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Abandoned houses in the villages of the Sverdlovsk region. Everything Else in Sverdlovsk Oblast (Russia)

A two-story building, next to it there is a bathhouse (burned down) and something like a cellar. There is also a one-story annex at the back. Located between the concrete plant and the mass grave of German soldiers. Part of the building was on fire, but it was small. On the ground floor, plastic windows are inserted (all are broken), from the stairs there is an exit to the attic. The condition (for the summer of 2017) is good, the wallpaper is hanging, there are wardrobes, there is no security.

From Uralmashzavod to the village of Krasny with a test site, a railway line was launched in the early 1930s. Regular passenger traffic continued until 2008. until 2016, freight trains periodically passed through the station. The station has four tracks, a couple of carriages, a stone control room building and an arrow to the UZTM dumps. The interiors of the control station and arrows have been preserved. There is no security.

The greenhouse complex was abandoned until 2013, most likely due to the rising (only 30 meters from the greenhouses) water of the expanding reservoir. It is the ruins of 14 greenhouses connected by a common passage. The frame of all greenhouses is wooden. The complex includes a 2-storey administrative building for service personnel, a utility building, 3 former security booths, and 3 utility sheds. In a 2-storey building you can ...

A railway line from Uralmashzavod to the Krasny settlement with a test site was launched in the early 1930s. Regular passenger traffic continued until 2008. Freight trains periodically pass through the station. The station has three tracks, a couple of trailers and a stone control room. The control room, relay room, and a lot of documentation are perfectly preserved. There is no security.

Cemetery for agricultural machinery of the Krasnoarmeisky collective farm. In total, more than 30 pieces of equipment, from all kinds of trailers and carts to buses, combines and firefighters ZIL-131 and UAZ-452. The cemetery is located on the territory of an existing collective farm, partial protection from the boiler room and garages of existing equipment. The guards periodically let strangers into the sump.

The village of Mramorskoye was founded in 1738, located 12 km from the city of Polevskoye. Since 1957, fur production has been developing in sulfur; it is the only fur farm in the region for breeding valuable fur animals. At first it was a rabbit farm, then it raised black-brown foxes, arctic foxes and minks. The total number of the herd exceeded 4 thousand heads. The farm was completely closed around 2007. At the moment (07.06.2017) partially ...

The base is surrounded by a metal fence, although there is no castle on the gate. On the territory of the base there are three guest houses, a dining room and a master's house with several sheds. All houses are intact and almost untouched. No guards noticed.

The camp was built in the 60s, near Nizhniy Tagil. It belonged to Uralvagonzavod until 2007, after which it was transferred to municipal ownership. Until 2010, Uralvagonzavod invested before each season. In 2010, the plant workers refused to lease, until 2016 the camp stood idle, then it was given to the Cossacks. All buildings in the camp are intact, but closed. In some buildings, windows are broken and boarded up by boards. Next door to Lesnaya ...

The Kamensk district of the Sverdlovsk region was once famous for its rich villages and hamlets. Until the 20th century, even in the smallest village, a stone temple was erected. And these churches would have stood for a hundred years, if not for the revolution.
Today we offer you a short trip to several villages of the Kamensky district. Let us remember history, admire the forgotten temples, speculate about the future.

According to some sources, the village of Maminskoye was founded by Ignatiy Ivanov, a native of Kungur, in 1682. But the village received its current name much later, when a native of the village Vasily Ignatievich Mamin-Popov became the first priest in the village. The parish was named after him, and later the entire settlement. We all know very well his descendant - this is the famous Ural writer Mamin-Sibiryak.

Despite the fact that there has always been very poor soil, the village quickly turned into a wealthy village. And all because gold was found in Maminskoye. The gold rush fell on the nineteenth century, it was at this time that wealthy gold miners began to build their houses from bricks.

The wealth of local residents is also evidenced by the fact that in many courtyards for storing food, not just an underground was used, but whole cellars lined with stone. In such a cellar it is cold in summer and a comfortable temperature is maintained for storing food in winter. Until now, many local residents use such cellars as refrigerators.

By the way, almost every eighth house was brick. The brick was local and of a very high quality. From it they built mansions for themselves, houses for servants, house buildings. At the moment, about 40 brick buildings of that time have survived in the village.

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They say that a passage was laid with local bricks, which led from the church to the village. But whether this is really so is unknown. After all, it is almost 2 kilometers from the temple to the end of the village.

Although in the 80s of the last century cows suddenly began to fail. At first, they attributed this to old wells, then it became clear that there could not be so many wells on one straight line.

