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Good and Evil in G.Kh. Andersen "The Snow Queen. Good and evil in the fairy tale The Snow Queen (Andersen H.K.) The theme of good evil in the snow queen

All-Russian Festival of Pedagogical Creativity (2015/2016 academic year)
Nomination: Pedagogical Ideas and Technologies: Secondary Education.
Title of the work: “The struggle between good and evil in the fairy tale of Kh.K. Andersen "The Snow Queen".

Place of performance: MBOU "School No. 12 of Blagoveshchensk".

Lesson topic: “The struggle between good and evil in the fairy tale of H.K. Andersen "The Snow Queen"

UMK M. A. Snezhnevskaya, O. M. Khrenova

Literature grade 5. Textbook for educational institutions. At 2 o'clock G.I.Belenky

Lesson type: creativity lesson.

The purpose of the lesson: Help students to comprehend the greatness of the beauty and power of the human heart, love and true friendship.

Lesson Objectives:


Improve the skills of characterization of the hero, the ability to work with text.


Develop the skills of expressive reading, monologue speech of students;

Develop thought processes: highlight the main thing, compare, generalize, draw conclusions; enrich vocabulary;

Develop the creativity of students.


To develop the competence qualities of a person, to bring up kindness, compassion, loyalty to friendship.

Equipment: multimedia presentation, exhibition of illustrations for the fairy tale by H.K. Andersen "The Snow Queen", a textbook, handouts for students (envelopes with "shard pictures", Sheets for students), audio recordings of the waltz "Fantasy" by P.I. Tchaikovsky and the song "On the Way of Good" (author to lyrics by Yu. Entin).

Methodical techniques: work in small groups, expressive reading, reading by roles, elements of text analysis, vocabulary work, research work, comparative characterization of characters, conversation on questions, analysis of illustrations, teacher's comments, syncwine, "Microphone" technique.

During the classes

Organizing time

  1. Call stage.
- Today we have the second lesson on the tale of H.K. Andersen "The Snow Queen". We begin it to the sounds of the waltz "Fantasy" by P.I. Tchaikovsky and plunge into the wonderful world of fairy tale heroes.

In order to determine the topic of our lesson, I suggest that you collect two "shard pictures".

(Pictures "mirror" and "rose". Students work in pairs).

Take a look at the pictures you get. What do these two objects represent in the fairy tale? Read the epigraph to the lesson and tell me what will become the subject of our conversation?

Andersen taught me the light faith in victory

sun over darkness and a kind human heart

over the evil ...

K. Paustovsky

Yes, today we will talk about the struggle between good and evil in the tale of H.K. Andersen "The Snow Queen". (Slide number 2)

2 . Content comprehension stage.

And what is good and what is evil in your understanding?

We read in the dictionary of S.I. Ozhegova (Slide number 3)

Good is everything positive, good, useful.

Evil is something bad, harmful.

And who in the fairy tale is the bearer of evil?

(The troll who invented the mirror and the Snow Queen)

And who is opposed to these evil forces?

(Gerda and her assistants who met along the way).

Problematic question: Why was the small, fragile Gerda stronger than the formidable Snow Queen? What is her strength?

- Let's compare them. Think, is there something in common between Gerda and the Snow Queen? What about the differences?

1. To do this, we will conduct a small research work... Your task: to compare the appearance of Gerda and the Snow Queen and draw a conclusion.

- If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then what can you say about the Snow Queen?

(She has no soul)

Of ice, dazzling white (cold) - golden glow (warm)

The eyes shone like stars (cold) - a sweet face, friendly, like a rose (warm).

3. To better understand and feel the world of the Snow Queen and the world of Gerda, let's see illustrations by contemporary British artist Christian Birmingham. (Slide number 4-10)

Which artist portrayed the Snow Queen?

(He saw her through Kai's eyes ( "She was lovely and tender").

And what does her beauty carry?

Conclusion: Beauty is not always kind. Andersen makes us think about what makes a person truly beautiful.

4. What is the Snow Queen's world like? What actions does she do? Does she love anyone? Does the word love apply to her?

Howcold as deserted was in these white, brightly lit palaces! The fun never came in here! ..Cold, deserted, dead! )

What happened in nature when the Snow Queen passed on her sleigh? What artistic techniques does the author use?

The storm howled and moaned as if sang old songs; they flew over forests and lakes, over seas and solid land; blew under themcold winds, wolves howled , the snow sparkled, flew screamingblack crows , and above them shone a big clear month! "

Forest pigeons told Gerda: “They flew over the forest when we chicks were still lying in the nest; she breathed on us, and that's alldied except for the two of us ").

