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Governor of Primorye Oleg Kozhemyako. Dossier

The governor's family's appetites are growing. The trawl owner is eyeing the island's tourism opportunities and agriculture. The son of the head of the region intends to develop it on Sakhalin.

The company "NK-Lotus", which is owned by Nikita Olegovich Kozhemyako, the son of the governor of the Sakhalin region Oleg Kozhemyako, is going to build a greenhouse complex on the priority development territory "Mikhailovsky" of the Primorsky Territory, the correspondent reports.

The owner of NK-Lotus does not deny that his company intends to literally fill up Sakhalin residents with local cucumbers, tomatoes and lettuce. But he refuses to discuss family ties with the regional governor.

Son for father

Nikita Olegovich is a fairly well-known entrepreneur in the Far East. Especially after Oleg Kozhemyako started working there, first as the head of the Amur region, and then the Sakhalin region. Having gone into politics, his father handed over to his son his business - the Preobrazhenskaya base of the trawl fleet (PBTF). This is the largest fishing enterprise in the Far East today, Kozhemyako Sr. created back in 1997.

Nikita Kozhemyako is a member of the company's board of directors and owns 0.95% of its shares. At the same time, evil tongues assure that the elder Kozhemyako, having gone into politics, has not retired from business and continues to lead the PBTF. Although officially the company belongs to Kozhemyaki's wife and sister.

He is called the real fish king here. The family business is booming. For example, when an auction was held on Sakhalin to catch a Pacific crab, it was the Preobrazhenskaya Base of the Trawl Fleet that won the tender. By offering, of course, the tender committee the most favorable conditions for obtaining a contract.

Oleg Kozhemyako

Not a single trawl fleet

By the way, Kozhemyako, Jr., is doing well, no matter what he undertakes. Over the years, Nikita Olegovich headed a company that produced beer, cognac, vodka, including under the brand name “Nikita Kozhemyako”. He also opened a network of pizzerias, a cafe and a restaurant. Apparently, the time has come to hunt for larger fish - and the father entrusted his son with his trawl fleet.

However, today the appetites of the governor and his family extend not only to fish. Recently it became known that the government of the Sakhalin Oblast intends to invest 10 billion rubles from the budget in the advanced development territories (TOR) over the next two years. The most ambitious project is the Mountain Air ASEZ. It involves the development of ski and tourist complexes with all the necessary infrastructure for this. An Austrian company became a partner of the authorities in this project. It is called Deppelmayr RUSSIA LLC. According to rumors, Mountain Air (or the money allocated for it) is also in the sphere of business interests of the governor's family.

And recently, Oleg Kozhemyako said that his son intends to develop a new business in Sakhalin. Only which one, he did not say. Now everything fell into place.

The breadwinners of the Sakhalin land

There are really few own vegetables on Sakhalin. Most of them are imported from China. Since 2014, building greenhouses has turned out to be profitable - under the import substitution program, the state not only gives preferential loans to those who develop agriculture, but also compensates for 20% of capital costs.

Not surprisingly, in 2015, when Oleg Kozhemyako moved to the Sakhalin Region, the region began implementing the investment project of Green Agro Sakhalin. The plans include the creation of two large livestock complexes, which will also have facilities for its processing. At the same time, rumors persistently insist that the governor's relatives are directly involved in this project.

Burned out on animal husbandry

And that's what a misfortune. As soon as an ambitious project was launched, arrests began in the team of Kozhemyako Sr. The Minister of Agriculture of the region Mikhail Kuzmenko and his deputy Tamara Mulenkova were detained. It was about the transfer of over a billion rubles from the budget to the commercial enterprise Green Agro Sakhalin (GAH). Criminal cases were opened against the officials.

Kozhemyako Sr. cannot boast of the same success in managing the region. Its rating is getting lower every year and in March of this year it dropped to 40th place. Not yet critical, but already the first bell. Compared to the February rating of influence of the heads of the subjects of the Russian Federation, Kozhemyako dropped by five positions at once.

The media loyal to the governor immediately explained this fall as an information scandal. They say that the prime minister of the regional government Vera Shcherbina suggested, without thinking, regional allowances for pensioners leaving Sakhalin. But, excuse me, in such a case, the bigwigs and the rating falls from the one who blurted out stupidity, and not from his boss.

