Repairs Design Furniture

How to wash soap divorces. How to wash the shower cabin? Detergents for the care of the shower cabin. Cleaning with lemon mortar

The most common nuisance with which almost all owners of a shower cabin or an ordinary bath with a crane are considered very often, is considered to be the formation of a lime deputy. It can be cleaned by many remedies: ranging from soda and vinegar to universal cleansing substances. The only thing is: before you choose this or that means, it is recommended to take into account the properties of materials from which the pallet of the shower and its doors are made, so as not to disturb all the aesthetics of the appearance and preserve their pristine brightness and shine. In the following review materials, we consider in more detail than laundering a shower cabin from a lime-plating, and what are the most effective cleaning products.

Care for such a comfortable bathroom is conditionally divided into three varieties:

  1. Daily cleaning. It is carried out every day, immediately after the hygiene procedures. At first, in the booth should all wash off with hot water, then rinse the cool and wipe all the surfaces with a dry cloth.
  2. The main cleaning, which is recommended not more than once a week using cleaning components. At the end of the cleansing of all surfaces, they should be thoroughly rinsed with warm water, after which everything wipe the dry cloth.
  3. Intensive cleaning, consisting in the use of more aggressive cleansing agents, is required in cases where the emergence of a strong lime bloom is noted or when it is not used for a very long time.

Clean the nozzles of hydromassage

To the great regret, the water that comes from the water supply system contains a high concentration of various salts in its composition, which contributes to the formation of a limescale or rust not only on the surfaces of the wet "Cabinet", but also on plumbing items. But most of all the hassle causes the occurrence of a white dense floor inside the hydromassage nozzles. To wash the nozzles from this trouble, you can use one of the specialized funds from the lime-plating for shower cabins, which are sold in every store with household chemicals.

If such a fund was not at hand at the right moment, you can use a warm vinegar, which should be carefully wired to wipe the problem zone, leave for 10-15 minutes to corrupt the plaque. Then you need to clear all the holes with the needle for sewing and slip all with warm water.

Clean lime on the walls of the cabin

Very often, lime deposits are formed on the walls of the bathroom or shower cabin, to get rid of which can be easily easily with the help of a people's method, which is in the use of citric acid, which is found in every good host. In order to effectively clean lime formations on the surface of the shower walls, it follows:

  1. In 500 milliliters of hot water dissolve one bag with citric acid weighing 100 grams or 4 to 25 grams.
  2. Pour the resulting solution into a bottle with a pulverizer, spraying waves to affect the affected areas and leave for a few minutes.
  3. Then the processed zones wipe with a dry clean cloth.

The use of this solution will not cause any harm to health, and in practice it is pretty simple.

But, there are cases when terrible lime contaminants appear on the walls of the shower cabin, which will not work without the use of more aggressive cleansing substances, for the aromas of which, many are manifested by allergic reactions. In order to prevent the emergence of allergies, if the financial side of the family welfare allows, it is recommended to get a steam generator with which without any problems you can get rid of contamination of any complexity in a rather short period of time.

If there is no possibility to purchase a similar device, then other home methods of folk recipes can be used, effectively helping to fight a limescale:

  1. It will help to instantly launder the limestone on the walls of the shower or bathroom. Anticipin will help, added to a small amount of hot water. The resulting means until it has been cooled, you need to wash all the contaminated areas. After that everything wipe with a clean cloth or sponge. It is important to avoid entering this solution to rubberized parts.
  2. Dish resistant stains on the surface of the walls in the shower will quickly and effectively help the toothpaste or silver polishing.
  3. Eliminate the scale will help a warm solution of citric acid or table vinegar.

How to remove lime raids from glass

Many modern shower cabins have glass doors, to care for which is not easy, but also nice. Wash glass doors or walls can be practically any cleaning agent for glasses: universal aerosol or people. Of the specialized funds are most effective:

  • Sansel;
  • Mr. Muskul and others.

If the house did not have a specialized cleansing agent, you can resort to the use of the grandmother's method. To do this, it is recommended to prepare a glass of water and citric acid solution, in a 1: 1 ratio. Instead of "lemon" you can also use vinegar. Apply the resulting agent on the walls and glass doors of the cabin and leave for 12-15 minutes. After that, the treated surfaces should be flushed out by a large amount of clean water, wipe with a dry towel and polish with a soft cloth.

