Repair Design Furniture

How to install a gas panel. Installing a gas hob: step by step instructions, norms and requirements, tips. Gas panel connection

If you want to make repairs in your kitchen, you can independently replace the stove with a hob. Today, a modern and functional solution for every kitchen is to install the hob in the worktop with your own hands. In addition, you can make a combination that will consist of an oven and a hob, so you don't lose anything at all. In this article, we will tell you in detail how to independently install the hob in the worktop, without resorting to the help of specialists.

If you have ever had to do repairs at your dacha or in an apartment, or you have been engaged in construction, then correctly installing the hob in the countertop will be a simple matter for you. It is enough to accurately measure its thickness and dimensions during installation. Well, let's get started.

In order to properly install the hob yourself, you need to know how to cut a hole in the worktop. All the required sizes are noted in the instructions on the diagram, do not come up with anything new. So, you will speed up the process and significantly reduce the possible measurement errors. Measurements can be made independently, for this you need to put the hob from the bottom to the top, then find out the length and width of the surface on the sides inside.

Note that the instructions write the minimum allowed indents from the edge of the tabletop. You can make the size of the indents a little larger, since the narrow edges can break after a while. It is necessary to make markings on the surface of the table in accordance with the dimensions and thickness of the hob. This is where you will embed it. To keep the lines visible and more noticeable on a dark surface, you can glue strips of paper tape, and transfer each line to them.

Then you need to drill a hole from which the cut begins. Cutouts are made with an electric jigsaw. So that the edges of the cut are even and do not crumble at the edges, it is advisable to use a hand router, and round the corners with a radius cutter, while each cut must be sanded. You can collect the resulting sawdust with a vacuum cleaner.

Once you've finished working on the hole, take your hob and make sure you cut it out correctly. If you carefully cut the hole, the surface will easily fit into the resulting cutout.

We seal and seal

Before installation, it is necessary to process the sections of the countertop with a silicone sealant or nitro varnish. So, you will protect the surface of the countertop from water, dirt stains, swelling and extend its service life. You can also use a seal for installation, since it glues itself and performs the same role.

Place the self-adhesive seal on top, with the edges of the surface resting on it. You can also use aluminum tape for sealing, which, by the way, protects against temperature fluctuations. If the seal is of high quality, then the hole in the countertop will serve you longer, it will not need to be repaired or replaced.

Also, the installation differs depending on the type of panel - they are gas and electric, plus separate fastening characteristics. You can fasten the fastening parts with screws.

Today's electrical panels are very functional, with proper surface installation, they rarely fail, therefore, they do not need repair work for a long period. When repairs are nevertheless needed, the panel quickly detaches and refers to the master on its own, or the repair can be done on your own, thanks to which you save your money on calling a specialist.

Before installing the hob, place it on the worktop, turn it over and connect the wires according to the diagram. You can find the diagram on the back of the panel, this is done for your convenience. It is necessary to take into account not only its size, but its thickness. When you install and connect yourself, then take good care. If you connect the wires incorrectly, then you will not then adjust the burners and their heating value.

In the case when there is a special panel wire to connect the hob electrical panel, then you do not need either an outlet or a plug. It is enough to connect the panel to the wire. The induction hob is connected in the same way.

When installing a gas hob with your own hands, you need to see the type of fastening. Do not forget about the thickness and dimensions of the hob. Then it must be installed, aligned along the edge of the tabletop, and then secured. As a rule, the kit includes brackets for fastening, they are located at the bottom. The electrical wire is plugged into an outlet.

To connect a gas hob with your own hands, you need to carefully study the safety rules. The gas is shut off, after which the hob is connected with a flexible hose to the gas pipe. A paronite gasket must be placed in the nut. Then turn on the gas and burners, check the hose connections so that there are no leaks. To do this, you need to soap all the joints, if the foam does not have bubbles, there are no leaks, the installation is done correctly. In addition, gas analyzers are used for testing.

