Repair Design Furniture

Betonokontakt - about effective use. Concrete contact - a primer with magical properties Concrete contact types

In the past, painted or cement walls were the headache for most plastering jobs. The characteristics of such a surface made the process of applying the decor too troublesome and time-consuming. But the situation has changed dramatically with the advent of a series of primers that enhance adhesion to a concrete wall.

Application of materials with new technical characteristics

There are many secrets of the correct finishing of a cement wall, among the old recipes there are quite serious options in which concrete before plastering had to be glued with a fabric base using a polyvinyl acetate emulsion, along which it was trimmed with decorative material. A lot of time and money was needed for such a procedure. When asked what concrete contact is for, the answer sounds simple. Today, thanks to new compositions of concrete contact, anything can be applied or fixed to cement, even window glass.

The characteristics of the surface of a cement wall differ from brickwork or the structure of a silicate block in a large amount of hidden fine dust and an almost complete absence of large pores. Dust interferes with the normal wetting of cement with adhesive solutions, and pores are essential for high-quality adhesion of the plaster layer.

Technical features of concrete contact:

  • This is a primer based on acrylic polymers, cement and quartz filler with a good ability to "stick" to the most difficult and dusty surfaces thanks to special additives and additives;
  • The use of a quartz filler of a special shape and size can significantly enhance the adhesion of the primer to the mass of cement or wood;
  • The presence of biocides in the concrete contact makes it possible to use the primer on surfaces with an unfavorable biological environment;

Important! The primer is considered absolutely safe for human use, but in any case, the solution should be avoided on open areas of the body due to the increased activity of additives in concrete contact.

Use of concrete contact

You can work with the primer in the same way as with conventional hardening solutions. Any self-respecting manufacturer of concrete contact describes the use of the solution in a short instruction that follows along with the packaging.

Most often, the primer is sold ready-made, in this case, to use it, you just need to clean the wall from mechanical contamination and start applying the primer to the surface. Sometimes powder forms of concrete contact are used, especially in the case of working with large volumes of priming. According to the instructions, ready-made concrete contact is stored without loss of technical characteristics for a year, dry mixes are designed for use after a longer storage period.

Concrete contact is always made on a water basis, therefore, during long-term storage, part of the water may evaporate. Before use, and even better when buying, experts recommend opening the package and inspecting the surface of the liquid concrete contact. If there are traces of a layer that has dried out with cracks on the walls of the container, it is better to postpone the use of such a solution. It is always necessary to clarify the suitability of the concrete contact for use according to the expiration date.

Features of applying a primer

Before use, it is recommended to mix the ready-made mixture thoroughly until smooth. During storage, the solution can stratify, and this does not mean defective or unfit for use. The composition of the mixture includes substances of different density, heavier cement and quartz filler can settle to the bottom. When unmixed soil is applied, a pattern that is uneven in saturation is formed on the wall, respectively, the strength of adhesion to cement will also be different.

During preparation, the wall should be checked with a trowel for looseness, dirt, oil stains and deep cracks. Small cracks are not particularly dangerous for the use of concrete contact, thanks to the adhesive base, the primer thoroughly strengthens the surface layer.

The best option for applying concrete contact is considered to be the use of a foam rubber paint roller or a wide brush, in both cases the soil lays down evenly and is well controlled due to the specific toning. Most often it is white, although more expressive pink shades are used in Krauf products, which cannot be confused with other soil.

The consistency of the concrete contact resembles in viscosity liquid sour cream or thick-grated paint, the primer is easily adhered to the brush or the foam rubber surface of the roller. When applying concrete contact, the best method is the successive application of short vertical and horizontal stripes. The optimum temperature for concrete contact are values ​​from +5 to +30 o C. The use of soil at higher or lower values ​​is not recommended by the instruction due to a violation of the drying regime. In frost, the concrete contact turns into a viscous mass, which is completely impossible to work with.

The drying time of the layer is from 2 to 4 hours, but for a more complete use of all the advantages of the primer, experts advise not to wait and start plastering work after 2.5 hours.

