Repair Design Furniture

Rules for working with scaffolding and scaffolding. Safety requirements for scaffolding and scaffolding. What regulates the work of scaffolding at the enterprise

When performing work requiring the use of scaffolding, safety standards should be strictly adhered to. Safety requirements relate to several points, namely:

  • safety and quality of installation and dismantling of the structure,
  • forestry rules,
  • conditions associated with high-voltage equipment and interface with it.

Let's take a closer look at these requirements.

Frame scaffolding used in finishing and construction works can be allowed for operation only after a full cycle of installation installation works from the lower to the uppermost tier. The assembly of tiers, as well as the work itself on scaffolding, can only be carried out by craftsmen who have undergone specialized training and are familiar with the safety instructions. Therefore, in some cases, where the assembly of the structure is carried out by professionals, it is the best option for using this equipment.

Upon acceptance of installed and mounted scaffolding, it is required to check the structure for:

  • reliability of emphasis on the base;
  • compliance of the scaffolding with the installation scheme;
  • quality of scaffolding elements;
  • reliability of fastening to the facade of the building

Scaffolding is a complex prefabricated structure that requires constant checking for compliance with its safety standards. This concerns, first of all, the control of connections and fasteners. In order for scaffolding to be safe for the life of workers, it is required to check the entire structure for compliance with safety standards at least once a decade. Usually this is entrusted to one experienced worker or team foreman.

Requirements for the safety of frame scaffolding

1. Scaffolding must be fixed to the wall as much as possible along the entire height of the product. The design needs to be firmly fixed to the wall in order to avoid spontaneous removal of the scaffold attachment. The number of supports depends on the terrain.

2. The flooring must have a level surface. In order to work at heights and ensure proper safety in winter, the decks must be de-iced and treated with anti-slip agents.

3. It is necessary to install protective devices that prevent damage to scaffolding posts located near driveways.

Mounting and dismantling work on the assembly of the scaffold structure should be carried out only using mounting belts.
It is forbidden (!) to be under the scaffolding during the dismantling of the structure.

Not an extra reminder, but the fulfillment of the necessary safety standards will be the placement of a scheme for lifting workers on the scaffolding. Also, in the instructions attached along the perimeter of the scaffolding, it is necessary to indicate the maximum values ​​​​of loads and the layout of loads.

Safety precautions while working on scaffolding

  1. Work at a height above 5 meters can only be carried out by adults. Such climbing construction and finishing works should be carried out only after reading the safety instructions and obtaining a special permit by the employee.
  2. Workers must climb and descend the scaffolding only from the ladders located on the inside of each section.
  3. Working with loads on a building structure is a separate item of safety requirements. Lifting weights on the scaffolding exceeding the weight specified in the product passport is strictly prohibited.
  4. It is forbidden to work on the scaffolding with wind gusts above 5 points.

Safety measures related to lightning protection and electrical safety

  1. The scaffolding structure must be grounded. Most often, if there is no grounding conductor on the site, a metal container is buried in the soil layer, or such pipes are clogged so that the grounding resistance is not higher than 15 ohms.
  2. High-voltage power lines located at a distance of up to 5 meters from scaffolding must be removed or hidden in wooden boxes.
  3. A prerequisite for safety is the installation of lightning protection devices on scaffolding. In order to protect the structure from damage by atmospheric electric discharges, it is required to mount lightning rods in the form of pipes. Pipes, flattened at one end, will serve as a kind of down conductors, transferring the discharge to the ground electrode.

1.1. To perform work from scaffolding, scaffolding, ladders and step-ladders, employees who have been trained and instructed in safe methods and techniques for performing such work and who are admitted to them by their immediate supervisor are allowed.
1.2. Work at height must be carried out from scaffolding means (scaffolding, platforms, decks, platforms, telescopic towers, suspended cradles with winches, ladders and other similar auxiliary devices and devices) that provide safe working conditions.
1.3. All scaffolding used to organize workplaces at height must be registered, have inventory numbers and plates indicating the date of the conducted and next tests.
1.4. The arrangement of flooring and work on random stands (boxes, barrels, etc.) is prohibited.
1.5. With a wind force of 6 points (10-12 m / s) or more, with a thunderstorm, heavy snowfall, sleet, work at a height in the open air is not allowed.
1.6. When performing work from scaffolding, scaffolding, ladders and step ladders, employees must comply with the safety requirements set forth in this instruction.

2.1. Before starting work, you must:
- tidy up work clothes; fasten cuffs and all buttons of special clothing;
- check the serviceability of scaffolds, scaffolding, ladders, ladders;
- check, if necessary, their use, protective equipment (safety belts, cables, ropes, etc.), whether they have been tested and whether there are tags indicating the date of the last test;
– make sure that the work area is adequately lit.
2.2. Ladders and ladders must be inspected by the immediate supervisor of the work. Faulty ladders and ladders must be replaced.
2.3. Stairs must be strong, reliable and meet the following requirements:
- the total length of wooden portable ladders in all cases should not exceed 5 m, and ladders used to perform light work at height should be of such a length that it is possible to work from a step located at a distance of at least 1 m from the upper end of the ladder ;
- the wood used for the manufacture of ladders and step-ladders must be seasoned and dry, without knots and cracks and treated with antiseptic and fire retardant compounds;
- steps of wooden ladders and ladders must be firmly inserted into the slotted and drilled holes in the bowstrings. The distance between the steps should not exceed 0.4 m. The bowstrings of the stairs should be fastened with tie bolts at least every 2 m, as well as under the upper and lower steps;
- the lower support ends of the attached vertical and inclined ladders must have stops in the form of steel sharp tips or rubber shoes to prevent slipping of the lower base when installed on the ground, asphalt, concrete and other surfaces;
- ladders used for work on communication lines must have hooks in the upper part to prevent the ladder from falling from wind and accidental shocks;
– ladders with platforms should be pyramidal, strong, stable and easily moved.
- the lower ends of the bowstrings of the stepladders should be upholstered with rubber on one side, and equipped with wheels on the other side. 4-wheel ladders with platforms must be equipped with a device that allows the wheels to be sunk in the event that an employee steps onto the ladder;
- Sliding stepladders must have locking devices that protect them from spontaneous separation during operation.
2.4. Do not install ladders on the roof, flights of stairs and in other places that do not have a horizontal base.
2.5. It is not allowed to install ladders, supporting them with glass windows, stained-glass windows, etc.
2.6. Workers of all specialties to perform even short-term work at a height (1.5 m or more) from ladders should be provided with safety belts and, if necessary, safety helmets. Safety belts issued to workers must be tagged with a test mark.
2.7. In winter, when performing work outdoors, the means of paving must be systematically cleared of snow and ice and sprinkled with sand before and during work.
2.8. Electric wires located closer than 5 m from the stairs (scaffolds) must be protected or de-energized for the duration of the work.

