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Presentation on the topic: Child development after birth. Work. Special children. Presentation presentation on the topic

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The presentation on the theme "Me and My Child" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Pedagogy. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report - click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 12 slide (s).

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The aim of our meeting is to find ways to get out of conflicts that inevitably arise in families with children. Communicating with the child, we must let him know that we see the positive changes that are taking place in him. Learn to see the strengths of the child's personality and tell him about it. To understand each other with a child, parents must know about this principle of communication. As an unconditional acceptance of a child, that is, to love him not because he is handsome, smart, excellent student, assistant, but just like that, just because he is.

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Training. Close your eyes for a moment and imagine your best friend or boyfriend. Remember your facial expression and the words that you say at the same time. After all, you want to show how glad you are to her. Now imagine that the door opens and your child comes home from school. Now remember, do we always show our children that we are happy to see them? We will be able to communicate with our child if they include: - acceptance - attention - respect - approval - warm feelings.

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Output. By following these principles of communication with children, we will teach them to establish good relationships with classmates and other people. A person really needs recognition. Show him that you respect him. Only verbal compliments help, not what you mean but don't say. Use the here and now principle. Confessions should be expressed in the present tense and describe the events of the present moment. Examples of erroneous statements: "So why didn't you clean your room before?" It should be like this: "I hope you will always clean up now as you do now?"

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In order for a child to have adequate self-esteem, it is important to: - unconditionally understand him; - actively listen to it; - read, play, study together; - not to interfere with his activities, with which he copes; - help when he asks; - to support; - share your feelings; - resolve conflicts constructively; - use friendly phrases in everyday communication: “I’m good with you”, “I’m glad to see you”, “I like the way you are ...”, “It's good that you came”, “Let's sit together”, “How good that I have you"; - it is necessary to hug the child at least 4 times a day.

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Conclusion: Learn to talk to your child the way you would like to be talked to you, showing gentleness, excluding edification, rudeness and rudeness. When punishing a child, do not humiliate him, but instill hope for correction. Remember that parenting success can be achieved when parents are a positive role model every day. Don't be afraid to admit your mistakes. Ask for forgiveness for wrong actions and deeds, be fair in evaluating yourself and others.

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Key to the test: Answer "A" is worth 3 points, answer "B" - 2 points, answer "B" - one point. If you scored from 30 to 39 points, then the child is the greatest value in your life. You strive not only to understand, but also to get to know him, treat him with respect, adhere to progressive principles of education and a constant line of behavior. In other words, you are doing the right thing and you can hope for good results. A total of 16 to 30 points: childcare is of paramount importance to you. You have the abilities of a teacher, but in practice you do not always apply them consistently and purposefully. Sometimes you are too strict, in other cases you are too soft; in addition, you are prone to compromises that weaken the educational effect. You should seriously consider your approach to parenting. A score of less than 16 indicates that you have serious problems raising your child. You either lack the knowledge of how to make a child a person, or the desire to achieve this, and possibly both. We advise you to seek the help of specialists - teachers and psychologists, to get acquainted with publications on family education.

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REMINDER on a parent's respect for their own child - My child is unique. This will never happen. But he is! - The child is not "preparing for life." He already lives - "here and now". Let him live - a real full child's life! (When else will he be able to do this ?!) - A child is already a person, just not yet grown up. This is a growing person. And I am a grown man. Two people are able to understand each other. -A child, like me, has the right to be himself. - The child wants to be independent; confident in yourself and in others; be able to independently figure out everything; have a good relationship. - The law prohibiting hitting one's children was adopted in Holland in 1950, in France - in 1888, in Finland - 1890, in Norway - 1935, in Sweden - 1953, in Denmark - 1968 (according to A. Markusha). Let's pass such a wonderful law in our country and start with our own family! - There are no guilty children, there are children who need our help. - If the parent has nothing to find fault with, then he finds fault with the tone of the child! - If you are in doubt about what to do, you better take your time and consult with the child himself!