The main options for using concrete contact

Good adhesion and high strength of the soil have led to the fact that the composition, originally designed to work with a cement wall, finds more and more widespread use:

The main part of primer manufacturers produce concrete contact in two versions - for application under putty and for plastering. The first composition has a finer filler and gives a thinner soil layer. With a certain experience of using a primer, its consumption can be reduced to 180 grams per m2. For heavy plasters, the use of a concrete contact with a filler grain size of at least 0.5-0.6 mm is considered mandatory. If the walls, presumably, have old hydrophobic impregnations or dirt, sometimes, before applying the primer, the surface is treated with a special deep penetration solution on a latex basis.

Novice masters in the field of repair and construction work sometimes ask the question: why does the decoration not hold on the wall (or ceiling)? If, despite the observance of the cladding technology, the tiles fall off, the wallpaper is separated from the walls, the plaster falls off, then we are talking about poor adhesion (adhesion) between them and the base. Nowadays, an effective way to prevent such troubles is concrete contact, the use of which requires certain knowledge.

Description and purpose

Betonokontakt (BK) is a universal tool for increasing the adhesion force of various substrates with a finishing layer. The components of the primer make it possible to use it for processing concrete structures, brickwork, painted surfaces, tiled walls, gypsum plasterboards, wood, glass. Concrete contact is a polymer dispersion prepared on the basis of acrylic, to which quartz sand, cement, additives to increase adhesion are added. The liquid mixture is dispensed in buckets or barrels.

When performing repair and construction work, a universal primer helps to solve the following tasks:

  • prepare concrete floor slabs for the installation of a wet screed or laying a self-leveling floor;
  • prime the walls and walls before applying any plaster (cement, Venetian), especially if the finishing layer is thick;
  • reduce porosity and strengthen the structure of drywall before painting, wallpapering, tiling;
  • glue smooth finishing elements to glossy materials (even glass to metal);
  • process the ceiling before whitewashing;
  • preserve the plastered structures for the winter.

The use of a concrete contact according to the instructions and according to the requirements of GOST is mandatory for water-repellent surfaces (painted, covered with tiles), as well as monolithic concrete. This does not require dismantling the old finish: it is worth applying a layer of primer on top, which will make it sticky, rough (due to quartz particles), and ensure the adhesion of the new coating.

Advice: Before using an expensive drug, experienced craftsmen advise to test the material for water absorption. The surface is sprayed from a spray bottle - if water is poorly absorbed, it makes sense to buy a BC. For rough, porous substrates, it is more profitable to use a cheaper, deep penetration soil.

Features and Benefits

Concrete contact has a number of useful qualities that make it, in many cases, an indispensable tool. The features of the adhesive primer are as follows:

  • increasing the ability of the bases to adhere to the finish;
  • strengthening the outer layer of the processed material;
  • the creation of a waterproof protective film on the surface, which plays the role of waterproofing, if the task is to preserve the walls after plastering.

Professional preparation of walls and ceilings by creating a rough base is the main, but not the only advantage of concrete-concreting. It has other benefits as well.

  • High drying speed. It allows you to finish at a fairly high pace. After a few hours, you can plaster or putty the primed surfaces.
  • Average consumption rate. It does not lead to a significant increase in the total cost of the work. Using BC, you can save on waterproofing compounds.
  • Ease of application. The method (manual or mechanical) is chosen by the master.
  • Long service life. According to the calculations of the developers, the initial qualities of the concrete contact remain for 80 years, and then the coating gradually collapses.
  • High resistance to alkaline media.
  • Environmental friendliness. The primer does not contain toxic, health hazardous components.
  • No pungent odor.

Depending on the volume of work, the packaging of the product is chosen: the sales network offers containers from 6 to 40 liters.

Application of primer concretekontakt

In order for the tool to provide the desired effect, preparatory procedures are carried out.

  1. Dust and dirt are swept away from the base, peeled pieces of plaster and other old coatings are removed with a metal brush, the surface is restored with a leveling mixture and allowed to dry.
  2. The joints between reinforced concrete panels or gypsum plasterboards (as well as deep cracks) are primed before sealing so that the plaster does not crumble.
  3. If the walls are intact, wipe them with a baking soda solution or synthetic detergent to get rid of the grease film.
  4. The mixture is sold in liquid form, but before use it is thoroughly mixed with a mixer, since heavy particles of sand and cement settle to the bottom.

Important: Before priming the walls in the room, turn off the electricity to avoid a short circuit due to wet wiring.

