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Medvedev at the Kievsky railway station: no police, no police. Seagull and Bortnikov are fighting for the police in transport. Poroshenko to hold a tete-a-tete meeting with Trump in Davos - Klimkin

The FSB, following the Ministry of Internal Affairs, punished those responsible for the fight against terrorism and ensuring security at transport facilities. Such an order was given to the security forces by President Dmitry Medvedev at the end of January. However, it is still unknown who exactly from the security service were found guilty by the head of the department.

FSB chief Alexander Bortnikov, like Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliev two weeks earlier, fired several high-ranking security officials responsible for the security failure at Domodedovo airport, where 36 people died in a suicide bomber on January 24, 2011. Thus, Bortnikov fulfilled the instructions of President Dmitry Medvedev, who demanded that the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a week before February 5, "prepare and submit proposals on the responsibility of officials of the FSB of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, whose duties include the fight against terrorism and ensuring security on transport objects ".

The names of the dismissed, their positions and ranks were not disclosed, although the list was submitted to the presidential administration before February 5, the president's press secretary Natalya Timakova told Until today, the Federal Security Service has remained the only power agency that has escaped resignation after the terrorist attack.

Medvedev signed the law "On Police"
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev on Monday signed the law "On Police", and also gave a number of instructions to the government and administration in this regard. The head of state instructed to present a draft law ...

Immediately after the tragedy at Domodedovo, Medvedev instructed the security officials to "shake up" the entire transport police to ensure control over security. The Ministry of Internal Affairs was the first to report on the fulfillment of the order. Two days later, Interior Minister Rashid Nurgaliev dismissed and. about. head of the LUVD in Domodedovo, Colonel Alexander Trushanin, and. about. the first deputy head of the LUVD, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Budtsov, and also. about. Deputy Head of the Directorate of Internal Affairs, Major Alexander Degterev. A few days later, the media reported that they were not actually fired and continue to appear in the service, but the Ministry of Internal Affairs denied this information by publishing orders on their dismissal on the department's website with the wording "for gross violation of official discipline."

Now the FSB has fulfilled the president's instructions, confirmed Timakov's Gazeta.Ru: "The FSB also presented a list of a number of persons who were fired or otherwise punished." However, the investigation into the terrorist attack continues, and it is possible that additional personnel decisions will be made based on its results, the presidential press secretary said.

The FSB's public relations center, Gazeta.Ru, refused to give the names of the retirees, asking for an official request.

The deadline for submitting the list of candidates for dismissal to the president expired on Saturday, and on Sunday the portal LifeNews.Ru suggested that the key retirees would be the head of the T profile department (counterintelligence in transport) and the head of the Moscow FSB department, Viktor Zakharov, a native of T's department. the list submitted to the administration is unknown.

If this information is confirmed, then among the dismissed will be almost all transport security specialists in all law enforcement agencies that had a relation to her, except for the head of the profile, transport department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Dmitry Sharobarov.

Before instructing the relevant ministers to "shake up" the siloviki, the president himself fired several employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, including the head of the transport department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Central Federal District, Andrey Alekseev. He, like Trushanin, is already being summoned for interrogation to the Investigative Committee, State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein reminded In his opinion, changes could have taken place in the anti-terrorism department and in the field - in the region where the terrorist attack took place and where the terrorists came from.

Officially, the resignations of the FSB may be announced on Tuesday, February 8, when Nurgaliev, Bortnikov, Transport Minister Igor Levitin, Head of the Investigative Committee Alexander Bastrykin and Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika will speak to the State Duma deputies at government hour.

Simultaneously with the instruction to make decisions on personnel, the President made several more orders, the execution of which expires in the coming days.

The order to develop proposals to change the control rules at transport hubs has already been fulfilled (the deadline expired on February 10). The corresponding government decree, which obliges transport security services to inspect anyone who wants to enter the airport building, has already entered into force.

By February 15, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin must decide on the dismissal of the head of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport Gennady Kurzenkov - this was the presentation made by Minister Levitin two weeks ago.

Finally, before March 1, Putin, the head of the presidential administration Sergei Naryshkin, Nurgaliev and Bortnikov should discuss the feasibility of creating a separate federal body responsible for transport safety. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating such a department belongs to Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Ivanov, and the President reacted positively to it.

According to Deputy Interior Minister Zguladze, the transport police were restructured as part of the optimization. Soon she will be replaced by the criminal police

The transport police were dismissed due to the low workload of investigators, and will soon be replaced by the criminal police.

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Eka Zguladze announced this today in a comment to journalists, LIGABiznesInform correspondent reports.

See also: The Cabinet of Ministers removed the director of the Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education

“We released the transport police much earlier, this is not related to the reform of the patrol police. The transport police was restructured as part of the optimization of the ministry, because our assessment of this is that there are many duplicate structures in the system ... We need a resource, we need to make internal savings, we do not we can always hope for someone else's help, grants and suck blood from the budget of Ukraine. It is necessary to change not only the face of the police, but also the methods of work, and learn how to work alone on many flanks, "she said.

