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How to make a lesson schedule with your own hands diagram. Schoodle - make a schedule online

On our website you can download, fill out and print a school schedule template ( schedule of lessons to fill). For your convenience, we have prepared several options, such as a page and landscape version, in Word and Exel files (Word and Excel).

Call schedule for lessons of 45 minutes.

If your school is different for the duration of the break, you can always edit the downloaded file.

The schedule changes throughout the year, so it is very convenient to fill in our templates with your own data and print on a regular A4 sheet. We advise you to add our site to your favorites.

Schedule Word Template # 1 (minimalistic, paged)

Text file of the lesson schedule in the table, in Word format, from Monday to Friday, 7 lessons. A4 page sheet, black and white.

Schedule template Word №2 (indicating the time of lessons and breaks). Page.

Text file of the lesson schedule in the table, in Word format, from Monday to Friday, 7 lessons. With the indication of the time of lessons and changes. A4 page sheet, black and white.

Schedule template Word №3 (indicating the time of lessons and breaks). Album.

Text file of the lesson schedule in the table, in Word format, from Monday to Friday, 7 lessons. With the indication of the time of lessons and changes. A4 album sheet, black and white.

Lesson Schedule Excel Template # 1. Page.

File of the schedule of lessons in the table, in Exel format from Monday to Friday, 7 lessons. With the indication of the time of lessons and changes. A4 page sheet, black and white.

No matter how convenient a school diary is, it is always more comfortable to have a lesson schedule in front of your eyes. It can be hung over the table so that the child looks up in case of questions and reads all the necessary information.

The easiest way is to buy or download a ready-made timetable. Template for filling in the "Word" it will also help you create your own original schedule, which can be edited or updated every year.

What should the lesson schedule include?

The lesson schedule is a plate that indicates the days of the week and the corresponding academic subjects. Optionally, you can add a call schedule and the last name, first name and patronymic of the teacher, and even a daily routine or extracurricular activities. Any student is capable of making a school schedule on his own.

The schedule of lessons can be easily compiled by yourself in the "Word", and then printed and attached at the desktop. However, not everyone has a color printer, and constantly seeing in front of you a black-and-white table with the names of lessons for a child is one torment. What elements can be used to dilute the school schedule, and what opportunities does Word offer?

Scheduling Tips

  • If there is a color print, then you can change the color of the text, for example, mark literature lessons in one color, mathematics in another, etc.
  • The heading "Schedule of lessons" can be highlighted in large and beautiful font. To do this, when working with "Word", click the "Insert" tab, go to the "WordArt" section and select the template you like.
  • Using the same "Insert" tab, you can go to the "Shapes" section and select any element you like from there. The emoticons, stars, hearts, etc., offered by the developers of the program, will make the schedule of lessons more lively and vivid.

If you do not want to draw up a school schedule yourself, then we suggest you download ready-made templates for filling. Bright, beautiful, with interesting illustrations - they can be downloaded, filled in and printed. It could be a cartoon schedule for junior schoolchildren or a template with a simpler design for older children or students.

Each of us was, if not a university student, then a schoolboy for sure, and therefore we all know how important it is to be aware class schedules... On the Internet today there is a rather modest number of educational services that can really help in learning, so each of them probably deserves special attention. That is why today we will focus on just one of these resources.

Schoodle- free online service, which is designed to publish training timetables and access them online. It is perfect for both schoolchildren and students, as well as teachers, organizers of seminars, trainings, etc.

The idea of ​​the project is quite simple and straightforward: any user can go to the site, draw up an educational schedule and make it available online for other users, for example, classmates. In addition, you can go to the mobile version of the schedule page using a QR code scanner on your phone (smartphone, tablet), publish it on your website, design and print a poster. All this is available absolutely free!

For each group of students, you can create an unlimited number of schedules, for each of which site users can vote. Thus, based on more the more correct votes are automatically determined, current schedule, which is always easy to find on the Schoodle website right from the main page, indicating the country, city, educational institution, etc.

Create Schedule Online You can, after logging into the site (using the registration form or logging in through social networks). Each of the stages will be accompanied by pop-up tips, so there shouldn't be any special problems with creating a schedule.

In the final version, everything looks like this:

It is not difficult to make any schedule, whether it is a schedule of lessons at school, university, speaking at a conference, etc., due to the wide functionality:

    • call schedule
    • division of study weeks
    • Schoodle occupation type
    • teacher's name
    • audience number, etc.

Each timetable created on the Schoodle website has its own unique QR code. What is it for? For convenience, of course! For example, you have printed and posted a timetable on the corridor. Pupils passing by can scan the QR code with their smartphone and immediately access the mobile version of the timetable, so that it is always at hand! And, as I already mentioned, you can publish the schedule on the site using a special widget - just add the code to the site page, and you're done! By the way, the service has mobile applications for Android and iOS.

