Repairs Design Furniture

How the gyroscope is arranged: the essence, the principle of operation, where it is applied. Mechanical rotary gyroscope made of drum materials Gyro dropper

This homemade will be interesting, first of all, small children. Especially if collecting it together. In general, the manufacture of a rotary gyroscope from undergraduate means is a great way to have fun and with benefit to spend your free time. Despite the visual complexity of the whole design, it is very simple to make it, because, in fact, the gyroscope is a conventional top, only with the "secret".

However, the principle of operation of the gyroscope is also quite simple: the flywheel rotates clockwise around its axis, which, in turn, is conjugate with the ring and performs rotational movements in the horizontal plane. This ring is rigidly fixed in another ring turning around the third axis. That's the whole secret.

The process of manufacturing a rotary mechanical gyroscope

From plastic pipe Cut two rings of the same width. The bearing will also be required to shed superclaim so that it does not spin. In the inner ring, we will prescribe a wooden "tablet", in which in the center you need to drill a hole for a metal rod with pointed ends.

On one edge of the rod, we put on a piece of plastic tube (you can borrow with ballpoint pen). IN plastic ring Two holes for the rod and joking with a rotating axis of the bearing with the help of a larger diameter metal tubes (you can use the segments of the telescopic antenna).

Homemade gyroscope

Gyroscope (from Dr. Greek. Yupo "Circular rotation" and OKPW "Watch") - a quickly rotating solid body, the basis of the same device that can measure the change in the orientation angles of the bodies associated with it relative to the inertial coordinate system, as a rule, based on the transmission of the rotational moment (moment of impulse).

The name of the "Gyroscope" and the working version of this device came up with the French scientist Jean Fouco in 1852.

Among mechanical gyroscopes stand out rotary gyroscope - A quickly rotating solid body, the axis of rotation of which is capable of changing the orientation in space. In this case, the speed of rotation of the gyroscope significantly exceeds the rotation rate of the axis of its rotation. The main property of such a gyroscope is the ability to maintain in space the unchanged direction of the axis of rotation in the absence of impact on her moments external power.

For the manufacture of a gyroscope, we will need:

1. A piece of laminate;
2. Ronyshko 2 pcs. from tin can;
3. Steel wand;
4. Plasticine;
5. Nuts or (s) sore;
6. Two screws;
7. Wire (copper thick);
8. Poksipol (or other frozen glue);
9. Isol;
10. Threads (for launching and something else);
11. As well as the tool: Saw, dye, Kern and DR ...

The overall idea is clearly set out in the picture:


1) We take the laminate and cut out from it the 8th coal frame (in the photo it is 6 coal). Next, drill 4 holes in it: 2 (at the ends) on the front, 2 across (the same at the ends), see photos. Now we will be brought into the wire ring (the wire diameter is approximately equal to the diameter of the frame). Take the 2-val of the screw (bolt) and the trips in them at the deepening at the ends of the seed or core (you can drill a drill at a thin end).

2) Need to collect the main part - Rotor. To do this, take the 2nd Punchka from the canning can and make it in the hole in the center. The hole with a diameter should correspond to the axis-rod (which we insert there). To make the axis-rod take a nail or a long bolt and cut down the length, the ends must be sharpened. To make the centering was better, insert the rod into the drill and how the machine is a sharpening file or grinding stone from 2 sides. It would be nice to make the groove on it for a plant thread. On one of the disks with smearing plasticine, and we will drink nuts and loaded in it (who has a steel ring, then it's even better). Now we connect both disks (according to the type of sandwich) and pierce them through the holes by the axis-rod. Lubricate the whole thing in Pokilipol (or other glue), insert our rotor into a drill and while Poksipol freezes, we will center the disk (this is the most important part of the work). Balance should be perfect.

3) We collect on the picture, the free move of the rotor up-down should be minimal (felt, but a little bit).

Mechanical gyroscope is not a complex device, while its work is a rather beautiful sight. His properties are studying scientists for more than two hundred years. It would be possible to think that everything was studied, because it has long been found and practical use And the topic must be closed.

But there are passionate people who do not get tired to argue that when the gyroscope is performed, its weight changes when rotating in one direction or another or in a certain plane. Moreover, such conclusions sound, as if the gyroscope overcomes gravity. Or it forms the so-called gravitational shadow zone. And finally, there are people who say that if the speed of rotation of the gyroscope exceeds to some critical value, then this device Acquires a negative weight begins to fly away from the ground.

What are we dealing with? The possibility of a breakthrough of civilization or pseudo-nuclear error?

Theoretically, weight change is possible, but at such high speeds, which is experimentally verified impossible under normal conditions. But there are people who assure that they have seen the overcoming of earthly gravity at the speed of rotation of everything within a few thousand minutes. This experiment is devoted to this hypothesis.

Characteristics of the simplest homemade gyroscope.

Not everyone, if possible, collect a gyroscope. Auto roller assembled a gyroscope weighing more than 1 kg. Maximum speed of rotation of 5000 revolutions. If the effect of weight change is really present, it will be noticeable on lever scales. Their accuracy, taking into account the friction in the hinges, lies within 1 grams.

Let's start experiment.

First, we will bring the balanced gyroscope in the horizontal plane clockwise. Rotating flywheel will never be completely balanced, as it is impossible to produce it perfect balancing. Yes, and there are no ideal bearings.

Where does the axial and radial vibration arise, which goes to the scales? As a result, an imaginary increase or a decrease in weight may occur? Let's try to promote the flywheel in the other direction to test the theory that it is precisely the direction of rotation plays a major role in the gravitational eclipse. But it looks like a miracle will not happen.

What will happen if you suspend and promote a gyroscope in a vertical plane? But in this case, no changes are happening on the scales.

Forced precession.

Perhaps at school or at the institute you showed such an installation for the demonstration of forced precession. If you promote a gyroscope, for example, clockwise in a vertical plane, and then turn it again clockwise, if you look at the top, but already in the horizontal plane, then it takes off. Thus, it reacts to external influences and seeks to combine the axis and the direction of its rotation with the axis and the direction of rotation in the new plane.

Some people suddenly break down this topic, there is an erroneous understanding of this process. Mm It seems that mechanical gyroscope It is able to take off if it is forced to unwind in the second plane and thus allegedly can be created an innovative engine. At the same time, the gyroscope here rises only because it is repelled from the rotating stand, and it in turn is repelled from the table. In weightlessness, the total impulse of such a design will be zero.

Once I watched the conversation of two friends, more precisely girlfriends:

A: Oh, you know, I have a new smartphone, it has even a built-in gyroscope

B: AA, yes, I also downloaded myself, put a gyroscope for a month

A: Um, are you sure that this is a gyroscope?

B: Yes, gyroscope for all zodiac signs.

So that such dialogues in the world have become a little less, we suggest finding what a gyroscope is and how it works.

Gyroscope: history, definition

A gyroscope is a device having a free axis of rotation and capable of reacting to a change in body orientation angles on which it is installed. When rotating, the gyroscope retains its position unchanged.

Word itself comes from Greek gyreo - Razing I. skopeo. - Watch, watch. For the first time the term gyroscope was introduced Jean Fouco In 1852, but invented the device earlier. Did it a German astronomer Johann Bonenberger In 1817.

Represent rotating with high frequency Solid bodies. The axis of rotation of the gyroscope can change its direction in space. The properties of the gyroscope have rotating artillery shells, aircraft screws, turbine rotors.

The simplest example of a gyroscope - wolf Or well the well-known children's toy Yula. The body rotating around a certain axis, which retains the position in space, if there are no external forces and moments of these forces on the gyroscope. In this case, the gyroscope is resistant and is able to resist the effects of external force, which is largely determined by its rotational speed.

For example, if we quickly promote Yula, and then I push it, it will not fall, but will continue to rotate. And when the vehicle speed drops to a certain value, the precession will begin - the phenomenon when the axis of rotation describes the cone, and the moment of the pulse of the wolf changes the direction in space.

Types of gyroscopes

There are many types of gyroscopes: two and three-space (separation by degrees of freedom or possible axes of rotation), mechanical, laser and optical Gyroscopes (separation on the principle of action).

Consider the most common example - mechanical rotary gyroscope. In essence, it is a wolf rotating around the vertical axis, which turns around the horizontal axis and, in turn, is fixed in another frame, turning around the third axis. As we did not turn the top, it will always be located in a vertical position.

Application of gyroscopes

Due to its properties, gyroscopes are very widely used. They are used in spacecraft stabilization systems, in navigation systems of ships and aircraft, in mobile devices and game consoles, as well as as simulators.

Interested in how such a device can fit in modern mobile phone And why is he needed there? The fact is that the gyroscope helps determine the position of the device in space and find out the deviation angle. Of course, there is no rotating top in the phone, the gyroscope is a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) containing microelectronic and micromechanical components.

How does it work in practice? Imagine that you play your favorite game. For example, racing. To rotate the virtual car steering wheel, you do not need to press any buttons, it is enough just to change the position of your gadget in your hands.

As you can see, gyroscopes are amazing devices possessing useful properties. If you need to resolve the task of calculating the movement of the gyroscope in the field of external forces, refer to the specialists of the student service that will help you handle it quickly and efficiently!