Repair Design Furniture

Types of heaters, their properties and characteristics. What insulation for walls is considered the most effective? The most effective insulation for the walls of the house

At the present time, everyone who, in one way or another, is faced with the construction or repair of a house, pay special attention to the insulation of building structures. Well, how could it be otherwise? Energy prices have risen so much that just throwing heat out of the house can cost a lot of money. Therefore, during construction, the house is insulated from the foundation to the roof.

A little bit of basics

As practice and calculations have shown, the most the highest percentage of heat loss at home falls on the walls. And in order to reduce this very percentage, modern builders have undertaken to insulate the walls, as they say, conscientiously, and they approach this issue very thoroughly. This was earlier, some 20-25 years ago, when glass wool was the only insulation, private developers simply made walls with an air gap, rightly believing air to be the worst heat conductor. Today, the situation with the insulation of building structures has improved dramatically. In building stores of a wide variety of insulation, there is a huge variety for a wide variety of purposes.

  • these are polystyrene foam boards
  • stone wool heaters

What are the fundamental differences, pros and cons of these two types?

Expanded polystyrene - it is simply polystyrene. But here foam plastic is different. There is simply gas-filled polystyrene from small granules pressed together by sintering at an elevated temperature. And there is extruded polystyrene foam (marked XPS) in the separator into granules, and the gas-filled mixture is squeezed out of the extruder into a pre-prepared mold and then pressed into plates.

Inorganic fiber insulation obtained from mineral chips (basalt, quartz sand), which are melted at high temperatures and pulled into fibers. The mineral fiber thus obtained is then treated with binders and pressed into slabs. In some way it resembles the technology of felt boots, which are made of wool. And, pay attention, for a good winter, no better footwear has yet been invented than woolen socks and felt boots. What does this mean? It is true that as insulation, compressed fiber behaves excellently.

The approximate price for a square is 245r (with a thickness of 50mm), one plate has dimensions of 600 * 1200.

Here is a small overview. What kind of insulation to choose for thermal insulation at home is up to you, of course.

When building houses, our ancestors paid little attention to thermal insulation. Because of this, a lot of energy had to be spent on keeping the rooms warm. And finding a suitable material with good thermal insulation properties was not easy before. Today, all homeowners understand the need to insulate their homes, since energy prices are constantly growing. Thanks to the development of the chemical industry, many affordable and effective heat insulators have appeared on the construction market. They differ in price, installation method, technical parameters. Therefore, the choice has become richer and more difficult. What properties should the consumer pay attention to first of all?

  1. To create a cozy microclimate inside the building, you can insulate the outside or inside of the building. For a private house, insulation from the outside looks optimal, and apartment owners are often forced to install thermal insulation inside the premises.
  2. The main criterion for a good insulation is low thermal conductivity. The lower the coefficient, the better the material retains heat inside the house. However, few people want to live in a warm but humid room. Therefore, the heat insulator is selected with good air permeability, but at the same time it should not let moisture inside.
  3. Do not forget about safety when choosing a material. The insulation must be fire-resistant, biodegradable and environmentally friendly.
  4. The price factor often plays a decisive role. Sometimes you have to sacrifice some qualities due to a limited budget.

Our review includes the best heaters for the home. When compiling the rating, the following criteria were taken into account:

  • affordability;
  • specifications;
  • scope of application;
  • expert opinion;
  • user reviews.

The best insulation in the form of slabs and rolls

Traditional slabs and rolls are still the most popular insulation materials. They allow you to independently create a thermal insulation layer outside the house and inside, saving on the work of builders. In this case, one should remember about the joints and bridges of cold through which cold can penetrate into the house.

5 Foam glass

Highest thermal insulation properties
Average price: 985 RUB (0.27 sq. M., 0.027 cubic meters.)
Rating (2019): 4.6

Foam glass is one of the most modern and efficient heat insulators. Solid cellular panels are suitable for insulating foundations, walls and roofs. In some Western countries, foam glass blocks are becoming the main building material used for the construction of walls. In our country, panels are usually attached externally to brick or concrete substrates. Thanks to a set of useful properties, foam glass not only protects the house from the cold, but also from the noise. The noise absorption level reaches 56 dB. The material does not absorb moisture, is not susceptible to biological damage, and is resistant to large temperature extremes.

Builders note such positive properties of foam glass as excellent thermal insulation properties, environmental friendliness, strength, fire resistance, chemical and biological resistance, durability. However, due to the high price, the material is not often used in private housing construction.