Since Schoodle is rapidly gaining popularity among educational institutions of various types, a catalog of these same educational institutions has been "formed" on the site, the number of which already totals about 250 thousand titles!

In the near future, the creators of the service are planning to significantly expand the functionality and add such features as accounting for homework, storing notes, importing schedules (from the Rector, Nick) programs, etc. and continue to delight its users with new "goodies"!

School loads must necessarily correspond to the level of functional capabilities of children. This means that the educational process should be organized (in terms of time, volume and content) in such a way that during the period of rest the child's body recovers and fatigue disappears.

Example and sample

The main criteria for assessing lessons for analyzing school load are difficulty and tediousness. Lesson difficulty represents the degree of mastery of the material, while fatigue represents the change in the student's performance. Both of these factors must be considered when scheduling lessons. In addition, when drawing up the schedule, the performance and the degree of fatigue of students are taken into account.

To reduce fatigue, the lesson schedule should take into account the productive and unproductive days of the week and hours. For example, from 11-30 to 14-30, in the most unproductive hours, classes should involve a change in the form of a lesson, a type of teaching and, if possible, a change in the type of student's activity. It is very important to distribute lessons that require extensive home preparation on different days of the week.

When drawing up a timetable, it is recommended to use special scales to assess the difficulty of academic subjects, with the help of which it is possible to assess the correctness of the timetable for any class (for primary grades, such scales were developed by I.G. Sivkov, for pupils of grades 5-9 - by the Research Institute of the State Healthcare and Public Health Service).

According to the above scales, the schedule is considered to be drawn up correctly if:

  • during the day, there is an alternation of difficult and light lessons;
  • a single schedule was drawn up for both halves of the working day;
  • the highest number of day points falls on such days of the week as Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday;
  • the most difficult classes are held in 2-4 lessons (2-3 for primary school students);
  • academic subjects are named the same in curricula and in the timetable.

In the case of "duplication" of difficult lessons or when they are in the schedule in a row, in the first or last lesson, in the case when the number of homework assignments corresponds to the number of lessons, the schedule is not drawn up correctly.

  • the presence of zero lessons;
  • inconsistencies in the schedules of the first and second half of the day;
  • breaks between lessons lasting 5 minutes;
  • the presence of "double" difficult lessons in grades 1-5 (the exception is laboratory or practical work in the second hour).

In accordance with the above, the following general guidelines for the distribution of lessons can be given:

  • The lowest load on the scale should be at the end of the week.
  • Control works should be carried out in the middle of the week in 2-4 lessons.
  • On Mondays and Fridays, double hard lessons are unacceptable.
  • The main study load in the schedule should be distributed over 2-4 lessons.
  • In elementary school, “double” lessons are not allowed, and in grade 5, only in some special cases.
  • Classes in the second half of the day must begin no earlier than 45 minutes after the end of the first half of the day.
  • It is advisable to alternate activities during the day (for example, lessons that require mental stress to be placed first, then to arrange lessons on art, work and the world around them, and physical education and rhythm lessons - to be held last).
  • It is necessary to take into account the number of hours for completing homework according to the curriculum and make sure that the number of preparations is less than the number of lessons.
  • Zero lessons are not permitted.


Since the late 70s of the twentieth century, a ranking system developed by the scientist I.G. Sivko. The meaning of the system is that each of the academic subjects is assigned a certain number of points (rank). The more complex the subject, the more attention, memory it requires, the higher the rank. According to this system, (algebra,) and language have the highest difficulty rank - these subjects were assigned 11 points each. The second most difficult is a foreign language, 10 points. Slightly easier - and each subject gets 9 points when ranking. 8 points for history, 7 - for literature, 6 - for and natural science, only 5 points for, 4 - for labor lessons, 3 - for. The minimum load according to this system is for fine arts lessons (2 points) and music (1 point). In addition to the level of difficulty, the dynamics of fatigue is also taken into account throughout the week. According to scientists, the peak of working capacity falls on Wednesday and Thursday. Distributing to the days of the week, the total score for each day is calculated. The total load level is distributed in such a way that the maximum load falls on Wednesday, and on Monday and Friday it is minimum.

In addition to the distribution of objects by days of the week, it is necessary to take into account the daily biological rhythms. The maximum efficiency falls on the interval 10.00-11.30. It is at this time that they plan to conduct lessons that require maximum concentration of attention, the most difficult. The first and last lessons should be lighter subjects.

