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Raw brick with cut straw 5 letters. Raw brick with straw. What is the raw material made of?

Brick is the oldest building material. The first human dwellings were built from natural stone. He was pricked into pieces and laid out at home. But the different form, the severity of such material forced to look for an alternative. It was a brick.

The progenitor of modern red, silicate or fireclay bricks was made in a completely different way. However, he fulfilled his main purpose. It was easy to build houses, production itself did not require additional costs and skills. And the building perfectly retained heat, protected from cold and rain.

Homemade brick

Of course, in the era of industrial production and increased requirements for any product, the product has much better characteristics than before. But the price for it is several times higher. This criterion often becomes an insurmountable obstacle for those who dream of building an ecological house, while saving significant funds.

A good solution would be a mud brick made of clay with straw - adobe. Its production can be set up in any private yard. The main criterion is the observance of temperature conditions on the street. The geographical location of houses built from such artificial stone is concentrated in warm climates. The explanation for this is the inability of bricks to withstand high humidity and low temperatures for a long time.

What is the raw material made of?

As the name implies, adobe ("straw" - Turkic) must be made from this natural material. The plant element becomes the glue that holds the clay particles together. Straw
carefully chop into small pieces and add to the clay solution. It should be noted that it must be of high quality. Clay should be chosen clean, without admixture of stones, earth, roots and stems of plants. After dilution in water, it should not contain lumps with a diameter of more than one mm. Such defects, after the brick dries, will contribute to its chipping and subsequent destruction. Sometimes, in order to achieve better strength, other components are added to the mixture:

  • fine gravel or expanded clay (helps to reduce the level of shrinkage at home);
  • sawdust, manure (these materials bind clay, prevent it from stretching);
  • slaked lime, cement (such modern components began to be used recently, but they increase the speed of hardening and the very strength of adobe);
  • starch, molasses, milk whey, liquid glass (additives from this list increase the plasticity of the material, which greatly facilitates both production and future styling).

Mixing clay with straw takes place in several passes, with a lot of attention being paid to the process, doing everything carefully to avoid concentrating the constituents in one place. A trough can serve as a container for kneading, but earlier this was done in special pits, which made it possible not to occupy the container.

Manufacturing technology

Brick molds can be purchased at the store. Most often they are made of plastic, which makes them lightweight and easy to store and use. You can also work the old fashioned way by knocking down a frame made of boards. These can be small products designed for one brick, or there can be designs for a faster process in two compartments. The following dimensional classification of finished adobe is used:

  • small - 100x140x300 mm;
  • medium - 130x170x300 mm;
  • large - 130x190x400 mm.

As practice shows, residential buildings were built from smaller elements. In this case, the seams should be made as narrow as possible. Such masonry will ensure the durability and strength of the structure and will not allow heat transfer.

In addition, mud brick houses have another positive side. Clay is a very hygroscopic material, it absorbs excess moisture when its level in the atmosphere rises, and when the air dries up during the furnace, it gives it back. This feature makes staying in the room comfortable and safe.

To form a brick, it must be placed in a mold. There are two ways. The first involves throwing a lump of clay and straw into a mold with effort. The force of inertia will allow the substance to settle in it. Also, you can apply the composition to the mold and press it down with your hands. After formation, you need to smooth the top, and mix the remainder with the bulk.

The shroud does not remain in the form, it is removed and used again. When the required amount of brick is made, it is left to dry for three days in the form in which it was formed. They begin to deal with this process in the spring to allow the brick to dry well throughout the summer. After three days, it is turned over to the side, but with air gaps and dried for another week. The last stage takes place already in special boxes, with a rare crate for good air circulation. If there is a light and short-term rain, then no action can be taken, however, prolonged bad weather should be avoided and the brick should be moved under the shed.

History [edit | edit code]

Saman is one of the oldest building materials. It was used by the ancient Egyptians back in the 5-4 millennium BC. NS. The adobe walls defended the second Troy (2600-2300 BC). The main application of the material was found in places that did not have forests, and, as a result, the possibility of erecting wooden buildings.

Manufacturing technology [edit | edit code]

Clay soil is diluted with water, kneaded in pits, boxes or on flat areas and thoroughly mixed with additives.