Clean pallet

During cleaning the shower cabin, many mistresses are wondering than washing the pallet of the shower. Before proceeding to the elimination of a lime flush, it is necessary to determine which material made this part of the shower cabin. The pallet can be made of the following varieties of materials:

  • faience;
  • acrylic;
  • ceramics;
  • cast iron;
  • enameled steel.

Acrylic pallet

Acrylic is considered one of the capricious materials, when cleansing which it is not recommended to use cleaning powders, rigid brushes, as well as detergents containing acetone, alcohol, formaldehyde, components of formic acid and alkali.

Despite all the capriciousness, acrylic is still very warm and good material. It is recommended to remove various spots from it by applying a clean soft cloth or a sponge that is pre-recommended to be washed with a household soap. The limestick with acrylic is well removed using any means for washing dishes, as well as a toothbrush and paste, which is recommended to first be applied to the problem area, leave for a few minutes, and then thoroughly erase the brush and rinse with water.

On the shelves of modern industrial shops, a wide selection of specialized means for cleaning and washing baths and pallets from acrylic is presented. In most cases, such substances have a creamy structure, which simplifies the methodology of their use. Such a tool is enough to apply with a cloth or sponge on the contamination zone, leave for 15-17 minutes, after which it is easy to wash off with water.

In more severe cases, when a solid deposition of a lime-based decay is formed on a showerful cabin, it is possible using a silver polyterol, but before you should study all the information about how to clean the shower cabin with this tool.

Stone pallet

If the pallet is made of natural stone, then care is minimal. It retains all his color features throughout the period of its operation, no matter how much years have passed. When it is effective and easy to eliminate it, it is possible to effectively and easily eliminate it with clean fabric and steam cleaner. In rare cases, a chemical cleansing agent may be needed.

If the pallet is made of artificial variety of stone, then such a plumbing product can darken over time. And in order to return the former brightness of the pallet, it is recommended to clean it with a concentrated toilet cleaning agent, pre-protecting the surface of the hands with rubber gloves. After purification, the pallet should be thoroughly rinsed with water.

Enameled pallet

Enameled pallet is a plumbing product made of enameled steel or cast iron, which is then covered with an enameled coloring composition. In carrying out the care of such a pallet and its cleaning, it is not recommended to use the chemical agents that include the following components:

  • sulfuric acid;
  • alkali;
  • formaldehyde;
  • hydrochloric acid.

The most efficient means in the fight against the mud and mud on the enameled surfaces of the pallet is the use of "Pemiolux" or "Comet".

You can also use the folk remedy for the enameled surface, which can be easily cooked at home. To do this, mix the soda and citric acid with water to the consistency of thick casis. After that, the resulting mixture is recommended to be applied to the location of 30-35 minutes, after which it is washed off with running water.

Using melamine sponge

If there was no modern cleaning agent, nor soda, nor vinegar in the house, then the melamine sponge can be used, with which it is easy to get rid of a limescale on the walls and chromed parts of the shower cabin.

With it, it is easy to eliminate without any detergents of the following varieties of pollution:

  • soap white divorces;
  • fat traces;
  • rust stains;
  • as well as lime bloom.

It is enough just a little moisten the edge of the sponge in warm water and handle the location of pollution, after which you wash this area with a clean cloth with water.

Folk ways

Before purchasing an expensive cleaning agent in the store to launch lime raids and other types of contaminants in the shower, you should consider more accessible methods for removing pollution from the number of folk recipes.

  • Quickly eliminate the limestone flare and the mold in the corners of the cabin will help the hydrogen peroxide and the food soda will help. For this purpose, the place of pollution sprinkle with food soda and leave for 30-35 minutes. Then to clean the problem area with a sponge and from above, right on the remains of soda sprinkle hydrogen peroxide and leave until complete drying. After that, everything is removed with a dry cloth and rinse the cab in running water.
  • From soap divorces, it is best to clean the glass surfaces will help strong vodka or alcohol. In order to prepare an effective equipment for cleaning glass and mirrors, vodka or alcohol need to be dissolved with water in a 1: 2 ratio. The resulting solution is good and chrome products.
  • The limestone, rust and mineral deposits will effectively eliminate the famous carbonated water "Coca-Cola". To do this, moisten it with a sponge and process the contamination zone, then leave the drink for 30-35 minutes and wash off with running water.
  • No less effective is the ammonious alcohol, which can easily wash off all soap divorces. But in order to get rid of forged pollution, it is recommended to combine with food soda, or with a cutlery vinegar.

