritual, deep hidden. The interaction of the text and the subtext creates a feeling of underwater flow, the feeling of the duality of human existence. This builds a muted conflict. Dialogues and monologues are connected with this. Heroes often "do not hear each other." Allegoryrs and the missing "present" in the conversations of heroes.

  1. Work on the content of the Pieces "Cherry Garden" (1903).

Posted on the scene of the Moscow Art Theater in the same year. Clarification of the initial impression of the play, heroes.

  1. Reading on roles I act.


Prepare the report "A.P. Chekhov and Moscow Art Theater "


Teacher: Odar Urana Anatolyevna

Class: 11 Class

Subject: Literature

Theme of the lesson: "Cherry Sad": history of creation, genre, image system. The destruction of the noble nest.

Objectives of the lesson: deepen the presentation of students about the play Chekhov; Consider the main conflict, the principles of grouping actors, genre and composite originality.

During the classes

  1. Teacher's introductory word.

"The Cherry Orchard" - The final play of A. P. Chekhov, a play about the motherland, the genuine and imaginary owners of the Russian Earth, about the close renewal of Russia.

About the plot.

The plot is based on the sale of the noble manor, the playwright spoke in the play about the fate of three public groups: nobility. Bourgeoisie and intelligentsia.

About the composition.

Interesting composition play:

1. The first act is hope for the salvation of the manor. Lyrical memories, gentle meetings.

2. The second act is nervousness, sobering. Approach trades.

3. The third act - heroes in confusion, are waiting for the decision of fate. Premonitions are justified - the cherry garden is sold for debts.

4. The fourth act is parting with the past, departure, farewell.

II. Explanation of a new material.

  1. The originality of the conflict.

External, consumer conflict - the struggle for the cherry garden; Internal conflict - the life of life with all the characters, the feeling of ambulance.

  1. Principles of grouping actors.

The main actors in the "Cherry Garden" - fourteen, in addition, there are heroes that do not appear on the stage, but we will learn about their existence.

The author distinguishes three ideologically composite centers (around which the play of the play): the past is associated with Ranenevskaya and Gaev, the present - with a merchant to the lophagean, the future - with the young heroes Petei Trofimov and Anese Ranevskaya.


Answer the question: 1. "Stages of the development of the main conflict."

  1. "What is the place in the play of the play of the play of the Cherry Garden?"

"Cherry Garden" - the top of the Russian playwright of the early 20th century, lyrical comedy, play, marking the beginning of the new era of the development of the Russian theater.

The main topic of the fleet of autobiographical is the bankrupt family of the nobles sells his generic estate from the auction. The author, as a person who has passed through a similar life situation, describes the mental state of people forced to leave their home soon. An innovation of the play is the lack of dividing heroes on positive and negative, on top and minor. All of them are divided into three categories:

  • people of the past are noble aristocrats (Ranevskaya, Gaev and their Firs Laki);
  • the people of the present are their bright representative of the owner entrepreneur Lopahin;
  • people of the future are the progressive youth of that time (Peter Trofimov and Anya).

History of creation

Chekhov began work on the play in 1901. In connection with serious health problems, the writing process was rather difficult, but nevertheless, in 1903 the work was completed. The first theatrical layout of the play took place in a year on the scene of the Moscow Art Theater, becoming the top of Czech's creativity as a playwright and the textual classics of the theater repertoire.

Analysis of the play

Description of the work

The action takes place in the childbirth estate of Lyubov Andreyevna Ranevskaya, who returned from France with her young daughter Anha. In the railway station, they are met by Gaev (Brother Ranevskaya) and cooking (her receptional daughter).

The financial situation of the Ranevsky family is nearing full collapse. Entrepreneur Lopahin offers its version of solving the problem - break the land plot on the PAI and give them to the use of dachensons for a specific fee. The lady is in this proposal, because for this you will have to say goodbye to her beloved cherry garden, with a lot of warm memories of youth. Adds tragism the fact that her beloved son Grisha was killed in this garden. Gaev, imbued with the experiences of the sister, encourages her promise that their generic estate will not be put up for sale.

The action of the second part occurs on the street, in the yard of the estate. Lopakhin, with his characteristic pragmaticity, continues to insist on its plan to save the estate, but no one pays attention to him. Everyone switches to Peter Trofimova's Teacher who appeared. He utters an agitated speech dedicated to the fate of Russia, its future and affects the topic of happiness in the philosophical context. Materialist Lopakhin skeptically perceives the young teacher, and it turns out that only one Anya can penetrate him with sublime ideas.