  • increase the tensile strength of cellulose fibers:
    • chopped straw
    • bonfire
    • chaff
    • wood shavings
    • manure
  • reduce drying shrinkage:
    • sand
    • gravel
    • rubble
    • expanded clay
  • accelerate hardening and increase water resistance:
    • cement
    • lime
  • improve stackability (plasticizers):
    • liquid glass
    • casein
    • bone glue
    • milk serum
    • slurry
    • syrup
    • starch, etc.

The raw tensile strength of clay concrete depends on the fat content of the clay and the preparation time of the mixture. The optimum mixing time is determined empirically on small samples.

Forms for the manufacture of adobe are made single, double, triple, quadruple and even 5 bricks. Forms for large blocks are made in the form of a box without a bottom, firmly nailed together from boards 25-30 mm thick. Molds for adobe bricks of small sizes are made in the form of a box with a bottom. The dimensions of raw bricks do not have clear standards and, depending on local conditions, can be large, medium and small (25 × 12 × 7 cm).

It is better to form adobe bricks in the spring, so that during the summer the wall can dry well in the sun. The work is carried out on a level ground. The mold is moistened with water, sprinkled with chaff so that the clay does not stick to the walls. They take a lump of clay, approximately equal to the volume of the mold, and fill it with it, tamp it with a manual rammer and smooth it down, or throw a lump of clay into the box with force, thereby achieving its compaction. The excess clay is removed and mixed with the total mass. After tamping, the mold is removed and transferred to another place for the next filling.

The molded bricks are kept on the molding site for three days. If the site is properly arranged, there is a good drain of rainwater, then light rain is not dangerous, otherwise the adobe is placed under a canopy. After exposure and drying, the bricks are placed flat on the edge, with a gap between the side edges for free air passage and dried for another 3-7 days, then they are folded into cages, where the adobe finally dries out and hardens. A good brick is durable, does not break when dropped from a height of two meters.

Application [edit | edit code]

When constructing buildings, adobe is laid by hand.

The density of clay concrete without light aggregates is up to 1900 kg / m³. With a high content of straw, density from 500 kg / m³, this material is a good heat insulator. Thermal conductivity coefficient from 0.1 to 0.4 W / m ° С

The compressive strength of dried adobe and raw bricks ranges from 10 to 50 kg / cm² and is comparable to gas and foam concrete with a density of 600 kg / m³ (ultimate strength 25-40 kg / cm²).


  1. Low cost - no fuel is required for firing, the starting material literally "lies underfoot".
  2. Large thermal inertia and sound insulation of walls due to their mass.
  3. Flame retardant versions with low cellulose content.
  4. Stabilization of indoor humidity due to the enormous hygroscopicity of the clay.
  5. Environmental friendliness.


  1. Low moisture and frost resistance. Plastering of the outer surface or other protection against moisture is often required.
  2. Rodents, insects, mosses, fungi can live in adobe.
  3. If the construction takes place in frosty weather, then chemical additives are needed to the mixing water, which lower its freezing point.
  4. Long drying of walls and a set of strength in temperate climates.
  5. According to the Russian SNiP II-22-81 "Stone and reinforced stone structures" (2003), raw bricks and ground stones are allowed to be used only for walls of buildings with an expected service life of no more than 25 years.

In commercial construction, it is necessary to achieve guaranteed material strength at a given time, regardless of the weather. For this, it is more convenient to use the same aggregates on a cement binder instead of clay, which is no longer adobe.

Features of the device of adobe walls [edit | edit code]

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the structures of any adobe structure must be carefully insulated from possible moisture penetration. As a rule, moisture can get into the walls from oblique rains, the action of capillarity forces, that is, its ingress from the soil, as well as due to poorly performed insulation: a malfunction of the roof, internal condensation of steam penetrating into the walls, splashing water falling from the roof onto the ground, and etc.

The means of reliable protection of adobe walls from moisture include the construction of foundations and a basement made of waterproof materials: rubble stone, brick, concrete. At the same time, blind areas should be arranged so that rainwater, spray and snow do not fall on the walls. It is also important to carefully arrange the waterproofing layer under the walls, unloading belts, doorways, window sills, thresholds, Mauerlats, and eaves with overhangs of at least 50 cm.