Clean black mold

If a zone in which the zone was formed in which the water regularly accumulates and it is necessary, after a short period of time, a black mold flask is formed. To eliminate such pollution, it is recommended to mix equal shares of the cutlery and ammonia alcohol. The resulting solution with the help of a brush to apply on the resulting mold, after which the processed zone is recommended to rinse with a soda solution, to prepare which the teaspoon of food soda should be made in 200 milliliters of water.

Some practical advice on how to wash lime raids in the shower cabin as efficiently as possible, presented in the following video:

Dear visitor! If you know other methods, how to withdraw stains, please leave your experience in the comments.

In homes and apartments during repairs and after replacing the old baths, showers are increasingly installed. But these comfortable designs require special care.

Their appearance determines the transparent door, which is exposed to water, after which soap and lime-based divorces remain.


Daily cleaning

The periodicity of the shower cleaning directly depends on how often it is used. As a rule, this happens daily. So cleaning should always be done after the end of the shower is completed.

If this does not do, lime deposits and soapy solve will settle on the glass, forming persistent sediments that worsen the appearance and quality of the transparent material.

After the water procedures are completed, the glass is washed with hot water, rinsing cold and dryly wipes with a soft natural cloth. This postpones general cleaning, which is carried out on average once a month, depending on the degree of pollution.

If several people live in the apartment who use the shower every day, such cleaning is made every week and using special means.

Effective purchased cleaning products

To care for glasses of shower cabins, in household chemical departments are a large selection of various means. Before choosing the most suitable, you need to know that all means are suitable for cleaning natural glass, since it is quite solid, so as not to scratch the abrasives, and chemically inert to be damaged active substances.

Before care for Orcstecl With the help of special use, you need to make sure that they do not have abrasive elements and connections that can cause damage. Excellent for this will be suitable: Tilex Fresh Shower, Luxus Clean bath, Frosh Essig Reiniger, Mr. Muskul Spray, AMWAY Cabin Remedy.

For cleaning shower door from tempered glass OROFRESH, LUXUS, DELU, Mr. Muskul and other means in the form of liquids, sprays and gels intended for this purpose are used more often. After the processing is completed, their residues are washed off with water and sponge, and the surface on both sides is wiped with a soft cloth.

Folk remedies

Trading networks offer many household chemical options for cleaning the transparent parts of the shower cabin. They cope well with the task of cleaning from pollution, but fairly expensive, aggressive to materials and harmful to the skin.

A good alternative will be natural funds in which there are no such disadvantages:

  • White table vinegar Fills in the water sprayer and is applied to the door with it. In such a state, they cost half an hour, after which the glass is rinsed with water with a sponge and wipes dry.
  • Hydrogen peroxide with wine stone. Resistant rust stains are successfully cleaned with glass with a paste cooked from two parts of hydrogen peroxide and five parts of wine stones. The mixture is applied on the glass with a sponge, and after 10 minutes is washed off by distilled water.
  • Baking soda. Excellent cleaning properties of soda are applicable to cleaning shower doors with natural glass. To do this, the powder is applied to a sponge, which is cleaned with contaminated areas. With severe pollution instead of a sponge, a metal grid is used. After washing off the remnants, the door wipes up with a soft cloth.
  • Salt. The remedy has sufficient efficiency to combat lime deposits on glass. For this, the chopped salt is applied to the sponge, the divorces are removed, after which the door is rinsed. Sometimes to improve the efficiency of salt in equal proportions is mixed with soda.
  • Ammonia divorced warm water in a ratio of 1:10. Apply a glass to glass is more convenient with a spray gun. After removing the plaque, the surface is rinsed and wipe dry.

The pledge of the long service of the glass door of the shower cabin with a constant appearance is regular care. It should be carried out by certain cleaning agents, composite components of which cannot damage the material from which these doors are made.

Shower cabins are installed in apartments for saving space. The new plumbing shines, pleases the cleanliness.With time mineral deposits appear on the surfaces,mushroom spreads. Lovers of purity, useful to know than laundering a shower cabin. Forcleaning Apply home formulations, OT. hydrogen peroxide to universalcleaning products.