3.1. Simultaneous work in 2 or more tiers vertically is prohibited.
3.2. The loads on the scaffolds should not exceed the permissible values ​​established by the project (passport).
3.3. It is forbidden to stack the tool at the edge of the platform, throw it and materials on the floor or on the ground. The tool must be stored in a special bag or box.
3.4. When ascending and descending from a height, it is forbidden to hold tools and parts in your hands, they must be raised and lowered on a rope, cable or in bags over your shoulder.
3.5. It is forbidden to toss any objects to serve to the worker at the top. Serving should be done with the help of ropes, to the middle of which the necessary items are tied. The second end of the rope should be in the hands of the worker standing below, who keeps the objects being lifted from swinging.
3.6. A person working at height must ensure that there are no people below his workplace.
3.7. When using ladders and ladders, it is prohibited:
- work on unreinforced structures and walk on them, as well as climb over fences;
- work on the top two rungs of the ladder;
- two workers should be on the ladder or on one side of the ladder;
- move up the stairs with a load or with a tool in hand;
- use stairs with steps sewn with nails;
- work on a faulty ladder or on steps doused with slippery substances;
- increase the length of the stairs, regardless of the material from which they are made;
– stand or work under stairs;
- install ladders near rotating shafts, pulleys, etc.;
- perform work with pneumatic tools;
- Perform electrical work.
3.8. If, when working inside a building, it is not possible to securely fasten the top of the ladder, then a worker must be at its base to maintain the ladder in a stable position.
3.9. If it is necessary to work with simultaneous support of parts, step-ladders with upper platforms protected from 3 sides by railings with a height of at least 1 m should be used. The height of the side railing of the platforms should be at least 0.15 m.
3.10. In order to prevent accidents in case of accidental drops of any objects, tools, etc. areas dangerous for finding people should be fenced off, have clearly visible warning signs and be guarded by a specially assigned worker.
3.11. When working on slatted platforms, a dense boardwalk should be arranged to prevent falling of tools and materials from them.
3.12. If any malfunctions, signs of incipient destruction are found, all work should be immediately stopped, workers should be evacuated from a height and reported to the immediate supervisor.

4.1. In the event of an emergency, stop work, disconnect the power tool from the mains, notify the surrounding people about the danger, report to the immediate supervisor about the incident and act in accordance with his instructions.
4.2. In case of fire or fire, immediately inform the fire brigade by phone - 01, start extinguishing the fire with the available primary fire extinguishing equipment, report the fire to the immediate supervisor.
4.3. Provide first aid to victims of injury, poisoning, sudden acute illness, following the instructions "" (I 01-2014), if necessary, call an ambulance by phone - 03.

5.1. Clear scaffolding, scaffolding, ladders from debris, dirt, etc.
5.2. Remove ladders and tools to the place provided for their storage.
5.3. Report all detected shortcomings and malfunctions during work to the immediate supervisor.

This instruction on labor protection during the operation of scaffolding, scaffolding, scaffolding and ladders is available for free viewing and downloading.


1.1. This Instruction provides for the basic requirements for labor protection in the operation of scaffolding, scaffolding, scaffolding and ladders.
1.2. Persons at least 18 years of age who have special training, have passed a medical examination, have tested their knowledge of labor protection requirements in the prescribed manner and have received permission to work independently are allowed to operate scaffolds, scaffolds, scaffolding and ladders.
1.3. During the operation of scaffolding, scaffolding, scaffolding and ladders, the following hazardous and harmful production factors are possible:
- work at height;
- increased or decreased air temperature at the workplace, adverse conditions, gusts of wind;
- increased air humidity;
- collapse of loose structural elements of buildings and structures;
- sharp edges, burrs and uneven surfaces of equipment, tools, inventory.
1.4. All scaffolding used to organize workers must be registered, have inventory numbers and plates indicating the date of the conducted and next tests.
1.5. During the operation of scaffolding, scaffolding, scaffolding and ladders, the employee is provided with overalls and special footwear, personal protective equipment in accordance with applicable standards.
1.6. To protect against falls from a height during the operation of scaffolding, scaffolding, scaffolding and ladders, it is necessary to use a safety belt.
1.7. When operating scaffolding, scaffolding, scaffolding and ladders, it is necessary to know and strictly comply with the requirements for labor protection, fire safety, and industrial sanitation.
1.8. When operating scaffolds, scaffolds, scaffolding and ladders, the employee notifies his/her immediate supervisor of any situation that threatens the life and health of people, of every accident that occurs at the workplace, of the deterioration of his health, including the manifestation of signs of an acute illness .
1.9. The presence of unauthorized persons in the working space during the operation of scaffolding, scaffolding, scaffolding and ladders is not allowed.
1.10. The work must be carried out in accordance with the technical projects, technical instructions.
1.11. When operating scaffolds, scaffolds, scaffolding and ladders, an employee must undergo labor protection training in the form of: introductory briefing, initial briefing at the workplace and special training in the scope of a training program for the profession, including labor protection issues and requirements for job duties by profession.
Before being allowed to work independently, an employee must undergo an internship under the guidance of an experienced employee.
1.12. When operating scaffolding, scaffolding, scaffolding and ladders, the employee must:
- observe the rules of internal labor regulations and the established regime of work and rest;
- to perform work that is part of his duties or entrusted by the administration, provided that he is trained in the rules for the safe performance of this work;
- apply safe work practices;
— to use and correctly apply means of individual and collective protection;
- be able to provide first aid to the injured.
1.13. When operating scaffolds, scaffolds, scaffolding and ladders, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of this instruction, as well as the requirements of the manufacturers' instructions for the operation of the protective equipment, tools and equipment used to ensure protection from the effects of hazardous and (or) harmful production factors associated with the nature work.
1.14. When working with power tools, you must have an appropriate electrical safety group.
1.15. Smoking and eating is allowed only in places specially designated for this purpose.
1.16. It is not allowed to perform work while in a state of alcoholic intoxication or in a state caused by the consumption of narcotic drugs, psychotropic, toxic or other intoxicating substances, as well as to drink alcoholic beverages, use narcotic drugs, psychotropic, toxic or other intoxicating substances at the workplace or at work. time.
1.17. An employee who violates or fails to comply with the requirements of the labor protection instructions endangers both himself and others, therefore he is considered as a violator of production discipline and may be subject to disciplinary liability, and, depending on the consequences, to criminal liability.