If you do everything correctly, then there should be no problems when installing the hob. The main thing is that you do not rush and do the job efficiently, taking into account all the nuances of installation.

In case you need to save space in the kitchen, it makes no sense to install a gas stove that takes up quite a lot of space. Moreover, not everyone uses the oven that comes with it, especially with the advent of a large number of microwaves and electric ovens at an affordable price. For the most part, the hob itself is used for cooking. There is no fundamental difference in the installation of gas and electric hobs, only some of the nuances that will be discussed later in the article.

Required tools, materials

To install the panel, you do not need any expensive and outlandish tools, or special courses. Everything is quite simple, any person who is more or less friendly with his hands can master the process. In the process of work you will need:

  • roulette;
  • a drill with a drill with a diameter of 8 mm or more to drill a couple of holes into which a jigsaw file will fit;
  • electric jigsaw (you can also cut it by hand, but it will turn out longer and more tedious);
  • sealant;
  • special plasticine, self-adhesive sealant or aluminum tape.

This list includes accessories that will be needed unambiguously. Also, depending on the type of surface, other materials will be needed, for example, Teflon or tow for threading, terminals, electrical tape for contacts. The main thing is to get involved in the battle, and there it will be clear what else is needed.


The easiest way to markup is to carefully trace the contours of the panel directly on the table top, ensuring an equal indent from its edges. You can go the other way:

  • first transfer the contours of the shelf above which it is located to the countertop;
  • find the center of the resulting rectangle, mark on the countertop with a cross and make it the middle of the contour under the slab;
  • after measuring the dimensions of the slab with a tape measure, give an additional 5 millimeters of allowance on each side to the prepared hole, the marked cross is the point of intersection of the diagonals and the middle of the hole (it is advisable to make sure that the marking is accurate by drawing the diagonals in the image).


To carry out washed down with a jigsaw, it is necessary to drill holes in the corners of the outlined contour with a drill so that the file goes into them freely. It is enough to make two holes located diagonally relative to each other. Two cuts are made from each hole according to the marking. Most clearly, such cuts are made using a hand router, but not everyone has one, so a jigsaw is a more realistic option. Accurately, according to the markings, at medium speed, slowly lead the jigsaw clearly along the markings, making sure that it does not go to the side. It is highly recommended that you try to make a few cuts on some unnecessary bar.

An important nuance- some people advise doing markings and pruning on the back of the tabletop. The problem is that the laminate covering the front side can chip, and the board will not cover the chip. Therefore, it is easier to make markings with a marker on the front side, and drill and saw also with the front side up.

Installation and sealing

After the cut has been made, the edges of the slot are treated with silicone or other sealant to protect against moisture. Along the perimeter of the hole prepared in this way, a sealant, which is usually included with the plate, is glued from the upper side. Then the slab is inserted and aligned along the contour of the hole, after which the fasteners located on the back side are pressed. If the seal protrudes beyond the edges of the surface, carefully cut off its excess with a knife, being careful not to scratch the countertop.

Features of installing a gas and electrical panel

Important! According to the safety regulations when using gas appliances, it is FORBIDDEN to unauthorized connection of gas appliances, including hobs.

This provision is enshrined in current legislation. The connection is carried out, as a rule, by the employees of Gorgaz, for an appropriate remuneration. You can install the device yourself at your own peril and risk, but you should expect possible sanctions from the organization supplying the gas, up to turning it off and sealing the valve. All installations of gas equipment must be carried out in agreement with the relevant organizations.

If, nevertheless, there is a desire to do the housework on your own, they act in the following sequence:

  • a flexible hose is connected to the gas valve through a squeegee or a fitting;
  • a hole in the furniture for the hose is being prepared;
  • the presence of jets for the main connection of the stove is checked, if they are not installed, it is necessary to install them;
  • the gas inlet nut is connected to the plate, and it is obligatory with an O-ring; the connection angle, as a rule, is included in the set.