Preparation of instruments

After visiting the soul on the walls, glass, plumbing and palletit remains soap. Humidity and dirt gradually accumulate on the walls of the cab.

there is 2 ways to removepollution:

  1. Every 1-2 days are wet cleaning. Walls and floor cabins are wiping, the room is simplifies regular cleaning, retains cleanliness.
  2. General cleaning is carried out every 2 weeks.. Glass, plumbing and pallet are made separately.Inventory: Several soft rags, pulverizer,rubber scraper for glass, coarse urine, sponge.Cleaning products For Shower Cab Cabyu tsya in the department ah Household chemicals ormade Alone.

Removing contaminants, do not use compounds with abrasive elements, metal rams and rigid brushes. Rough inventory will spoil a ceramic and glass surface.

Removal of lime-plating

During operation on the surfaces of the cabin formed.

Than clean the shower cabin:

  1. Make a cleaning composition of 100 ml of ammonia, 2 liters of water, 50 grams of soda and as much vinegar.Mix thoroughly. How to wash a shower cabin at home: Apply the composition and wipe the walls, the floor, the ceiling.
  2. Prepare a solution of water and table vinegar 1: 1, 200 ml. The composition is suitable for cleaning mixers, hydromassage elements, a shower can. Moisten a soft cloth in the solution, wrap the cabin elements, weak watering can be supervised, leave for 8-12 hours.
  3. Chrome elements are treatedlemon. . Citrus juice is left for 15 minutes. After processing in the cabin, it will be pleasant to smell.
  4. Wash the anticipin walls. Tear Its with water according to the instructions, boil. Hot mortar Treat dirty places, pr take the foam sponge.You can not process rubber. Remove the remnants of anticipine with water.

If you are afraid to clean with people and professional tools, use the melamine sponge. It will remove the accumulated mineral deposits by several light movements.

How to remove soap raid from glass

Glass wash the hardest. Even dried water drops leave stains on the glasses. Ideally wash the shower cabin from the fly will help the rubber scraper.

Any chemical means for washing mirrors and glasses are suitable for removing dirt from the glass surface of the shower cabin.

ARON is suitable, Mr. Muskul, cleansing from Amveu, Rio and other drugs.

Than laundering the glass shower cabin at home:

  1. Acetic water. The water is divorced by table vinegar, 2 tbsp. l. per 1 liter
  2. Divide 2 crystallinemanganese . The solution will be light pink.It is impossible for mangartage to get on the rubber elements, they will paint.
  3. a piece of chalk . Grind it, dissolve in 1 liter of water 2 tbsp. l. Pour the solution into the spray gun, process the glass walls and doors, let it dry. Sattail with newspapers so that there are no divorces.

After Cover them for shower cabins from drops. Special compositions create a protective film without allowing drops to linger on the surface.

Glass Process with Ravak Anticalc®.Every 3 months handle the surface. First, rinsing glasschemical or home, wipe dry, then apply RAVAK ANTICALC®.

Dirt removal in the pallet

Before cleaning the shower cabin at home,it is necessary to determine which material made pallet.

What to wash a shower cabin with acrylic pallet?Acrylic is easy to paint, darkens, fad. Care for pallets should be carefully, carefully.

It is impossibleuse alkaline and acidic preparations, organic solvents and abrasive substances. special tool thatsheats dirt and creates a protective film. For cleaning pallets is suitableAquanet. Packaging Enough for 15 applications.

Spray the composition, evenly distribute the foam sponge, wait 5 minutes.Smash Aquanet remnants with plenty of water.Wipe the pallet dry.

What to wash a shower cabin from natural or artificial stone? Returnshine and purity with artificial material will help cleaning productsfor toilet bowl. Suitable duckling.

Natural stone retains shine long. It can not be cleaned by aggressive chemistry. Clean the pallet from natural stone is recommended by steam cleaner and napkins.

Enameled pallets are afraid Acid and alkalis. It is recommended to wash off a comet or pematux.

How to wash the shower cabin by folk remedies:

  1. For tile: squeeze 1 lemon juice, add ¼ glass of vinegar, pour a bottle of ammonium hydroxide solution into the container, mix everything from 1.5 liters of water. Apply to the surface, clean the joints andspace around draining toothbrush.
  2. For acrylic, use tooth powder or paste. He is notit has a pronounced abrasive effect, I easily clean.
  3. Lemon acid clean acrylic, enamel and tile. It is bred by water, spray from the pulverizer, leave for 30-60 minutes, wash off and rub dry.

Fighting fungus

The fungus is the reason for the unpleasant smell in the shower, the source of diseases. Display recommended immediately after detection. How to clean the shower cabin from mold should know each owner, sooner or later with this problem most people faced.