Kiss of the Snow Queen - "Kissto death ».

What associations do you have with the world of the Snow Queen?

Conclusion: The World of the Snow Queen is evil, death, cold, snow, lifelessness, cruelty, hatred, selfishness.

5. Now let's continue our acquaintance with the illustrations by Christian Birmingham and see what the artist saw Gerda?

What world does she live in?

(Slide - 11-18)

6. What associations do you have with Gerda's world?

Write down your associations. Read it.

Conclusion: Gerda's world is good, warmth, love, friendship, joy, tears, roses, loyalty, devotion, faith, selflessness, perseverance, self-sacrifice.

What motivates Gerda when she decides to go in search of Kai? What gives her strength?

(Love! She really misses: "Many tears were shed; Gerda cried bitterly and for a long time")

So, Gerda sets off on a journey where many trials await her. Let's go and we will go with her on the road of Good and see what love is capable of!

7. Task "Logical chains". Reconstruct the sequence of events.

(Slide number 19).

8. We will depict Gerda's path in the form of a circle.(Slide number 20)

And this is no coincidence. And why, you will try to answer at the end of the lesson.

Who does Gerda meet during her trip?

1. The old lady-sorceress. Is she good or bad? Whom does the sweet old woman resemble?

(“She took Gerda by the hand, took her to her house andlocked the door with a key " ).

Conclusion: And again we are convinced that Evil sometimes puts on the mask of Good, and then it is difficult to recognize him.

How could Gerda escape from the captivity of the old woman? How did she deal with evil?

(Heart haunted her)

«… Wished the girl well and asked her where is she wandering around the world all alone? "

"My fiancee sends you a thousand bows and this little loaf."

Raven and his bride help Gerda to enter the palace of the Prince and Princess.

3. Prince and Princess.

They are kind? How do they help the girl?

("She was given shoes, a muff, and a wonderful dress," a golden carriage, which was "chock-full of sugar pretzels, and a box under the seat with fruit and gingerbread."

Did the meeting with the kind, selfless girl Gerda somehow influence them?

(They also wanted to do something good: they pardoned and wanted to reward the crows - they offered them to become free birds or take the position of court crows; they were very kind to Gerda).

4. Little robber.

Which forces does it belong to - good or evil?

Why has the little robber changed?

(Gerda melted her heart with her story and tears. The robber realized that, in addition to evil, there is also love, loyalty, self-sacrifice).

What good have you done?

(She let Gerda go, returned her things and, most importantly, let her beloved reindeer go with her)

Conclusion: This means that goodness gives rise to goodness. We see how Gerda's goodness is transmitted and to those with whom she meets, it is transmitted in a circle and returns to her, making her stronger. And during her difficult journey she herself understands "how kind all people and animals are!"

5. Lapland and Finnish woman. On the way of Gerda, two more kind people meet - a Lapland woman and a Finnish woman. Both are trying to help her.

The reindeer asks the Finn to give the girl the strength of 12 heroes. And then she will defeat the Snow Queen. What did the Finnish woman say?

("Stronger than she is, I cannot make her. Can't you see how great her strength is? Don't you see that both people and animals serve her? After all, she walked around half the world barefoot! But she shouldn't learn from usabout her strength that lives in her heart ; her strength is that she is an innocent sweet child. ")

6. The path to the palaces of the Snow Queen.

What did the girl have to overcome?

("Alone in the bitter frost, no shoes, no mittens").

How did Gerda cope with the forces of evil on the outskirts of the Snow Queen's castle (the forward units of the Snow Queen's army)?

(She was helped by faith, she read the prayer "Our Father ...")

7. At the Snow Queen.

How did Gerda find Kai? How could you bring him back to life?

(Reading roles from words “She freely entered the vast deserted ice hall to words "Became vigorous and healthy").

("Gerda began to cry; hot tears fell on his chest, penetrated into his heart, melted his ice crust and melted a splinter."

"Gerda kissed Kai on both cheeks, and they bloomed again with roses")

Output: So, Gerda defeated the forces of Evil. Kai and Gerda, happy, returned home. (The last point in the circle).

3. Stage of reflection.

1. Creative work. Sinkwine (by options).

An example option:


Loving, persistent

Loves, seeks, fights

Love can overcome anything.

The Snow Queen

Cold, angry

Freezes, kills

Evil always destroys, kills.