Checking for gas leaks is carried out by applying a soap solution to the joints. It should not bubble, if there are bubbles, this indicates a leak, as well as the presence of a characteristic gas smell.

The installation of an electric hob is carried out strictly according to the scheme given in the instructions. If you have little experience with electrical appliances, you should not experiment, it is better to contact a specialist. If the power supply is incorrectly connected, the device may malfunction, or it may fail, as well as the wiring in the apartment. The power supply is connected before installing the tiles in the socket prepared in the worktop.

Various models provide options for connecting the wire either to the outlet or directly to the electrical panel. It should be remembered that an electric hob consumes a fairly large amount of electricity, and make sure that the wiring meets the requirements for power consumption.

I still chose an induction hob. Because I don't have gas in my house, and I didn't want a regular electric one. The panel from the manufacturer HANSA, there will definitely be an article about it, but today is not about that. Today I need to install this hob in my countertop! And I have never done this before, I just saw how the masters do it. But I didn't really want to give 2000 - 2500 rubles, I didn't really want to install the surface, so I decided to install it myself, in principle I succeeded, I think you will succeed ...

The article will be with pictures, so read and see everything step by step.

Guys for a start -. Be sure to read the article so as not to redo the wiring several times later!

1) Tool. To install (cut-in) the hob, we need a jigsaw, drill, tape measure, marking pencils and a flat board, about 1 meter (I have left of the furniture) or a large ruler.

2) Determine the place where we will embed the panel, I have this place above the void for the oven. Of course, the panel can also be embedded over cabinets with dishes and kitchen utensils, but as I think this is not very correct.

3) Try on the panel by eye. The main thing is that there is enough space around the edges.

4) Now the most difficult thing is to mark the dimensions on the countertop. To begin with, I determined the center, just measured the distance (where the installation will be made) and marked the center.

5) Now we take a book, it has all the necessary sizes, you need to try to comply with them. First, I define the horizontal gaps. That is, what size should be set aside from the wall and what should be left to the edge of the countertop. Moreover, these dimensions are already indicated by the manufacturer, here they are in the picture - X and X1. X - 50 mm (up to the wall), X1 - 60 mm (up to the edge). We postpone these dimensions. I have a corner attached, it is 30 mm, so I set aside another 20 mm and that 50 mm from it. At the end, exactly 60 mm remains, you don't even need to measure there.

6) Now the dimension "A" is important for us - this is the width of the slab, we have it 560 mm, that is, 280 mm from the center (which we set aside). Draw two parallel lines from the center at a distance of 280 mm. And in the end, we get all sizes. Take a look.

7) Now we take a drill, insert a drill 8 - 10 mm (to fit the jigsaw file) and drill. We need to drill three to four holes (three are possible, then the last corner in which we do not drill - we will cut to it). Here are my three holes.

8) Next, we take a jigsaw and begin to cut the tabletop, everything is strictly in size. It should be noted the dimensions that are in the instructions already with gaps. We'll have to sweat the worktop is difficult to saw, but after 20 - 25 minutes everything was ready.

9) After that, we simply take out the cut plate and remove it.

10) We remove the sawdust and try to insert the panel into place, everything should be fine! They did it according to the manufacturer's size. The stove moves a little, that is, you can move it slightly to the right - to the left, as well as up and down.

An integral part of the kitchen is a gas stove, behind which, ideally, the husband stands and prepares breakfast for his wife. It is not classic gas or electric stoves that are gaining more and more popularity, but hobs. Their convenience lies in their compactness and the possibility of a separate installation of the oven. But installing them on the countertop will make an inexperienced master sweat. Is it possible to fix such a module on your own and what is needed for this? This will be discussed in the article.

Varieties of hobs

All hobs can be divided into two large groups. The power source unites these groups; it can be:

  • electricity;

In appearance, hobs that are connected to the gas main are practically no different from ordinary stoves. An option for such modules can be an automatic start system, which can be autonomous or dependent on electricity. In the first case, it is represented by a piezoelectric element, which gives a spark at the right time. Gas hobs may vary in size for better usability.