2.1. Put on the overalls and special footwear provided for by the relevant standards. Overalls must be buttoned up. Prepare personal protective equipment (safety belts, cables, ropes, etc.), make sure that they are in good condition, whether they have been tested and whether there are tags indicating the date of the last test.
2.2. Check the serviceability of scaffolds, scaffolding, ladders, ladders.
2.3. Make sure the work area is adequately lit.
2.4. Ladders and ladders must be inspected by the immediate supervisor of the work. Faulty ladders and ladders must be replaced.
2.5. Stairs must meet the following requirements:
- the total length of wooden portable ladders in all cases should not exceed 5 m, and ladders used to perform light work at height should be of such a length that it is possible to work from a step located at a distance of at least 1 m from the upper end of the ladder ;
- the wood used for the manufacture of ladders and step-ladders must be seasoned and dry, without knots and cracks and treated with antiseptic and fire retardant compounds;
- steps of wooden ladders and ladders must be firmly inserted into the slotted and drilled holes in the bowstrings. The distance between the steps should not exceed 0.4 m. The bowstrings of the stairs should be fastened with tie bolts at least every 2 m, as well as under the upper and lower steps;
- the lower support ends of the attached vertical and inclined ladders must have stops in the form of steel sharp tips or rubber shoes to prevent slipping of the lower base when installed on the ground, asphalt, concrete and other surfaces;
- ladders used to work on communication lines must have hooks in the upper part to prevent the ladder from falling from wind and accidental shocks;
- ladders with platforms should be pyramidal, strong, stable and easily moved;
- the lower ends of the bowstrings of the stepladders on the one hand must be upholstered with rubber, and on the other hand - equipped with wheels. 4-wheel ladders with platforms must be equipped with a device that allows the wheels to be sunk in the event that a worker steps onto the ladder;
- Sliding stepladders must have locking devices that protect them from spontaneous separation during operation.
2.6. Do not install ladders on the roof, flights of stairs and in other places that do not have a horizontal base.
2.7. It is not allowed to install ladders, supporting them with glass windows, stained-glass windows, etc.
2.8. When operating scaffolds, scaffolds, scaffolding and ladders to perform work at height from ladders, workers must be provided with safety belts and, if necessary, protective helmets. Safety belts issued to workers must be tagged with a test mark.
2.9. In winter, when performing work outdoors, the means of paving must be systematically cleared of snow and ice and sprinkled with sand before and during work.
2.10. Electric wires located closer than 5 m from the stairs (scaffolds) must be protected or de-energized for the duration of the work.
2.11. It is forbidden to start work when:
- malfunctions of the safety belt, safety device or ladders, ladders or bridges in which, according to the instructions of the manufacturers, their operation is prohibited;
- damage to the integrity or loss of stability of building structures at the work site;
- malfunctions of technological equipment and tools specified in the instructions of manufacturers in which their use is not allowed;
- untimely conduct of the next tests or the expiration of the service life of protective equipment installed by manufacturers;
- insufficient illumination of workplaces and approaches to them;
- finding people in places on which work will be carried out.
2.12. Check the availability of first aid kits, complete with medical supplies and dressings for first aid.
2.13. Report all detected malfunctions of equipment, inventory, electrical wiring and other malfunctions to your immediate supervisor and start work only after they have been eliminated.


