Repair Design Furniture

Road worker. Profession Road worker (2nd category) in the Unified Tariff Qualification Directory Job Description, Tasks and Job Responsibilities

\Typical job description of the Road worker of the 3rd category

Job description of the Road worker of the 3rd category

Position: Road worker of the 3rd category
Subdivision: _________________________

1. General Provisions:

  • The road worker of the 3rd category is directly subordinate to ..........................
  • Road worker of the 3rd category follows instructions .............................................. ..........

  • (instructions of these employees are carried out only if they do not contradict the instructions of the immediate supervisor).


  • Road worker of the 3rd category replaces .............................................. ......................................
  • The road worker of the 3rd category replaces .............................................. ....................................
  • Recruitment and dismissal:
    The road worker is appointed to the position and dismissed by the head of the department in agreement with the head of the department.

2. Qualification requirements:
    Must know:
  • basic properties of road construction materials. Rules for the construction and repair of unpaved and unpaved improved roads, sidewalks and bases for asphalt concrete and cement-concrete pavements. Rules for the use of mechanized tools used in the construction and repair of roads. Techniques for dismantling and trimming coatings and bases using mechanized tools. Ways to eliminate destruction and restore pavement. Techniques for preparing bases for rail-forms in the construction of cement-concrete roads. Drainage basics. When performing work on marking the road surface of highways: types of road markings and rules for their application by hand, rules for performing work on roads without closing vehicular traffic, rules for fencing workplaces during work. Labor protection instructions. The main properties of paints and varnishes.
3. Job responsibilities:
  • Performing simple work in the construction, repair and maintenance of roads, artificial structures on them and sidewalks.
page 1 Job description Road worker
page 2 Job description Road worker

4. Rights

  • The road worker has the right to give instructions to employees subordinate to him, tasks on a range of issues that are part of his functional duties.
  • The road worker has the right to control the fulfillment of production tasks, the timely execution of individual orders by employees subordinate to him.
  • The road worker has the right to request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the issues of his activities and the activities of employees subordinate to him.
  • The road worker has the right to interact with other services of the enterprise on production and other issues that are part of his functional duties.
  • The road worker has the right to get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise regarding the activities of the Division.
  • The road worker has the right to propose to the manager for consideration proposals for improving the work related to the duties provided for in this Job Description.
  • The road worker has the right to submit proposals for the consideration of the head of the proposal to encourage distinguished workers, imposing penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.
  • The road worker has the right to report to the manager about all identified violations and shortcomings in connection with the work performed.
5. Responsibility
  • The road worker is liable for improper performance or non-performance of his duties stipulated by this job description - to the extent determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The road worker is responsible for violating the rules and regulations governing the activities of the enterprise.
  • When transferring to another job or dismissal from the position, the Road Worker is responsible for the proper and timely delivery of cases to the person taking up this position, and in the absence of such, to the person replacing him or directly to his supervisor.
  • A road worker is liable for offenses committed in the course of carrying out his activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The road worker is responsible for causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The road worker is responsible for complying with applicable instructions, orders and orders to maintain trade secrets and confidential information.
  • The road worker is responsible for the implementation of internal regulations, safety and fire safety rules.
This job description was developed in accordance with (name, number and date of the document)

Head of structural

Added to site:

1. General Provisions

1.1. The road worker is a worker and reports directly to


(name of the position of the head)

1.2. A person with a secondary vocational education is accepted (transferred) to work as a road worker of the 6th category.

1.3. A road worker of the 2nd category must know:

Types of basic road building materials, pavement structures and artificial structures on the roads;

Methods for preparing asphalt concrete, cement concrete, bitumen-mineral and other mixtures;

Techniques for dealing with ice and snow drifts;

Traffic Laws;

Rules for the use of personal protective equipment;

Requirements for the quality of work (services) performed, for the rational organization of labor in the workplace;

The range and marking of the materials used, the consumption rates of fuels and lubricants;

Rules for the movement and warehousing of goods;

Types of marriage and ways to prevent and eliminate it;

Industrial alarm;

Requirements for the quality of work in related construction processes (rules for sharpening, refueling, adjustment, adjustment of the tools used and the use of the necessary devices and measuring instruments);

Rules for reading sketches and drawings directly used in the process of work;

Requirements for the rational organization of labor in the workplace;

The procedure for notifying the manager of all shortcomings found during work;

Rules for the provision of first (pre-medical) aid to victims of injury, poisoning and sudden illness;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules for labor protection, industrial sanitation and personal hygiene, fire safety;

1.4. A road worker of the 3rd category must know:

Documents, objects, methods and techniques for performing work specified in clause 1.3 of this instruction;

