Bedroom design Materials House, garden, plot

Presentation on the theme "ammonia". Presentation on the topic "ammonia" Presentation of the effect of ammonia on the animal

  • study of the structure of the ammonia molecule, its physical and chemical properties;
  • determination of the role of ammonia and its derivatives in human life, their application;
From the history of chemical names.
  • From the history of chemical names.
  • Ammonia molecule structure.
  • Physical properties of ammonia. Action on the body. Ammonia handling rules.
  • Chemical properties of ammonia.
  • Methods for obtaining ammonia in the laboratory and in industry.
  • The use of ammonia in the fields of the national economy.
  • Environmental problems associated with ammonia leaks.

God Amon in the form of a ram

VIII century BC. (Museum of Meroe, Sudan)

The structure of the nitrogen atom looks like this: +7))

The electronic formula is: 1S22S22P3

Output. The presence of an unshared electron pair on the nitrogen atom and the presence of three polar covalent bonds in the ammonia molecule will contribute to the fact that it will enter into reactions of addition of a hydrogen proton H +, that is, react with water and with acid solutions that have hydrogen protons. The presence of a hydrogen bond in the ammonia molecule explains its dissolution in water, and the easy liquefaction of this gas.

Ammonia is a colorless gas

with a pungent smell,

liquefies at -33.35 ° С,

solidifies at –77.7 ° С.

at a pressure of 9 105 Pa it liquefies already at room temperature,

well soluble in water, at 20 ° C 700 volumes of ammonia dissolve in 1 volume of water,

and also dissolves well in alcohols, acetone.

In addition, liquefied ammonia absorbs heat when it evaporates,

on contact with the skin, frostbite of varying degrees occurs.

Physical properties


with a characteristic

Lighter than air

Let's well dissolve in water




1.Interaction with water. The effect of an aqueous solution of ammonia on indicators. 2. Interaction with acids 3. Oxidation:

  • without catalyst;
  • with a catalyst;
  • 4.With salts to form a complex compound
NH3 + HOH ↔ NH4OH ammonium hydroxide, ammonia NH3 + HOH ↔ NH3H2O \u200b\u200bammonia water

H2O in 1 liter will dissolve 700 liters of ammonia

The dissolution of ammonia in water and acids is a chemical process, which is based on the ability of ammonia molecules to bind hydrogen ions. The reason for this is the presence of a free electron pair at the nitrogen atom, which "pulls" the hydrogen proton from the water and acid molecules. The dissolution of ammonia in water and acids is a chemical process, which is based on the ability of ammonia molecules to bind hydrogen ions. The reason for this is the presence of a free electron pair at the nitrogen atom, which "pulls" the hydrogen proton from the water and acid molecules. NH3 + HCl → NH4Cl. ammonium chloride (ammonia) 2 NH3 + H2SO4 → (NH4) 2 SO4 ammonium sulfate 1. Without a catalyst NH3 + O2 → N2 + H2O 4NH3 + 3O2 \u003d 2N2 + 6H2O

  • 1. Without a catalyst NH3 + O2 → N2 + H2O 4NH3 + 3O2 \u003d 2N2 + 6H2O
  • 2. Combustion of ammonia WITH A CATALYST. In the combustion reaction, ammonia exhibits the reducing properties of ammonia
  • NH3 + O2 → NO + H2O
  • 4NH3 + 5O2 \u003d 4NO + 6H2O
  • Ammonia does not burn in air, but in pure oxygen or in the presence of a catalyst, ammonia oxidizes well, exhibiting the properties of a reducing agent.

CuSO4 + 2NaOH → Cu (OH) 2 + Na2SO4

4NH3 + Cu (OH) 2 → (OH) 2


In the laboratory

2NH4Cl + Ca (OH) 2 \u003d CaCl2 + 2NH3 + 2H2O




valuable to

plant element

Ammonia is a gas.

Ammonia has

strong smell.

Interacts with


reducing agent



quantity of heat.

So that the products are not lost

  • So that the products are not lost
  • Ammonia will help you,
  • And plants, of course,
  • Ammonia is not the enemy at all.
  • If you faint -
  • Can bring to life
  • Get out of the intoxication
  • Shine the windows.