The application of concrete contact involves the use of the most common tools: brushes, brushes, a roller, on large areas and in hard-to-reach places - a spray gun. In terms of density, the concrete contact resembles an ordinary water-based paint, therefore it is easy to apply. In the process of work, it is advisable to periodically stir the agent so that the thick fraction does not settle.

The priming technology is quite simple, but it has certain nuances.

Important: After working with the BC, you should immediately rinse the brushes or rollers under running water. If the product dries up, it is almost impossible to clean it off.

Here are answers to popular questions about the use of a universal primer.

1. Should I add water to the purchased mixture?

Usually the dispersion is only mixed. But sometimes the manufacturer recommends diluting the product before processing certain materials. In this case, you should not violate the ratios specified in the instructions.

2. How to apply concrete contact on plaster?

It is better to remove the fragile finish with a spatula. Then it is recommended to treat the plastered surface with ordinary deep penetration soil. It will solve a whole range of problems: it removes dust, binds the surface layer, slightly reduces porosity, and reduces the consumption of expensive concrete contact. Thorough drying is required after preliminary priming.

3. Can concrete contact be applied to paint? It is certainly suitable for surfaces coated with varnish, nitro enamel, alkyd or oil paint. It should be noted: acrylic dispersion adheres to the surface layer, therefore it is used only where the decorative coating is firmly connected to the base. If the paint peels off, it is peeled off with a scraper, beaten off with a perforator, and cleaned with coarse sandpaper.

4. How soon is the finish applied after priming?

The drying time of the concrete contact is indicated on the packaging. Usually it varies from 2-3 to 12 hours - depending on the air temperature. Even if after a couple of hours the wall seems completely dry, there is no need to deviate from the technology and rush to carry out the next operation. At the same time, do not delay the final finishing: if dust settles or moisture gets on the base, its adhesion properties will deteriorate. In this case, it is recommended to additionally clean the base with ordinary soil. If more than 48 hours pass after the application of BC, the treatment will have to be repeated, starting with the removal of dust.

When freezing, the acrylic dispersion loses its performance properties. Therefore, the storage temperature of the concrete contact should not be lower than +1 o C, and the application of the mixture is permissible if the air warms up to +5 o C. At the same time, the walls should not be frozen, otherwise the coating will quickly fall off.

5. Which company has the best primer?

The brands Ceresit, Knauf, domestic Bolars have earned positive feedback from customers. To buy a genuine quality product, you should contact trusted stores, check the certificates of conformity, and check the production date. The shelf life of mixtures usually does not exceed 6-12 months.

When figuring out which concrete contact is better to use, take into account that an adhesive primer from different manufacturers may differ in scope.

  1. Ceresit. With its help, the walls in the premises are prepared for gypsum and cement-sand plaster, tiles or putty.
  2. Knauf. It is ideal for smooth monolithic concrete, reinforced concrete structures, ceilings, wet screed floors.
  3. Bolars. The primer ensures reliable adhesion of substrates to cement, plaster, polymer mixtures, old and new ceramic cladding. The tool is used for interior and exterior decoration. Before plastering, apply Bolars with a sand fraction of 0.6, before puttingty - a composition with a fraction of 0.3.
  4. Prospectors. The company produces concrete contact Universal, which fully justifies its name. The primer contains additives that increase water and frost resistance, imparting antiseptic qualities to the mixture. The station wagon is suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

In order not to spend money in vain, with an impressive processing area, it is better to start with one bucket of concrete contact and check it in a small area.


In addition, what is concrete contact and what it is for is described in the video.

Renovations have their own problems. In the early stages, if you are a beginner, many questions may arise. The first question is how to apply finishing materials to the surface? It often happens that after the plaster has dried, the paint surface begins to exfoliate, the upper balls fall off. It also happens that even the best adhesive is not able to withstand the tiles.

Thanks to the latest technologies, a universal method has been developed for all the listed problems - this is concrete - contact (primer - soil).

The material has good strength with concrete. The composition contains polymeric materials, cement, sand and additional additives. To some extent, this is a soil that acts as a binding agent for the surface of the ceiling or walls with the coating material. Able to increase the adhesion of the surface and finishing material. Concrete contact has a different price, depending on the manufacturer and packaging.

In order to get a high-quality repair, the finished plastered surface did not crack, the water-based paint did not peel off, the tiles did not fall off, the wallpaper did not come off, it is necessary to use concrete contact.

