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If the mountain does not go to Magomed. What does the expression mean "if the mountain does not go to Magomet, then Magomet goes to the grief

wing. sl. There are various explanations of this origin. It is possible to ride, for example, that it goes back to one of the anecdotic stories related to the hodgeful Nasreddin, the favorite hero of the Middle East folklore, one day, when he gave himself for the saint, asked him how miraculously he could prove it. Nasreddin replied that he would challenge a palm tree to come closer to him and it would obey. When a miracle failed, Nasreddin headed for a tree with the words: "The prophets and saints are devoid of arrogance. If the palm does not go to me, I go to her. " This story is located in Arabic compilation, belonging to 1631.

Another story is in the notes of the famous traveler Marco Polo (1254-1324), the first edition of which in Latin reached without reference to the place and year; Presumably: Venice or Rome, 1484. Marco Polo tells that a certain Baghodad shoemaker took up the advantages of the Christian faith, and allegedly created a miracle: Mountain in his call moved in his direction. One of the researchers believes that the European version of this Eastern legend replaced the palm tree by the mountain due to the Christian tradition, claiming that Vera Mountain moves (the first message of the Apostle Paul to Corinthians, 13, 2). Finally, already in 1597, the English philosopher Francis Bacon (1561-1626) in his "moral and political essays", in the essay "On the courage" it says that Magomet promised the people to shift the mountain and when he failed, said: "Well! Since the mountain does not want to go to Magomet, Magomet will go to her. "

  • - What, who, whose, whose continuously is present in consciousness, is not forgotten. I mean that some event, situation, problem, remembrance about, about coma does not disappear from the memory, constantly disturbing the face ...

    Phrasebook Russian language

  • - Typically, the origin of this expression is associated with one of the stories about Hosting Nasreddin - the Hero of East Folklore, famous for the Fifteentifier and Ostrovnia ...

    Dictionary of winged words and expressions

  • - See the reason - ...
  • - Affirmative word ...

    Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

  • - cf. Now everything remains some thirty hours of driving, so that you say ... I .....

    Mikhilson's intelligent-phrase dictionary

  • - If the mountain does not go to Magomet, then Magomet must go to the mountain. Cf. Now it remains all thirty hours of ѣsya, so that you want ... I .....

    The intelligent-phraseological dictionary of Michelson (Orig. ORF)

  • - what. Simple. Something easily comes true, sold. Seeing that the goods so walker goes from the hands, the envious spider on the baryrs of the merchant was abandoned ...

    Frameological dictionary Russian literary language

  • - in the forest goes - it looks from the forest; From the forest goes - it looks into the forest ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - in the forest goes - cells puts; From the forest goes - shifts ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - In the forest goes, it looks home; From the forest goes, it looks into the forest ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - goes forest - not crawl; Going by Ples - will not splash ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - See temptation -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - There is a fish on the bluster, goes to the brilliance ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian nation

  • - Ryas. One problem followed by another, entails another. DS, 123 ...
  • - car. About how-l. Intensive action. SRGK 2, 35 ...

    Large dictionary of Russian sayings

  • - Narach, number of synonyms: 5 I don't go to mind, it doesn't go to mind, I don't want to think ...

    Synonym dictionary

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If the mountain does not go to Magomet, then Magomet goes to the mountain
Typically, the origin of this expression is associated with one of the stories about Hosting Nasreddin - the Hero of East Folklore, a famous inventor and a witness.
So, in one of the Arab collections (approximately 1631) it is said about how Khoja Nasreddin Johh El-Rumi ( full name Nasreddin on arabic) Once I decided to give myself for the saint. When he was asked how he would prove it, he replied that he could order a palm tree to approach him, and it would obey. When the miracle did not happen, Khoja himself went to the tree with the words: "True prophets and saints are deprived of arrogance. If the palm does not go to me, then I go to her. "
Sometimes another version of the same phrase is found: "If the palm does not go to Joch, so John will go to the palm."
IN modern version This expression entered European languages \u200b\u200bdue to the well-known English scientist and philosopher Francis Baconu (1561 - 1626), which in his book "Moral and political essays" (1597) brought his own version of the story about Hoja, replacing the latter on the most of the Magomete prophet. In the sketch "On the courage" contained in this book, Magomet promises the people to move the mountain, but when it fails, says: "Well, since the mountain does not want to go to Magomet, then Magomet goes to her."
Allegorical: About the desire to take the first step to solving the problem arising in relations with a partner, opponent, etc. (Samoiron.).

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lock-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003.

If the mountain does not go to Magomet, then Magomet goes to the mountain

There are various explanations of this origin. It is possible to ride, for example, that it goes back to one of the anecdotic stories related to the hodgeful Nasreddin, the favorite hero of the Middle East folklore, one day, when he gave himself for the saint, asked him how miraculously he could prove it. Nasreddin replied that he would challenge a palm tree to come closer to him and it would obey. When a miracle did not succeed, Nasreddin headed for a tree with the words: "Prophets and Saints are devoid of arrogance. If the palm does not go to me, I go to her." This story is located in Arabic compilation, belonging to 1631.