But the fact that one of the most grandiose churches in the Sverdlovsk region was built from local bricks is a fact. In 1831, they began to build the temple of the Archangel Michael in memory of the victory of the Russian people in the war of 1812. Each courtyard tried to participate in the construction. Some with a copper, some with a ruble, and some with a three-ruble note. Nevertheless, the construction of the temple took about 40 years. It is said that the name of everyone who donated more than a ruble to the temple was carved on the wall. But, most likely, it was simply included in the church book.

One million two hundred bricks were used in the construction, the laying was hand-made on mortar and chicken eggs, not a million of them were also used.

The Church of the Archangel Michael was closed in 1937, until the 90s it was destroyed, now restoration work is underway. They whitewashed old frescoes and installed awkward domes. I remember him still decapitated, with an old spiral staircase that led to the bell tower. If you get lost in the forest, you go out into the field and it is immediately clear in which direction the village is - the temple was visible from afar. Now they have erected golden domes on it, and it has lost its appearance.

It's amazing how our ancestors knew how to choose the space for their religious buildings. In whatever village we are, the church always stands in its place.

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Isetskoe itself is far from the main roads. Small, cozy village, and the church is the same here. She is simply the very personification of modesty, restraint and simplicity.

And it's a pity that it is crumbling and scary that they will spoil it with a remake, as happened with the church in Maminskoye. Although, you do not need to worry about this, the Nikolaevskaya church is not included in the list for restoration and restoration in the unified register of the Russian Orthodox Church, unless there is a sponsor. Despite the fact that since 2001 the church has been an architectural monument of regional significance. they are not going to restore it yet.

The church in the name of St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Mirliki, was consecrated on March 13, 1852. The right side-altar in the name of the prophet Elijah, consecrated earlier, on December 6, 1845. Here they baptized, crowned and funeral. More than one generation has passed its life path within the walls of this church. It is said that the murderer of the last abbot of the temple, Alexander, was baptized here. In 1918 he committed his sin, in 1930 the church was finally closed, and after a while, the abbot's murderer hanged himself next to God's house. But there was no one to forgive his sins.

In general, such dark stories are often told about abandoned churches.
An equally ominous story took place in the church in honor of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity in the village of Troitskoye. When the bells were being removed, an accident occurred, several people and horses were killed. It is not known how true this is, but such legends are sacredly kept by local residents.

Usually the temple is erected in the center of the village, apparently, this is how it was in 1801, when the foundation was laid. Now, it seems that the church stands aside from the main streets, from the main roads.
Its appearance is unusual for a traditional Russian church. Someone saw Gothic elements in it, it reminded me of the Dolmatovsky Monastery.

The temple was rebuilt several times. The thing is that the refectory and the bell tower constantly cracked. Experts suggest that the temple was built on a place where gold was once mined, perhaps there are mines under the temple.

In 1929 the priest was shot, in 1937 the church was finally closed. At first, grain was stored here, then it was turned into a warehouse, in the end, due to the dilapidation of the structure, they were closed.

The floor has long decayed, the eye sockets of the windows are boarded up, the frescoes are knocked down, the brickwork is crumbling. You can get inside through a small hole, in the dome space it is quite dangerous, beams and part of the roof hang down. If you quickly slip into the altar part, you can see the remains of the frescoes. No incense, no lectern, no throne has long been gone.

What will become of the temple when I turn 70? Most likely, he will outlive me and my grandchildren. So? And then it will turn to dust.

Video: Dmitry Surin, Anna Rybakova

233 sq. (settlement Khimdym) belongs to the Asbestovsky GO and is located 7 km from the nearest settlement. Founded in the 1920s. Residents hunted logging, tapping - picking up pine resin, but after the 1960s the fishing became unprofitable and the quarter was abandoned. In the village there was a water mill called Bainy on the bank of the Pyshma River, which has not survived. 10 buildings, 1 of which is perfectly preserved, inside you can find the remains of the life of the last ...

A deserted peat-collecting village located in the Verkhnaya Salda district of the Sverdlovsk region. It was part of the once vast Basyanovskiy peat enterprise, but when peat production declined sharply in the 1990s, the village fell into decay and was resettled. Now the village is a huge field overgrown with grass with the remains of houses, some of which are used by hunters.

At the mouth of the Ushma River, where it flows into the Lozva River, there is a small village Ushma. The settlement is almost abandoned, the remains of the Gulag, founded in 1938, destroyed in 1961, have survived. Once there lived loggers, now there are 3 Mansi families. This is a ghost village - abandoned houses, a kindergarten, the remains of destroyed camps.

