Repairs Design Furniture

Report: Nutrition in the campaign day norm. Topic: "Food in a tourist campaign that you can eat presentation in the campaign

Class: 7

Objectives lesson:

  1. To acquaint with the stages of preparation for the tourist campaign, taking into account the solution of environmental problems.
  2. Teach dinner cooking at hiking conditions.
  3. Educating the careful attitude towards nature, rational use of products, self-preservation of their own life and health in the campaign.


  • Transparente "Lunch on hiking conditions", "New words".
  • Collection "Wild plants and dishes from them."
  • Photos of tourist hiking, illustration of bonfire types (Figure 1), plants, berries, mushrooms.
  • Reports: "Composition of a daily diet of tourist", "Storage, transportation and accounting of products in the campaign", "kitchen inventory and cookware for cooking in the campaign. Bone devices "," Group nutrition in extreme conditions ".
  • Backpack with products for a hike.
  • Table "Model Menu".
  • Technological map "Safety Rules for cooking food at the fire", "Kulesh" Matching "."
  • Notebooks with hiking recipes of the first, second dishes, drinks, flour products (Figure 2).
  • Kitchen inventory, dishes.

Intergovernmental ties.

  1. "Obzh", grade 6.
  2. Biology, 6-7 classes.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Message technical and technological information.

1) Message Topics lesson:

"Lunch on hiking conditions."

2) Teacher:

To preserve the health, "relaxation from the city", the receipt of "muscular joy" man goes to nature. Heavy backpack is not the best satellite in the campaign. Easy it is not a simple matter. But it is necessary and you can learn. What types of hiking do you know?

(Weekend Hike, multi-day categorical travel).

One or two day trips are a holiday, this is a holiday. Therefore, everything should be festive here: both mood and meals. The diet is trying to make their festive.

3) Scene "Preparation for the campaign".

Let's see what our tourists take with them?

The student takes out the gear from the backpack:

We go hiking.
Who and what will take with them?
Cooked screwed eggs,
Sandwiches with sausage,
Small piece of cheese
And a bottle with water.
Sausage, bread pieces,
We will fire over the fire.
Here are festive dishes.
Help all the table.

Such a "diverse" dinner mood will not raise. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the menu not only for multi-day trips, but also for output hikes. To do this, choose the headshite, which will develop the menu and distribute the preparation of dishes among the participants in the campaign. We will have a brigadier, and all the rest are participants in the campaign. We will "facilitate" your backpacks, but not the speedy eats of the products, but to their correct preparation. After all, in a multi-day trip, all sorts of spreads with them will not take: neither a bag of potatoes, nor kochan cabbage, and fresh bread especially.

4) The composition of the daily diet of the tourist.

Matching power mode is a three-time hot and one dry bundles on a large privala. Although it can be different, but about it a little later. By constituting the daily diet, it must be remembered that the more diverse the products and the dishes themselves, the greater the tourist's body receives the necessary nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins. How do we call such food?

(rational, balanced)

We prepared for this lesson, we have reports on some topics. Tell us what you need to take with yourself to the campaign so that the food is rational.

Report - Pupil Message:

Proteins are obtained with meat food. It can be canned meat, sublimated meat (this is a drying method), broth meat cubes, smoked meat, smoked sausage, which does not deteriorate for a long time. Food rich in proteins is given in the first half of the day, as it contributes to the production of energy, and if you use it for dinner, it will prevent sleep offensive.

Fats are obtained with butter, vegetable oil, lard, crackers. Instead of vegetable oil, you can use halva. Use a mixture of nuts with raisins, dried apricots.

From 15 to 25% of the caloric content of the diet should be cereals.

The campaign uses food concentrates, soups, ready-made porridge, fast food: Potato mashed potatoes.

Most of the products are taken on dried.

And what products can be taken with you in a dried form?

(potatoes, cabbage, onions, carrots, pepper, tomato paste, fruit)

Now in stores you can buy dried vegetables and fruits and not burden themselves with this occupation. But it is better to do it yourself, since you will know what you have acted and that your products have not been subjected to additional processing that can be harmful to the body. This is the use of dyes and preservatives.

And with what products in the campaign do we get vitamin D?

(This is vitamin Sun, it is necessary to carry out more time in the air)

5) storage, transportation and consideration of products.

Products decided, but the most important thing is to properly organize the storage of products. How to do it?

Report - Pupil Message:

If we take crackers, cereals, pasta, dry milk, dried fish, tea, flour, then these products are not spoiled for a long time. The main thing is necessary to pack products, decompose on polyethylene packages with a disposable use. And so that the cellophane does not rush, each such norm wrap in a bag of light fabric. On the bags you can make an inscription.