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Special psychology deals with the problems of special children, which studies people with various deviations from normal mental development associated with congenital or acquired defects. In special psychology, there is the concept of abnormal children - those who need special conditions for training and education due to the existing physical and mental deviations. Categories of abnormal children - Intellectual Disorders (MAD - mental retardation, mental retardation); Violation of writing and speaking; Visual impairment (blind, blind, visually impaired); Hearing impairment (deaf, deaf, hard of hearing); Musculoskeletal disorders; Emotional and behavioral disorders (neuroses, psychopathies, pathological personality formation, pathological reactions); Initial manifestations of mental illness (schizophrenia, epilepsy, autism); Complex defects.

MENTAL DEVELOPMENT Mental development is a natural change in mental processes in time. BIOLOGICAL CAUSES OF CONGENITAL ANOMALIES: Prenatal pathology (pathogenic agents acting on the developing fetus during the intrauterine period (toxicosis, intoxication with poisonous, medicinal, harmonious drugs, physical and mental trauma; internal diseases of a pregnant woman, starvation or malnutrition of the mother; infectious diseases, rhesus incompatibility group incompatibility of the blood of the mother and the fetus); Genetic (hereditary) damage to the body (hereditary metabolic disorder, changes in the number or structure of chromosomes, mutations. Certain forms of oligophrenia, certain mental illnesses, certain types of deafness and visual impairment, early childhood autism) are inherited;

Natal (natural) disorders (mechanical trauma to the fetus during prolonged or rapid childbirth); Postnatal (postpartum) disorders (infectious diseases of the nervous system transferred in infancy and early childhood. For example, the consequences of meningitis (inflammation of the meninges) - deafness or mental retardation, movement disorders. General diseases (flu, otitis media, measles, chicken pox) can cause secondary inflammatory diseases of the brain, giving complications to the central nervous system and analyzers.In children with intestinal absorption disorders, neuropsychiatric abnormalities begin to appear (increased nervous excitability, sleep disturbances, etc.). BIOLOGICAL CAUSES OF ACQUIRED ANOMALIES:

An unfavorable social environment affects the psychological development of the child, which subsequently leads to the emergence of other anomalies, for example, a decrease in the intellectual pace of development, neuroses. Social factors that negatively affect the development of the individual: objective and subjective. Objective factors SOCIAL CAUSES OF ACQUIRED ANOMALIES: Socio-economic situation in the country: -war, -economic crises, -political reforms Specificity of relationships in the parental family Stress factors of professional activity:-irregular working hours, -high-risk occupations, stress (doctors, teachers, psychologists)

Subjective factors: - features of temperament. The properties of temperament are defined as "difficult": - high or low level of activity, - stubbornness, - distraction, low level of adaptability, tendencies to avoidance, - prevalence of a reduced background mood, - fear of new situations, - high level of search activity, - high level creativity. The "difficulty" of these properties lies in the difficulties experienced by those around them when interacting with their carrier: the need to search for new non-standard ways of interacting with them.

The properties of a mentally stable personality: - optimism (cheerful people are the most mentally stable), - control (people with a high level of locus control, who see most events as a result of their own actions, therefore, have a high sense of control over their lives, are distinguished by higher stress resistance), - adequate self-esteem, - "unstable balance" (balance between value attitudes and human actions).

D E P R I V A C I Y (deprivation) - long-term failure to satisfy the basic mental needs of a person. TYPES OF DEPRIVATION: 1. Sensory deprivation (visual, tactile, auditory stimuli) 2. Emotional deprivation (deprivation of a warm emotionally significant connection with a loved one or breaking an existing connection) 3. Social deprivation (depriving a child of the opportunity to familiarize himself with social norms and values, assimilation independent social roles) 4. Cognitive deprivation (child overload with undifferentiated external stimuli as a result of disorganization and chaos in the structure of the external world without clear ordering and meaning).