The working village of Arbat was formed in 1940 on the basis of the copper mine of the Krasnouralsk copper-smelting plant. The main enterprise of the village was a mine. There were such social and welfare institutions as a seven-year school, a kindergarten and a medical assistant's station. There were about three hundred houses in the village. However, the village did not last long. In the post-war period, when the extraction of copper ore began to decline, the staff of the executive committee also decreased. And in 1969 ...

A former village in the Alapaevsky district of the Sverdlovsk region, a junction of the Alapaevsky narrow-gauge railway. It was located east of Tura, in the depths of the Trans-Ural taiga. Shemeinoe was much older than Kalach and all the surrounding villages. People in here settled here long before the industrialization brought about by the Alapaevskaya railroad, did not think about any logging and lived a full-fledged peasant economy, clearing the vast fields around the village from the forest ...

Tany began in 1953-54 as a logging village. In his best years there was a club, three shops, a bakery, an eight-year school, a canteen, and a kindergarten. The number of employees reached 300 people. In the mid-80s, with the felling of the main forest base, everything began to decline. Attempts to reanimate the site by cutting a new straight road across the Mezhevaya Utka River to the plots of the Sulemsky forest base led to nothing, but here ...

In mid-November, Deputy Regional Minister of Construction Vladimir Veniaminov announced that in the near future a hundred settlements would be liquidated in the Sverdlovsk Region. Basically, abandoned corners, where no one has lived for a long time, will be erased from the map, no one's property remains. But it happens when neighboring territories are united.

Over the past month, the Legislative Assembly has managed to "send into oblivion" from twenty villages. And the other day I received an answer from the Ministry of Construction with a list of the next "waiting list".

Some of them are associated with Yekaterinburg. Our city, according to the head of the department Sergei Bidonko, “swallowed up” 29 territories, so they will legally disappear. These are the villages of Berezit, Glubokoe, Peregon, Severka, Sovkhozny, Sysert, Shabrovsky, Shirokaya Rechka, Verkhnemakarovo, Gorny Shchit and others.

But among the unpromising places are named in eight districts of our region. In the Artyomovsk district there are the villages of Sredneborovskaya, Katkovy Fields, Kamenka, Bely Yar, Dalniy Bulanash, Upor, Elkhovskiy, Bragino. In the Verkhnaya Salda district - the village of Vtoraya. Near Karpinsk there are Shompa and Ust-Tapyl villages. In the Garinsky district - the village of Tatka. In the Gornouralsky district - the village of Alabashka. In the Serov district - the village of Tankovichi. In the Tugulym district - the villages of Zolotova and Sazhino. In the Kuznetsovsky rural settlement - the village of Chun-Chesh, the village of Posolka.

Concluding the post, I will share an amazing episode from the last Duma, at which we abolished six settlements in the Turin region.

I knew that one of them, the village of Okunevo, which is located on the former branch of the UZhD, is problematic to get into. Therefore, I asked the representative of the local duma what the specially created commission of the municipality used to get there. Deputy Tatyana Kormina, with all honest people, assured that (an approximate quote) the men went on a trolley. And after a couple of minutes she gave out that there was no life in Okunevo, and the same narrow-gauge railway had been dismantled long ago. It remained a mystery whether anyone examined Okunevo or not on the eve of the fateful decision.

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"There are no signs of life"

In the Sverdlovsk region - 100 "zombie villages". We went to one of them

The Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk region on the eve decided to liquidate eight Sverdlovsk villages: seven in the Verkhotursky district, one in Krasnouralsk. According to the Sverdlovsk Ministry of Construction, to which in turn the papers were provided by the municipal authorities, these villages have long been abandoned - they have no residents, no houses, or infrastructure. As it was possible to find out the site, all over the region now documents are being formed for the liquidation of about a hundred such villages. We decided to take one of the choices and check if it was really thrown.

The choice fell on the village of Mokhovaya, two kilometers from Nizhnaya Salda (180 kilometers north of Yekaterinburg) - one of the persons involved in the list of the Sverdlovsk Ministry of Construction for liquidation. In the popular among tourists two-volume atlas of the Sverdlovsk region of 2012 from "Navitel" it was already designated as non-residential. In fact, this is not the case.