For the construction of foundations for adobe walls, it is recommended to use rubble brick and stone, monolithic and prefabricated reinforced concrete. The height of the plinth must be at least 50 cm from the foundation. In this case, the base should be carefully insulated with tar paper, roofing felt or foil. The thickness of the basement must not be less than the thickness of the outer and inner walls. For external walls, the thickness is determined depending on the design temperature of a given climatic region, but not less than 50 cm, and internal - not less than 30 cm.

In the lower layers, to prevent rodents from entering the wall, broken glass can be mixed into adobe.

The adobe walls are erected before the onset of autumn frosts. In the summertime, walls made of adobe blocks (bricks) are laid out on a clay-sand solution of a composition of 1: 1 or 4: 3, depending on the fat content of the clay. To improve the quality of the clay mortar, small straw cutting, chaff, etc. are added to it. In the spring and autumn, the masonry is carried out on a lime-cement mortar.

To reduce, and to avoid settlement of buildings, the thickness of horizontal joints should be minimal (1 - 1.2 cm).

In the process of erecting adobe walls around the entire perimeter below the window openings and at the level of the lintels, reinforcement from boards, brushwood or reeds is laid. Nodes and junctions should be reinforced with these materials every 50 cm in height. The distance between the axes of the reed stalks is taken as 5 cm. In corner joints, the stalks of both directions must be laid with thick ends in the corner of the wall, having previously flattened them with a light blow of a wooden hammer for better adhesion to the mortar.

See also [edit | edit code]

  • Kotelets
  • Arbolit
  • Duval
  • Icelandic turf houses
  • Adobe buildings

What is good about raw brick

The main advantage of raw brick is its cheap price. That is why this material from time immemorial was given preference in villages and villages with a low level of living. Everyone knows that clay tends to get soaked, therefore, a brick that has not been fired has a fairly high water absorption coefficient.

That is why this material is not favored in areas with a predominantly humid climate and long winters. But, mud brick also has a lot of advantages, including soundproofing, excellent thermal insulation properties, and fire resistance, which in dry and hot climates is perhaps the most valuable quality.

Self-production of red clay bricks allows a person not only to build a cheap dwelling. If the soil is clayey on the site allotted for construction, you don't even have to buy raw materials - the construction will turn out to be almost free at all.

Raw brick is an excellent material for rural buildings

Components for production

There are a lot of recipes for making raw brick. It can be made both from pure clay and using various additives that improve the performance of the material.

  • For example, wood shavings or straw chippings increase the strength of clay stone, with the help of additives such as water glass, manure, or molasses, improve the plasticity of the raw mass. But to make the material more resistant to moisture, you need to add binders such as cement or lime.
  • Many people are interested in what they call a brick made of clay and straw? As for the clay-straw stone, which is shown in the title photo, in some European countries it is called "lampac", in the Mediterranean - "adob". In our country it is most often called "adobe" - a term that literally means "straw" in translation from Turkic.
  • If there is no straw in the composition of the stone, then it cannot be adobe. Then it is called simply: raw brick or "clay concrete". By and large, there is no difference what a straw and clay brick is called. The main concern for those who decided to build something from self-made bricks is the correct preparation of the raw materials.

Indeed, in order to obtain the highest quality products, the clay preparation process must be carried out very carefully. We will talk about this further.

Clay concrete stone

Before talking about how to make clay bricks with your own hands, let's figure out what adobe is. Since adobe brick has long been used in the construction of Russian stoves, it should be said that for this, of course, they did not make clay-straw adobe, but adobe brick.

  • Clay has always been called a thick clay mass., in which there were no organic additives: gravel, sand. The fact is that these fillers have a higher coefficient of expansion than clay. This means that by expanding when heated, they can simply destroy the clay stone.
  • For the manufacture of such a raw, they took oily clay., carefully crumpled it, and, gradually adding water, made a fairly liquid solution. As the water evaporated, it became thick - only then they began to form the bricks. At the same time, the density of the undried product had to be such that, lying on the edge of the table, the clay block did not bend, but only slightly deformed.

And in general, the better the clay is compacted, the less the product shrinks from it when it dries. And this is the biggest problem in the manufacture of raw materials. Therefore, the size of the shape should be larger than the nominal size of the brick, but by how much - it already depends on what kind of clay brick has a chemical composition.

Preparation of raw materials

When making a brick from clay with your own hands, it is important to understand that the raw material must be homogeneous. And for this it needs to be properly moistened.

