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Presentation on the theme "Culture of Western Europe in the Middle Ages". Presentation on the topic "Trade in the Middle Ages download a presentation on the theme of the Middle Ages

Shirmanova Maria

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Middle Ages and Story of 1000 - and Years: From the end of the 5th century until the end of the 15th century, the work of Shirman Mary

The Middle Ages is the time when people often fought among themselves, so each settlement was a fortress, and the dwellings of rich people - castles. Rich warriors were called knights, in order to find out who the best warrior was arranged knightly tournaments.

"My home is my castle"

The location for the construction of the castle was chosen to: - High hill - a blunting cliff - the island in the middle of the river or lake. - The castles surrounded deep moat with water; - The gate has built a lifting bridge on solid circuits; - at the entrance they stood heavy oak gates, hinge with iron; - In addition to the goal at the entrance there was a strong metal grid with sharp teeth.

Medieval architecture The main styles of the architecture of that time: Romance style - powerful walls, small windows extended horizontally. (Locks and fortresses)

Gothic style - Arches with pointed riding, narrow and high towers and columns

The dwelling was not very convenient - there were no tecs on the windows, they were closed by shutters; In the big castle it was cold and damp, drafts were walked along the corridors and rooms, it was possible to warm up only by the fireplace; The castle was lit with torches and candles, it was dark and smelled smoke, the top of the walls and the ceilings were smoked. Inhabitants of the castle: A man hunted, took guests, satisfied the peers, knightly tournaments, fought; Women engaged in needlework, raised children

Knight - (initial - "rider";]), then - a warrior, chained in the lats, in a helmet, with a sword and shield; Later - Medieval noble honorable title in Europe.

The motto of the knights "is better to die than to sit!", "God, honor, depreciation!" "Fulfill or die!", "I am going to my dear!"

In the Middle Ages, the lady was to be able to: judge knight fights; ride; play the ball; participate in knightly tournaments;

Orleansian Virgo - Jeanne D 'Ark

Music in the Middle Ages. The achievement of the Middle Ages in the field of music is the appearance of a note entry in the 11th century in Italy. She was invented by the Gwido monk from the city of Arezzo. And in the 13th century in Germany, signs invented signs for notation of the duration of notes. The invention belongs to the clergyman of Franco from Cologne.

Literature in the Middle Ages. Literature was represented by knightly novels, verses, poems. Trubadras appear, bards, minstrels. A new poetic genre is born - sonnet.

Science and technology in the Middle Ages. "Corps" begins to form qualified artisans and technical workers. The word "engineer" appeared (9th century; Italy, France) from the Latin expression "Congenital abilities, ingenuity."

In 12-13 centuries, a compass with an arrow appeared in Western Europe (although in China was known from 1-2 centuries). The first mechanical clock with spring appear. For the first time, glasses began to apply. In the 13th century in Europe (Italy, 1270) began manufacturing paper. Steel began to use ("Recipe" manufacturers belongs to Roger Bacon). Sulfuric acid was invented (1299)

The needs of military affairs and the demands of the church influenced the development of metallurgy - the metallic casting of bells (5th century; Italy, Florence) begins. From the 14th century in battles, firearms began to be applied: first appeared artillery (guns) and only then manual firearms.

The beginning of the bookpressure of Johann Gutenberg - in the mid-1440s, created a European method of typography by moving lists, spread throughout the world.

Education in the Middle Ages Monasteries - Centers of Science in the Middle Ages. Monastery schools gave primary education. There was no secondary education: after elementary school, owning Latynia, at the age of 15-16, Scholyar came to the university. From the 12th century, the words "University" are used (from the Latin "community" of managers and students), "Student" (from Latin "students engaged in"), "teacher", etc. Oldest universities 12th century: Salerno, Bologna (1119, Italy) Paris (1160, France) Oxford (1167, England). In the 13th century, Cambridge opened (1209, England). In the 14th century in Prague (1348) and Vienna (1365). (In Russia, the first university appeared in 1725.)

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The Middle Ages (Middle Ages) is the era of the domination in the Western and Central Europe of the feudal economic and political system and the Christian religious worldview, which has occurred after the crash of antiquity. Replaced with revival. Covers the period from the IVPO XIV century. In some regions, it remained in a much later time. The Middle Ages is conditionally divided into the Middle Ages (IV-1 half of the 15th century), high Middle Ages (2 half X-XIII century) and later Middle Ages (XIV-XV century).

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1. Christian consciousness - the basis of medieval mentality of the most important feature of medieval culture is the special role of the Christian dogma and the Christian church. In the conditions of universal decline of culture immediately after the destruction of the Roman Empire, only the Church remained the only social institution, common to all countries, tribes and european states. The church was a dominant political institution, but even more significantly was the influence that the church was directly on the consciousness of the population. In the conditions of severe and scanty life, against the background of the extremely limited and most commonly excellent knowledge of Mi Ree, Christianity offered people a slim system of knowledge about the world, about his device, about the forces acting in it and laws.

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2. Early medieval early Middle Ages in Europe is the period from the end of the IV century. Until the middle of the x century. In general, early Middle Ages was the time of deep decline of European civilization compared to the ancient era. This decline was expressed in the domination of the natural economy, in the fall of craft production and, accordingly, urban life, in the destruction of ancient culture under the onslaught of an unshaven pagan world, a characteristic feature of life in the early Middle Ages were permanent wars, robbery and raids, which significantly slowed down economic and cultural development.

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In the period from V by x in. Against the background of a common closure in construction, architecture and visual arts, two bright phenomena are allocated for subsequent events. This is the Merovingian period (V -VIII century) and "Caroling Renaissance" (VIII - IX centuries) in the territory of the Franksky state. .Merovingo art. The architecture of the Meroving Epoch, although reflected the decline in construction equipment caused by the collapse of the ancient world, prepared with the heyday of the Daroman architecture during the Caroling Renaissance. "Caroling Renaissance". In Caroling art, who perceived both the lateant solemnity and the Byzantine impressivity and local barbaric traditions, the foundations of European medieval artistic culture were found. Temples and palaces were decorated with multicolor mosaics and frescoes.

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During the period of classic, or high medieval, Western Europe began to overcome difficulties and reborn. Life began to change for the better, his culture and spiritual life bloomed in the cities. The church played a big role in this, which developed, improved its teaching and organization. As contemporaries said: "Europe was covered with a new white dress churches." Romanesque emerged, and later brilliant Gothic art, not only architecture and literature developed, but also other types of art - painting, theater, music, sculpture.

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Features of literature this pore: new class directions are formed and flourished: knight and city literature. The sphere of literary use of folk languages \u200b\u200bhas expanded: people's language preferred in urban literature, even church literature appeals to folk languages. Literature acquires absolute independence towards folklore. Dramaturgy occurs and successfully develops. The genre of heroic epic continues.

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Music The development of musical theory in Western Europe was carried out within the framework of church scholarship. Inheruring the traditions of the ancient Greeks, the philosophers viewed music in the system of seven "free arts", where she neighboring arithmetic, geometry and astronomy. Knowledge of music, based on the understanding of the laws of the beauty of the number and proportions, was valued above the practice: "The musician is the one who acquired knowledge in the science of singing is not slavery of the practical path, and the mind with the help of conclusions" (boaations).

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The theater in the form of a liturgical drama was revived in Europe by the Roman Catholic Church. When the church was looking for ways to expand its influence, she often adapts the pagan and folk holidays, many of which contained theatrical elements. In the century, many church holidays provided the possibility of dramatics: generally speaking, the Mesa itself is nothing more than dram. Certain holidays were famous for their theatricality, such as the procession to the church in Palm Sunday. Medieval theater.

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Great architectural styles: Romanesque style The first independent, specifically European artistic style of medieval Europe was Romance, who are characterized by the art and architecture of Western Europe from about 1000 to the emergence of Gothic, in most regions to about the second half and the end of the XII century, and in some and later . Romanesque style got his name from the Latin word "Roma" - Rome, since the architects of this time were used by the ancient Roman construction techniques.

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Gothic style Gothic art originated in France around 1140 spread throughout Europe over the next century and continued to exist in Western Europe during almost the entire XV century, and in some regions of Europe and in the XVI century. Initially, the word Gothic was used by the authors of the Italian Renaissance as a derogatory label for all forms of architecture and the art of the Middle Ages, which were considered comparable only with the works of Varvarov-ready. Later, the use of the term "Gothic" was limited by a period of late, high or classic medieval, directly following Romanesque. Currently, the Gothic period is considered one of the issues in the history of European artistic culture.

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Classic Gothic style samples are one of the most famous buildings of the Middle Ages, made in the Gothic style, - the Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God - a monument of art, washed by secrets and legends.

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4. Later, the Middle Ages later Middle Ages continued the processes of formation of European culture, which began during the classics. However, their move was far from smooth. In the XIV-XV centuries, Western Europe has repeatedly experienced great hunger. Numerous epidemics, especially the plague, brought innumerable human sacrifices. Very slowed down the development of culture of the centenary war. In these periods, uncertainty and fear of the masses. The economic climb is replaced by long recession periods and stagnation. In the folk masses, fear complexes in front of death and afterlife, fears are intensified before the unclean force.

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In the end of the Middle Ages, in the consciousness of the Satan simpleness, it is transformed from, in general, not a terrible and sometimes funny trait in a disheveled lord of the dark forces, which in the completion of the earthly history will act as an antichrist. Another reason for fears - hunger, as a result of low yields and several years of drought. The dominance of oral culture is powerful contributed to the multiplication of superstitions, fears and collective panic. However, in the end, the city was revived, people who survived from Mora and War were able to arrange their life better than in previous epochs. There were conditions for a new lift of spiritual life, science, philosophy, art. This lift with the need led to the so-called revival or renaissance.

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Conclusion So, the Middle Ages in Western Europe is the time of the intense spirit of life, complex and difficult searching for ideological constructs, which could synthesize the historical experience and knowledge of the preceding millennia. In this era, people were able to reach a new cultural development road, other than previously knew. Trying to reconcile faith and mind, building a picture of the world on the city of the new knowledge available to them and with the help of Christian dogmatism, the culture of the Middle Ages created new artistic styles, a new urban lifestyle, a new economy, prepared the consciousness of people to apply mechanical devices and equipment. Contrary to the opinion of the thinking of Italian revival, the Middle Ages left us the most important achievements of spiritual culture, including the institutions of scientific knowledge and education. In the Middle Ages, the culture performed the role of "scaffolding" in relation to Western culture: when the "building" of European culture was built, the culture of the Middle Ages "disassembled" and forgotten. But without her, Western culture would not arise.

Middle Ages

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The legacy of middle ages in the history of mankind. Summarizing lesson. The purpose of the lesson: summarize the course of medieval history. The place of middle ages in the history of mankind. The era of the Middle Ages covers the period from 476 to II of half the XV century. Feudalism. The land in Votchina shared on 2 parts: the Lord and peasant put clothes. Feudal estate. Meal - Forced duties. For the use of the Earth, the addicted peasants should have been to carry a mantle. The main mantles were born and lifts. Peasants on the lifting. Class in the Middle Ages. In the Middle Ages, the society was divided into three large groups of people - the estate. - Middle Ages.ppt.

Middle Ages

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The era of the Middle Ages. Middle Ages. Middle Ages is ... ... noble knights. ... Castles, palaces, temples, city buildings. ... Development of scientific knowledge. ... Unusual costumes and hairstyles. …Religion. - Middle Ages 1.PPT

Medieval architecture

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The role of religion and the Catholic Church in medieval culture is great. For a long time, the church owned a monopoly in the field of education. The clergy took care of the old men, patients and orphans. Feudal property and natural economy have formed a knightly culture. At the same time, urban culture was formed. In the middle of the century, Christianity broke up on: Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism. In the Knight's environment, military songs were created, glorifying the feats of the knights. Later, the cycles of the military songs turned into entire poems. In the songs-canson, the Trubadura challenged love for a beautiful lady. - medieval age.ppt.

Middle Ages 4th Class

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Fix. What time is called the era of the Middle Ages? End V-End of the XV century. III-I century BC. XV-XX century. End of the III-V century. Where in the era of Middle Ages, Christianity spread? In Europe. In East Africa. In America. In Central Asia. What kind of structure refers to the Middle Ages? Muslim mosque. Coliseum. Acropolis. Pyramids. Name favorite entertainment knights? Tournaments. The circus. Sport competitions. Theatre. What invention does not apply to Middle Ages? Car. Typography. Points. Mechanical watches. Why was the knight's castle not very comfortable housing? There was cold and damp. - Middle Ages 4th grade.ppt

"Middle Ages" grade 6

Slides: 19 words: 688 Sounds: 0 Effects: 10

Final repetition on the history of middle ages. What is the name of the era of mass movements of the tribes. As in the period of Middle Ages, parliament was called in France. Who was the leader and organizer of the Military Tabarites. Historical journey. Historical card. Idioms. People and events. Gusite wars. Wilgelm the conqueror. Historical tasks. Insert the name in the medieval poem instead of the passes. Medieval scribes. What a temple to relate to Romanesque, and what to the Gothic style. Historic terms. Pumps of chronos. Competition of the wise men. Medieval society. - "Middle Ages" Grade 6.PPT

Middle Ages Grade 6

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Grade 6 History of Middle Ages

Slides: 17 words: 216 Sounds: 0 Effects: 26

Introductory lesson on the history of middle ages. 6th grade. Rebuses. Relomize the rebuses and remember that you studied in the lessons of the history of the ancient world. Acropolis. [Va - Vila]. , [Elephant]. Babylon. Feudal. [Feudal - on - I]. [Stairs]. Feodal staircase. Masterpiece. , [A fish]. [King]. Knight. - 6th grade history of middle ages.pptx

What is the history of middle ages

Slides: 14 Words: 564 Sounds: 0 Effects: 13

What is the history of middle ages. We define the problem. Why study the era of the Middle Ages. We remember what we know. Necessary level. Increased level. Civilization. New knowledge. Stages of the history of mankind. Ways for the development of ancient civilizations. Fill in table. What event is considered to be the end of the ancient world. Basics of modern civilization. Apply new knowledge. - What is the history of middle ages.pptx

Kazakh Khanate

Slides: 156 words: 2407 Sounds: 0 Effects: 155

Kazakh Khanate (XV-XVIII century). Where the Nimanov tribes lived on the eve of the formation of the Kazakh Khanate. Where on the eve of the formation of the Kazakh Khanate, the concrete. Where Argyns lived on the eve of the formation of the Kazakh Khanate. Where Cerey lived on the eve of the formation of the Kazakh Khanate. Where duels lived on the eve of the formation of the Kazakh Khanate. Where Kangli nomaded on the eve of the formation of the Kazakh Khanate. Where they lived on the eve of the formation of the Kazakh Khanate. Where the Jalaira lived on the eve of the formation of the Kazakh Khanate. The formation of the Kazakh Khanate. Mohammed Headar. Essen-Buoga. The ruler of Mogulistan Yesen-Bug entered into an alliance with Zhanibeck. - Kazakh Khanate.PPTX

Medieval cities in Kazakhstan

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Medieval cities of Kazakhstan (X-beginning of the XIII centuries). Lesson theme: Modern City. Medieval cities of Kazakhstan. The ancient cities of Kazakhstan ... The names of some cities can be found only in folk legends and legends. Karl Bypakov. Wanted a city! Objective: Find the look of the medieval city. Speech by research teams. Highlight the distinctive features of the medieval cities of Kazakhstan of the 10th - early 13th centuries. Expert work using the information received, make up the plan of the medieval city. Sufa clay land for recreation, located along the walls. - Medieval cities of Kazakhstan.ppt

India in the Middle Ages

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India in the Middle Ages. India is located in South Asia. There are 2 large rivers ind and gang in the east. India. In IV-VI centuries in Northeast India, the rules of the Gupta dynasty. Euphtalites or white Huns. The fragmentation has been preserved from the VI-XII century. The invasion of Muslims. Drop Sultanate. The fall began in 1398, when Emir Timur destroyed Delhi. But India's union was not durable. Buddhism. Buddha believed in the eternity of the laws of nature. Buddhism is divided into: 1) Krynanu (emphasizes benevolence) 2) Mahayan (the purpose of confusion) 3) Tantricism. Buddhism decay. HINDUISM. The reason for the decline was the intrusion of Muslims. - India in the Middle Ages.PPT

Medieval India.

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Culture of medieval India. Figurine of the dancer Shiva. Artistic crafts. Products from ivory and valuable trees. Scientific discoveries. Indian book. Indian numbers. Architecture. Buddhist temples in Ajant. Frescoes are painted (scenes from the life of princes, courtiers. Reflected legends and historical events). Buddha statue in Lotus. From VII-VIII century. Hindu temples are elevated in the form of huge towers. The walls of the temples were completely covered with reliefs, statues and skillful carvings. Mausoleum Taj Mahal. Minaret. Art. - Miniatures, portraits - frescoes. - Medieval India.ppt.

Indian civilization

Slides: 18 Words: 943 Sounds: 0 Effects: 6

Indian medieval civilization. Indians. Indian civilization. Necessary level. The main achievements of civilization of ancient India. Explain the meaning of words. Open new knowledge. Fabulous country of the Middle Ages. The lifestyle of Indians. Consider illustration. Exile from the community. Jihad in India. Relations. Circle of Indian civilization. Cambodia. Middle Ages. Apply new knowledge. Custom system. - Indian civilization.pptx

China in the Middle Ages

Slides: 13 Words: 478 Sounds: 0 Effects: 23

China in the Middle Ages. 1. Children's crafts. 2. Investment. 3. Education and science. 4. Literature. 5. Plan. Why did China gave the world such a large number of discoveries and inventions? What do you think? 2. Investment. In the Middle Ages in China, silk production increased. From Nagi sewed clothes and sails, we made umbrellas and music tools. On silk wrote and painted miniatures. Collection of tute silkworm. Miniature on silk.14 in. 1. Children's crafts. Chinese porcelain. In the 7th century in Beijing began to go out the first newspaper. Print page. 10th century. Compass appeared in China. Compass scale.13 century. - China in the Middle Ages.ppt

Medieval China

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Terms: lifts, born, jacceria, inquisition, fresco, indulgence, Roshovist. People: Jan Guus, Wat Tyler, Jeanne d'Ark, Robin Hood, Mohammed. 1. Tang Dynasty in China ruled: a) 200 years; b) 300 years; c) 1000 years old. 2. The war between the Chinese with zhhurts ended with the signing of the world between the emperors; a) Tan-Jin; b) Sui and Tang; c) Sun and Jin. 3. The conquest of the Northern and South China was carried out in 1211-1279. Tribes: a) Pechenegs; b) polovtsy; c) Mongols. 4. In medieval China, progress was achieved in production: a) paper; b) Shelka c) papyrus. 5. Dynasty Sunn has established himself in China: a) in 960; b) 980 g.; c) 1010. 6. The Peasant War in 874 in the North-East of China began during the reign of the dynasty: a) Tang; b) Sun; c) Jin. 7. The liberation of China from the power of the Mongols began with the uprising: a) yellow dressings; b) red dressings; c) CHOMPI. 8. In historical novels, Chinese writers: a) glorified Mongolian commander; b) urged the people to fight; c) tried to awaken patriotic feelings in the people. - Medieval China.ppt.

History of medieval China

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Medieval China. In antiquity and the Middle Ages, a caravan road connecting Eastern Asia with the Mediterranean. The channel connects the River Juanhe and Yangtze. Modern city of Guangzhou. In 1211, the army of Genghis Khan fell into North China. China is famous. Fluster - a soft cloth from the threads mined from a cocoon of a liner silkworm. Cocoon is large. Cocons of a tute silkworm before processing. Chinese porcelain is one of the important components of China's culture and art. Field sword quartz. Tableware, in the style of the Qing dynasty. The history of the development of the porcelain in China has millennium. - History of medieval China.pptx

Africa in the Middle Ages

Slides: 27 Words: 244 Sounds: 0 Effects: 62

Africa in the Middle Ages. North Africa. East shore. Monomota. West Coast. The most powerful states on the northern coast were: Morocco's Sultans - in the west of Sultan Egypt - in the East. Mamli - Warriors of the Egyptian Sultanate from mercenaries and liberated slaves. 1260g. - Victory on the Sinai Peninsula of the Mamluk Army over the Mongolian army. Cairo Mosque Ibn Tulun. "Thousand and One Nights". Independence has kept Ethiopia (ancient Aksum). Back in IV. Ethiopia accepted Christianity. Nehus - the ruler of Ethiopia. Church of St. George in Lalibel. Magadisho, Kiloa, Zanzibar, Sofala - Cities of the East Coast of Africa. - Africa in the Middle Ages.ppt

China and Japan in the Middle Ages

Slides: 19 words: 683 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

"Forbidden" countries. Objectives lesson. Lesson plan. Explain the concepts. Questions. What is this structure. Chinese Empire in the Epoch Min. Confucianism. MIN Dynasty Rules from 1368 to 1644. The authorities very actively intervened in economic affairs. The emperor in China was the only master for everyone. The period of the Qing dynasty. Art of Minsk and Qing China. Japan at Tokugawa Soguns. In the 1930s of the XVII century, Tokugawa closed the country for Inomes. Traditional arts of Japan. - China and Japan in the Middle Ages.ppt

Culture Caliphate.

Slides: 30 Words: 2309 Sounds: 2 Effects: 4

Culture of the countries of the Arab Caliphate. Task for lesson. Compare the level of development of culture in Western Europe and Caliphate countries? Repetition passed. Perform a task. 1. Education. Arabic has become the language of science and literature. Miniature from arabic manuscript. Internal schools from Muslims were private. Madrasa in Bukhara. Poets. 2. Science. "The most important decoration of a person is knowledge," the Arab scientists said. Mathematics, astronomy, geography, medicine have successfully developed in Khalifat. In the Baghdad Library. Astrolabe. Al-Khorezmi. Observatory acted in Baghdad and Damascus. Al-Biruni. - Culture Caliphate.ppt.

Medieval Japan.

Slides: 55 words: 5767 Sounds: 0 Effects: 28

Ancient Japan. Codziki. Entries about the acts of antiquity. Three measurements of Japanese spirituality. Shintoism. Zen-Buddhism. Bushido. Passing up the warrior joined on the path. Household culture. Fields instantly bamboo bamboo. Chinese style reforms. Aristocrats. The period of interdiscructures. The first sogun of the Kamakuri era. Kabuki Theater. Edo era. Kitagawa Utamaro. Sigunat. Utamaro. Interior dish. Japanese engraving. Courtesans and Attendants Viewing Cherry. Triptych. Painting. Aesthetics Zen. The cult of bows and apology. The cult of ancestors. Japanese rituals. History of armor. Early Middle Ages. Mortitate plate. - Medieval Japan.ppt.

The lesson of the history of the middle ages

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The topic of the lesson "Culture of the Arab Caliphate countries". Lesson Tasks: Stages of the lesson. Organizational moment Studying new material Fastening the resulting knowledge of the lesson, estimation. Culture of Caliphate countries. Oriental fairy tales - the basis of many modern sciences? Equipment lesson. Harun Ar-Rashid (768 - 809) "House of Wisdom" in Baghdad - the repository of manuscripts, where they translated and rewritten books. Avicenna (Ibn Sina). Paracels. Hippocrates. Fracastoro. Adraas Visale. William Garvey. Claudius Galen. Amboise pair. N.I. Pies. S.P. Botkin. - history of middle ages.ppt

Arab Khalifat.

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History of Arab Khaliphata

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Arab Khalifat. Arabian Peninsula. DOISLABLE PROFESSION OF ARBES. Mohammed and the emergence of Islam. 5 pillars islam. Submissivity. Combining Arabs. Caliphate. Omeyada. Arab Caliphate at Omeyades. Abbasids. Culture of the Arab world. Achievement of Arab science. Physics. Astronomy. Chemistry. Medicine. Geography. -

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The overall characteristic of the culture of the Middle Ages Some is considered the beginning of the era of medieval culture Section of the Roman Empire in 395 into two states - East and West. Others believe that this is 476 years - the fall of the Roman Empire. There is an art historical term "medieval culture" - from the adoption of Christianity by Emperor Rome Konstantin as official religion in 313 and in the XVII century.

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When studying the topic, it is necessary to draw attention to the following questions: Middle Ages includes 3 periods - 3 stages of the development of feudalism (formation, heyday and decline) Early Middle Ages dates back to the V - X centuries Mature feudalism - X - end of the XV century Later Middle Ages - XV - XVII century The Spirit of the Epoch: Moving Peoples, the creation of new states, the expansion of trade and cultural relations of Europe with North Africa, the Middle East, the emergence of the first parliaments and constitutions, inventions, European languages. The contradiction in the worldview of the Middle Ages: a man is a crown of nature, a man - the slave of God. Historical point of view

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Special place in culture occupy such genres of art as architecture and painting. Language of science and church - Latin. The art of the "Language in Stone" is a lot of people. The role of the church and its influence on the culture of the Middle Ages is very large. The church is the main customer of works of art, serves as a religious cult. Plots of works are religious: these are the images of the other world, the language of the symbols and the allegories. There is no genre of portrait, as it is believed that a simple person is not enough image. The main genre of painting is icon. Plots - the lives of the saints, the image of Our Lady, Jesus Christ. When studying the topic, it is necessary to pay attention to the following questions:

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Comparative characteristic of the human worldview of antiquity and Middle Ages: cultural point of view Antiquity of the Middle Ages 1. Universal Harmony of the World 1. Imperfection of the world 2. Special role of space 2. Denial of eternity, the main role of the Creator - the original creature 3. The human mind and knowledge of the world is welcomed by the Human Mind man. Atonement of sins of mankind Jesus Christ 4. Search for justice 4. Faith and loyalty - the main qualities of a person 5. The ability to become like gods 5. Fear of court and God's car

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FEATURES OF ARCHITECTURE Romanesque style The term "Romanesque Style" - appeared in the XIX century from the concept - "Romanesque languages." The basis of them is Latin - the language of the ancient Romans. The period that covers the Romanesque style - X - XII century. This is the first big style in art. Stages of the development of Romanesque art: - Dorryansky - 5-9th century - Romanesque - 11-12th century Main types of structures: - Feudal castle - Monastery Ensemble -Hram

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The main features of the construction of castles: - Castle - the production of the feudal era, the period of fragmentation, wars, raids. In order to self-defense, the castle was built as a fortress. - heavy gloomy greatness - gear top - three-story towers - ditch - a huge gate on chains - a bridge - donzhons - high rectangular towers, under which underground storage rooms, servants and security premises. Choosing a place of construction: a hill or an elevated place, a river slope.

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Donjon is the highest and large tower of the castle, in which the feudal of the village was hidden during the siege.

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The Pisan Tower is built out of white marble, a medieval architecture masterpiece. The bell tower is called the falling tower, due to its tilt due to the sidelines of the soil. In 1301, her last tier was shifted in the opposite direction.

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Gothic style "Gothic" - The term was introduced by the Humanists of the Renaissance, which considered everything that was not an antique - negative, barbaric. Goths that dissolved as the people among Italians, Germans, the Spaniards do not have a relationship to the title. Gothic style - the second great style of the Middle Ages. He originated in France and dominated from the XII to the XVI century.

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The Gothic Church (Cathedral) can immediately learn in the articulated arches (pointed up), windows of windows, doorways. The churches are no longer like the fortress, they are easily ascended to the sky, as if they are not from stone at all. The windows are lined with colored glasses - stained glass and occupy as much space that almost no walls remain. Vaults support half-column poles that resemble ligaments stems.

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In the late Gothic, the drawings of stained glass, sculpture, "stone" ornament, carving ceilings become more and more difficult. Often they resemble the most complex patterns of lace. I can not even believe that all this is made of stone.

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The features of the applied art of the Middle Ages the most developed was an artistic craft. They abundantly decorated even household items. Especially generously used braided ornament. It consisted of an infinite strip, the interlacing of which was filled with the entire surface of the subject. Between weavings were images of animals and people, distorted and simplified, or stylized.

