Repairs Design Furniture

How to collect a handle from Beresta. How to make a knife handle from birch

How to prepare Beresto for knife handle. Beresta blank. Beresta for knife handle. Beresto can not be prepared at any time, but only during the period of the coilment. The timing of the workpiece of Berriests is slightly different in different geographic zones, on average it is mid May - mid-July. The earlier spring comes, earlier time blanks. In people who are engaged in Corriste, there is a right sign: how the dandelions began to fumble and bloomed a rosehip, it's time to harvest the material. At this time, birch leaves are already gaining strength, and not get birch juice. Later, Beresty grows to the Luba and it becomes impossible to separate it. Conduct the workpiece in the woods, where the planned cutting of the trees are scheduled. Previously need to agree with representatives of leshozes. For billets, you need to choose a sunny day without precipitation. So, the workpiece starts with an inspection of birch. Choose trees with a more or less smooth barrel, with a minimum amount of bitch and without corrosion.

Very decorative bearers from the fallen and a little birching birches. You can remove Beresto at any time without problems.

Make a vertical incision of the bark of a knife-jammer to the depth of the Beresto layer (1-2 mm) to the Luba (this is the bottom layer of birch bark) and two horizontal notches on top and bottom of the outbreak:

Then you need to pose the edge of the reservoir of Berestov and start gently shoot it

If the deadlines are chosen correctly, Beresta literally itself separated from the tree

In places where Beresta grows to the Luba with bits, carefully cut into a knife. Birch S. large quantity bitch, warts should be avoided

Beresto brought from the forest must be dried. To do this, it is laid down under a canopy in 1 layer in withdrawal (white face) down. I sushi Beresto in the attic

After the berst will finally dry, the layers are folded into the packs, so that Beresta was a "face" to the "face" and compress the pack with sticks and ropes

How to prepare Beresto. Beresta blank. For the knife knob from Berestov with their own hands.

Perfect Beresta practically does not exist. Therefore, it is necessary to remove all irregularities and roughness with an external (white) side of Beresta with the help of a knife.

Beresta to winter . For the knife knob from Berestov with their own hands. Beresto regime in small squares with old birches. It is thicker, every bark tree has its own color. Houses from Berestov from both sides, we consider extended dirt and remnants under the bierrist layer. Cut on rectangles across and along the black streaks. Drilling or cutting the center I am a used template. Then we put on the centering stud alternating the light dark beert, and alternate rectangles with the direction of the residences. Be sure to lubricate the plane of the clamp otherwise, then to tear off Beresto.

You need to take a central heel without a thread, and then all this will have to drive on the thread to take out.

Tighten the clamp to the maximum but delicately and then the hairpin is bursting

Boiling minutes 20-30 can be longer, but then Beresta will begin to darken. Take all this business and tighten on hot. We repeat the procedure 2-3 times

Then I dry by me to dry the day. 4. Do the trigger oils that have been standing out when cooking and grinding glue Berert's better adhesive adhesives, not to break through the strata of Berestors and that with difficulty. Then I spread the clamp, take a central stud on the sluff process the edges of the workpiece.

The layers are pressed so that if even on Berrés, there are on the dark lump of the irregularities of Lopin after crushing in this way they will disappear. Therefore, you can take Beresto with very old birches.

Such blanks put on non-through installation until now it does not even think it is stratified. In the fortress is not inferior to the woods.

Without a reliable convenient handle, even the most spaced blade will be unsuitable in real life. And be it even three times with sharp and durable, but the benefits will be released no more than from the goat of milk. From this obvious statement it is not difficult to conclude that the formula good knife It consists of two uncomplicated components: high-quality blade plus an ergonomic handle. When choosing material for handle The knife must first decide where and how the knife will be used. Depending on the spectrum of work performed by a knife, the appropriateness of the use of a particular material changes. For example, bristian handles perfectly show themselves in the hands of fishermen, but hitting the service to hunting lovers, immediately pass positions and inferior wooden handles.

All possible materials of the handle can be divided into three large groups:

  1. Organic materials (vegetable origin and animal origin);
  2. Inorganic materials;
  3. Artificially created materials.

Organic materials of plant origin include various breeds Tree, Beresto and Cap. When evaluating all positive and negative qualities The above materials should be borne in mind that an important role is played by the quality of processing and compliance with the rules of the knife. In other words, before finally and irrevocably disappointed in a particular material, it is worth critical to evaluate the benignness of the manufacture of a particular knife and soberly analyze whether the tool was used in unsuitable conditions.

