Repair Design Furniture

Rules for installing aerators in the roof. Roof aerator how to install. Prices for aerators

Aerators on the roof are necessary to remove moisture and water vapor that accumulate in the under-roof space. Until recently, an almost annual, seasonal repair of soft roofs was necessary. Mechanical damage to the roofing carpet occurs for various reasons. Installation of devices on the roof, such as poles and antennas, work to clear the roof of ice and snow are some of them. Finding a crack on a soft roof is not an easy task. The damaged area must be opened and cut out. They also organize the drying of the base with gas burners. Then, on the site prepared in this way, put a patch. Installation of aerators minimizes the listed works on the restoration of the roofing carpet.

Purpose of the aerator

Aerators are installed on ventilated soft roofs. These devices are also known as deflectors or wind vanes. They are used on flat and pitched roofs.

The main purpose of the devices is to remove moisture during the operation of the roof from the inter-roof space. When repairing breathable flat roofs, aerators are used to sanitize (dry) old layers.

They are one of the most efficient ventilation systems, with the help of which moisture and condensate are removed from the under-roof space. The material for the manufacture of these devices must be resistant to corrosion and resistant to ultraviolet radiation. It can be acid-resistant stainless steel or weather-resistant and impact-resistant polypropylene.

Why is roof drying so important?

Soft roofing is widely used in housing construction in the construction of multi-storey buildings and cottages. For the construction of administrative, public, industrial buildings, one or another type of soft roof is almost always used. This coating has a lot of advantages, but it is not without its drawbacks.

One of these disadvantages is the accumulation of condensate and moisture in the insulation and screed. As a result, bubbles form on the roof surface, and thermal insulation characteristics deteriorate. This leads to an increase in heat loss throughout the building, the reproduction of mold and mildew.

Further, the destruction of the waterproofing carpet and screed occurs. When moisture enters the under-roof space, the pores of the sand-cement screed are filled with water. At negative temperatures, it freezes and increases in volume, which leads to the gradual destruction of the roofing material and the appearance of gaps in the insulation.

To avoid these negative consequences and eliminate one of the disadvantages of a soft roof, the aeration method is used - drying the layers of the roofing during the operation of the building.

Where does moisture come from?

Humidification of soft roof layers occurs in two directions. First of all, it is atmospheric precipitation: rain, snow, fog. Water seeps through even the smallest cracks in the coating and condenses in the under-roof space. The result is water leakage into the premises, the destruction of the roofing carpet.

Secondly, excess moisture appears in the form of vapors penetrating through the floor slabs from inside the premises. It would seem that processes imperceptible to the eye lead to a fairly rapid occurrence of defects in the roofing layers and their destruction.

The principle of operation and functions of the aerator

The principle of operation of the aerator is based on the existing constant difference in temperature and pressure in the under-roof zone and at the outlet, closer to the external environment. Humid air from areas of high pressure and temperature rises to an area of ​​lower values.

So in the aerator pipe there is an air draft, which removes excess moisture. The principle of operation of the deflector determines its main functions:

  • elimination of condensate that collects in the lower layer of waterproofing, which contributes to the preservation of the material;
  • the output of steam rising from the inside of the building to the external environment, which makes it possible not to accumulate condensate under the roof;
  • an obstacle to wetting of the heat-insulating layer, which helps to reduce heat loss;
  • prevention of the negative impact of moisture on the wooden structures of the rafters and, due to this, an increase in their service life;
  • protection against the formation of bubbles and deformations in the roofing carpet.

Thus, aerators on the roof allow the roof to be used for a long time without reconstruction.

Device types

The design of the aerator on the roof is simple: a pipe with a base for mounting and a cap (or umbrella) on top, which can have a different shape. The cap is needed to protect against the penetration of atmospheric moisture into the pipe, the ingress of birds and insects. According to the design features, the following types of deflectors are distinguished:

  1. point devices. They are located over the entire roof area in a certain order and in areas where there is the greatest need for moisture and vapor removal.
  2. Continuous aerators placed along the entire length of the roof. In turn, they are divided into ridge, pitched and tape (or tape). Tapes are mounted directly in the waterproofing layer.
  3. Turbine aerators are the most powerful. Extraction of moist air is carried out by means of an electric drive. Turbine devices are able to extract the maximum amount of moisture not only from the layers of the roof, but also from the premises of the building. These models cannot be installed on steeply sloping roofs.

Mounting Features

Spot aerators on the roof are installed based on the estimated number. On a flat roof, they are placed evenly over the entire area, always in places of the greatest elevations and at the joints of heat-insulating plates. Usually 100m? install one aerator.

On pitched roofs, deflectors are mounted as close as possible to the ridge, at a distance not exceeding 0.6 m from it. The number of devices is calculated depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roof and the technical characteristics of a particular aerator.

Point models in the roofing carpet are mounted according to a certain technology. A hole is prepared for each unit, equal in diameter to the aerator pipe and completely passing into the insulation layer. A deflector pipe is installed in the hole, which is attached to the roof with self-tapping screws. The docking point is hermetically sealed with the obligatory implementation of an additional layer of waterproofing.

Continuous aerators on the roof are installed in cases where additional air flow is needed. This is required for complex roof structures and a large length of the slope. When installing continuous structures, it is also necessary to carefully seal the joints of the roof and ventilation devices. The principle of installation, fastening and sealing for turbine aerators is the same as for point deflectors.

Prices for aerators

There are many modifications of aerators on the market. Their prices fluctuate widely. The price for the simplest model is 260 rubles. About 3 thousand rubles. there is a turbine aerator. The choice depends on many parameters: the area and structure of the roof, the purpose of the building, the required exhaust power.

In any case, the cost of the exhaust device will pay off many times over, since its installation reduces the periods of roof repairs.

The aerator is installed both when installing a new roofing carpet, and when repairing an existing one. Moreover, new layers can be placed on top of the old ones by cleaning the surfaces from contamination. The aerator will ensure the drying of already exploited layers.

As you can see, this simple device is almost indispensable. By installing aerators on the roof, you will extend the life of the coating and minimize the frequency of repairs.

Useful video: rules for installing aerators on a flat roof

In a two-layer roofing made of built-up materials, Polyvent aerators are installed on the bottom layer of material. In the lower layer of the material at the place of its installation, a hole is cut with a diameter equal to the diameter of the aerator tube through the screed and insulation to the vapor barrier layer. The hole is covered with expanded clay gravel. For better adhesion of the horizontal part of the aerator with the roofing carpet, heated bituminous binder (hot mastic) is applied to its surface. After the bituminous binder has cooled, the aerator is additionally fixed with screws to the screed (if there is no screed, then to the base, through the thermal insulation layer). Then, the top layer of the roofing carpet is welded in such a way that the aerator is in the place of the end overlap of the two roofing panels (150 mm overlap). The adjunction of the roofing carpet to the aerator is smeared with bituminous sealant.

When constructing roofs with a base of reinforced concrete floor slabs, in a single-layer roofing, the Polyvent aerator is installed on a screed. The hole is made through the screed and insulation to the vapor barrier layer. The roofing carpet is laid without sticking to the aerator skirt. A heated bituminous binder (hot mastic) is applied to it. A patch from the upper layer of roofing material based on polyester is welded to the place where the roofing mat meets the aerator. The patch should overlap the aerator skirt and go into the roofing carpet by 150 mm. The aerator is additionally fastened with self-tapping screws, and the adjunction of the roofing carpet is smeared with bituminous sealant.

Aerator installation scheme

Video: Installation of a roof aerator
(video size 17.24 megabytes)

Types of roofing aerators "Polyvent"

- consists of 3 components. A special clamping ring to the roofing provides a thorough seal around the pipe body and significantly enhances the aesthetic properties of the coating. Designed for use in regions with significant snow cover. It is recommended to install one such aerator per 50-60 m² of roof.
Height, mm 340
Weight, kg 0,317
D tubes, mm 75-55
D skirts, mm 270
D cap, mm 146
- consists of 3 components. A special clamping ring to the roofing provides a thorough seal around the pipe body and significantly enhances the aesthetic properties of the coating. It is recommended to install one such aerator per
50-60 m² roof.
Height, mm 260
Weight, kg 0,3
D tubes, mm 75-55
D skirts, mm 270
D cap, mm 146
- consists of 4 components. The unique design of the cap creates additional draft in the pipe, which significantly increases the efficiency of the aerator. Designed for use in regions with significant snow cover. It is recommended to install one such aerator per 80-100 m² of roof.
Height, mm 470
Weight, kg 1,06
D tubes, mm 130-103
D skirts, mm 390
D cap, mm 146
Aerator “POLYVENT-SUPER”- consists of 3 components. The principle of operation of this; aerator is based on the pressure difference caused by air currents. The cap, unique in design, creates additional draft in the pipe. It is recommended to install one aerator per 80-100m² of roof. Polyvent-Super is used where the highest reliability is needed.


Height, mm 470
Weight, kg 1,04
D tubes, mm 148-100
D skirts, mm 390
D cap, mm 210

Water vapor and condensate accumulated in the under-roof space pose a certain danger to the integrity of the roof, up to its destruction. Therefore, the organization of a ventilation system is a mandatory measure during its construction, of course, taking into account the complexity of the shape and size of the roof, the level of humidity in the interior, and the state of the vapor barrier.
A roof aerator is a device whose main purpose is to remove excess moisture not only from any surfaces of the under-roof space, but also from inaccessible places located between the layers of the roof pie. This is just one of its uses. Some types of deflectors are used in sewage systems, as well as in the aquarist environment.

Why the roofing cake must be dry

To get a full answer to this question, you need to understand why water is formed, and what consequences this leads to.

Reasons for the formation of moisture

The most vulnerable from these positions is a soft flat roof. Accordingly, the materials included in the pie are stacked on top of each other directly on the concrete floor slab, which is a barrier between the interior of the house and the external environment. During the operation of such a structure, there is a high probability of peeling or swelling of the roofing. How does this happen?

Water vapor from the upper floors penetrates through the ceiling into the under-roof space and condenses in the heat-insulating layer and cement-sand screed. Moisture can also seep from the outside through the smallest microcracks invisible to the eye that are present on any roofing material. There is also the option of moisture getting into the under-roof space during installation work.

Moisture, once inside the “layer cake”, when heated in hot weather, turns into steam, and he, in turn, trying to “escape” from the confined space, tears the roofing carpet from the base and swells it.

Negative effects of high humidity

First of all, we note the danger of high humidity for human health, since it creates a breeding ground for the development of mold and its spread throughout the house.

Violation of the normal level of humidity leads, as a rule, to violations in the roof structure. The water accumulated over the summer and autumn freezes with the onset of cold weather and begins to expand, simultaneously stretching the roofing from the inside. This can lead to its breaks and even bring the coating to an unusable state. Moreover, frozen water can also damage the screed.

On a note

If, as a result of the destructive action of water, the roof is badly damaged, then it may be necessary to completely disassemble it, dry the surface and replace it with a new one. The event, frankly, is very expensive. The roof aerator is considered the optimal solution for the prevention of such conditions.

Types of aerators

All roof aerators serve to remove condensate from the under-roof space, ventilate and remove moist air to the outside. However, there are certain differences between them:

  • the size,
  • material,
  • modification,
  • mode of action.

Deflector and roofing material

  • For soft roofing:
  • removes steam that has fallen under the roof covering from the room;
  • minimizes excess pressure in the roofing pie, which is very important to ensure the normal operating life of the roof;
  • prevents the formation of condensate.

An excellent solution for soft roofing is the TechnoNIKOL roofing aerator made of weather-resistant impact-resistant polypropylene. In flat roofs, they are installed, evenly distributed over the surface, either at the joints of heat-insulating plates, or in places with the highest mark.

When choosing the diameter of the device, two parameters are taken into account:

  • what technical characteristics does the roofing aerator have;
  • what is the area of ​​the roof.

on the photo is a roofing aerator for metal tiles

  • The main enemy of a metal roof is moisture. The main places of its accumulation are:
  • places under the roofing sheet where scratches remained during the installation process;
  • bolt hole locations.

Installing a deflector on the roof helps remove moisture from the air to the outside and prevents the formation of corrosion. On one sheet mount at most one roof aerator.

The housing of the device is usually made of materials that are resistant to corrosion or acid environments, temperature extremes and UV radiation. The best materials today are stainless steel and durable plastic.

  • Installation under a corrugated roof:
  • fills it with fresh air;
  • removes condensate from the ventilation cushion;
  • removes stale air;
  • removes dust and various gases to the outside.

In pitched roofs, the deflector is installed as close as possible to the ridge, stepping back from it by about half a meter.

Design options

ridge aerator for soft roof

The aerator by design is a short pipe with fastening elements and strips and caps that prevent moisture from the atmosphere, birds and insects from penetrating into the under-roof space. According to the design, there are several options.


The best option is to install the device at the time of the construction of the roof. However, this does not mean that it cannot be mounted on an existing roof. The installation of such devices is carried out in several stages:

roof deflector installation

  • A special hole is made in the roof, reaching the very depth of the heat-insulating material. The dimensions of the hole made must exactly match the diameter of the deflector pipe.
  • If too wet insulation is found at the installation site, it is recommended to partially replace it with a new dry one.
  • To improve adhesion, bitumen is applied to the lower part of the inserted pipe and only then pressed against the base of the roof.
  • An additional branch pipe skirt, a protective frame, is fixed in a circle using self-tapping screws.
  • Additional waterproofing is installed at the bottom of the pipe and all joints are carefully sealed to prevent leakage.

Aerators for metal tiles have a different design. They are mounted on both slopes with a minimum distance of 0.60 m from the ridge. Installation work is recommended to be carried out in the summer.

Video instruction for installing the deflector

All roofs with a rigid internal frame have one thing in common - condensate periodically accumulates in the internal passages and threatens the supporting structures with premature decay and destruction. In this article we will talk about such a useful invention as a roof aerator, which provides ventilation and maintenance of roof structures in a dry form.

Soft roof application

Please note that the installation of the aerator is possible even on flat roofs. In the case of a soft roof, a roof aerator prevents the material from swelling. The principle of operation of this simple mechanism is to remove moisture until it crystallizes under the roofing material. Thus, there is no delamination of the soft coating from the frame structure.

Ideally, the installation of aerators on a soft roof should be carried out simultaneously with the construction of the house. This will save you from the occurrence of mold and rotting beams on the roof. However, even if these devices were neglected at the beginning of construction, they can always be installed later - this is not at all difficult to do.

Soft roofing is currently quite popular and actively used roofing material. It is laid on a reinforced concrete base, on which layers of insulation, waterproofing and a cement-sand screed are applied. As a rule, the waterproofing layer is represented by rolled materials.

Why you need a roof aerator

Depending on the quality of work on waterproofing and insulation, as well as laying a soft roof, its service life may vary. Among the most common defects of such roofs is the accumulation of condensate in the insulation layer and screed. This problem can be eliminated just with the help of a roof aerator. It allows you to reduce the moisture content in the roofing cake and prevent its further accumulation. Therefore, many reasonably believe that thanks to these devices, it is possible to significantly extend the life of a soft roof.

The formation and accumulation of condensate can eventually lead to the following consequences:

  1. Flat roof swelling.
  2. Increase in thermal conductivity.
  3. Defects in the screed or roofing cake.

The most common problem is the swelling of the roof, the causes of which may be:

  • An increase in temperature in summer leads to heating of bituminous materials and changes in their structure, namely, an increase in plasticity. In this case, the degree of viscosity of the mastic on which the roofing material was laid will matter.
  • Accumulation of steam in the space under the roof. Since the roofing pie consists of a lower vapor barrier and an upper waterproofing layer, when the temperature rises, the liquid accumulated between them is converted into steam, creating excessive pressure.
  • Delamination of roofing cake and bitumen-polymer composition. To get rid of the swelling of the coating, the waterproofing must be carefully glued to the base. In addition, you can use the roof aerator.

An increase in thermal conductivity entails significant heat losses and additional energy costs. According to studies, an increase in roof moisture even by 1-2% causes an increase in thermal conductivity by 30-40%. In addition, warm and humid environments favor mold growth.

As for the destruction of the screed, then the reason lies in the porosity of the material. In the normal state, the pores in the cement mortar are filled with air. With excessive moisture in the roof, these pores begin to fill with condensate, which expands as the temperature drops and leads to the formation of cracks and defects in the screed. In this case, the waterproofing layer may also be affected.

When choosing plastic aerators for the roof, in each case it is necessary to determine what caused the increase in humidity.

Causes of increased humidity in the under-roof space

Moisture ingress into the insulation can occur from the external environment due to defects and malfunctions in the roofing pie. In addition, it can also accumulate due to the destruction or damage of the vapor barrier layer. One of the external factors of wetting the insulation can be difficult weather conditions and high humidity.

In cases where the insulation layer accumulates too much water and, therefore, does not have time to fully dry out, it will not be easy to cope with the problem without additional devices. A similar situation is observed in the case of roofs that are constantly wet. In this case, it is almost impossible to achieve positive results.

In the end, you will have to replace the insulation, for which the roof will need to be almost completely disassembled. This process will require too much material and labor resources, which not every owner can afford.

To save money, you can get rid of excess moisture in the roofing cake by evaporation. In this case, all the complex and expensive work on dismantling the roof and replacing waterproofing and insulation will simply not be needed. In addition, thanks to drying, it will be possible not to be afraid of the occurrence of leaks, which, as a rule, occur after roof repairs.

Alternatively, you can use an aerator for ventilation. The operation of such devices is carried out due to the difference between the internal and external pressure of air masses. Thanks to this principle, draft arises in the aerator tube, which is created due to a decrease in pressure under the influence of wind currents from the outside.

To understand why you need a roof aerator, here are the main functions of this device:

  1. The removal of air saturated with steam coming from the interior to the outside. This process occurs constantly, therefore, moisture does not have time to accumulate on the frame structure.
  2. Decrease in internal pressure in the thickness of the roofing cake, due to which, as a rule, swelling of the finishing roofing material occurs.
  3. Prevention of liquid crystallization and its accumulation in the lower part of the waterproofing layer. Otherwise, condensate penetrates into the thickness of the insulation and leads to the loss of its qualities by the material.

By design, an aerator for a roof made of metal or any other material is a pipe with a cross section of 63 to 111 mm. An umbrella is installed over the pipe so that precipitation does not fall into it. As a rule, a roof aerator is made of HDPE polyethylene pipes.

Rules for installing aerators for the roof

The technology for installing roof aerators consists of several steps:

  1. In the thickness of the screed for installing a ventilation pipe, a window is cut through. Its depth should reach the inner layer of insulation.
  2. The condition of the insulation should be checked - the wet material is removed and replaced with a dry one so that its thermal conductivity meets the requirements of the standards.
  3. Now they are fixing the aerator pipe. To do this, first a layer of mastic is applied to its lower part, and then it is screwed to the cement screed using six self-tapping screws. Screw the screws into the aerator skirt at the same distance from each other.
  4. To prevent water from seeping under the device, an additional layer of waterproofing is laid on the base of the ventilation pipe.

To understand whether an aerator is required for a metal roof in each specific case, it is worth considering a number of factors. In particular, the type of construction and size of the roof, the level of humidity in the premises, as well as the reliability and condition of the vapor barrier layer of the roofing pie are important.

For houses with flat roofs that do not have complex lines and are manufactured in compliance with all building standards, the norms for the number of aerators on the roof suggest the installation of one device for every 100 m 2.

However, the distance between individual aerators should not exceed 12 meters. On roofs where the valley and ridge are clearly marked, the installation of ventilation pipes should be carried out along the passage of the ridge and in the valley itself at the watershed boundary.

Please note that if it is initially planned to use the building in conditions of permanent high humidity, for example, for saunas, baths or swimming pools, then special design offices should be involved in calculating the number and location of aerators.

Of course, the installation of roof aerators can be done independently if you have at least minimal skills in construction. However, you can also use the services of professional builders who will do everything quickly and efficiently.

How roof ventilation works

As it has already become clear, the design of the aerator does not provide for any mechanisms that would remove excess moisture from the roofing pie. These devices are something like ventilation ducts that provide air exchange. The unimpeded entry of fresh air into the space under the roof helps to remove excess moisture and maintain the humidity level within acceptable limits. Thus, the main task of aerators is to ensure the flow of air under the roof without interference.

The functionality of the device is maintained in all weather conditions. The fact is that the humidity of freely circulating air will in any case be lower than that of air masses that are concentrated in a closed space under the roof. Ventilation pipes can ensure that excess moisture from the outside does not enter the under-roof space, and excess moist air can freely leave the roof.

It is obvious that providing high-quality ventilation of the roof is quite feasible. All you need is to install a roof aerator. So you can be sure that moist air will not stagnate under the roof, but will be able to circulate freely.

It is noteworthy that the roof aerator does not need special care - you just need to check if the passages are clogged. In general, this is a very simple and reliable device that successfully solves the problems of excessive moisture and allows you to extend the life of any roof.

Only at first unprofessional glance it may seem that the roofing pie is a simple and understandable design. In fact, various physical processes take place inside the roof, which can shorten the life of the roof, regardless of the quality of the materials used. It is very important to properly organize the work of the roof and under-roof space. Therefore, the roof aerator (wind vane) today has become an integral part of a huge number of roofs.

To begin with, it is worth understanding what physical processes we are talking about:

  1. Thermal expansion of materials. All solids and liquids expand when heated. This is explained by the fact that when heat is absorbed, the molecules begin to move more actively, which leads to an increase in the interatomic space and an increase in the volume of the body. For all materials, an indicator such as the coefficient of thermal expansion is used, which, in turn, is divided by the coefficient of volumetric and linear expansion.
  2. vapor permeability of materials. Almost all solids pass steam. Steam is the gaseous state of liquids. The ability to pass steam is characterized by such an indicator as the vapor permeability coefficient.
  3. Condensate. It is a liquid that is formed when a gaseous substance is cooled. Drops of water settle in the roof from moisture-saturated air at a certain temperature. The temperature at which condensation begins to form is called the dew point. The higher the air humidity, the higher the temperature at which condensation forms.
All roofs can be divided into pitched (coated with slate, steel sheets, tiles) and flat (made of built-up bituminous materials). These roofs differ in the structures, materials and technologies used.

pitched roof

A pitched roof is a roof with a sloping surface. A flat roof also has a slope, only the angle of inclination is about 1–4 degrees. For a pitched surface, the slope of the surface starts from 10o, but in this case the attic space will not be passable and suitable for living. Therefore, insulation and additional ventilation are not required. The optimal angle of inclination is considered to be 30-50o. On a pitched roof, snow accumulates less, but there is an additional wind load. It makes sense to install a roof aerator only on insulated roofs above residential attic spaces. Consider what it consists of and what processes take place in the structure. The supporting structure consists of wooden rafters and battens. Insulation, as a rule, is arranged between the rafter legs and is protected from the inside with a vapor barrier film. In the air of any living space there is moisture, the film protects the insulation from getting wet. On the outer side of the insulation under the roofing, a waterproofing film is arranged, which protects the insulation from rain leaks and condensate. Thermal physics of a pitched roof: It would seem that the design is flawless, but not a single film is capable of 100% protecting the roofing pie. As a result, moist air accumulates and stagnates under the roof covering, due to which the wood succumbs to decay and steel corrodes. Installing aerators allows you to deal with this problem, because they organize the circulation of fresh air.

Types and designs

For pitched roofs, a roof aerator is installed in two types:
  1. Point (pitch).
  2. Skate.

They try to install point roofing aerators at the highest points, approximately at the level of 150 mm from the ridge. The outside air is colder, getting into the under-roof space through the eaves, it becomes warmer and tends to rise. The result is an air exchange.
For pitched roofs, the following structures are used:
dottedInstalls at any angle. H=450 mm, D=110 mm. Consumption - 1 pc. for 80 m2.
dottedSize - 530×465×110 mm
Hole size - 250×160 mm.
dottedLength 420 mm. Width 310 mm.
skatingSize - 610×284×34mm. Protected against insects and atmospheric precipitation.

flat roofs

In flat roofs, the roofing pie is arranged differently. The surface of the floor slabs is leveled with a cement-sand screed. Then the heater is laid. On top of the insulation under the roofing carpet, a leveling cement-sand screed or a screed of two layers of flat asbestos-cement sheets is again arranged. The surface of the screed is smeared with bituminous mastic or a primer to improve adhesion (adhesion) with the materials being deposited. The built-up roofing mat is firmly bonded to the screed after installation. But during operation, the materials experience temperature changes in the outside air. The coefficient of thermal expansion for concrete, cement, asbestos, bitumen is different, so tension builds up inside the roofing pie. Cohesion, bonds are broken, air bubbles are formed. Aerators on the roof are installed under the built-up layers in order to relieve stress and remove air bubbles. Installation of roof aerators on a flat roof:

Types and designs

Aerators for roofs made of built-up bituminous materials do not differ in a special constructive variety. They consist of 3 parts:
  1. Skirts - for stability.
  2. Tubes - for exhaust.
  3. Cap - for protection from atmospheric precipitation.
Some models have pressure rings to protect against leaks. The following types of aerators on the roof are produced:
Weight - 0.33 kg.
skirts - 280 mm,
tubes - 75÷55 mm,
cap - 146 mm.
Height - 260 mm.
Weight - 1.05 kg.
Diameter: tubes - 148÷100 mm, cap - 210 mm.
Height - 470 mm.
Weight - 1.23 kg.
skirts - 390 mm,
tubes - 130÷100 mm,
cap - 200 mm.
Height - 470 mm.
Weight - 0.43 kg.
skirts - 280 mm,
tubes - 75÷55mm,
cap - 146 mm.
Height - 360 mm.
All roof aerators are made of high-strength polypropylene and can withstand outdoor air temperature fluctuations from -50°C to +130°C. Consumption - 1 aerator for a roof on an area up to 80-100 m2, but the distance between them is no more than 12 m.

Wind vane installation

As a rule, a roof aerator is installed during the construction and repair of the roof. Installation of a weather vane on the roof is as follows:
  1. The bottom layer of the roofing carpet is welded.
  2. The location where the device will be installed is determined.
  3. A hole equal to the diameter of the tube at the base of the wind vane is hollowed out in the cement-sand screed. The heater is removed from the hole.
  4. The hole in the roof is filled with expanded clay.
  5. The aerator is installed on the roof and fastened with self-tapping screws (or other fasteners) to the screed.
  6. The top layer of the roofing carpet is welded.
  7. You can make an additional layer at the junction of the roofing carpet to the wind vane.

By the way, today many builders and suppliers of materials use the name "wind vane" for aerators. However, they are not exactly the same. Since the time of Peter I in Russia, the design of a weather vane, a device showing the direction of the wind, has appeared from Holland. As a rule, it was installed on a chimney, which is protected from snow and rain by umbrella roofs. Here they are, and there are flyugarki. On the other hand, each aerator also certainly has protection from atmospheric precipitation. We can say that the umbrella-vane is part of the aerator.

Choice and cost

How to choose the right aerator? The design of the aerator depends on the following factors:
  • from the type of roof;
  • on the amount of precipitation, including the height of the snow cover;
  • from the financial possibilities of the owners.
Today, the cost of one aerator is from 300 to 5000 rubles apiece. The price depends on the manufacturer, foreign deliveries, of course, are more expensive. However, it is not worth saving on ventilation, especially since the increased life of the roof will save on its repair in the future.