The better folk remedies orchemical ? Homemade means is more gentle. Fightwith mold follows strong chemical compositions if the materialsufficiently durable.

Before applying cleaning products, do not jump the fungus with a spatula, do not remove the old grout. Disputes are spread throughout the shower, will continue in those places where there were no previously.

How to quickly get rid of mold - useful tips:

  1. Buy Cilit Bang Series "Powerful tool from spots and mold." Sprayon fungus , Clear 10 minutes, clean the junction toothbrush.
  2. The anti-mold tool copes with a problem by 100%. Suitable for silicone seams, marble and tiles. Distribute anti-moldlocal from a distance of 10 cm on an infected surface. After 40 minutes, remove the remnants with plenty of water. After graduating, Carry the room.
  3. Use chemical antiseptics needed for disinfection. Good in this business domain, isocyd, Mill Kill, Nomid 600, San Klin and Dali. Before use, read the instructions.

Working with chemistry should be in gloves, mask and glasses. The compositions are toxic, corrosive the skin.

Home Recipes from fungus

Remove the mold will be and homemade ways. They arefew effective. But what remains if there is no household chemical store near?

Home recipes for removing mold from shower:

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. vinegar, 1 tbsp. l. Ammonic alcohol and ¾ glacking water. Cooked with a cooked joint, pallet, edges, doors. Leave for 1 hour. Rush, wipe the surface of dry.
  2. Glass joints Treat tea tree oil. 2 h. L. Mixed with 400 ml of water. The liquid is applied from the spray gun, do not wash off the day.
  3. Acrylic pallet and enameled Treat mixture from 1 tbsp. l. soda, 1 tbsp. l. Salts and 500 ml of water. Spray the contaminated surface, sweetened, after 30 minutes, rinse.
  4. Artificial stone Treat 250 ml of boos, diluted with 4 liters of water.Smash Means in 2-3 minutes.

Mold appears due to high humidity. To prevent fungus, carry out a shower cabin, wipe the dry wall and pallet after swimming.

Processing plumbing

Mixers, cranes and watering can be made of chrome steel. They are also covered with a soapy and lime bloom.

Plumbing is treatedafter each taking the shower. If the crane was covered with a raid and it is difficult to open, moisten in a vinegar with a rag, wrap it, cover with a polyethylene film.

This method softens the flare, mobility will be restored. Clean the acetic rag after 3 hours.

Any plumber will succeedclean but it is better to do regular cleaning. R the adjustable and proper care for the shower cabin is the key to its long and trouble-free work.

You can argue about the convenience of the shower cabin, however, who wanted to equip her bathroom bathroom, a lot of people. It is understandable: a lot of all sorts of fashion options in it, and the room for the bathroom has become a better - there is where to put the rest of the equipment, such as a bath, for example. At the acquisition and installation stage, few people think about how to care for this miracle plumbing, how to wash the shower cabin from all sorts of pollution and accumulated during operation, raids.

The fastest and easiest way to get rid of any dirt in the shower is the warning of its appearance, in other words - wash it after each use. Time and Forces on it will leave at least all the horrors of the general cleaning you will not experience soon. Just ask the inhabitants of the house after they accepted the shower rinse with clean water all soap places and wipe the doors, pallet, cranes and all metal surfaces.

Than laundering a shower cabin

Unfortunately, everyday care still will not protect against some contaminants, which over time, invariably appear. This is a limescale and rust falling. Here is the whole point as a tap water. And with high humidity, the fungus can be sent to the shower.

To make rid of lime plates and rust, the housewives found and tested many ways and means, ranging from soda and vinegar and ending with professional universal chemistry.

However, before proceeding with cleaning, it is necessary to understand from which the main parts of the shower cabin are made - this is a pallet, frame and doors.
As a rule, materials are different, and therefore, the detergents need to be applied to appropriate so that after the cleaning procedure, the cabin did not look worse than before it.

The frame of the cabin is usually made of chrome steel or aluminum. According to the manufacturer's plan, all parts of it should be glittered, so they should be polished. For this, the metal care products will be suitable.

It is easiest to clean glass showers with an enameled or ceramic pallet, but plastic doors and acrylic baths require careful relationships and special means. If you do not properly choose a detergent, then the plastic can be crowded forever, and from the abrasives to be covered with a network of very ugly scratches.

