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Homogeneous and heterogeneous presentation definitions. Presentation on "homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions". Ancient stone walls surrounded the fortress

Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions Lesson in studying new material in grade 8 Starikova T.V., teacher of MBOU "Ukrainian secondary school", Kosikhinsky district, Altai Territory Blitz - poll:

  • Homogeneous members are members of a proposal that
  • answer the question of the same part of speech (although they can be different parts of speech).
  • Syntactically homogeneous members are
  • one member of the sentence.
  • Homogeneous members of the proposal include
  • to the same member of the sentence.
  • Homogeneous members of the sentence form
  • compositional phrases.
  • In a proposal of homogeneous members, there may be
  • as much as necessary.
  • Homogeneous members of a sentence are connected
  • intonation and compositional unions.

Signs of homogeneous members

They answer the same question.

Refers to the same word.

Equal and independent from each other. that is, they are connected by a compositional connection, between them you can put the union and.

They are characterized by enumerative intonation.

In writing, homogeneous members are separated by a comma

smiled in the clear sky.

2) Spring tender sun

smiled in the clear sky.

Why are there commas in sentences # 1, but not in sentences # 2?

1) Gorgeous, gentle sun

smiled in the clear sky.

2) Spring tender sun

smiled in the clear sky.

1) Oak and fir forests grew beyond the river. 2) Dense fir forests grew beyond the river.

  • They characterize an object from one side (in color, shape, size) or create a complete picture of the object.
  • A combination of a single adjective with a participle.
  • Connected with each other by a compositional connection. (You can put a union and).
  • Refers to the same noun being defined, do not depend on each other.
  • Pronounced with enumerative intonation.
  • Definitions - epithets (artistic, emotional definitions).
  • There are three or more definitions.
  • They characterize the subject from different angles.
  • Often heterogeneous definitions are expressed by adjectives of different categories (for example, qualitative and relative).
  • 3. Only the closest definition applies directly to the noun, while the other applies to the entire phrase.
  • There is no creative connection between them. (Can't put an alliance and).
  • Definitions where one is expressed by a pronoun or numeral and the other by an adjective.

Eye Charger

The main feature of homogeneous definitions is their equality in the proposal

  • Red, green, purple, yellow, blue panels of light fall on passers-by, glide along the facades.
  • (An object is characterized on the one hand - by color. Generally, its definitions can be expressed by the word - multi-colored)
Another sign of homogeneous definitions is their identical characterizing role, i.e. a set of definitions that characterizes an object, person or phenomenon on the one hand
  • A dark, dense, gloomy forest stood in front of us.
  • (In this sentence, each definition, expressing its meaning, serves to characterize the “scary, eerie forest.” In such cases, it is possible to replace several definitions with one without changing the meaning of the sentence = scary)
Gray, rainy, gloomy Gray, rainy, gloomy the sky hung over us The house was The house was beautiful, high, stone. A single definition and the following participle turnover are considered homogeneous
  • It was the first joy of discovery, unclouded by any fears.
  • The small, in places drying up rivulet was picturesque.
  • BUT:
  • In places, a drying up small river was picturesque.
Sad fields, covered with snow Sad fields, covered with snow covered.(I. Turgenev.) Homogeneous definitions.
  • I bought a wide, comfortable table.
  • I bought a wide and comfortable table.
  • Output:
  • Homogeneous definitions are pronounced with enumerative intonation, they allow the insertion of the union “and”.
If an epithet is found in the enumeration, then the enumerated definitions will be homogeneous.
  • A young, tender moon lay on the blue canopy of the night.
  • An epithet is an artistic definition that not only indicates a certain quality, but also evokes a visible image of an object, person, phenomenon and forms a certain emotional attitude in the reader. Acting as an epithet, the adjective is often used figuratively.
If definitions come after the word being defined, then they should also be separated by commas.
  • On the road, winter, boring, the three greyhound runs.
  • Loyal, abandoned, almost unarmed, he was still fearful.
Inhomogeneous definitions.
  • I bought a comfortable desk.
  • Persistent autumn rain.
  • Quiet summer morning.
  • Output:
  • definitions are pronounced without enumerated intonation, the union "and" cannot be put between them
Compare examples: On the counter lay woolen silk, chintz shawls. White woolen jacket hung on the back of the chair. Heterogeneous definitions do not have signs of homogeneous members of the sentence. They:
  • They characterize the object from different sides, for example, in color and size (large red bow). Between them it is impossible to put the union I; throwing out any of them leads to a narrowing of the information of the proposal.
  • Explain each other, that is, one of the definitions depends on the phrase, which includes the noun being defined and another definition (red bow which? big).
  • Deprived of enumerative intonation (Alyosha handed him a small folding round mirror).
FIXING THE LEARNED Compose 5 phrases with heterogeneous definitions Compose 5 phrases with homogeneous definitions Schemes for joining and dividing homogeneous members of a sentence
  • Oh and O.
  • O and O. (unions can be used but, yes)
  • 4.and O and O and O and O. 5. O and O O and O.
Writing unions