Do not touch the spilled substance, it can cause painful skin burns.

In the event of an ammonia leak, it is important to protect the skin and respiratory system in the first place, and to avoid ammonia falling into the eyes.

In case of ammonia poisoning, do not drink, but you need to drip albucide into your eyes or rinse your eyes with a solution of boric acid.

Put warm sunflower, olive or peach oil into your nose, and rinse your face, hands and generally the affected areas of the body with a 2% solution of boric acid.

Control on the topic "Ammonia". What have you learned?

1st level

1) Ammonia ____________ dissolves in water.

2) A solution of ammonia in water is called ___________ water or ___________ alcohol.

3) Under the action of ammonia, wet phenolphthalein paper changes its color to ________________.

4) When ammonia reacts with concentrated hydrochloric acid, a substance is formed in the form of clouds of white smoke, called _______________.

5) Ammonia in reactions shows ______________ properties ...

6) What properties of ammonia are based on methods to combat its leakage?

7) What properties of ammonia is based on its use in medicine, in refrigeration units?

2nd level

1) The ammonia molecule has a lone electron pair:

A. One B. Two C. Three D. Five

2) What substance is a reducing agent in the reaction

NH3 + O2  N2 + H2O

A. Ammonia B. Oxygen C. Nitrogen D. Water

3) Ammonia does not interact from:

A. Sulfuric acid B. Hydrochloric acid C. Sodium hydroxide D. Water

4) Set the correspondence:

Nitrogen properties Chemical reaction equations

1. Reactions associated with the change A. NH3 + H2O ↔NH4OH

oxidation state of nitrogen. B. 2NH3↔N2 + 3H2

2. Reactions associated with the formation of B. 4NH3 + 3O2 \u003d 2N2 + 6H2O

covalent bond on donor-acceptor - G. NH3 + HCl \u003d NH4Cl


5) Make an equation for the chemical reaction of ammonia with nitric acid HNO3.

6) Why does ammonia-dyed phenolphthalein paper fade over time? Write the appropriate reaction equations.


  • Ammonia
  • Gaseous
  • Well soluble
  • Combustion reducing agent
  • Salt-forming ammonia
  • Affecting mucous membranes
  • Affects plants

N2NH3 (NH4) 2SO4NH4ClNH3

Create a crossword puzzle with the keyword ammonia.


Review assignments

  • Carry out a chain of transformations:
  • N 2 → Li 3 N → NH 3 → NO → NO 2 → HNO 3
  • Determine the coefficients in the reaction equation using the electronic balance method:
  • Determine the coefficients in the reaction equation using the electronic balance method:
  • NH 3 + O 2 → NO + H 2 O
  • NH 3 + O 2 → N 2 + H 2 O

This story took place during World War I.

Ammonia structure

(NH 3 )

+7 N ))

+1 H)

Physical properties

  • Ammonia - this is colorless gas with sharp smell , 2 times lighter than air .
  • Do not inhale ammonia for a long time, because he poisonous.
  • Easily liquefied.
  • On contact with the skin, frostbite of varying degrees occurs.
  • T pl = -78 0 FROM
  • Let's well dissolve in water:

a) 25% solution - aqueous ammonia (ammonia water)

B) 10% solution - ammonia.

T bale = -33,5 0 FROM

Chemical properties

  • By donor-acceptor mechanism:

A) Interaction with acids:

NH 3 + HCl \u003d NH 4 Cl

: NH 3 + □ H + \u003d NH 4 +

B) Interaction with water:

NH 3 + H 2 O ↔ NH 4 OH



Chemical properties

2) Interaction with metals:

2NH 3 + Na \u003d NaNH 2 + H 2

2NH 3 + O 2 \u003d 2H 2 O + N 2

2NH 3 + 3Br 2 \u003d 6HBr + N 2

Ammonia weeping

1) Industrial: synthesis from nitrogen and hydrogen:

N 2 + 3H 2 ↔2NH 3

2) Laboratory:

Ca (OH) 2 + NH 4 Cl \u003d CaCl 2 + NH 3 + 2H 2 O


In the laboratory

NH 3

NH 4 Cl

Ca (OH) 2


Nitrogen production

In refrigerated


In medicine,

For soldering





Check of knowledge

1. What is the oxidation state of nitrogen in ammonium nitrate?

2. Make the chemical equations for the following transformations:

nitrogen → ammonia → ammonium chloride

3. Additional task: Determine the coefficients in the following chemical reaction scheme using the electronic balance method:

Cu + NH 3 → N 2 + Cu + H 2 O



Completed pupils of 9 "B" class Nesterova M .; Shutkina Alena

  • Composition of the substance
  • Structure of matter
  • Methods of obtaining
  • Chemical properties
  • Ammonium ion formation

Composition of the substance

N +7)) II period H +1) I period

Nitrogen 2 5 V group hydrogen 1 I group

NH 3

Structure of matter

The molecule is formed by a covalent polar bond

Methods of obtaining

In industry:

In the laboratory:

The action of alkalis on ammonium salts:

2NH4Cl + Ca (OH) 2 \u003d CaCl2 + 2NH3 + 2H2O

Hydrolysis of nitrides:

Mg3N2 + 6H2O \u003d 3Mg (OH) 2 + 2NH3

The reaction is carried out under heating, under pressure,

in the presence of a catalyst.

  • Colorless gas with a pungent odor
  • Almost twice lighter than air
  • When cooled to -33 degrees - liquefies
  • 10% solution - "ammonia".
  • The concentrated solution contains 25% ammonia
  • It dissolves very well in water, as hydrogen bonds are formed between ammonia molecules and water molecules (700 V of ammonia dissolves in 1V water.

Chemical properties

  • Combustion reaction of ammonia:

4NH 3 + 3O 2 \u003d 2N 2 + 6H 2 O

  • Catalytic oxidation of ammonia:

4NH 3 + 5O 2 \u003d 4NO + 6H 2 O

  • Ammonia can restore some

inactive metals:

3CuO + 2 NH 3 \u003d 3Cu + N 2 + 3H 2 O

II. The main properties of ammonia:

  • When ammonia is dissolved in water,

ammonia hydrate that dissociates:

NH 3 + H 2 O NH 3 H 2 O NH 4 + + OH -

  • Changes color of indicators :

Phenolphthalein - b / cv crimson

Methyl orange - orange yellow

Litmus - purple blue

  • Forms ammonium salts with acids:

NH 3 + HCl \u003d NH 4 Cl ammonium chloride

2NH 3 + \u003d (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 ammonium sulfate

NH 3 + H 2 SO 4 \u003d NH 4 Hso 4 ammonium hydrogen sulfate

Ammonium ion formation

The nitrogen atom is in the -hybridization state. Three bonds are formed by the exchange mechanism, the fourth is

by donor-acceptor.

The donor, the nitrogen atom, provides a pair of electrons.

Acceptor - ion H + - provides


Application of ammonia and ammonium salts

Refrigerant in









photographic films and



Oxidizing agent



Nitric acid









Ammonium nitrate Ca (NO 3 ) 2

Ammonium sulfate (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4

Ammonium Chloride NH 4 Cl

Carbamide (urea) CO (NH 2 ) 2

Ammonia water NH 3 H 2 O

Liquid ammonia NH 3




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Ammonia NH 3 Kirillova Margarita Alekseevna chemistry teacher of lyceum No. 369 of Krasnoselsky district

The structure of the nitrogen atom N Nitrogen 14.0067 2 5 7 2 s 2 2p 3 N 7 N II period V group 2 s 2p At the outer level of the nitrogen atom there are valence 1 s-orbital, on which there are two paired electrons, and three p-orbitals , each of which has one unpaired electron.

Formation of an ammonia molecule When bonds are formed in an ammonia molecule, the nitrogen atom is in the state of sp 3 - hybridization. 109 0 28 ': N + H: N: H H H H:: H       H H H 107.3 0  There is a lone pair of electrons in the 4th hybridized orbital of the N atom. The shape of the molecule is pyramidal. N:: N

The structure of ammonia molecules Hydrogen bonds are formed between ammonia molecules: N-H bonds are polar, the molecule has a pyramidal shape, common electron pairs are displaced towards the nitrogen atom. One of the vertices is occupied by a lone pair of electrons. The molecule is highly polar.