For cleaning the shower cabin will be useful:

  • Silicone scraper or rubber;
  • Soft sponge;
  • Microfiber napkins;
  • Latex gloves;
  • Detergents.

While working with chemicals, be sure to use rubber gloves.

Than to wash the pallet shower

How to wash the shower cabin from lime-plated, in particular the pallet? Before selecting the tools, it is necessary to determine what material it is made. Most often pallets are made from acrylic, faience, ceramic tiles, enamelled steel or cast iron.

Than laundering acrylic pallet

The most capricious material is acrylic, it is impossible to wash it with hard brushes and cleaning powders. Also, the coating of the acid, acetone or alcohol, which are included in the means of means can be spoiled. Before purchase, carefully read the composition of the funds, you should also be alerting the presence of formic acid, rhythm or formaldehyde.

Despite the many precautions, acrylic is good and warm material. It is possible to clean it using a conventional sponge and household soap, as well as chemicals for cleaning plastic and other polymers. Returns from water and sticky sediments of the skin fat are easily flushed with a toothbrush and paste: you need to apply a paste on polluted places and leave for a few minutes, then erase with a wet sponge.
Tools for washing dishes are also well coped with such pollution.

The modern industry offers a wide range of cream-like products, for washing acrylic baths. They are very easy to use: the cream is applied to the pallet with the help of soft tissue, allow to stand 15 minutes and wash off with running water. Well established themselves: "Star-Acrylat", "Sarma", "Amway", "Acryl-Net", "Cillit", "Acrylan", "CIF". In the case of solid deposits, silver polyrolol is used, which should be applied strictly according to the instructions.

Cleaning enameled pallet

Enameled pallets are made of cast iron or steel, they are covered with enamel. The composition of the cleaning agent of the enameled pallet should not be sulfur or hydrochloric acid, formaldehyde or alkaline compounds.

The powders are ideal, which includes soda - "comet", "Pemiolux" and others. You can use a mixture of soda and citric acid. Divide water to the state of the Cashitz, put on enamel and wash off in 10 minutes. The same means will help wash the yellowed bath to shine.

Good to know

Than to wash the pallet from the faience and tile

How to wash the shower cabin from a limescale, if the pallet and wall are laid out with a tile? The tile is laundered very easily with special means for plumbing. For example: "Santri", "San Elit", "Kiilto Clean", "HG", "Mapei Keranet Liquido", "Shining tile", "Silit Bang", "Domestos", etc.

Special attention should be paid to the extender - precisely there, most often, mold will settle. From this misfortune you can get rid of self-cooked, composition. Bubble ammonia, juice of one lemon, a quarter of a glass of vinegar dilute for 1.5 liters. Warm water. Using a toothbrush, apply a solution for intercutric seams. After 10 minutes, do a brush and rinse with water.

How to wash the glass shower

The doors and walls of the shower cabin are made of durable glass, triplex or special plastic. Depending on the material and care will be different.

It can be useful

Triplex and plastic

Wash the shower cabin made from triplex or plastic with chemicals, which does not have active acids, alkalis, alcohol or formaldehyde. It may be an aerosol, liquid or pasta, but avoid cleaning powders - they simply scratch the surface. Very convenient to use aerosols for cleaning plastic. The tool is applied to the surface and immediately remove the rubber scraper. If pollution is strong, then you can leave the means to interact with the material, for a time specified in the instructions.

Than laundering glass doors

Wash glass doors - a pleasure. You can use, practically, any means for washing glass or universal aerosols for washing shower cabins, such as "Nordland", "HG", "GlutoClean", "Sanelit", "Max Extra Clean", "CIF", "Mr. Muskul " and many others.

If, for some reasons, I do not want to use household chemicals, folk remedies will come to the aid. Take half a glass of vinegar or citric acid, add water to get a complete glass. Apply this solution on the walls and doors of the shower and leave for 10-15 minutes. When the allotted time expires, rinse the glass with plenty of water, if you need to wipe with a soft cloth. After cleaning, do not forget to wipe the glass dry and polish it with microfiber.

What to clean the plumbing in the shower

Cranes, shower, mixer, as a rule, made of chrome steel. They are made by means for metal care and polish to shine. Metal parts of the shower cabin after each use are wiped with a dry cloth.