Handles of wood

In the realities of not stopping scientific and technological progress, such properties of wood as durability and wear resistance can no longer remain decisive when choosing materials for the manufacture of handles. Since exists sufficient number Alternative materials of artificial origin, which are capable not only to compete, but also to be ahead of wood for a number of qualities associated with wear resistance, durability and reliability. However, most artificial analogues of wood wins with its unmatched beauty of the texture. Sometimes to obtain a particularly saturated shade, ready-made handles pass by acid injury.

In addition, the tree is widespread material, and therefore publicly available. Of course, we are not talking about various exotic rocks, and excavating prices on the handle from such samples of the flora. In addition, it should be borne in mind that some of the inrogen rocks poorly carry the climatic conditions of our strip. It should be revealed to identify the possibility of problems with a wooden handle from exotic wood.

In addition to the availability and pleasant appearance of the handle from wood are distinguished by relatively low weight.
Not polished mirror wooden handle sits reliably in hand and has a good clutch with palm. Such a knife will not slide in hand, which is definitely a plus in the piggy bank handles made of wood.

Depending on the porosity and the degree of humidity of one or another, the hygroscopic properties of the material change. Stripping more simple languageThe tree has the ability to absorb moisture. This can be viewed both plus and minus at the same time. One side wooden handle Can absorb the surplus of sweat. On the other hand, there is a threat to swelling the material and the deformation of the handle. This can also include a dermole, which also leads to changes in the size of the knife handle. And with incorrect care, all of the above may result in warping and cracks. Most often, in order to reduce the hygroscopicity of the handle treated with enamels, varnishes and oil paints.

From other material, the tree is also characterized by the fact that it is anisotropic. Simply put, the impacts applied along and across the fibers of wood will give various results. Wood along the fiber is more vulnerable to mechanical effects. That's why handles of wood Additionally strengthened with metal parts, reinforce the strength of the product.

The following item is the thermal conductivity of the tree. Wood has a bad thermal conductivity, which is why it is used for the insulation of the premises. In the case of a knife handle, it works exclusively in positive side. No wonder handles of wood Called "warm." Heat hands transmitted wooden surface Handles, I. for a long time persists on its surface. Such a knife can easily work in the cold season.

Depending on the humidity of the tree, its electrical conductivity changes. It is not difficult to guess what rawly treeThe more younger work with things subject to current.

In medium latitudes, many varieties of wood traditionally use, including soft coniferous breedsSo deciduous: pine, cypress, cedar, juniper, larch, fir, spruce, ash, oak, elm, chestnut, maple, birch, nut, etc. In addition, a number of fruit trees are active in active use: apple tree, plum, pear, apricot. Handles of wood fruit trees are distinguished by beauty and hustyness. Similar handles from oak or birch will be much easier. Separately, it is worth noting the maple, which is highly valued for a unique pattern of texture - "bird eye". Manufacturers of knives did not bypass their attention and shrubs, among which the most brightly presented: heather, lilac, male and hawthorn.

To consider separately all the variety of rocks is devoid of any meaning, so consider only a few of the most famous.

Oak - The usual, traditional material for our country. There are two hundred species of oak. From classic oak with a brown texture that gives a gray-green tint, to the oak red with a wood punch color. Oak wood is distinguished by durability and wear resistance. It is pretty simple in processing, dry without any problems, is easily grinding, calmly covered with varnishes and paints. Oak wood durable, it is difficult to split, but it is easy to overtake. Oak, in contrast to many other breeds, is badly free.

Nut - It is considered a valuable rock that has an inimitable texture with an expressive pattern of fibers. Walnut wood is durable, firm and decently weighs. Walnut resistive resisted rotting and steadily responds to almost all the effects of the external environment. Walnut wood is something like the color of the oak, but is distinguished by the lack of a greenish shade, which is so inherent in almost all the varieties of oak. Over time, the nut has the property to darken, it is believed that over the years it becomes more than noble color. In addition to decorative properties, the nut is famous for strength and ease of processing. Moisture walnut handle Not afraid, but everything is somewhat worse with fire. Although it directly depends on the quality of product processing.