If this is done immediately before molding, then due to the uneven saturation of the clay with water, there will be a lot of rejects. Therefore, moistening should be done at least ten hours before mixing - in general, the longer the clay is soaked, the better.

  • First, the raw material is mixed with a shovel, then they are passed along it with a rammer and crumpled with their feet. To be able to make a high-quality batch, the thickness of the clay layer should be a maximum of 10-12 cm. It takes about two and a half cubic meters of clay to make a thousand pieces of traditional-sized bricks.

  • Thorough mixing allows you to remove all solids from the solution that may be caught in the clay. When the adobe is kneaded for the brick from which the furnace will be erected, the clay is pre-checked for the presence of lime inclusions in it, since when heated, it turns into a boiling water.
  • Then, as soon as water gets on it, the extinguishing process begins, which leads to the formation of cracks and blisters in the brick. So, with a limestone content of more than 10%, with grains larger than 3 mm, clay is considered unsuitable for the manufacture of oven bricks. To determine this percentage, first take a sample of clay, soak it in water, select limescale inclusions and weigh them.
  • To get the purest possible raw materials, it is advisable to prepare the clay in advance - in the fall.... It is spread out in beds and left in the open air. This is perhaps the only material that can only benefit from repeated freezing and thawing. In this case, unwanted impurities are destroyed, and high-quality clay remains. And by the way, the preparation of clay, not in one, but in two years, will give an even better result.

  • When adobe is prepared from cured clay, it is covered with wet burlap and allowed to lie down for another half day. Raw brick, formed from properly prepared clay, has clear geometric shapes and a smooth surface. It is only when making bricks that you need to remember that the products shrink significantly during drying.
  • Therefore, before making the molds, you should empirically calculate the percentage of shrinkage.... To do this, knead a small amount of adobe, and form several cubes with a side of 20 cm from it, draw cross-shaped stripes of 10 * 0.5 cm each on them. The samples are dried in a closed room for up to 10 days, after which the length and width of the lines drawn on them are measured.

If their size is reduced by no more than 1 cm (10%), then the clay is quite suitable, and a good brick will turn out from it. Taking into account this shrinkage, it is necessary to make molds. That is, the shape should be larger than the nominal brick size by the percentage that you received when testing samples.

Forming bricks

Brick molds can be single, double, through, or with a bottom. They are made from a planed board with a thickness of 20 mm, connecting the parts with spikes or nails.

The role of the pallet, on which the forms filled with adobe are placed, can be played by a piece of a board of the appropriate size, laid flat on an even place.

  • Before you start molding, you need to prepare a container filled with sifted fine sand, which must be used to dust the inner cavity of the molds. If this is not done, then the raw will be difficult to remove from the mold, and so it will easily fall out on its own.

  • Before filling the mold with clay, it is moistened with water - otherwise the sand will not stick to the walls. The molding is carried out as follows: they take a solid lump of clay, and with effort are thrown into a sand-powdered mold, standing on a pallet. If the raw material has a moisture content of at least 25%, then it will perfectly fill the form. The clay is compacted, and the excess is cut off with a scraper or a wide spatula.
  • Then the mold, together with the pallet, is carried to the drying platform, and gently overturned - the raw material falls out and remains there to dry. To reduce the intensity of drying, and, accordingly, to reduce to zero the process of cracking, the bricks should not be laid out far from each other - it is enough if there is 2-3 cm between them.
  • The uniformity of drying is also very important, therefore, after 7-8 hours, the raw is turned over on the edge, and, if necessary, the edges are corrected. Further, during the entire drying period, the bricks are flipped from one plane to another from time to time.

  • As for the area for drying bricks, it must be prepared in advance, under a canopy, or on racks. If this is an open place, then it should not be flooded with water, and be flat. Both the platform and the shelving boards must be sprinkled with sand. The molds that are released after removing the raw material no longer need to be wetted, since they remain wet - they are simply powdered and filled again.
  • After the bricks have dried well and become hard - and this is at least a week, they are collected in stacks up to one meter high. The first row of raw material is laid on the edge, the second - flat, and so it is alternated. The stacks should also stand under a canopy - in them the brick is dried to six percent moisture.

Note! If everything is done correctly, then the number of rejected products will not exceed 3%. The greatest amount of scrap occurs when bricks are dried in the open air and are exposed to heavy rainfall.