Apparently, Oleg Kozhemyak simply has no time to deal with governor's affairs. When the creation of a business empire on Sakhalin is at stake, which will cover all areas of the island's life, other problems fade into the background.

The Kremlin decided to rely on proven personnel in Primorye and appointed ultra-loyal Oleg Kozhemyako to the governor's office. But this does not guarantee him victory in the elections.

On Wednesday, September 26, Vladimir Putin staged a parade of new governor appointments typical of autumn, changing heads in three regions in one day. Especially noteworthy is the appointment of Oleg Kozhemyako, the interim governor of Primorye, who until that day was the head of the Sakhalin region. In general, for Kozhemyako, this is already the fourth governor's experience: before that he was the head of the Amur Region and the Koryak Autonomous Okrug (during his time this okrug was abolished). Now an official who is irreplaceable for the post of governor is being thrown into a troubled region, where in three months new elections for the head are to be held after the scandalous cancellation of the results of the previous elections. Kozhemyako said on the move during a meeting with Putin that he would like to participate as a candidate in this vote. The President did not mind.

“There should be elections in two months. The question is that such an important region as Primorye cannot remain without leadership. Acting [Andrey] Tarasenko asked for another job, and it's clear why. And to leave such a significant territory, such an important region without leadership, it is impossible - not only for two months, for one day it is impossible, ”Putin justified his decision.

Loyalist local

In general, Kozhemyako is a person who knows Primorye firsthand: he was born in Chernigovka, and in the mid-90s played an important role in the fish business of the region, first as deputy chairman, and then chairman and main shareholder of the Preobrazhenskaya Trawl Fleet Base ( it is the largest fishing and fish processing enterprise in the Far East). In the early 2000s, Kozhemyako, in the words of economist Natalya Zubarevich, “went into politics in time”: he spent a little time in the Legislative Assembly of the region, and then went to the Federation Council. The votes were secured by supporters of ex-governor Yevgeny Nazdratenko, then head of the region Sergei Darkin strongly opposed Kozhemyako's candidacy.

Governor's career (the current interim in Primorye is the only person who headed at least two regions in the country) for Kozhemyako began in 2005 - then he moved one step up from the vice-governors of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug. Then the district was united with Kamchatka, and Kozhemyako, in transit through the post of assistant to the head of the Presidential Administration, went to the Amur Region. There he was hardly remembered by many, but this is expected, says Natalya Zubarevich: “There was no money in the region before the arrival of the gas processing plant. But even then: both the GPZ and the Vostochny cosmodrome are federal fun. "

But Kozhemyako has been able to show all his loyalty to the center since 2015, when he was appointed governor of the Sakhalin Region to replace Aleksandr Khoroshavin, who is unyielding to the federal government (he later went to prison for 13 years). “There is only one criterion for this appointment - it is loyalty, loyalty, and again loyalty. In 2016, with the help of legal trickery, 75% of the profit tax on Sakhalin-2 was taken away from the region under a production sharing agreement, says Natalya Zubarevich. - Kozhemyako signed it: before it was 75% in favor of the region, and 25% - to the federals, and after the consent of the governor, the proportion has changed exactly the opposite. This, together with the fluctuation in oil prices, led to the fact that the Sakhalin budget at its peak in 2015 was 230 billion, and then reduced by 40%. In addition, Kozhemyako agreed to finance the federal program for the development of the Kuril Islands from the regional budget. "The degree of his loyalty to the decisions of the federal center is maximum," the economist states.

To understand the degree of loyalty of the new interim Primorye, it is enough, however, to cite just one fragment from a conversation with Putin from the Kremlin website.

"O. Kozhemyako: Vladimir Vladimirovich, being in Vladivostok at the forum, I, as a person who was born in Primorye, grew up there and began to work, of course, looked at the situation that arose there, it is not very good.

V. Putin: What do you mean?

O. Kozhemyako: I mean the situation related to the elections.

Vladimir Putin: Why is it bad? Normal situation.