and, yes, no - no,

not only but

so - like

too, also

but, but, yes (but), but,

although, however

or, or,

then - then

not that - not that

or or

whether - whether

Unions with homogeneous members

A comma is placed between homogeneous members

The comma is not placed between homogeneous members

Where to put the commas?

Here are the simple rules.

If we repeat the unions,

Or there are no unions at all,

Then put commas!

This is the right advice!

Union but, but, but, yes

You can easily find in the text,

You can put a comma

You are always in front of them.

But, friend, take your time:

Make sure of the meaning of "yes"!

Double union you noticed

And was it the first time to feel intimidated?

Don't be afraid, put a comma

Before the part you are the second.

1.Before single connecting or separating unions: and, or.

2. Before the union, which unites homogeneous members in pairs:

[O and O, O and O].

3. If two homogeneous members of the proposal, connected by repeating unions and or no no, form a stable combination (both day and night).




1. Characterize the subject from one side.

2. Pronounced with enumerative intonation.

3.You can put the union And, if the definitions are connected

non-union communication.

4. Characterize the subject from different angles.



1. The regal oak forest

2. Beautiful slender trees

3. Wide linden alley

4. Narrow crimson stripe



1. Gloomy gloomy winter

2. Clay wooden dishes

3. The old manor house

4. Red yellow flags

Output: In our speech, there are sentences with several members that answer the same question and refer, as a rule, to the same part of speech. They play the same role in the sentence. Such members of the sentence are called homogeneous.

Slide 2

The purpose of the lesson: to deepen the understanding of the definitions, to consolidate the skills of recognizing homogeneous and

heterogeneous definitions in the text, their graphic representation.

Slide 3


1. I lived a small man chasing and playing leapfrog with the yard boys.

2. No, let him serve in the army and pull the strap and sniff gunpowder.

3. I assumed an air of indifference and, turning to Savelich, who was both money and linen, and the business owner ordered him to give the boy a hundred rubles.

Slide 4

REPETITION Draw up a number of diagrams of homogeneous members of the sentence.

"My blow was faithful and swift"

“And I remembered the ringing of chain mail, and

the shine of the gun, and the proud

unyielding gaze, and young

my sisters "

"Find out for the will or the prison

we will be born into this world ",

“Then suddenly he calmed down, then stronger

it rang out in silence, "

“It was a simple song, but in

the thought she lay down on me ",

as if I myself was born in

family of leopards and wolves. "

Slide 5

In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, you alone support me and

support, oh great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language! I.S. Turgenev.

Slide 6


  • They characterize an object from one side (in color, shape, size) or create a complete picture of the object.
  • Connected with each other by a compositional connection. (You can put the union and).
  • Equally directly related to the noun being defined.
  • Pronounced with enumerative intonation.
  • Definitions - epithets (artistic, emotional definitions).


  • They characterize the subject from different angles.
  • Only the closest definition applies directly to the noun, while the other applies to the entire phrase.
  • There is no creative connection between them. (You cannot put a union and).
  • Often heterogeneous definitions are expressed by adjectives of different categories (for example, qualitative and relative).
  • Slide 7


    The girl, whom he called his sister, at first glance seemed very pretty to me. There was something special, special, in the warehouse of her swarthy round face, with a small thin nose, almost childish cheeks and black, light eyes.

    Returning home, she immediately went to her room and appeared only towards dinner, dressed in her best dress, carefully combed, pulled over and wearing gloves. At the table she behaved very decorously, almost primly, barely tasted food, and drank water only from a glass. She clearly wanted to play a new role in front of me - the role of a decent and well-bred young lady.

    He had just such a face, sweet, affectionate, with large soft eyes and soft curly hair.

    Slide 8


    Homogeneous definitions

    • black, light eyes,
    • a decent and well-bred young lady,

    Inhomogeneous definitions:

    • swarthy round face,
    • with a small thin nose,
    • big soft eyes,
    • soft curly hair,
  • Slide 9


    Make 5 phrases with heterogeneous definitions

    Make 5 phrases with homogeneous definitions

    Slide 10


    The Russian language in skillful hands and experienced lips is beautiful, melodious, expressive, dexterous, obedient. (A. Kuprin.)