Wenge - Exotic African tree growing mainly in the tropics. Wenge Weden is heavy, hard and well transfers pressure test. Among other things, the handle from Wenge is practically not subject to fungus and insects. Mature tree is known for its golden brown and black streaks. Wood texture is large and has a memorable smooth pattern. Wenge wood pores are full of minerals and oils, so the tree is poorly polished. To solve this problem Used currency technology, which is replaced by a varnish or polishing coating. Wenge wood color may depend on the place in which the tree has grown. Handle from Wenge Capably makes colossal loads. The bright patterns, the contrasts of the golden tree with black stands of residences will not leave indifferent even the most picky esthete.

Bubega - Another tree growing in Equatorial Africa. The main colors of wood combines many shades from red-brown to violet. On the total flower background there are dark stripes folding into a fascinating pattern. Wood is firm enough and durable, without any problems, gives in polishing. The handles from the boobing are most likely heavy, but it can be firmly confident in its foundation and solidity.

Handle from cab

In the manufacture of the handle, not only traditional types of wood are used, but also kapa. A cap is called the threats in the form of a bowl resulting in trees due to a crossing of certain circumstances. Usually, the appearance of the CAPA leads sharp changes in the development of wood, they can be worn both natural and anthropogenic character. Masters of knife business, joiners and other artisans for a long time appreciate the cap for its strength and charming beauty. Cap stands on one stage with valuable wood species that are actively used in decorative purposes. Figure Texture Capa is the most complex interweaving of the annual layers and the cores of sleeping kidney. Each cap is unique and unique, fibysmagoric images and visions are born in unpredictable interlacing. Handle from cab - This work of art.

Most caps can be divided into two groups:

  1. Anomalous wood. In this category, a variety of outcrops can be included. The texture will be brighter than that of ordinary wood, but not so expressive, like a kapa from the kidneys.
  2. Sleeping kidney. This type of kapa is distinguished by a huge number of tubercles, which turned into a kidney. They create truly magnificent ornaments and are highly appreciated by masters.

The main complexity is the search for a suitable Capa. Therefore, more often you can meet decorative lining on handles, and small details. However, there are lucky ones with a knife with handle from cab.

Handle from Beresti

And finally, leading a conversation about wooden handles, It is worth mentioning about Bester. Which is an integral part of our culture. We all know well what the berst looks like, white, grayish or pinkish-brown bark of the very symbolic tree of our immense homeland. Beresta was used in Russia from time immemorial. It could be found everywhere: in construction, in the form of the material of the diploma, home utensils and various crafts. From Berestov got the deadline, which had an extensive spectrum of application.

Light knife S. handle from Berestov Will be afloat, so similar products are very appreciated by fish. A little replete surface of the handle will not give the hand to slip. Among the many advantages of birch bark are also the fact that Beresta does not spend electricity.

But set handles from Beresti Possess some minuses, including a flammability and a tendency to march. Partially the problem of pollution can be solved by treating with linseed oil.

The manufacture of handles from Berriest requires patience and careful approach. The process is carried out manually and requires a lot of effort. But each product is environmentally friendly and in its kind unique.

Without a reliable convenient handle, even the most spaced blade will be unsuitable in real life. And be it even three times with sharp and durable, but the benefits will be released no more than from the goat of milk. Of this obvious statement, it is not difficult to conclude that the formula of a good knife is developing from two uncomplicated components: high-quality blade plus an ergonomic handle. When choosing material for handle The knife must first decide where and how the knife will be used. Depending on the spectrum of work performed by a knife, the appropriateness of the use of a particular material changes. For example, bristian handles perfectly show themselves in the hands of fishermen, but hitting the service to hunting lovers, immediately pass positions and inferior wooden handles.

All possible materials of the handle can be divided into three large groups:

  1. Organic materials (vegetable origin and animal origin);
  2. Inorganic materials;
  3. Artificially created materials.

Organic materials of plant origin include various wood species, Beresto and Cap. In assessing all the positive and negative qualities of the above materials, it should be borne in mind that an important role is played by the quality of processing and observance of the rules of operation of the knife. In other words, before finally and irrevocably disappointed in a particular material, it is worth critical to evaluate the benignness of the manufacture of a particular knife and soberly analyze whether the tool was used in unsuitable conditions.

Handles of wood

In the realities of not stopping scientific and technological progress, such properties of wood as durability and wear resistance can no longer remain decisive when choosing materials for the manufacture of handles. Since there is a sufficient number of alternative materials for artificial origin, which are capable of not only competing, but also to be ahead of wood for a number of qualities associated with wear resistance, durability and reliability. However, most artificial analogues of wood wins with its unmatched beauty of the texture. Sometimes to obtain a particularly saturated shade, ready-made handles pass by acid injury.