O. Kozhemyako: Normal situation. But in general, the potential that Primorsky Krai has is quite large, it is the most densely populated region in the Far East. That is, of course, there is a certain economy, and there is a fishery complex, a developed agriculture, a strategic location of the Far East to the APR countries. "

Such a valuable shot in all respects is a good replacement for a problematic position, especially considering that Kozhemyako is an obvious creature of Plenipotentiary Envoy Yuri Trutnev, with whom the four-time governor has good relations. But neither relations with the plenipotentiary nor loyalty to Putin guarantee a result in the next elections. United Russia (and the Kremlin's protégé will inevitably be associated with the ruling party and the center) on September 9 and 16 suffered a serious blow to its pride, when their candidate did not win in the first round, and then could not win even in the presence of large-scale falsifications. The story of Kozhemyako's desire to win in the elections and the statement about this personally to Putin is a classic "performance", political scientist Gleb Pavlovsky is sure.

“It was all agreed in advance,” he says. - Which means that Kozhemyako will be provided with all kinds of support in the elections. The administrative resource is inevitable, as the authorities simply cannot do otherwise. " The ballot boxes will probably not be “hacked”, but the propaganda resource will certainly be connected to the fullest. Only last time Putin even came personally to Andrei Tarasenko to express his support, so the presence of support from the president now does not guarantee an automatic victory. “Fortunately, such a thing as uncertainty has reappeared in the elections - and this is good,” Pavlovsky sums up.

For Kozhemyako himself, the new appointment is career growth. “Sakhalin is not Primorye, Primorye is a much more significant region. The Kremlin decided that Kozhemyako will be able to cope with the region, including building up the elites, subjugating media groups, power groups and voters. Probably, he was promised help. Kozhemyako is viewed in the Kremlin as a young, promising, effective regional leader, ”says political geographer Dmitry Oreshkin. Theoretically, this can lead to the postponement of elections to the next year, and Kozhemyako can "push" a decision on this through the regional parliament.

“If the elections are postponed and give Kozhemyaka time, money, and administrative resources to put pressure on the Primorye elites, then [KPRF candidate Andrei] Ishchenko will fall off himself,” Oreshkin continues. - After all, Ishchenko won votes not because he is Ishchenko. But because the people of the seaside want change. The Kremlin judged as follows: we gave them these changes. Now they believe that tension is abating. And then, if Kozhemyako shows himself, then no Ishchenko will be dangerous to him. There is a local improvement, which consists in removing the source of irritation in the person of Mr. Tarasenko. If you have been given a new boss, then immediately voting against him seems unwise. What if he's a good manager? For about a year people want to take a closer look. "

Exchange of governors at the rate

The seat of the governor of Sakhalin was vacant as of Wednesday evening, and political scientists on social networks joked that he was clearly being prepared for Steven Seagal, who suddenly announced the day before that he wanted to be the governor of Primorye. But two new interim governors are known in other regions: instead of the political dinosaur from the Astrakhan region, Alexander Zhilkin (he held the chair since 2004, and in the ratings of the effectiveness of governors took the last lines), Sergei Morozov, the former deputy head of the Federal Customs Service, became the head at least until the next elections. service (seventh in a row). This is the second Sergei Morozov-governor: the first has also been working since 2004 in the Ulyanovsk region. In this change, there is no need to look for special implications, experts say: it was obvious that under the new circumstances Zhilkin had no chance of being re-elected in future elections, so the new leader was appointed now so that he would have time to prepare for the next United voting day.

An appointment in Kabardino-Balkaria seems even more curious in terms of anthroponymy: there Yuri Kokov, who formally moved to Moscow, was replaced by Kazbek Kokov from the AP, the son of the first president of the KBR Valery Kokov. Although it is obvious to many that the resignation of the governor is not connected with personal reasons, but largely with the interethnic conflict in mid-September, when the Balkars did not miss the Kabardian formation in honor of the 310th anniversary of the Battle of Kanzhal. “There is an ethnic conflict in the Caucasus and the growing pressure of the Islamist extremist persuasion. The Kremlin has reason to be wary of what is happening there, ”Oreshkin said.

In the meantime, the governor’s resignations will apparently continue: RBC, citing sources, claims that Putin likes the “course of renewal” and that the Kursk and Lipetsk regions are expected to new leaders in the near future. The latter, since 1998, has been led by Oleg Korolev, known for his tweet during the World Cup that “Germany shamefully flew out of the 2018 World Cup just because they unleashed two world wars on this land, and the souls of tens of millions of victims killed by them took revenge and will take revenge on them ... ". Later, Korolev explained the recording as a hacking of Twitter, but this incident apparently increased his chances of resignation.