Vegetable oil, tomato sauce is stored in small plastic bottles.

And if we use canned food, then it is better to use them immediately, so that you cannot but poison. And be sure to see the shelf life on the lid.

6) "Model Menu" - Working with a table.

Who when preparing a campaign is in advance of the menu?

Purchase of products is carried out according to the planned assortment and in the required quantities. The number of days is provided for by this menu constitutes the power cycle, which can be repeated several times. You have a "typical menu" on the tables, which is designed for 3 stages of complexity. The menu includes breakfast, dinner and power on the privala and in motion. At each stage, its caloric caloric rate. What do you think it is connected with?

Model menu.

Repeatability of dishes at each stage - three days. As the route complicates, when the transition from one stage, the caloric content of nutrition increases to another.

1st stage. Total power calorie per day 2700-3 000 kcal.

Breakfast (1000-1100 kcal)

Buckwheat porridge with butter and sugar. Compote. Crackers and galley.

Food at the privals and in motion (700 kcal), g

Cheese 25. Sausage, Koreka 25. Canned fish 25. Sukhari 40.

Sugar, candy 50. Glucose 10. Sweet drinks.

Dinner (1000-1100 kcal)

Vermichel with meat. Kissel. Crackers and cookies.

2nd stage. Total power calorie per day 3400-4,000 kcal.

Breakfast (1100-1500 kcal)

Potato puree on milk with meat and oil. Tea with sugar. Crackers and cookies.

Power supply at the privals and in motion (up to 1200 kcal),

Sausage, Koreka 25. Meat Pate 20. The bond is dried 10. Cheese 25.

Halva 25. Sukhari 40. Sugar, candy 80. Glucose 20. Sweet drinks.

Dinner (1100-1300 kcal)

Interpretation with oil on milk. Kissel. Crackers and galley.

3rd stage. Total power calorie per day 4500-6500 kcal.

Breakfast (1500-1800 kcal)

Meat soup with pasta. Meat pork sublimated fried with potato mashed potatoes and tomato sauce. Kissel. Crackers and drying.

Power supply at the privals and movement (1700-3000 kcal), g

Sausage and smoked, 25-50. Loading pate 25-50. Cod livers, springs 25-50. Cheese 25 - 50. Chocolate oil 30. Halva 40-60. Walnuts with raisins 50. Sugar, candy 60. Glucose 50. Sukhari 50-100. Drinks sweet.

Dinner (1 300-1700 kcal)

Splashes. Intelligently on milk with butter and sugar. Canned meat, fried with bow. Cool Kissel. Tea with sugar and jam. Crackers and galley.

With the increase in the complexity of the route, the calorie content of dishes increases. Do you add or change each of the steps in the menu?

And Zanezoz, making up a menu, should take into account the tastes of the member of the campaign?

7) Kitchen inventory and cookware for cooking, bonfire fixtures.

In the campaign, the dishes can be prepared on a fire, preims, in an earthen oven. How to breed a fire?

Report - Pupil Message:

The fire should be located no closer than 8-10 meters from the tent. When breeding a fire in the coniferous forest, a large bonfire should not be breeded, as the sparks can lead to the most dangerous rigor fire. And do not breed a fire close to trees and shrubs, on sites with dry grass, on cutting. From the fireplace, it is necessary to remove the turf, to remove dry foliage, chew. It is better to use the old fireplace.

Leaving the prival seat, the fire is poured with water, the fire is closed by a turf. Such a careful attitude towards nature will allow for many years to use the same beautiful places.

First use a bonfire of the "Shalashik" type to quickly obtain the required flame value. As soon as such a bonfire turns well, large-sided firewood is added - this is the type of "well".

For the preparation of pancakes, pancakes, kebabs, such a type of focus is used for frying on coals, as a "ditch" with a length of about 1 meter and a depth of 15-20 cm.

Picture 1.

8) security rules for cooking food at the fire.

Let me read the safety rules for cooking food at the fire. (Rules lie on the tables)

Security measures for cooking food at the fire.

  1. Buckets and bowlers hanging over fire, move or shoot, only pre-put a mitten.
  2. It is impossible to work by the fire without clothes that protects the body from burns.
  3. You can not put utensils with hot meal to the ground next to people. Nothing suspects of tourists may accidentally hurt a bucket and ribbon foot. Buckets with cooked food should either hang closer to the rack (not over fire), or stand on Earth near the rack itself, "in sight" or placed on a specially installed crossbar in a prominent place.
  4. It is necessary to constantly monitor the bone.

What dishes is used in the campaign?

