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Why Sadko becomes the hero of Novgorod epic. Who was Sadko actually? What is happening

Sadko - hero of the epic of the Novgorod cycle; Of the nine known options recorded exclusively in the Olonets province, only two are full. According to the most complete option (Sorokina), Sadko was first the poor Huslar, flew by Novgorod merchants and boyars. Once he played the hussles on the shore of Ilmeny-Lakes from morning to evening and his igro acquired the location of the king of the Waterman, who taught Sadko to beat with rich Novgorod merchants about the mortgage in the fact that in Ilmen Lake there is golden feathers fish. With the help of the King of Water Sadko won the mortgage, began to trade and rich.

Sadko-merchant plays for the marine king,
artist Frank Chain Pope, 1916

Once Sadko praasted that all goods in Novgorod will slip off; Indeed, two days Sadko scared all the goods in the living room, but on the third day, when Moscow, Sadko confessed that it was confessed that he was not scared of goods from all over white light. After that, Sadko loaded the goods of 30 ships and drove to trade; On the way, the ships suddenly stopped, despite the strong wind. Sadko, guessing that the sea king demands Dani, threw a barrel of gold, silver and pearls in the sea, but in vain; Then it was decided that the king of the marine requires a living head; The lot fell on Sadko, who, capturing with his husli, ordered himself to lift himself into the sea on the oak board.

Sadko found himself in the wards of the sea king, who announced him that he demanded him to listen to his game. Under the sounds of the game Sadko, the king Sea put to dance, as a result of which the sea was worried, the ships began to sink and many people of Orthodox die; Then the micro the waters under the guise of the elder of the grayman appeared to Sadko and told him to stop the game, breaking the strings of the hussley. Then the king of the marine requires Sadko to marry the sea girl in his choice. On the advice, Mikola Sadko chooses the girl Chernavu; After the wedding feather, Sadko falls asleep and wakes up on the banks of the River Chernava. At the same time, his ships with casseth approach Volkhov. In gratitude to Sadko's salvo, Nikola Mozhaysky and the Blessed Virgin Mary Mozhaysky and the Blessed Church.

In some embodiments, Sadko permits the argument of the sea king with the queen that in Russia is more expensive - gold or bully, and solves it in favor of Bulat; In another version, the role of Mikola takes on the pallet queen. In one eponym about Sadko in the collection of Kirsi Danilova Sadko is not a natural Novgorod, but we come from the Volga, which Ilmen-Lake helps to get rich in gratitude for the clerk of the sister Ilmeni, Volga: Calling in a large number of fish appealed to gold and silver money.

Sadko himself does not make heroic feats: his trading activity is shown in the feat; Thus, Sadko is a representative of the Novgorod trade, a merchant-borticulture. The oldest basis of the epics about the merchant-Bogatyr Sadko was probably a song about the historical face of Caunt Sestinet (or Satochiki), mentioned in the chronicle under 1167 as a builder of the Church of Saints Boris and Gleb in Novgorod. Various fabulous motifs are confined to the name of this person, ascending part to local legends, part of international stray fabulous plots. Thus, in Novgorod and Rostov legends, it is mentioned about the salvation of a person who fearful and swimming on the board; In Russian folk beliefs, Saint Nicholas will hear the ambulance assistant on the waters and is even called the "sea" and "wet."

Stories that the underground or underwater king, loving the hero in his kingdom, wants to keep him, marrying his daughter, is also very frequent in our fairy tales, and in the fairy tales of other peoples. So, in one Kyrgyz legend tells how one person who dived into the water, found himself in the kingdom of the ruler of the Water Water, served there for several years, married the daughter of the Vizier, and then with the help of a magic green stick he returned to the ground and rich. The nearest sources of epics about the merchant-Bogatyr Sadko are not clarified. Academician A. N. Veselovsky Indicates the similarity of the episods of the Sadko with the episode of the StaroFronzuz novel about "Tristan Le Léonois": Hero His, who bears the name of the sadoch, killed his shrin, having kicked his wife's honor, and along with her runs on the ship; The storm rises, which, according to the elder of the ship, is sent for sins of someone from passengers; By lot, the culprit of the storm is a saddle; He rushes into the sea, after which the storm subsides.