Electric hobs can be of two types:

  • classic;
  • induction.

In a classic hob, a heating element or other heating element plays the role of a burner. Such a module is cheaper and is not particularly economical. Induction hobs are the dream of every modern housewife. The essence of the operation of the product is to heat the product due to the electromagnetic field. Moreover, if you put your hand on a working burner, then you will not feel anything. A metal pan with a thick bottom is required for the product to function properly. In this case, the material from which the dishes are made must be magnetic. The installation process for each of these surfaces is very similar. The difference lies only in the need to connect the gas hose for the first version of the stove.

Installation tool

The entire installation process does not take much time and requires a tool, which may already be in the arsenal of a home craftsman. Among the main tools are:

  • screwdriver or drill;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • roulette;
  • marker or pencil;
  • silicone sealant.

Additionally, you may need a level or a long metal ruler to make it easier to draw straight lines.

Preparatory stage

If we are talking about a hob that is powered by an electrical network, then the preparatory stage will consist in supplying power. The average power consumption of such modules is within 3.2 kW. This means that an ordinary but good outlet will be enough for connection. If the socket was not installed in advance, then you can purchase an invoice option, since it will be easier to mount and you will not need an additional tool in the form of a punch or drill with a crown. The cable for such an outlet must go directly from the distribution board.

This step is being taken in order to provide such a powerful device with a separate circuit breaker that would control its operation. The rated current for which the machine must be calculated is 16 amperes. The best solution would be to install a differential automaton that is able to catch the smallest leaks. The socket is mounted slightly below the table top. This is done not for greater convenience of connection, but so that moisture and fats do not get on it during cooking. The socket must be grounded in case of a short circuit.

Note! It is worth noting that a standard socket can withstand a load of 3.5 kW and a current of 16 amperes.

Step-by-step instruction

An important step during the installation of the hob in the worktop is the marking. Usually, the manufacturer in the technical documentation that comes with the hob indicates what should be the dimensions of the hole for installation. One of the options would be to make a sample from cardboard, which can be used to draw the outline of the future hole. There is another option, how you can make the markup, it can be seen in the photo below.

Place the hob on a worktop but turn it upside down. She will be an example. It must be located in the place where the direct installation will be carried out. The photo clearly shows that it is important to make a small gap from the edge of the countertop to the hob. Usually it is about 5 cm. It is done so that the edge of the cooking surface is not damaged from constant interaction with it.

The next step, as shown in the photo, is to apply the markings. To do this, the hob is simply traced in a circle with a pencil. The lines must be accurate so that they do not have to be redrawn several times, since this will only confuse you later.

The photo shows that the hob has a small protrusion, thanks to which it is fixed in the hole. This protrusion has a certain dimension that must be taken into account. It is also important to mark it on the contour of the future hole, as shown in the photo below.

In this case, it is necessary to make a small gap. If the protrusion has a length of 15 mm, then the size of the hob must only move 10 mm away from the main line. A 5 mm gap is required for smooth installation of the hob into the prepared hole.

After making the markings for the hob, it is necessary to prepare the holes to make it easier to cut the required part. Holes are drilled with a drill or screwdriver at four corners. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the drill does not damage the facade or other elements of the kitchen set. The diameter of the drill should be such that the file fits freely into the hole.

To continue the process of installing the hob, you will need a jigsaw. His file is inserted into the prepared hole and the cut is made. It is important to remember that you need to cut along the inner line, not along the outer line. If a mistake is made, then the surface will simply fall into the hole without fixing.

In the process of work, it is necessary to remove sawdust in a timely manner so that they do not overlap the cutting line, since you can easily get off it and damage the tabletop. During the cut, it is necessary to ensure that the file does not damage the walls of the cabinets or their surface. Before going through the last side, it is necessary to provide the tabletop with sufficient support so that the nail file does not bite, and also so that part of the tabletop does not fall on the leg.