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Oleg Kozhemyako resigned from the post of governor of the Sakhalin region at his own request and was appointed acting head of the Primorsky Territory, according to the Kremlin website. The corresponding decree "On the Acting Governor of the Primorsky Territory" was signed by the President Vladimir Putin Wednesday, September 26th. The document was published on the Kremlin website.

“To appoint Oleg Nikolayevich Kozhemyako as the acting Governor of the Primorsky Territory until the person elected as the Governor of the Primorsky Territory takes office, accepting his resignation from the post of Governor of the Sakhalin Region at his own request,” the decree says.

On September 16, the second round of the governor's elections was held in the Primorsky Territory, it was attended by Andrey Tarasenko and Andrey Ischenko... As a result of massive violations, the regional electoral commission, on the recommendation of the CEC, declared the election results invalid. No later than December 16, repeated elections for the head of the Primorsky Territory will take place, in which Oleg Kozhemyako will take part.

We are publishing the text of the conversation between President Putin and Oleg Kozhemyako, published by the Kremlin press service.

V. Putin: Oleg Nikolaevich, the topic of our meeting is traditional - the social and economic situation on Sakhalin.

In general, the situation is known, everywhere there are issues that are subject to resolution, special attention from the leadership of both the country and the subject of the Federation. But in general, the situation on Sakhalin is good and even compares favorably with many other constituent entities of the Russian Federation, including in the Far East.

Nevertheless, problematic issues still remain, let's talk about this today.

O. Kozhemyako: Good.

That's right, Vladimir Vladimirovich, our demography is growing, I reported at the [State Council] Presidium in Vladivostok on the socio-economic situation.

I would like to briefly report on the federal target program for the development of the Kuriles. As you know, it was reapproved for [period] 2016–2025 in the amount of 72 billion [rubles], and its planned implementation is in progress.

To date, 20.3 billion rubles have been spent: 8.7 - from the regional budget, 2.6 - from the federal. This is the laying of wholesale fiber: Rostelecom will complete the laying at the end of this year, they have undertaken such obligations. And part of the investors' funds. The construction of fish processing plants in Shikotan is underway: one will be commissioned in October, the other will be surrendered the next year. Accordingly, housing is required for workers, social infrastructure, kindergartens, roads are required.

In addition, at a meeting with you, you supported the idea of \u200b\u200brelocating the village of Gornoye in the Kuril Islands and building a road to [the village of] Goryachy Klyuchi, building social infrastructure facilities.

Now it is necessary to slightly change the program, FTP [development] of the Kuriles, to expand it so that it is possible to fulfill all these wishes of the population and resolve the issues that have now arisen. Therefore, I would like to update it, and after your instructions with the Government I would finalize it on the spot.

I think that this would give residents additional opportunities to live in better conditions, have a guaranteed job, have a social infrastructure - for workers in the fish industry, for state employees, for the military. This would have a positive effect on the development of all the Kuril Islands.

V. Putin: Good. Let's talk about this in more detail later.

O. Kozhemyako: Vladimir Vladimirovich, being in Vladivostok at the forum, I, as a person who was born in Primorye, grew up there and began to work, of course, looked at the situation that arose there, it is not very good.

V. Putin: What do you mean?

O. Kozhemyako: I mean the situation related to the elections.

V. Putin: Why not good? Normal situation.

O. Kozhemyako: Normal situation. But in general, the potential that Primorsky Krai has is quite large, it is the most densely populated region in the Far East. That is, of course, there is a certain economy, and there is a fishery complex, a developed agriculture, a strategic location of the Far East to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region.

V. Putin: Of course, this is a key territory.

O. Kozhemyako: Yes. And, of course, a lot was done within the framework of [preparations for the APEC forum] in 2012, especially Vladivostok and the surrounding area have changed.

Of course, the population has high expectations, expectations of changes for the better. And, seeing this situation, understanding the economic component, having some experience of working in the regions, of course, I would like to agree with you, due to the fact that I am now the current governor of Sakhalin, the possibility of participating in the elections of the governor of Primorsky Krai - in order to meet the expectations of residents , and really make sure that the dynamics of development correspond to the tasks that the Far East faces today.