The third action begins the fact that Ranevskaya for the last money invites the orchestra and suits the dance evening. Gaev and Lopakhin are absent - they left for the city for trading, where the Ranevian estate should go from the hammer. After a vast expectation, the love of Andreevna learns that her estate was bought at the bidding with a blades, which does not hide joy from his acquisition. The Ranevskaya family comes to despair.

The final is devoted to the departure of the Ranevskaya family from their home home. The parting scene is shown with all the inherent in Chekhov deep psychologism. The play ends with a surprisingly deep in the content of the monologue of the company, which the owners in the hurry forgot in the estate. The final chord sounds a knock of the ax. Chop the cherry garden.

main characters

Sentimental features, the owner of the estate. Having lived several years abroad, she got used to a luxurious life and inertia continues to allow much that with the deplorable state of its finance according to the logic of common sense should be inaccessible to her. Being a frivolous special, very helpless in everyday matters, Ranevskaya does not want to change anything in themselves, while she completely gives itself a report in their weaknesses and disadvantages.

A succeeding merchant, many of the Ranevskaya family. Its image is ambiguous - it combines hardworking, calcality, enterprise, and rudeness, "Menietic" beginning. In the final of the play, Lopahin does not share the feelings of Ranevskaya, he is happy that despite the peasant origin, he was able to allow buying the owners of his late father.

Like its sister, very sensitive and sentimental. Being an idealist and romantic, for the consolation of Ranevskaya, inventy fantastic plans to save the generic estate. It is emotional, verbally, but at the same time completely lackless.

Peter Trofimov

Eternal student, nihilist, an eloquent representative of the Russian intelligentsia, taking advantage of Russia's development only in words. In the pursuit of "Higher True", he denies love, considering it a small and ghostly feeling than immensely upset his daughter's daughter Ranevskaya Anya.

Romantic 17-year-old young lady, which fell under the influence of populist Peter Trofimov. It is furiously believing in the best life after the sale of the parental estate, Anya is ready for any difficulties for the sake of joint happiness next to the beloved.

87-year-old old man, lacquer in the Ranevsky's house. The type of servant of the old time surrounds the deceing care of their owners. It remained to serve his gentlemen even after the cancellation of serfdom.

Young lacquer, with contempt relating to Russia, dreaming of going abroad. A cynical and cruel man, Hamit, an old Fours, is irrevocably belonging to his native mother.

Structure of the work

The structure of the play is pretty simple - 4 actions without division into separate scenes. Time actions - a few months, from the end of the spring through the middle of the autumn. In the first action there is an exposition and the tie, in the second - the increase in the voltage, in the third - the climax (selling of the estate), in the fourth - the omission. A characteristic feature of the play is the lack of genuine external conflict, dynamism, unpredictable turns of the storyline. Author's remarks, monologues, pauses and some innovation give the play in a unique atmosphere of exquisite Lorism. Artistic realism of the play is achieved due to the alternation of dramatic and comic scenes.

(Scene from modern production)

The play is dominated by the development of an emotional and psychological plan, the main engine of the action is the internal experiences of the heroes. The author expands the artwork of the work through the introduction of a large number of characters that will not appear on the scene. Also, the effect of expanding spatial boundaries gives a symmetrical emerging the theme of France, which gives the archer form of the play.

Final output

The last play of Chekhov, can be said - his "swan song". The novelty of her dramatic language is a direct expression of a special Chekhov life concept, which is characterized by extraordinary attention to small, at first glance, minor details, focusing on the internal experiences of heroes.

In the play "Cherry Garden" the author captured the state of the critical disunity of the Russian society of its time, this sad factor is often present in the scenes, where the characters hear only themselves, creating only the visibility of interaction.

This gives the development of new shoots.

  • Old trees are cut into the top of about 2 m., Part of the branches hidden in the barrel inside the crown is removed.
  • Fruit trees are cut off slightly in the spring for the purpose of thinning overwhelmingly thick crowns. At the time of fruiting, old parts of the shoots are removed.
  • Important! Features of watering and feeding trees fertilizers also depend on the type of cherries. This information needs to be studied when buying seedlings. Frost Cherry for the winter at home Cherry - a product that is well frozen and no less well manifests itself after defrosting. That is why the "winter" billets are so in demand. We have no point in processing cold fruits with a cold, because the final feed product corresponds to the best consumer characteristics.