And our path of Goodness is over, the circle is closed!

Why do you think the path of Gerda, the path of Good, we depicted in the form of a circle?

- The poet Marina Tsvetaeva wrote about this in her poem:

Yet you do not faint in spirit,

As the trials come, it's time -

Humanity is alive alone

All-round guarantee of good!(Slide number 21)

- Why did Gerda defeated the Snow Queen, defeated the forces of evil? What is her strength?

(Before great love, the power of the cold sorceress has dried up. Good always carries in itself all-conquering love.)

Summarizing. Marking.

D. z. To choose from:

1. Letter to Gerda or the Snow Queen.

2. Task 9 p. 234.

2. Reception "microphone"

artist for ...

classmates for ...

- And I want to say thank you, my students, for a confidential conversation, for creativity, for kind, smart thoughts!

Today we have seen with you once again that the path to kindness is not an easy, long path, on which ups and downs await a person, an alternation of good and evil. We also learned that kindness is strength. Do not be afraid to be strong, do not get tired of doing good, and it will definitely come back to you!

I want you to start each new day of your life with a kind smile, with a good mood. Let's follow the laws of kindness, believe in the victory of a good human heart over an evil one. Let us join hands in the “mutual responsibility of good” and finally understand that the willingness to give others a particle of our warmth, care, attention is real happiness.

Performance of the song "On the Way of Good"

Ask a strict life which road to take

Where in the world should the white go in the morning?

Follow the sun, even though this path is unknown

Go, my friend, always walk the road of good.

Forget your worries, ups and downs

Don't whine when fate is not acting like a sister.

But if it is bad with a friend, do not hope for a miracle,

Hurry to him, always walk the road of good.
Oh, how many different doubts and temptations there will be,

Remember, this life is not child's play.

Drive away temptations, learn the unspoken law:

Go, my friend, always walk the road of good.

Drive away temptations, learn the unspoken law,

Go, my friend, always walk the road of good.

Hans Christian Andersen is one of the great personalities of this world. After all, it is he who owns an excellent creation - the fairy tale "The Snow Queen". This tale is not like many others that describe the lives of princesses and princes. But here there is a main struggle, inherent in almost all fairy tales, between good and evil.

On the side of good is the little girl Gerda. She grew up in the simplest family.

She has a very large and open heart. This can be understood because, overcoming difficult trials, she goes to the aid of her younger brother Kai, who was in the hands of the evil Snow Queen. On her way, the girl meets many difficulties. She meets evil people. But when they met this girl, their hearts changed and they were filled with love.

Gerda was able to get into the ice mansion of the Snow Queen. And with her tears, she was able to melt the ice in her brother's heart. This girl, despite her small age, had the greatest strength. And the name of this power is Love.

Love in our time is the most important thing that can be. After all, good cannot exist without love. And only together these two best traits of a person can defeat even the most terrible evil.