In fact, Mokhovoy is a station settlement that arose in the middle of the last century on a railway line connecting Nizhny Tagil with Alapaevsk. At the moment, it consists of a dozen houses, standing along the highway on the only street in the village of Zheleznodorozhnikov. Most of the houses are wooden huts, blackened from time to time. However, there are three stone buildings. One was adapted for their needs by Russian Railways employees. Another is a brick apartment building, built at one time for the employees of the highway. The third is a cinder block house under construction, taken under a roof made of metal tiles. At least three houses in Mokhovoy give the impression of being inhabited. The same number, apparently, are used as summer cottages. The rest are abandoned. From the benefits of civilization, there is cellular communication, electricity and a payphone at the station.

By the way, a local old-timer works there, Elena Ivanovna Dyachkova. Together with her parents-railroad workers, she arrived in the village in the 70s, as a seven-year-old girl. “I studied right here,” says our interlocutor, stamping her foot on the floor in her office. “There was a class here, school No. 129 was working, children were taught in elementary school, from the 4th grade they were transferred to Salda.” According to her recollections, the village was decent - "there were only 30 children alone", "a shop worked, a club car arrived."

Mokhovaya arose around the barracks where the railway workers were given service housing. Then people were resettled here from another village, “from the forest”. “The story in the 70s was a whole, mass murder,” Dyachkova launched into her memoirs. - The girls went on a hike, with them a military commissar and a physical education instructor. And at night the military commissar hacked all these girls with an ax. Only one was able to get out to the road. " On the site of the forest settlement, a monument to the dead was erected, people were "moved here."

The decline of the village, according to our interlocutor, began when the railway workers "began to give apartments in the city" - in Nizhnyaya Salda. The Dyachkova family has not lived in Mokhov for a long time either, but the ancestral home has been preserved here. They use it as a summer cottage and for gardening. The railway woman knows that the village of Mokhovoy is being liquidated. "When I read that the village is being liquidated ..." - Dyachkova began and stopped short. Having calmed down a little, she continued: “We have already thought about this as a family, there are a lot of options how to leave everything. My opinion: this is because there is no street committee (street committee, - editor's note), there is no municipal body, the head of the village, which could decide something. "

“Everything could be preserved and developed here. The places are beautiful, the river is nearby, the fields. At one time, so many gardens were cut here, the plans were wonderful. But the question arose with moving across the path. They didn’t do it, it’s uncomfortable for people to carry everything on their hands, ”Dyachkova shared her thoughts. The road really runs into the railroad tracks, then only on foot. And although the path takes only a few hundred meters, it is a great inconvenience by modern standards.

By the way, it was Dyachkova who revealed to us the secret why the village of Mokhovoy was uninhabited according to the documents: “No one is registered here. The latter was registered here Semenova Nina Nikolaevna, she died four years ago. " However, people in Mokhov really live. "The potholes are building a house, the Plesovskys live, they keep their farm, the Andrashkins," the interlocutor listed.

From this whole list, only Alexander Plesovskikh was caught on the spot. Fortunately, before our arrival, he went out of the forest on skis: "Dogs (two healthy Caucasian shepherd dogs, - author's note) walked." According to him, most of the villagers work in Verkhnyaya or Nizhnyaya Salda and come home only in the evening. Plesovskikh himself is also an employee of the Verkhnaya Salda Metallurgical Plant (VSMPO-Avisma), only works in shifts, and today he has a day off. “My wife and I have a three-room apartment in Verkhnyaya Salda, but we don't need it in general. We live here, the forest is nearby, the air is clean. My wife is asthmatic, it is important for her, ”the man explained. They have been living in Mokhovo since 2000. At that time, there was still a store working here: “There was a grocery store and a manufactured goods store, then during that crisis (2008-2009, - Ed.), In my opinion, it was closed”.

He, like Dyachkova, is dissatisfied with the plans of officials to abolish the village: “My house has been completely privatized, so much has been invested in it - I drilled a well, installed greenhouses, a bathhouse ... And now what?” Plesovskikh leads us to show us the unfinished railway crossing. “In the late 90s it was, gardeners built it with their own money. But it turned out like - they will collect money, and prices are growing, they are already lacking. They collect again, while collecting prices rise again. So they threw it away, ”he said. Now young pines have grown on the site of the former gardens. “There are two houses, probably only left on the field,” says the man.

In Mokhov, the Plesovskys have a large courtyard - about 100 turkeys. “Previously, they still kept rams, there were 12, but it was still difficult with them,” the villager admits. He also says that if the issue of relocation were resolved, this place would be popular. In the meantime, the Plesovskikh himself cleans the road to the village. “I bought a tractor for myself, I thought it was more profitable than hiring every time,” he admits.