BASIC CONDITIONS FOR FORMING A MENTALLY HEALTHY PERSONALITY: - individual personality traits (optimism, control, self-esteem, "unstable balance" acquired both in the process of education of the subject, and also in the subject's independent comprehension of being and himself in it); - a socially conditioned developmental situation (the presence of a positive emotional background in the parental family, the ability of adults to make demands on the child that correspond to individual and age characteristics); - the nature of the relationship between the child and the mother; - the nature of the marital relationship in the parental family.

Classification of developmental disorders by nature: 1. Deaf (deaf); 2. Hard of hearing; 3. Late deaf; 4. Blind; 5. Visually impaired; 6. With dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system; 7 With violations of the emotional-volitional sphere; 8. With intellectual disabilities (mentally retarded); 9. With mental retardation; 10. With speech disorders (including severe); 11. With complex developmental disabilities.

SD is understood as a persistent decrease in cognitive activity, which is a consequence of organic damage to the central nervous system, which arises as a result of hereditary inferiority of the brain or its organic damage in the early stages of ontogenesis (in utero or in the first 3 years of life) The bulk of children with ID are children -oligophrenics. They have expressed violations of cognitive processes, emotional-volitional sphere, motor skills, personality in general. Mental retardation

Factors contributing to the development of UO in the prenatal period: -infectious viral (rubella, measles, chickenpox, flu); - birth trauma, asphyxia; -pathological heredity; -disorders of the chromosome set (for example, Down's disease); - chronic somatic diseases of the mother (for example, diabetes mellitus); -intoxication with drugs; - alcoholism of the mother or father (or both parents); -incompatibility of the mother and the fetus for the Rh factor.

DELAY OF MENTAL DEVELOPMENT (CRD) This is the immaturity of mental functions caused by delayed maturation of the brain under the influence of unfavorable factors, which leads to a lag in mental activity. CRA is a complex disorder and children suffer from various components of mental, psychological, and physical activity.

CAUSES OF OCCURRENCE OF CRA: -minimal (mild) organic damage to the central nervous system, resulting from the impact of pathogenetic factors in the prenatal, natural, early period of a child's life; - functional insufficiency of the central nervous system resulting from exposure to pathogenetic factors; -chronic somatic diseases suffered in early childhood; - stressful psycho-traumatic factors (disharmonious relations in the family, divorce, change of place of residence, death, serious illness of a significant person, the birth of a second child; - long-term deprivation (pedagogical neglect of children, stay in the child's home for a long time.

Preschool children with PDD are advised to attend preschool institutions of a compensatory, combined type or group of short-term stays for children with developmental disabilities, where diagnostic, educational and correctional-developmental, educational and health problems are solved. Correctional and developmental work in preschool educational institutions and schools is carried out with the participation of the child's family.

Similarities between EE and CRD: children do not perceive any requirements; no interest in the educational process; no obedience to the rules of conduct; do not cope with the development of writing, counting, reading; have problems with sound-letter analysis.

Differences between IO and ZPR: -In ZPR, the delay is determined in the parts of the nervous system, in UO of lesions of the cerebral cortex; - with CRA, in the case of adequate timely psychological and pedagogical correctional work, complete reversibility of the symptom may occur. This does not occur with EE. -with ZPR is characterized by a large force of nervous processes - excitation and inhibition, high mobility; -Motor skills with CRD in most cases reach a high level of development. The movements are dexterous, coordinated, purposeful, precise. With UO, motor skills are underdeveloped, movements are awkward, slowed down. Low level of switching from one movement to another. -With DPD there are no gross violations of pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar. More vocabulary. With UO, there are gross speech defects, poor vocabulary, difficulties in understanding the text and in formulating thoughts. There is no desire for understanding. - children with mental retardation have no impairments in play activity: they are active and independent. In children with ID, games are elementary, stereotypical, imitative. They do not know how to take on roles, their games are plotless; - cognitive activity in children with CRD is relatively intact. Ability to generalize at the border of the norm. In children with UO, cognitive activity is underdeveloped. - motor skills, speech, spatial and visual representations in children with mental retardation are preserved. In children of oligophrenics, all aspects of the psyche are underdeveloped.