This material is a primer that can roughen a smooth wall. Has a number of advantages:

  • Dries quickly. It takes 2 hours to start the next finishing processes.
  • Moisture resistant. Concrete contact is not afraid of moisture, is a waterproofing agent, and forms a waterproof film when solidified. Concrete contact primer is also used for floor screed, but in this case moisture resistance will be imperceptible. It goes well with lime. Thanks to this, it can be used in rooms with different humidity levels, even in bathrooms, garage, balcony, basement or entrance.
  • It is a wear-resistant material. Manufacturers claim that the finished concrete contact coating can last up to 70 years.

Thanks to such a positive quality, this material is popular with specialist builders. For a liquid composition, sprayers, an airbrush are used.

Composition and properties of concrete contact

Concrete contact is produced in 2 varieties:

  1. The size of the filler fraction is 0.3 millimeters - fine-grained.
  2. The size of the filler fraction is 0.6 mm - coarse

The second class of factions is more often used when dealing with a rough one. finishing. Often, the composition of the material contains porcelain stoneware or expanded clay. The material plays the role of plaster. The first option is used under the putty mixture. Different manufacturers (bitumen, bolars, vetonita, caroed, lacre, kreps, rotband, eunice, phoenix) produce different mixtures:

  • Concrete contact is produced and sold in finished form. We can see this option in supermarkets in different containers (bucket, barrel).
  • The second option is dry powder. To use it, you first need to prepare a solution, dissolve in water.

It is forbidden to use the primer under a tree (laminate), as it is an absorbent material. Recommended for use on glass, concrete, metal coatings, not all types of paintwork, tiles, tiles. Also used for other options:

  1. For the treatment of the floor, before pouring the covering or screed.
  2. Before applying plaster or putty mixture to walls or ceilings.
  3. To reduce porosity, to improve the quality of gypsum plasterboards (hl), concrete contact is also used.
  4. Before painting the floor, builders, floor coverings cover the surface with concrete contact.

It is necessary to work with a primer under universal conditions: warm temperature from + 5 to + 30 degrees Celsius. It is required to store the material in a hermetically sealed package so that air does not get under the lid. The finished surface can be exposed to different temperatures. The material is made according to GOST standards (quality certificate). Concrete contact soil withstands from minus 40 to plus 55 degrees Celsius. It is required to work with the material according to the norms.

In order to determine the choice of material, let's compare the producers of soil.

Name Specifications (properties)
Concrete contact prospectors The miners' trade mark has the highest category soil composition. Some of the composition contains one of the main components - latex. Used for home interior, exterior decoration. Safe for the environment and humans. Does not contain toxic components, environmentally friendly. This primer is able to strengthen, increase the adhesion (adhesion) of the finished surface. Cannot be used for wood (OSB, fiberboard) coatings. Often used for old tiles, foam blocks, polystyrene, dense walls. This material is designed to provide the surface with a moisture resistant coating. It has an economical consumption: 1 square meter requires 200 g of soil. Dries quickly compared to others. It will take 2 or 3 hours to dry.
Betonokontakt knauf Knauf primer is used for internal and external walls. It goes well with gypsum plaster. It has high moisture resistance, therefore it is applied to surfaces before coating, which absorbs moisture. Often used for walls made of concrete or cement, painted with oil paint. Less commonly used for gypsum plasterboard sheets, aerated concrete blocks, foam blocks, penoplex, heat blocks. Doesn't require time and effort. Popular with craftsmen and newbies. Therefore, with this material you can make repairs with your own hands. You can use a spray gun, just do not make a thick solution. With this method, the material consumption will be much lower: 1 square meter - 300 g of the mixture. The cost price is high.
Concrete contact ceresit The Ceresit brand is in demand for interior decoration of the house. The primer is able to increase the adhesion of the walls of the apartment with the material. Creates a waterproof coating. The composition contains mineral components, dispersion on a water - dispersed basis, polystyrene, specialized pigments. It is often used for monolithic concrete, after which the surface is treated with soil, tile adhesive, plaster. Ceresite primer is a vapor-permeable material. In order to cover the walls, additional work is not necessary. Manufacturers produce dry and ready-made mixtures. Ready-made packs weighing 5 and 15 liters. It is not harmful to the environment and humans. It can be applied on an uneven surface. Because of this, the material consumption is different, the maximum can be 0.7 kg per square meter. Compared to the previous brand, it dries a little longer - 3.5 hours.
Axton It has good adhesion, so it can be used on unprepared surfaces. Sanding and priming is optional. The composition contains active ingredients: marble chips, quartz sand, acrylics, polymeric materials. It is a pleasure to work with this material, a small consumption - 1 square meter requires 300 ml of the mixture. Fast drying and waterproofing. After 2 hours, you can proceed to the next fake. Packaged in 3 kg, 20 kg.