3.1. Work only in serviceable overalls and safety shoes and use personal protective equipment.
3.2. Work in the presence of blocking devices, with sufficient illumination.
3.3. Do not allow strangers to the place of work.
3.4. Do not stand on loose or unstable structures or scaffolding.
3.5. Keep the workplace in order and cleanliness, avoid cluttering with tools, fixtures, and other items.
3.6. Use safe work practices when using tools and equipment.
3.7. Use proper tools and fixtures.
3.8. It is forbidden to use scaffolding, scaffolding, scaffolding and ladders without protective equipment.
3.9. With a wind force of 15 m / s or more, with a thunderstorm, heavy snowfall, sleet, work at a height in the open air is not allowed.
3.10. Simultaneous work in 2 or more tiers vertically is prohibited.
3.11. The loads on the scaffolds should not exceed the permissible values ​​established by the project (passport).
3.12. It is forbidden to stack the tool at the edge of the platform, throw it and materials on the floor or on the ground. The tool must be stored in a special bag or box.
3.13. When ascending and descending from a height, it is forbidden to hold tools and parts in your hands, they must be raised and lowered on a rope, cable or in bags over your shoulder.
3.14. It is forbidden to toss any objects to serve to the worker at the top. Serving should be done with the help of ropes, to the middle of which the necessary items are tied. The second end of the rope should be in the hands of the worker standing below, who keeps the objects being lifted from swinging.
3.15. When using ladders and ladders, it is prohibited:
- work on unreinforced structures and walk on them, as well as climb over fences;
- work on the top two rungs of the ladder;
- two workers should be on the ladder or on one side of the stepladder;
- move up the stairs with a load or with a tool in hand;
- use stairs with steps sewn with nails;
- work on a faulty ladder or on steps doused with slippery substances;
- increase the length of the stairs, regardless of the material from which they are made;
- stand or work under stairs;
- install ladders near rotating shafts, pulleys, etc.;
- perform work with pneumatic tools;
- Perform electrical work.
3.16. If, when working inside a building, it is not possible to securely fasten the top of the ladder, then a worker must be at its base to maintain the ladder in a stable position.
3.17. If it is necessary to work with simultaneous support of parts, step-ladders with upper platforms, fenced on 3 sides with railings with a height of at least 1 m, should be used. The height of the side railing of the platforms should be at least 0.15 m.
3.18. Dangerous places for people to find must be fenced, have warning signs.
3.19. Work on slatted platforms should be carried out with a dense boardwalk.
3.20. In places where workers climb onto scaffolding and scaffolding, posters should be placed indicating the layout of their placement and the values ​​​​of permissible loads.
3.21. Scaffolds with a height of more than 4 m from the ground level, floor or platform on which the scaffold stands are installed, to be operated only after acceptance by the person appointed responsible for the safe organization of work at height.
3.22. Do not allow the operation of scaffolds and scaffolds up to 4 m high without their acceptance by the work manager with a note in the log of acceptance and inspection of scaffolds and scaffolds.
3.23. If no work has been done from the scaffolding for a month or more, they are re-accepted before the resumption of work.
3.24. When working on scaffolding, a safety system must be used.
3.25. Do not allow the use of scaffolding, scaffolding, devices and scaffolding tools that do not have inventory numbers.
3.26. Use scaffolds made according to standard designs.
3.27. With a multi-tiered nature of the scaffolding, scaffolding ladders must be equipped with protective screens.
3.28. When inspecting forests, the following should be checked:
- the presence or absence of defects and damage to scaffolding structural elements that affect their strength and stability;
- strength and stability of forests;
- the presence of the necessary protections;
- the suitability of scaffolding for further work.
3.29. During operation, scaffolding means, scaffolding ladders and scaffolds should be cleaned of debris, and in winter - cleared of snow and ice and, if necessary, sprinkled with sand.
3.30. Do not allow the scaffold to be used after installation without carrying out appropriate tests.
3.31. When performing finishing (plastering and painting) work at a height under which other work is being carried out, scaffolding must have flooring without gaps.
3.32. When performing work near driveways, scaffolding means should be located at a distance of at least 0.6 m from the dimensions of vehicles.
3.33. It is not allowed to perform work:
- on portable ladders and ladders near and above rotating working machines, conveyors;
- using manual machines and gunpowder tools;
— gas and electric welding;
- tensioning wires and maintaining heavy parts at a height.
To perform such work, scaffolding, scaffolding and stairs with platforms fenced with railings should be used.
3.34. When operating mobile scaffolding, the following requirements must be met:
- the slope of the surface along which the scaffolding means are moved in the transverse and longitudinal directions should not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in the passport or the manufacturer's instructions for this type of scaffolding means;
- the movement of scaffolding means at a wind speed of more than 10 m/s is not allowed;
- before moving, scaffolding must be freed from materials and containers and there should be no people on them;
- the doors in the scaffold enclosure should open inward and have a double-acting locking device that protects them from spontaneous opening.
3.35. It is forbidden to work on faulty and untested ladders, climb them.
3.36. When working from a ladder, a special worker must be in the places where people pass to hold the ladder. Ladders installed on smooth surfaces must have rubber-lined bases, and those installed on the ground must have sharp metal tips.
3.37. Follow the rules of movement in the premises and on the territory of the organization, use only the established passages.


4.1. In the event of a breakdown of equipment that threatens an accident at the workplace, stop its operation, as well as the supply of electricity, gas, water, raw materials, products, etc. to it; report on the measures taken to the immediate supervisor (the person responsible for the safe operation of the equipment) and act in accordance with the instructions received.
4.2. In an emergency: notify the surrounding people of the danger, report to the immediate supervisor about the incident and act in accordance with the emergency response plan.
4.3. In the event of a fire, turn off the electricity, call the fire brigade by phone 101 or 112, report the incident to the management of the enterprise, and take measures to extinguish the fire.
4.4. In the event of an accident, it is necessary to provide the victim with first aid, if necessary, call an ambulance by calling 103 or 112, inform your immediate supervisor and keep the situation at the workplace unchanged until the investigation, if it does not pose a threat to employees and does not lead to an accident.


5.1. Clear scaffolding, scaffolding, ladders from debris, dirt, etc.
5.2. Remove ladders and tools to the place provided for their storage.
5.3. Change clothes. Put away overalls, safety shoes, personal protective equipment in the designated place.
5.4. Take a shower, wash your face and hands with warm water and soap.
5.5. Notify the work manager of any malfunctions and shortcomings noticed during work.