This, of course, is the implementation of decrees that affect all areas of activity. Here, of course, joint work will be required: the federal authorities, of course, and your support, and the very desire of the population to live better, to change for the better. Therefore, I would like to agree on such decisions with you.

V. Putin: That is, I understood you correctly, Oleg Nikolaevich, that you want to take part in the elections for the governor of the Primorsky Territory?

O. Kozhemyako: Yes, Vladimir Vladimirovich.

V. Putin: Good.

O. Kozhemyako: My native land, so yes.

V. Putin: Were you born there?

O. Kozhemyako: I was born and raised, and studied and worked. I took the first steps: I was also a deputy, a member of the Federation Council from there, that is, the land is familiar to me.

V. Putin: Were you a member of the Federation Council from Primorye?

O. Kozhemyako: Yes.

V. Putin: I see. That is, your home.

O. Kozhemyako: I keep in touch with classmates, with those with whom I studied, played sports, with whom I worked.

That is, for me this situation, of course, was somewhat, so to speak, not only alarming, but I think that all my experience, knowledge, strength I could apply - of course, with support.

V. Putin: Do you want to return home?

O. Kozhemyako: In principle, yes.

V. Putin: Oleg Nikolaevich, you really have a lot of experience and very positive. After all, you were the head of the Koryak District in Kamchatka, then you successfully worked as a governor in the Amur Region, and for several years, three years now, you have been working in Sakhalin, and each year ends with good results as well.

Well, if you want to try your hand at a large amount of work ... Of course, Primorye is a larger amount of work, without any doubt, it is a very promising, strategically important region for Russia, Primorsky Krai.

You can see how much effort we have been making lately in order to maintain an appropriate level of production there, to create comfortable conditions for people. This also applies to electricity tariffs in many regions in the Far East, this applies to other key areas of activity: infrastructure, education, healthcare. Of course, there are still a lot of problems, which we must pay special attention to, bearing in mind the importance of this territory.

I don't mind, please. But there is only one circumstance that you and I must take into account: in two months the elections should be ...

O. Kozhemyako: A very short period.

V. Putin: Yes, but what is the question - the question is that such an important region as Primorye cannot remain without leadership. Acting Tarasenko has already asked for another job - and it's clear why. Leaving such a significant territory, such an important region for the country as the Primorsky Territory, without leadership, is impossible not only for two months - it is impossible for one day.

Therefore, it will be necessary to make administrative decisions related to the leadership of Sakhalin, the Sakhalin Oblast, and the leadership of the Primorsky Territory. If you have made such a decision for yourself, then I will have to appoint you as acting head of the Primorsky Territory and, accordingly, resolve the issue of Sakhalin. Is this the final decision?

O. Kozhemyako: I am ready, and this is a verified decision with the understanding that there is a lot of work to be done, people have to justify a great desire for changes for the better, but nevertheless I am ready.

V. Putin: Good. I wish you good luck.

O. Kozhemyako: Thank you.

Zhanna Artyomova
Photo from the Kremlin website

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Governor of the Sakhalin Region, 2015-2018. Governor of the Amur Region, 2008-2015.

Oleg Kozhemyako was born on March 17, 1962 in the village of Chernigovka, Primorsky Territory. In his youth he was engaged in boxing. In 1982 he graduated from the Khabarovsk Assembly College, in 1992 - the Far Eastern Pacific State University of Economics with a degree in economics. Additionally, in 2003, he graduated from the Postgraduate School of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Ph.D. in Economics.

He began his career in 1981 at the Primorskaya hydroelectric power plant, state district power station, where he rose from a worker - a mechanic of the 3rd grade to a foreman. In October 1989, he created a production cooperative "Primorsky", transformed in 1992 into a production and food association "Primorskoye".

In 1995, he was elected Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Preobrazhenskaya Base of Trawl Fleet. And in 1998-2002 he was the chairman of the board of directors of JSC "Preobrazhenskaya base of trawl fleet".

In the elections on December 9, 2001, Oleg Kozhemyako was elected a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory of the third convocation, was a member of the committee on food policy and environmental management.

From November 2002 to September 2004, he was a representative in the Federation Council of the Russian Federation from the Legislative Assembly of the Primorsky Territory, a member of the Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.