In addition to the above companies, there are analogues: bergauf, ceresit - ct19, knauf, litokol, prof, bettokont - lp55, aquastop, axon, alpina, begrauf, typhoon, eurolux.

Ceresit CT 19 concrete contact (video)

Material consumption

Concrete contact primer can be used for different coatings. on the basis of this, the consumption of materials per 1m2 will be calculated.

Surface type Characteristic
Low-porous This type includes: old coating (paint), metal, concrete, ceramics, tiles. To cover the listed materials, the consumed consumption will be the minimum - 1 square meter / 0.25 liters of the mixture.
Average porosity Consumption of deeply penetrated soil. It will be higher than in the previous version. 1 square meter - 0.35 liters of mixture. This type includes: concrete tiles, cement floors, bricks, monoliths, high quality concrete.
High porosity For this type of surfaces, Grant's consumption is high, 1 square meter - 450 ml of the mixture. Despite the high consumption, pre-polished concrete, building bricks, sand concrete is coated with special substances before coating, which also has deep penetration.

Application of concrete contact

Compared to other materials, it is possible to work with concrete contact soil without special tools. The first step is to clean or wash the walls, ceiling, floor from the old coating or dirt. If the walls are painted, wipe off the paint with a spatula and water. Wallpaper can be removed easily with water. You need to wet the surface, wait a while and remove the coating. Next, you should lose the walls with a damp smile, a rag.

Application of concrete contact

When applying by concrete contact, it is advisable to treat the walls with a regular primer. This will help to completely eliminate dust, improve adhesion. The first layer of the material must dry completely, on which the concrete contact will not sit on the surface. Some materials are frost-resistant, they are used for the facade, so as not to worry about the house in the winter.
For basic work, you will need a roller, brush or spatula.

For convenience, you can use a paint bath. Pour a large amount of liquid soil into a tray, collect a small amount of the mixture on a roller, spread the brush evenly on the wall with a thin layer. The finished layer should dry. Drying time depends on the firm of the primer. Before use, carefully study the instructions, description, rules for use. After a certain period of time has passed, the surface is dry, you can proceed to the next steps. It is not necessary to leave the coated surface for a long time. During this interval, the clean coating can fall back into dust, which means that the tenacity of the next material with the surface will be worse.

In the process of finishing work and applying various coatings to the surface, there is always the possibility of subsequent exfoliation of the material. Concrete contact primer is an excellent tool in the fight against such adverse effects.

Concrete contact increases the adhesive properties of the material used, which is facilitated by its composition:

  • polymers;
  • cement;
  • specialized supplements;
  • sand.

In this article, we have tried to present material that can help you decide on a difficult choice of concrete contact mixture, as well as answer two main questions: which one should be chosen and how much it may be required. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the basic information about betonokontakte, as well as consider samples from the most advanced manufacturers.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

You, of course, have seen the perfect lawn in the movies, in the alley, and possibly on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that this is a huge work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about an innovative tool - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

This material boasts excellent functional qualities:

  • very fast drying: for further finishing work, you should wait literally a few hours from the moment the mixture is applied;
  • moisture resistance - concrete contact primer demonstrates waterproofing properties, creating a waterproof film when used. It is important to take into account that the use of a mixture for floor screed does not require moisture resistance;
  • economical consumption of material per m2;
  • durability and reliability - according to the manufacturers, the composition of the material allows it to serve faithfully for about eight decades.

What explains the widespread use of concrete-contact mixtures - the above characteristics of the primer speak for themselves.

What is concrete contact for?

Its primary function is to increase the adhesion level of a poorly absorbent surface. Monolithic concrete will serve as a good example for explanation - water is very reluctant to saturate its structure, which is why any mixture stubbornly does not want to fix on it. Therefore, the use of a concrete contact for plastering concrete surfaces is the most logical solution for any builder. Finding a product that is better suited for preparing walls and ceilings is simply impossible.