The obvious similarity of the episodes of the French novel and the episodes, as well as the coincidence of the names Sadko and the Sadok gives reason to assume that the novel, and the episodes, independently of each other, go to one source - a story or legend in which this name was already located. Name Sadko, Sadok - Jewish origin (Jewish Tsadok - Fair), indicating the likely influence of Jewish folk literature. Sun. Miller finds an explanation of the types of Sadko-Huslar and the Maritime King in Finnish and Estonian legends: he equates the sea king of the epics to the sea king Ahto, who is also a hunter to music; The prototype of Sadko-Huslar he sees in the musician and singer Vynyamyinen.

Muta-Bogatyr Sadko and King Sea

As in the sea, the sea in blue

Thirty ships - one falcon-ship
The sled itself, the guest is rich.
And all the ships that falcons fly,
Falcon-ship at sea stands.
Says Sadko-merchant Rich Guest:
"And yarnings you, people hired,
And the mercenary people are arrogant!
And instead, all you are collecting,
A and cutting the zerogenment you Valls
A and all that write on the names
And throw them on the blue sea. "
Sadko left Khmelevo Feather,
And on the EM-TA signature signed.
And and Sadko himself speaks:
"And burden, people you are hired!
And listen to the speech of the righteous,
And we throw them on the blue sea,
Which would float on top
And those would have the right-hand
That which is drowning in the sea
And we spikes in a blue sea. "
And all the draw on top floats,
Kaba Yar Gogoli in the boards,
One staries in the sea sinking,
In the sea sinking homelevo feather
The scene of the guest is rich.

Sadko-merchant spoke Rich Guest:
"You are buried, people hired,
And hired people, arrogant!
And you cut the burrow,
And write to yourself on names,
And they say to them:
And who are borrowed to the sea, -
And then donating right. "
And Sadko left the busty stallion,
Blue Bulat because overseas,
Weightly sturbs at ten powder.
And all the foals in the sea are drown -
One staries floats on top,
The scene of the guest is rich.
Says Sadko-merchant rich guest:
"You are buried, people hired,
And the mercenary people are arrogant!
I myself, Sadko, I know-I know:
I run around the sea twelve years,
Tom King Zarsky
I did not pay Dani duties,
And at that blue the sea is puffy
Bread with salt did not give up, -
For me, a sart, death came,
And you, merchants-guests are rich,
And you, kovologists favorite,
And all the cuzzers are good,
Bring Sobolin's fur coat! "
And soon sadko dressed up,
He takes the hussley calls
With good gold strings,
And he takes the chech 21
With gold, tales,
With the topics of the roads of vulicies.
And descended somewhat after all Silver
Under red gold.

Sadko-merchant was a rich guest,
He descended on blue sea,
Sitted on the chess school.
And burden, people hired,
And the hired people, arrogant
Bottled silver bedding
And silver under the red gold on her falcon-ship,
And Sadko stayed on the blue sea.
And the falcon-ship by sea went,
And all ships like falcons fly,
And the ship on the sea runs, like Belchet, -
The scene of the guest is rich.
Father-mother's great prayer,
The goal of the guest is rich:
Weathered the weather quiet,
Purned the Guest Gauge is rich.
Did not see the sadko-merchant rich guest
Neither mountains nor shore
Suffered him, sart, to the shore,
He himself, Sadko, Tuta is dialing.
Came out Sadko to steep takes,
Sadko is litto the blue of the sea,
He found him the great,
And the wisdom is great, in all the tree,
He found the doors, went to the hut.
And lies on the shop King Sea:
"A and Goy Esi you, a merchant - a rich guest!
And what did the soul ridewood, God gave me:
And waited for a back of twelve years,
And now Sadko head came,
Play, Sadko, in Husli Calls! "