Since October 2004 - Advisor to the Chairman of the Federation Council Sergei Mironov.

Since January 18, 2005, he served as vice-governor of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug. Appointed on March 9, 2005, Acting Governor of the Koryak Autonomous Okrug. Approved as Governor on April 14, 2005 by the District Legislative Assembly. In connection with the unification of the Kamchatka region and the Koryak Autonomous Okrug on July 1, 2007, Oleg Nikolaevich Kozhemyako resigned as governor.

In July 2007 he became a member of the advisory committee of the State Council of the Russian Federation.

In 2007-2008, he worked as an assistant to the head of the presidential administration of the Russian Federation.

He took office as Governor of the Amur Region on October 20, 2008, after the approval of the candidacy of Oleg Kozhemyako by the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Amur Region.

In June 2012, the Amur regional branch of the United Russia party, Kozhemyako was nominated as a candidate for the post of head of the Amur region. On October 14, 2012, he was elected Governor of the Amur Region, gaining 77.28% of the vote, to office on October 20, 2012.

By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on March 25, 2015, he was appointed Acting Governor of the Sakhalin Region after the official resignation of Alexander Khoroshavin. The decree says about a new appointment to the post, and about the acceptance by the president of the resignation of Oleg Nikolaevich Kozhemyako from the post of governor of the Amur region.

According to the results of the elections held on September 13, 2015, Oleg Kozhemyako was declared the winner. On September 21, 2015, he took office as Governor of the Sakhalin Region.

By the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, on September 26, 2018, he was appointed Acting Governor of Primorsky Krai.

According to the results of the elections held on December 16, 2018, Oleg Nikolaevich Kozhemyako was elected governor of the Primorsky Territory, gaining 62% of the vote. Kozhemyako is a member of United Russia, but participated in the elections as a self-nominated candidate. His rivals were LDPR candidate Andrei Andreichenko, Rosa Chemeris from the For Women of Russia party, Alexei Timchenko from the Party of Growth.

Oleg Kozhemyako is the only governor in the entire history of the Russian Federation who has been the head of more than two subjects of the Russian Federation. Active State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 3rd class.

He is married with two children - a son and a daughter.

For some, the ex-governor has become a real benefactor. Others reproach him for unfinished roads and environmental problems

Photo: Evgeniya GUSEVA

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Oleg Kozhemyako took the reins of governing the Sakhalin Oblast in 2015, after former disgraced governor Alexander Khoroshavin was detained at his workplace on suspicion of corruption. President Putin removed Mr. Kozhemyako from the post of head of the Amur Region ahead of schedule.

The appearance of Oleg Nikolaevich in the region was interesting. Sakhalin, drowning in corruption, urgently needed an anti-crisis manager who would come and say: "Stop stealing!" And Kozhemyako became just that.

Against the background of Khoroshavin, who led a free life and did not even hide it, walked with guards and did not like to communicate with the people, the new acting head of the region looked energetic and ready to move mountains. Athletic Oleg Kozhemyako, by his own example, showed the Sakhalin people what sport is - he could run, swim and even put a good part of the population on skis. In the direct and positive sense of this phrase. Ready to communicate with the people, Kozhemyako quickly won over the population and won the gubernatorial elections - 67.8 percent.


Oleg Kozhemyako immediately took up agriculture, and the Yuzhnaya ASEZ took up its accelerated development. To date, the region completely covers the need for vegetables, and for the first time in 20 years, chilled poultry, pork and beef have appeared on store shelves. Another issue is the price, which has always been a headache for the islanders.

The Mountain Air ski resort "sighed deeply" again and became the basis for the TOP with the same name. In addition to attendance records (114 thousand visitors), the complex has become a platform for preparing domestic athletes for the 2018 Olympic Games.

The third TOP - "Kuriles" - fish processing cluster of the region. Two large factories are currently under construction, and five more investors are expected to enter by 2020.


This year Sakhalin hosted the finals of the WorldSkills Young Professionals-2018 National Championship. The infrastructure for it was built practically from scratch - the Alleya shopping and entertainment center, the Pushisty airfield and the reconstruction of a nearby sports camp.

As a result, it was decided to create five centers of competence accredited according to WorldSkills Russia standards.