It is noteworthy that earlier, in the case of peeling plaster by repair workers, a special bandage made of ordinary PVA glue and textile mesh was often used. They were glued directly to the concrete, after which a layer of plaster was applied to them.

Today, this procedure is considered too time-consuming and outdated, especially in comparison with the use of concrete contact. The primer mixture works on the same principle as the bandage, but its use is simple, increased efficiency and quality assurance. The calculation of consumption is carried out as standard - per m2.

What is the best way to apply concrete contact mixture?

The use of a primer is good because its composition does not require the use of special devices. Everything is extremely simple:

  • the working area should be thoroughly cleaned of loose particles, dust lumps and dirt before further finishing. It also does not hurt to walk along the walls with ordinary soil before coating the surface with a primer: it contributes to the complete elimination of dust clots and adhesion of the surface layer on walls and ceilings;
  • the treated surface must be completely dry, since the use of a concrete contact does not allow the presence of moisture - it simply will not fix;
  • now everything becomes even easier: you need to take a brush, roller (if you wish, you can also use a spatula), scoop up the primer with them and cover the treated surface with an even thin layer. To make the process as productive as possible, it is better to give preference to a bristle brush or a brush with wide bristles;

  • after applying the concrete contact mixture, you need to wait until it completely hardens. Don't be fooled: you may mistakenly assume that the layer has dried after an hour, and continue finishing work. This will turn out to be a serious mistake - run over the layer with an ordinary spatula and you will make sure that the applied primer does not adhere to the surface and immediately lags behind it. Complete solidification of the mixture occurs after at least two hours, but there are more. How quickly it dries and what its consumption per m2 will be depends on a number of factors: air humidity in the room, the set temperature. But even under the most unfavorable conditions, the surface covered with a primer in the evening will certainly be completely dry in the morning;
  • material consumption depends on the characteristics of the composition of a particular mixture.

Composition: the concrete contact mixture is based on a specific water dispersion base containing a quartz variety of sand from fine fractions. The peculiarity of the composition makes it possible to increase the reliability of fixing the concrete-contact mixture on the surface.


  • The main purpose of the primer is to improve the quality of fixing smooth surfaces for further finishing work. It is most often used before coating the substrates with plaster, lime, lime-cement mixture, plaster, tile adhesive and others. It can also cover monolithic concrete, concrete blocks and other smooth surfaces;
  • the primer should be applied undiluted or mixed with ordinary water (proportion of concrete contact and water 2/1).

Principle of operation: Knauf concrete contact contributes to the formation of a rough surface texture, increases the reliability of the adhesion quality.

Preferred surfaces: The dispersion in question is particularly suitable for treating surfaces with dense texture and low moisture absorption capacity. These include monolithic concrete, floors, massive ceilings, concrete blocks.

Technical characteristics: material consumption per 1 m 2 of the base is approximately 0.35 kg (calculation when applied in one layer). Dries from 3 to 4 hours.

Betonokontakt Prospectors is a primer that contains latex and other special additives of the highest quality. It is used to increase the strength of the base to be treated, to get rid of dust and to fully prepare it for further finishing work.

Used for surface treatments that do not absorb moisture:

  • monolithic concrete;
  • massive walls
  • dilapidated tiles;
  • dense mineral surfaces;
  • It is also widely used before leveling the bases with plaster, tiling, filling.

Concrete contact Prospectors is effective for increasing the adhesion properties of the substrate. The material dries very quickly, which allows further work to be carried out after 2 hours.

Technical characteristics: concrete contact Prospectors has a very economical consumption (spent in the amount of 0.2 kg per m 2). It is convenient to use, as it does not imply any preparations and must be used in its original form.

Workflow algorithm

  • To start treating the bases with the mixture, you need to have a paint roller (size about 250 mm) or a flywheel brush (size about 100 mm) with you. But you can also use a spray gun for this purpose. The paint roller should be completely dipped in the primer and then evenly applied to the substrate, avoiding breaks. The material allows the application of additional layers. Keep in mind that applying the next layer requires complete drying of the previous one;
  • be sure to stir the primer to a uniform consistency before using it. At the end of the work, the devices should be rinsed with plain water.