Updated: 2017-06-08

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Literature lesson in grade 5 on the topic: "The victory of good over evil in the fairy tale of H. K. Andersen" The Snow Queen ". Lesson type: generalization. Target : develop an interest in the study of literature; broaden the outlook of students. Tasks : develop skills in characterizing characters, analyzing text; to help students understand what mental strength it cost Gerda the search for Kai, to formulate the idea of ​​the tale of H.C. Andersen. Equipment : portrait of the writer, cards for assignments, presentation. The course of the lesson.
1. Organizational moment. 2. Introductory speech of the teacher. 3. Representation of teams. 4. Presentation by the jury. 5. The game.
Let's remember the content. Several warm-up contests. 1.Contest "Stories in Order" Specify the numbers of the stories in order "Boy and girl" "Prince and princess" "Lapland woman and Finca" "Flower garden of a woman who knew how to conjure" "What happened in the palaces of the Snow Queen and what happened next" "Little robber" "Mirror and its fragments" 7b ...
2. Competition "Whose are these things?" ( 14 items ) 14b. (7b. + 7b.) Drawings: "Mirror" - troll "Box with roses" - parents "Sleigh" - Snow Queen "Red shoes" - Gerda "Straw hat with flowers" - old witch woman "Comb" - old witch woman "Crowns" - prince and princess "Sanki" - Kai "Carriage" - prince and princess "Big mitten and knife" - robber "Dress, muff" - Gerda "Collar" - deer "Long knife" - little robber "Cod" - Lapland woman
3. Competition "Flower" What flower in a fairy tale is a symbol of love and kindness and more than once helps Gerda?(THE ROSE)
Where in the fairy tale does the flower itself occur or is it mentioned?(Students name themselves in turn - 2b., With the help of the teacher - 1b., Did not name - 0b.) 1) boxes with roses 2) rose bushes in the old witch's garden 3) a rose on an old woman's hat 4) a psalm where roses are mentioned ( psalm - religious chant) 5) Gerda's face is compared to a rose when an old witch admires her 6) Kai's cheeks bloomed with roses when Gerda saved him.
4.Contest "Conversation of GOOD and EVIL" In the tale of H.C. Andersen, as in any fairy tale, good is opposed by evil. Let's define who and what serves in the fairy tale GOOD and who and what helps EVIL. (On the board, the inscriptions "GOOD" and "EVIL".) GOOD EVIL
Distribution of words into groups (students take turns to the desk, take cards with words and distribute them in columns) Roses, troll, parents, grandmother, animals, Lapland woman and Finnish woman, snow army, mirror, prayer to God, Christ, angels, robbers, prince and princess (1b each for correct choice)
To go further, you need to complete the task of the next competition. 5. "Repetition" competition Match terms and definitions Trope a definition that emphasizes the qualities, properties of an object, phenomenon Epithet exaggeration to enhance the artistic impression Metaphor the use of a word in a figurative sense Comparison unnamed similarity of one object or phenomenon to another Hyperbola comparison of one subject with another, with it there are unions how, like, like, like, like etc. 5 B.
6. Competition "Artistic techniques help to characterize a character, object, phenomenon"
1) Snowy queen epithet - from snow, cold metaphor - cold, lifeless, cold calculation in everything, if only she was good at the comparison - like a dead hyperbole - from a small snowflake turned into a woman
Does the Snow Queen represent good or evil? (We add "evil" to the group.) 2) And the old witch?
She listened to the girl, regretted it, took her to her place. But she closed the doors with a key. The room is lit with a bright, rainbow light, Gerda ate cherries, and the old woman combed her hair with a golden comb. But Gerda forgot Kai. The old woman was not an evil witch and used to conjure occasionally, for her own pleasure. But she decided to keep the girl with her.
What is more in it, GOOD or EVIL?
Describe the old lady. (She closes the doors, does not want to let the girl go, she bewitched her, although she knows that Gerda is looking for Kai, and maybe he will die without her, the old woman thinks only of herself, she is selfish, this is evil).

7. "Picture gallery" competition 1) Biographies of artists.
Nika Georgievna Golts(born 1925) was born in Moscow in the family of an architect. Graduated from the Moscow Secondary Art School, then the Art Institute. She worked in the publishing house "Children's Literature", "Fiction". Throughout his long life, N. Golts has been drawing fairy tales. In 2002, the publishing house "EKSMO-Press" published the book "The Snow Queen" with new illustrations by the artist.
Boris A. Diodorov(born 1934) - People's Artist of Russia, was awarded medals for his work, among which there is Andersen's gold medal. Fame came to him after the publication of the books "The Wonderful Journey of Niels with Wild Geese", "Winnie the Pooh", "Sivka Burka", "The Snow Queen", "The Little Mermaid" and many others. dr.
2) Consider the illustrations for the fairy tale "The Snow Queen". The first team is an illustration by N. Golts. The second team is an illustration by B. Diodorov.
The illustration by N. Golts is bright, it is dominated by red and its shades. It seems as if nothing should darken the mood. But what objects indicate that not everything is good here, witchcraft is present. (Dried flowers in vases.)
At first glance, B. Diodorov's illustration seems joyful, because there are so many flowers and fruits around. But what conveys the anxious mood? (Black and white colors.)
The artists were able to convey that the old woman is not at all kind.
8. Competition "Children". And what place do children occupy among "good" and "evil"? Gerda? Kai? Little robber? ( helped Gerda ) Why are the shards of the mirror hitting Kai and not Gerda? ( he learned prayer poorly ) What kind forces helped Gerda? ( appeal to God, Christ )

Summarize. What is H.C. Andersen's fairy tale about? What is the main idea of ​​the tale?

Hans-Christian Andersen is a famous Danish storyteller who has written many wonderful works. One of the favorites for many children is the fairy tale "The Snow Queen". She is loved because the main character is a simple girl Gerda, and not a fairy-tale princess; for the fact that in a fairy tale evil forces act in the form of a beautiful, but cold Snow Queen and an evil and insidious troll.

Good and evil are the two forces that oppose each other in any fairy tale. The Snow Queen is no exception. But the characters on both sides are not at all the same as in other works of this genre. The forces of good are personified, first of all, by Gerda, a brave girl who opposed the Snow Queen herself, powerful and invincible. No strength could resist the cold gaze, let alone the kiss of the sorceress. But Gerda's kindness and courage attracts both people and animals to her side.

Going in search of the named brother Kai, Gerda did not even imagine what difficulties she would have to face, how many dangers awaited her on the way. But she believes that she will be able to overcome any obstacles, if only to return home her beloved brother, to save him from the hands of a cruel queen who brings death to all living things. That is why everyone is trying to help Gerda. Only an old woman who knows how to conjure tries to prevent the girl. But she is driven by the desire to keep Gerda with her, because the old woman had no children.

The prince and princess, having learned the story of Gerda and Kai, were so moved that they pardoned Crow and his bride. And Gerda was given a golden carriage, warm clothes and was escorted to the borders of the kingdom. The daughter of the evil robber was so amazed at the courage of the little girl, who overcame so many obstacles, but did not stop halfway, that she let Gerda go. In addition, she returned her things and let her go with her favorite toy - the reindeer.

The little robber originally belonged to the forces of evil. But Gerda amazed her with her selflessness. The robber realized that besides evil, there is also love, loyalty, and self-sacrifice in the world. And this did not leave her indifferent. She no longer listened to her mother. The little robber learned the other side of life.

But the biggest evil was the troll, who created a magic mirror that distorts everything that is beautiful in the world. And, of course, the Snow Queen, from whose gaze all living things died. But even these forces are not capable of killing love. Gerda entered the Snow Queen's palaces. Her hot tears melted the pieces of the icy mirror in Kai's heart. Before great love, the strength of the cold sorceress has dried up. She could not overcome this feeling, because good always carries in itself all-conquering love.

The article is not mine, I found interesting material (I indicate the source at the end) and by subtracting it a little, adding from comments and other articles, I made such a post. Those who wish to refer to my similar post here on the site

Hans Christian Andersen uncut atheistic censorship

We all know well the wonderful Soviet cartoon based on Andersen's fairy tale, however, both in it and in the texts of most Soviet publications, the fairy tale was published with changes. All references to God, Christ and other "obscurantism" were removed. And only Andersen's "Tales", published in 1955, preserved Andersen's lines of the song of Kai and Gerda

Roses are blooming ... Beauty, beauty!
We will soon see the baby Christ.

and an amazing fragment (translated by A. Hansen), describing the approach of Gerda to the palace of the Snow Queen, and is far from being known to everyone:
“Gerda began to read Our Father; it was so cold that the girl's breath immediately turned into a thick fog.

This fog thickened and thickened, but small, bright angels began to stand out from it, who, having stepped on the ground, grew into large formidable angels with helmets on their heads and spears and shields in their hands.

Their number kept increasing, and when Gerda finished her prayer, a whole legion had already formed around her.

The angels took the snow monsters for spears, and they crumbled into thousands of snowflakes.

Gerda could now boldly go forward; angels stroked her hands and feet, and she was no longer so cold.

Finally, the girl reached the Snow Queen's palaces. "
Isn't it true that something changes in Gerda's perception? ..

Now many books are being published, many artists are trying to imagine what she really is - the Snow Queen? .. to an ideal display, to an epiphany? ..

Hood. Stanislav Kovalev

What caused Kai's misadventures? Everyone remembers that a fragment of a strange mirror hit him in the eye.

This fragment came from a broken mirror. The mirror shattered because the trolls (that is, demons) who created it tried to reflect everything in the world in a distorted, distorted form. Then this mirror tore out of their hands and shattered.

But why did it crash?

There is no explanation in the Soviet version. The law of gravity, they say, worked.

And Andersen has no ambiguities here either: the demons wanted to reflect the Creator in this lying mirror, and began to rise up.

And then God did not allow this outrage - the mirror tore out of their hands and broke.

In this regard, it becomes clear (more likely, however, for adults) the task that the Snow Queen gives Kai. She instructs him to make the word "ETERNITY" out of ice. Icy eternity. Man-made eternity. Eternity not created by the Creator. This is the image of hell. This is a truly devilish parody of God. An old saying states, "The devil is the monkey of God."