Once the hole is complete, you can try on the hob to make sure it fits properly.

The process does not end there. The table top is most often made from chipboard. If moisture gets on it, then it swells and deforms. When cooking on the hob, such a scenario is inevitable, so it is important to protect the place that has lost the laminated layer. To do this, a special sealant is applied to it, which is used when installing the panels. It simultaneously acts as a fixing base for the entire structure. The layer must be sufficient to cover all moisture accessible areas.

An adhesive sealant is applied to the reverse side of the hob rim, which will additionally fix the product on the countertop. After that, the panel is inserted into its place and gently pressed down until the contact with the surface of the countertop is felt. The sealant that has come out must be removed immediately, since after drying it will be more difficult to do. It is important to check that the abutment is the same over the entire surface. If this is not done, the glass may shatter under the pressure from a heavy saucepan.

Advice! If the hob is glass, then it is important to be careful when applying pressure so that it does not burst.

The fixation does not end there. Special metal plates are supplied with the surface, as seen in the photo above. They must be screwed in such a way that they provide support and prevent the panel from lifting above the table top. You can watch a video about installing the hob below.

Network connection

After completing the installation process, you can proceed to connecting the electrical part. Most often, hobs are supplied in a single-phase version, but they can also be three-phase, which will be useful if three phases come to a house or apartment. Usually the hob has a built-in power cable. But if it is not there, then you will need to buy it separately. To connect, you need a wire marked PVA 3 × 4. Each core of this cable is rated for a rated continuous load of 8 kW.

This is necessary for a small margin, which will exclude overheating of the conductor. The wires are stripped from both sides. With one, a plug is mounted, which in terms of current must correspond to that indicated for the hob. If this is not observed, then it may simply melt. The wire is not monolithic, so you will need to crimp the cores with ferrules. Near the terminal block, where the connection to the hob will be carried out, markings are usually applied.

The Latin letter L denotes the cable through which the phase comes, the letter N denotes zero, there may be a third letter E, which denotes the place where the ground wire is connected. Most often, instead of the third letter, a drawing is applied, which indicates grounding. It is important to firmly fix each core that is crimped with a ferrule with a bolt. The service life will depend on the quality of the contact. If an oven is to be installed under the hob, then a separate socket must be provided for it. The total power consumption of the surface and the cabinet is twice that of a single-phase outlet.


As you can see, the installation of the surface can be done independently without significant skills. During work, all safety precautions and safety measures must be observed. When drilling and working with an electric jigsaw, there must be protective goggles in front of your eyes, which will protect you from flying sawdust. During the installation of the socket and connection of the electrical part, it is necessary to use tools that have dielectric handles that protect against electric shock. Before starting work, it is necessary to de-energize the machine, which is attached to the prepared wire in the kitchen.

Often people are faced with such a question as installing a gas hob with their own hands. A kitchen set, as well as an oven and a gas stove, are not a cheap pleasure these days. People who spend large sums of money on furniture renovation want to save the family budget by installing a gas hob. To carry out this work, you yourself need to take accurate measurements and find out a few nuances for installing equipment.

How to carry out the markup correctly?

The key to a successful installation of the gas hob is the correct marking. The appearance of the kitchen set will depend on this stage of work. A protruding or crookedly installed panel will immediately catch the eye. It is unacceptable to make mistakes in the markup. Even one centimeter can play a decisive role in the installation. If you cut off more from the countertop than necessary, then it will have to be changed. Nowadays, the countertop is the most expensive part of the kitchen set. When installing the panel around the edges, there is no margin, therefore, it is necessary to cut it out with an accuracy of millimeters.

The place for the hob can be marked in two ways:

  1. Put it on the table top, draw a pencil around the contour. This method is considered the simplest.
  2. Make accurate calculations. This method will help you avoid errors during installation.

How to calculate correctly where the place should be?

The installation of the gas hob into the worktop must be carried out when the place has already been marked for it.