The communication of the island with the mainland also did not go unnoticed by the ex-governor Kozhemyako. To improve it, two ferries are being built at the Amur shipyard (Khabarovsk Territory). True, the deadlines for their delivery will most likely be postponed. In addition, two cargo-passenger ships are being built to connect Sakhalin with the Kuril Islands.

Some of the islands, which are in the fiefdom of the Sakhalin Region, are easier to get to by air. So, landing sites are being built on Paramushir and Shikotan, and a new air terminal complex is under construction in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk itself.

Another question - Oleg Kozhemyako did not have time to complete what he had begun.


"Most unpopular governor"

The popularity of this governor we had below the plinth, - said Dmitry Lisitsyn, Head of the Sakhalin Environmental Watch. - To be honest, after the arrival of Oleg Kozhemyako, the region experienced major negative changes. First of all, this is a sharp decline in salmon stocks. It should be noted here that the reason for this was that the governor did not deviate from the policy of his predecessor. In addition, he also took a number of steps to aggravate the situation. Oleg Kozhemyako expanded the local population's access to fish by announcing the Three Tails program. It assumed a free catch of three specimens of pink salmon for each inhabitant of the region. Only two years later, the prosecutor's office recognized the innovation as illegal and canceled the decision of the head of the region. The program is not bad, but it should have been accompanied by a significant reduction in commercial catches. But this did not happen, which led to the reduction of salmon in the south of Sakhalin, although five years ago the rivers were boiling with fish. Poaching in our country remained at the same level only due to the fact that there were fewer fish, and not because they fought against crimes. Even his order to create two sanctuaries did not have any result, money was allocated, but the idea is being towed in place.

Also, the interlocutor of "KP" criticized the development of tourism in Sakhalin. He believes that there was a critical shortage of investors for tourism projects, which suffered from the regional budget and the environment.

We spent a lot of money on the construction of steep ski resorts. But at what cost? The way it is done is surprising. No funding, only funds from the regional budget. Tourism in our country develops due to cutting down the most valuable types of wood on the hills and mountains. Moreover, these rocks are not stable, they are not rock massifs. As a result, heavy rains lead to intense erosion and landslides. Although the bases themselves are idle. The Kremlin needs to show that tourism is developing here. Nobody even thinks that if we have a strong cyclone with rains here, and these landslides will descend on residential buildings. The paradox is that at first everyone was glad that Alexander Khoroshavin was imprisoned, but now, after Oleg Kozhemyako, everyone remembers only good things about him. Because against the background of him, Alexander Khoroshavin did much more. All the sins of the past governor are now flourishing brown in the hands of Kozhemyako. But under the former head of the region, the roads were built, and under Kozhemyako, construction simply stopped. Instead of repairing damaged sections of the road, we asphalt what has already been built. If the governor had not been jailed, all our roads would have been paved.


"For three years he did more for pensioners than Khoroshavin for 17"

I have a double attitude towards him, on the one hand, he did a lot for us, for the older generation on Sakhalin, on the other hand, he took us and left us! Betrayed! - Tatyana Rukavishnikova, head of the Sakhalin regional public organization of pensioners "Conscience", is indignant. - I didn’t finish many projects, I started, but I didn’t finish it, although, I repeat, during his three years we did more for pensioners than in 17 years under Khoroshavin. He always responded to our problems, listened and helped. Now we are taking our pensioners to Sochi for only 13 thousand rubles - he did it. Since 2009, our labor veterans have been discriminated against those living on the mainland. Our island is stretched out, the distances between cities are large and many simply could not even go to the sea with their veteran certificates, even visit relatives in other areas. He resolved this issue - he introduced six bus passes per month in the region and not only for veterans, but for all pensioners over 70 years old. Another long-awaited decision is the abolition of the need to collect certificates twice a year for the registration of subsidies for payment of utility bills. Previously, lonely retirees over 70 were forced to confirm their poverty every six months, now the subsidy is automatically extended. The issue with those who worked on Sakhalin for 40 years was also resolved - now they receive an additional payment, five thousand per quarter. He also introduced the school pass.

On Sakhalin they talk a lot about him, there are both good and bad. He is a very mobile person, able to listen and, most importantly, hear. A man in a big way, sometimes does more than asked. So I have no complaints about him. It is a pity that a new governor will come now, I do not know if it will be possible to work with him in the same way as with Kozhemyako.