In addition, the tree is widespread material, and therefore publicly available. Of course, we are not talking about various exotic rocks, and excavating prices on the handle from such samples of the flora. In addition, it should be borne in mind that some of the inrogen rocks poorly carry the climatic conditions of our strip. It should be revealed to identify the possibility of problems with a wooden handle from exotic wood.

In addition to the availability and pleasant appearance of the handle from wood are distinguished by relatively low weight.
Not polished mirror wooden handle sits reliably in hand and has a good clutch with palm. Such a knife will not slide in hand, which is definitely a plus in the piggy bank handles made of wood.

Depending on the porosity and the degree of humidity of one or another, the hygroscopic properties of the material change. I am expressed by a simpler language, the tree has the ability to absorb moisture. This can be viewed both plus and minus at the same time. One side wooden handle Can absorb the surplus of sweat. On the other hand, there is a threat to swelling the material and the deformation of the handle. This can also include a dermole, which also leads to changes in the size of the knife handle. And with incorrect care, all of the above may result in warping and cracks. Most often, in order to reduce the hygroscopicity of the handle treated with enamels, varnishes and oil paints.

From other material, the tree is also characterized by the fact that it is anisotropic. Simply put, the impacts applied along and across the fibers of wood will give various results. Wood along the fiber is more vulnerable to mechanical effects. That's why handles of wood Additionally strengthened with metal parts, reinforce the strength of the product.

The following item is the thermal conductivity of the tree. Wood has a bad thermal conductivity, which is why it is used for the insulation of the premises. In the case of a knife handle, it works exclusively in a positive side. No wonder handles of wood Called "warm." Heat hand is transferred to the wooden surface of the handle, and for a long time remains on its surface. Such a knife can easily work in the cold season.

Depending on the humidity of the tree, its electrical conductivity changes. It is not difficult to guess that the raw wood is, the more dangerous to work with things subject to current.

In medium latitudes, many varieties of wood are traditionally used, including both soft conifers and deciduous: pine, cypress, cedar, juniper, larch, fir, spruce, ash, oak, elm, chestnut, maple, birch, nut and t .. In addition, a number of fruit trees are active in active use: apple tree, plum, pear, apricot. Handles of wood fruit trees are distinguished by beauty and hustyness. Similar handles from oak or birch will be much easier. Separately, it is worth noting the maple, which is highly valued for a unique pattern of texture - "bird eye". Manufacturers of knives did not bypass their attention and shrubs, among which the most brightly presented: heather, lilac, male and hawthorn.

To consider separately all the variety of rocks is devoid of any meaning, so consider only a few of the most famous.

Oak - The usual, traditional material for our country. There are two hundred species of oak. From classic oak with a brown texture that gives a gray-green tint, to the oak red with a wood punch color. Oak wood is distinguished by durability and wear resistance. It is pretty simple in processing, dry without any problems, is easily grinding, calmly covered with varnishes and paints. Oak wood durable, it is difficult to split, but it is easy to overtake. Oak, in contrast to many other breeds, is badly free.

Nut - It is considered a valuable rock that has an inimitable texture with an expressive pattern of fibers. Walnut wood is durable, firm and decently weighs. Walnut resistive resisted rotting and steadily responds to almost all the effects of the external environment. Walnut wood is something like the color of the oak, but is distinguished by the lack of a greenish shade, which is so inherent in almost all the varieties of oak. Over time, the nut has the property to darken, it is believed that over the years it becomes more than noble color. In addition to decorative properties, the nut is famous for strength and ease of processing. Moisture walnut handle Not afraid, but everything is somewhat worse with fire. Although it directly depends on the quality of product processing.

Wenge - Exotic African tree growing mainly in the tropics. Wenge Weden is heavy, hard and well transfers pressure test. Among other things, the handle from Wenge is practically not subject to fungus and insects. Mature tree is known for its golden brown and black streaks. Wood texture is large and has a memorable smooth pattern. Wenge wood pores are full of minerals and oils, so the tree is poorly polished. To solve this problem, a fracturing technology is used, which replaces the coating of varnish or polishing. Wenge wood color may depend on the place in which the tree has grown. Handle from Wenge Capably makes colossal loads. The bright patterns, the contrasts of the golden tree with black stands of residences will not leave indifferent even the most picky esthete.