Calculation plan:

  1. On the countertop, the inner edges of the drawer are marked, above which the panel itself is placed. This will create two parallel straight lines. If you mentally connect them to the edges of the countertop, you get a rectangle.
  2. You can draw thin lines diagonally with a pencil. This is the center of the rectangle. The next step is to build a coordinate system. It turns out that in it one line will run parallel to the outer edge of the tabletop. Another line will be perpendicular to it.
  3. When the coordinate system is ready, the coordinates of the hob are marked on it. For this, the panel must first be measured. The obtained values ​​should be taken with a small margin.
  4. When the points of the future panel appear on the coordinate system, four straight lines need to be drawn through them. It turns out that two of them run parallel to the table top, and the other two are perpendicular to it.
  5. The result is a rectangle that needs to be cut out. A hole will remain in which the hob will be installed.

What tools do you need to cut a hole?

The installation and connection of the gas hob requires certain tools. To cut a hole for the hob, you will need at least three tools: a milling machine (preferably hand-held), a jigsaw, and a drill. To get the perfect hole, it is best to use a hand-held router. If such an apparatus is not at home, then it is permissible to use a jigsaw. In the absence of the item you are looking for, you can purchase it at the nearest hardware store. The price of a jigsaw is affordable for the average consumer.

You should stock up on a set of screwdrivers. A knife and spatula will come in handy. If there is a set of wrenches, then it must also be prepared. Every homeowner should have a drill.

Materials for installing a gas hob

It is worth stocking up with scotch tape, as well as silicone sealant. You should not save on waterproofing if you want the slab to serve for a long time. It is better to take an imported sealant.

Gas winding is required to connect the panel. You will need to buy a special steel hose. It must be sold with a certificate.

How to cut the hole in the right shape?

You should start cutting the hole with a drill. As a rule, sloppy edges are obtained, which have to be corrected afterwards. It is better to take drills from 8 to 10 millimeters. Gradually, many holes are made around the perimeter of the future panel. Then, using a drill, a slot is made at the same time. It is important to understand that you can only drill from the inside of the worktop.

When the piece falls off, it can damage the kitchen set. Better to put a chair or cabinet under it. Cutting with a jigsaw is much easier than cutting with a drill. First, you need to mark the hole that the person will cut with a drill. It is permissible to do it without resorting to using a drill.

Care should be taken when working on installing the gas hob. It is important not to injure yourself or damage the furniture.

What is waterproofing for?

Installing a gas hob is never complete without waterproofing. When the work on cutting out part of the countertop is completed, it is necessary to make waterproofing. It is important that water does not get onto the countertop. Under its influence, it can deform. The material can swell by absorbing water. Silicone is usually applied to the cut site.

How to choose the right hose when connecting yourself?

It is important to be aware of the danger of connection work, entrust this matter to specialists or work independently under the supervision of a qualified gas service worker.

The main challenge is to choose the right hose. Before purchasing, it must be checked for defects. A certificate must be included with the hose. It is given out in the store.

You can purchase either a metal hose or a rubber one. The second option costs less than the first. They are usually monochromatic.

How do I connect my gas hob myself?

The rules for installing a gas hob are important recommendations from professionals that will help you achieve the ideal installation of your chosen model:

  • Before starting work on the connection, you must open the hob and check if there are any defects on it. It is important that the device is not mechanically damaged.
  • The hob must be placed in the hole. Then you need to connect the gas hose to the gas pipeline. Professionals recommend using a winding at this stage. In this case, the risk of the danger of gas leakage is significantly reduced.
  • When the hose is connected, you must try to open the gas cock. It is required to prepare a soapy solution in order to apply it to the winding. This method helps to determine if there is a gas leak.
  • If the foam does not move and bubbles do not appear, it can be said that there is no leakage.
  • The next step is to connect the hob itself to the connection. It is worth trying to open the burners one by one. Air should come out, usually it takes one minute.

When connecting, it is better to use long hoses, at least three meters. Sometimes people are installing a gas hob and an oven at the same time.