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Orthodoxy psalter in Russian translation of porphyria. Psalm Selected psalms in the Russian translation (Translated from the Septuagint). Psalms used in worship

Plaque in the tongue is a frequent occurrence that does not necessarily indicate serious problems in the body. The intensity, localization, color and regularity of appearance can tell about the state of health. In a healthy person, plaque appears light, translucent, this is due to the fact that food particles remain in the tongue, in which bacteria actively multiply. However, if the plaque acquires a different shade from a whitish shade, for example, yellow, then this is already a cause for concern and should be consulted for clarification with a doctor.

Yellow plaque on the tongue: causes

The causes of yellow plaque can be various internal diseases.

Liver pathology

Most often, a yellow plaque in the tongue appears in connection with pathologies of the intrahepatic bile ducts and liver. Shock undergoes bilirubin metabolism. Therefore, the mucous membrane of the tongue and other soft tissues acquire a yellowish tint. This condition is called hepatic or parenchymal jaundice. It becomes a consequence of the following diseases:

  • Hepatitis A. The liver becomes inflamed due to the attack of viruses, toxic substances or alcohol. In this case, liver cells are damaged, the process of binding direct bilirubin, which is toxic to the body, is disrupted. Gall pigment, getting into the blood, stains urine yellow. The patient feels general weakness, decreased performance, and weakness. In the right hypochondrium, pain appears, which appears due to the stretching of the capsule of the enlarged liver. Jaundice can be recognized by the color of the whites of the eyes, tongue and its bridle, skin, they become lemon in color.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver. During the disease, liver cells die, nodes form. They press on the bile ducts, which causes a violation of the production and outflow of bile. Hepatic tissue is not being restored properly, liver function is deteriorating, in particular, detoxification. At the initial stage of the disease, the liver increases, in the later stages it decreases. Protein metabolism products are absorbed directly into the blood, poisoning the nervous system. The patient is concerned about dark yellow staining of the skin and tongue, pain of a dim nature in the right side, itching of the skin, insomnia, memory impairment.

Note! Liver cancer is quite rare. Usually her cells suffer from metastasesthat appear in connection with a tumor of the breast and pancreas, also due to cancer of the rectum, lungs.

Diseases of the biliary tract

These include gallstone disease, inflammation of the gallbladder, tumors of the bile duct, and Vater's nipple. These diseases also lead to jaundice, in particular, to the appearance of yellow plaque on the tongue. They impede the outflow of bile, since the lumen of the paths along which it passes is narrowed.

Diseases are manifested in yellow with a greenish tint of the skin, mucous membranes, plaque on the tongue acquires yellow green shade. Patients have complaints of pain, which may be constant or periodic, bitterness in the mouth, nausea, vomiting of bile, and sometimes the temperature rises. These conditions, as a rule, appear in connection with the intake of fatty foods, shaking during a trip, physical activity.

Yellow plaque on the tongue also appears as a result of hypomotor biliary dyskinesia. This condition is characterized by sluggish activity of the gallbladder or biliary tract, which causes a decrease in the rate of evacuation of bile. Yellow plaque in the tongue occurs as a result of a diet violation, when the patient takes foods that enhance the production of bile by the liver, in particular, animal fats, fatty meat, alcohol.

Adrenal jaundice

Yellow plaque in the tongue may be caused by adrenal jaundice. The reasons for its appearance is an increased formation of bilirubin, the body with which does not have time to “say goodbye”. Such a condition caused by the following violations:

  • In the bloodstream, an increased breakdown of red blood cells occurs with hemolytic anemia.
  • The synthesis of red blood cells is incomplete.
  • In connection with extensive external or internal bruises with heart attacks of internal organs.
  • As a result of poisoning with phosphorus, hydrogen sulfide, hydrocarbons and other elements.
  • Due to the intake or overdose of sulfonamides.

Gastrointestinal diseases

The tongue is taxed with a yellow coating if there is a stomach ulcer, 12 duodenal ulcer or chronic gastritis. Since these diseases provoke cast bile into the stomach. Patients experience sucking pain when they want to eat, in particular, night and morning, nausea, sometimes vomiting, heartburn, belching sour, and an unpleasant odor of the mouth are also observed.

Other reasons

White plaque with yellow may indicate respiratory infection. In this case, there is a high temperature, dehydration. The inflammatory process provokes a thick and dark coating.

Medicines such as furazolidone, acrychin, enterofuril, cardiac glycosides are also able to color the tongue white with yellow. In addition, the latter are digitalis preparations, which changes color perception. So, in the paintings of Van Gogh, there is an abundance of yellow, since he took it in large doses on the occasion of his illness.

