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Biblical Encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nicephorus 5000 words. Illustrated Bible Encyclopedia download fb2

The Illustrated Bible Encyclopedia is a unique guide to the Bible. Compiled by Archimandrite Nikifor in 1891 on the basis of scientific research and authoritative reference publications, it enjoys well-deserved respect and is very popular today. Due to the completeness, simplicity and understandability of the content, the book has become a desktop for several generations of inquisitive Bible readers. The articles of the encyclopedia cover all areas of biblical knowledge: archeology, architecture, astronomy, geography, botany, zoology, mathematics, medicine, numismatics, pedagogy, etc. The book contains biographies of all persons in the Bible and explains the theological terms necessary for understanding the Holy Scriptures. The book is intended for the widest range of readers.

Archimandrite Nikifor (Alexey Mikhailovich Bazhanov, 1832-1895) - Russian Orthodox church writer, full member of the Moscow Society of Spiritual Enlightenment Lovers, employee of the Orthodox Palestinian Society. From November 25, 1887, he was rector of the Vysokopetrovsky Monastery in Moscow. His main works: "Illustrated complete popular Bible Encyclopedia" (M., 1891-92), "A guide to reading and studying the Bible in the family and school" (M., 1894) and several articles in the "Collection for lovers of spiritual reading" ( M., 1888).

The world of the Bible is infinitely interesting, amazing, diverse. All of us, modern readers of the Bible, are united by the feeling of a pioneer who has moved from the pages of this great book into an extraordinary world of faith and wisdom, grandiose battles and miraculous events, human passions and divine intervention in earthly affairs. Amazing things are happening today - the Bible once became the foundation of European culture, but now we, the people brought up in this culture, are returning to its origins, to the beginning of all things. This wonderful book, which has become the fruit of many years of work by its compiler, Archimandrite Nicephorus, will help to make the world of the Bible closer and more understandable.

The author of this work, which strove to create a "simple, edifying reference book for every inquisitive Orthodox Christian," managed to build a fascinating story about sacred history and all aspects of life in biblical times.

Heroes, books, cities - in total more than five thousand articles on all topics of biblical knowledge. The encyclopedia contains more than two hundred illustrations.

Encyclopedic and reference edition, fascinating stories about the Holy Scriptures and all aspects of life in ancient times for a wide range of readers. The articles of the Illustrated Bible Encyclopedia cover all areas of biblical knowledge: mathematics, architecture, astronomy, geography, botany, numismatics, archeology, zoology, medicine, pedagogy.

The Bible Encyclopedia provides biographies of all biblical figures and an explanation of the necessary theological terms. The encyclopedia is illustrated with works of outstanding masters of Western painting from the Renaissance to the beginning of the 20th century.

The encyclopedia introduces the reader to the books of Holy Scripture in detail. The main goal of its compiler, Archimandrite Nicephorus, was to create not just an encyclopedia, but also "a simple, instructive reference book ... for every inquisitive Orthodox Christian."

Monday, Feb 10 2014

There was a list of 5,000 words (settlements, names, etc.) that was replaced in Russia during the reform of Patriarch Nikon. For example, the word "life" is changed to the name "Eve" (Genesis 3:20).

This list was found in an edition of the popular Bible Encyclopedia. Its author is Nikifor (in the world Aleksei Mikhailovich Bazhanov 1832–95), a spiritual writer, archimandrite and rector of the Vysokopetrovsky Monastery.

This encyclopedia is designed to convey to the reader in a popular form incomprehensible or obscure expressions, names of geographical places, events, names and deeds of prophets, kings, national leaders and other historical figures mentioned in the Holy Scriptures.

For the first time, the "Illustrated Complete Popular Bible Encyclopedia" by Archimandrite Nicephorus was published in 1891.

In 1990 with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II the encyclopedia was reprinted in a reprint way.

In 2002-2005 The publishing house "LOKID-PRESS" prepared and published in three editions a new version of the "Bible Encyclopedia" by Archimandrite Nicephorus. In this edition, the text has been translated into modern Russian spelling, personal names and geographical names have been brought into line with current standards, stylistic corrections have been made, and factual data have been verified.

In addition to the employees of the publishing house, employees of the Moscow Patriarchate took part in this work. The book is illustrated with works by Gustave Doré. The encyclopedia is supplied with an appendix prepared especially for the new edition.

It should be noted that the Bible Encyclopedia, compiled by Archimandrite Nicephorus, was not intended for scientific purposes and today is very outdated. At present, it has a certain significance for the history of science, as a monument of Russian biblical studies and biblical studies of the 19th century.

Due to the completeness, simplicity and understandability of the content, the book has become a desktop for several generations of inquisitive Bible readers.