It happens that the crane was so covered with salt rod that stopped opening. In this case, you need to moisten a rag in vinegar and wind around the crane, over to impose a food film so that there is no evaporation. Vinegar softens lime raids and restore mobility. The tool is applied for 2-3 hours. With the help of vinegar, also, you can clean the chrome-plated and nickel-plated parts of the shower, cranes, hoses, rubber gaskets from the water stone.
It often happens also such a nuisance: the holes of the hydromassage nozzle or soul are clogged. We will use "Cilitbang" or heated vinegar, it must be applied directly to the shower sprayer and wash the water in 15-20 minutes.

How to wash the shower cabin from mold

If mold settled in the shower cabinet - it's time to use one of the industrial fungicides. Before applying any means, read the composition and recommendation, can be used for plastic and acrylic, exposure time and so on. Do not neglect the tips of the manufacturer.

Folk remedies will help remove mold. Soda, vinegar or a strong solution of household soap can cope with this problem. In order for the mold did not appear, you need to carefully follow the level of humidity in the bathroom, and also to establish forced ventilation there. After using the shower cabin, dryly wipe all surfaces, including sink, bath, washing machine and the cabin itself.

Household Chemicals for Shower Cabin

  • "Acrylan" - although it has a sharp, unpleasant smell, it copes with the work perfectly, has an antibacterial effect. The tool deserves the approval of many owners.
  • "CIF" - a soft cream-like cleaner, does not contain abrasives, it is consumed saving liquid analogs. Does not leave divorces.
  • "Tilex" is effective from fat, dirt, soap nour and mold. Does not require washing, but has a rather strong smell of chlorine.
  • O.C. Plus "- a tool that is praised by 9 out of 10 owners. The aerosol is sprayed on the walls and the pallet after each use of the shower cabin, it is not necessary to rub, flush, ensures the perfect look and freshness without divorce. One of the cheapest aerosols for the bathroom.

If, in spite of all your efforts, I failed to wash the shower cabin, but I still want to read the cleanliness, then it's time to turn to professionals. Specialists of any cleaning company using professional chemistry, remove both rust and limestone and other complex pollution.

To stop the plumbing for a long time, it is necessary to care for it, so the information about how to wash the shower cabin will certainly be useful. There are many different methods of cleaning based on the use of chemical and folk recipes.

How to wash a shower cabin at home?

All contaminants can be removed if the cleaning procedure is carried out according to the rules. There is an instruction how to wash the shower cabin at home:

  1. You need to start cleaning from cleaning the walls and doors. Please note that plastic needs more frequent care than glass, otherwise it will become dark and covered by a raid.
  2. If the cabin is adjacent to the wall, then the next stage is carried out cleaning the tile. For this, any means are suitable, since this material perfectly transfers the effects of abrasives and alkalis.
  3. Wash you need cranes, shower and other metal parts. Use only gentle formulations not to damage the shiny surface.
  4. The latter queue is clean, and hereby consider the material from which it is made. Carefully process the joints, because it often appears mold with which you need to fight as quickly as possible.

How to wash the shower cabin from lime-plating?

In order to remove the lime college, you can use industrial tools presented in a wide range in stores and popular recipes, tested not by one generation (they will be described below). Describing how to wash the shower cabin from the fall, it is worth mentioning the effectiveness of the steam generator, which will remove the pollution and will hold disinfection. Teach that the stream stream will have a high temperature that is unacceptable for some types of plastic.

How to wash the shower cabin from soap plaque?

Divorces are the simplest pollution, but it appears more often than others. If you are interested in how to wash the shower cabin from soap divorces, then use the following information:

  1. Regular cleaning. After each visit to the cabin, it is recommended to wash the surface to prevent the emergence of serious contaminants. The soap raid is best removed the usual means that is intended for cleaning the dishes. In addition, it is recommended to rinse the walls first hot, and then with cold water. At the end, wipe the cabin dry.
  2. Planned cleaning. Once in two weeks there are procedures with special detergents. The appropriate option must be chosen, focusing on the features of plumbing. Apply a mixture using a sponge, and leave for 15 minutes. It will only be left to wash the surface first warm, and then cool water, and wipe all dry.

How to wash the mold in the shower?

Due to excessive humidity in case of improper care, many times increases the risk of appearance that is dangerous to health. There are several secrets than you can wash the shower cabin from mold:

  1. If we talk about shopping, then you need to purchase fungicides. Note that each product has its own composition and rules for use that you should read on the package and only then use.
  2. The next effective method than washing the shower cabin in the presence of mold, implies the preparation of the means for which you mix the vinegar and the ammonia in proportion 1: 1. Brush apply the finished solution on the affected places. Flush it is necessary to soda solution for which 1 tbsp. Water takes 1 tsp. Soda spoon.