Changing the color of the tongue  may be due to its inflammation. For example, a white tongue with a yellow coating indicates the bacterial or fungal nature of the inflammation. Glossitis can be combined with ulcers, erosion, profuse desquamation of the epithelium.

Unfortunately, children, like adults, suffer from diseases. However, if the child has a yellow coating on the tongue, you should first exclude household and food reasons for its occurrencewhich may include:

Among the pathological conditions of children aged one month, the most common hemolytic disease. It arises as a result of the independent breakdown of red blood cells in the bloodstream. It is born in utero due to the rhesus conflict of the baby with the blood of the mother. The baby suffers from jaundice, his liver is enlarged, an increase in the amount of bilirubin in the blood is observed. As a result of toxicity of unbound bilirubin to the nervous system, damage to the cortex appears. It is necessary to consult a pediatrician in a timely manner, who will make the correct diagnosis, since physiological jaundice is different from hemolytic disease.

If a newborn has jaundice of any consequence, then it is necessary to apply it more often to the chest and solder with glucose solution.

Older children most often suffer from various hypomotor biliary dyskinesias. It is necessary to timely show the child to a gastroenterologist, as well as adjust his diet and the amount of water consumed. It should be remembered that young children are prone to giardiasis, as they often play in the sandbox, use common toys, put unwashed fingers in their mouths. When infected with giardiasis, blockage of the bile ducts can occur.

Among the causes of yellow tongue in children dehydration  with infectious diseases, hematological problems and medication. Therefore, if your child has a yellow coating on the tongue, you need to consult a pediatrician.

So, a yellow coating on the tongue appears for various reasons, mainly diseases of the internal organs are a common cause. In order not to start the onset of the disease, consult a doctor so that he sends you for an examination, after which he can make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Plaque of white and yellow on the tongue

The Psalter rightfully occupies its own special niche, at least in Orthodoxy. After all, this book is fully represented in the liturgical charter. This article reveals the issue of home reading of the Psalms, as well as a number of other important questions on this topic.

Prayer pattern

The special significance of the Psalms is in the diversity of human feelings, spiritual aspirations, and praises of the Creator. One of the theologians once said that a person does not have such a feeling that would not be reflected in the psalms. Reading this holy book is a blessing for a Christian, as he gives him many examples of true spirituality. In the texts of the psalms you can find a huge number of samples of repentant prayer.

Psalter in Orthodox worship and traditions

This book is a collection of several hundred psalms - a kind of spiritual hymns, a significant amount of which was written by the Old Testament King David.

These texts were used in church services before the birth of Christ. The rules for reading psalms during the Orthodox service, namely the calendar plan for their singing, are stipulated in a special book called the Typicon.

In addition to church reading, there is a long-standing Orthodox tradition of reading the Psalter outside the church walls, with family or close friends. Such a reading is called private. How to read the Psalter at home? This issue has been repeatedly considered by various Orthodox theologians, and saints have repeatedly mentioned reading the holy book in their written works. There is a strong opinion that before engaging in such reading, you need to receive the blessing of a confessor or just a priest who has been professing for a long time who wants to start reading.

Psalter in Russian

In the service, only the Church Slavonic version of this sacred text is used. Despite this, there are translations into modern Russian. To the question: “Can the Psalter be read in Russian?” - priests usually answer something like this: “During a church service, such a reading is unacceptable, since, according to the Orthodox tradition, church services should be conducted only in Church Slavonic. However, during private reading, the use of a Russian-language text is not prohibited. ”

There is no specific charter that would regulate how to read the hymnal at home. Nevertheless, over the long history of this tradition, certain stable rules have developed that are purely recommendatory in nature. That is, it is desirable to observe them, but some of them may not be executed due to certain life circumstances.

Unwritten rules

So, for example, it is recommended to read the Psalter when the lamp is lit. But what if the person is traveling and does not have this lighting device at hand? Then this rule can be safely neglected. Because the only rule in this charitable deed, which must always be followed, or at least try to adhere to it, is a thoughtful, attentive reading, similar to prayers.

Another rule says that you must try not to make mistakes in stress when reading Church Slavonic words. It can also be interpreted in two ways. Of course, the clergyman, as a professional, should read the Psalter with minimal distortion of pronunciation standards. But for an ordinary person, the main thing here, again, is not how you read, but whether you read at all. This means that living sincere prayer is the main purpose of reading.

In liturgical publications, the Psalter consists of special parts called kathisms. Each of which, in turn, is divided by Glories: parts during which prayer for the departed and prayer for the health of living people take place.

Before and after the reading of the Psalms, special prayers are said, which, like the troparia, are also required for recitation after the completion of each kathisma.