(Kites, buckets with lid, 2-3 plywood: for cutting products, as a stand, kitchen knives, bowls, spoons, habervel)

And if you forgot the grandmother?

(Canned jar attach to a wooden handle)

Going to the campaign, do not forget that we can adversely affect nature: to pull the soil, destroy vegetation, animals, insects. Polyethylene containers, tin cans, bottles and other waste clog the edges of forests, glads, banks and reservoirs. The left fire often becomes the cause of the fire. Remember that this is we visiting nature, and nature loves order.

9) Group meals in extreme conditions.

The campaign may be an emergency, a disease of one of the participants, disadvantageous circumstances. How long can the group be without food?

Report - Pupil Message:

Hunger is tormented by the first 3-5 days, the body is rebuilt on its own reserves. The main thing is complete confidence in the prosperous ending of the campaign.

Food can be extracted by hunting, fishing, find edible nuts, berries, mushrooms, plants. It is impossible to use unknown berries and mushrooms.

Plants can eat roots, bulbs, stems, leaves, kidneys. But not confused edible plants with poisonous. Never use plants that excrete milky juice or plants with an unpleasant smell.

We have collected a collection of plants with recipes dishes from them. In the lessons of the obzh, you also got acquainted with such dishes.

10) Water disinfection methods.

A large amount of water will take a lot of water, so it is possible to drink from unknown sources: rivers, lakes. Such water must be cleaned. What ways to clean water do you remember?

(boiling - after three minutes of boiling microbes begin to die, and after 10 minutes - water is cleaned from microorganisms;

  • the filter from the canning can - in the bottom of the bank there are a lot of holes, put pebbles on the bottom, then cooled in the top with clean sand;
  • filter through several layers of gauze;
  • add warranging to the water to get a light pink or iodine solution.)

We prepared a lot of recipes for the first, second dishes, drinks, even flour products in the campaign. You can prepare wild-growing grass salads, the same herbs to use for the first and second dishes for brewing tea. Tell us about the most interesting dishes?

Figure 2.

11) Work with the recipe for making a kulesh.

Today we will meet with a dish of half aim - this is a kulesh. How did this word come from? In the southern regions, the word Kuleshhanged: Cashier, Miszing, Salamata, Dollar Miscellaneous. In the Ryazan province, it was so called a liquid smear, sowing with a saltin of pea peas with lard. In the Pskov province Kulesh, Kulenya is a fat man. In the thickness of the Kulesh occupies an intermediate place between soups and second dishes. Tourists more often call this dish "porridge soup". It replaces dinner of two dishes, saves fuel and time.

Let me read the recipe and analyze the sequence of cooking a kulesh.

Kulesh "Matching".

Products: pasta0.6 kg, carrots dried 5 tbsp, leek dried2 tbsp. l., dry tomato paste 10 g stew 100 g salt 1 tbsp. l., red pepper taste, dried greens 2 tbsp. l., bay leaf 3 pcs.

In 7 liters of boiling water, pasta are poured and boiled 20-25 minutes. The mixture is then added and leave the boiler on a weak fire for another 10 minutes. The creamy oil is placed in the finished dish of 0.5 tbsp. l. For a portion. Instead of pasta, you can use a peashed, buckwheat or rice croup. If for some reason lunch was missing, any soup and half cereals prepared for evening porridge can be used for the kulesh.

12) labor safety rules when working with knives, with electric stove, with hot liquid.

III. Practical work.

  1. Cooking.
  2. Brewing herbal teas.
  3. Tasting of cooked dishes.

The outcome of the lesson.Analysis of students' work and deviations admitted.


Food in hike. Day norm

Goals and objectives:

  1. To acquaint with the stages of preparation for the tourist campaign, taking into account the solution of food tasks.
  2. Teach dinner cooking at hiking conditions.
  3. Educating the careful attitude towards nature, rational use of products, self-preservation of their own life and health in the campaign.

Travel course.

Organizational moment and TB.

Input part

Work on theme

1. To preserve health, "rest from the city", to obtain "muscular joy" man goes to nature. Heavy backpack is not the best satellite in the campaign. Easy it is not a simple matter. But it is necessary and you can learn. What types of hiking do you know? (Weekend Hike, multi-day categorical travel).

One or two day trips are a holiday, this is a holiday. Therefore, everything should be festive here: both mood and meals. The diet is trying to make their festive. A shortened running day also affects the organization of food.

It is necessary to develop the menu not only for multi-day trips, but also for output hikes. To do this, choose the headshite, which will develop the menu and distribute the preparation of dishes among the participants in the campaign.