Bubega - Another tree growing in Equatorial Africa. The main colors of wood combines many shades from red-brown to violet. On the total flower background there are dark stripes folding into a fascinating pattern. Wood is firm enough and durable, without any problems, gives in polishing. The handles from the boobing are most likely heavy, but it can be firmly confident in its foundation and solidity.

Handle from cab

In the manufacture of the handle, not only traditional types of wood are used, but also kapa. A cap is called the threats in the form of a bowl resulting in trees due to a crossing of certain circumstances. Usually, the appearance of the CAPA leads sharp changes in the development of wood, they can be worn both natural and anthropogenic character. Masters of knife business, joiners and other artisans for a long time appreciate the cap for its strength and charming beauty. Cap stands on one stage with valuable wood species that are actively used in decorative purposes. Figure Texture Capa is the most complex interweaving of the annual layers and the cores of sleeping kidney. Each cap is unique and unique, fibysmagoric images and visions are born in unpredictable interlacing. Handle from cab - This work of art.

Most caps can be divided into two groups:

  1. Anomalous wood. In this category, a variety of outcrops can be included. The texture will be brighter than that of ordinary wood, but not so expressive, like a kapa from the kidneys.
  2. Sleeping kidney. This type of kapa is distinguished by a huge number of tubercles, which turned into a kidney. They create truly magnificent ornaments and are highly appreciated by masters.

The main complexity is the search for a suitable Capa. Therefore, more often you can meet decorative lining on handles, and small details. However, there are lucky ones with a knife with handle from cab.

Handle from Beresti

And finally, leading a conversation about wooden handles, It is worth mentioning about Bester. Which is an integral part of our culture. We all know well what the berst looks like, white, grayish or pinkish-brown bark of the very symbolic tree of our immense homeland. Beresta was used in Russia from time immemorial. It could be found everywhere: in construction, in the form of the material of the diploma, home utensils and various crafts. From Berestov got the deadline, which had an extensive spectrum of application.

Light knife S. handle from Berestov Will be afloat, so similar products are very appreciated by fish. A little replete surface of the handle will not give the hand to slip. Among the many advantages of birch bark are also the fact that Beresta does not spend electricity.

But set handles from Beresti Possess some minuses, including a flammability and a tendency to march. Partially the problem of pollution can be solved by treating with linseed oil.

The manufacture of handles from Berriest requires patience and careful approach. The process is carried out manually and requires a lot of effort. But each product is environmentally friendly and in its kind unique.

Once again, let me welcome the deeply respected assembly.

I suggest your favorable attention for a long time promised tutorial for the manufacture of barking sheath. I ask you to connect to the long details, since this is my first attempt to make a tutorial.
Especially for this tutorial was made here such a knife.

Kankapaa Leuki blade 137x27x3 mm. Carbon. Handle 125x335x20 mm. Beresta (assembly on PVA on the shank), Suwel Birza. Mounting through on the screed. Finish - While only the stacker 2500.

Sketch of the sheath.

We make the patterns of Berestov (just wrapped the knife with a folded sheet of paper) and spacers.

We make a stroke of a pine plate with a thickness of 10mm.

Crow Beresto. Here the first ambush: the knife is so long it is very difficult to choose slices of Berestov in size. By the way: Beresta is kindly provided by WC. Hamakura, for which he is so many thanks.

Layout Beresto in boiling water.

2 hours passed. Beresta changed the color and curled the shape of the trunk, the inner layer outside.

While breasts cooking a knife. Watch up the food film and secrets with a power steering. Do not forget the distantzer between the spacer and RK.

After 8 hours, we proceed to the most responsible operation. I pull out one piece of Beresto from boiling water, carefully unfold it and turn it on a knife. Fix the clips.

As soon as the first layer is slightly used to new form (10 minutes) and you can briefly remove the clamps, reach the second layer and repeat the operation.

The second layer is fixed, accustomed to the form, get the third layer and then the accident: he was smelled !!! The reason is very thick berst (the previous ones did from the more thin). There are no more pieces of this size, we decide to leave two layers that with the thickness of each in 3 mm enough.

It passed about an hour and berson met with his fate. We remove the clips and, without disassembled the package, we welt moisture-resistant PVA between the layers. Abundantly.