Another important question on this subject is as follows: "How to read the Psalter at home: aloud or to yourself?" Priest Vladimir Shlykov answers this question as follows. He says that reading this sacred text can occur to oneself. However, many Holy Fathers recommended trying whenever possible to do this out loud. For example, Saint Ignatius speaks of the benefits of reciting psalms.

He writes that reading aloud accustoms a person to attentive prayer, increases understanding of the text.

Church reading the holy book

Read by the dead and alive, the Psalter often sounds in monastic and other churches. Such a church reading can be ordered, thereby helping the soul of a loved one. This care can be given to both living and dead people, whose future fate is taken care of by the person ordering this reading. In addition, such prayers can be useful not only to the one for whom they pray, but also to the one who performed this benefactor - he ordered a reading. It is only necessary to firmly remember the words of Christ "Let your left hand not know what the right hand is doing."

Reading Psalms for the deceased relatives and friends

First of all, you need to remember that reading is not always possible: during the Easter week, reading stops. However, this prohibition is not strict, as the “Priest’s Handbook” says that if a person died these days, then reading on it can be done.

When reading the Psalm on the deceased, it is most convenient to use the liturgical version of the holy bookwhere kathisma are indicated. During the Glory, with such a reading, one should say a prayer for the repose.

Priests say that they are often asked similar questions:

  1. How to read the Psalm on resting at home?
  2. Is it possible to read the Glories in turn: for the departed and for the living?

To these questions most often from the priest you can hear a positive answer.

How to read the Health Psalter?

Accordingly, if the psalms are read for healthy people, then in the Glories you need to say a prayer of health.

Another rule regarding Glory. If a person wants to learn how to read the Psalter about living at home, he must accustom himself to standing up during the reading of Glory. While reading the rest of the text of this holy book, the sitting position of the reader is allowed. Only seriously ill people can not get up during the Glory, as, by the way, during church services. This rising during the reading of the Glory is necessary, because during it the worshipers demonstrate their love and reverence for the Lord God.

Quite often, the following question arises: how to read the hymnal for children correctly? There are no special rules. For children, the Psalter reads the same as for adults.

If we are talking about teaching children to read the Psalms, then it is important to teach children to understand this holy book from early childhood, explaining to them the meaning of certain incomprehensible fragments. The meaningless reading of sacred texts by children must be prevented. This also applies to adults. Therefore, many priests and theologians recommend taking upon themselves the reading of the feasible parts of the Psalms. You should not continue reading when the attention has already been scattered. Such a reading can only “anger” God. That is, reading in a similar manner leads to the fact that a person begins to relate to this tradition in a pagan way, attaching importance not to prayer, but only to the fact of the performance of the ritual.

As for the various practices of home reading the Psalms, there are a great many of them. You can read it alone with yourself, or together with other people. In Orthodox literature there are also reading techniques in which the Kathisma of the Psalms are divided between a group of people into an equal or unequal number of texts.


Despite the fact that many holy fathers recommend thoughtfully reading the Psalter, some of them also say that you should not be embarrassed if the meaning of the recited is still not always accessible to the reader. There is also an opinion that even if the reader does not understand the meaning, then his very intention to glorify the Lord in reading the psalms is a blessing. Therefore, you should not be discouraged if it is not always possible to read the sacred text impeccably and with deep understanding.

Without exaggeration, we can say that for the Christian, the Psalter is the most precious book of the Old Testament. The Psalter is a book of prayers for all occasions: in sorrow, in a sense of hopelessness, in fear, in calamity, in tears of repentance and in joy after the comfort received, in the need for thanksgiving and in order to offer pure praise to the Creator. St. Ambrose of Mediolansky writes: “The grace of God breathes throughout Scripture, but in the sweet song of the psalms it breathes predominantly.”

The Psalter received its name from the Greek word “psalm,” which means to rattle on strings, to play. King David was the first to accompany the singing of inspired prayers composed by him by playing a musical instrument called the Psalterion, similar to a harp. For Jews, the book of Psalms is called “Tegillim,” which means “praise.”

The Psalter, composed over 8 centuries - from Moses (1500 years to R. Хр). to Ezra Nehemiah (400 years BC), contains 150 psalms. King David laid the foundation for this book, composing the greatest number of psalms (over 80). In addition to the Davidovs, the Psalms included psalms: Moses - one (89th ps.), Solomon - three (71st, 126th and 131st), Asaph the seer and his descendants-Asaphites - twelve; Eman - one (87th), Efama - one (88th), sons of Koreans - eleven. The rest of the psalms belong to unknown writers. Psalms are composed according to the rules of Jewish poetry and often achieve amazing beauty and strength.

