Repair Design Furniture

Bath complex with a terrace. Saunas, complemented by a relaxation room, a barbecue area, as well as a terrace. Projects, planning, photo. Options for adding rooms

When buying a land plot, not everyone can afford a huge territory, so you need to carefully consider the location of buildings. If there is not enough free space, then it is necessary to combine the buildings with each other, combine them under one roof. One of these options is a bath with a veranda, where you can build a barbecue and create a comfortable seating area. Thus, it will be possible to save not only on usable space, but also on building materials.

When constructing a veranda with a bathhouse under a common roof, you can think about creating an attic floor or guest rooms, thereby increasing the functional load on the building without sacrificing square meters of an already small area. Creating one multifunctional complex is much more profitable than building several separate buildings. If you carefully consider the layout of the building, you can make it not only functional, but also attractive in appearance. Having harmoniously entered the design into the landscape design of the site, the bath complex can become a real highlight, an outlet for the owner of the territory.

The veranda can be used as a seating area or a dining area. Having placed a brazier on the veranda, you can bring together the whole family, who will be happy to relax both at the table and in the bath. If the bath will be operated only in the summer, then the veranda can also be made open, but if the use of the bath is year-round, then the veranda is built of a closed type. In general, the building is mounted in such a way that the roof of the bathhouse and the veranda are common, and they are connected to each other by a common wall.

Varieties of verandas and features of their layout

Depending on its location, the veranda is divided into several categories:

  • Frontal - attached from the side of the facade.
  • Lateral - constructed from the side of the bath, attaching to the outer wall.
  • Circular - encircles the house, surrounding it from all sides.
  • Corner - located at the junction of capital walls. In this case, the veranda will act as defensive redoubts for the bath, protecting it from the cold and gusts of wind.
  • Semicircular - this option is not recommended, since the veranda will not have direct access to the street.

In the classic version, a rectangular or square veranda is used, as it has the correct appearance and is much more convenient to operate than rounded options. It is necessary to build both parts of the building from the same material in order to create the impression of a single structure, the best option is wood. This is an environmentally friendly and safe option, the advantages of which are invaluable. The only nuance that must be taken into account when creating a building is that a gap of one centimeter must be left between the bath and the veranda to avoid skew.

If ordering an individual plan and building is expensive, but you can’t build it yourself, then you can use a ready-made factory project, the assembly of which can be done in a week. Combining a bath and a veranda, you must immediately find a project that provides for their combination.

The first step in the construction of a veranda and a bath from a bar will be the choice of the project and dimensions of the building. At the moment, a veranda with an area of ​​​​6-10 square meters will be an ideal option. They are quite enough to install a barbecue or a fireplace, arrange beautiful furniture and a small table. In general, a simple rule can be traced here - the larger the area, the more expensive the construction, so everything depends on the finances and desires of the owner.

When planning a building on a land plot, it is important to properly position it. Ideally, the exit from the veranda to the street should be located on the south side, so the entrance will always be less snowy, which means it will be easier to get to it. If there is an artificial reservoir on the territory, then the bath is best placed closer to it.
According to the recommendation of experts, the distance between the bathhouse and a private house should be no more than ten meters, so the veranda can be used as a connecting element. In this case, the foundation must be laid immediately under three buildings, or they must be erected simultaneously. If the bath and the veranda will be used all year round, then the veranda should be closed. Having made the glazing, you can place a winter garden in the veranda, thereby increasing comfort and coziness, because it will be very pleasant to relax here after the bath.

Foundation for the veranda

The bathhouse and the veranda, located under the same roof and made of timber, are light in weight, however, the foundation must be built correctly and in accordance with all the rules. With the right approach, the foundation should be laid simultaneously under both rooms and be of the same type. The ideal option, both in terms of strength and cost, is columnar, block or brick.