The need for automated scheduling of school timetables, taking into account sanitary rules and regulations, has led to the emergence of a number of programs that allow solving this problem with varying efficiency. There are many such programs, and you can choose the most suitable one.

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The schedule is incorrect if:
- the load is distributed evenly over all days of the week;
- on some days only lessons that require intellectual work are held, and on others, they require physical and creative activity;
- the greatest number of points falls on the beginning and end of the week;
- subjects with the maximum number of points are taught in the first and last lessons.

Useful advice

Signs of a well-designed schedule:
- the maximum load falls on the middle of the week and the middle of the day;
- lessons requiring intellectual and physical activity alternate within one day;
- the most difficult subjects are taught in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th lessons.


  • scheduling lessons

Everything in this world requires order. Even chaos has its own order, which is studied by the best mathematical minds on our planet. And the frantic rhythm of our life requires us to draw up a routine, without which we will not have enough time for anything. But even such a thing as scheduling has its own subtleties. More often than not, employees of educational institutions have to draw up schedules, but everyone else would also benefit from this skill.


If you need to compose timetable class, then first calculate the total number of hours in each subject. Usually, this number is indicated in the curriculum prepared by the ministry of education. Also, ask all teachers in advance what hours they can work and what they cannot. It so happens that due to some personal circumstances, the teacher cannot conduct classes at a certain time. Then, according to the available data, distribute the items on the grid. Make sure each class or study group gets the same number of hours. Try to keep your class time convenient for both teachers and / or students. If you compose timetable for study groups in a higher education institution, then you can choose different - timetable at once for the whole semester, for a month or for. The latter is very convenient for you, but not always convenient.

Correct the resulting total timetable... Look carefully to see if all audiences will be free on the specified day and hour. Check if all teachers can work out their hours. After that, discuss some amendments with your teachers and principal. Assure timetable, put a stamp and hang it in the designated area.

Tip 4: What will be the school vacation schedule for the 2015-2016 school year

The dates of school vacations change from year to year: with the same duration, the dates of their start and end are shifted every year. What will be the vacation schedule for the 2015-2016 academic year, and how long will schoolchildren have?

What determines the date of the vacation

According to the law, Russian schools themselves can set the time of holidays - this is the prerogative of the administration of the educational institution. However, education authorities annually release recommended school vacation schedule - and the vast majority of educational institutions adhere to it.

As a rule, the timing of short autumn and spring school holidays is set so that they begin with weekends and end with them - in this case, the children have a whole week to rest, and not two halves.

In Moscow schools, starting from the 2015-2016 academic year, vacations will take place according to one of two schedules - the classical one, when the academic year is divided into four quarters with short autumn and two-week winter vacations (this is how most Russian schools study) or according to a modular scheme, when 5-6 weeks of study alternate with one week of rest. Which of these two schedules the school operates on is determined by the board of the educational institution.

Dates of autumn holidays in 2015

The duration of the autumn vacation will be 9 days, including weekends. Traditionally, the holidays coincide with the week when National Unity Day is celebrated in Russia.

When schoolchildren have winter holidays 2015-2016

Schoolchildren will be able to celebrate New Year's holidays for 16 days - this will be the duration of their winter rest.

Winter holidays start on December 26 () January 10 (Sunday). The end date of school holidays coincides with the end of the All-Russian New Year holidays - January 11 will be the first working day after the New Year and Christmas and the first day of the third academic quarter.

Additional holidays for first graders in 2016

In the middle of the third, longest quarter, first graders will have an additional short vacation. They will start February 8 (Monday) and will last exactly one week. Vacation end date - February 14, Sunday.

Spring Break 2016 Schedule

Traditional schoolchildren start week of spring holidays on March 19, on Saturday - it will be the first day of the March holidays. Their duration will be the same as in the autumn - 9 days.

Some schools will be held a week later - from March 26 to April 3 - starting a new quarter in April is more familiar to many.

Vacation dates for the schedule "5 (6) +1"

Schoolchildren, whose school year is built not according to, but according to the modular system "5 (6) +1", will have a rest according to a special schedule: the study period, which includes five or six weeks, will alternate with weekly holidays. There will be five such small vacations throughout the school year.

Vacation schedule on a modular schedule in 2015-2016:

  • October 5-11

  • November 16-22

  • December 30 - January 5

  • February 15-21

  • April 4-10.


  • School Vacation Schedule for the 2015-2016 academic year

In modern preschool education, there is a transition from the lesson form of organizing training sessions to game... In the game, children can gain new knowledge, consolidate existing ones, but most of all they like to play outside of class, freely expressing their ideas and intentions. For quality management game the activities of preschoolers, the group educator is timetable games, which is guided by the development of a long-term work plan.