2.2.1. Work at height is carried out from scaffolding, scaffolding or using other devices and means of scaffolding that provide conditions for safe work.
2.2.2. Scaffolding and scaffolding must comply with the requirements of GOST 24258 - 88, GOST 27321 - 87.
2.2.3. Scaffolding, scaffolding and other devices for working at heights must be made according to standard designs and taken by the organization for inventory.
Inventory scaffolding and scaffolding must have a manufacturer's passport.
The use of non-inventory scaffolding is allowed in exceptional cases, and their construction must be carried out according to an individual project with calculations of all the main elements for strength, and scaffolding as a whole - for stability. The project must be endorsed by an employee of the labor protection service, approved by the chief engineer (technical director) of the organization.
2.2.4. The mass of assembly elements per worker during manual assembly of scaffolding should be no more than:
25 kg - when installing scaffolding at a height;
50 kg - when mounting means of scaffolding on the ground or ceiling (with their subsequent installation in working position by mounting cranes, winches, etc.).
2.2.5. Box-shaped and tubular scaffolding elements must be made in such a way that moisture accumulation in their internal cavities is excluded.
2.2.6. Scaffolding means, the working platform of which is located at a height of 1.3 m or more from the ground or ceiling, must have railings and side railings.
2.2.7. The steel structures of the paving means must be primed and painted. The color of the paving means must comply with the requirements of GOST 12.4.026 - 76.
2.2.8. Scaffolding and scaffolding can be wooden or metal collapsible.
Wooden scaffolding and scaffolding are made from dry coniferous and hardwood wood of at least grade 2 according to GOST 8486 - 86, subjected to antiseptic protection.
2.2.9. Wooden boards of flooring and side railings of scaffolding flooring are subjected to deep impregnation with a flame retardant compound. Nails in wooden decking boards are hammered under the hat and bent.
2.2.10. The service life of inventory scaffolding must be at least 5 years.
2.2.11. Scaffolds are equipped with ladders or ramps securely fastened to them, providing safe ways for workers to enter and leave the scaffolding.
2.2.12. The surface of the earth, on which the scaffolding means are installed, must be planned (leveled and rammed) to ensure the removal of surface water from it.
2.2.13. In cases where it is impossible to meet these requirements, the scaffolding must be equipped with adjustable supports (jacks) to ensure the horizontal installation or temporary support structures must be installed to ensure the horizontal installation of the scaffolding.
2.2.14. Forests and their elements:
a) must ensure the safety of workers during installation and dismantling;
b) must be prepared and mounted in accordance with the project, have dimensions, strength and stability corresponding to their purpose;
c) railings and other protective structures, platforms, floorings, consoles, props, cross-beams, stairs and ramps should be easily installed and securely fastened;
d) must be maintained and operated in such a way that their destruction and loss of stability are excluded.
2.2.15. Scaffolding is designed for maximum load with a safety factor of at least 4.
2.2.16. Scaffolds not intended for independent use are rigidly attached to buildings, installations, structures with a horizontal and vertical fixing point spacing specified in the manufacturer's technical documentation.
2.2.17. In the absence of instructions on fastening scaffolding means in the project for the production of works or in the manufacturer's instructions, fastening of scaffolding to the walls of buildings (objects) is carried out at least through one tier for the extreme racks, through two spans for the upper tier and one fastening for every 50 m2 of projection scaffolding surface on the facade of the building (object).
It is not allowed to attach scaffolding to parapets, cornices, balconies and other protruding parts of buildings and structures.
2.2.18. Scaffolding facilities located near the passages of vehicles are protected by fenders so that the size of the vehicles does not approach them at a distance closer than 0.6 m.
2.2.19. Scaffolding and devices used as supports for working platforms, decks must be of a solid structure, stable base, have an appropriate system of braces and stiffeners, fixedly fixed, to ensure stability.
2.2.20. The loads affecting the scaffolding means during the production of works should not exceed those calculated for the project or technical conditions. If it is necessary to transfer additional loads to scaffolding and scaffolding (from machines for lifting materials, lifting platforms, etc.), their design must be checked for strength and, if necessary, reinforced.
2.2.21. In places where workers climb onto scaffolding and scaffolding, posters are placed indicating the layout and values ​​​​of permissible loads, as well as the scheme for evacuating workers in the event of an emergency.
2.2.22. Metal scaffolding is made from straight metal pipes that do not have dents, cracks and other defects that violate the strength of the elements.
2.2.23. Collapsible metal scaffolding must have reliable connections for stackable risers.
2.2.24. For scaffolding, only metal fasteners (bolts, strings, clamps, brackets, etc.) should be used.
2.2.25. Pipes, fittings, couplings used in tubular scaffolding must comply with the assortment and specifications.
Alloy and steel tubes must not be used simultaneously in scaffold construction.
Pipes must not have cracks, chips, excessive corrosion, visually determined curvature, pipe ends must be strictly perpendicular to the pipe axis.
Couplings are made of forged steel, and they should not cause deformation of the pipes during assembly and disassembly.
Fittings and couplings must not have defects, deformations and must be periodically lubricated.
2.2.26. To ensure stability, the scaffold racks along the entire height are attached to the solid parts of the building (structure) or structure.
The places and methods of fastening the racks are indicated in the project for the production of works.
2.2.27. It is not allowed to fasten scaffolding and scaffolding to protruding and unstable parts of the building and structures and install scaffolding on structural elements without confirmation by calculating their strength.
If necessary, the construction of scaffolding and scaffolding near hot surfaces or equipment elements protect the wooden parts of the scaffolding from fire.
2.2.28. The load on the decking of scaffolding, scaffolding of lifting platforms should not exceed the permissible values ​​established by the project (passport).
2.2.29. The accumulation of people on the decks in one place is not allowed. If it is necessary to transfer additional loads to the scaffolding (from lifting mechanisms, lifting platforms, etc.), these loads must be taken into account in their design.
3.2.30. Flooring on scaffolding and scaffolding must have a flat surface with gaps between the elements of no more than 5 mm and be attached to the scaffold crossbars.
The ends of the joining elements of the flooring are placed on supports with an overlap of at least 20 cm in each direction. To avoid the formation of thresholds, the ends of the overlapped elements are beveled.
The width of decking on scaffolding and scaffolding should be: for stone work - at least 2 m, for plastering - 1.5 m, for painting and assembly work - 1 m.
At the same time, scaffolding used for plastering or painting in places under which other work is being carried out or there is a passage must have flooring without gaps.
2.2.31. When laying flooring elements (boards, boards) on supports (fingers, girders), they check the strength of their fastening and make sure that these elements cannot be shifted.
2.2.32. The supports and hangers of the decks are calculated with a sufficient margin of safety, providing for the lifting of the maximum possible number of workers and materials on them.
2.2.33. Racks, frames, support ladders and other vertical scaffolding elements are installed and unfastened with ties according to the project. Support risers are reliably strengthened from loosening by spacers and braces.
Under the ends of each pair of racks of the scaffolding in the transverse direction, a solid (continuous) lining of a board with a thickness of at least 5 cm is laid. The supporting linings are laid on a pre-planned and compacted surface.
Aligning the lining with bricks, stones, scraps of boards and wedges is not allowed.
2.2.34. When performing work from scaffolding with a height of 6 m or more, there must be at least two decks: working (upper) and protective (lower), and each workplace on scaffolds adjacent to a building or structure must, in addition, be protected from above by a deck, located at a height distance of not more than 2 m from the working platform.
Work in several tiers along one vertical without intermediate protective flooring between them is not allowed.
In cases where the performance of work, the movement of people and vehicles under the forests and near them is not provided, the installation of a protective (lower) flooring is optional.
2.2.35. With a multi-tiered nature of the work, to protect against falling objects, platforms, decking, scaffolding, scaffolding ladders are equipped with protective screens of sufficient strength and size.
2.2.36. Scaffolds are equipped with ladders or ladders for lifting and lowering people, located at a distance of no more than 40 m from each other. On scaffolding less than 40 m long, at least two ladders or ladders are installed. The upper end of the ladder or ladder is fixed to the crossbars of the scaffolding.
Openings in the scaffolding for exit from the stairs are fenced. The angle of inclination of stairs should be no more than 60 ° to the horizontal surface. The inclination of the ladder should be no more than 1:3.
2.2.37. To lift the load on the scaffolding, blocks, struts and other small-scale mechanization tools are used, which should be fixed according to the project.
Openings for the movement of goods must have four-sided fences.
2.2.38. Near the driveways, scaffolding means are installed at a distance of at least 0.6 m from the dimensions of vehicles.
2.2.39. Scaffolds with a height of more than 4 m are allowed for operation after their acceptance by the commission with the execution of an act.
The scaffold acceptance certificate is approved by the chief engineer (technical director) of the organization accepting the scaffolding for operation. It is allowed to approve the act of acceptance of scaffolding, constructed by the contractor for its own needs, by the head of the site (workshop) of this organization.
Until the approval of the act, work from the scaffolding is not allowed.
1 Scaffolding height is measured from the level of the ground, floor or platform on which scaffolding racks are installed.