Foundation pillars are laid in the corners, after which the rest are lined up along the perimeter, the distance between them should be about 60 centimeters. In places for posts, they dig a hole, the depth of which is one meter, after which sand, gravel and melted bitumen are poured into the bottom - thus, reliable waterproofing is made.
The next step in creating the foundation for the building is pouring concrete, after which you need to create pillars from blocks or bricks. The upper part is connected thanks to the grillage, it is best to use a reinforced concrete type. If the land plot has unstable soil, groundwater or slopes, then it is better to use a pile foundation.
The flooring in the veranda should be made a little lower, the difference in the height of the floors should be about twenty centimeters. In this way, the canopy can be brought under the roof of the bath, thereby creating a single roof structure. This option is especially relevant in the case when the veranda is being completed to the finished bath.

With enough desire and funds, you can create not just a combined building, which is a complex, but a real comfortable rest area not only for yourself and the whole family, but also for guests or friends.

The bath was the main "washing" place in many countries, from the Middle Ages to the advent of centralized water supply. In modern times, such a structure is intended primarily for relaxation in the company of relatives and friends. But if in a small bathhouse it only comes out to take a steam bath, then an extensive bathhouse with a terrace is a symbol of solid material security, because a substantial amount of time and finances will have to be spent on its construction.

Advantages of a bath with a terrace, a veranda

A veranda is a small open or closed structure with a roof. It is part of the bath structure, located with it on the same foundation. The veranda is built together with the bathhouse or later. For the terrace, its own foundation is being built, another base raised above the ground. Such a platform is closed, open, universal. The latter option is suitable for full use in both summer and winter.

A bathhouse with a veranda or terrace has many advantages:

  • on the site in front of the bath, you can organize barbecue, barbecue, grill;
  • friendly gatherings, family lunch or dinner are also convenient here;
  • a huge selection of modern building materials, design solutions allows you to create a building in any style;
  • you can place an extension both on the side of the bathhouse, and between the house and the bathhouse in order to relax without going far;
  • plants in tubs, flowerpots will be beautifully placed on the territory of the site;
  • a well-executed building allows you to comply with the chosen concept of landscape design as much as possible, without making the architectural ensemble fragmented;
  • since it is not necessary to build a separate roof over the recreation area and the washing place, as well as connect them with paths, the savings in time and building materials are obvious;
  • from the open terrace, verandas you can admire the sunset or sunrise over a cup of tea, wrapped in a soft blanket;
  • the outdoor pool is easy to place right on the terrace.

A brazier, a barbecue, an open stone or brick hearth, several benches or full-fledged chairs, as well as tables are placed on a standard site.

The choice of location for the location of the building

The place for the bath should be chosen very carefully, especially when the site is small and the neighbors are very close. If there is such an opportunity, a bathhouse is placed near a natural or artificial reservoir, plunging into cool waters immediately after a hot steam room is a great pleasure.

According to current standards, the following minimum distances to other buildings are required:

  • from a residential building - 7-10 m;
  • to buildings made of non-combustible material - 6-9 m;
  • to wooden outbuildings - 10-13 m;
  • to wooden buildings with a non-combustible coating - 7-9 m;
  • from the roadway - 6-7 m;
  • from a neighbor's fence or boundary - 1-2 m;
  • to the neighbor's house - 15-17 m;
  • to the forest - 16 m;
  • to the well, well - 10 m;
  • to tall trees - 4 m, bushes - 2 m.

It is also important to discuss in advance the location of the future bath in relation to common areas, if any - a swimming pool, a playground, etc. When building on the banks of a river or lake, it is important that sewage does not get there, and the building itself stands on solid ground and could be damaged during floods.

Even a high bath will be placed so as not to obscure the neighboring area. The slope of the bath roof is made in its own direction, and the entrance should be visible from the house, which is very important during kindling.

The choice of materials for construction

Materials for construction are selected mainly as environmentally friendly, natural, high quality. The structure is built in such a way as to last for many years, while maintaining a beautiful appearance, requiring virtually no repairs.

The following building materials are most often used for construction:

  • natural wood - logs, boards, timber;
  • brick, natural stone;
  • foam concrete, gas silicate blocks;
  • glass, including refractory, frosted, colored;
  • sand, gravel, clay, cement;
  • various types of vapor barrier, hydroprotection, thermal protection;
  • pipes made of plastic, metal;
  • ceramic tiles - for decorating floors, walls;
  • tiles, ondulin, roofing felt, slate - for roofing.

The internal bath room is exposed to hot water, high temperature, the open area in front of it is exposed to wind, precipitation, direct sunlight, which is important to consider during construction. For the construction of the bath itself, coniferous woods are preferred, but it is better to finish with hardwood - resinous substances, with long-term exposure, adversely affect the respiratory system. Such a building is made frame or in the form of a log house. Brick, stone, as well as those built according to the “clay pot” technology (from firewood and clay) baths are less common.

Since high humidity is constantly present in the room, high-quality puttying of walls, ceilings, and floors is necessary.

What floor to choose for the future terrace

The choice of flooring depends on the materials from which the entire structure is made, its stylistic design.

Basic requirements for the installation of the floor on the bath porch, veranda, terrace:

  • the coating should not slip - this will help to avoid injury if the floor is wet;
  • the material is chosen frost-resistant, which is important in the coldest regions;
  • high resistance to abrasion, deformation - they walk around the site in various shoes.

When the site is partially or completely open, when making the floor, it is necessary to make a slight slope (no more than two to four degrees) towards the street so that the water flows down easily.

It is desirable that the entrance to the site could be made both from the street and from the bath building.

Stone, tile or wood

The most popular coating option is decking. It is made of natural wood or wood with the addition of polypropylene. The latter option is characterized by low swelling, practically does not deform from external influences. Of the tree species, larch, ash, spruce, pine, hornbeam, oak are most often used, less often - fir, Brazil walnut, cedar, teak.
The use of natural or artificial stone, ceramic tiles is justified if the washing facility is at least partially decorated with them. When using tiles, the most textured one is selected, which will not slip. In brick buildings, the floor is sometimes made of paving slabs, which visually combine the site with paths in the garden. Porcelain stoneware is also acceptable, it is only important to lay it according to all the rules.

Choosing a deck board

When making a wooden floor on the terrace yourself, it is recommended to cover it with antiseptics, moisture-resistant or refractory impregnations, products containing oils, wax, intended for outdoor use. All of them are available in transparent, tinted or with a whitening effect.

A purchased terrace board can be smooth or corrugated - for bath verandas, terraces, it is the latter that is recommended. A board made of composite material contains wood flour obtained from precious woods and various polymers.

Building dimensions

A modern bathhouse is not only a steam room, a washing room, but also a whole complex that can also combine a rest room, kitchen, toilet, and a small bedroom. Such a building, if necessary, can become a full-fledged summer housing. On the bath terrace there will be a barbecue area, a fireplace, even a small pool.

When drawing up a plan, it is important to take into account many rules, principles for the construction of such structures. The minimum comfortable area of ​​​​the steam room is 9-11 meters, the height is from two. Doors and windows are made on the south, in extreme cases - on the east side to minimize heat loss. All electrical appliances, wires, sockets, switches, if any, must be protected from moisture in order to avoid electric shock if they malfunction.

The choice of a suitable project depends on how large the area around the house is:

  • 6 by 9 meters - "classic", the optimal size of the bathhouse in a spacious yard. The guest area here is so large that it will accommodate not only a family of four to six people, but also a dozen friends. For both zones, it is recommended to build a common foundation, you can even organize a second floor: then there will be a sauna and a veranda downstairs, upstairs - a billiards or a relaxation room, a toilet;
  • a bath attached to a residential building has dimensions of 6 by 6 or 5 by 6 meters - such proportions look harmonious on any standard site. The construction allows you to significantly increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, creating a cozy place under a canopy for gatherings with family and friends. A definite plus here is additional protection from the cold of the building itself;
  • 4 by 4 or 4 by 4.5 meters is also a typical bathhouse, consisting of a steam room, a font, and a recreation area. The veranda is located on its own foundation - it is usually open, which is not very convenient, provided that the entrance here is from the street. In some cases, the building is made covered, or part of the room is converted into a small dressing room;
  • in the bath project 4 by 6 meters, the vestibule is provided immediately, since it is supposed to use the building in the autumn-winter period. The shower here is not compatible with the steam room, but they are almost the same size - the latter is always a little larger, since it must accommodate at least two or three people at the same time;
  • a typical bathhouse 5 by 6 meters has a protruding terrace, a fenced dressing room, which takes up very little space. The veranda is designed as an extension, sometimes it is L-shaped, which makes it possible to conveniently accommodate a large company by arranging a comfortable barbecue area, a fireplace or tea area;
  • in the project of a bath 6 by 6 meters there is a spacious steam room, a shower, a dressing room, a vestibule, a place to relax or even a small bedroom. Here you can equip a smoking room. The terrace is closed or open.

The heavier the planned structure, the more solid foundation is made for it. With simultaneous construction, in most cases, the foundation for the veranda and the bathhouse itself is carried out at the same time, but since the shrinkage for both structures varies greatly, a rigid connection between them should be avoided. Any distortions, cracks, in case of their occurrence, are masked with mounting foam.

The following foundations are used as a reliable foundation:

  • columnar - represents pillars of concrete, which are dug in in several places along the perimeter, to a depth of 55-75 cm. The distance between them should be at least 130-200 cm. Bored piles are sometimes used instead;
  • tape - this is a concrete strip that runs along the entire perimeter of the building. The design requires a lot of materials, time costs, therefore it is used relatively rarely;
  • slab - is a "pillow" of concrete used for construction on "weak" soil. Such a foundation is expensive, but the most reliable and durable.

Popular layouts, terrace placement options

Before starting construction, it is required to create a project indicating all dimensions. The layout of the bath with a terrace can be closed, open, corner, can be one-story or have a second floor, lounges, extensions, sliding doors.

The terrace is arranged in three different ways:

  • in front of the entrance - this layout allows you to clearly zone the space;
  • separately from the bathhouse - usually next to the pool;
  • along the entire perimeter of the building - plays the role of a fence, usually completely covered with a roof.

Sauna with a regular terrace

The outdoor area is ideal for the warm season. On it will stir a portable barbecue, sun loungers. Side walls, there are usually no fences, and under the roof there is only a firewood shed, the size of which depends on how often the bathhouse is used, the total supply of firewood.

Sauna with covered terrace

The closed area is fully used all year round. It is decorated with glass walls, a transparent or translucent roof. A barbecue stove, miniature fountains, plants in tubs and flowerpots are carefully placed here. The building must be insulated, and the rest room is transferred to the terrace, the woodcutter is located there. If space allows, you can equip a full-fledged gym.

Corner type with terrace

The main advantage of such a bath is that the only stove is located almost in the center, heating all the rooms at the same time, which is especially important in the cold season. Such buildings are often placed in small areas, significantly saving space or "bypassing" large objects such as trees, poles. The finished building looks stylish, original.

With terrace and barbecue

The building is not only a bathhouse combined with a place of rest, but also a full-fledged summer kitchen, which has everything you need. Here it is important to competently and beautifully arrange the chimney - it must remove smoke in a quality way, and also leave room for free movement of the person who will be cooking. The stove itself, as well as the place around it, is usually made of natural stone.

Two-story bath

The two-story structure saves a lot of space in a small area. A sauna, a washing room, a dressing room are located on the first floor, a place to relax is on the second. The upper floor is made out with a "broken" roof, which allows you to fully use almost the entire attic area. The larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building, the more time it will take for its high-quality heating.

With terrace and lounge

The main emphasis here is on the design of the rest room. Usually it is made quite spacious, capable of accommodating up to ten people. In such a room, a billiards table or a couple of exercise machines, a table and soft sofas, a real or electric fireplace are placed. A table with chairs can also be placed on the veranda - many people prefer to relax in the fresh air after a hot sauna.

Two-storey with an open attic

Such a building will require significant financial investments, since it is impossible to make it small: the average area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building, where everything you need is compactly located, is 30-45 square meters. m. The attic on the second floor is sometimes closed, but more often it is equipped with a spacious, cozy balcony that can be glazed. Here you will need a lot of space for the stairs to the top, it is also important to think over the heating system for such an extensive bathhouse.

sliding wall

Sliding walls in the bath are a newfangled invention that is gaining popularity every year. In fact, this is a closed veranda, which, when the wall is moved away, becomes open. Sliding structures are made of various materials - plastic, glass, plywood, textiles stretched over a frame, metal. Often used are kind of "accordions" in the Japanese style, removable shields, retracting approximately like awnings.

With attached gazebo

The gazebo, located under a common roof with a bath, is a neat canopy over the dining area. To enter the gazebo, it was more convenient to leave it, the floor level is made the same in both zones. The roof of the building is made single-pitched, double-pitched, multi-pitched, the gazebo itself is quadrangular, round, octagonal, etc. An outdoor fireplace, a barbecue, a brazier are also equipped here, soft chairs or wooden benches are placed.

For lovers of winter bath procedures, a covered area between a residential building and a bathhouse is ideal. Such a project is acceptable for owners of small plots, and the heating system is made common to the entire building - one stove heats the whole house. Sewerage will also be the same. A small pool is often located here, decorating it with a transparent roof, which saves on lighting during the daytime. The main thing in such a building is to take care of fire safety, it is advisable to use non-combustible materials, refractory impregnations, and store fire extinguishers within reach.

Interior Design Ideas

The interior of the bath should be as hygienic and safe as possible. The same applies to the closed terrace space. The open area is made resistant to external weather phenomena - its parts are varnished, painted in different colors. The closer the interior, the lighter the finish required, mirrors are suitable for even greater expansion of the space - in damp rooms they are covered with special compounds that prevent fogging.

Wooden buildings are most often decorated with house carvings - it is present on the railings, the edges of the roof, in the design of windows. To diversify the interior design, use wood of different shades. The bathhouse, decorated in the style of an old Russian hut, looks interesting - it looks like a log house, with a rough "clumsy" interior decor, good-quality benches along the walls, and "antique" wooden tubs. The very space of the steam room is forbidden to be painted, varnished - most of these compositions emit all kinds of poisons when heated.

A brick bath is decorated with wrought iron railings, firewood stands, a fireplace with metal shutter doors. The roof of the building in ethnic style is covered with reeds and straw. A bathhouse in a modern style has practically no decorations - everything that is in it is as simple as possible in form, strictly functional. A round building with a terrace looks very original, but only true masters of their craft can complete its design - interior design, the shape of each room here should be appropriate.

Furniture for different styles will suit wooden, with forged legs, wicker rattan. For spacious rooms, as well as families with children, swing benches will come in handy. A flat-screen TV or a computer with a game console is sometimes placed in the rest room - it is important that there is no high humidity in such a room that can damage expensive electrical appliances.

An original turnkey bath is a wonderful way not only to relax and forget about tiring workdays, but also to restore working capacity and get rid of diseases. But for this to become a reality, it is necessary to spend as much time in nature as possible. At the same time, steaming all day is quite tiring. The Tsar Banya company will offer you an excellent solution to this problem: you can order the design and construction of a sauna with a barbecue from us. This is a good option for those who plan to leave Moscow for a few days. In such a steam room, the bathing traditions of antiquity are ideally combined with the possibility of organizing leisure activities in a modern style.

Designing a bath with a barbecue: why you should give preference to us

If you often gather a company of friends or close relatives at the dacha, the question immediately arises of what to do with them after thermal procedures. You can take care of this in advance by reviewing the projects of baths with a terrace and a barbecue photo with an interesting design. Our offers will surely attract your attention for the following reasons:

  1. Each of our projects is a product of the creative thought of experienced specialists of the company. In our work, we take into account both building regulations and the wishes of the client. If you are in doubt about your choice, you will definitely get professional advice on which building option is best suited for a site with a given area and terrain.
  2. Our barbecue sauna projects are relatively inexpensive, even if you want to build a large steam room with many decorative elements.
  3. We immediately calculate the possible risks for the building associated with the shrinkage of the walls, laying the foundation in the soil of a certain type, atmospheric influences. Therefore, our log cabin of the bath will last for several decades, without requiring major repairs.

Construction of a bathhouse with a barbecue: a new quality of relaxation in the old Russian style

You will surely want to taste a delicious and fragrant barbecue immediately after visiting the steam room. The construction of a sauna with a barbecue will allow you to organize such leisure activities at the highest level:

  1. At the request of the customer, we will supplement the gazebo near the steam room with either a barbecue or a real Russian stove, and its installation will be carried out in accordance with modern standards in this area.
  2. During the construction of a barbecue bath, our specialists will make the structure as safe as possible, so that the likelihood of fire or carbon monoxide poisoning is minimized.
  3. It can be a bath from a log or a bar - both options are of high quality material and affordable prices.

In our company, everyone knows about bathing. Contact us - and you just do not want to leave your dacha.

The importance of bathing procedures is difficult to overestimate. A regular bath can prevent many diseases. A visit to the steam room normalizes metabolism, promotes the removal of toxins, relieves colds. In addition, it is an excellent relaxing and tonic agent that helps relieve stress after a hard day's work. And how wonderful it is to go outside after the steam room, enjoy the birds singing and cool fresh air, cool down a little and relax.

Bath with a terrace - a rational and economical idea

The project of a bath with a terrace gives a lot of advantages and new opportunities, perfectly complements and decorates the site. Do you want to ensure a complete rest? In this case, you can arrange a place for a barbecue on the terrace. A large terrace with a 6x6 sauna will become a favorite place for many. Having placed chairs and a table, it is pleasant to receive guests here, relax, listen to music, and in the evenings, after steam and a broom, drink tea and treat yourself to barbecue with smoke. A bathhouse with a relaxation room and a terrace is equally good and comfortable for both summer and winter pastime.

Projects of baths with a terrace can be either miniature, compact or large enough. The general appearance of such buildings is simply amazing. They look very attractive on the site. There are enough interesting projects of baths with a terrace on our website so that everyone can choose the option to their liking. And if suddenly the submitted projects cannot satisfy your wishes, we will develop a project from scratch especially for you. Then it will definitely meet all your requirements and bring a lot of pleasure!

Previously, the bath was used to cleanse the body, today visiting the bath is primarily outdoor recreation. People go to the steam room, then breathe fresh air on the street, make barbecue. For this reason, most of those who are planning to build a bath choose the options for a bath project with a terrace.

Bath projects with a terrace: advantages

The terrace is an open area connected to the house. It has a foundation and a roof, with supports at the corners. The walls of the terrace may be absent, have a height of about 1/2 of the walls or almost to the roof.

Almost everyone likes to go out on the terrace after bath procedures or during breaks, drink herbal tea, enjoy the beauty of nature and silence. If the project does not provide for it, then you will have to sit in the rest room, and these are completely different sensations. In the city we breathe dust, but in nature you get the opportunity to breathe clean air, which is good for our body.

In fact, a terrace is an additional room, while its cost is much lower than the construction of a separate room. The terrace allows you to functionally expand the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bath, while significantly saving.

On it you can make a small household unit, arrange a place to relax, put a barbecue. And if you place a stove on the terrace, it will work.

A bath with a terrace can have different roofs or be located under one. The second option is the most popular and has an important advantage. The project of a bathhouse with a veranda under one roof will cost much less than the construction of two separate buildings: a bathhouse and a gazebo. Savings are about 30%. The advantage of having a bathhouse with a veranda under the same roof is also the fact that in this case it is easier to lay engineering communications.

Buildings have a different roof, usually if they were not built at the same time, but one by one, for example, you already have a bathhouse, but you decide to make an extension in the form of a gazebo.

If you are just starting construction, then the best option is a sauna with a terrace under one roof. Projects of such a building can be different, we will talk about them later.