    Language is a tool of thinking. To deal with the language somehow means to think somehow: imprecise, incorrect.

    (A. Tolstoy.)

    Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this heritage passed down to us by our predecessors. (I. Turgenev.)

    Rewrite the writers' statements about the Russian language, find homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.

    Make a morphological analysis of the words melodious and Russian.

    Explain the setting of the dash in the second sentence.

    View all slides

    Lesson in grade 8 on the topic "Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions."

    Performed: teacher of Russian language and literature


    Kazanina Oksana Anatolyevna

    Lesson objectives:

    • Skills formation:
    • develop the ability to distinguish between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions; consolidation of the ability to put commas in sentences with homogeneous members; observe enumerative intonation in sentences with homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions; improve spelling skills;
    • develop the ability to distinguish between homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions;
    • consolidation of the ability to put commas in sentences with homogeneous members;
    • observe enumerative intonation in sentences with homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions;
    • improve spelling skills;
    • Develop attention, logical thinking, the ability to compare and generalize;
    • Arouse interest in Russian lessons.

    Warm up.

    Objective: to consolidate spelling skills - n- and - nn- in the suffixes of adjectives and participles.

    Vare. th beets, sauerkraut. th cabbage, more beautiful. th front garden, risky. th jump,

    kova. th fence, sowing. flour thrown through a sieve,

    purchase. th house, broche. th child,

    smoother. thrown trousers, the field is not sown. oh, the error was corrected. a, tree. th letter. th table,

    tuma. oh, no wind. th day.

    What definitions are called homogeneous?

    What definitions are called heterogeneous?

    What is the Difference Between Homogeneous and Non-Homogeneous


    Tell us about the setting of punctuation marks when

    homogeneous and heterogeneous


    Explanatory dictation (oral)

    • It was a quiet summer morning (I. Turgenev).

    2. It began to drizzle a rare light rain (A. Chekhov).

    3. It was a light, moonless night (A. Fadeev).

    4. She looked like a young slender flexible birch.

    5. The rocket rushed into the second space speed.

    6.The fabric is dyed in bright, cheerful colors.

    Physical minute.

    Left-right, right-left,

    Allow me to see it boldly.

    Down and up, down and up, I'll see everyone clearly. Let's draw a circle with our eyes, I'll suddenly see it cool. Briskly we twist our eyes, Without glasses we see - ourselves! I'll draw a figure eight, I see everything now vigilantly!

    Exercise # 3

    1) Under one of the maples there was a dilapidated bench on rusty ____________________ paws (cast iron).

    2) The park launched by ____________________ with the impenetrable thicket of hazel caused despondency (lime).

    3) In autumn, gusty __________________ winds often swoop in (cold).

    4) The stooped man was wearing a gray _______________ suit (thin).

    5) He climbed the twisted _____________________ stairs (iron).

    TEST Note the sentence numbers that include the comma.

    1. Everyone was in a cheerful, joyful mood.

    2. Ancient stone walls surrounded the fortress.

    3. The hay gave off a luscious, slightly stimulating smell.

    4. He loved a strong, decisive word.

    5. Snowdrifts covered with a thin ice crust.

    6. Sugar sweet snow covered the ugliness of autumn.

    7. There were funny sad funny things.

    8. It turned out to be something terribly confused and sharp.

    9. A piercing harsh wind knocks the flocks of birds into a dark solid mass.

    10. Prolonged gloomy rains this year began very early.

    Check the test

    Key: 1,3,4,7,9,10

    • What did we talk about today in the lesson?
    • What are the three distinguishing features of homogeneous members of a proposal?
    • What definitions are called homogeneous? Inhomogeneous?
    • What is the difference between them?
    • Give examples of sentences with homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions.

    Thank you for the lesson!

    • D / Z. Write a discourse essay “What is the role of definitions in a text? What do you think would happen if homogeneous definitions disappeared from speech? " Do not forget that the reasoning is based on the following scheme:



    arguments, examples.


    Exercise # 3 Spread the sentences using the definitions in parentheses. Consider if you need a comma between definitions. Please comment on your decision.

    6) We drank cold __________________________ water (delicious).

    7) The book has tremendous ____________________________ power (attractive).

    8) A large _______________________ shadow was visible next to the house (black).

    9) This man wore a yellowish ______________________ German-cut caftan all summer (linen).

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    Slide captions:

    Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions

    Homogeneous definitions are directly related to the defined (main) word, while among themselves they are in enumeration relations (they are pronounced with enumerative intonation and between them you can put the union and): Blue, green balls. - Blue balls. Green balls. Blue and green balls. homogeneous definitions

    1. Indicate the distinguishing features of different objects: Red, green balls - red and green balls; the balls were red; the balls were green. homogeneous definitions

    2. Designate various features of one object, characterizing it on the one hand; A ravaged, burnt city - a ravaged and burned city; the city was devastated; the city was burned. homogeneous definitions

    3. They characterize the subject from different sides, but in this context they are united by some common feature; Lunar, clear evening - "lunar, and therefore clear"; hard, dark times - "hard, and therefore dark." homogeneous definitions

    4. In the context of the context, synonymous relations are created between the definitions. Dull, pressing chest pain - in this context, the forms dull and pressing act as synonyms, that is, as words that are close in meaning. homogeneous definitions

    5. They represent artistic definitions - epithets; Round, fishy eyes. homogeneous definitions

    6. Form a gradation, that is, each subsequent definition enhances the sign it expresses; Joyful, festive, radiant mood. homogeneous definitions

    7. A single definition is followed by a participle definition, that is, a participle with a dependent word; Black, | smoothly combed | hair. homogeneous definitions

    Note! a) it should not be a single participle, but a participle with a dependent word (compare: black combed hair); b) the participle turnover should be in second place (cf .: smoothly combed black hair); c) a comma is placed only between homogeneous members; after the participial phrase, if there are no special conditions for separation, the comma is not put. homogeneous definitions

    8. Stand after the designated word; Black hair, combed. homogeneous definitions

    9. The second definition explains the first - between the definitions you can put the union that is or namely. Normal, peaceful coexistence of states. - normal, that is, peaceful coexistence of states. homogeneous definitions

    Inhomogeneous definitions are not pronounced with enumerative intonation; usually it is impossible to put the union and between them. heterogeneous definitions are otherwise related to the (main) word being defined. One of the definitions (nearest) is directly related to the word being defined, while the second is already associated with a phrase consisting of the main word and the first definition: heterogeneous definitions

    Long freight train. The main word train is directly related to the definition closest to it - freight. The definition of long is associated with the whole phrase - freight train. (The freight train is long). heterogeneous definitions

    1. They characterize an object from different angles, in different respects, that is, they express signs related to different generic (general) concepts: Large stone house "size and material", cf .: the stone house was large; White round clouds "color and shape", cf .: round clouds were white; The pot-bellied walnut bureau "form and material", compare: the walnut bureau was pot-bellied; heterogeneous definitions

    more often expressed: pronoun and adjective; My old home. qualitative and relative adjectives; Large stone house. relative adjective and single participle; A neglected orchard. relative adjectives. Author's rough sketches. heterogeneous definitions

    Remember, inconsistent definitions are usually uniform, that is, separated by commas. Homogeneous are usually combinations of agreed and inconsistent definitions. A young man of about twenty-five entered, shining in health, with laughing cheeks, lips and eyes.

    When clarifying the homogeneity - heterogeneity of definitions, variability is possible. “It was a hot sunny day” “hot” and “sunny” - heterogeneous means different signs: hot - temperature; sunny - no clouds and light

    “It was a hot, sunny day” “hot” and “sunny” - homogeneous signs are different, but they are interrelated and interdependent: the day is hot because it is sunny, and if it is sunny, then it is hot.

    1. Indicate homogeneous definitions (no punctuation marks are placed): 1) white blue balls; 2) an old oak floor; 3) new silk blouse; 4) a large black stone.

    2. Indicate heterogeneous definitions (no punctuation marks are placed): 1) Gloomy gloomy look; 2) Clay wooden toys; 3) The old manor house; 4) Red blue flags.

    3. Give an example with a punctuation error: 1) Evening light shines in the fields. 2) Last year's road track is overgrown with chamomile. 3) In the early May morning, the lights of the beacons go out on the coastal meadows. 4) On a cool July day, I sat on the bank and admired the river.

    4. In which sentence should you put a comma? 1) A long freight train rushed past the station. 2) This small pocket flashlight is convenient for the tourist. 3) Old slender birches grew near the clinic. 4) In the fresh snow, it was not difficult to notice the hare squirrel tracks.

    5. What word should be chosen for the phrase porcelain to make the definitions homogeneous? 1) old; 2) broken; 3) earthenware; 4) white.

    Check: 1. - 1) 2. - 3) 3. - 1) 4. - 4) 5. - 3)