2.2.40. Scaffolding and scaffolding up to 4 m high are allowed for operation after they are accepted by the work manager or foreman with the appropriate entry in the Log of Acceptance and Inspection of Scaffolding and Scaffolding.
When accepting scaffolding and scaffolding, the following is checked: the presence of ties and fasteners that ensure stability, the strength of the attachment points of individual elements; serviceability of working decks and fences; verticality of racks; reliability of support platforms and availability of grounding (for metal scaffolding).
The curvature of the racks should be no more than 1.5 mm per 1 m of length.
2.2.41. In repair and maintenance organizations, the forest is inspected daily by the work manager.
In construction and installation organizations, scaffolding is inspected daily by the work foreman (foreman) and at least once every 10 days by a foreman or foreman before starting work.
The results of the inspection are recorded in the Logbook of acceptance and inspection of scaffolding and scaffolding.
2.2.42. When inspecting forests, it is established:
a) the presence or absence of defects and damage to scaffolding structural elements that affect their strength and stability;
b) strength and stability of forests;
c) the presence of the necessary fences;
d) the suitability of scaffolding for further work.
Scaffold inspections are carried out regularly within the time limits stipulated by the technical conditions for scaffolding, as well as every time after a break in operation, exposure to extreme weather or seismic conditions, or other circumstances that may affect their strength and stability.
2.2.43. Scaffolding, from which no work has been carried out for a month or more, is re-accepted before the resumption of work. Additional inspection is subject to scaffolding located in the open air, after rain or thaw, which may affect the bearing capacity of the base under them, as well as after mechanical impacts. If deformations are detected, the scaffolding must be corrected and re-accepted in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs. 2.2.39 and 2.2.40 of the Rules.
2.2.44. Floors and stairs of scaffolding and scaffolding must be periodically cleaned of debris during work and daily after work is completed, in winter - from snow and ice and, if necessary, sprinkled with sand.
2.2.45. Scaffolding and scaffolding, from which work is temporarily not performed, should be maintained in good condition.
2.2.46. Work from random supports (boxes, barrels, etc.), as well as from trusses, rafters, etc. not allowed.
2.2.47. In order to avoid hitting the scaffolding with a load suspended from the crane hook, turning the crane boom simultaneously with lifting (lowering) the load in the immediate vicinity of the scaffolding is not allowed.
Raise and lower the load on the flooring should be at minimum speed, smoothly, without jerks.
2.2.48. Assembly and disassembly of scaffolding are carried out in compliance with the sequence provided for by the work plan. Employees involved in the assembly and disassembly of scaffolding must be instructed on the methods and sequence of work and safety measures.
Access for unauthorized persons (not directly involved in these works) to the area where scaffolding and scaffolding is installed or dismantled must be closed.
2.2.49. Metal scaffolding is not allowed to be installed closer than 5 m from the masts of the electrical network and operating equipment. Electric wires located closer than 5 m from scaffolding must be de-energized and grounded, or enclosed in boxes, or dismantled during their installation or disassembly.
2.2.50. During work at height, the passage under the work site must be closed and the danger zone fenced and marked with safety signs in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12.4.026 - 76.
Scaffolding located at the entrance to the building is equipped with protective canopies with solid side cladding to protect people from objects accidentally falling from above.
Protective visors should protrude beyond the scaffolding by at least 1.5 m and have a slope of 20° towards the scaffolding.
Clear passage height must be at least 1.8 m.
2.2.51. When organizing a mass passage in the immediate vicinity of the scaffolding, the places of passage of people are equipped with a continuous protective canopy, and the facade of the scaffolding is closed with a protective mesh with a cell size of not more than 5x5 mm.
2.2.52. The gap between the wall of the building or equipment and the working deck of the scaffolding installed near them should not exceed 50 mm for masonry and 150 mm for finishing work.
When performing thermal insulation work, the gap between the surface to be insulated and the working platform must not exceed double the thickness of the insulation plus 50 mm. Gaps of more than 50 mm in all cases when no work is being done must be closed.
2.2.53. It is not allowed to carry out partial dismantling of scaffolding and leave them for work from them without taking appropriate security measures.
2.2.54. When using factory-made scaffolding, it is necessary to follow the manufacturer's instructions, while frames of different types of scaffolding should not be used together.
Factory-made scaffolding must be equipped with fasteners that ensure the rigidity of the scaffolding structure.
2.2.55. Scaffolding must be used for its intended purpose, and technical supervision is established for the conditions of their use in the organization.
2.2.56. When lifting heavy loads onto the scaffolding or when moving them along the flooring, scaffolding platform, it is necessary to avoid sharp blows to the scaffolding structures.
The load on the scaffolding should, as far as possible, be evenly distributed.
When lifting loads onto the scaffolding, it is necessary to provide insurance with a rigging rope to prevent impacts on the scaffolding.
2.2.57. Scaffolding should not be used for storing materials. Only those materials that are directly used (recycled) are supplied to scaffolding.
2.2.58. Work on outdoor scaffolding during thunderstorms, wind speeds of 15 m / s or more, heavy snowfall, fog, ice and other cases that threaten the safety of workers should be stopped.
2.2.59. During the dismantling of scaffolding adjacent to the building, all doorways of the first floor and exits to the balconies of all floors within the dismantled area are closed.
2.2.60. When operating mobile scaffolding, the following requirements must be met:
a) the slope of the surface along which the scaffolding means are moved in the transverse and longitudinal directions must not exceed the values ​​\u200b\u200bspecified in the passport or the manufacturer's instructions for this type of scaffolding means;
b) the movement of scaffolding at a wind speed of more than 10 m/s is not allowed;
c) before moving the means of scaffolding must be freed from materials and containers and there must be no people on them;
d) doors in scaffold enclosures must open inward and have a double-acting locking device that protects them from spontaneous opening.
2.2.61. Suspended scaffolding and scaffolding after their installation can be allowed for operation after testing with a static load that is 20% higher than the standard, with exposure under load for 1 hour and with positive results - after a subsequent test in the dynamic loading mode with a load that is 10% higher than the standard .
The test results are reflected in the act of acceptance into operation of scaffolding, scaffolding or in the Log of acceptance and inspection of scaffolding and scaffolding.
2.2.62. In cases of repeated use of suspended scaffolding or scaffolding, they can be allowed for operation without testing, provided that the structure on which the scaffolding (scaffolding) is suspended has been tested for a load that is at least twice the calculated one, and the scaffolding has been fixed with standard units ( devices that pass the required tests.
2.2.63. Suspended scaffolding must be attached to solid parts of the building (structure) or structures to prevent swinging.
2.2.64. Laying the flooring on the fingers of suspended scaffolding and using them is allowed after the elements to which the scaffolding is suspended are firmly fixed.