Cut the mouth with a tape, we put the clips and leave for a day. The photo shows prepared crimp. Chipboard 16 mm. With removed and rounded chamfer, which are saved with thick bilateral scotch.

Passed day. Neither berson did not dry, but slightly grabbed. We disassemble the entire design, remove the isolent, fastening the spacer and knife.

Abundantly, miss the PVA spacer.

Through the crimp climb the sheath with a knife in vice and clamps. And forget for two weeks.

Two weeks passed. Beresta became similar to tin. Pva became transparent. We disassemble the design. When tapping berst, rings. We scream over the length of the mouth

Let us continue:

Place, based on the traces of crimp, the location and holes (18 mm) of the future seam.

Drilling drill 5 mm

With the hook, sew strap.

Make oval hole under the suspension (drill, dremel). What happened.

Remove (Corvette 51) Excess Beresto and Space. The sheath is mostly ready. Go to the knife handle.

It's time to toned suwel and bark of handle under the color of the boerst scoothes. We use water morons.

Mixing (gradually) Various simulants pick up a color by checking it on a piece of supels.

The handle is covered with compotes of the veneer (tassel) and wiped with a rag.

After drying and energetic rubbing, the coarse X / B rag, the handle acquired a completely different look.

Danish polymerized (3 days) and is also arranged by a manually with a rag.

The sheath is also covered with Danish and are isolated. A woven pigtail was inserted into the oval hole from the same straps. Hands are shaking from Suweli. Everything !
Further photo session and the topic "Tues".
Ready to listen to criticism.

Set of knife knife from birch. Handle for knife with their own hands from Beresta. Bruce from horns. Bruce from the moose horns for a knife. By yonas_kaki.Wedge - Lauri RT 77 - 77x19x3.3 Handle - Power horn, berst ahead with brass, rogue, pin. Parameters - 95x27x18 Sheath - Beech liner, vegetable oppling leather, high shoe thread, wax for shoes, embossing, brown felt-tumbler.

And now about how it all was done. Over the size of the size was taken Ketitskaya Lighter

therefore, her native sister will regularly appear in the process of the story. So ... I took the blade and saw a piece from the horns suitable in size for the future hospital

(I do not pay attention to the sharpening shank - the wedge was initially preparing for another product) because the knife is not standard small, I decided to draw a sketch, although I have not done this long ago

according to the sketch, it became clear that the tail will have to not just cut, but also bend, which was done, with the help of items depicted in the photo

Then he took the future friend and with the help of G-6 G-6 from the Oberman's sector, gave it to the ends (not seryoi, and the hospital) shape of elegant arc

Having placed on the front side of the future hospital, drilled three holes on the front side, and with back side, I made a sample by a mumbler with a cutter (seen in the photo) so that when fitting, do not make up the entire thickness of the housing, but only thin (about 5 mm) wall. All tools used in fit are shown in the third photo.

I could never fit the Lauri blade to the horn without gaps, and not only to Horny, if you are honest, but fortunately, I have long been learning the method of dealing with this (it is on the horny principles) and I'll show it right now!

But first, you need to prepare a facial surface. Having sled it carefully, almost polished, shed a strong cyanacryl and put on the sun dry.

When everything dried, Skashchyril is surplus and polished the facial surface with steel cotton. Carved the latter plate next bit and made from trimming pine board... Probably, it will correctly call it Punson. Those. Krenovina, which snaps tightly the brass spacer to the concave surface of the hospital (it can be seen on a common photo in the lower right corner) sweat, then stuck the usual tape the facial surface of the hospital and thin sharp knife Cut the tape over the edge of the hole. Now it will be clear why.

Mixed white poxipol and smeared the shank, in the hospital area and the Bruce himself from the inside, Masyuki right along the stacked tape face. Incusted the wedge into the Britis, filled the sample from the opposite side of the hospital in the same Pokilipol, smeared the surface to them, put on the tail of the brass, Punson and lit all in the clamp.

Explicit sweeps from the blade we remove with a cotton wool or a napkin, moistened in alcohol or acetone, but so as not to squeeze the plowing from the gap. Further it is important to correctly catch the moment when Poksipol has already stood so much that it will not get out of the gap, if you pull, but also did not get so much that he harden finally. This moment comes hours in 8-12 after gluing. Take the edge of Scotch and - about a miracle! It did not stick to the bistore and all overlooking, essentially, only on the blade. Carefully, thin and sharp knife, cut off the surplus, trying not to scratch the combuary and blade. With the same knife we \u200b\u200bclean the inner side, where the brass.