Successful farm: Cherry garden as a serious business


Place under the garden So, where is the best to plant trees? For a small garden, there will be enough about 5 hectares.

In this case, the crop will be not bad, and much forces will not leave for its cultivation and harvest.
The cherry loves the sandy lightness, to rent a field with such soil can be 2 thousand rubles per year.
More expensive chernozem in this case is not needed. As a rule, farmers are engaged in a garden on their own land.
Then the rental costs can be safely subtracted. Cherry trees are placed on elevated areas, but at the same time in a place, protected from cold winds, which, like frosts, can destroy plants.

The cherry loves the light very much, although it is fruit and in the shade. But for a good crop it is worth taking care that the trees get as much as possible sunlight.

Cherry Garden - Good Family Business

The same is done with the crown, if it exceeds 3-3.5 m.

  • Kustoid trees regularly cut slightly, that is, removing damaged or weak shoots.

    Croon is slightly thinned. Annual increments on which the top kidney is formed is not deleted.

  • It is also important to comply with general rules:
  1. The branches at the end of which were formed fruits, prohibited to shorten.
  2. It follows the principle of thinning.
  3. Branches growing inside the crown, it is advisable to remove while the tree is young.
  4. Too long branches are moderately shortened.
  5. Every three years, the cherry "rejuvenate", thinning branches.

Cherry cultivation. business idea

Some varieties of cherry trees have their own features, so before planting a sapling need to know what kind of grade it and what conditions will contribute to raising the harvest.

Saplings are best planted in autumn in October or early spring in April, although the cherry is considered a frost-resistant tree, severe frosts can affect the future crop.


You can buy seedlings in special nurseries, and large farms can offer to acquire almost ready-made trees of 3 years of age, which will be happy with the harvest for the next year.

The retail price of seedlings ranges from 250 to 550 rubles, while the wholesale can be twice as lower.
Plant seedlings from each other better at a distance of at least 5 meters, so that the trees have grown later they did not shade each other.

Cherry growing - Earnings from her garden

The most effective bumblebees-osmia or bee. For preventing damages and increasing the profitability of business on cherry, we recommend to give preference to the varieties:

  • low;
  • with a dry outflection of fruits;
  • with resistance to cracking from rain (foreign varieties);
  • with dark red berries, a diameter of 30-40 mm;
  • with the preservation of a commodity view when a collection of 5-15 days is delayed;
  • with high transportability and storage period of at least 3 days.

An example of a selection of varieties for a cherry garden is before the selection of the collection, it is better to use seedlings on the VRP-2 Russian selection.

With proper formation of the crown on it, commercial fruits occurs for 4 years and lasts 18-25 years.

2. Preparation of soil and planting seedlings.

Cherry cultivation as a business in the country

The cost of one seedling cherry is $ 5, sweet cherries - $ 10-12. If you take one and other equally, the average cost of one seedling will be $ 8, total purchase rate of 1000 pcs. is about $ 8000.


At the same time, from one tree for the season, you can collect up to 40 kg of berries (naturally, in the first couple of years somewhat less).

Currently, the average wholesale cost of one kilogram of cherries is $ 0.5, and even higher.
Thus, in one season, the cherry garden from a thousand trees is able to generate an income of $ 20,000.
The advantages of the "cherry" economy as already noted above, the first crop should be expected only a few years later.

In specially prepared seedlings, this period may be equal to 3-4 years, in conventional - somewhat longer.

Cherry Growing - Business Idea in Agriculture

You must also choose the tax system. Usn or ESHN are suitable from the bid not more than 6% of net profit.

For growing fruit and berry crops, the OKVED code 01.13.21 is selected.

Registration takes about 10-15 days. Communicable payment of state duty. For the possibility of official realization of agricultural products, it is necessary to obtain a declaration of compliance with GOST R from the SES and the phytosanitary certificate of the Rosselkhoznadzor. Cherry Growing Technology 1. How to choose a variety and dive? When compiling a business plan for a cherry garden, it is necessary to pay special attention to the choice of catching and varieties of culture. It is from this stage of project development that the future stability of crops and, accordingly, the amount of profit depends.

Cherry Garden Business Plan

What about profits? The yield with 1 cherry tree is about 80 - 120 kg, depending on the variety.