2. The composition of the daily diet of the tourist.

Matching power mode is a three-time hot and one dry bundles on a large privala. Although it can be different, but about it a little later. By constituting the daily diet, it must be remembered that the more diverse the products and the dishes themselves, the greater the tourist's body receives the necessary nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins. How do we call such food? Rational, balanced.

So that the food is rational, the following products should be taken with them:

Proteins are obtained with meat food. It can be canned meat, sublimated meat (this is a drying method), broth meat cubes, smoked meat, smoked sausage, which does not deteriorate for a long time. Food rich in proteins is given in the first half of the day, as it contributes to the production of energy, and if you use it for dinner, it will prevent sleep offensive.

Fats are obtained with butter, vegetable oil, lard, crackers. Instead of vegetable oil, you can use halva. Use a mixture of nuts with raisins, dried apricots.

From 15 to 25% of the caloric content of the diet should be cereals.

The campaign uses food concentrates, soups, ready-made porridge, fast food: Potato mashed potatoes.

Most of the products are taken on dried.

Approximate menu in a one-day campaign

Total power calorie per day 2700-3 000 kcal.

Breakfast (1000-1100 kcal)

Buckwheat porridge with butter and sugar. Compote. Crackers and galley.

Food at the privals and in motion (700 kcal), g

Cheese 25. Sausage, Koreka 25. Canned fish 25. Sukhari 40.

Sugar, candy 50. Glucose 10. Sweet drinks.

Dinner (1000-1100 kcal)

Vermichel with meat. Kissel. Crackers and cookies.

How to breed a fire?

The dishes are hiking can prepare on a fire, preims, in an earthen oven

The fire should be located no closer than 8-10 meters from the tent. When breeding a fire in the coniferous forest, a large bonfire should not be breeded, as the sparks can lead to the most dangerous rigor fire. And do not breed a fire close to trees and shrubs, on sites with dry grass, on cutting. From the fireplace, it is necessary to remove the turf, to remove dry foliage, chew. It is better to use the old fireplace.

Leaving the prival seat, the fire is poured with water, the fire is closed by a turf. Such a careful attitude towards nature will allow for many years to use the same beautiful places.

First use a bonfire of the "Shalashik" type to quickly obtain the required flame value. As soon as such a bonfire turns well, large-sided firewood is added - this is the type of "well".

Security rules for cooking food at the fire.

  1. Buckets and bowlers hanging over fire, move or shoot, only pre-put a mitten.
  2. It is impossible to work by the fire without clothes that protects the body from burns.
  3. You can not put utensils with hot meal to the ground next to people. Nothing suspects of tourists may accidentally hurt a bucket and ribbon foot. Buckets with cooked food should either hang closer to the rack (not over fire), or stand on Earth near the rack itself, "in sight" or placed on a specially installed crossbar in a prominent place.
  4. It is necessary to constantly monitor the bone.

What dishes is used in the campaign?

(Kites, buckets with lid, 2-3 plywood: for cutting products, as a stand, kitchen knives, bowls, spoons, habervel)

And if we forgot the staff? (Canned jar attach to a wooden handle)

Do not forget about ecology. Going to the campaign, do not forget that we can adversely affect nature: to pull the soil, destroy vegetation, animals, insects. Polyethylene containers, glass bottles, disposable utensils clog the edges of forests, glades, river and reservoirs, so all waste, not subject to decomposition by naturally (rusting, rotting), should be collected in the trash can and are attributed to the first settlement at the route . Without an extinguished fire often becomes a cause of fire. Remember that we are visiting NatureAnd nature loves order and needs it very much.

Task at home. Raw herbal tea and make sandwiches with various products for the campaign (oil, cheese, fish, sausage).

Practical part

Campfire. Cooking boiling water for tea. Brewing herbal teas.

Tasting of cooked tea with sandwiches.

Then relay with checkers, contests for agility and vestibular apparatus.

"House of creativity and tourism of young" friendship "

Plan - Abstract Classes

basics of tourism

Topic: "Nutrition in a tourist campaign"

Topic: Nutrition in the tourist campaign.

    Familiarization of students with food requirements for a trip, daytime diet, teach properly pack, store and transport products in the campaign.


    To form knowledge of the mode and diet in the campaign.

    Explain the importance of the water and salt regime on the route.

Form classes:Frontal.

Equipment and clarity:Tables, photos.

During the classes:

    Org. moment

    Studying a new material.

Lesson plan:

      Products for the campaign.


      Packaging, storage and transportation of products

      Fastening the topic.

Dear guys, as you know, for the vital activity of our body, we need food. The goal and task of our classes to consider - how to eat right in the tourist campaign. How to improve your appetite and keep health. And also we will consider when, how and what a tourist feeds in the campaign.