Bath projects with a terrace: photos, features

There are many projects of baths with a terrace. They differ primarily in size. If you have a very small area, then pay attention to baths with dimensions of 3x4 m, 3x5 m. Since such baths have a small area, they usually replace the rest room with a terrace. This option is only suitable for you if you plan to use the sauna only in the warm season, since it will be impossible to be on the terrace in winter.

Larger baths 4x4 m, 4x5 m, 6x6 can already provide a bath with a porch terrace. This option is also optimal for those who own a small plot of land.

Despite the fact that the terrace turns out to be quite compact, this does not mean that it will be inconvenient to use. It will fit a table and chairs. Of course, a large company cannot gather here, but for a vacation of 3-4 people it is quite suitable. The terrace can also be used for storing bath brooms and drying bath equipment (towels, hats, etc.).

Bath with a veranda (photo):

If you own a spacious plot, then you can afford to make a large outdoor terrace. This option allows you to show creativity: here you can place cozy sofas, swings, deck chairs, barbecue facilities.

Photo of a bath with a terrace:

On the spacious terrace it is also possible to equip the pool. Usually it is placed between the relaxation area and the exit from the bath, so when you leave the steam room, you can plunge into the cool water and then go to the relaxation area. This option, of course, is more expensive and more complicated, but it is incredibly convenient to use!

Photo of a bathhouse with a terrace and a pool:

Special partitions are sold in stores, with the help of which you can turn an open veranda into a closed room. This is especially true in the cool season, and also if you need to stay overnight.

If you have chosen, then the terrace can be double: in this case, it is better to divide it into two sections: in one of them make a place for barbecue, and in the other - a recreation area.

Plan of a corner bath with a veranda:

If there is a reservoir on the site, then the construction of a bathhouse next to it will be an excellent solution, and on the terrace you can make an exit into the water. But keep in mind that in this case the construction process will be more complicated and additional strengthening of the base of the bath will be required.

Usually the terrace is made along one wall of the bath: short or long. But there are more complex options, for example, it can go along two walls at once, in which case its area will be much larger.

The minimum size of the terrace is 6-8 square meters. In this case, it will fit a small table and a couple of chairs. But keep in mind that the best option is a terrace of 10 square meters.

If you are drafting a two-story bath, then the terrace can be located both on the first and second floors. More often they do it on the first one, because in this case it will be more convenient to go to it between visits to the steam room.

Below are projects and photos of a bath with a veranda:

Features of the construction of a bath with a terrace

The terrace, like the bath itself, must have a solid foundation. Therefore, it is necessary to pour the foundation not only under the building itself, but also under the veranda. If you are making a small bath from a bar, then a simple columnar foundation will suffice, for heavier and larger buildings it is better to make a strip foundation.

The project of the roof of a bath with a terrace can be single or gable. A shed version of the roof is a cheap and simple option, the installation of which is carried out quickly enough. The gable roof is more popular, it is used if the bath project provides for an attic or attic. The advantage of a gable roof is the ability to increase the usable area.

The terrace should have two entrances: from the bathhouse and from the street. This option is the most convenient. If the entrance is only by stairs, then you will first have to leave the bathhouse, then go to the entrance to the terrace, and only then climb it.

If lining or ceramic tiles are suitable for finishing the floor in the bath, then the requirements are more stringent. The terrace will be in the open air, therefore, it will be constantly affected by the environment. The deck board, which is treated with a special water-repellent compound, is considered the optimal coating for the terrace. She is not afraid of precipitation and abrasion.

If the terrace is glazed, it will become an alternative to a summer house, where you can stay overnight.

Projects of baths with a veranda or terrace are incredibly popular, and there is one simple explanation for this: they are much more convenient than ordinary baths. If you are thinking whether to make a terrace or not, then do it better! The terrace gives you the opportunity to relax in nature, if you come to the bathhouse and decide to cook barbecue, then in case of rain your plans will not be violated, the whole company will be able to hide under the roof of the terrace.