So for the season from the plot of 10 hundredths you can collect about 2700 kg of cherries (with an average yield from the 1st tree - 90 kg).

From the section in 1 hectare, this indicator will already be 29700 kg of harvest.

The average wholesale price for a cherry - $ 1 - $ 1.3 per 1 kg. The average retail price is $ 2.5 - $ 3.3 per 1 kg. Thus, from 10 hundredths you can make a profit: at wholesale - $ 2700, with retail - $ 6750.

With 1 hectare corresponding amounts will be: Wholesale - $ 29700, Retail - $ 74250.

Conclusions. Business on the cultivation of sweet cherries is a very profitable business, but this is a long investment that will pay for itself after 4 - 5 years.

And many do not want to wait. Demand is high, so it makes sense to do this.

"Cherry Garden" is a social play A.P. Chekhov about the death and degeneration of the Russian nobility. She was written was Anton Pavlovich in the last years of life. Many critics say that it is this drama that expresses the writer's attitude to the past, the present and the future of Russia.

Initially, the author planned to create a carefree and funny play, where the main driving force for the sale of estates from the hammer will be the main driving force. In 1901, in a letter to the wife, he shares his ideas. Previously, he had already raised a similar topic in the drama "Want's", but the experience recognized as unsuccessful. Chekhov wanted to experiment, and not resurrect the plots buried in the writing desk. The process of impoverishment and degeneracy of the nobles took place before his eyes, and he watched, creating and accumulating the life material to create artistic truth.

The history of the creation of the "Cherry Garden" began in Taganrog, when the Father of the writer was forced to sell a generic nest for debts. Apparently, Anton Pavlovich experienced something similar to the feelings of Ranenevskaya, so this is so thin in the experiences, it would seem like fictional heroes. In addition, Chekhov was personally familiar with the prototype of Gaeva - A.S. Kiselev, who also sacrificed estate to correct the shamelessness. His situation is one of hundreds. All Kharkiv province, where more than once a writer, raised: noble nests disappeared. This is such a large-scale and ambiguous process attracted the attention of the playwright: on the one hand, the peasants were released and received long-awaited freedom, on the other, the welfare of this reform did not add anyone. Such an obvious tragedy could not be ignored, a light comedy, conceived Chekhov, did not work.

Meaning of the name

Since the cherry garden symbolizes Russia, it can be concluded that the author dedicated the work of the issue of her fate, as Gogol wrote "dead souls" for the sake of the question "Where the bird-triple flies?". In fact, it is not about selling estates, but about what will be with the country? Does not sell it, do not cut down for the sake of benefits? Chekhov, analyzing the situation, understood that the degeneracy of the nobility, the supporting class for the monarchy, promulit Russia. If these people, designed by their origin to be a core of the state, cannot be responsible for their actions, then the country will go to the bottom. Such gloomy thoughts touched the author on the reverse side of the topic affected them. It turned out that his heroes are not to laughter, as well as himself.

The symbolic meaning of the name of the play "Cherry Garden" is to convey the reader the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work - the search for an answer to questions about the fate of Russia. Without this sign, we would perceive the comedy, like a family drama, a drama from a private life or the parable about the problem of fathers and children. That is, the erroneous, narrow interpretation of the written written would not give the reader and in a hundred years to understand the main thing: we are all responsible for your garden, regardless of generation, beliefs and social status.

Why did Chekhov named the play "Cherry Garden" comedy?

Many researchers really belong to his comedy, as along with tragic events (the destruction of a whole class) in the play constantly occur comic scenes. That is, it is impossible to unequivocally attribute it to the comedy, correctly calculate the "cherry garden" to tragifers or tragicomedies, since Chekhov's dramaturgy many researchers refer to a new phenomenon in the 20th century theater - anti-Roman. The author himself stood at the origins of this direction, so he did not call himself so much. However, the innovation of his works was spoken by itself. This writer is now recognized and introduced into the school curriculum, and then many of his works remained incomprehensible, since they were knocked out of a common track.

The genre of the "Cherry Garden" is difficult to determine, because now, given the dramatic revolutionary events, which Czechs did not find, we can say that this play is a tragedy. It dies a whole epoch, and hopes for revival are so weak and foggy, that even smile in the final somehow it does not work. The open finale, a closed curtain, and only a deaf on the tree is distributed in thoughts. This is the impression of the performance.