Zguladze added that, according to Interior Ministry statistics, the transport police had "little work" - on average, the transport police had three cases per month per investigator per month. "This shows that having one block only for the railroad, because all other functions they had long ago departed, did not make sense. So we optimized this structure, and the criminal police will overlap the problems of the railroad," she said.

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The Cabinet dismissed the director of the Center for Assessment of the Quality of Education

The government today decided to suspend Likarchuk Igor Leonidovich from performing his duties for the duration of the official investigation.The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has suspended Igor Likarchuk, head of the Ukrainian Center for Educational Quality Assessment (UTSOKO), from performing his official duties during the official investigation. This was announced by Minister of Education and Science Serhiy Kvit, Ukrinform reports.

Avakov explained why the transport police were disbanded

The transport police was disbanded because it duplicated the functions of other departments and had a small workload. As a UNIAN correspondent reports, Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Eka Zguladze told reporters about this at the opening of the office of the Kiev Patrol Police Department. “There are many duplicating structures in the system. And to advance reforms, we need a resource, we need internal economy, and not just hope for external assistance and the budget of Ukraine,” she said.

FBI to train Odessa police - Saakashvili

A small portion will be created for training. The head of the Odessa Regional State Administration Mikhail Saakashvili said that the FBI will train the Odessa police. He said this during a briefing on the results of the National Council of Reforms. “The day before yesterday we agreed with the FBI that together with them we would create a separate unit, a small one, of 50 people, and they (the police - ed.) Would train them so that at least inside this swamp some dry place would form where they would be work for people, not for crime, not for organized crime, "Sahaka said

In Ukraine today is the "day of silence" before the by-election in the Verkhovna Rada

The police have already received more than 80 complaints about violations of the electoral process in Chernihiv On Saturday, July 25, the so-called "day of silence" begins in connection with the by-elections to the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine in the problematic 205th district of the Desnyanskiy district of Chernigov. On Saturday, it is prohibited to distribute campaign materials, publicly call for voting for or not to vote for candidates for deputies and publicly evaluate their activities. VIDEO: Before the elections, the 205th district in Chernihiv is shaken by scandals As reported, the police have already received more than 80 complaints about violations of the electoral process in Chernigov.

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A former special forces soldier became the head of the Odessa traffic police - media

The Odessa State Traffic Inspectorate was headed by police lieutenant colonel Alexander Odizhny. This was reported by Dumskaya with reference to the press service of the traffic police in the Odessa region. The head of the regional Department of Internal Affairs Georgy Lortkipanidze introduced him to the personnel, the report says. It became known that Alexander Odizhny has been working in the internal affairs bodies since 1996. Prior to his appointment, he worked as a platoon leader in the Storm special unit. As part of the battalion, he took part in hostilities in the ATO zone.

In Kiev, the rector of the UOC-MP church was shot twice in the head

On the night of July 25-26 in Kiev, on Heroes of Stalingrad Square, unknown persons from firearms shot through the head of the rector of the Great Martyr Church. Tatiana Obolonsky deanery of the capital to priest Roman Nikolaev. This was reported by the press service of the UOC-MP. After two bullet wounds, the priest is alive, but his condition is grave. According to preliminary information, there were two criminals. After the attack, they fled, and a neighbor found the priest on the steps of his house. She called the police and an ambulance. "One of the versions of the attack is a visit by burglars.

In the center of Lviv, unknown persons set fire to Sberbank of Russia, broke windows in two more offices (video)

In Lviv tonight unidentified persons set fire to the premises of a branch of one of the banks, which is located in the city center on Valovaya Street, and also broke windows in the buildings of two more branches of this banking institution. This was reported to UNIAN in the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the Lviv region. As noted, on July 27 at 03.30 the police received a message that unknown persons threw a combustible mixture ("Molotov cocktail") into the premises of a banking institution on Valovaya Street, as a result of which a fire broke out.

In Odessa, an employee of the Court of Appeal threw himself from the roof of a building

On Monday in Odessa, as a result of falling from the roof of the Court of Appeal of the Odessa region, one of its employees died. This was reported in the press service of the police of the Odessa region. "Today, July 27, at 11.40, the police received a message that an employee of the institution threw himself out of the roof of the building of the Odessa Region Court of Appeal, located on Gaidar Street," the message says. As a result of the fall, a man born in 1969 died on the spot. The investigative-operational group of the Malinovsky regional police department left for the scene.

Russia will not solve the transport problem with Crimea with the help of flights - A.Liev

KIEV. July 29. UNN. Russia cannot compensate for the losses from the lack of rail links with Crimea, even with the help of air links. This was announced on the air of Channel 5 by the ex-Minister of Resorts and Tourism of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Adviser to the Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Alexander Liev, reports UNN. “The transport problem was obvious. At all times, 70% of people in Crimea were received by rail. Air transport, which Russia has so far organized to Crimea, compensating for the losses to airlines, is done very well, air traffic there is very intensive.