Basic properties of road construction materials;

Rules for the construction and repair of unpaved and unpaved improved roads, sidewalks and bases for asphalt concrete and cement-concrete pavements;

Rules for the use of mechanized tools used in the construction and repair of roads;

Methods for dismantling and trimming coatings and bases using a mechanized tool;

Ways to eliminate destruction and restore pavement;

Techniques for preparing bases for rail-forms in the construction of cement-concrete roads;

Fundamentals of drainage;

When performing work on marking the road surface of roads: types of road markings and rules for their application by hand, rules for performing work on roads without closing vehicular traffic, rules for fencing workplaces during work, the main properties of paints and varnishes;

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(types, names and details of other acts and documents)

1.5. A road worker of the 4th category must know:

Documents, objects, methods and techniques for performing work specified in paragraphs 1.3 and 1.4 of this instruction;

Requirements for the quality of materials used in the construction and repair of roads;

Rules for concreting in winter and methods for heating concrete;

Rules for the construction and operation of pavements, artificial structures and track conditions;

When performing work on marking the road surface of highways: requirements for the quality of materials used for marking; types of horizontal and vertical markings, the order of its application; rules and methods of work when marking with a spray gun using stencils; consumption rates of marking materials; requirements for the quality of work performed; markup rules; rules for performing work in conditions with partial closure and without closure of road traffic;

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(types, names and details of other acts and documents)

1.6. A road worker of the 5th category should know:

Documents, objects, methods and techniques for performing work specified in paragraphs 1.3 - 1.5 of this instruction;

Methods for assessing the condition of road surfaces and artificial structures;

Device and rules for the use of a geodetic instrument;

Soil erosion control methods;

Ways to eliminate ice on the roads;

In the course of work on marking the road surface of highways: the main types and properties of paints, solvents and thermoplastic materials, methods for determining their viscosity and fluidity; methods of applying paints and varnishes; sizes of lines, arrows and inscriptions of horizontal markings; the procedure for applying markings in combination with road signs or traffic lights; technical requirements for road markings; rules for applying marking materials in combination with retroreflective elements; device and principle of operation of a mechanized tool for applying thermoplastic materials; composition and technology of application of two-component plastic materials;

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(types, names and details of other acts and documents)

1.7. A road worker of the 6th category must know:

Documents, objects, methods and techniques for performing work specified in paragraphs 1.3 - 1.6 of this instruction;

Methods, methods of installation and fastening of prefabricated reinforced concrete road and airfield slabs;

Methods and techniques for mounting steel and cast iron plates;

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(types, names and details of other acts and documents)

1.8. A road worker of a higher rank must be able to perform work that corresponds in terms of complexity to a lower-skilled worker, as well as supervise road workers of a lower rank.

1.9. ___________________________________________________________________.

2. Responsibilities

2.1. Before the start of the working day (shift), a road worker:

1) receives a production order;

2) passes, if necessary, briefing on labor protection;

3) accepts the shift;

4) checks the serviceability of devices, tools, inventory, etc., personal protective equipment;

(other duties)

2.2. In the process of work, a road worker:

1) performs the work for which he was instructed and allowed to work;

2) uses overalls, footwear and other personal protective equipment;

3) receives instructions from the immediate supervisor on the performance of the task, safe methods and methods of work;

4) comply with the rules for the use of technological equipment, fixtures and tools, methods and techniques for the safe performance of work;

5) immediately notify the immediate supervisor of all shortcomings found during work;

6) comply with the requirements of personal hygiene and industrial sanitation;

7) ___________________________________________________________________.

(other duties)

2.3. During the working day (shift) road worker:

2.3.1. 2nd category:

1) manually cleans the bases and coatings from snow, dirt and dust;

2) carries out the transfer of sand, gravel and crushed stone;

3) carries out watering of the bases and overlappings;

4) cleans and lubricates the surface of the rail molds during the installation of cement-concrete coatings;

5) carries out backfilling of cement-concrete coatings with sand;

6) manually cleans road signs and track elements;

7) distribute road construction materials during the installation and repair of road bases and pavements;

8) perform manual cleaning of the trough after earth-moving machines;

9) carry out darning of rail-forms;

10) disassemble bases, coverings and curbs manually;

11) performs the installation and repair of continuous sodding;

12) sifting sand, gravel and crushed stone manually on portable screens;

13) performs the planning of roadsides manually;

14) performs pouring of binding materials manually;

15) receives a mixture from a dump truck with cleaning of the body during the installation of concrete pavements;

16) trims the edges of the freshly laid concrete mix;

17) performs manual compaction of places inaccessible to mechanized rolling;