The Ceresit primer contains minerals and a water dispersion base, which also contains special pigments and copolymers. It is used for covering smooth vertical substrates with low moisture absorption capacity. It shows itself perfectly when processing monolithic concrete for subsequent application of plaster and tile glue to it. The material is only suitable for interior work.

Ceresit is effective in increasing the adhesive properties of the treated substrates. It is vapor-proof and does not require preparation before use. It contains no toxic substances and solvents, which makes it absolutely safe.

To start processing the bases with the mixture, you need to have a flywheel brush (size about 100 mm) with you. The paintbrush should be completely dipped in this primer, then evenly applied to the substrate, avoiding breaks. The material allows the application of additional layers. The application of the next layer requires complete drying of the previous one.

Technical indicators of the mixture:

  • the consumption will be approximately 0.4–0.8 ml per m2;
  • how long it takes to dry: up to 4 hours;
  • dries completely within 24 hours.

At the end of the work, wash the devices in plain water. Do not thin the primer with water and use a roller to apply it.

It is a high quality material presented as a dry mix. Craftsmen often use it when working with concrete contact. It is great for decoration and construction work.

Axton mixes include:

  • acrylic;
  • quartz sand;
  • marble chips;
  • polymers and copolymers.

The specificity of the composition allows the use of these mixtures even on unpolished and uncleaned substrates. The consumption of the primer mixture is extremely economical, amounting to about 0.3 kg per m2. Complete drying of the material takes several hours.

If you are doing repairs for the first time, then you should think about the difficulties that await you when doing the work yourself. Finishing smooth surfaces such as ceilings and walls can be a problem for you. It often happens that plaster or paint applied, for example, to concrete, falls off after drying. This is a very unpleasant moment, which, perhaps, all novice "repairmen", as well as any professional, want to avoid, because this will negatively affect his future work. Concrete contact can help in solving this problem. It will save your repair and protect you from possible troubles, such as fallen off tiles or wallpaper that has come off the walls. The composition of such a primer includes cement, polymer fillers, sand and special additives. Acting as an adhesive for all kinds of finishing materials, it acts as a bond for them with the surface of the wall or ceiling, or, in a professional language, it increases the adhesion of the layers. Therefore, if you need confidence that, after drying, the plaster will not move away from the wall, you should use concrete contact during the repair process.

Used on smooth surfaces such as drywall, monolith, ceiling concrete slabs, blocks, etc., due to its properties, it improves the structural features of these surfaces. When they are processed with concrete contact, the wall or ceiling ceases to be perfectly smooth, but acquire a roughness that resembles sandpaper in appearance, which allows the next layers to better connect to the base surface. Also, if the surface of the ceiling is treated with concrete contact, then the plaster on it will not crumble for a long time; on the walls, the treatment with concrete contact will allow fixing the plaster, wallpaper, and tiles. This will allow you not to think about new repairs for a long time, because both the painted ceiling and the pasted over or plastered walls will retain their original appearance for a long time and will delight you with their durability.

This primer can also be applied to old paint (if, of course, if it does not separate from the walls), wallpaper, wood and even glass. It is a versatile tool suitable for all surfaces and is a very good solution for seemingly hopeless situations. It is moisture resistant, does not have a pungent odor, and also dries quickly. It is also important that the "betonokontakt" soil has antiseptic properties.

Traditionally, the "betonokontakt" soil is pink, and it must be homogeneous. After all, its heterogeneity indicates the low quality of the soil, or even the expiration of its shelf life. Like any other finishing material, the primer is applied to a surface previously cleaned of dust, paint and oil. If the surface is dusty, you can walk on it with a spray with water, and after waiting for the surface to dry, start applying primer. The instructions for applying concrete contact to the surface are simple: apply with a brush or roller to the wall or ceiling in one layer like any other primer. Average consumption is half a kilogram per square meter of surface and directly depends on the type of surface. The "drier" the surface, the greater, respectively, the consumption of material. As a rule, application in one layer is enough, which dries within four hours at room temperature and moderate humidity. It is advisable to apply subsequent layers of finishing materials (plaster, wallpaper, tiles) after complete drying of the primer immediately in order to avoid contamination and, as a result, deterioration of adhesion properties.

As for the storage of concrete contacts, the conditions for this should be normal - room or positive temperature (garage, utility room). Under these conditions, it can be stored for up to a year.