Physical properties of ammonia Colorless gas with a pungent odor. Almost twice lighter than air: When cooled down to -33 0 С - c liquefies. It dissolves very well in water. hydrogen bonds are formed between ammonia molecules and water molecules (700 V of ammonia dissolves in 1 V of water. 10% solution - “ammonia.” The concentrated solution contains 25% ammonia.

Methods for producing ammonia In industry: N 2 + 3H 2 2NH 3 The reaction is carried out under heating, under pressure, in the presence of a catalyst. In the laboratory: By the action of alkalis on ammonium salts: 2NH 4 Cl + Ca (OH) 2 \u003d CaCl 2 + 2NH 3  + 2H 2 O Hydrolysis of nitrides: Mg 3 N 2 + 6H 2 O \u003d 3Mg (OH) 2 + 2NH 3 

Chemical properties of ammonia NH 3 - the lowest oxidation state of nitrogen. -3 1. Ammonia is a reducing agent Combustion reaction of ammonia: 4NH 3 + 3O 2 \u003d 2N 2 + 6H 2 O Catalytic oxidation of ammonia: 4NH 3 + 5O 2 \u003d 4NO + 6H 2 O Some inactive metals can be reduced with ammonia: 3CuO + 2 NH 3 \u003d 3Cu + N 2 + 3H 2 O

II. The main properties of ammonia: When ammonia dissolves in water, ammonia hydrate is formed, which dissociates: NH 3 + H 2 O NH 3  H 2 O NH 4 + + OH - ammonium ion Changes the color of indicators: Phenolphthalein - b / color  raspberry Methyl orange - orange  yellow Litmus - purple  blue Forms ammonium salts with acids: NH 3 + HCl \u003d NH 4 Cl ammonium chloride 2NH 3 + \u003d (NH 4) 2 SO 4 ammonium sulfate NH 3 + H 2 SO 4 \u003d NH 4 HSO 4 ammonium hydrogen sulfate

Formation of ammonium ion NH 3 + H + \u003d NH 4 + H:: H H:: H N N: H: + H + H:: H H:: N N: H: + The nitrogen atom is in the state of sp 3 - hybridization. Three bonds are formed by the exchange mechanism, the fourth - by the donor-acceptor mechanism. The donor, the nitrogen atom, provides a pair of electrons. The acceptor - the H + ion - provides the orbital.

Ammonium salts The ammonium ion is similar in size and charge to alkali metal ions, so ammonium salts are similar to alkali metal salts. Crystalline substances. White. They dissolve well in water. Their dissolution in water is accompanied by heat absorption. Qualitative reaction to ammonium ion - interaction of salts with alkali solutions: NH 4 NO 3 + NaOH \u003d NaNO 3 + NH 3  + H 2 O characteristic sharp smell of ammonia

Decomposition of ammonium salts on heating Volatile acid salts: NH 4 Cl \u003d NH 3 + HCl (NH 4) 2 CO 3 \u003d 2NH 3 + CO 2 + H 2 OC non-volatile acid salts: (NH 4) 2 SO 4 \u003d NH 4 HSO 4 + NH 3  (NH 4) 3 PO 4 \u003d (NH 4) 2 HPO 4 + NH 3  without heating (NH 4) 2 HPO 4 \u003d NH 4 H 2 PO 4 + NH 3  with heating Salts with an oxidizing anion : (NH 4) 2 Cr 2 O 7 \u003d N 2  + Cr 2 O 3 + 4H 2 O NH 4 NO 3 \u003d N 2 O + 2H 2 O NH 4 NO 2 \u003d N 2 + 2H 2 O

Nitric acid Ammonium nitrate Ca (NO 3) 2 Ammonium sulfate (NH 4) 2 SO 4 Ammonium chloride NH 4 Cl Carbamide (urea) CO (NH 2) 2 Ammonia water NH 3  H 2 O Liquid ammonia NH 3 Ammonia Nitrogen fertilizers Drug production Rocket fuel oxidizer Ammonium salts for brazing Explosives production Soda production Cooling agent in industrial refrigeration plants Film and dye production Precious metal processing Use of ammonia and ammonium salts

Thank you for attention

Ammonia: composition, structure, properties, application

Lukusha Elena Fedorovna, teacher of chemistry MBOU "Marine secondary school" of the urban district of Sudak, Republic of Crimea

Ammonia may owe its name to the oasis of the god Ammon in North Africa, located at the crossroads of caravan routes.