18) prepares the stone block and package;

19) performs sorting of stone and package;

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(other duties)

2.3.2. 3rd category:

1) performs the device and profiling for rolling along beacons, beacon rails, road base templates made of sand, sand cement, gravel, crushed stone;

2) carries out profiling of unpaved and unpaved improved roads;

3) install road signs;

4) performs installation and repair of drains;

5) carry out patching of improved earth roads, gravel, crushed stone pavements, as well as repair of earth roads with separate maps;

6) carries out dismantling of road surfaces and foundations with the help of a mechanized tool;

7) performs the arrangement and repair of the turf in the cage;

8) carries out the device of the bases for laying the side stone;

9) performs the installation and restoration of ditches, drainage and upland ditches in compliance with longitudinal slopes and transverse profiles;

10) when performing work on marking the road surface of motor roads: determines control points for the subsequent drawing of marking lines by machine, draws pedestrian crossing lines manually using a template;

11) perform installation and removal of fencing devices and cones;

12) carry out work with the use of paints and varnishes;

13) by order of the immediate supervisor, performs work corresponding to the complexity of their performance by workers of lower qualification;

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(other duties)

2.3.3. 4th category:

1) performs the installation and profiling of crushed stone and gravel coatings manually according to beacons, beacon rails and templates;

2) carries out repairs of crushed stone, gravel coatings with separate cards;

3) performs the final leveling of the surface of road surfaces after leveling by machines;

4) install curb stone;

5) install beacons and beacon rails;

6) carries out the device of a preparatory layer of crushed stone or gravel for the foundations of supports and pipes;

7) carry out the removal of atmospheric precipitation from roads and artificial structures;

8) performs finishing and repair of joint edges and surfaces of cement concrete pavements;

9) carries out the installation and maintenance of barrier and cable fences;

10) in the performance of work on marking the road surface of roads, performs: preliminary marking of control points according to the traffic organization scheme, assembly and installation of templates, application of marking material using a spray gun, demarcation of old markings, performance of work using paint and varnish materials, takes part in work when marking roads with marking machines;

11) by order of the immediate supervisor, performs work corresponding to the complexity of their performance by workers of lower qualification;

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(other duties)

2.3.4. 5th category:

1) eliminates places of subsidence of road surfaces;

2) carries out the installation and repair of pipes, trays, heads, retaining walls and parapets;

3) performs the correction of individual damage to the elements of the architectural design of roads;

4) makes a breakdown of the stationing and road elements in the plan;

5) determines the height marks of road structures using a geodetic instrument;

6) arrange and repair drainages and pavings with the restoration of filters;

7) install fencing and signaling devices;

8) performs the consolidation of developing foci;

9) when performing work on marking the road surface of highways, performs: drawing lines of a pedestrian crossing of the "Zebra" type with paints and thermoplastic materials, designating islands separating traffic flows in opposite directions, using a stencil using spray guns, applying arrows indicating the direction of movement along strips, two-component plastics, retroreflective elements with a pneumatic pistol, marking of vertical surfaces of supports, bridges, overpasses, end surfaces of portals, tunnels, parapets, performance of work using paints and varnishes;

10) by order of the immediate supervisor, performs work corresponding to the complexity of their performance by workers of lower qualification;

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(other duties)

2.3.5. 6th category:

1) installs:

Prefabricated reinforced concrete road and airfield slabs;

Steel and cast iron plates;

2) by order of the immediate supervisor, performs work corresponding to the complexity of their performance by workers of lower qualification;

- ____________________________________________________________________.

(other duties)

2.4. At the end of the working day (shift), the road worker:

1) brings devices, tools into proper condition, transfers them for storage;

2) removes dirt from overalls and safety shoes, if necessary, places them for drying and storage;

3) performs an inspection (self-examination);

4) hand over the shift;

5) ___________________________________________________________________.

(other duties)

3. Rights

In the performance of his duties, a road worker has labor rights provided for by an employment contract concluded with an employee, internal labor regulations, local regulations, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other acts of labor legislation.

4. Responsibility

4.1. A road worker is subject to disciplinary liability in accordance with the article for improper performance through his fault of the duties listed in this instruction.

4.2. The road worker is financially responsible for ensuring the safety of the inventory items entrusted to him.

4.3. A road worker for committing offenses in the course of his activities, depending on their nature and consequences, is brought to civil, administrative and criminal liability in the manner prescribed by law.

4.4. ___________________________________________________________________.

5. Final provisions

5.1. This instruction has been developed on the basis of the Tariff

qualification characteristics of the profession "Road worker, 2 - 6th category"

(Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Occupations of Workers.