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Interior Ministry decided to abolish transport police -

The Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to abolish the transport police. -

The Verkhovna Rada intends to eliminate the transport police and the Organized Crime Control Department. According to the text of the bill, "it is proposed to liquidate the transport police, special forces for combating organized crime and unify special police forces and create a special police force." The Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to "improve" the Maidan. The Ministry of Internal Affairs called the storming of the Maidan "measures to improve the territory." One of the candidates for the Sturza government intends to abolish the ministry.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to eliminate the transport police -

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Eka Zguladze said that it was decided to liquidate the transport police earlier than the specified time, Liga reported. Zguladze said that transport workers are being optimized due to the fact that they have little work and their functions are duplicated by other departments. The elimination of the transport police is needed to save internal resources, so that later they do not take money from the budget or from grants.

Smuggling and corruption destroyed transport police -

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The Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to abolish the transport police -

According to Deputy Interior Minister Zguladze, the transport police were restructured as part of the optimization. The criminal police will soon replace her.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs liquidated the transport police yesterday at 17:52. More links (3) about "the Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to abolish the transport police."

The Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to abolish the transport police. Meta News. -

The Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to abolish the transport police. Meta News. -

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Eka Zguladze announced this today in a comment to journalists, LIGABiznesInform correspondent reports. “We released the transport police much earlier, this is not connected with the reform of the patrol police. Other news of the topic: The Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to abolish the transport police on 22.07.:33.

The truth about the reform in the Ministry of Internal Affairs: how the transport was destroyed -

It was decided to abolish the linear principle of the transport police, and the system itself was to be merged into the territorial bodies, by eliminating 20 interregional ATCTs and the supervising department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This was explained by system optimization; although in reality she could only lead to her paralysis. This was immediately announced by all the departments in cooperation with which the transport police worked (as it turned out, no one had previously agreed on this issue with them).

The Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to abolish the transport police. Irta-Fax -

US Secretary of State John Kerry will arrive in Kiev next week. Quote of the Day. "The conflict in Donbass will not be resolved even after the return of control over the border." Head of MinATO Vadim Chernysh. Public opinion. Society. July 22, 2015, 17:59. The Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to abolish the transport police. The transport police were dismissed due to the low workload of investigators, and will soon be replaced by the criminal police.

“We released the transport police much earlier, this is not connected with the reform of the patrol police. The transport police was restructured as part of the optimization of the ministry, because our assessment of this is that there are many duplicate structures in the system ... Zguladze added that, according to the statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the transport police had "little work" - on average there were three cases in the transport police per month per month per investigator.

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Interior Ministry decided to abolish transport police - Society -

“We released the transport police much earlier, this is not connected with the reform of the patrol police. The transport police was restructured as part of the optimization of the ministry, because our assessment of this is that there are many duplicate structures in the system ... Zguladze added that, according to the statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the transport police had "little work" - on average there were three cases in the transport police per month per month per investigator.

"Little work." The Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to abolish the transport -

The Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to abolish the transport police and transfer its functions to the criminal police on 22.07.:41. The transport police was restructured as part of the ministry's optimization, because our assessment of this is that there are many duplicate structures in the system ... We need a resource, we need to make internal savings, we cannot always hope for someone else's help, grants and suck blood from the Ukrainian budget.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to abolish the transport police -

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Eka Zguladze announced this today in a comment to journalists, LIGABiznesInform correspondent reports. “We released the transport police much earlier, this is not connected with the reform of the patrol police. Zguladze added that, according to statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the transport police had "little work" - on average, the transport police had three cases per month per investigator per month.

Interior Ministry decides to abolish transport police -

According to Deputy Interior Minister Zguladze, the transport police were restructured as part of the optimization. Soon, she will be replaced by the criminal police. Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Eka Zguladze announced this today in a comment to journalists, LIGABiznesInform correspondent reports. Zguladze spoke about the decision to abolish the transport police.

Smuggling and corruption destroyed transport police -

Transport militia is a ministry in a ministry, in the regions the employees of the Internal Affairs Directorate are not subordinate to the local militia authorities, they have all the structures, like in the Ministry of Internal Affairs: public security militia, inquiry, search, service for combating economic crimes, unit for combating organized crime, riot police, isolation wards temporary content.

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Interior Ministry decided to abolish transport police -

According to Deputy Interior Minister Zguladze, the transport police was restructured as part of the optimization. “We released the transport police much earlier, this is not connected with the reform of the patrol police. The transport police was restructured as part of the optimization of the ministry, because our assessment of this is that there are many duplicate structures in the system ...

The Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to abolish the transport police -

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Eka Zguladze announced this today in a comment to journalists. “We released the transport police much earlier, this is not connected with the reform of the patrol police. Zguladze added that, according to the statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the transport police had "little work" - on average, the transport police had three cases per month per investigator per month.

"For Stalin". Shootout in Odessa: all known details

In today's shootout in Odessa, three people were killed, including a well-known "Stalinist" in the city and a policeman. Today, January 19, a shootout took place in Odessa during the arrest of the alleged criminal, as a result of which three [...]

Poroshenko to hold a tete-a-tete meeting with Trump in Davos - Klimkin

According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, sensitive topics cannot be discussed in the format of general meetings, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko will hold a personal meeting with US President Donald Trump during the World Economic Forum in Davos. About it […]

The law on Donbass will not reread "Minsk", this is verbiage - Gerashchenko

The presidential plenipotentiary for a peaceful settlement said that the law fixes the true state of affairs - the occupation of a part of Ukraine by Russia The law adopted by the Verkhovna Rada on the de-occupation and reintegration of certain regions of Donbass, where Russia is an aggressor and [...]

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The White House does not rule out a meeting between Trump and Poroshenko in Davos

KIEV. January 20th. UNN. A full-format meeting of US President Donald Trump and Ukrainian leader Petro Poroshenko in Davos is not planned, but it is possible that they may meet at one of the events on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum. About [...]

Poroshenko to meet with Trump in Davos - Foreign Ministry

KIEV. January 19. UNN. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in Davos during the World Economic Forum will meet with US President Donald Trump. This was announced by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavel Klimkin on the air of the TV channel "Inter", reports [...]

Nischuk appoints Poroshenko's wife as head of the cultural fund

For the candidacy of Marina Poroshenko, members of the Fund's Supervisory Board voted unanimously Minister of Culture Yevgeny Nishchuk appointed the wife of the President of Ukraine Marina Poroshenko as the head of the Ukrainian Cultural Fund. This was reported by the press service of the Ministry of Culture. […]

Lavrov on the reintegration of Donbass: this law crosses the Minsk agreements

KIEV. January 19. UNN. The law on the reintegration of Donbass adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine cancels the Minsk agreements. This was stated by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, reports UNN with reference to RIA Novosti. “The law on reintegration, if [...]

Ukraine invited Georgia to join the improvement of the mechanism of sanctions against the Russian Federation

KIEV. January 19. UNN. Currently, work is underway to improve the mechanism of sanctions against Russia and the Georgian side can join it. This was stated by the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko during a meeting with the Speaker of the Parliament [...]

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The Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to eliminate the transport police

Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Eka Zguladze said that it was decided to liquidate the transport police earlier than the specified time, Liga reported.

Zguladze said that transport workers are being optimized due to the fact that they have little work and their functions are duplicated by other departments. The elimination of the transport police is needed to save internal resources, so that later they do not take money from the budget or from grants.

Deputy Avakov noted that in the transport police, on average, there were three cases per month per investigator, and this is a very small result. Now the functions of the liquidated service will be performed by the new criminal police.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs decided to abolish the transport police

According to Deputy Interior Minister Zguladze, the transport police were restructured as part of the optimization. Criminal police will soon replace her.

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The transport police were dismissed due to the low workload of investigators, and will soon be replaced by the criminal police. Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Eka Zguladze announced this today in a comment to journalists, LIGABiznesInform correspondent reports.

Zguladze added that, according to the statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the transport police had "little work" - on average, the transport police had three cases per month per investigator per month. “This shows that having one block only for the railway, because all other functions they had long ago departed, did not make sense. So we have optimized this structure, and the criminal police will cover the problem of the railway, ”she said.

We will remind, earlier the United States confirmed its intention to continue providing assistance to Ukraine in reforming the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Seagull and Bortnikov fight for the police in transport

The Prosecutor General and the Director of the FSB wrote to the President about the liquidation of the transport police. It seems that Vladimir Putin read it, because the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Mikhail Vanichkin immediately fell ill. Fontanka sees this as a battle for control.

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In official documents signed by Prosecutor General Chaika and FSB Director Bortnikov addressed to the President of Russia, the liquidation of the transport police is called "fundamentally unacceptable" with an indication of the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (at the disposal of "Fontanka"). Hidden between the lines of these letters is the active phase of the elimination of internal affairs bodies in transport. So, recently, the most necessary units for conducting operational activities have already been cut off from this department. But, according to Fontanka, now everything will have to be returned.

“The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is discussing the issue of liquidating the internal affairs bodies in transport and transferring river, sea and air transport facilities for operational service to territorial police units.

This position is fundamentally unacceptable ... "- this is how the letter of the Prosecutor General of Russia Yuri Chaika of December 2 of this year, addressed to President Vladimir Putin, begins.

For detailed acquaintance with the document, "Fontanka" posted it in the public domain. Briefly, you can formulate the theses of Yuri Chaika: the work of transport police is not only effective, but exceeds the indicators of territorial bodies; the principle of linearity, on which the work of this department is based, must remain unshakable, since transport lines simultaneously penetrate many subjects, and it is not clear how to divide it all.

And the point is not even that the Attorney General calls such an abolition "unconstructive." In the last line, Chaika literally blames the top officials: "... actually aimed at weakening the country's transport security." In epic times, after such an evening they took it, and by the morning they confessed. But we live in the here and now, so the reactions to strategic opinions are felt in Russia behind the scenes.

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Moreover, Fontanka knows that a similar letter was sent to the president and from the director of the FSB Alexander Bortnikov. The Fontanka journalist was denied this document, referring to its secrecy. But they said that in it, unlike the prosecutor's office, the real reasons for this position of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in relation to its transport structure were indicated.

Considering that the Prosecutor General sent the letter on December 2, on Friday, and the FSB director at the beginning of next week, the president got acquainted with them around December 9. The practice of making decisions at the highest level involves pauses. Something like an informal service check. Therefore, as suggested to the author of the article in the central office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, "it seems that Deputy Minister Vanichkin will answer everything for this."

Indeed, on December 14, information flashed in the Russian media that next year would not please the Ministry of Internal Affairs with personnel reshuffles. In particular, the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who oversees the block of the criminal police, Mikhail Vanichkin (by the way, from 2002 to 2006 he was the head of our GUVD), suddenly went on sick leave, after which he would take a vacation and become a pensioner. Our colleagues associate this with his son Maxim, a colonel who claims to be the head of the legendary MUR. However, Fontanka's interlocutors advised us to look in the other direction. In their opinion, the surname of Vanichkin Sr.was just indicated in the letter of director Bortnikov.

Fontanka is confident that such unusual letters did not appear suddenly and not because of a difference in views on the problem a couple of weeks ago. It's just that in the transport police those structural events have already taken place that are not visible to journalists. So, for example, at the end of autumn this year, the two most secret services were removed from the Transport Administration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Northwestern Federal District (as well as throughout the country). These are the Bureau of Special Technical Events (for simplicity, those who listen to telephones) and the Operational Search Bureau, that is, outdoor surveillance. They were included in the same subdivisions in the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region and, accordingly, on December 15 of this year, are already subordinate to the head of the regional GU Sergei Umnov.

You don't have to be an operative to understand the weirdness. After which the criminal investigation department and the economic police in transport must ask their colleagues for special events. It’s like a journalist from one publication asked a comrade from another media outlet for a computer for an hour to print the material himself.

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Active discussions about the elimination of the transport police broke out in the Ministry of Internal Affairs in September this year. Yes, with such force that the Lubyanka decided to track the progress of this map. Outwardly, such meetings are held under the auspices of constructive dialogues of senior officials, covered with numerous references and statistics. But, as one of the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the capital told us, "a systemic person must understand that they are fighting for control over the transport complex."

If we remove the colossal economy in this area and the interests invisibly following it, then for the layman transport from the point of view of security is associated only with terrorist attacks or their absence. So hardly anyone will be able to deny that there have been no terrorist attacks at Pulkovo, in the Seaport or at other points of entry - railway stations. By and large, this is the main assessment criterion. In this regard, I recall how even under the tsarist regime the roads were guarded by a special corps of gendarmes, and during the war this service was subordinate to the MGB. Indeed, the news is so arranged that when an explosion occurred in Domodedovo in January 2011, all the airport security officials were demolished, despite the fact that a couple of days before the disaster they were recognized as production leaders.

At the same time, "Fontanka" heard from the subordinates of the current head of the SDUVDT, Sergei Kostrykin, that at one meeting he warned: “You can be the best, but if it gets hot in Pulkovo, then you and I will wander along a long corridor with your hands behind your back. ".

Rounding off the topic, we emphasize that most likely, the liquidation of the transport police is canceled. And if this is so, then the same important technical units, taken from her earlier, will have to be placed where they were taken from.

And there is also an interesting nuance. Moscow has already started talking about the appointment of FSB officers to the level of deputy ministers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The game in Russia is playing on a big scale, and it is possible that the state security bodies even play into the hands of such attempts to reorganize the internal affairs structures. This is a reason to take control of a huge department.

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This has already happened. Let us remember how at the end of 1983, after the death of Secretary General Brezhnev and the power of the chairman of the KGB of the USSR Andropov, during which the entire top of the Soviet militia was demolished, and Minister Shchelokov shot himself, the Third KGB Service was formed. She began to supervise the organs (today it is the "M" service of the FSB). And it was in those years that colonels and generals of the KGB began to be thrown into leading positions in the police. In order not to control, but to lead.

The head of state demanded to tighten security measures and control over the implementation of legislative requirements in this area. Control must be daily and even intrusive, otherwise the goals that we set for ourselves will not be achieved, the President said.

Recently, a number of documents have been issued that regulate safety issues in the transport sector, in particular, the Federal Law "On Transport Safety", the Decree "On the Creation of an Integrated System for Ensuring the Safety of the Population in Transport," transport infrastructure actors were instructed to develop security plans. This is quite a sufficient regulatory basis for assessing the vulnerability of transport infrastructure facilities and introducing appropriate security levels, Dmitry Medvedev noted. However, according to the Prosecutor General's Office and the Presidential Control Directorate, not all provisions of the legislation are being implemented, the number of violations is growing. The President instructed the Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika to check the largest transport facilities for compliance with the legislation.

Safety issues need to be dealt with every day, not occasionally; only then there will be an effect, stressed the President.

The head of state said that he had signed a decree on the dismissal of the head of the Transport Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Central Federal District, and demanded that the Minister of Internal Affairs Rashida Nurgalieva restore order in the ranks of the transport police. In addition, the Government was instructed to develop proposals for ensuring transport safety within two weeks.

D. MEDVEDEV: Colleagues, I have gathered you in order to assess in more detail the security situation in transport.

Yesterday I spoke at the [extended session] of the board of the Federal Security Service, and I have already said certain things. I believe that, in general, the provision of security in transport (and not even only because of the terrorist act that happened) is unsatisfactory. We need to analyze the reasons that led to the tragedy at Domodedovo, but the most important thing now is to make sure that this kind of tragedy does not recur, to do everything in our power, because, of course, the protection of transport facilities is a very difficult matter. In countries where terrorism exists, and this is a huge number of countries, these are the most vulnerable objects, some of the most vulnerable. But at the same time, there are subjective things to pay attention to.

I would also like to hear how the requirements of transport legislation are being fulfilled, what additional measures should we take to minimize violations of transport legislation and thereby minimize the terrorist threat at transport facilities, and protect people.

"The most important thing now is to make sure that this kind of tragedy does not recur, to do everything in our power, because the protection of transport facilities is a very difficult matter."

In March of last year, I issued a decree, which was aimed at equipping the most vulnerable objects, vehicles with specialized technical devices, devices for maintaining security, warning devices, and informing the population. By 2014, a comprehensive system of transport security and prevention of emergencies and terrorist attacks should be created, and a number of other measures should be taken. This is not a one day program. I would like to be informed now about the progress of work under the decree, what has already been done, and what the problems are. One of the points concerned a comprehensive program to ensure public safety in transport. In July last year, this program was approved by the Government. The Ministry of Finance allocated funds for it. What is done?

I will remind you of one more thing. In 2007 (this was after the terrorist attacks on flights that took off from Domodedovo), a federal law on transport security was adopted. I remember how we prepared it (I worked in the Presidential Administration, then I moved to the Government), a little later a number of bylaws came into force. In general, this is a sufficient regulatory framework in order to assess the vulnerability of transport infrastructure facilities. The law establishes the categories and criteria of the relevant objects, introduces various levels of security. In addition, security plans should be developed by transport infrastructure actors. I would like to understand what has been done. Yuri Yakovlevich [Chaika], you need to check the largest transport facilities for compliance with the relevant law on transport safety. I even admit that the corresponding plans have been developed, but the question is in their actual implementation. I spoke about this yesterday.

According to the General Prosecutor's Office, the Presidential Control Directorate, not all provisions of the legislation, let's say, are being implemented. The number of general violations is growing, growing in almost all types of transport. Now I am talking not only about air hubs, I am also talking about railway transport, about automobile stations. Unfortunately, this is happening everywhere. Whoever I talked to, people say the following: after the terrorist attacks, in a number of cases at transport facilities, frames were turned on, they worked, and everyone was driven through them, and then they stopped doing it - you can walk as you like. The police, which are located at major transport hubs and at airports, at railway stations, take an absolutely passive position. In the best case, they shake migrants in order to check their registration and appropriately dispose of their powers.

"All officials who are responsible for organizing the process should be brought to their senses, and those who did not work should be punished accordingly."

It is necessary to do this on a daily basis, every day - the way it is done in countries where the terrorist threat is very significant (I spoke about this yesterday), and not from time to time. Only then will there be an effect.

I would not like to anticipate the results of a large-scale prosecutor's inspection, it has already begun, but I can say that officials (here I am addressing the Minister of Transport, the Government in general, our joint-stock company Russian Railways, naturally, the Minister of Internal Affairs) , all officials who are responsible for organizing the process should be brought to their senses, and those who did not work should be punished accordingly.

I would like to inform you that in accordance with the instructions I gave yesterday at the FSB collegium, I have just signed a decree dismissing the head of the Interior Ministry's Transport Directorate for the Central Federal District [Andrey] Alekseev from office. But it shouldn't end there. These are the top bosses. Rashid Gumarovich, what else is offered?

R. NURGALIEV: Due to miscalculations in organizing the protection of public order, lack of control over the performance of service, poor operational awareness of possible acts of unlawful interference in the activities of the airline, I have also taken organizational measures: the head of the line department of internal affairs in Domodedovo and two of his deputies were fired.

D. MEDVEDEV: Shake the entire transport police in general. If people don't understand how to work, we will find other people.