In very hot climates, urea (NH 2) 2 CO decomposes especially quickly.

One of the main decomposition products is ammonia.

Oasis "Ammon"

in North Africa

According to some other information, ammonia could get its modern name from the ancient Egyptian word "amonian".

So they called everyone

believing people worshiping the god Amon.

During their ritual ceremonies, people smelled NH 4 Cl, which, when heated, emits the smell of ammonia.

God Ammon in the form of a ram

The abbreviated name "ammonia" which we always use, was introduced into use in 1801 by a Russian scientist - chemist, academician

Yakov Dmitrievich Zakharov, who was also the first to develop the system of Russian chemical nomenclature.

covalent polar

Chemical bond

Crystal cell


Physical properties (at n.o.)

  • colorless gas

with a pungent characteristic odor (the smell of ammonia)

  • lighter than air (M \u003d 17 g / mol)
  • well soluble in water (1200 volumes at 0 ° C) and 700 volumes (at 20 ° C) in a volume of water
  • melting temperature -77.73 ° C
  • boiling temperature -33.34 ° C

Ammonia production

To obtain ammonia in the laboratory use the action of strong alkalis on ammonium salts:

2NH 4 Cl + Ca (OH) 2 \u003d 2NH 3 + CaCl 2 + 2H 2 O

(NH 4 ) 2 SO 4 + 2NaOH \u003d 2NH 3 + Na 2 SO 4 + 2H 2 O

Ammonium hydroxide is an unstable base, decomposes:

NH 4 OH ↔ NH 3 + H 2 O

When receiving ammonia, it is necessary to hold the test tube - the receiver upside down, since ammonia ... ..

Industrial method for producing ammonia based on the direct interaction of hydrogen and nitrogen:

N2 (g) + 3H2 (g) ↔ 2NH3 (g) + 45.9 kJ

catalyst - porous iron

temperature - 450 - 500 ˚С

pressure - 25 - 30 MPa

This is the so-called Haber process (a German physicist who developed the physical and chemical foundations of the method).

Chemical properties of ammonia

Ammonia is characterized by reactions:

1) with a change in the oxidation state of the nitrogen atom (oxidation reaction);

2) without changing the oxidation state of the nitrogen atom (addition).

Reactions with a change in the oxidation state of the nitrogen atom (oxidation reactions)

N -3 N 0 N +2

NH3-strong reducing agent

with oxygen

Combustion of ammonia (when heated)

4NH 3 + 3O 2 → 2N 2 + 6H 2 0

Catalytic oxidation of amiak (Pt - Rh catalyst, temperature)

4NH 3 + 5O 2 → 4NO + 6H 2 O

with metal oxides

2NH 3 + 3CuO \u003d 3Cu + N 2 + 3H 2 O

with strong oxidants

2NH 3 + 3Cl 2 \u003d N 2 + 6HCl

(when heated)

Reactions without changing the oxidation state of the nitrogen atom (addition - the formation of an ammonium ion NH 4 +

by donor-acceptor mechanism

5interactions with acids

NH 3 + HCl → NH 4 Cl

2NH 3 + H 2 SO 4 → (NH 4 ) 2 SO 4

Interaction with water

NH 3 + H 2 O \u003d NH 4 OH

When phenolphthalein is added, the solution becomes raspberry-colored, since when ammonia dissolves, ammonium hydroxide NH 4 OH is partially formed.

Ammonia application

  • Plastics and


2. As part of detergents

3. Production of nitrogen fertilizers

4. In agriculture

5. Production of nitric acid

6. Obtaining explosives

It is interesting

  • Vapors of ammonia can change the color of flowers. For instance, blue and blue petals become green , bright red - black.
  • Jupiter's clouds are composed of ammonia.