Issue 3. Section "Construction, installation and repair and construction works",

approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 6, 2007 N 243),

(details of other acts and documents)

5.2. Familiarization of the employee with this instruction is carried out at

employment (before signing the employment contract).

The fact that the employee has read this instruction is confirmed by ____

(handwritten on the familiarization sheet, which is an integral part of this


instructions (in the instruction book); in copy


instructions kept by the employer; otherwise)

5.3. ___________________________________________________________________.

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (ETKS), 2019
Issue No. 3 ETKS
The issue was approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated April 6, 2007 N 243
(as amended by: Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of November 28, 2008 N 679, of April 30, 2009 N 233)

Road worker

§ 20. Road worker of the 2nd category

Job Description. Manual cleaning of bases and coatings from snow, dirt and dust. Transfer of sand, gravel and gravel. Irrigation of bases and ceilings with water. Cleaning and lubrication of the surface of rail-forms during the installation of cement-concrete coatings. Backfilling of cement-concrete coatings with sand. Cleaning road signs and path furnishings manually. Distribution of road building materials in the construction and repair of road bases and coatings. Cleaning the trough by hand after earth-moving machines. Darning rails. Dismantling of the bases, coverings and borders manually. The device and repair of a continuous sod. Screening of sand, gravel and crushed stone by hand on portable screens. Roadside planning by hand. Spill of binders manually. Reception of a mixture from a dump truck with cleaning of the body during the installation of concrete pavements. Trimming the edges of freshly placed concrete mix. Manual tamping of places inaccessible to mechanized rolling. Preparation of stone blocks and package. Sorting of stone and package.

Must know: types of basic road building materials, pavement structures and artificial structures on the roads; methods for preparing asphalt concrete, cement concrete, bitumen-mineral and other mixtures; methods of dealing with ice and snow drifts; Traffic Laws.

§ 21. Road worker of the 3rd category

Job Description. Arrangement and profiling for rolling along beacons, beacon rails, road base templates made of sand, sand cement, gravel, crushed stone. Profiling of unpaved and unpaved improved roads. Installation of road signs. Installation and repair of drains. Pothole repair of improved dirt roads, gravel, crushed stone pavements, as well as repair of dirt roads with separate maps. Dismantling of road surfaces and bases with the help of a mechanized tool. Arrangement and repair of turf in a cage. The device of the bases under laying of a side stone. Arrangement and restoration of ditches, drainage and upland ditches in compliance with longitudinal slopes and transverse profiles. When performing work on marking the road surface of highways: determination of control points for the subsequent drawing of marking lines by machine; drawing lines of a pedestrian crossing manually using a template. Installation and removal of fencing devices and cones. Production of works with the use of paints and varnishes.

Must know: basic properties of road construction materials; rules for the construction and repair of unpaved and unpaved improved roads, sidewalks and bases for asphalt concrete and cement-concrete pavements; rules for the use of mechanized tools used in the construction and repair of roads; techniques for dismantling and trimming coatings and bases using a mechanized tool; ways to eliminate destruction and restore pavement; techniques for preparing bases for rail-forms in the construction of cement-concrete roads; basics of the device of drainages. When performing work on marking the road surface of highways: types of road markings and rules for their application by hand, rules for performing work on roads without closing vehicular traffic, rules for fencing workplaces during work; basic properties of paints and varnishes.

§ 22. Road worker of the 4th category

Job Description. The device and profiling of coverings from crushed stone and gravel manually on lighthouses, beacon rails and templates. Repair of crushed stone, gravel coatings with separate cards. The final leveling of the surface of road surfaces after leveling by machines. Installation of curb stone. Installation of lighthouses and lighthouse rails. The device of a preparatory layer of crushed stone or gravel for the foundations of supports and pipes. Removal of precipitation from roads and artificial structures. Finishing and repair of seam edges and surfaces of cement concrete pavements. Installation and maintenance of barrier and cable fencing. When performing work on marking the road surface of motor roads: preliminary marking of control points according to the traffic organization scheme; assembly and installation of templates; applying marking material with a spray gun; demarcation of old markup; participation in the work of marking roads with marking machines; production of works with the use of paints and varnishes.

Must know: requirements for the quality of materials used in the construction and repair of roads; rules for concreting in winter and methods for heating concrete; rules for the construction and operation of pavement, artificial structures and track conditions. When performing work on marking the road surface of highways: the main properties of paints and varnishes; requirements for the quality of materials used for marking; types of horizontal and vertical markings, the order of its application; rules and methods of work when marking with a spray gun using stencils; consumption rates of marking materials; requirements for the quality of work performed; markup rules; rules for performing work in conditions with partial closure and without closure of vehicular traffic.