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A special place at that time was painting in the book. In the monasteries, the monks rewrite the Bible and other books of sacred content. They were written on parchment - by specially treated skin lambs and a goat. On the correspondence of one book could escape a whole life. These books were considered great value, they were kept in monastic treasures. Pictures in books were called miniature due to the use of red paint "minium" and small size.

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The main forms of painting - monumental temple painting - mosaic and fresco, icon painting, book miniatures Mosaic - a complex technique for folding a picture of multicolored pieces of smalt (glass alloy with mineral paints). Here the angle of falling the light was accurately calculated here, the surface of the mosaic was made slightly sir. The stained glass window is a picturesque fabulous piece of multicolored glass, the angle of falling the light played a special role. Color attached to the uncomfortable color to the entire place of the temple. Used blue, red, yellow colors. The image was flat, without shadows, themes on religious stories that wearing the teaching character.

Slide 19.

The features of the sculpture of the Middle Ages The Middle Ages sculpture has its own features - the images of saints are devoid of canon, simple faces, the image of real people, fantastic creatures, the forces of evil (aspids) decorated temples. Reliefs depicted biblical events and legendary plots from the life of saints. In addition to the decorations of churches, the reliefs had another task. Simple people in those days were illiterate, for their enlightenment and created from the stone "Bible of the poor.

The term "middle ages" (lat. medium. aE vum) was first introduced by an Italian humanist Flavio Bjondo in work "Decada of history, ranging from the decline of the Roman Empire" . Humanists intended to designate the border era, separating the fall of the Roman Empire from the emergence of the first written monuments in modern languages \u200b\u200b(about the x century); Later, this word received an expansion interpretation, including all that was preceded by revival. In the XVII century, the term gradually penetrates from Latin to European languages, but the generally accepted, this concept becomes only about 1800.

IN narrow sense of the word term " Middle Ages » applies only in relation to the Western European Middle Ages . In this case, this term implies a number of specific features of religious, economic and political life: the feudal system of land use (landowner feudallands and semi-dependent peasants), the system of vassalitet (binding feudal relations of Senior and Vassal), the unconditional domination of the church in religious life, the political power of the Church ( Inquisition, church courts, the existence of bishops-feudal), ideals of monastics and chivalry, the flourishing of medieval architecture - Gothic.

In more wide sense This term it can be applied to any culture, but in this case it means either predominantly chronological affiliation and does not indicate the presence of the above features of the Western European Middle Ages (for example - "medieval China"), or, on the contrary, indicates a historic period having signs of European Middle Ages (mainly feudalism), but not coincident in chronology with the average centuries of Europe (for example, Japanese Middle Ages).


the period in the history of mankind, which is between the ancient world and the new time. In Soviet science it was believed that this period covers time with 476 years (falling the Western Roman Empire ) before mid-XV century.

Middle Ages characterized the flourishing of monotheistic religions (in particular, Christianity), the decline of science and art, the collapse of the ancient empires, feudal system and feudal fragmentation.


Early Middle Ages- 4 - 9th century

The flourishing of the Middle Ages - 9 - 13th century

Later Middle Ages - 13 - 15th century

Great relocation of peoples

VI-VII. bB . Completion of the relocation of peoples.

Came to Europe huns, Germans, Slavs, Hungarians, Arabs.

The expansion of the Scandinavian peoples was before XII. in.

395 - Disintegration of the Roman Empire.

Western Roman Empire

capital Equal

Eastern Roman Empire,

capital Constantinople,


Feudal society

In the medieval land, the soldiers given to the possession of the soldiers were called usually in a word "linen" or "Feed". From these words received its name the entire state system in Western Europe, called feudal system.

The basis of feudalism is the ratio of personality dependence: Vassal and Señora, the peasant and the large land owner of the feudal.

Great religions of the world

Religions early

middle Ages.












Descendants of noble people of barbaric tribes and noble residents conquered by the Western Roman Empire



Open estate, because Priests could be representatives of the remaining two classes

The right to own land and manage other people

Descendants of impoverished free people from barbarians and Roman citizens, as well as descendants of slaves and colons

The main duty is a worship, clarification of divine laws, the connection of a person with God.

Work on the Lord of the Earth (Bornchina) and the payment of filters feudal (lifts) in exchange for the use of land. The position depended on the free peasant or serf

Estate in the Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages, society was divided into three large groups of people - estate.

Estate - large groups of people with the same rights and duties transmitted by inheritance

« Feudal staircase »

In Western Europe in the Middle Ages, feudalles were built in feudal staircase : Leading ( knight ) gets for the service land done ( flax, feud or fiff ) and serfs with the higher ( barona ).