Archimandrite Nikifor - Introduction

Under the indicated title, an extensive work is being published, undertaken by me at the beginning of last year. The first issue of it with a letter "A" on "E" inclusive, states from an explanation of more than 1500 words to the indicated letters, is currently offered to the favorable attention of the public. The remaining 3 issues are almost ready and will be published in a short time, during the current and early next year.

In more or less extensive articles, and often short and concise, depending on the importance of the subject, the Popular Bible Encyclopedia answers almost most of the questions of biblical archeology, architecture, astronomy, geography, biographies of biblical figures, botany, sacred bibliography, military science, zoology, agriculture, arts, mineralogy, meteorology, medicine, mathematics, numismatics, pedagogy, physics, ethnography and others.

Theological terms, with the exception of terms of a strictly biblical meaning, are omitted. The explanation of the details of biblical terms applies to both canonical and non-canonical books of St. Scripture, however, that the explanations of these latter are distinguished by their considerable brevity in comparison with the former.

The entire edition will consist, as already mentioned, of 4 issues, containing approximately 7,500 explanations of various words found in the Old Testament and New Testament canonical and non-canonical books of St. Scriptures.

In order to make this edition the most accessible to everyone, the compiler of the encyclopedia also proposes to set a price for it that is affordable and cheap, in comparison with other publications of this kind, namely 2 r. 50 kop. for each issue, with forwarding, despite the fact that in the Encyclopedia, where it is possible and necessary, a greater or lesser number of figures and several sacred ones will be attached to the text. geographical maps on the model of English editions of this kind.

Explore the Scriptures(John V, 39), the Lord Savior said in one place, and in another: err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God(Matt. XXII, 29), and now, having the main goal of the closest acquaintance of readers with the divinely inspired beauty, power and expressiveness of the books of the Holy. Scripture, the compiler of the aforementioned work also has in mind that, in addition to its specialty - to serve for various biblical references, it should also be a simple, understandable, edifying, reference book for everyone, not only for an educated, but also for any inquisitive Orthodox Christian who loves the verbs of eternal life.

At the beginning of each article is placed an explanation of each word, a quotation, or no quotations, strictly verified with the Russian Bible, which the compiler mainly used, and finally, a presentation of the content of the article. Sources and aids in compiling the Bible Encyclopedia have served and continue to serve: the Bible in Slavonic and in Russian translation, Theology of the Rev. Macarius and Anthony, The Long Christian Catechism and the Beginnings of Rights. Chr. teachings of M. Filaret, Dictionary of Rights. of Church Liturgical Language and Sacred Rites, Ave. Mikhailovsky, Bible Dictionary of A. Verkhovsky, Experience of the Bible Dictionary of Ave. Solarsky, Handwörterbuch des biblishen Alterhums Dr Eduard Riehm, D. Eaidies - Biblical Cyclopoedia, Beeton`s Bible Dictionary, Cassel`s Bible Dictionary and etc.

The last three English editions have proved especially useful in compiling the Popular Bible Encyclopedia, so that many articles on biblical geography, biography, botany, zoology, ethnography, etc., with some brief changes, are directly borrowed from them, in view of their rich biblical content, elegant presentation and scientific latest research.

From the first lines it becomes clear that in the Bible most of the words, concepts, names are in Hebrew. But it turns out that before Nikon's reform, there was a Slavic Bible, where the names and concepts were Old Russian:

Substitution during the reform of Nikon 5000 Slavic words in the Bible

Download A set of parallel titles of the encyclopedia on the text of the Russian Bible and the Slavic Bible can

Here are some examples of substitutions or substitutions of concepts:

Yes, geographical names, God bless them, but the words "wine yourself"(Deut. ch. 4 verse 9; chapter 6 verse 12 and chapter 8 verse 11) were changed to BEWARE (???)

And this, you see, is not the same thing ...

Pay attention to yourself, pay attention to yourself - pay attention to yourself. Listening means listening. Listen to the voice of conscience, listen to the soul, listen to your breath ...

“The desert listens to God and the star speaks to the star”

Amen is "Budi". in old conspiracies it is found: "so there is, so be it, so be it."

Who was looking for the Aryan trace in the Biblical writings, then you should pay attention to the words "Ara".

Word "Arey" in the Bible it means "Darey".

- in the period 1650-1660s, liturgical and canonical measures aimed at changing the ritual tradition that existed then in Moscow. It caused a split in the church and led to the emergence of numerous Old Believer movements.
But not only did the traditions in holding services change - the sacred writings, the Bible itself, were also corrected.

There was a list of 5,000 words (settlements, names, etc.) that was replaced in Russia during the reform of Patriarch Nikon. For example, the word "life" is changed to the name "Eve" (Genesis 3:20).
This list was found in an edition of the popular Bible Encyclopedia. Its author is Nikifor (in the world Alexei Mikhailovich Bazhanov 1832-95) - a spiritual writer, archimandrite and rector of the Vysokopetrovsky Monastery.
This encyclopedia is designed to convey to the reader in a popular form incomprehensible or obscure expressions, names of geographical places, events, names and deeds of prophets, kings, national leaders and other historical figures mentioned in the Holy Scriptures.
For the first time, the "Illustrated Complete Popular Bible Encyclopedia" by Archimandrite Nicephorus was published in 1891.
In 1990, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia, the encyclopedia was reprinted.
In 2002-2005 The LOKID-PRESS publishing house prepared and published in three editions a new version of the Biblical Encyclopedia by Archimandrite Nicephorus. In this edition, the text has been translated into modern Russian spelling, personal names and geographical names have been brought into line with current standards, stylistic corrections have been made, and factual data have been verified.
The encyclopedia itself can be downloaded or read.
From the first lines it becomes clear that in the Bible most of the words, concepts, names are in Hebrew. But it turns out that before Nikon's reform, there was a Slavic Bible, where the names and concepts were Old Russian:
You can download the Code of parallel names of the encyclopedia on the text of the Russian Bible and the Slavic Bible, or
Here are some examples of substitutions or substitutions of concepts:
Yes, place names, God bless them, but the words “beware of yourself” (Deuteronomy, ch 4 verse 9; chapter 6 verse 12 and chapter 8 verse 11) were replaced with BEWARE (???)
And this, you see, is not the same thing ...
Pay attention to yourself, pay attention to yourself - pay attention to yourself. Listening means listening. Listen to the voice of conscience, listen to the soul, listen to your breath ...
“The desert listens to God and the star speaks to the star”


Acher is Nephilim. Now the expression "Aheret" is a little clear.

Who was looking for the Aryan trace in the Biblical writings, then you should pay attention to the words "Ara".

The word "Arey" in the Biblical scriptures means "Darey".

The word "As" in the Biblical scriptures means "Evening Star".

Amen is "Budi". in old conspiracies it is found: “so there is, so be it, so be it.”

It seems that the constellation Ursa Major and Ursa Minor were previously called differently.
Specified: Pleiades, Vepr and Arcturus. Who knows what about the old constellations?

In the period of 1650-1660s, liturgical and canonical measures aimed at changing the ritual tradition that existed then in Moscow. It caused a split in the church and led to the emergence of numerous Old Believer movements.
But not only did the traditions in conducting services change - the sacred writings, the Bible itself, were also corrected.

There was a list of 5,000 words (settlements, names, etc.) that was replaced in Russia during the reform of Patriarch Nikon. For example, the word "life" is changed to the name "Eve" (Genesis 3:20).

This list was found in an edition of the popular Bible Encyclopedia. Its author is Nikifor (in the world Alexei Mikhailovich Bazhanov 1832-95) - a spiritual writer, archimandrite and rector of the Vysokopetrovsky Monastery.

This encyclopedia is designed to convey to the reader in a popular form incomprehensible or obscure expressions, names of geographical places, events, names and deeds of prophets, kings, national leaders and other historical figures mentioned in the Holy Scriptures.

For the first time, the "Illustrated Complete Popular Bible Encyclopedia" by Archimandrite Nicephorus was published in 1891.

In 1990, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia, the encyclopedia was reprinted.

In 2002-2005 The publishing house "LOKID-PRESS" prepared and published in three editions a new version of the "Bible Encyclopedia" by Archimandrite Nicephorus. In this edition, the text has been translated into modern Russian spelling, personal names and geographical names have been brought into line with current standards, stylistic corrections have been made, and factual data have been verified.

The encyclopedia itself can be downloaded or read.
From the first lines it becomes clear that in the Bible most of the words, concepts, names are in Hebrew. But it turns out that before Nikon's reform, there was a Slavic Bible, where the names and concepts were Old Russian:

You can download the Code of parallel names of the encyclopedia on the text of the Russian Bible and the Slavic Bible, or

Here are some examples of substitutions or substitutions of concepts:

Yes, place names, God bless them, but the words “beware of yourself” (Deuteronomy, ch 4 verse 9; chapter 6 verse 12 and chapter 8 verse 11) were replaced with BEWARE (???)
And this, you see, is not the same thing ...
Pay attention to yourself, pay attention to yourself - pay attention to yourself. Listening means listening. Listen to the voice of conscience, listen to the soul, listen to your breath ...
“The desert listens to God and the star speaks to the star”


Acher is Nephilim. Now the expression "Aheret" is a little clear.

Who was looking for the Aryan trace in the Biblical writings, then you should pay attention to the words "Ara".

The word "Arey" in the Biblical scriptures means "Darey".

The word "As" in the Biblical scriptures means "Evening Star".

Amen is "Budi". in old conspiracies it is found: "so there is, so be it, so be it."

It seems that the constellation Ursa Major and Ursa Minor were previously called differently.
Specified: Pleiades, Vepr and Arcturus. Who knows what about the old constellations?