What products can be taken with you?

For weekend hikes, any products are suitable that will not be ruled to the end of the route, the main thing is not to take canned food in glass banks, otherwise you will have to extract fragments from things. Gathering in simple multi-day trips in the summer, it is necessary to choose, first of all, those products that will not ruin at the heat. Cottage cheese, sour cream, boiled sausage will not fit. It is better to take stew, fish canned food, vegetables.

Products for the campaign.

In sports campaigns, it is very important to reduce the weight of the backpack. Therefore, tourists impose quite strict requirements to products.

    Easy and calorie

If possible, you need to choose those products that have more edible part or higher percentage of digestibility.

    Quickness and easy cooking

Complicated culinary recipes in the campaign are difficult to implement, and this time is usually not. The specifics of tourism is such that even an experienced hostess by a fire or preims can be helpless. In highlands, tourists need to consider the fact that the boiling point of water at a height below 100̊ C.

    Fitness for all hike and transportability

In the campaign, even those products that are stored as much as you like can become not suitable. For example, sugar sand without hermetic packaging reuses, and when screwing turns into syrup. The safety and transportation of many products depends on the proper packaging.

    Taste qualities

Independent detail products and dishes from them must be delicious and varied. Fresh porridges and soups quickly come, and food that is tired, digested worse. On the highlands, tastes of tourists can change significantly, the reactions to the smell are exacerbated.


Consider general power rules in the campaign.

Ration - Portion of food at a certain time.

Menu - Set of products or dishes.

Diet - Food routine.

For lunch or snacks should have 30-35% of daily calorie content. Here is preferred high-calorie fatty and sweet food. Easily-friendly hydrocarbon-containing products (sugar, candy, waffles, etc.) must be combined with difficult products with a large amount of fats (sausage, fat, meat and canned fish).

25% calorie remains for dinner. It must compensate for daytime energy consumption and prepare us for the next day. For this, good dishes rich in proteins and carbohydrates: soups, porridge, meat, pasta. No need to forget about onions, garlic, tomato and other seasonings.

Evening tea drinking is a real rite, relieving emotional overloads. Therefore, tea must be much, and it is good for something delicious.

Packaging, storage and transportation of products

Before placing products by backpacks, they must be properly packaged. Packaging should ensure the safety of products during the total hike. And she must comfortably go to the backpack and be easy. If the packaged products are afraid of dampness, they are put in polyethylene, bulk products are most convenient to suspend in plastic bottles.

III. Final part. Reflection.


What new have you recognized?

What was the most interesting in class for you?

What was the harder all? Why?

What will you need to work on?

Fig. Packaging products
List of sources used

    Alekseev A.A. "Nutrition in the tourist campaign" [Electronic resource] / A.A. Alekseev // Children's Turklub "Vertical". - URL: http: //

    Sergey Drozdov "Proper packaging or how to keep food products" [Electronic resource] / S. Drozdov // Active rest in Crimea.- Url: http: // Prirode.

Nutrition Requirements: Nutrition should be a variety of meals must match the type of day (day of arrival, the usual chassis, chassis with the load (cargo carrying), a transfer day, a day of rest (day), half the day. Nutrition should be easily and fast food must be maximum Easy to specific weight (usually it is achieved by dermole or sublimation)

Product Groups (Conditional) Cereals and Pasta, Canned Flour (Meat, Fish and Vegetable) Fats Baking (Cookies, Sugari) Seasonings (Spices, Salt) Vegetables and Other Sub-products and Dried Fruits Sweets (Candy and Sugar) Meat Products (Sausages, Salo, Fish) dairy products and similar (cheese, milk powder, egg powder, foiled oil) Drinks (compotect mixture, Kisel, cocoa, coffee, tea)

Tactics: how to cook dishes (bowls, pots, midnight) heat sources - primus, gas burners, bonfire auxiliary accessories - screens from wind, gravity, midnight, destruction from wind, openers for canning cans. In addition, additional plastic bowls are very convenient - for breeding or dissolving something, as well as washing croup.

The bonfire for cooking dinner for cooking dinner is decomposed so that it does not bloom, and the flame smoothly overtake the bowler. Buckets, boilers hanging over fire, you need to move or shoot in a mitten or cloth so as not to burn ways to accommodate the kittel over fire

Cooking Salt Put in the food to taste. Approximately on the circle of cereals you need a teaspoon of salt, for dairy and sweet porridge half a spoon. In the concentrates of soups, porridge and stew already have salt. Porridge to thickening is cooked (when stirring) on \u200b\u200bstrong fire, and then on weak