Main idea

The ideological-thematic meaning of the "Cherry Garden" play is that Russia was at the crossroads: she can choose the road to the past, present and future. Chekhov shows the mistakes and failure of the past, the vices and the predatory grip of the present, but he still hopes for a happy future, showing elevated and at the same time independent representatives of the new generation. The past, whatever excellent it is, not to return, the present is too imperfect and slaughter to accept it, so it is necessary to invest all the forces that the future acquitted light expectations. For this, everyone should try to exactly now, without postponing.

The author shows how important the action is, but not a mechanical chase for profit, and the action spiritualized, meaningful, moral. It is about him who says Peter Trofimov, who wants to see Anya. However, in the student we see the destructive heritage of the past years - there is a lot, but did little for their 27 years. And yet, the writer hopes that this century will succeed in to overcome with clear and cool in the morning - tomorrow afternoon, where they will come, but at the same time, the active descendants of the blades and Ranenevsky.

Theme of the work

  1. The author used an image that is familiar to each of us and understandable for everyone. Cherry gardens have many to this day, and then they were at all an indispensable attribute of each estate. They bloom in May, beautifully and prolently defend themselves the week, and then quickly fall. Also perfectly and supremely disgraced the nobility, once the support of the Russian Empire, mired in debt and endless controversy. As for the matter, these people were unable to justify the hopes assigned to them. Many of them with their irresponsible attitude towards life only pushed the foundations of Russian statehood. What should have been a century-old oak, there was only a cherry garden: beautiful, but quickly disappeared. The fruits of Cherry, alas, did not cost the place they occupied. So revealed the theme of the death of noble nests in the play "Cherry Garden".
  2. The topics of the past, present and the future are implemented in the work due to the multi-level image system. Each generation symbolizes the time, it is allocated. In the images of Ranenevskaya and Gaeva, the past, in the image of the blades, holds the present, but the future is waiting for his day in the images of Ani and Peter. The natural course of events acquires a human face, generation changes are shown on specific examples.
  3. An important place is the subject of time. His force is destructive. Water stone sharpens - and time erases human laws, fate and beliefs into powder. Recently, Ranenevskaya and thought could not that her former serfs settle in the manor and cut off the garden transmitted by Haev from generation to generation. This unshakable order of the social device collapsed and went into the summer, the capital and its market laws were placed in his place, in which the authorities provided money, not a position and origin.
  4. Problems