Another story is in the notes of the famous traveler Marco Polo (1254-1324), the first edition of which in Latin reached without reference to the place and year; Presumably: Venice or Rome, 1484. Marco Polo tells that a certain Baghodad shoemaker took up the advantages of the Christian faith, and allegedly created a miracle: Mountain in his call moved in his direction. One of the researchers believes that the European version of this Eastern legend replaced the palm tree by the mountain due to the Christian tradition, claiming that Vera Mountains moves (the first message of the Apostle Paul to Corinthians, 13.2). Finally, already in 1597, the English philosopher Francis Bacon (1561-1626) in his "moral and political essays", in his essay "On the courage" says that Magomet promised the people to move the mountain and, when he failed, said: "Well! Since the mountain does not want to go to Magomet, Magomet goes to her."

Dictionary of winged words. Plutex. 2004.

Watch what is "If the mountain does not go to Magomet, then Magomet goes to the mountain" in other dictionaries:

    If the mountain does not go to Magomet, then Magomet goes to the mountain - wing. sl. There are various explanations of this origin. It is planted, for example, that it goes back to one of the anecdotic stories related to the hodgeful Nasreddin, the favorite hero of the Middle Eastern Folklore, one day, when he gave himself for ... Universal extra practical dictionary I. Mostitsky

    If the mountain does not go to Magomet, then Magomet must go to the mountain. Cf. Now everything remains of any thirty hours of ѣsda, so that you want to meet ... I ... I love to rod that if the Moray is Na Magomet, then Magometh must go to the mountain. It remains ... ... Large intelligent-phraseological dictionary of Michelson (original spelling)

    Cf. Now all of all thirty hours of ride remains, so that you say ... I ... I love to believe that if the mountain is nearing a magometer, then Magomet must go to the mountain. It remains only to ask: which of us two is in the unpleasant position of the mountain, ... ... Mikhelson's Big Thick-Frazological Dictionary

If the mountain does not go to Magomet, then Magomet goes to grief

There are a lot of explanations of the origin of this expression. It is believed to be, for example, that it is associated with one of the old jokes about the beloved folk hero of the East Hosthe Nasreddin.

Somehow huzha, giving himself to the saint, boasts the power of his faith and the ability to create a miracle. "It is worth calling a stone or tree," Khoja assured, "and they will come to me." He was suggested to call the growing oak. Three times appealed to the stubborn Wood of Hydha, but it did not even move. The angry Khoja himself went to the oak. "Where are you?" - Not without gloating they asked others. Khoja replied: "Saints are not proud. If the tree does not go to me, I go to him. "

Others believe that this expression dates back to the legend of the unlawful prophecy contained in the Quran - in the Quran - the "sacred" book of Muslims.

Magomet (570-632 AD) is considered the founder of the religion of Islam, the Messenger of the Most High on Earth. I even had a formula for the believers: "There is no God, except for Allah, and Magomet - the Prophet." So, according to legend, Magomet once removed to prove its power to faithful. The Prophet ordered the grief to come closer to him. Mountain remained naughty. Then Magomet himself went to her with the words: " Well, if the mountain does not want to go to Magomet, Magomet goes to grief».

The meaning of this comic expression: accounted for by force of circumstances to submit to what the obedience was expected from whom.

Most likely, at least once in life, every citizen heard this mysterious to the Russian man phrase. However, most of them do not know when and in which country there was this saying. Let's try to figure out what the edges this interesting idiom appeared and who said it for the first time.

Nowadays, there are several options for this phraseology.

Second option.
We all went to school at school, where in one of the lessons we were told about the famous traveler and the navigator Marco Polo.
By visiting many countries, he witnessed the unusual events about which he left many records. These notes came out with a separate book at the very end of the 15th century.
In one of the travels, Dervish told him the story, which Later Marco Polo described in his book.
In Baghdad, a skillful shoemaker lived, he was a Christian. He surely believed in Jesus, that he decided to show his Halif all the power of Christian faith and why she surpasses the remaining creeds.
For this purpose, he chose a small mountain, rather a hill that was located near the Khalifa Palace. The skeleton looked at her strictly and ordered the grief to come to him immediately. He moved to the horror of Khalifa, the mountain was moved from the place and began to approach the man to call her.
Researchers tend to consider these two options agencies changed later phraseology "".

Third option.
This option is considered the most believable.

For the first time, the famous scientist, who lived in England, Francis Bacon, who lived in England, arose as a result of a failed experiment, if so it is possible to say. The writer of these words, according to Francis Beckon, the prophet Mugometa himself. Who founded the Islamic faith later. So I believed in my power that I decided to give the order of Mount. Goron refused to obey him. Then Magomet himself came up to the mountain, speaking: " If the mountain does not go to Magomet, then Magomet goes to the mountain"

Flight among the mountains in a flying video costume

Typically, the origin of this expression is associated with one of the stories about Hosting Nasreddin - the Hero of East Folklore, a famous inventor and a witness.