In the administration of Nizhnyaya Salda, where the application for the liquidation of Mokhovoy was formed, they look at the situation differently. “Makhovoi himself will not lose anything. We're just putting [documents] in order before the agricultural census. We have it planned for 2016, - the head of the local administration Sergey Guzikov willingly began to explain. - It's just that Mokhovaya in some documents sounds like a village, but all mail goes like "Nizhnyaya Salda, Zheleznodorozhnik streets." He is within the city limits, and will remain there. We are simply removing the status of a sovereign municipal unit. Legally speaking, we eliminate collisions. " A few years ago, all the surrounding villages had their own administration and budget. “Then the legislation changed,” says Guzikov.

The official emphasizes that the decision to liquidate the village went through all official procedures, including public hearings. When asked why the railway crossing, on which the locals had pinned so many hopes, was never completed in Mokhovy, Guzikov replies that it is technically difficult to do. “It so happens that the road that goes, it just rests on the station building. And what to do, demolish? ”- asks the city manager. At the moment, all he can do to help the decayed village is to "agree with the traffic police so that they do not dig up" the lapel from the main road to it.

The head of the city district Elena Matveeva agrees with him. “Moving is a huge communication system, it all requires great costs. How to invest money there if not a single person is registered in the village? In our city, the problem of building a bypass is much more acute now, ”says Matveeva. The Nizhny Tagil - Alapaevsk highway now really goes through the city center. In addition to transporting conventional cargo, it is regularly used by the military, who have missile systems stationed nearby.

By the way, about 11 million rubles are annually allocated for the maintenance of 106 kilometers of roads in the city district. According to Guzikov, these are “kopecks”. They are barely enough, especially considering that the same funds are used to pay for the installation of road signs, marking and ensuring traffic safety near schools. “You know, the territory near the railway is unlikely to be in demand. I understand that when it comes to the area of \u200b\u200bour city pond, this is an ecologically clean place. People now strive for this, and not where the trains are noisy. From the state point of view, I believe that it is necessary first of all to ensure the interests of the majority, ”added Matveeva.

Mokhovoy's prospects, she said, are ghostly: “I think everything will be the same there as it is now. Opening a store - what business will go there? Opening a school ... There is not a single child there. " However, the surrounding area is nevertheless included in the plans for the future development of the so-called Zapadny microdistrict. It was planned to build about 40 cottages for young families here. While the plans had to be postponed. “The regional program has been curtailed,” Guzikov explained.

In total, about 100 settlements in the Sverdlovsk region can be submitted for liquidation. The head of the Ministry of Construction Sergey Bidonko announced this at a meeting of the regional government in early November. According to him, the ministry is conducting a large-scale audit of settlements and where there are "no signs of life", a decision is made to liquidate them. The mechanism is as follows: at the municipal level, information is collected about the settlement that can be liquidated, and the local authorities send the territory passport with the necessary explanations to the Ministry of Construction. If the government approves the liquidation of the settlement, the documents go to the regional Legislative Assembly, and the deputies make the final decision. “We rely on the documents that come from the municipality,” communist deputy Andrei Alshevskikh confirmed in a conversation with the correspondent of our publication.

Over the past month, deputies of the Legislative Assembly have liquidated 10 settlements. In addition to Mokhovoy, among them are the village of Novy Put in the Krasnoufimsky District, the Verkhotursky villages of Dobrynin, Korchemkin, Makarikhin, Myznikov, Trenikhin, the village of Obzhig and at the railway sidings of 99 kilometers, as well as the village of Promezhutok in Krasnouralsk. In addition, several settlements in Artemosk are under consideration by the Ministry of Construction. We are talking about the settlements of Sredneborovskaya, Skating fields, Kamenka, Bely Yar, Dalny Bulanash, Upor, Elkhovsky, Bragino.

During one of the discussions at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly, United Russia deputy Galina Artemyeva noted that not in all cases it will be about the complete liquidation of settlements. In some cases, she said, the issue of joining them to larger municipalities will be considered.

The same Alshevskikh recalls the story of the burnt down village of Vizhay in the Ivdel district. Local authorities planned to eliminate it, resettling the victims of the fire in other settlements, but then changed their minds. Now houses are being built in the village again. Someone hands them over to tourists, someone uses them for summer cottages. According to the deputy, in order to streamline the method of liquidating non-residential settlements, it is necessary to determine a time lag. The decision to abolish should be taken only if during this period no one began to inhabit these places again.