2.2.65. Strengthening of hooks, clamps and fingers of suspended scaffolding on mounted or repaired structural elements is carried out before they are lifted.
Hooks for hanging scaffolding before installation are subjected to a static load test that exceeds the working load by 2 times, with exposure under load for 15 minutes. The test results are documented in an act.
2.2.66. For mobile scaffolding, it is necessary to use steel ropes with a safety margin of at least nine times.
2.2.67. Cables (ropes) at the points of their attachment to the cradle or to mobile scaffolding and the winch drum must be firmly fixed. The movement of cables when lifting and lowering cradles and mobile scaffolding must be free. Friction of cables on protruding structures is not allowed. When moving cradles and scaffolding, it is necessary to monitor the correct winding of the cable on the winch drum.
2.2.68. Cradles and mobile scaffolds from which work is not performed must be lowered to the ground.
2.2.69. Winches used for lifting and lowering cradles and mobile scaffolds must be supported on a foundation or ballasted to ensure their stability under double the working load. The ballast is firmly attached to the winch frame.
Access of unauthorized persons to winches is not allowed.
2.2.70. Suspended cradles must comply with the requirements of GOST 27372 - 87.
2.2.71. The drive must be controlled from the cradle by continuously pressing the button of the control device; when pressing stops, the cradle drive must stop.
2.2.72. Suspended cradles have a four-sided fence with a height of at least 1.2 m, from the side of the work front - at least 1.0 m and an onboard fence along the perimeter with a height of at least 0.15 m. Doors in the cradle fence are prohibited. The hook for hanging the cradle is equipped with a safety lock to prevent it from falling.
2.2.73. Cradles must be equipped with a limit switch that automatically turns off the drive motor when the cradle approaches the console installed at the top, at a distance of 0.5 - 0.6 m.
2.2.74. The cradle winches are equipped with two brakes that operate automatically and independently of each other when the winch engine is turned off.
2.2.75. The drive of the cradles must have a device for their manual lowering.
2.2.76. Every day before work, the condition of cradles, mobile scaffolding and ropes is checked and a test is carried out to simulate a break in the working rope.
2.2.77. Hanging cradles, in addition to the general requirements for scaffolding, must meet the following special requirements:
a) platforms of cradles must be sized to ensure the stability of the structure as a whole;
b) the number of anchor fastenings of the cradle hangers should be comparable with the dimensions of the platform;
c) the safety of workers must be ensured by an additional rope with its fastening, regardless of the attachment points of the ropes of the cradle suspension;
d) anchor fastenings and other supporting elements of suspended cradles must have appropriate strength;
e) ropes, winches, blocks or hoists are designed, manufactured and operated in accordance with the requirements for the design and operation of lifting mechanisms designed to lift people;
f) flooring of cradles must be solid;
g) cradles are equipped with catchers. The maximum fall of the cradle before it is stopped by the catchers should be no more than 0.15 m.
2.2.78. Each node of the metal structures of supporting, hanging and mobile scaffolding and cradles after manufacture is subjected to control and testing, which must be documented by an acceptance certificate. After that, a control assembly of scaffolding is carried out, which are additionally checked and tested.
2.2.79. The control assembly of the support scaffolding should be carried out without much effort, while checking:
correct installation of all nodes by external inspection;
vertical installation of racks using a plumb line (the angle of inclination should be no more than 1 °);
ease of connection of crossbars, handrails (barriers) and sides with racks;
the tightness of the hooks of the stairs to the crossbars, and the lower ends - to the flooring;
reliability of installation and fastening of racks;
reliability of fastening of the fencing of openings on crossbars and decking;
the presence of boards that exclude the possibility of falling tools, pieces of material, etc.
Floorings must comply with the requirements of paragraph 2.2.30 of the Rules.
2.2.80. The testing of support and suspension scaffolds after the control assembly is carried out with a load of 2.5 kPa (250 kgf/m2) evenly distributed over the upper tier, with holding under load for 10 minutes. After the test, the forests are sorted out. All of their elements should be disassembled without significant effort. In the elements, the integrity of the welds, the absence of residual deformations, the invariability of geometric shapes and sizes are checked. Found defects must be eliminated and the tests repeated. An act is drawn up on the test results.
2.2.81. Manufactured cradles are subject to inspection and testing. During inspection, special attention is paid to the correctness and reliability of fastening drives, catchers and other components.
2.2.82. The cradles are tested with a static load exceeding the calculated one by 50%. When testing, the cradle rises to a height of 100 - 200 mm and is kept in this position for 10 minutes. After that, the cradle is lowered and the condition of its components (framework, drive, catchers, etc.) and parts is checked. Residual deformation is not allowed. During dynamic testing with a load exceeding the calculated one by 10%, it is necessary to lower and raise the cradle evenly (without contact with the floor) to check the interaction of units, drives and braking devices. When testing the safety gear, at least three tests should be carried out to simulate the breakage of each cargo (working) rope, while the safety rope must be clamped by the safety gear. The cradle catchers are tested with a load equal to the capacity of the cradle, and at least three times at different lifting heights of the cradle.
After the test, the cradle must be lowered and the condition of its components and parts checked. The detected defects are eliminated and the test is repeated. An act is drawn up on the results of the test. Mobile scaffolds are tested in the same way as cradles.
2.2.83. Mounted hanging scaffolds are allowed for operation after testing them for 1 hour with a static load exceeding the calculated one by 20%.
Mobile scaffolding, in addition, are tested with a dynamic load exceeding the calculated one by 10%.
The results of scaffolding tests are reflected in the act of their acceptance and in the Log of acceptance and inspection of scaffolding and scaffolding.
In cases of repeated use of suspended scaffolding, they can be allowed for operation without testing, provided that the structure on which the scaffolding is suspended has been tested with a load exceeding the calculated one by at least 2 times, and the scaffolding has been fixed by standard units (devices) that have passed the tests.
2.2.84. When moving mobile scaffolding, they should not contain materials, containers, garbage.
The presence of workers on the relocatable scaffolding is not allowed.
2.2.85. During breaks in work, it is not allowed to leave mobile scaffolding in a raised state.
2.2.86. Mobile scaffolds must comply with the requirements of GOST 28012-89.
2.2.87. The scaffold as a whole, the decking of the working platform and other load-bearing elements of the scaffold must withstand a static load that is 1.25 times higher than the standard load of 2000 N/m2 (200 kgf/m2).
2.2.88. All bearing horizontal scaffold elements must withstand a concentrated static load of 1300 N (130 kgf) applied in the middle of the element, railings - 700 N (70 kgf).
2.2.89. The height of the railing of the scaffold railing must be at least 1.1 m, the side railing of the working platform flooring - at least 0.15 m.
2.2.90. For lifting and lowering people scaffolds are equipped with ladders.
2.2.91. Each wheel of the undercarriage of the scaffold must be equipped with a brake device.
2.2.92. Mobile scaffolds must have a plate containing the trademark and name of the manufacturer, the symbol of the scaffold, serial number, date of manufacture.