  • By the way, if you wish, you can burn the raw material yourself, for which a special oven is being erected in the open area. Who cares, there are instructions on how to make it on the Internet. Firing takes place directly in stacks.

The temperature for firing clay bricks is as follows. First, during the day, at 150 degrees, residual moisture evaporates from the raw material, and then, the temperature is brought to the prescribed 600 degrees, and the brick is brought to condition for another 12-15 hours. It cools down for two or three days, after which the oven is opened, and the finished brick is unloaded. Please note that after firing it is no longer raw.

The nuances of making adobe

Basically, clay-straw stone, or adobe, is made in a similar way. Preparing the clay: freezing, soaking, removing impurities and punching - all this is done just as carefully.

The difference in technology begins at the moment when additives are added to the liquid clay dough. It can be not only chopped straw, but also wool, chaff, sawdust - whoever has what.

  • The mass with filler crumples until it stops sticking to the legs. Then it is covered with polyethylene or tarpaulin, and left for a day to obtain better viscosity. The adobe is molded similarly to clay concrete, but instead of sand, the molds are powdered with straw. But such a stone dries faster: after a day it is turned over on the edge, and after 3-4 days it is piled up.

Note! If the dimensions of adobe bricks are made traditional, then no standards are particularly adhered to in the manufacture of adobe. Usually it is made larger, and most often with the following dimensions:

  • Small: 300 mm * 140 mm * 100 mm - mold dimensions 325 mm * 150 mm * 110 mm;
  • Medium size: 360 mm * 170 mm * 130 mm - mold dimensions 390 mm * 185 mm * 140 mm
  • Large stone: 400 mm * 190 mm * 130 mm - dimensions of the form 430 mm * 205 mm * 140 mm

The shapes are made without a bottom, slightly giving them the shape of an expanding cone - so that the bricks can be shaken out more easily.

By the way, adobe, unlike clay concrete, can be dried in the open air, as it is not afraid of direct rays of the sun or wind - but only in dry weather. If desired, it can also be burned. At the same time, straw or other organic filler burns out, and the result is a light, porous stone with high strength, from which you can build a beautiful home.

Advantages of raw brick

  • The main advantage of bricks, thanks to which it has become widespread, is its low price. The starting material - clay and various impurities (straw, manure, starch or liquid glass) are available to everyone and literally "lie under their feet";
  • Excellent sound and heat insulation (which is also important for hot climates);
  • As with all clay building materials - increased fire resistance;
  • Ecological cleanliness;
  • The original appearance of the buildings.

Disadvantages of Raw Building Material

  • According to SNiP II-22-81 "Stone and reinforced masonry structures" of 2003, the construction of walls from such bricks is possible only if the expected service life of the building is less than 25 years;
  • Low frost and moisture resistance. Plastering external walls made of raw materials helps to partially solve this problem;
  • In this form of brickwork, rodents and insects, as well as mold and fungus, feel at ease;
  • When used in temperate climates - long drying and wall strength gain.

Raw brick making process

Previously, almost every yard had its own mini-factory, where building bricks were made for household needs. But even now, when modern technologies have stepped far forward, anyone can make a mud brick with their own hands.

Preparation of the solution

Plain clay is diluted with water and kneaded. It is more convenient to do this in boxes or baths, sometimes on open flat areas or in pits.

To improve the quality of the clay, the method of soaking in moisture was often used. Its essence was that the clay mass was left for some time in the cold, as a result of which it became looser and dry.

In order to increase the values ​​of operational characteristics, various impurities are added to the clay solution:

  • To increase tensile strength: straw, chaff, manure, wood shavings... Straw filler lightens the weight of the brick and adds insulating properties to it by trapping air in the hollow stems;
  • To reduce shrinkage during drying: expanded clay, sand, gravel, crushed stone... Such additives should be used carefully - they reduce the strength of the finished product;
  • To increase water resistance and speed up the hardening time: cement or lime;
  • Plasticizers: starch, molasses, liquid glass, casein, slurry and others.

There is no exact instruction by which the amount and proportions of additives are determined: all the necessary characteristics of the clay mortar are checked empirically. In consistency, the solution should resemble soft plasticine, be plastic, sufficiently hard and not stick to your hands.