Speech disorders Speech is the process of a person's practical application of language in order to communicate with other people. SPEECH PROPERTIES: -Content (the number of thoughts, feelings expressed in speech and their correspondence to reality); -Comprehensibility (depends on the correctness of the construction of sentences and stresses in words, lexical meanings of words; - Expressiveness (dependence on emotional saturation); -Effectiveness (the degree of influence of the subject's speech on thoughts, feelings, behavior, will of other people. Conditions necessary for the formation of speech : - the preservation of the central nervous system; - the preservation of the visual and auditory systems; - the presence of an active language environment.

Types of speech developmental disorders: -general speech underdevelopment (OHP); -phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment (FFN).

Emotional and behavioral disorders (psychopathies, neuroses, pathological reactions, pathological personality formation, accentuations) Psychopathy is a congenital or acquired character anomaly in early childhood, leading to disharmonious personality formation and impaired social adaptation. Criteria for psychopathy: -totality; - irreversibility; -the tendency to maladjustment; CAUSES OF PSYCHOPATHY: - biological inferiority of the brain (as a result of heredity or organic damage); -unfavorable social environment; - dysfunctional relationships in the parental family; - types of upbringing that deviate from the norm.

NEUROSIS This is "a group of borderline mental illnesses, characterized by mild disorders of mental activity caused by the impact of traumatic circumstances." With this diagnosis, there are no brain lesions. The manifestations are emotional. CAUSE OF NEUROSIS: - the presence in the consciousness of a person of a psychological conflict caused by traumatic stimuli or situations with which he is not able to cope. The physiological mechanism of neurosis is a disruption of higher nervous activity as a result of overstrain or failure of nervous processes

Favorable ground for the development of neuroses: - pedagogical illiteracy of parents in combination with their psychological immaturity, which is expressed in the wrong type of upbringing, projecting their psychological problems onto the child; -individual personality traits, for example, impressionability, suspiciousness, anxiety; -the emergence of a stressful situation (change of place of residence, study, the birth of a second child, long separation from the mother. In infancy it can be a sharp unexpected sound, placement in a nursery or hospital); Neuroses are more common in boys than in girls. Ages 3 to 6 and schoolchildren are most vulnerable.

TYPES OF NEUROSIS: -neurasthenia (the most common form of neuroses, characterized by an increased level of irritability and exhaustion of mental processes, as well as due to intellectual, physical or psychological overload). The main symptoms of neurasthenia: irritable weakness, lack of restraint of emotions, lack of a sense of rest after sleep, a sharp decrease in working capacity, sleep disturbance, autonomic disturbances (palpitations, cold hands and feet, pain in the heart). Secondary symptoms: headache attacks, hypersensitivity to all external stimuli (bright light, loud sound), touching the skin. - hysterical neurosis (this is a condition arising from mental trauma and characterized by various, changing manifestations). More common in girls. They arise when the character has hysterical traits, impressionability, increased sensitivity, infantilism, egocentrism. Symptoms arise immediately after the traumatic factor: resentment, quarrels, physical violence. - neurosis of obsessive states (the most rare type, which occurs equally in both men and women. Most often observed in people of the thinking type or with anxious and suspicious traits. These are phobias (obsessive fears), obsessions (obsessive thoughts), impulses (obsessive actions).

PATHOLOGICAL REACTIONS This is maladaptive behavior of psychogenic origin, arising in situations that are frustrating for the child or perceived by the child, and lasting from several hours to several days. Causes of pathological reactions: - dysfunctional relationships in the family; - conflict relationships with peers; - conflict with the teacher; As a result of these reasons, children have a variety of different reactions: active protest, conflicting relationships with parents, aggression, refusal to communicate, play, eat, imitate the behavior of some significant person (for example, a pop star), hide their weaknesses,

Stuttering This is a violation of the tempo-rhythmic organization of speech, caused by the convulsive state of the muscles of the speech apparatus (repetition of sounds, syllables, words, lengthening of sounds, breaking of words, insertions). It manifests itself in certain situations, as a result of which there is a reaction of avoiding such situations and limiting communication. In most cases, it occurs in children aged 2 to 6 years as a result of damage to certain structures of the central nervous system, changes in speech load, psychotrauma.