Often at the beginning of the psalms there are inscriptions that indicate their content: for example, “prayer” (prayer psalm), “praise” (praise psalm), “teaching” (edifying psalm), or the way of writing: “scribbling,” t. e. epigrammatic. Other inscriptions indicate a way of performance, for example: “psalm” - i.e. with accompaniment on a musical instrument-hymnals; “Song” - i.e. voice performance, vocal; “On stringed instruments;” “On the eight-stringed;” “Otochilekh” or in the Russian Bible “on the Gaphian weapon” - i.e. on the zither; “About the changeable” - i.e. with change tools. Above some psalms are inscribed the words of the song, on the model of which this psalm should be performed, something like “similar” at evening and morning services.

The Psalter was for the most part already the final book in ancient Russian education, necessary not only for church officials, but also for secular people. The works of Theodosius of the Caves, Metropolitan Hilarion, Cyril of Turov, Serapion of Vladimir, Vladimir Monomakh are full of references to the psalms and sayings from them. Its influence is very noticeable in folk proverbs. Psalms were shifted by almost all our poets of the 18th century; from poets of the 19th century - Khomyakov, Yazykovym and others.

In almost every verse of the Psalms, the Church is reflected in the New Testament, one or another event or thought.

King David is the main author of the Psalms

The content of the psalms is closely related to the life of the righteous king David. David, born a thousand years before the birth of Christ in Bethlehem, was the youngest son of the poor and large shepherd Jesse. Even in his early youth, as a shepherd, David began to compose inspirational prayers to the Creator. When the prophet Samuel sent by God entered the house of Jesse to anoint the king for Israel, the prophet thought to anoint one of the eldest sons. But the Lord revealed to the prophet that the youngest son, still quite a youth of David, was chosen by Him for this high service. Then, obeying God, Samuel pours sacred oil on the head of his youngest son, thereby anointing the kingdom. From this time, David becomes the anointed of God - the messiah (the Hebrew word for “messiah” in Greek “Christ,” means the anointed). But David did not immediately begin the actual reign. He still has a long way to go through the trials and unjust persecutions of the then ruling king, Saul, who hated David. The reason for this hatred was envy, since the young man David defeated the previously invincible Philistine giant Goliath with a small stone and gave the victory to the Jewish army. After this incident, the people said: “Saul defeated thousands, and David - tens of thousands.” Only strong faith in an intercessor God helped David endure all the many persecutions and dangers to which he was exposed by Saul and his servants for almost fifteen years. Wandering for months in a wild and impenetrable desert, King David poured out his grief to God in inspired psalms (see psalms 7, 12, 13, 16, 17, 21, 39, 51, 53, 56, 58). The victory over Goliath is depicted by David in the 43rd psalm.

Reigning in Jerusalem after the death of Saul, King David became the most eminent king ever to rule Israel. He combined many of the valuable qualities of a good king: love for the people, justice, wisdom, courage and, most importantly, strong faith in God. Before deciding any state issue, King David wholeheartedly appealed to God, asking for admonition. The Lord helped David in everything and blessed his 40-year reign with many successes. Managing the kingdom, David made sure that the divine service in the tabernacle was excellent, and for him he composed psalms that were often performed by the choir accompanied by musical instruments. Often David himself led religious holidays, offering sacrifices to God for the Jewish people and singing psalms (See his psalms on the transfer of the Ark: 14 and 23).

But David did not escape the ordeals. Once he was seduced by the beauty of a married woman, Bathsheba. King David mourned his sin in the famous 50th penitent psalm. The hardest grief for David was a military uprising, led against him by his own son Absalom, who dreamed of becoming a king prematurely. In this case, David experienced all the bitterness of black ingratitude and betrayal of many of his subjects. But, as before under Saul, faith and trust in God helped David. Absalom died ingloriously, although David tried his best to save him. He had mercy on the other rebels. David captured his emotional experiences in connection with the rebellion of Absalom in the psalms: 4, 5, 6, 10, 24, 40-42, 54, 57, 60-63, 83, 140, 142.

By their poetic beauty and depth of religious feeling, David's psalms inspired many other subsequent psalms compilers. Therefore, although not all the psalms were written by David, the title is often given, which is often given to the book of psalms: “Psalm of King David.”

The Prophetic Side of the Psalms

Being a king and a prophet, and also to a certain extent a priest, King David represented the greatest King, Prophet and High Priest - Christ the Savior, descendant of David in the flesh. The personal experience of King David, as well as the poetic gift that he possessed, gave him the opportunity in a whole series of psalms with unprecedented brightness and liveliness to prophetically draw the personality and feat of the coming Messiah.

Here is a list of the most important prophetic psalms: about the coming of the Messiah: 17, 49, 67, 95-97. About the Kingdom of the Messiah: 2, 17, 19, 20, 44, 65, 71, 109, 131. About the priesthood of the Messiah: 109. About the sufferings, death and resurrection of the Messiah: 15, 21, 30, 39, 40, 65, 68, 98: 5 (40, 54 and 108 - about Judas the traitor). On the ascension of Christ to heaven: 23, 67. Christ - the foundation of the Church: 117. On the glory of the Messiah: 8. On the Last Judgment: 96. On the inheritance by the righteous of eternal rest: 94.

To understand the prophetic psalms, one must remember that David, like the other great righteous people of the Old Testament, represented Christ as himself. Therefore, what he says, for example, about his suffering or glory, is not an exaggeration, but only partially relates to it. In full measure, it refers to Christ. We see this understanding of the psalms among the Apostles of Christ and among the holy fathers.

The Importance of Psalms for Divine Services

In the Psalms there are many thoughts, appeals to your soul, many instructions and words of comfort. Not surprisingly, the extremely widespread use of the Psalms in prayer is therefore not surprising. Not a single worship service, ever since the Old Testament times, is complete without psalms. Psalms began to be used in daily sacrifices, on Saturdays and holidays. David introduced the use of psalmopenia of musical instruments: strings, winds and percussion - gusli, tympanums, psalms, cymbals, trumpets and others. The Lord Jesus Christ prayed in the words of psalms, for example: after the Last Supper, He, “having sung, went to the Mount of Olives” (Matt. 26:30). Following the example of Jesus Christ and the apostles in the Church of the first centuries of Christianity, the Psalter was often used for prayer (Ephesians 5:19; Col. 3:16; Cor. 14:26). In the 4th century, for the convenience of reading at divine services, the Psalter was divided into 20 parts - “kafism” (the word “kafizo” in Greek means “sitting”).

Some of the psalms are read several times during one liturgical day. The entire Orthodox worship is permeated with individual verses of psalms, in the form of prokimenas, alleluaries, verses on “God the Lord,” refrains to stichera and other short addresses, asking, repenting, laudatory. Christian prayers in the New Testament often borrow expressions from psalms. The Psalter, in the full sense of the word, is Christianized. This means that the Church puts Christian meaning in all expressions, and the Old Testament element that is in it fades into the background. The words in the psalms: “rebel,” “resurrect, Lord,” lead our thought to the resurrection of Christ; words about captivity are understood in the sense of captivity of sin; the names of nations hostile to Israel in the sense of spiritual enemies, and the name of Israel in the sense of the church people; a call for beating up enemies - as a call for fighting passions; salvation from Egypt and from Babylon is like salvation in Christ.

In this brochure we have placed mainly those psalms that are most often used in our services (see the index at the end of the booklet).

About translations Psalms

The original language of the Psalms, like other books of the Old Testament, is Hebrew. In the 3rd century BC, the Old Testament books were translated from Hebrew to Greek. This translation was called the translation of 70 interpreters and served as the main source for the distribution of the Old Testament Scriptures in apostolic times. Over the centuries, due to errors in correspondence, some variations have crept into both the Hebrew and Greek biblical texts. This difference in reading, although small and not significant, is still quite noticeable in places. The difference in expressions is especially felt in the psalms because they are known to the praying person more than other Old Testament books. Comparing the differences in the psalms of the Hebrew text with the Greek 70 interpreters, many biblists give preference to the latter. The apostles, who preached mainly among pagans who understood the Greek language, widely used the translation of 70 interpreters in their letters. Thus, thanks to the holy Apostles and the Church Fathers of the first centuries of Christianity, the Bible of the Greek translation of 70 interpreters became a book of the Church.

According to Nestor the chronicler, the Psalter was translated from the Greek translation of 70 interpreters into the Slavic language of St. brothers Cyril and Methodius (in the 9th century). The translation of the psalms into Russian was made in the 19th century by the “Orthodox Bible Society.” The translation was based on the Hebrew text, which, with the blessing of the Holy Governing Synod, was included in the Russian Bible.

However, it should be said that for a Russian church man who is accustomed to pray in Church Slavonic, the synodal translation of the psalms of the Russian Bible does not sound harmonious due to frequent differences in expressions with the psalms read in the church. Therefore, here are selected psalms in Russian, translated from Greek 70 interpreters. This beautiful, scientifically sound translation was made by prof. Kazan Theological Academy P.A. Yungerov in 1915. This Russian translation is closer in spirit to the psalms read at our services than the psalms in the Russian Bible.

Selected Psalms Psalm 1

Blessed is the man who did not go to the meeting of the wicked and did not stand in the way of sinners, and did not sit in the company of destroyers, but in the law of the Lord his will, and he will learn his law day and night. And he will be like a tree planted at the head of the waters, which he will give his fruit in due time, and his leaf will not fall. And all that he does will be successful.

Not so wicked, not so: but they are like dust that sweeps the wind from the face of the earth! Therefore, the wicked will not stand in judgment and sinners in the congregation of the righteous. Because the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.

Psalm 2 (Prophetic about Christ)

Why are nations and tribes worried plotting in vain? The kings of the earth appeared, and the princes gathered together against the Lord and against His Anointed. “Let us break their bonds and cast off their yoke.” He who lives in heaven will laugh at them and the Lord will humiliate them. Then he will say to them in his wrath, and by his fury will lead them into confusion. I, he was made king over Zion by his holy mountain, to declare the commandment of the Lord. The Lord told me: “You are My Son, I have given birth to You now. Ask me and I will give you the nations for your inheritance and the ends of the earth for your possession. “You will shepherd them with an iron rod, like the vessels of a potter, and crush them.” And now, kings, enlighten, learn, all the judges of the earth. Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice in awe of Him. Take advantage of the instruction, lest the Lord be angry, and you will perish from the right path, when His fury soon ignites. Blessed are all who trust in Him.

Psalm 3

Lord How my persecutors multiplied! Many rebel against me. Many say to my soul: “There is no salvation for him in his God.” But You, Lord, are my intercessor, my glory, and You exalt my head. With my voice I called upon the Lord, and He heard me from His holy mountain. I fell asleep, slept and stood up, for the Lord will protect me. I won’t be afraid of many people attacking me all around. Rise, Lord! Save me, my goodness! For thou hast struck all who were in vain warring against me, you have broken the teeth of sinners. The Lord’s salvation is also Your blessing on Your people.

Psalm 4

When I called, the God of my righteousness heard me. In sorrow You gave me room. Have mercy on me and hear my prayer! Sons of man! How long will you (be) persistent? Why love the hustle and bustle of lies? Know that the Lord made His reverend marvelous. The Lord will hear me when I call to Him. Angry, do not sin. What you speak in your hearts, lament on your lodges. Make a sacrifice of truth and trust in the Lord. Many say: who will show us the good? Thy light was impressed upon us, Lord. You have given merriment to my heart, and they have enriched themselves from the fruit of wheat, wine and oil. In peace, I will simultaneously fall asleep and calm down, for You, Lord, have inspired me alone with hope.

Psalm 5

Lord Listen to my words, enlighten my appeal. Hear the voice of my supplication, My King and my God, for I pray to you, Lord. In the morning, hear my voice, in the morning I will appear before Thee, and You will see me. For you are God, to whom lawlessness is not pleasing, the evil one will not be found in you. And the wicked will not abide before Your eyes, You have hated all who commit lawlessness. You will destroy the Lord who speaks lies, the bloodthirsty and flattering. And I, by the multitude of Thy mercy, will enter Thy house, I will worship Your holy temple in fear of Thee. Lord Guide me with Thy righteousness, for the sake of my enemies, correct my path before Thee. For there is no truth in their mouths, their heart is vain, their larynx is an open sepulcher, with their tongue they flatter. Judge them, God! May they lag behind their plans. For the multitude of their wickedness, overthrow them, for they have afflicted you, Lord. And may all those who trust in you rejoice, rejoice over the ages, and dwell in them, and the ones who love your name will boast about you. For you bless the righteous, Lord: by grace, as a weapon, you have protected us.

Psalm 8

Lord, our Lord! How marvelous is thy name in all the earth! Your greatness extends above heaven. Through the lips of infants and babies, you have declared praise for the sake of your enemies, in order to destroy the enemy and the avenger. When I look at heaven, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars that You founded, then (I think) that there is a person that you remember him? Or the son of man that you visit him? Little did you belittle him before the Angels, with glory and honor You crowned him and placed him over the works of Your hands, you placed everything at his feet: all the sheep and oxen, as well as the livestock, birds of the air, and sea fish passing the sea paths. Lord, our Lord! How marvelous is thy name in all the earth!

Psalm 12

How long, Lord, will you forget me to the end? how long will you turn your face away from me? How long will I lay down thoughts in my soul, sorrows in my heart day and night? How long will I be exalted above me, my enemy? Look, hear me, Lord, my God, enlighten my eyes, that I may not fall asleep in death. May my enemy not say: “I have overcome him!” Those who oppress me will be glad if I hesitate. But I trusted in thy mercy. My heart will rejoice over thy salvation. I will sing to the Lord, who has benefited me, and I will sing the name of the Lord Most High.

Psalm 16

O Lord, hear my truth, listen to my prayer, hear my prayer not from flattering lips. On behalf of thy judgment let me go, let my eyes see righteousness. You tested my heart, visited at night, tested (by fire) me, and there was no untruth in me that my mouth did not speak of human affairs. According to Your lips, I was guarded from cruel ways. Establish my feet on thy paths, lest my legs shake. I cried out, for You listened to me, God, incline Thy ear to me and hear my words. Reveal marvelously at Your mercy, saving those who trust in You from those who oppose Your right hand. God save me, like the apple of an eye, under the roof of Your wings, protect me from the wicked who offend me: my enemies have constrained my soul. They were enclosed in their fat (fat): their mouth spoke arrogant. My persecutors have now surrounded me, their eyes are fixed to plunge to the ground. They lurked me, like a lion rushing to prey, and like a lion cub living in secret places. Rise, Lord, warn them and remember them, deliver my soul from the wicked, by Your arms - from the enemies of Your hand. Lord During their lifetime, they separated them from small ones on earth. Your treasures were filled with their womb: their sons were full and left the remainder to their descendants. But I am in truth in thy sight, I will be satisfied when your glory appears to me.

Psalm 22

The Lord feeds me and does not rob me of anything. There, on a vicious place, He settled me and brought me up by the calm water. He turned my soul, directed me on the path of truth for the sake of His name. Even if I go in the midst of the shadow of death, I will not be afraid of evil, for You are with me: Your rod and Your staff - they comforted me. You have prepared a meal for me in the sight of my oppressors, anointed my head with oil, and Your bowl gives me water as excellent! And Your mercy follows me all the days of my life. And I will abide in the house of the Lord for many days!

Psalm 23

The Lord’s earth and everything that fills it, the universe and all who live in it. He founded it on the seas and built it on the rivers. Who will climb the mountain of the Lord? Or who will stand in His holy place? He who has perfect hands and a pure heart, who in his soul was not keen on vanity and did not swear craftyly to his neighbor. This one will receive a blessing from the Lord and mercy from God his savior. Such is the kind of seekers of the Lord, seeking the faces of the God of Jacob! Princes, raise up your gates and rise, everlasting gates! And the King of Glory will enter. Who is this King of Glory? The Lord is strong and strong, the Lord is strong in battle. Princes, raise up your gates and rise, everlasting gates! And the King of Glory will enter. Who is this King of Glory? Lord of power, He is the King of Glory.

Psalm 24

To you, Lord, I have ascended with my soul. Oh my God! I have trusted in You, that I will not be ashamed for ever and that my enemies will not laugh at me. For all who trust in you shall not be ashamed. Yes, all that are vainly lawless shall be ashamed. Thy ways, O Lord, show me and teach me thy paths. Teach me your truth and teach me, for you are God, my Savior, and I hoped for you every day. Remember thy bounties, O Lord, and thy mercies, for they are from time immemorial. Do not remember the sins of my youth and my ignorance, by Your mercy You remember me, by Your goodness, Lord. God is good and right, therefore, to those who sin, He will show the way of the law. He will guide the meek in judgment, teach the meek in His ways. All the ways of the Lord are mercy and truth for those who seek His covenant and His revelations. For the sake of thy name, Lord, cleanse my sin, for it is great. What kind of person is afraid of the Lord? He will give him the law for the way that pleases him. His soul will be planted among the blessings, and his seed shall inherit the earth. The Lord is the support of those who fear Him, and His covenant will be revealed to them. My eyes are always (turned) to the Lord, for He will remove my legs from the net. Look at me and have mercy on me, for I am alone and wretched. The afflictions of my heart have multiplied; from my misfortunes lead me. Look at my humility and my exhaustion and forgive all my sins. Look at my enemies: how they multiplied and (by what) hatred of unrighteousness they hated me! Save my soul and deliver me, may I not be ashamed that I have trusted in you. Good-hearted and righteous have united with me, for I trust in Thee, Lord. God save Israel from all his sorrows.

Psalm 32

Rejoice, righteous ones, about the Lord. Praise befits the righteous. Praise the Lord in the harp; sing in the ten-stringed psalter. Sing to him a new song, sing to him harmoniously, with an exclamation! For the right is the word of the Lord and all his works are faithful. The Lord loves mercy and judgment, the earth is full of the grace of the Lord. By the Word of the Lord, heaven is affirmed and by the Spirit of His mouth all their strength. He collects, like fur, the waters of the sea, encloses the abysses in the treasures. May the whole earth be afraid of the Lord, may all living in the universe tremble before him! For He said - and it was, commanded - and was created. The Lord destroys the councils of peoples, cancels the plans of people, and rejects the advice of princes.