    1. The problem of human happiness in the "Cherry Garden" play is manifested in all the fate of heroes. Ranevskaya, for example, survived a lot of trouble in this garden, but happy to return here. It fills the house with its warmth, recalls the root edges, nostalgic. It does not care at all, the sale of the estate, the inheritance of the daughter, in the end. She is happy forgotten and again experienced impressions. But the house is sold, bills are redeemed, and happiness is not in a hurry with the arrival of a new life. Lopahin tells her about calm, but only anxiety increases in the shower. Instead of liberation comes depression. Thus, for one happiness - misfortune for another, all people understand its essence in different ways, so it is so difficult for them to get along together and help each other.
    2. The problem of saving memory also worries Chekhov. The people of the present mercilessly cut down what was proud of the province. Noble nests, historically important structures, die away from the inattention, are erased into non-existence. Of course, active merchants will always find arguments to destroy the non-profit old, but the historical monuments, monuments of culture and art will be silent, which children of the blades will be sang. They will be deprived of ties with the past, the continuity of generations, and will grow by Ivan who are not remembered.
    3. The problem of ecology in the play is not ignorant. The author argues not only the historical value of the Cherry Garden, but also his natural beauty, its importance for the province. All residents of the surrounding villages breathed with these trees, and their disappearance is a small ecological catastrophe. The terrain of the masters, the gaping lands will be discussed, but people will float every penny of inhospitable space. The attitude towards nature should be as careful as to a person, otherwise we will all be left without a house that you love so much.
    4. The problem of fathers and children is embodied in the relationship between Ranevskaya and Anechka. Seen alienation between native people. The girl regrets the unavaevoy mother, but does not want to share her lifestyle. The love of Andreevna pools the child with gentle nicknames, but can not understand that there is no longer a child in front of her. The woman continues to pretend that she still does not understand anything, so it is unless it is building his personal life to the detriment of her interests. They are very different, so they do not attempt to find a common language.
    5. The problem of love for homeland, more precisely, its absence is also traced in the work. Gaevow, for example, is indifferent to the garden, he cares only about his own comfort. His interests do not rise above the consumer, therefore the fate of why the house does not care. Lopahin, his opposite, also does not understand the scrupulousness of Ranevskaya. However, he does not understand what to do with the garden. It is guided only by mercantile considerations, he is important and calculations, but not the safety of the native home. He is brightly expressed only by the love of money and the process of their preparation. The generation of children dreams of a new garden, the old one for nothing. Here the problem of indifference is also manifested. The cherry garden is not needed to anyone, except for Ranevskaya, and that you need memories and the old way, where she could do nothing and live happily. Its indifference to people and things expressed in the scene, where she quietly drinks coffee, listening to the news of the death of his nanny.
    6. The problem of loneliness torments every hero. Ranenevskaya threw and deceived the lover, Lopahin cannot establish relations with Vares, Gaev - Egoist by nature, Peter and Anna are just beginning to get closer, and it is already obvious that they are lost in the world where there is no one to give them a helping hand to them.
    7. The problem of mercy is haunting Ranevskaya: no one can support it, all men do not just do not help, but do not gently gentle. The husband was cutting, the lover threw, Lopahin took away the estate, to care her brother. Against this background, she herself becomes cruel: forgets by Firs in the house, it is cleaned inside. In the form of all these troubles, an inexorable destiny, which is uncompressed to people.
    8. The problem of finding the meaning of life. Sleeping his meaning of life clearly does not satisfy, so he asses so low. Anna and Peter this search only expects ahead, but they are already looping without finding a place. Ranevskaya and Gaev with the loss of material goods and their privilege are lost and cannot be navigated again.
    9. The problem of love and egoism is clearly visible on the contrast of his brother and sisters: Gaev loves only himself and does not particularly suffer from losses, but the Ranevskaya all his life was looking for love, but did not find it, and she wondered her. Only crumbs fell on the share of Anya and the Cherry Garden. Even a loving person can become an egoist after so many years of disappointment.
    10. The problem of moral selection and responsibility concerns, above all, the blades. He gets Russia, his activity is capable of changing it. However, he lacks the moral basis for awareness of the importance of his actions for descendants, awareness of responsibility to them. He lives according to the principle: "After us - at least a flood." He does not matter what will happen, he sees what is.

    Symbols of play

    The main thing in the play Chekhov is the garden. He not only symbolizes a manor life, but also connects times and era. The image of the Cherry Garden is noble Russia, with the help of him Anton Pavlovich predicted the future of change, which was waiting for the country, although he could no longer see them. He also expresses the author's attitude to what is happening.

    Episodes depict ordinary household situations, "little things of life" through which we learn about the main events of the play. Chekhov mixed tragic and comic, for example, in the third action of trophim philosophists, and then ridiculously falls from the stairs. This can be obtained a certain symbolism of the copyright: he is raised over the heroes, questioning the truthfulness of their words.

    The image system is also symbolic, the value of which is described in a separate paragraph.


    First action - exposure. Everyone is waiting for the arrival of the hostess of the Ranevskaya from Paris. Everyone thinks in the house and speaks of his own, not listening to others. Disobstitution, located under the roof, illustrates a different-haired Russia, where people are living with such not similar to each other.

    Zaguka - enter the love of Andreeva with his daughter, gradually everyone will know that they are threatened by ruin. Neither Gaev, nor Ranevskaya (brother and sister) cannot prevent it. Only Lopahin knows a demolitional plan of salvation: cut off the cherries and build cottages, but the proud owners do not agree with him.

    Second action. During the sunset, the fate of the garden is once again discussed. Ranevskaya arrogantly rejects the help of the blades and continues to inactivate in the Nege of his own memories. Gaev and the merchant constantly quarrel.

    Third action (climax): While the old garden owners arrange the ball, no matter what happened, there are trading: the estate acquires former serfs.

    Fourth Action (Disagreement): Ranevskaya returns to Paris to rinse the remaining savings. After her departure, everyone diverges who where. Only the old servant Firs remains in a clogged house.