To understand whether the mortar is ready for molding, a brick is molded from it of a standard size, placed on a rounded crossbar (a shovel handle) and balanced.
If after a minute the item does not bend under the weight of its weight, then the thickness of the clay is ideal.

Forming products

For the production of adobe bricks, special wooden forms are used - cabbages. Since raw material in central Russia is mainly used only for laying furnaces with standard sizes of doors, latches, views, the bays have dimensions of 250x120x65 mm.

Before starting work, the cab is moistened with water. A lump is formed from the clay solution, which is thrown with force into a mold for compaction. The clay is carefully tamped, paying special attention to the corners - voids in the raw brick are unacceptable. Excess clay is removed with a special plate and mixed into the remaining mass.

Raw bricks with straw or manure, as with other additives, are best molded in spring, so that the finished products have time to dry thoroughly, and the walls laid out by them gain the necessary strength during the hot summer.

Drying of raw bricks

The brick block is removed from the cab and dried on a flat area for three days. Light rain, provided that there is an arranged drainage system, is not dangerous. Otherwise, it is better to transfer the products under a canopy.

After three days, the bricks are placed on the edge at short intervals to ensure free air passage. In this state, the products are kept for another week, then the bricks are transferred to their designated place. In southern latitudes, the complete drying cycle for raw bricks can take up to three months.

Brick, ready for laying, has no cracks and cracks, does not break when dropped from a height of up to two meters, and does not get wet when immersed in water for a day or two.

Application of ready-made adobe bricks

The main application of raw brick is found in the laying of ovens. Stove-makers' love for this material is explained not only by its cheapness and availability, but also by the possibilities it provides in the process of decorative finishing.

Raw bricks, having almost the same characteristics as double sand-lime brick M 150, are much easier to process with sanding paper and cycles. The product is easily sawn with a hacksaw, and on its edges you can make any thread or decorate them with embossed details.


Since this building material is afraid of moisture, the stove is laid out of it only up to the pipe; in case of urgent need, you can lay out the pipe riser in the attic, but on the roof it is imperative to work only with burnt brick.

Raw bricks are also used in the construction of utility buildings, as well as for facing facades.

It is advisable to revet one- and two-story public or residential buildings with raw materials, parts of the facades subject to mechanical damage and pollution.

Reliable waterproofing is a guarantee of a long service life of adobe bricks

When constructing buildings from raw materials, special attention should be paid to isolating the walls from water and steam. Foundations and plinths of buildings should be erected from waterproof materials: concrete, brick or rubble stone.

A prerequisite for the long-term operation of buildings is the arrangement of blind areas that protect the walls from drops and splashes from rain and snow. A waterproofing layer under walls and eaves with overhangs of at least 50 cm above windows, thresholds, window sills and doorways will prolong the life of a mud brick building.


We told you about, perhaps, the most ancient method of making bricks, which has not yet lost its relevance; about the advantages and disadvantages of this building material. In the video presented in this article, you will find additional information on this topic.

If you want to give an elusive shade of primitivism and originality to your facades, or to fold a stove made of environmentally friendly bricks, try setting up your own brick production, especially since it does not require special costs.

Raw brick with straw

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5-letter clay and chopped straw mud brick - ADOBA

"Gelatin" from algae in marshmallow and marmalade 4 letters> Union, union of 5 letters

1) rel. with noun raw associated with it
2) Peculiar to raw, characteristic of it.

see raw; th, th.
Raw silk.
Raw brick.

I m.
1) Fired clay rectangular block used as a building material.
Ott. colloquial A rectangular block made of any material used as a building material.
2) That which has the form of such a bar.
3. transfer. colloquial
A very thick book or manuscript.
4. transfer. colloquial
An important, essential element of something.
II m.
A road sign in the form of a horizontally located rectangle, which prohibits the entry of vehicles.

see also. brick
a) Fired clay rectangular bar used for construction work.
A pile of bricks.
Laying in two bricks.
b) lex., collect.
Unfired brick.
Refractory bricks.
A cart of bricks.
Silicate brick buildings.
2) bringing an Object in the form of such a bar.
Peat brick.
Tea brick.
A brick of rye bread.
3) decomp. Road sign with the image of a rectangle prohibiting entry, passage of vehicles.
We won't get through here: the brick is hanging.

1) Sedimentary rock, consisting of the smallest particles of minerals and forming a viscous mass when wet (usually used for pottery, sculpture and construction work).
2) Soil with a high content of such rocks.

-NS; f.
see also. clay
1) Sedimentary rock, consisting of the smallest particles of minerals and forming a viscous mass when wet (used for pottery, construction and sculpture work)
Red, yellow clay.
Knead, dilute the clay.
Clay crafts.
Cover the stove with clay.
2) Soil containing a large amount of such a breed.
This piece of land has only clay: nothing grows.
Glide on clay, on clay

I adj.
1) Subjected to cutting, cutting, divided into parts by a sharp tool; cut.
2) Formed as a result of a cut.
II app. colloquial
1) Produced tangentially to the ball, to the ball; directed sideways, in oblique flight (when playing tennis and some other games).
2) Obtained by hitting the ball tangentially.

th, th.
1) Cut, cut into pieces.
Cut cardboard.
Sliced ​​bread.
R-th vegetables.
R-th wound (inflicted with a cutting tool)
Screams, screams like a cut. (colloquial; very hard, as if being cut)
a) sports. In volleyball, tennis and other ball (ball) games: a blow produced tangentially (to the ball, ball), as if cutting off.
Chopped blow.
R-th serve of the ball.
b) rep. Directed by such a blow (about a ball, a ball)

1) Dry stems of cereal plants remaining after threshing.
2) Stems of cereal plants on the vine.

-NS; f.
see also. straw Dry stalks of cereal plants that remain after the grain is threshed.
Rye straw.
Rice straw.
- at smb. head full of straw
- at smb. straw in my head
- a bag of straw

Straw and clay bricks 5 letters

"Gelatin" from seaweed in marshmallow and marmalade 4 letters

1) rel. with noun raw associated with it
2) Peculiar to raw, characteristic of it.

see raw; th, th.
Raw silk.
Raw brick.

I m.
1) Fired clay rectangular block used as a building material.
Ott. colloquial A rectangular block made of any material used as a building material.
2) That which has the form of such a bar.
3. transfer. colloquial
A very thick book or manuscript.
4. transfer. colloquial
An important, essential element of something.
II m.
A road sign in the form of a horizontally located rectangle, which prohibits the entry of vehicles.

see also. brick
a) Fired clay rectangular bar used for construction work.
A pile of bricks.
Laying in two bricks.
b) lex., collect.
Unfired brick.
Refractory bricks.
A cart of bricks.
Silicate brick buildings.
2) bringing an Object in the form of such a bar.
Peat brick.
Tea brick.
A brick of rye bread.
3) decomp. Road sign with the image of a rectangle prohibiting entry, passage of vehicles.
We won't get through here: the brick is hanging.

1) Sedimentary rock, consisting of the smallest particles of minerals and forming a viscous mass when wet (usually used for pottery, sculpture and construction work).
2) Soil with a high content of such rocks.

-NS; f.
see also. clay
1) Sedimentary rock, consisting of the smallest particles of minerals and forming a viscous mass when wet (used for pottery, construction and sculpture work)
Red, yellow clay.
Knead, dilute the clay.
Clay crafts.
Cover the stove with clay.
2) Soil containing a large amount of such a breed.
This piece of land has only clay: nothing grows.
Glide on clay, on clay

I adj.
1) Subjected to cutting, cutting, divided into parts by a sharp tool; cut.
2) Formed as a result of a cut.
II app. colloquial
1) Produced tangentially to the ball, to the ball; directed sideways, in oblique flight (when playing tennis and some other games).
2) Obtained by hitting the ball tangentially.

th, th.
1) Cut, cut into pieces.
Cut cardboard.
Sliced ​​bread.
R-th vegetables.
R-th wound (inflicted with a cutting tool)
Screams, screams like a cut. (colloquial; very hard, as if being cut)
a) sports. In volleyball, tennis and other ball (ball) games: a blow produced tangentially (to the ball, ball), as if cutting off.
Chopped blow.
R-th serve of the ball.
b) rep. Directed by such a blow (about a ball, a ball)

1) Dry stems of cereal plants remaining after threshing.
2) Stems of cereal plants on the vine.

-NS; f.
see also. straw Dry stalks of cereal plants that remain after the grain is threshed.
Rye straw.
Rice straw.
- at smb. head full of straw
- at smb. straw in my head
- a bag of straw