“Control should be daily. Unfortunately, it must be intrusive, otherwise we simply will not achieve the goals that we set for ourselves. "

Control should be daily. Unfortunately, it must be intrusive, otherwise we simply will not achieve the goals that we set for ourselves. Each of us knows how communication with the police and transport services occurs at some foreign airports and train stations. For us, as people of free thinking, this sometimes causes anger and irritation: they are forced to turn over all the suitcases, they are forced to undress. But only in this way can the result be achieved. The rules will have to be changed, as I said yesterday: The government should prepare proposals within two weeks.

I would like to emphasize once again that we are talking about safety in all types of transport. At the same time, the security of air hubs is one of the most difficult issues. Indeed, terrorist attacks took place not only in our country, and in other countries, at large airports, but this is not a reason to fold our hands and say that such actions cannot be completely controlled.

We must not forget about the entrances to the air terminals, railway stations, about the parking lots, the territories adjacent to the airport. All these are places of mass gathering of people, and their safety should be the subject of close attention of both law enforcement agencies and transport authorities. And so that I no longer hear these words from the leadership of large transport enterprises: "We are not responsible for this, the police are responsible for this or someone else." If people who take the organization of the transport process into their own hands reason in this way, it is highly immoral. Moreover, it is a subject for the work of law enforcement agencies. Yesterday, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case, let them check how who worked during this period.

"Security in crowded places should be the subject of close scrutiny by both law enforcement and transport authorities."

The last thing I would like to say now. The most important thing is that both transport companies and law enforcement agencies do not relax. I already spoke about this yesterday at the collegium, and I would like to say it again here. Unfortunately, security measures are triggered at first, after which there is a total relaxation of the heads of transport companies, everyone who works there, partly citizens too. Therefore, in the face of the terrorist threat, we are simply obliged to unite and act in a consolidated manner. It is also necessary to pay attention to this.

Therefore, it is necessary to think over a much more active notification system at airports, in the metro, at railway stations. These are unpleasant things. People want to get positive emotions, including being on the road. But it is necessary to talk about this both from the screens of the monitors that are hanging, and by radio communication - to talk about the terrorist threat, so that everyone should be vigilant. We need to prepare a modern work program. They planned to do this in the metro, as far as I understand, even there nothing has worked out yet. Do it.

The list of instructions on ensuring transport security was approved

Full text of the document:

"1. To the Government of the Russian Federation:

1.1. Prepare proposals on changing the control rules at transport hubs, providing for a complete inspection of citizens and baggage in the most vulnerable places for the safety of passengers in the transport infrastructure.

1.2. Prepare proposals for the creation of an effective system for alerting passengers at transport hubs about emergencies and security threats.

1.3. Conduct an examination of the current legislation for its completeness and sufficiency to neutralize security threats at transport facilities, as well as prepare proposals aimed at ensuring its proper implementation, including issues of increasing responsibility.

1.4. Submit proposals on changing the Comprehensive Program for Ensuring Public Safety in Transport, aimed at financing the modernization of, first of all, vulnerable transport infrastructure facilities.

1.5. Together with the executive authorities of Moscow and the Moscow region, provide material and other support to Russian and foreign citizens who suffered as a result of the terrorist attack on January 24, 2011, as well as the families of the victims.

Responsible: V.V. Putin

2. The Office of the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation:

to check the implementation of legislation on transport safety by federal executive authorities and economic entities of various forms of ownership engaged in the transportation of passengers and cargo, as well as owning transport infrastructure facilities,

Responsible: Seagull Yu.Ya.

3. Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the FSB of Russia:

consider the feasibility of creating a federal executive body responsible for ensuring transport security.

Responsible: S.E. Naryshkin, V.V. Putin, R.G. Nurgaliev, A.V. Bortnikov

4. To the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the FSB of Russia:

to conduct investigative and operational-search measures to identify the perpetrators, organizers and accomplices of the terrorist act at Domodedovo airport.

Report - monthly.

Responsible: Bastrykin A.I., Nurgaliev R.G., Bortnikov A.V.

5. The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation:

to provide a monthly report to the President of the Russian Federation within the framework of supervision over the investigation of criminal cases initiated in connection with the terrorist act at Domodedovo airport.

Responsible: Seagull Yu.Ya.

6. FSB of Russia, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: prepare and submit proposals on the responsibility of officials of the FSB of Russia, Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, whose responsibilities include the fight against terrorism and ensuring security at transport facilities.

Responsible: Bortnikov A.V., Nurgaliev R.G.

7. To the Government of the Russian Federation:

consider the responsibility of officials whose duties include transport security issues.

Responsible: Putin V.V. "

The director of the FSB of the Russian Federation, Alexander Bortnikov, proposed to toughen the requirements for officials who control migration issues and for businessmen hiring foreign citizens today at a meeting of the National Anti-Terrorism Committee (NAC). He also said that 16 terrorist attacks in nine Russian cities had been prevented over the previous year. The FSB director said that the leaders of the "Islamic State" (IS; banned in Russia) are planning new actions in Russia.