4 Glass wool

The most famous insulation
Average price: 795 RUB (15 sq. M., 0.75 cubic meters)
Rating (2019): 4.7

Glass wool has been used in construction for a very long time. This insulating material is obtained by melting minerals such as sand, dolomite, soda, limestone and glass waste. Glass wool was especially popular in the construction of wooden houses. This is due to the reliable protection against rodents. And now wooden or frame buildings are insulated with glass wool. The material is sold in the form of slabs and rolls. When working with these heat insulators, it is important to observe safety precautions using goggles, a respirator and gloves.

Despite some archaism of glass wool, professional builders use it because of several advantages. It is fire resistant, excellent insulating ability, versatility, low cost and easy installation. The disadvantages of the material are fragility of sharp fibers, strong shrinkage and danger to the body.

3 Extruded polystyrene foam (sandwich panel)

Modern insulation for slopes
Average price: 573 r (1.25 sq. M., 0.0125 cubic meters.)
Rating (2019): 4.8

A lot of heat loss in the house occurs through the window blocks. Therefore, when installing windows, builders insulate the slopes. A very effective heat insulator is a sandwich panel made of extruded polystyrene foam. It not only prevents heat loss, but also gives the window unit a finished look. The panel consists of two thin layers of PVC, between which is 10 mm thick expanded polystyrene. Slopes from such sandwich panels are not afraid of moisture, they do not appear fungus or mold. For builders, the use of sandwich panels is the best option in terms of the speed of installation of windows. Turnkey windows with slopes can be handed over within one day.

Extruded polystyrene foam in the form of sandwich panels has become a popular heat insulator. Installers note such advantages as the speed of window block design, moisture resistance, environmental friendliness and durability. The disadvantages include the high price.

2 Styrofoam

The most popular and affordable insulation
Average price: RUB 300 (2 sq. M., 0.2 cubic meters.)
Rating (2019): 4.8

Styrofoam is very popular in private housing construction. This is explained by the availability of the material and good insulating qualities. White and lightweight panels are obtained by steam foaming of polystyrene. Experts consider water resistance to be one of the important advantages of polystyrene. Therefore, over the years, mold or mildew will not appear in the insulator. In addition, thermal insulation does not shrink over time, it is convenient and simple to install panels, and in the future it is quite easy to finish. When choosing a foam, it is necessary to take into account the density of the proposed product. The material can be used to insulate wooden, brick, gas silicate walls, as well as lay it under siding.

Builders include moisture resistance, light weight, low thermal conductivity and ease of installation to the advantages of foam plastic. Flammability, fragility and poor sound insulation become obvious disadvantages.

1 Mineral wool

The best all-round insulation
Average price: 480 RUB (3 sq. M., 0.15 cubic meters)
Rating (2019): 4.9

The most versatile thermal insulation material, according to professional builders, is mineral wool. Insulation can be used for both external and internal insulation. With the help of this heat insulator, walls, partitions, floors and roofs are finished. Mineral wool is made from metallurgical slag or basalt by pressing and heat treatment. Therefore, the material is often called stone or basalt wool. Thanks to the fibrous structure, which is filled with air, a reliable protection against the penetration of cold masses into the house is obtained. Mineral wool is available in rolls or slabs.

Over the long period of its existence, the mineral wool has found many adherents. They note such advantages of the material as affordable price, low thermal conductivity, durability, environmental friendliness and fire resistance. Among the disadvantages of insulation, it is worth highlighting hygroscopicity.

The best sprayed insulation

Continuous thermal insulation is gaining popularity. It can be created using sprayed materials. This type of insulation has no joints and cold bridges. Special equipment is required only for the application of the heat insulator.

3 Penoizol

Water vapor permeability, no expansion
Average price: 1500 rubles. (1 cubic meter)
Rating (2019): 4.7

Penoizol has become one of the most popular liquid heaters. It is a urea-formaldehyde foam that is commercially available in cylinders. When applied to building structures, it hardens at temperatures above + 15 ° C. Experts consider vapor permeability to be one of the most valuable qualities of penoizol. In addition, unlike polyurethane foam, this heat insulator does not expand when solidified. Therefore, the material is often poured into brick walls, frame structures or under siding. The fire safety of penoizol is highly appreciated by experts, it does not burn, but melts without emitting toxic substances.