At the head of the feudal staircase, there was a king, but his power was usually significantly weakened compared to the powers of major senors, which, in turn, do not have absolute power over all landowners standing below them in the feudal staircase (principle "Vassal of My Vassal is not my vassal," operating in many states of continental Europe).

Peasants worked on the lands belonging to the feudals of all levels, paying them barschina or overlated .

Sign of feudal society - corporate .

  • Knight's Order
  • Monastic brotherhood
  • Handicraft shops
  • Urban communes
  • Unions of cities
  • Guild of merchants
  • Rural communities
  • Earthhood and sects

Corporation - a separate group of people who are engaged in a certain common matter are subject to special rules.


FEUDAL LORD - The landowner in the era of feudalism (owner of the feud).

At the time of the establishment of feudalism in Western Europe, the ownership of a large feudal resembled an independent state.

Feudal rights:

  • collection of taxes from the population of his feud;
  • trial of residents;
  • the announcement of the war to other feudals and the conclusion of the world with them;
  • ensuring the security of entrusted feud.

Between senor and vassalom An oral contract was concluded. Vassal was obliged to truly serve the Mr. and Senor promised Vassal support and patronage. However, the contract was often broken. Vassala attacked each other, to possess their senory. Continuous internecine wars walked. Their goal was capture:

  • lands populated by peasants;
  • a noble neighbor from which the redemption was demanded;
  • mining (robbing of other people's peasants, churches, etc.).

LOCK, Fortified dwelling feudal. Castles of Europe, the Middle East, the Caucasus, CP. Asia was erected in well-protected places; The main tower was surrounded by shafts, moats, walls.

Sigor, powerful locks from 11-12VV. become more picturesque, free planning, from 13-14 centuries. Turn into complex complexes of buildings and, finally, into palace ensembles.

The position of the estate was determined: a special role of the Christian religion and the church in the life of a medieval society.

Unlike chivalry clergy replenished from all layers of society .

Have exceptional rights to education, science and worship.

The values \u200b\u200bof the clergy coincided with the Christian system of values \u200b\u200band commandments.

Sale of church values

Church tint

Sources of wealth

Sacred Relics

Church rites

Indulgence sales


Ritter. - rider

The future knight from the very early age received a special knightly education.

IN 21 year There was a dedication to the knights, which was a complex ritual action ( acceptance of communion, ablution, knee-freeness in front of Mr., Demonstration of the ability to own a spear and other .).

Full knight accepted ommage.

Knights - A privileged estate, which has exceptional rights rights, the right to carry weapons and participation in the war.

Señor gave Vassal land and patronage, the feud could also require the fulfillment of the services provided by the contractual agreement, first of all - military service.

The Code of Hommerhood Code includes ideas about loyalty to the seenor and the cause, courage, valor, physical strength, generosity, ministry of the church, the protection of widows and orphans, ministry of the lady of the heart.

Knight tournaments

Ristashal - Battle of 2 knightly detachments

Joshra Battle of two knights

Bagudo Solemn exit of one knight for demonstrating agility and gauge


In quantitative, this is a large mass of the population of medieval Europe;

In an economic sense, he was the main manufacturer of material goods, the center of gravity was always lying on the peasant economy;

The public position of the peasants was incolmentable, it did not have ownership, carried out the mantles in favor of Signora, was dependent on him;

The knighthood was afraid, despised and hated peasants;

The church provided him with a certain social patronage;

The presentation of the peasantry about his own place in society was not developed, but in general they were characterized by a high assessment of peasant labor, dreams of equality, faith in God;

The estate of the townspeople did not fit into the triple model of society.

Citizens were presented - artisans, merchants, lawyers, teachers, etc.

Social status was determined by a number of legal norms:

  • personal freedom principle
  • ownership of immovable and movable property,
  • participation in urban self-government and urban militia.

A special system of values \u200b\u200bbased on respect for personal freedom and independence, a high assessment of professional knowledge and skills, the need for education, support for personal initiative.

Assessment of historians

In the Middle Ages, the birth of Europe has occurred as a socially political and cultural phenomenon. Often, the Middle Ages are depicted as a period of regression compared to antiquity.

In fact, the decline touched the only elegant arts.

In the field of technology, there was significant progress: there was a more perfect horse harness and the carts with a swivel axis, striving to riders, wind mills, a hinged steering wheel on ships, blast furnaces and cast iron, firearms, typography.

In the Middle Ages, organized vocational training in the form of universities and electoral and representative bodies in the form of parliament (general states, cortes, etc.) were appeared.

During the middle ages, the foundations of modern nations were laid. States were formed: England, France, Russia, Poland, etc.

In Western Europe, monarchs dominated, but at the same time modern democracy originated.

  • The main importance in the value system of the Middle Ages had the values \u200b\u200bof Christianity
  • Idea of \u200b\u200bland as the basis of the material and spiritual life of society
  • The desire to comply with customs
  • Each class has its own system of value ideas.