Go to Bester. First you need to estimate - how many plates need. To do this, on the sketch, we measure the plot that will be filled with Best, we submit them to the thickness of brass spacers multiplied by their number, and divide the residue to the thickness of the Berestov existing sheet (measuring the unit). We obtain the approximate number of the desired plates. Add from 10 to 30 percent for shrinkage (the thickness of the burest, the more shrinkage) and proceed to cutting. I will not write in detail that it is necessary to clean it outside from small lochmotyev, dirt (if any), etc., and from the inner - from "proboscope" seals. I try to harvest Beresto so that one of her edge (across the fibers) was as smoother as possible. It greatly facilitates the cutting. On the Stangel, I donate the length of the plate (it will be rectangular) and I spend it along the edge of Beresta, then I cut off the line and cut off from the resulting strip the piece, the desired width, already cut this strip to the end, trying to bypass damaged and problem areas. The next strip is meant not a long future plate, but width. Those. On parts of the fiber plates will go along, on the part. Along / travelers should be equally and strictly alternate. This requirement and beauty and strength (a kind of laminate is obtained).

Then I take a Baaalish saucepan, pouring a gaaharya water from under the tap in it (I give water to drain, for a while, so that it was truly hot! ..) And throwing all the sliced \u200b\u200bplates into it. In turn, we take them out, "I contact" the special tool and cut the partition with a sharp knife. "Probles" do so that the record is sitting on the tail as tight as possible, without the backlash, but so that the edges are not climbed and not sticking along the tail, it will greatly complicate the shrinkage. And immediately add them in turn - along / across.

I dial them onto the tail, I put another brass, keep the back of the poinson and clamp in the clamp. For good, it would be nice to give this cause to dry. Then the fibe of the lines will be twice. But with this situation, the process can delay the day to 4 and, most importantly, it may turn out a big color difference between the packages (I already had it once). And I decided to do everything in one right. Has it all exactly as much as I did slits in the plates for the next package. Only I pierced it after a set, no longer curved Punson, but straight. We look at the pictures.

The remaining two packages gathered in the same Makar (only another pointers had to do - concave) and put it dry. To once again emphasize the fact that the assembly of Berestov on the wet self-sufficient, I show a photo on which handle has already been harasshed, but there is still no slut. Those. Beresta nothing holds. However, it does not smell or by itself, nor when shelling in Grinder, although the thickness of the package from the edge to the brass (brass to Bester does not stick) just 15 mm in the thick place.

Everything dried, he was arranged, go to the hill. According to the sketch, it approximately noted the right piece of horns, sipped him and slept on a small roller of the Greenman to the arc formed by the dried bark. Spinned and once again figured the fit - all nishtyak!

Initially, the installation was planned deaf. But after gluing and sprinkles ... In short, it returned to the hole on the ass (overlooked with the drilling under the shank). What to do? .. Mobile, list of contacts, Finca. RU - "Vasiyiaiiiiiiil !!! Pomiriiiiiiii !!!" "Come" - answered Vasil in the end, appeared from a knife in the ass here such a pin.

And from now on, the shoals got avalanche-like! First, I never imagined anything. Stupidly sprinkle would not come out - too much hole - 8mm and too close the tail - one incorrect movement and the drill will lead to the side and pipets to the neighbor. Sliced \u200b\u200ba piece of Pina, circulated him with a needle on the population and chose a nutrooter with a cutter. But chose not perfectly round. Yes, and the pin himself is also not simple - there are two holes in it, which, too, need to fill something. I thought for a long time than, a bunch of options went over and decided, filled with the color of the neighboring - Bul. The glue was not going to Pokcipol, but on Epox a 30-minute, so that the reserve is more. I staped in her sawdust horns - everything is gray. Added tooth powder - it became much white. Okay, I think it will freeze - just what you need. Froze - gray! Not that it looks completely bad, but ... I would like to whitewash. Yes, and got there something dark ... ugh !!!

Okay, it is necessary to sew sheath. I will not write about it in detail. And so three, at least, this process was described in colorfully and I also learned the insert, I had impregnated His Central Asian, I reached the skin, I soaked with Pva, sewed, melted, dried. The question arose about the drawing for embossing. Chose with the Woftymer customer