Hyperactive children - Is in constant motion and simply cannot control himself, i.e. even if he is tired, he continues to move, and when he is exhausted, he cries, throws tantrums. - He speaks quickly and a lot, swallows words, interrupts, does not listen. - Asks many questions, but rarely listens to answers. - It is impossible to put to sleep, and if he sleeps, then in fits and starts, restlessly. - He has frequent intestinal disorders, and allergic reactions are not uncommon. - The child is uncontrollable, absolutely does not react to prohibitions, restrictions. - Behaves the same in any conditions (at home, in a store, at guests). - Often provokes conflicts, does not control his aggression - fights, bites, pushes, uses sticks, stones, etc.

Rules for working with hyperactive children: - Work with a child at the beginning of the day, not in the evening; - Reduce the child's workload; - Divide the work into shorter but more frequent periods; - Use physical education minutes; - Be a dramatic, expressive teacher, interesting for the child; - Reduce the requirements for neatness at the beginning of work to create a sense of success; - To sit the child next to an adult during class; - Use physical contact (touching, stroking, massage); - Teaches you to express your emotions (but not in a destructive way); - Agree with the child about certain actions in advance; - Give short and specific instructions (no more than 10 words); - Use a flexible system of rewards and punishments; - Encourage the child immediately, without delaying for the future; - Provide the child with a choice; - Keep calm; - Get a dog and walk both in any weather; - Work with a hyperactive child individually; - Praise your child more often; - Say "yes" more often than "no"; -Do not impose hard rules.

Autistic child The word "autism" - from the Latin "self", means detachment from reality, isolation from the world. Variants of RDA (early childhood autism): - RDA for various diseases of the nervous system (motor impairment of the child, impaired attention, memory, delayed speech and intellectual development); - psychogenic autism (against the background of a lack of maternal affection, improper upbringing, against a background of primary disorders: blind-visually impaired, deaf-hearing impaired, severe speech disorders) painful fantasies, delusional formations, hallucinations); - with metabolic diseases; - with chromosomal pathology. Children diagnosed with RDA should be trained in special programs.

CONDITIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A NORMAL PERSONALITY: (by PF Lesgaft) - A child should grow up in an atmosphere of love, then he will learn to love; -Significant loved ones should be the standard of morality for him; - The attitude to work in the family should be joyful; - It is necessary to exclude delicacies, gambling, tobacco, disorderly food, as well as luxury and poverty from the child's life, since luxury corrupts, and poverty humiliates; - Alternate work with play, play with learning, drawing and modeling, and the child should choose the classes; - Evenly alternate mental stress with relaxation, avoiding overload; - To control the environment of peers, excluding immoral children from it.

Obtaining education by children with disabilities is one of the basic and integral conditions for successful socialization, ensuring their full participation in the life of society, effective self-realization in various types of professional and social activities.

A child is the main miracle of nature, a disabled child is an angel sent from heaven so that our souls do not become stale.

Presentation on the topic: Child development after birth The work was completed by Pupils of grade 8 "E" MOU SOSH № 10 "Success" Nikulnikov Ilya and Streltsov Nikolay

Child development The process of child development is multifaceted and depends on many factors. Development begins in the womb with complex physiological processes and continues until the onset of human adulthood. Love and care, as well as the attention of parents, play a primary role in the development of a child. The conditions in which a child develops shape his psyche, character, abilities and interaction with others, that is, they affect his entire subsequent life. Therefore, it is important that parents realize their full responsibility for the overall development of the baby, which includes physical, mental, psychological and emotional, creative, social development.

The first three years are a very important time period for the development of speech in a child. The normal development of speech is the normal development of the brain: the formation of logical thinking, imagination, attention, memory, etc. It is very important to help a child to form speech up to 3 years old and not to miss the moment of deviation from the norms corresponding to his age. If you do not pay attention to the deviation from the norms of speech development in time, then you can admit a delay in the psycho-emotional and intellectual development of the child. Therefore, experts strongly recommend talking with the baby from birth, clearly articulating their actions and naming objects.

