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Political scientist Abbas Gallyamov: Khamitov doesn't like people. Abbas Gallyamov: Khamitov will be the first to break the truce with Yalalov

Maxim Glikin, Anastasia Kornya

On Friday, the Internet portal Ufimskiy Zhurnal reported that a search was being carried out in the Bashkir regional branch of United Russia: the newspaper's correspondents recorded how unknown persons took out the computer, and the publication's source said that the searches were carried out by officers of the republican FSB. Albert Mukhamedyarov, the leader of the Russian People's Government Party, also stated this. As he said in his blog, the other day FSB representatives conducted a search in the office of the first deputy head of the presidential administration of Bashkiria, Abbas Gallyamov, who is responsible for internal politics in the republic, including elections. Mukhamedyarov connects what happened with his appeal to conduct an audit of the funds that United Russia spent on the elections to the Legislative Assembly on September 8: according to him, 123 million rubles were collected. from city enterprises only 10 million went to the party fund, the rest was stolen and cashed out.

Linar Mingazov, Alexey Bychaev

On September 13, Rustem Khamitov signed a decree dismissing the head of his administration, Vladimir Balabanov. According to opposition leaders, the reason for this was a series of scandals on the eve of the elections to the regional parliament, in which officials of the Bashkirian President's administration were involved. Recall that at the beginning of the summer a video appeared on the Internet in which Balabanov's subordinates, Marat Mardanov and Abbas Gallyamov, gave a bribe for withdrawing the RPNU party from the elections.

In addition to the scandalous video, just before the elections to the State Assembly, an audio recording appeared on the Internet, in which people with votes similar to those of Konstantin Tolkachev and Viktor Pchelintsev, at a meeting of the United Russia headquarters, instruct the chairmen of PECs on how to coordinate the data of the final voting protocols with the TECs ... Moreover, on September 8, a few hours before the closure of polling stations, the opposition got hold of a document with the task of the administration of the head of the region for the districts of Bashkiria, according to which United Russia should gain from 70 to 80% of the votes. At the same time, as follows from the document, the passing interest in Kurultai, in addition to the ruling party, was guaranteed only exclusively by the Communist Party. On the morning of September 9, when the preliminary results of the vote were announced, this information was fully confirmed.

Nikolai Lakutin, Deputy of the State Duma of Russia, "Fair Russia" faction:
- The apparatus of the Just Russia party in the city of Moscow received information from reliable sources that in the republic, on the eve of the elections, an application was formed, where the voting results were actually distributed among several parties - United Russia, the Liberal Democratic Party and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the leadership of our party was worried, and we had to come to the Republic of Bashkortostan to make sure on the spot and check the voting process. And to warn the leadership of the republic, the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Belarus about the prevention of such facts, so that the elections in the Republic of Bashkortostan would be held in accordance with the law, not allowing any double or triple technologies. This is the purpose of our visit to Ufa.

According to RPNU leader Albert Mukhamedyarov, it was these scandalous videos and audio recordings that appeared on the Internet that became the ultimate boiling point for the Kremlin. Realizing that the results of the elections to Kurultai would ultimately compromise Moscow itself, it was decided to get rid of the head of the Bashkirian President's Administration Vladimir Balabanov, who had completely discredited himself.

Albert Mukhamedyarov, RPNU leader:
- The elections were initially accompanied by scandals, and if we take into account the video scandals in which Arsen Nuridjanov says that the Presidential Administration takes money and sells mandates, then of course I associate this. Moreover, there was not only that. There was also a video recording, where Balabanov himself participated, and she also went out into the public space. Moreover, there was a leak of the preliminary turnout list, in terms of percentage for political parties, so the whole set of these punctures from the presidential administration certainly indicate that Vladimir Balabanov was asked to resign.

Konstantin Shagimuratov, leader of the regional branch of the Fair Russia party, adheres to a similar opinion. He believes that after September 8, it became obvious to the Kremlin that the results of the elections to the Kurultai in Bashkiria were completely fabricated, but most importantly, they cast doubt on the legitimacy of the authorities in the region.

Konstantin Shagimuratov, leader of the regional branch of the Fair Russia party:
- Balabanov's resignation is a consequence of scandals. This is a video, the main participants of which were two deputies of Balabanov. This is also a record from which one should behave during the period when the protocols are forged. Khamitov. Under the guise of winning the elections, he tried to save Balabanov, but given the scandals that were in the federal media, in the State Duma over Bashkiria, the Kremlin began to realize what is happening in Bashkiria and will take this into account when deciding the issue during the second term. As far as I am informed, the Kremlin began to understand that Bashkiria has turned from a stable region into a region that delivers bad news.

According to the agency, Rinat Bashirov, who until recently worked in the Internal Policy Department of the Presidential Administration of Russia under the leadership of Radiya Khabirova... If this is true, then this may mean a change in the political course of Rustem Khamitov. Perhaps he became convinced that conflicts with strong politicians cannot play into his hands. Rather, it is in the interests of completely different people who seek to manipulate him.

Azamat Galin, public figure:
- Politics is politics and I think that the most obvious thing here, in my opinion, is that a lot of mistakes were made - everyone admits it. Today - it needs to be raked. A person is needed and a professional is needed. Unfortunately or fortunately, but in our region there are no people who could professionally solve this problem. And the decision that Khamitov can make lies precisely in this professional plane.

According to observers, as a result of the September 8 elections, distrust of the authorities of Bashkiria, and personally of the head of the region, has increased significantly, and the Kremlin cannot ignore this. In addition, one should not forget that the republican authorities managed to finally get bogged down in several environmental and political scandals, and also failed to fulfill almost a single promise in 3 years. Therefore, experts believe that Rustem Khamitov's chances of being re-elected for a second presidential term in 2015 are decreasing.

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