    Chekhov innovation - playwright

    It remains to add that the play is not amenable to understanding many schoolchildren. Many researchers refer her to the theater of the absurd (what is it?). This is a very complex and ambiguous phenomenon in modernist literature, disputes about the occurrence of which continues until now. The fact is that the plays of Chekhov for a number of signs can be counted for the theater of the absurd. Replicas of the heroes very often do not have a logical connection with each other. They seemed to be turned to nowhere, as if they would pronounce one person and at the same time talking to them. The destruction of the dialogue, the failure of communication is something that the so-called antidra is famous. In addition, the alienation of the personality from the world, its global loneliness and life facing the past, the problem of happiness - all these features of existential issues in the work, which again inherent in the theater of the absurd. This showed an innovation of Chekhov-playwright in the play "Cherry Garden", these features and attract many researchers in his work. Such a "provocative" phenomenon, incomprehensible and convicted by public opinion, is seriously perceived even even an adult person, not to mention the fact that the theater of the absurd has been able to lie only to the world of art.

    System images

    Chekhov has no talking surnames, like Ostrovsky, Fonvizin, Griboedov, but there are extranectural heroes (for example, Paris lover, Yaroslavl aunt), who are important in the play, but Chekhov does not withdraw them into the "external" action. In this drama there is no separation on bad and good heroes, but there is a multifaceted system of characters. Acting Pieces can be divided:

  • on the heroes of the past (Ranevskaya, Gaev, Firs). They can only sift money and think, not wanting to change anything in their lives.
  • on the heroes of the present (Lopahin). Lopakhin is a simple "man", which, with the help of the work of the rich, bought the estate and is not going to stop.
  • on the heroes of the future (Trofimov, Anya), this is a young generation that dreams of the highest truth and about the highest happiness.

The heroes of the "Cherry Garden" all the time jump from one topic to the other. With visible dialogue, they do not hear each other. There are 34 pauses in the play, which is formed between many "nobody who are not necessary" by the statements of heroes. The phrase repeatedly repeats: "You are all such a (s)," which makes it clear that the heroes do not change, they stand still.

The action of the play "Cherry Garden" begins in May, when the fruits of cherry trees begin to bloom, and ends in October. The conflict has no pronounced character. All major events that decisive the future of heroes occur behind the scene (for example, trading of estates). That is, Chekhov completely refuses the norms of classicism.

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This work of Czechs thought as a comedy, like a mixed play, "where the devil would go to the rocker." But K. S. Stanislav-Sky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, having highly appreciated the work, took it to her as a drama.

The external plot of the "Cherry Garden" is a change of home and garden owners, the sale of ordinary estates for debts. A business and practical merchant Lopakhin opposes here beautiful, but absolutely not adapted to the life of nobles. The action of the play is the time of the poetry of a manoring life, which indicates the occurrence of a new historical era.

There is no conflict lattice in the composition of the dramatic plot, since there is no pronounced externally confrontation of ST-Ron and collision of various characters. Chekhov shows only the opposition of different life positions.

The culmination of the external plot is to sell with the auctione-for twenty-second August of the Cherry Garden, it is also an interchange.

Thus, the method of organizing external action, which chosen chosen Chekhov was not characteristic of classical drama.

The plot-forming start of this work is "imaginary coming time", his inexorable move permeates the entire action of the play.

In the "Cherry Garden" external action has clear time borders - from May to October. Lopahin controls the time, the proof of this is the constant author's remark that he looks at the clock. In the first action, almost all heroes are in some middle borderline between sleep and real reality. They constantly remember a pro-should, which becomes much greater spiritual value for them than the present. Their ghost world is alien reality. Currently requires no words, conversations and enthusiastic actions, and actions that Chekhov's heroes are absolutely not capable.

In the third act there is a meeting with the present, the resistance to which is useless. Material from site.

The inner plot of the play is what did not happen, did not happen. The loss of estates is not so big loss compared to the lived life, which did not let the til, as if did not live at all. The situation of meetings and farewells in the house is reflected in the deep conflict of the play - a man in the outgoing time that turns the comedy "cherry garden" in the play about life and death. Of course, the conflict will eventually become inevitable, before which everyone will be equal - not only the winners, but also defeated.


  1. The arrival of Ranevskaya in the estate.
  2. Lopahin offers output as you can save the estate.
  3. Gaev offers its options for receiving money to pay debts.
  4. The history of the life of Ranevskaya.
  5. Talk about the future of Petit and Ani.
  6. The ball in the Ranevskaya house, while the estate is sold at the auction, where it is bought by Lopakhin.
  7. Farewell to home and garden.

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