During this period from 3 to 12 years old, children acquire a permanent individual character, the emotional sphere is actively developing, the foundations for interaction with the outside world are laid. The child's emotions go through the path of progressive development, acquire ever richer content, more complex forms under the influence of social conditions and upbringing. One of the most important social factors that determine the content of children's emotions, the dynamics of their development, is the family and intrafamily relationships. Therefore, parents should remember that their behavior and attitude towards everything around them affects the behavior of the child.

The period from 12 to 14 years old is characterized by the formation of complicated concepts, judgments, and inferences. At this age, the child's need for self-identification comes first. Children begin to build a preliminary plan of actions in their minds, thinking becomes abstract, their own idea of \u200b\u200bmorality and ethics is formed. In general, during this period, the beginning of the formation of the child's personality takes place. Each stage in the child's development process is important and has its own meaning in the future. The main thing is that parents understand their importance in this process and thoughtfully approach the teaching of children, which should not be limited to improving only mental abilities. Much more important is the general harmonious development of the child, which will help him cope with the tasks of adult life more easily.

At school age, there is a change in the main type of activity of the child - she goes to school. From the age of 11, the adolescent period of human development begins, which is accompanied by a deep restructuring of all organs and physiological systems, predetermined by the intensive formation of sex hormones and puberty. In adolescence, the process of language development ends, character is formed, and the moral formation of the child as a person takes place. Physiological (sexual) maturation does not yet determine the psychological and social maturity of a person. Physiological maturity is the stage of sexual maturation of the body. Psychological maturity is evidenced by the fact that a teenager becomes morally stable, capable of self-control in behavior among the family and in society. When it comes to social maturity, we mean the formation of a conscious, full-fledged member of society.

Temperament Temperament is an innate human characteristic. A person with a melancholic temperament has a weak, easily injured higher nervous activity, capable of withstanding only slight stress. Nevertheless, among melancholic people there are such outstanding personalities as the French philosopher Rene Descartes, the Englishman Charles Darwin, the Russian writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, and the Polish composer Frederic Chopin. They were able to overcome the shortcomings of their temperament and use its advantages: high sensitivity of the nervous system, a subtle reaction to the slightest shades of feelings, deep and strong emotional experiences, characterized by great stability.

Character Character is a set of stable personality traits that are formed in the process of education, activity, communication with people and determine the typical behavior of a given person. Knowing the character of a person, one can to some extent foresee his actions. If temperament is an innate property of a person, then its character is developed in the process of life by strengthening some and weakening other innate properties. In relation to other people and the environment, some people seem to be open, focused on communication, others are closed, immersed in themselves. The former are called extroverts, the latter are called introverts.

Personality Personality is a person as a member of society, possessing a system of unique traits that determine the course of thought and behavior characteristic of a given person, his attitude towards others. A person does not become a person immediately, but in the course of communication with other people - different in age, social status, profession, individual qualities.

Conclusion: In the process of a person's communication with other people, he develops an attitude towards himself, first of all, self-esteem. It is important that there are no big differences between self-esteem and the assessment of a person by other people, as well as his objective capabilities. Depending on the achieved position in the team and society, on the successes and failures in communication or in work, a person may develop such character traits as modesty or narcissism, self-confidence or self-doubt, arrogance or condescension.

Strong-willed qualities are important for every person: the ability to bring what has been conceived to the end, the ability to withstand difficulties. A strong but undeveloped will can also manifest itself negatively: a person insists on his own despite the circumstances, not taking into account the opinions of other people, or simply contrary to common sense. This is called stubbornness. Unfortunately, such childish traits can also be found in the character of some adults, who are full in all other respects people. Stubbornness interferes with living both for such a person and those around him.

Sources: Textbook of Biology Grade 8 Google Pictures http: // school. xvatit. com / index http: // www. bio-book. org