Builders consider the main advantages of a liquid heat insulator to be a good coefficient of thermal conductivity, high vapor permeability, and fire safety. However, the porous structure must be protected from moisture penetration, the heat insulator shrinks over time, and a special apparatus is required for application.

2 Polyurethane foam

Ease of application, reliable installation
Average price: 450 rubles. (1 l)
Rating (2019): 4.8

The two-component liquid compound is polyurethane foam. It is easy to apply and reliable in installation. The heat insulator is produced in two modifications. Closed-cell polyurethane foam has a lower coefficient of thermal conductivity and water absorption. And the open-celled variety has a high vapor permeability. Therefore, depending on the type of thermal insulation, the most suitable sprayed insulation should be chosen. The material can be applied both on a brick wall and on a wooden beam due to its excellent adhesion. It is important to consider the expansion coefficient, which is 1 in 30 for the closed type and 1 in 90 for the open-cell polyurethane foam.

Experts attribute good adhesion to different surfaces, low heat and sound conductivity, environmental friendliness and durability to the advantages of the material. But unlike penoizol, the cost of such an insulation option is much higher.

1 Ecowool

The most environmentally friendly insulation
Average price: 535 rubles. (15 kg)
Rating (2019): 4.8

Ecowool has become the most environmentally friendly and fashionable heat insulator. It can be used to insulate floors, walls and ceilings. Ecowool is produced from waste paper and paper waste, which makes the material absolutely harmless. It should be noted, though, that some manufacturers add antiseptics and fungicides to protect against microorganisms. Therefore, the environmental friendliness of products may differ. When insulating the floor, ecowool can be simply scattered in an even layer, and special equipment is used to apply it to the walls. A paste is added to the paper base, and when sprayed on a brick or wooden wall, the heat insulator adheres reliably.

Ecowool has a number of important advantages. These are environmental friendliness, air permeability, vapor permeability, the formation of a uniform coating without cold bridges. The disadvantages include caking, the need to use special equipment.

For the warmth of the house, it is necessary not only to make competent heating, but also to insulate the house. The main thing is roof insulation. In our article, we will present a rating of the TOP 10 best roof insulation! Reviews, addresses of companies, a comparison of the basics about all of this read below.

What are the types of roof insulation?

The modern market provides a huge selection of various roof insulation materials. Let's consider the main ones:

  1. Basalt wool- a fairly new, high-tech, reliable and durable material for roof insulation. Insulation is made from basalt rocks. Cotton wool consists of the finest fibers up to 5 millimeters thick, which are intertwined. These fibers are water-repellent, so the cotton wool will not get wet. This kind of insulation is designed for temperatures up to + 750 degrees Celsius, it does not undergo destruction and retains its shape. Basalt wool allows you to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature at any time of the year.
  2. Fiberglass by far the most affordable roofing insulation. Its structure is similar to the structure of basalt wool, only this insulation does not consist of basalt fibers, but of sand, which melts at a certain temperature and forms into fibers. When purchasing such a heater, it is necessary to pay attention to thermal conductivity, water-repellent properties and density.
  3. Expanded polystyrene(Styrofoam). Lightweight and easy-to-install polystyrene is used for insulation of all types of roofs. Expanded polystyrene does not get wet, does not rot and does not make the roof structure heavier, however, there is a significant drawback - the flammability of the material. When working with this material, care must be taken to comply with fire regulations.
  4. Extruded polystyrene foam... The complete absence of water absorption allows the material to be used for all types of roofs, including inverted roofs. Such material is easy to fit and does not weigh down the roof structure.
  5. Polyester fiber differs from all modern heaters in its environmentally friendly composition. The manufacturing technology of such a heater is identical to the manufacturing technology of clothing and similar products with which a person comes into contact. Polyester fiber insulation is a non-woven insulation material with good performance, which can significantly save money.

Basics Comparison Chart

When choosing an insulation, the question immediately arises: which insulation for the roof is better? The price is different for everyone, as are the indicators. Let's compare the main types of insulation in the comparative table below.

2 best basalt insulation

Basalt insulation that provides heat and sound insulation. Ideal for insulating any type of roof frame structure of houses. The insulation is sold in packaging in the form of plates of 8 pieces per pack and is absolutely safe and non-combustible.

Price: 225 rubles.

insulation Hotrock Smart

  • easy to lay;
  • has excellent sound insulation.
  • harmful to breathing (additional use of vapor barrier is necessary).