What is laundering glass door shower cabin?

Most of the design is represented by glasses, which very quickly lose their trade look. You can wash them using a special chemistry intended for glass and mirrors. Use them is very simple. It should be sprayed on the surface, wipe and wipe dry. You can do everything with a special scraper, which has a sponge on one side, and on the other - a dense gum.

There is an alternative way how to wash the glass of the shower cabin, for which the composition is prepared independently. It is necessary to add five drops of ammonia in 200 ml of water. The finished solution is perfectly coping with divorces. If you add to the mixture another 100 ml of glycerol, then a thin film is formed on the wall surface of the walls, which will push moisture.

How to wash the pallet shower cabin?

When choosing a suitable composition for cleaning the pallet, it is important to navigate the material from which it is made.

  1. Acrylic. In the selected composition, there should be no abrasive particles that can damage the smooth surface, which will worsen the appearance of the product. There are a pair of ways than washing the acrylic pallet of the shower cabin, for example, you can use a toothpaste with a whitening effect that apply for 10-15 minutes. On stains, and then remove the soft sponge. You can use lemon juice or acid, which is applied for half an hour and wash off.
  2. A rock. After a while, the artificial stone becomes dark, so it is important to clean regularly. To return brightness, the material you can use the toilet toilet tool. After processing, leave everything for 20-30 minutes., Treat the brush and wash.
  3. Enamel.Wash such a pallet is impossible, using alkali, sulfur and hydrochloric acid, and still formaldehyde. Excellent cleans the enameled surface "Comet" and "Pemiolux". The cleaning can be done, mixing soda, citric acid and water. Consistency pick up so that in the end it turned out Cashier. Apply it for pollution for half an hour and smash.
  4. Tile.You can use special liquids and powders intended for this material. You can also remove pollution by applying a people's recipe: Mix ammonia bottle, one lemon juice and 50 ml of vinegar. Add 1.5 liters of water. Finished solution surface surface and sweeten the brush. After that, everything is desirable.

How to wash the mirror in the shower?

Some hydroboxes are built into mirrors that need proper care. There are several ways to wash a shower cabin without divorce:

  1. To remove the divorces and give the gloss, you can use lemon juice, which must be applied and leave for 10 minutes. After that, soda the surface of the cloth.
  2. Good results gives ammonia alcohol, which should be divorced in equal proportions with water. It is best to carry out polishing with crumpled newspapers.
  3. Finding out how to wash the shower cabin, it is worth mentioning and alcohol-containing formulations that effectively cope with pollution. Take the vodka and water in the proportion of 1:10 and wipe the mirror with the finished solution using a soft tissue. After that, wipe the mirror with a crumpled newspaper.

How to wash the shower cabin by folk remedies?

You can use the available means to remove contamination, which, most likely, have every home. When choosing a suitable option, consider the aggressiveness of the composition, as this may adversely affect the material. To wash the shower cabin by folk remedies, lemon juice and acid, vinegar, soda, toothpaste, peroxide and even a popular beverage "Coca-Cola" are used.

How to wash the shower cabin lemon acid?

With contaminants, citric acid is effectively coping with, which can be used as a powder and mortar.

  1. To begin with, find out how to quickly wash the shower cabin by folk remedies, if the surface is ceramic. In this case, you can simply apply powder on pollution using a sponge and rub. At the end of the procedure, lemon acid remains.
  2. If the acrylic surface, then it is impossible to take powder because it can spoil the product. It is best to prepare a solution for which in 1 l of water add a couple of acid packages. Apply to the surface for 20 minutes. And you walk with a sponge moistened in the solution, and then all wash with water.

Wash the shower cabin

The most common problem for the owners of the hydrobox is a limescale. In addition to special compositions with it, you can cope with the help of a table vinegar. There are several rules how to quickly wash the shower cab:

  1. For the preparation of the solution, mix the water and vinegar in the proportion of 1: 1.
  2. You can apply liquid to pollution using a sprayer or sponge. Leave everything for 10 minutes.
  3. After the allotted time, wash everything with water, and then wipe dry. You can wash this shower cabin regularly, as it will not lead to loss of color and brightness.

Detergent for shower cabins

In household chemicals store you can find a wide range of compounds that are suitable for cleaning plumbing. For those who are interested in how to wash the shower cabin, such options will be useful: