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Collect the electromagnet with your own hands. How to make powerful electromagnet doing electromagnet

Sometimes a simple question, for example, how to assemble the scattered clips or, moreover, find metal chips, fallen on the carpet turning, turns into a problem. And it is not difficult to decide it. To do this, you need to make an electromagnet with your own hands. Instructions, how to do this is shown in the video lesson.

Video learning "Electromagnets with your own hands (instruction)"

A little from school physics

This is taught since school bench. Objects capable of "magnetic" are two types - magnetically hard and magnetic. The difference between them is not in density, but in the ability of the second to quickly lose their properties. If the object from iron is lost or to led by a strong magnet, he will "learn" himself "to attract minor items. And if you quickly lose the halves of scissors, they can easily "pick up" needles.

Electrotok flowing in the wire creates a magnetic field around it. In order to concentrate it in the electromagnet, you need to wind the wire on the coil. Magnetic field wounded wires, passing through the coil, will increase in it a strong magnetic field.

How to make an electromagnet with your own hands?

For the manufacture of the simplest electromagnet, you will need to cook:

  • copper wire;
  • nail or bolt with nut;
  • paper clips or two plastic washers;
  • stationery tape or sparkling of any color.

Step one:

  • take a nail and wry on it a copper wire;
  • clean the ends of the wire.

Step second:

  • take a piece of cardboard and cut a rectangle from it;
  • divide the rectangle in half;
  • make a light incision and bend.

Step Three:

  • in the halves of cardboard, do the holes;
  • insert the paper clips, when compressing the cardboard between the clips there should be a contact.

Step four:

  • connect the stripped and twisted ends of the wires with clips for paper;
  • secure clips on cardboard;
  • isolate the ends of the clamps with scotch on one side.

Pitch Fifth:

  • connect one crocodile clamp to the battery pole;
  • another clamp connect with a wire wound on a nail;
  • the second end of the wire coming from the nail, connect the crocodile clamp with the battery;
  • fold the cardboard, it will act on the principle of the switch;
  • the nail will "work" as an electromagnet: It turned out an open electrical network.

Check the action of the collected electromagnetic chain. We decompose the design on the table and near the nail we scatter several clips. Connect half the cardboard together, the closed chain: the clips under the influence of the electromagnetic force will "pull" to the nail with a wrapper wound on it.

Earned! You can imagine how with the help of such a simple mechanism you can easily perform boring work with small metal things! And if you enhance the invention, it will be able to "work" even more efficiently.

By the way, the power of the electromagnet can be checked with the help of special devices, which are called magnetometers.

As starting materials for electromagnets, in addition to iron, various alloys are used. The most "strong" magnets, which are made by mixing iron, boron and neodymium. To "break" several small magnets from this alloy, an effort will be required up to 150 kg. But this is in industrial production.

In the meantime, try making yourself an assistant in finding and holding small stationery or work waste in your own hand workshop. Options for electromagnets can be very different.

Invent, invent, try!

The electromagnet is a special type of magnet, in which the magnetic field is created by exposure to the electric current to this magnet. In the absence of current, the magnetic field disappears, and this feature is useful in many areas of electrical engineering.

The electromagnet is a pretty simple device, because its manufacture is quite simple and inexpensive. Even in some schools, the main techniques for the manufacture of electromagnets with a wire, nail and battery are shown. And students are surprised to watch how quickly built electromagnet raises the lungs metal subjects, such as paper clips, pins and nails. But you can also make a powerful electromagnet yourself. direct currentwhich is several times stronger than those that make in classes.

So, first, put your fingers on the wire in 50 centimeters from the end. Wrap the wire around the top of the steel pin (you can take a big nail), starting from the place where your fingers lie on the wire. Perform the winding smoothly and gently until the end of the pin. Having reached to the end, begin to wipe the wire over the first layer, making a new winding towards the top of the pin. Then turn the wire back back along the pin in the direction of its Niza, making the second layer. Cut the wire from the coil, leaving a 50-centimeter wire slice at the bottom of the pin.

Next, connect Upper copper wire to the negative terminal, and the lower - to the positive terminal of the battery. Make sure the wires are well in contact with the terminals. It is advisable to have a battery power button, or you can put the contactor to one of the ends of the wire to feed the power to the electromagnet, the closure chain when necessary. After successful assembly, check the efficiency of the electromagnet, bringing various metal objects to it.

It should be noted that the more powerful battery you use, the more powerful your electromagnet will be. Increase voltage rechargeable battery and use more The electromagnetic coil layers increase the power of the electromagnet. But at the same time it is necessary to monitor the state of the wire, since it can be very hot, which ultimately can be dangerous. If the wire thickness is small, then such a wire will generate more heat.

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When electricity goes on a wire, it creates magnetism around itself. To strengthen it, you can either turn the wire with a spiral, or hide the turns around something made of steel or iron, or increase the number of turns or increase the electric flow - and you can do everything together. Today we will deal with interesting experienceAnd we will do the most real electromagnet.

To collect electromagnet, you will need

New battery type with

Approximately 1m thin wire in plastic insulating coverage

Big, thick steel screw for about 8 cm

Lubes or old scissors

Adhesive tape (optional)

Metal paper clips

We collect electromagnet

1. Remove the insulation from the ends of the wire to bargain a sufficient wire length so that it can be attached to the battery contacts.

2. Retreat of about 10 cm, and then start winding the wire to the screw and take about twenty dense, close to each other turns around it. Starting from one end and moving to the opposite.

3. If you want, you can fix the turns on the place of adhesive tape.

4. Continue winding the wire on the screw over the previous row, moving back to the end from which they started.

5. View how many clips will be attracted to the end of a screw before and after you connect the slimped ends of the wire to the battery.

Try to connect the battery every time only five or six seconds, otherwise its charge will turn quickly. To make even stronger electromagnet, you can use a nine volt battery.

Do you know?

Clean iron loses its magnetic properties When disconnected from the battery, and the steel remains magnetized. Screw, may remain a weak magnet after the end of the experience.

You can explore some more exciting and curious experiences on other part pages. For example, you can create, build, grow

The electromagnet is a very useful device that is massively used in industry and in many areas of human activity. Although this device may seem complicated in its design, but it can be easily in the manufacture and small home electromagnets can be made at home from the remedies.

Let's see the process of creating this homemade in the video:

In order to make a small electromagnet at home we need:
- iron nail or bolt;
- Copper wire;
- Sandpaper;
- Alkaline battery.

At the very beginning it should be noted that it is not advised to take too thick wire. Copper wire with a diameter of one millimeter is perfect for the future electromagnet. As for the size of the nail or bolt, then the ideal option There will be a length of 7-10 centimeters.

So, proceed to the manufacture of a mini electromagnet. First, we need to wind the copper wire on the bolt. It is important to pay attention to ensuring that each round is tightly lightened to the previous one.

It is necessary to wind the wire so that in both ends it remains on a piece of wire.

It remains only to connect our wires to the source, namely an alkaline battery. After that, our bolt will attract metal elements.

The principle of operation of the electromagnet is very simple. When electricity It passes through the coil with the core, a magnetic field is formed, which attracts metal elements. The power of the electromagnet depends on the density of the cooler and the number of layers of copper wire, as well as the strength of the current.

In this video, Creosane can have shown how to make an electric magnet independently. You need to take a transformer from the microwave, cut it out and get winding. Other transformers are also suitable. But powerful and affordable microwaves.

We will need a primary winding. We only included it on the network, and he already begins to vibrate. What will happen when he will attract iron? It's time to test Electromagnet. It can be served on it 12, 24, 36, 48, 110, 220 volts. It may be permanent and alternating current. We turn on the battery from the laptop and see what is capable of homemade. Take the nut and with the participation of the electromagnet by the sparingly of its door. As you can see, he easily dealt with a nut. Let's try to raise something heavier. For example, a lid from the sewer hatch.

There is an idea of \u200b\u200ba simple meter.

The simplest electromagnet in 5 minutes

Further. Another channel (HM Show) released a roller along the same topic.
He showed how to make a simple electromagnet in 5 minutes. For the manufacture of the device, you will need a steel rod, copper wire and any insulating material.

To begin with, insulating the steel rod with a construction tape, excess material cut off. It is necessary to wind the copper wire on the insulating material so that there are as few air gaps as possible. This depends on the magnet power, also on the thickness of the copper wire, the number of turns and the strength of the current. These indicators need to be selected experimentally. After wrapped the wire, wrap it with an insulating material.

We clean the ends of the wire. We connect the magnet to the power supply and supply the four volt voltage with 1 amp strength. As you can see, the bolts are bad magnetic. To strengthen the magnet, we increase the current strength to 1.9 amps and the result immediately changes in best side! With this current, we can already raise and not only bolts, but also nippers with pliers. Try to make using the battery, and the resulting result will write in the comments.