I used this insulation on my mansard roof. Excellent soundproofing, the house is warm and cozy. It was easy and simple to lay the material and did not even have to hire people for these purposes, we managed it on our own.

The global trend towards the economical use of natural resources dictates new standards for energy conservation. New types of thermal insulation are being developed, which can significantly reduce energy consumption in the cold season. Consumers can only choose a suitable insulation.

Which insulation is better

It will not be possible to unequivocally answer this question, because each material has its own advantages and disadvantages. Fiber insulation and rigid boards of extruded polystyrene foam are very popular today. It makes sense to compare the materials of these two groups.

Which insulation is better: foam or mineral wool

Polyfoam is a rigid slab of various sizes and thicknesses, which are often used to insulate foundations, walls, ceilings. Polyfoam consists of many air bubbles, therefore it has a minimum coefficient of thermal conductivity. It is resistant to decay, practically does not absorb moisture, does not deteriorate during temperature extremes.

Mineral wool is produced by pulling fibers from molten rocks. The material is available in the form of mats or slabs, has a fibrous structure, and is characterized by resistance to extreme heat. In addition, mineral fibers do not rot or rust, and are not eaten by rodents and insects. Cotton wool is often used for external insulation of baths, saunas, walls of houses.

Comparison of foam and mineral wool



Mineral wool

Compressive strength, MPa

Flexural strength, MPa

Moisture absorption,%

Attitude to fire

Which is better: basalt insulation or mineral wool

There is no answer to this question, because both materials are one and the same. Mats obtained by pressing fibers of basalt, slag, various rocks are called mineral wool. And the concept "basalt" refers only to one type of insulation of this group and denotes the name of the mineral from which it is produced.

Expanded polystyrene or basalt wool

Extruded polystyrene foam is essentially the same foam, but sold under different trade names and produced using more modern technologies. It should also be understood that there is still a difference between the types of foam that were produced earlier and new materials. The technical and operational characteristics of the plates were improved over time, and the main disadvantages were smoothed out. Their main advantage is the ability to operate with constant contact with groundwater and in conditions of high humidity.

Comparison of extruded polystyrene foam and basalt wool



Basalt wool

Compressive strength, MPa

Flexural strength, MPa

Thermal conductivity coefficient, W / (mhK)

Moisture absorption,%

Attitude to fire

Does not support combustion, but emits corrosive smoke

Vapor permeability coefficient, mg / (m * h * Pa)

Maximum heating temperature, ° С

Basalt wool or glass wool

Both materials belong to the same group, but in the first case, basalt acts as a raw material, and in the second, glass. Modern glass wool no longer crumbles so much and becomes dusty when used, it is flexible and elastic, therefore it is often used to insulate structures of complex shape. Basalt mats are thicker and heavier, but they settle much more slowly and, with high-quality vapor barrier, are considered almost eternal.

Comparison of glass wool and basalt wool


Glass wool

Basalt wool

Compressive strength, MPa

Flexural strength, MPa

Thermal conductivity coefficient, W / (m * K)

Moisture absorption at partial immersion,%

Attitude to fire

Vapor permeability coefficient, mg / (m * h * Pa)

Maximum heating temperature, ° С

Styrofoam or extruded polystyrene foam

It is also difficult to compare here, as in the case of basalt wool and mineral wool. The materials are similar in structure. Extruded polystyrene foam is produced by extrusion, so it is stronger, harder and more rigid than polystyrene foam. In addition, many manufacturers introduce flame retardants and rodent-repelling substances into the composition of the material.

When building a house, it is necessary to provide conditions for maintaining a certain microclimate, in which the air temperature is kept within 20-25 ° C, and the humidity does not exceed 50-60%. At the same time, you need to take care of the energy efficiency of the building, which will significantly reduce heating costs. Thus, you should choose the right heat-insulating material for the walls, ceiling and floor of a wooden house, which will be able to maintain a comfortable microclimate both in severe winters and in summer heat. To do this, you need to know well the features of each type of seal and the rules for the optimal choice. To do this, we have compiled a rating of the best materials according to the reviews of experts and users.

5 best home insulation for 2018-2019

When choosing one or another heat-insulating material, the buyer should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. thermal conductivity- the most important indicator of insulation. The lower its value, the higher the ability of the material to retain heat inside the room;
  2. water absorption- the ability of the insulation to absorb moisture. This leads to a decrease in heat-shielding properties, so this value should be as low as possible;
  3. soundproofing(many materials, along with thermal insulation, also provide protection against the penetration of extraneous sounds into the house, which will save on the purchase and installation of an additional layer of sound insulation);
  4. environmental friendliness and biological safety- the insulation should not emit toxic and harmful substances, promote the formation of rot and mold, create conditions for attracting rodents and insects;
  5. fire resistance- the most important characteristic that increases the fire safety of your home;
  6. strength and durability;
  7. convenience when performing installation work.