When working at production sites at height, the scaffolding tools and other devices used to ensure the safety of work must comply with the current SNiP and other regulations on labor protection. The width of the flooring of the mounting scaffolds must be at least 1 m. Scaffolds, ladders, scaffolding must be fenced with railings at least 1 m high. Scaffolds up to 4 m high are allowed for operation after they are accepted by the responsible work executor. Scaffolds with a height of more than 4 m are allowed for operation after they are accepted by the relevant commission with the execution of an act. To service production equipment located at a height of more than 1.5 m, platforms with stairs with railings should be built.

Scaffolding, scaffolding and other devices for working at heights must be inventory, made according to standard designs. Scaffolding and scaffolding can be made of both metal and wood. With a length of ladders and bridges of more than 3 m, intermediate supports must be installed under them. The width of ladders and bridges should not be less than 0.6 m, and the decks - less than 1 m.

All main elements of scaffolding are calculated for strength, and scaffolding in general - for stability. Scaffold racks must be attached to the solid parts of the building or structure along the entire height. The places and methods of their fastening should be indicated in the project for the production of works. Scaffolding and scaffolding must have a flooring with a flat surface, made of solid boards with a thickness of at least 40 mm, with gaps between the elements of the flooring boards of not more than 5 mm. The flooring must be attached to the crossbars of the scaffolding. Scaffolding and scaffold decks, located at a height of 1.3 m and above, must have fences consisting of posts, handrails 1 m high, one intermediate horizontal element and a side board with a height of at least 150 mm. It is forbidden to fasten scaffolding to parapets, cornices, balconies and other protruding parts of buildings and structures. Scaffolding and scaffolding during their operation must be inspected by a responsible work manager.

The area for erection and dismantling of scaffolding and scaffolding must be fenced and safety signs posted in it in accordance with the requirements of current state standards. Mounting and dismantling of scaffolding and scaffolding at a height in open places with a wind speed of 10 m/s or more, with heavy snowfall, rain, thunderstorm or ice is prohibited. When disassembling scaffolding and scaffolding, it is necessary to use lifting mechanisms. Installation of scaffolding and scaffolding, their disassembly and repair must be carried out by workers trained for these works and carried out under the supervision of a responsible work foreman. Scaffolding made of metal must be grounded.

Safety requirements for the operation of scaffolds, ladders, ladders

The total length of the attached wooden ladder should not exceed 5 m. The distance between the steps of portable ladders and ladders should be within 150-250 mm. Ladders and ladders must be equipped with devices (hooks, chains) that prevent their spontaneous shift and overturning during operation. At the lower extremities of ladders and step-ladders, there must be fittings with sharp tips for installation on the ground, or put on shoes made of rubber or other non-slip material for using ladders on smooth surfaces (parquet, metal, film, etc.). The upper ends of the ladders attached to the pipelines must be equipped with special hooks.

It is prohibited for more than one person to be on a portable ladder and ladder at the same time. It is forbidden to work from a ladder, standing on a step located at a distance of less than 1 m from its upper end, to work on portable ladders and ladders in the following cases:

  • o finding them near and above the rotating mechanism;
  • o performance of electric and gas welding works;
  • o maintaining large or heavy items aloft. Ladders must be used to carry out these tasks.

or ladders equipped with upper platforms, fences, railings. It is forbidden to lift and lower the load on the ladder and leave the tool on it, to install ladders and ladders on the steps of the flights of the stairwell.