And he became Sadko King Tishiti,
Sadko began in the hussli,
And the king of the sea shook ride, shook dance
And that garden is a rich
Drinking with different drinks.
Sadko drove with various drinks,
And Sadko broke out, and he became drunk,
And Sadko-merchant fell as rich guest.
And in a dream, Saint Nicholas came to him,
He tells him those speech:
"Joy Esi You, Sadko-merchant rich guest!
And Rvi you are their gold strings
And throw you hussley calls:
You broke the king of the sea
And the blue sea scarked,
And the rapids of the river broke out,
Drown a lot of beads ships,
Turn the souls in vain
Of the people of Orthodox. "

He pulled the strings of gold
And throws the huslie calls.
Stopped the king of the sea ride and dance
Duck sea blue
Suck the river fast.
And in the morning she became Tuta King Sea,
He became a garde to persuade:
A and wants to marry the king
And he brought him thirty maidens.
Nikola he drank him in a dream:
"Joy Esi You, a merchant rich guest,
And you will marry the king of the sea
He will lead thirty maidens -
Do not take from them good, white, ruddy,
Take you to the girl cook.
Cooking that which is worse than all. "
And here Sadko-merchant is a rich guest,
He thought, did not think over
And he takes the girl a blank,
And that the girl is worse than everyone.
And here the king of the sea
Put a sidet on a bunch of sleep,
And he lay with newlyweds.
Nikolay in a dream punished Scoq
Do not hug a wife, do not kiss her!

And here Sadko-merchant rich guest
With a young wife sleeping on a bone
His handle to the heart pressed,
From midnight in an acceleration
Lev's leg threw a wife on the raft.
Sleepy Sleko awakened,
He found himself under a new city,
And the left leg in the ox river, -
And heed sadko, he was crueling,
He looked at Sadko he at the new city,
He learned the parish of his
Togo Nikola Mozhaysky
Crighted his cross his own.
And Sadko looks like ox, according to the ox river:
From that blue sea puff
On glorious matushka ox river
Run-run thirty ships,
One ship is the rich goat itself.
And strands Sadko-merchant rich GOST
Corolovals favorite.
All ships on the pier steel,
Skhodny Metali to steep shore:
And the Corolovniki on the cool shore,
And then Sadko worships:
"Hello, my bodies favorite
And the clarifiers are good! "
And here Sadko-merchant rich guest
From all ships in customs put
Treasury of their forty thousand
On three days did not look at.

Nerna "Sadko" Short content for the reader's diary you can make themselves with the presented options to get a better rating.

Unsna "Sadko" Summary for the reader's diary

"Sadko" tells about the young Huslar of Sadko, who first lived poorly, and then became rich thanks to the marine king. But when Sadko is rich, the sea king took the sadko to his middle and was not going to let go. But thanks to the prompts of Nikolai Mozhaysky Sadko, he was able to find himself in the wild, in addition with the beloved girl.

Epic "sadko" briefly very

Sadko-young Husar from Veliky Novgorod. Sadko was called for honest people, where he played on the humps and earned a living.
But for 9 days it is not called on the feasts and he was very soring. He went to Ilmen Lake. He played on the husls and suddenly the sea king appears. He thanked Sadko for his game on the guuslyas and taught how to get wealth. He argued with merchants that fish with gold fins are found in the lake. Sadko won the dispute and became the rich.
After that, the Huscle arranged a feast. Suddenly one merchant said that: once sadko such a rich let it buy all goods in Novgorod. He agreed, and if he lost, would give every merchant to thirty thousand rubles.
On the first day he sent a servant and went to buy all the goods. On the second day there were even more products. And on the third day, Sadko realized that all goods could not buy. So Sadko lost the dispute and gave merchants to thirty thousand rubles. He built ships, immersed the goods and went to distant countries.
When he returned to Novgorod for the sea. Sadko thought that the nautical king was angry at him and decided that you had to give the sacrifice. Saying goodbye to his servants, he went down into the water.
Sadko saw the sea king at the depths of the ocean. He asked the Huslar to play hobsls and got into dance. The king liked his game so much that he wanted to marry Sadko on one of the daughters. Suddenly, Micola Mozhaisky (Holy Man) appeared in front of Sadko and suggested Sadko to choose the maiden Chernowka. He did it. Then they went to the land together, where they met the entire Novgorod. Sadko did not swim in the sea.

Epic "Sadko" summary

Sadko was poor Huslar. He earned her bread playing on the peaks. But for nine days in a row, the sart is not invited to any feast. Then he went to Ilmen Lake and began to play on the empty shore. Suddenly, the king marine king himself appeared from the lake, who announced that the game was "comforted" and wants to reward him. Having received the instruction of the Maritime Tsar, Sadko went to Novgorod and shifted on a mortgage with three rich merchants, arguing that in Ilmeny-Lake there is a wonderful "fish-gold fans." Winning a mortgage, Sadko began to trade and rich.

Once at Peir Sadko praasted that all goods in Novgorod will sell - "thin and kind"; Indeed, two days in a row Sadko scooled all the goods, but on the third day, when Moscow, Sadko was passing out that he did not buy the goods from all over white light. " He gave 30 thousand merchants.

After that, Sadko loaded the goods of 30 ships and drove to trade for the sea. On the way back the ships suddenly stopped in the middle of the sea, and the storm broke out. Sadko realized that this sea king demands Dani, threw a barrel of gold, silver and pearls in the sea, but in vain; Then it was decided that the king of the marine demands a living head. The lot fell on Sadko, who, capturing with his husli, ordered himself to lift himself into the sea on the oak board. After that, the ships moved from place. Sadko fell asleep on his board, oh woke up at the bottom of the sea, in the wards of the sea king. He requires Sadko to play hobsls. Under the sounds of Guslya, the maritime king was danced, as a result of which the sea was excited, the ships began to sink, many people died.

According to the prayers of the feast of the saint Mäsaisky (Nikolai Wonderworker), the intercession of traveling along the water, appeared to Sadko and taught him how to do with the maritime king. Sadko entered in accurately according to the instructions: at first he stopped the game, breaking the strings of the hussley, and when the sea king demanded that Sadko married the sea girl, chose out of 900 contenders the most recent - "Virgin Chernowka". After the wedding party, Sadko "didn't figure the blud" with a young wife; Slowing out, he woke up on Earth - on the steep bank of the River Chernava near Novgorod. At this very time, he saw that his ships drive through Volkhov. In gratitude for Sadko's salvation, Mikola Mozhaysky church, and "on blue the sea" never went to the sea.

Lakes from morning to evening and his igro acquired the location of the king of the Water, who taught Sadko to beat with rich Novgorod merchants about the mortgage in the fact that in Ilmen Lake there is a fish "Golden feathers"; With the help of the King of Water Sadko won the mortgage, began to trade and rich.

The obvious similarity of the episodes of the French novel and the episodes, as well as the coincidence of the names of Sadko and the Sadok gives reason to assume that the novel, and the episodes, independently of each other, go back to one source - a story or legend in which this name was already located. Name Sadko, Sadok - Jewish origin (Heb. Sadok, Tsadok - Fair), which indicates the possible influence of Jewish folk literature.

Vseodod Miller finds an explanation of the types of Sadko-Huslar and the Maritime King in Finnish and Estonian legends: he equates the Maritime King of Abonya to the Sea King Ahto, who is also a hunter to music; Prototype Sadko-Huslar he sees in the musician and singer Weinenen (see sea king).

see also


  • Sun. Miller, "Essays of Russian People's Literature" (M., 1897), A. Veselovsky, "Werena about S." ("J. Min. Nar. Pr.", 1886, No. 12);
  • art. I. Mandelstam (IB., 1898, No. 2; Refuting the theory of Sun. Miller, the author proves that the places of Finnish epic, who served Sun. Miller, the foundation for rapprochement of the Water Tsar with AHTO and S. with Weinenen, are not borrowed from popular legends , and are inserts of Lennrot).
  • In Jagfar Tarich (Bulgarian chronicle), he was talking about the Novgorod merchant Sadiq, who went to the service of Bulgaram, who with companions after the captivity lived in a separate Novgorod Ostrog ("Balik Nucrat near the fortress of Kolyn", you can identify with two adjacent fortifications 12-14 centuries. At the mouth Millas, Kovrovsky and Shabalinsky, by the way, there is a river Chernavitsa nearby). Interestingly, Nicola Mozhaisky worshiped on Vyatka and in neighboring Perm.


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    The rich guest is the hero of the epic of the Novgorod cycle; Of the nine known options recorded exclusively in the Olonets province, only two are full. According to the most complete option (Sorokina), C. was first the poor Huslar, flewing Novgorod ... ... Biographical Dictionary

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    Genre Rus. Epic. Song of legends. The term B. literary critic; I. P. Sakharov introduced in 1839; Some researchers of literary crops (A. M. Astakhov) consider it to be folk. To rus. North B. and Historic. Songs are called Strupt. B. ... ... Music encyclopedia

    This term has other meanings, see Sadko (Values). "Sadko" ... Wikipedia

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    The rich guest is the hero of the epic of the Novgorod cycle; Of the nine well-known options recorded exclusively in the Olonets lips. Full only two. According to the most complete option (Sorokina), C. was first the poor Huslar, who flew the Novgorod merchants and ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Genre of Russian folk epic poetry. The first records were made in the 18th century, the last - in the second floor. 20 V. The term "epic" was introduced by a collector and researcher Folklore I. P. Sakharov, who took the word from the word about the regiment of Igor, "where it ... ... Literary encyclopedia

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Modern folklorists counted dozens of references to the tale dedicated to the bold Huslar. The analysis of the preserved texts confirms - the epics about Sadko refers to the oldest epic. The work is classified as a separate legend called "Novgorod epics" and tells about the courage and enterprise city musician.

History of creation

As in any folk creativity, establish the author of the fairy tale there is no possibility. But the inhabitants of the Olonets province follow the safety of epics. Local Saucer Vasily Schegolenkov told about the adventures of Sadko Folklorians of the XIX century (the name of scientists is unknown).

Another teacher who told about the Huslar train was Andrei Panteleevich Sorokin from the village of NEW. A man since childhood worked on the mill and listened to the ancient legends that the peasants retell each other. The version of the epics of Andrei Panteleevich recorded Alexander Fedorovich Gilafding in 1871.

The third source of the legend, which came to the present day, - Kursh Danilov's Song Collector. The man worked at the Demidov plant and on the task of the employer gathered together historical legends, epics and songs.

Due to the large number of manuscripts, the epics differ from each other. The epic plot remains unchanged and a detailed description of the life of residents of Novgorod.

There is a chance that the talented Husar existed in fact. The merchant Sodko Saltin, who put his hand to the construction of the Church of Boris and Gleb, is similar to the way from the ancient epics. A man also lived in Novgorod, achieved success in trade and often traveled by the sea.

However, it is easy to notice the similarity of Sadko and with the hero of the French legend. The brave name of the sadoch makes a crime and, running away from punishment, is integrated through La Mans. In the middle of the road, the ship falls into the storm, which only the suicide of the hero stops.

The main character of the episodes (and partly the plot) is not unique, as evidenced by similar tale of other peoples of the world. In the Germans, this Siegfried, Finnov - Veetemenen, from the French - the previously mentioned Sadok and others.


Sadko grew up in a poor family not far from Veliky Novgorod. Nowhere in the epics is not mentioned by the appearance of the Huslar. The description of the hero is reduced to several epithets - "Buyna Head" and "Sugar Lucky". This allows us to conclude that Sadko has at least a pleasant appearance.

The only thing that brings money to the young man is a game of loved guesls. The hero is endowed with musical talent and is often invited by the boyars on the feasts and holidays.

Biography of the poor Huslar is changing suddenly. Left without earnings for three days, the hero goes to Ilmen Lake. Litting on a stone, Sadko performs a couple of favorite melodies. This young man's ritual repeats two times for 9 days.

After the third concert from the water comes out the sea king. The guy's impressed by mastery, the king invites Sadko an enrichment option. The hero will argue that goldfish is found in the lake, and winning the dispute, will be a successful merchant:

"How to hit a great mortgage,
And please contact a silk nemid
And come to catch in Ilmen Lake:
I will give three fishes - gold feathers.
Then you, Sadko, happy you will! "

Everything happened, as the king promised. In one moment, the poor Husar turned into a secured boyarin. Fold and calm life does not bring the hero happiness. During the next feast, Sadko argues with other boyars, which will light all the goods in Nizhny Novgorod with ease.

Here the fairy tale about lucky making is splitting. In the original version of Sadko loses in the dispute. No matter how hard the merchant tries, with the onset of the morning, Veliky Novgorod is again full of goods brought from different sides of the world.

It is easy to trace how the character of the main character changes. Initially, Sadko appears in the image of a simple guy who is peculiar to truly Russian features: courage, generosity and trick. But with the advent of wealth, the new merchant loses relationship with reality. A man throws in richness with a whole city and loses the dispute. Rotating in Gordin, the hero is aware of its own place in the world:

"I'm not visible, a merchant is rich in the Novogorovsky - the glorious Novgorod coats me."

There is an alternative end of the epic. In it, the merchant Sadko wins the dispute and buy all the products of Novgorod, including fragments of the broken dishes. The time does not stand still, the case of Sadko flourishes. The young merchant purchases ships and supplies the goods to the Golden Horde. In the next journey to the ships, the storm is coming. Knowing sailors claim that it is necessary to pay tribute to the Sea Tsar, otherwise the trading fleet will take place.

Sadko sacrifices himself to save the cargo and workers. A man falls into the marine kingdom. Old familiar merchant is happy with a new meeting. The king of the underwater world asks the hero to play hobslies. For such entertainment takes time. Understanding that he became a hostage, Sadko treats the prayer to.

The patron of travelers is whispering the hero, how to get out of the established situation. Everything comes in accuracy, as the Holy Orthodox predicted. Sadko pretends that he broke the hussley. In a reward for the beautiful game, the sea king offers a merchant to marry one of the three hundred daughters. A man chooses the younger wife - Chernidka.

The next morning Sadko wakes up in his native Novgorod. Ships with a commodity reached their homeland without interference. In gratitude for the help of Sadko and his wife, the Church of Mikola Mozhaysky (Nikolai Wonderworker) is built.

Shielding and setting

In 1897, epics about Sadko became the basis of the musical work. Opera, whose name is consonant with the name of the main character, wrote and set. The history of the work of the work is quite long. The opera rose from the symphonic poem, which the composer wrote back in 1867.

At various times, Vladimir Galuzin, Vladimir Altynov, Viktor Lutsyuk, Drago Starch, Georgy Navep and other famous tenors were performed.

In 1952, the first and at the moment the only screening of the epics was held. The actors who played the main roles are - and are marked by the film critics of the Venetian festival. Kinokarttina "Sadko" was awarded "Silver Lvom" and nominated for "Golden Lion".

In 1975, Soyuzmultfilm became a fairy tale. The main characters remained unchanged, but for entertainment, the details were changed. Sadko appears in the image of a bundle, and Chernoshushka is a simple rustic girl. Otherwise, the script author left the episoda unchanged.

In 2018, a new animation film from the Studio "Mill" is published. In this comedy, the director Vitaly Muhamedzyanova Sadko again will have a maritime journey.

  • The name of the hero came to Russia from Persia. The meaning of the name is a royal friend or rich guest.
  • In the early legends, the role of the Savior went to the pallet queen. The Orthodox Holy did not appear in the initial versions of the legend.
  • Soviet film "Sadko" became the basis for American film "Magic Adventures of Sinbad". Cinematographers slightly crossed the original version, since the name of the epic hero is unfamiliar to the Americans.


"I'm not waiting in my heart. Earth me. Forgive me, sinful. What can you do - not fate to us. "
"People want to see, show themselves, we want to trade with you."
"I have no wolya in the blue sea, ordered to play in the testicle of the yarre."

The overwhelming courage and the courage of warriors, patriotism and love for their homeland. This oral folk creativity reflected the life of the ancient Russia of the 9th-XIII centuries. We are approaching the topic "The epic" Sadko ": a summary, the main characters." Here, the Husar is acting as a real patriot of his land, a deeply believer man, the soul of which is not deceived and not to buy in any kind of rugs. The king of the seas will be exactly the tempter who is ready to give all his treasures for such a talented well done.

Unsna "Sadko": short content for children

Young Husar Sadko lived in Veliky Novgorod. So the epic "Sadko" begins. Summary tells that it was very beautiful, but poor, in kind of proud and proud. He earned his life to a very lively and penetrating game on the hurs. From one cheerful pir, he fell to another. But once he stepped out when he stopped calling him.

One day passed, then the second, third, and then, all the abandoned well done went to Ilmeny-Lake, the stone was found near the coast, he sat down on him, the hussley and played it, as if his soul was crying in longing and loneliness. From such a game, the water in the lake began to sneak very much, but the musician did not pay any attention to it and returned back to the city.

King marine

Now every day he began to come ashore and play on his instrument. And once Sadko saw how the Water Ilmen-Lakes was prompted from his music. On his surface, the king marine king, who appealed to the musician with a laudatory words.

For such wonderful sounds, he wanted to reward his countless golden treasury. The king suggests Sadko to argue with local merchants, which will catch fish with golden feathers, and promised to throw it into his nemid.

This dialogue is very interesting describes the epic "Sadko". Summary, however, continues that when the merchant people swallowed in one of the peters, then Sadko, taking advantage of the moment, offered the dispute and boasted that he would catch the miracle-wonderful fish in the lake.

But no one believed with these fairy tales, so three merchants with ease agreed to beat the mortgage. The debaters threw the nemody three times and pulled out one goldfish alone. The discouraged merchants gave the surveyed three shops of the best product. Over time, Sadko became a real rich and began to receive "Great Barshi."

Sadko promises to buy all goods

His life has changed a lot, he dismissed a real luxury and embodied any of his fantasies. He had a white chamber, he began to rode the luxurious feasts and invite all the famous Novgorod to know. The fucking merchants each time began to boil, who has a good horse, who has a beautiful wife, and who has the countless treasury.

Sadko, however, was always silent, but until a certain time, but then, when he was offered something to boast, he said that he was too rich and what could buy all the goods in Novgorod shops. Only the merchant Sadko pulled these words, guests offended by Edaka exorbitant pride immediately hit him about the mortgage.

This is how the "Sadko" epitriding turnover is gaining. Summary continues the fact that the next day Sadko manages that his squad gives out a bunch of money and sends it to all the shopping shops of the city to buy all the goods in a row. And he himself went to the living room to buy everything without disaster.

Sadko Spurl

However, the next morning the merchants again brought the goods again, only twice as much. And the squad all bought everything. And so every morning, the shops were replenished with a commander more than the previous one. Then the avid dispiterary and got a good lesson and admitted that they do not sleep around the goods in Moscow and overseas, and that the merchant Novgorod really will be treated anyone.

But the epic "Sadko" does not end, the summary continues on the story that Sadko helped the merchants thirty thousand, but for the rest of his money he decided to build thirty ships and sail on the journey to watch the world with their own eyes. He sails through Volkhov, Ladoga and Neva, and then enters the open sea and after a while arrives in the Golden Horde. There, he sells his goods for a good price, and again he has a lot of money in the execution. He fills the barrels with gold and silver and is recovered home in Novgorod.

Long journey and storm

But on the way back, unprecedented storm, and ships are about to go to the bottom. Masty bent, sails are rushing. Sadko begins to think that he reaches him such a goat, because he understands who for so long ago he did not pay tribute. Then he takes a barrel with silver and throws into the sea, but the element does not get up, and the ships are not moving from place due to a strong wind. Then Sadko orders to throw a barrel with gold, but then the storm does not subside. And then he understands that the sea king wants to get a "living head". On the ship was throwing lots, which twice fell on Sadko himself. And then he gives his recent orders. He will be all his inheritance to the churches of God, the wife of young, poor brethren and brave warriors.

In the kingdom of naval

And so, saying goodbye to everyone, taking his native husli, he goes to the sea on the raft. The storm immediately dove, and the ship went on their way. Sadko tristed and woke up in maritime possessions in the horrors of the Belokamenny Tsar of the Maritime, who did not hide his joy and said that a long-time Husar did not pay him, so he himself went.

Saint Nicola Mozhaisk

The king of the Seas immediately asked to play her hobslies, and the musician, waving his hand, hit the ringing strings. Merry dance music rushed. At the bottom of the sea began real dances. Three days, the merchant played without a break, during which time the huge number of ships had caught a huge number of shores, shore and sat down.

The poor earthly people prayed to Saint Nikola Mozhaysky (Nikolai Wonderworker). And then near the Huslar appears a holy old man. He poked him on his shoulder and strictly, but kindly explained that it was time to finish dances. Sadko answered him that he had an order and that he could not disobey the king of the seas. Then the Holy Nikola suggested him to break the strings. And I also warned that if the king is offered to marry, then let him choose the most recently proposed bride, and he does not lie down in the womb to her bed, otherwise it will forever remain at the bottom of the sea.

Native edges

Sadko did it, he broke the strings and broke the hussley. The storm immediately subsided. The told king in gratitude suggested that he choose himself any bride from his daughters. In the morning, the Guslyra comes to the peel and sees three hundred of unusual beauties, but remembers the words of the Holy elder and chooses the girl Chernowka. After the wedding feather, he calls her southely and leaves her to the crowd. He didn't even touch her finger toward her, fell asleep on the marriage bed with a strong sleep, and when he woke up, was already on the native bank of the River Chernava in Novgorod. On the Volkhov-River, he saw his whole and unavailable ships, quietly swimming towards the shore. There were his wife with children and friends who were tearful to Sadko, and here, seeing his living and unavoidable, they did not believe their eyes. Everyone began to hug and kiss. Sadko unloaded all riches from ships. And the first thing was for the construction of the Cathedral Church in honor of St. Nichola Mozhaysky. Fight of the saint.

So finished the epic "Sadko" very brief content of the entire plot. After that, it was no longer floating around the seas Husar, but began to warm up peacefully in his Novgorod.

Epic "Sadko": summary and author

The epics of this may have different interpretations. According to the hypothesis of some historians, the basis of this oldest epics has become the song about the Novgorod merchant named Sodko Sytinets, who is mentioned in the chronicle of 1167 as the builder of the Church of Boris and Gleb in Novgorod. Surely the image of Sadko over time was interpreted into an Indo-European image of the mythical groom's bride and ocean daughter.

Open the topic "Sadko": summary, author, "It should be noted that the author of the epic and songs is the people. However, this work created the famous Opera Sadko Rimsky-Korsakov (1897). And in 1952, the magnificent Sadko tale of the director A. Ptushko was shot.