“Measures should be taken to increase the responsibility of officials who monitor compliance with migration legislation and business structures using migrant labor,” FSB Director Alexander Bortnikov said today at a meeting of the NAC. “Along with the authorities, local anti-terrorist commissions should be actively involved in this work. ". The head of the FSB also noted that the investigation of the recent terrorist attack in the St. Petersburg metro showed shortcomings in operational work. “As the investigation of the terrorist attack in the St. Petersburg metro has shown, operational work still does not fully meet the threat posed by illegal terrorist organizations,” said Mr. Bortnikov.

The FSB director also said that “over the past year alone, 16 terrorist attacks were prevented in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg, Tula, Ufa, Sochi, Novosibirsk and Nizhny Novgorod. Citizens of the CIS were also members of the neutralized groups. 46 cells of international terrorist organizations were liquidated ”. At the same time, Mr. Bortnikov added that, according to the available operational information, the leaders of the terrorist "Islamic State" banned in Russia are planning new actions on the territory of the Russian Federation. “Currently, there is a large amount of operational information indicating that the leaders of terrorist groups operating in the Middle East as part of the so-called“ Islamic State ”are hatching intentions to carry out terrorist attacks in various regions of the world, including the Russian Federation,” - said Alexander Bortnikov.

Noting that a significant number of members of terrorist and extremist cells in Russia are labor migrants from neighboring countries, Mr. Bortnikov spoke in favor of toughening border controls. “To prevent attempts by militants to enter the Russian Federation, it is necessary to envisage additional measures of the border regime on the state border, on the entry and exit channels and in the passenger traffic in relation to persons suspected of involvement in terrorist structures,” said the head of the FSB. “At the same time, cooperation between all countermeasures should be strengthened. terrorism with foreign partners. Increase the efficiency of information exchange. Take the necessary measures to arrest criminals. "

Alexander Alexandrov

Russians spoke out in favor of limiting the inflow of foreign labor

74% of citizens believe that the majority of newcomers work illegally. This is evidenced by the results of the VTsIOM survey conducted at the end of November 2016. 71% of respondents said that because of the newcomers, the indigenous population receives a lower salary. 40% of citizens believe that migrants should live in specially designated areas.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs does not have the means to expel all violating migrants from the country

In Russia, special centers for migrants subject to deportation are overcrowded, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation does not have the money to expel them, said the head of the department Vladimir Kolokoltsev in the Federation Council in December last year. The speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko proposed to use funds received from the sale of labor patents for migrants for deportation. She also asked to revise the list of CIS citizens who are prohibited from entering Russia.

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Chaika, Bortnikov, Kolokoltsev. The Sverdlovsk police are sinking deeper and deeper into the "cop wars". New letter

It looks like the Sverdlovsk police headquarters is sinking deeper and deeper into a corruption scandal. Today a new anonymous letter has been sent to the Sverdlovsk media outlets, with accusations against yet another portion of high-ranking security officials. As the correspondent of the site reports, this time the names of the head of the operational-search unit of the internal security of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region Petr Avsyukov and his deputy Oleg Mezitov are "exposed".

“We have organized a system of levies from the organizers of underground gambling establishments for non-interference in their activities by law enforcement agencies. To implement their plans, Avsyukov and Mezitov brought in [Deputy Chief of Police of the UMVD Vladimir] Babakin and [Deputy Chief of the Department for Economic Security and Anti-Corruption (UEBiPK), acting. chief of the rear of the city police Vyacheslav] Vinogradov, in respect of whom they themselves carry out checks. Every month Avsyukov and above through Mezitov Babakin, Vinogradov and other persons, including the OPS Uralmash, receive monetary rewards from the “gambling establishment” (gambling establishments - ed.), ”The authors of the letter indicate.

It is noteworthy that the names of Babakin and Vinogradov were already mentioned in the first letter received by the media on Monday, November 18. In a similar anonymous letter, the police were accused of attempting to bribe entrepreneurs working at Tagansky Ryad, as well as protecting: vegetable warehouse No. 4, Botanichesky market, 911 nightclubs, Show Girls and a series of underground gambling establishments. As our publication wrote the day before, by order of the head of the Sverdlovsk police, Mikhail Borodin, this letter was taken up by the employees of the Internal Security Directorate (CSS) of the main board.

“We know about the new letter. For now, I can say that these are links of the same chain, ”Valery Gorelykh, press secretary of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Sverdlovsk Region, commented on the second message.

Meanwhile, it is noteworthy that this time not the head of the Sverdlovsk police headquarters Mikhail Borodin and the head of the regional FSB Directorate Alexander Vyatkin, as it was in the first letter, but the head of the FSB of Russia Alexander Bortnikov, the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika and the head Ministry of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev. The signatories are also different. If the first letter indicated “Yekaterinburg police officers”, now “veterans of the own security service”.