§ 23. Road worker of the 5th category

Job Description. Elimination of places of subsidence of road surfaces. Installation and repair of pipes, trays, heads, retaining walls and parapets. Correction of individual damage to the elements of the architectural design of roads. Breakdown of the stationing and road elements in the plan. Determination of elevations of road structures using a geodetic tool. The device and repair of drainages and pavings with restoration of filters. Installation of fencing and signaling devices. Fixing developing foci. When performing work on marking the road surface of highways: drawing lines of a pedestrian crossing of the "Zebra" type with paints and thermoplastic materials; designation of islands separating traffic flows of opposite directions, using a stencil using spray guns; applying arrows indicating the direction of movement along the lanes with two-component plastics, retroreflective elements with an air gun, marking the vertical surfaces of supports, bridges, overpasses, end surfaces of portals, tunnels, parapets; production of works with the use of paints and varnishes.

Must know: methods for assessing the condition of road surfaces and artificial structures; device and rules for the use of a geodetic instrument; soil erosion control methods; ways to eliminate ice on the roads. In the course of work on marking the road surface of highways: the main types and properties of paints, solvents and thermoplastic materials, methods for determining their viscosity and fluidity; methods of applying paints and varnishes; sizes of lines, arrows and inscriptions of horizontal markings; the procedure for applying markings in combination with road signs or traffic lights; technical requirements for road markings; rules for applying marking materials in combination with retroreflective elements; device and principle of operation of a mechanized tool for applying thermoplastic materials; composition and technology of application of two-component plastic materials.

§ 24. Road worker of the 6th category

Job Description. Installation of prefabricated reinforced concrete road and airfield slabs. Installation of steel and cast iron plates.

Must know: methods, methods of installation and fastening of prefabricated reinforced concrete road and airfield slabs; methods and techniques for mounting steel and cast iron plates.

Requires secondary vocational education.

Characteristics of works.

Manual cleaning of bases and coatings from snow, dirt and dust. Transfer of sand, gravel and gravel. Irrigation of bases and ceilings with water. Cleaning and lubrication of the surface of rail-forms during the installation of cement-concrete coatings. Backfilling of cement-concrete coatings with sand. Cleaning road signs and path furnishings manually. Distribution of road building materials in the construction and repair of road bases and coatings. Cleaning the trough by hand after earth-moving machines. Darning rails. Dismantling of the bases, coverings and borders manually. The device and repair of a continuous sod. Screening of sand, gravel and crushed stone by hand on portable screens. Roadside planning by hand. Spill of binders manually. Reception of a mixture from a dump truck with cleaning of the body during the installation of concrete pavements. Trimming the edges of freshly placed concrete mix. Manual tamping of places inaccessible to mechanized rolling. Preparation of stone blocks and package. Sorting of stone and package.

What should know:

  • types of basic road building materials, pavement structures and artificial structures on the roads
  • methods of preparing asphalt concrete, cement concrete, bitumen-mineral and other mixtures
  • methods of dealing with ice and snow drifts
  • Traffic Laws.

Road worker 3 category Characteristics of works. Performing simple work in the construction, repair and maintenance of roads, artificial structures on them and sidewalks.

Road worker 3 category Must know: basic properties of road construction materials. Rules for the construction and repair of unpaved and unpaved improved roads, sidewalks and bases for asphalt concrete and cement-concrete pavements. Rules for the use of mechanized tools used in the construction and repair of roads. Techniques for dismantling and trimming coatings and bases using mechanized tools. Ways to eliminate destruction and restore pavement. Techniques for preparing bases for rail-forms in the construction of cement-concrete roads. Drainage basics. When performing work on marking the road surface of highways: types of road markings and rules for their application by hand, rules for performing work on roads without closing vehicular traffic, rules for fencing workplaces during work. Labor protection instructions. The main properties of paints and varnishes.
Work examples. Arrangement and profiling for rolling along beacons, beacon rails, road base templates made of sand, sand cement, gravel, crushed stone. Profiling of ground and ground improved works. Installations of road signs. Installation and repair of drains. Pothole repair of improved dirt roads, gravel, crushed stone pavements, as well as repair of dirt roads with separate maps. Dismantling of road surfaces and bases with the help of mechanized tools. Arrangement and repair of turf in a cage. The device of the bases under laying of a side stone. Arrangement and restoration of ditches, drainage and upland ditches in compliance with longitudinal slopes and transverse profiles. When performing work on marking the road surface of highways: determination of control points for the subsequent drawing of marking lines by machine; drawing lines of a pedestrian crossing manually using a template. Installation and removal of fencing devices and cones. Production of works with the use of paints and varnishes.