Video: 10 popular mistakes when insulating a house

TOP 5 best heaters for home

Consider the best options for thermal insulation materials, as well as their positive and negative properties, which must be taken into account when choosing. To do this, we analyzed expert opinions and user reviews.

1 Mineral wool

It is the most versatile material, as it can be used with equal success for both external and internal insulation. With the help of mineral wool, you can insulate almost any surface: walls, floors and roofs. Its advantages also include:

  • extremely low coefficient of thermal conductivity;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • fire resistance;
  • affordable cost.

The fibrous structure of mineral wool, filled with air, is the best barrier to heat loss and the penetration of cold air masses into the house.

However, this material is not devoid of some drawbacks - in particular, it has high level of hygroscopicity, therefore, to protect mineral wool from moisture, you need to carefully consider the water and steam disposal system, using special insulating materials for this.

2 Styrofoam

Affordable, lightweight, waterproof material with excellent thermal insulation performance. The undoubted advantage of this material is its high resistance to the formation of rot or fungus. Polyfoam is one of the most comfortable insulation materials that does not create problems during installation and further finishing. Equally good for insulation:

  • brick walls;
  • wood;
  • aerated concrete;
  • laying under siding is possible.

And the waterproof properties of the foam allow it to be used in rooms with high humidity, for example, in sauna or bath.

But when choosing this popular thermal insulation material, you need to take into account its significant disadvantages: poor sound insulation, fragility and flammability.

3 Extruded polystyrene foam (sandwich panel)

This material is indispensable for insulating window blocks, through which, as a rule, large heat losses occur. In addition to excellent thermal insulation properties, a sandwich panel enhances the aesthetic characteristics of window openings, giving them a complete appearance. The panel structure consists of two thin PVC plates, between which a sheet of polystyrene with a thickness of about 10 mm is laid. The advantages of such a heater:

  • absolutely not afraid of moisture;
  • not subject to rotting and mold formation.
  • installation of sandwich panels takes a little time;
  • differs in the simplicity of the operations performed;
  • environmental friendliness and durability.

The only significant drawback of expanded polystyrene is high price, which does not allow them to take the first or even the second line of the rating.

4 Ecowool

This material is made from environmentally friendly raw materials - from paper waste. However, the degree of environmental friendliness for different manufacturers can differ significantly, since often the technological process involves the introduction of various chemical additives such as fungicides and antiseptics (they prevent the development of microorganisms). When performing work on the insulation of a house, it is necessary to use special equipment, with the help of which a mixture of a paper base and an adhesive composition is applied to the walls. At the same time, a homogeneous coating is formed without cold bridges, which reliably adheres to brick or wooden walls.

Thus, the disadvantages of using ecowool include only the need to use special devices.

5 Foam glass

It is a durable solid panels with a honeycomb structure. In some countries, foam glass is used as the main building material for the construction of walls, but in our country it is more often used for thermal insulation of brick or concrete walls. This material has a whole range of attractive characteristics, such as:

  • heat and sound insulation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • fire resistance;
  • moisture resistance;
  • durability;
  • immunity to chemical and biological effects.

Many experts consider this material to be one of the most effective heat insulators, but the main obstacle to the widespread use of foam glass is its high price.

What insulation is better to buy for your home in 2018-2019?

When choosing a heat-insulating material, it should be understood that there are no universal heaters. Each element of a building requires a completely different set of characteristics, which most fully corresponds to one or another requirement. For example, it is better to insulate the roof with the help of basalt and fiberglass plates, and for the foundation it is better to use materials with increased moisture resistance, such as extruded polystyrene foam.

The choice of insulation for walls also depends on which side, internal or external, the heat insulator layer will be located, from what building material the walls are made, what subsequent finishing is provided for by the project, what weather and climatic conditions prevail in the area. In addition, you should take into account your financial capabilities, since the purchase of insulation is a rather significant item of expenses for building a house. The best way out in case of difficulties with the choice of insulation will be a consultation with a specialist who can take into account all the nuances that affect the provision of thermal protection at home.

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