For Andersen, all these are completely not random motives. His words are engraved on his grave in Copenhagen: “The soul that God created in His own image is immortal and cannot perish. Our life on earth is the seed of eternity. The body will die, but the soul cannot die. "

Hood. Edmund Dyulac

In the Soviet children's editions of the fairy tale, Christian motives were omitted: the psalm sung by Kai and Gerda was not cited;
there was no mention of the Lord's Prayer, thanks to which Gerda was able to calm down the icy winds that guarded the Snow Queen's palace and get to Kai;
the mention of Christ was excluded.
Everything was reduced to a children's fairy tale. At the very end of the tale, the grandmother reads not just a book, but the Gospel, and reads the verse out loud: "If you are not like children, you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven."

Hood. Amy Ehrlich

There, by the way, there is such a piece: when Kai caught the sleigh on the Snow Queen's sleigh and soon found that he was rushing after her and could not detach himself in any way, it is written that he tried to read Our Father, but one table was spinning in his mind multiplication ...

Hood. Christian Birmingham

But I found this reasoning:

"The fairy tale" The Snow Queen "in the original is thoroughly saturated with a religious meaning, angels are among the permanent characters.
The Troll's mirror is broken not just because of the awkwardness of his disciples, but because they decided to climb up to the sky with a crooked mirror “to laugh at the angels and the Lord God”.
In the Soviet editions Gerda fought with the guards of the Snow Queen as follows: "However, Gerda boldly walked forward and forward and finally reached the palaces of the Snow Queen."

Quite in the spirit of the diehard builders of a bright future.

In the best case scenario, in the edited editions formidable angels turned into “little men”.
But it turns out that when Gerda fought with the guards, she said the prayer “Our Father” from fatigue, angels came down to her aid from heaven, and she safely reached her intended goal. "

(Hieromonk Dorotheus (Urusov).

“Gerda began to read Our Father. It was so cold that her breath instantly turned into a thick mist.

This fog kept thickening and thickening; but then small bright angels began to appear in him, who, having stepped on the ground, grew and turned into big angels ...

There were more and more of them, and when Gerda finished her prayer, she was already surrounded by a whole legion of angels.

They pierced the snow monsters with spears, and the flakes scattered into thousands of snowflakes.

Gerda could now boldly walk forward; the angels stroked the girl's hands and feet, and she felt warmer.

Finally she got to the palaces of the Snow Queen. ”

Hood. Elena Ring

Hood. A. Arkhipova

By the way: I think, too, few people remember how Andersen made the exit of Kai with Gerda from the kingdom of the Snow Queen:
"He clung tightly to Gerda. She laughed and cried with joy. Yes, her joy was so great that even the ice floes danced, and when they got tired, they lay down and composed the very word that the Snow Queen told Kai to fold; folding it, Kai could to become his own master and also receive from her as a gift all the light and new skates ... Now Kai was not at all afraid of the arrival of the Snow Queen: his freedom lay here, written in glittering ice letters. "

one of the commenters writes like this:

Only man can make the transition from Infinity to Eternity.

Hood. W. Dauwalder

Hood. B. Diodorov

Below is another message.

The work of the head of the information and library center Timerbaeva M.I.

"Christian symbols in the fairy tale by G.H. Andersen" The Snow Queen "MAOU Multidisciplinary Lyceum No. 20, Ulyanovsk
Seven stories - seven days of creation
The Snow Queen fairy tale consists of seven stories
An evil troll is the enemy of God. The biblical motive of the eternal struggle between good and evil.
Shards of a mirror - temptations
Attic with roses - God's kingdom.
Icy eternity - the image of hell
Hair - strength and spiritual wealth
The thorn bush is a symbol of suffering
Letter on Dried Cod Fish is an early Christian symbol meaning Christ Himself. Christ is God the Word
The little robber - biblical repentant robber
Dove - God's messenger
Kai's tears are a symbol of repentance
The Return of Kai - The Return of the Prodigal Son
"Hymn to love"

Stasevich V. A., Bolurova-Kunavina P. V. Christian motives in the fairy tales of G. H. Andersen "The Snow Queen" // Young Scientist. - 2015. - No. 2. - P. 167-169 4. Kharlamova R. Secrets of the "Snow Queen" // secrets and crimes. - 2012. - No. 1. - S. 9-13

Hood. V. Erko

Korean artist Niroot Puttapipat

Hood. P.J. Lynch

Hood. Nika Golts

Hood. P. Tatarnikov

Hood. Ellor le cain

Hood. V. Alfeevsky

Hood. T. Yufa

Unknown me an artist

Hood. Joan vinge