In one of the Arab collections (approximately 1631) it is said about how Khoja Nasreddin once decided to give himself for the saint. When he was asked how he would prove it, he replied that he could order a palm tree to approach him, and it would obey. When the miracle did not happen, Khoja himself went to the tree with the words: "True prophets and saints are deprived of arrogance. If the palm does not go to me, then I go to her. "

Sometimes another version of the phrase is found: "If the palm does not go to Joh, so Joha will go to the palm."

Another story is in the notes of the famous traveler Marco Polo (1254-1324), the first edition of which in Latin reached without reference to the place and year; Presumably: Venice or Rome, 1484.

Marco Polo says that a certain Baghdad shoemaker took up to prove the advantages of the Christian faith and allegedly created a miracle: Mountain in his call moved in his direction. Apparently, the European version of this Eastern legend replaced the palm tree by the mountain due to the Christian tradition, arguing that the faith Mountain moves (I Message to Corinthians, 13.2).

Known Turkish proverb: "Mountain, Mountain, travel; If the mountain does not wonder, let him be saint ". Booting this proverb is traced until the XVII century.

In the modern version, this expression entered European languages \u200b\u200bthanks to the famous English scientist and philosopher Francis Bacon. In 1597, he in his "moral and political essays", in his essay "On courage", says that according to legend, Magomet promised the people to shift the mountain, and when he failed, said: "Well! Since the mountain does not want to go to Magomet, Magomet goes to her. "

The meaning of this comic expression: accounted for by force of circumstances to submit to what the obedience was expected from whom.

Nikolai Roerich. Magomet on Mount Hira.

Magomet and Mount

Didn't want to go to Magomet
Magomet - did not hurry towards it.
Although there was no way between them,
There was no speech about rapprochement.

And they waited, Magomet and Mountain,
And when finally, they were fixed
And mutually decided: "It's time to come!",
Essently, alas, burned ...

Andrey Shigin

And the mountain did not go to Magomet.
He did not return the prophest ancestors to the Council,
And she did not go to her
A, tragic and angry,
Dried in smoke Cabinet ...

And the mountain did not go to Magomet.
He wrote her a couplet on a couple
He wrote, and wrote,
And addressed to the basket,
And again wondered a cigarette ...

And the mountain did not go to Magomet.
We were involved in secret,
That this mountain
Someone burns, they say, fires,
And, imagine, not the first summer! ..

He was ready to forgive her and it -
He was from such a plot,
But I waited, idiot,
What will come, what will come, -
How much does she say how much spit! ..

And the mountain did not go to Magomet.
What to korze her, mountain, for that?
What will think
If the mountains begin
For poets to run in the light?!

Well, would have sent at least or a carriage! -
Yes, really him, Magomet
do not understand that grief
In this eternal game
You need to be for someone planet! ..

And the mountain did not go to Magomet ...
How many years already ringed in the fly ...
But in flashes days
We did not become smarter
And do not follow the wise advice.
But in flashes days
We did not become smarter
And the mountain does not go to Magomet ...

Igor Zhuk.

Nikolay Roerich. Dorje who drank.

Mountain came to Magomet ...

Exactly at 13.00 comes the mountain to Magomet.
- caused?
- caused. Sit down.
- Thank you. I'll stand.
- Sit down, sit down. It's more comfortable for me.
The mountain sits on the edge of the chair.
- Fu, what you're big! - Magomet gets out of the table and, smiling, goes to the grief. Stopping at the foot, he loops his head and says:
- Hey, how do you hear me?! Wellness Nothing?!
"Thank you, nothing," the mountain is embarrassed and gets up.
- Siti, sit! No complaints? Slopes, cleft all right? Snow in winter, the sun is enough in summer? Cyclones do not bother?
"Thank you," Mountain answers, "Thank you very much! - And again gets up.
- Yes, sit you, sit! - Magomet laughs. - It means everything is OK. No complaints ... and I'm scary glad to see you, honestly! Hey, do you hear me out from here?
Mount of embarrassed nods and looks down, on Mahomet.
- Fu, what big became! And I remember you so much, - Magomet waves his hand toward the window, on the mountain ridge. - Okay. Why did I call you? You do not know?! And what came?! Wow, joker! - Magomet threatens the grief with a finger.
- I really do not know! - Mountain is frightened.
- "I do not know!" - Magomet grows over. - So healthy, and do not know! It's not good!
The mountain blushes.
- Okay. Nothing wrong. I remember calling. And then come in. Just! Without these officials. Sit, chat. Well, to top, otherwise I have things. - Magomet chlust the mountain on the ridge. - Yes! Try to remember why I called you! Do not put me in a stupid position. Once caused, it means that I meant something! Think at your leisure, what exactly?!
Mount Barrel comes out.
Magomet sits down at the table and looks at the mountain ridge for a long time:
- How I'm tired of all this! They are out how much, and I am alone! Well, the mountains are conscious - they themselves go to Magomet! And then I would have to go to the grief! I imagine how ridiculous it would look!
Magomet sighs and stresses in the calendar: "13.00 - cause the mountain."