But the counsel of the Lord abides forever, and the thoughts of his heart are in kind and kind. Blessed is the people whose Lord is his God, the people whom he has chosen as his inheritance. The Lord looked from heaven, saw all the sons of men. From His prepared dwelling, He who looked at all those who live on the earth, He who created their hearts especially and delves into all their affairs. The king is not saved by great power, and the giant is not saved by the multitude of his fortress. Having deceived a horse for salvation: with his great strength he will not be saved. These are the eyes of the Lord over those who fear Him, trusting in His mercy: in order to save their souls from death and soak them in times of famine. But our soul trusts in the Lord, for He is our helper and protector. Our heart will rejoice in him, and in our holy name we have relied. O Lord, Thy mercy be upon us, as we trusted in Thee.

Psalm 33

I will glorify the Lord at all times, praise to Him is always on my lips. My soul will boast in the Lord, that the meek shall hear and rejoice. Magnify the Lord with me, and together we will exalt His name. I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my sorrows. Come to Him and be enlightened, and your face will not be ashamed. This beggar called out, and the Lord heard him, and delivered him from all his sorrows. The angel of the Lord will revolt around those who fear him and deliver them. Taste and see how good the Lord is: blessed is the man who trusts in Him! Fear the Lord all his saints, for there is no shortage of those who fear him. The rich became impoverished and hungry, but those who seek the Lord will not be deprived of any good.

Come, children, listen to me, I will teach you the fear of the Lord. Who loves life, wants to see good days? Keep your tongue from evil, and your mouth from evil words. Evade evil and do good, seek peace and strive for it. The eyes of the Lord (turned) to the righteous and His ears to their prayer. The face of the Lord is against those who do evil, in order to destroy the memory of them from the earth. The righteous called out, and the Lord heard them, and delivered them from all their sorrows. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and humble in spirit. The righteous have many sorrows, but the Lord will deliver them from all of them. The Lord keeps all their bones, not one of them will be afflicted. The death of sinners is disastrous; those who hate the righteous sin. The Lord will deliver the souls of His servants, and all who trust in Him will not sin.

Psalm 37

Lord Thou shalt not condemn me in Thy fury, and chasten me not in Thy wrath. For Thy arrows pierced me, and You have established Your hand on me. There is no healing in my flesh from your wrath, there is no peace in my bones from my sins. For my iniquities exceeded my head, like a heavy burden, burdened on me. My wounds were stricken and festering from my madness. I suffered and bent to the end, walked all day in sorrow. My inside is full of inflammation, and there is no healing of my flesh. I suffered a lot and was excessively humiliated, screaming from the torment of my heart.

Lord Before You all my desire and my sigh are not hidden from You. My heart is embarrassed, my strength has left me, and the light of my eyes is not mine. My friends and my neighbors approached me and stood opposite me, and my closest ones became far from me; the seekers of my soul crowded, and the seekers of evil spoke vain to me and all day thought of deceit.

But I, as a deaf person, did not hear, and as a dumb person, I did not open my mouth. And he was like a man who did not hear and did not have an answer in his mouth. For I, on God, have counted on you: Lord, my God, you will hear. For I said: “Let not my enemies triumph over me.” For when my feet hesitated, they magnified themselves above me.

But I am close to defeat, and my illness is always before me. For I will declare my iniquity and take care of my sin. But my enemies live and strengthened more than me, and those who hate me have multiplied unjustly. Those who give me evil for good have slandered me, since I followed good. Do not leave me, Lord, my God, do not recede from me! Hurry to help me, Lord of my salvation!

Psalm 40

Blessed is he who thinks of the poor and the wretched! On a day of misery, the Lord will deliver him. May the Lord save him and save his life, and grant him bliss on earth, and let him not deliver him into the hands of his enemies. May the Lord have mercy on his bed of sickness! You changed his bed during his illness.

I said: Lord! Have mercy on me, heal my soul, for I have sinned before Thee. My enemies said evil things about me: “When he dies, and his name will perish!” And if (someone) came to see (me), then he was lying, his heart contained lawlessness. And going out, he conspired with enemies: they whispered against me, they plotted evil on me. The word criminal made up on me (saying :) “Will the lying again rise again?” Even a man friendly to me, on whom I was hoping, who ate my bread, lifted my heel on me. Lord, have mercy on me, and strengthen me, and I will repay them. From this I know of Your good pleasure for me that my enemy will not triumph over me. And you, according to my kindness, You accepted and established before you forever. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from century to century!

Psalm 45

God is our refuge and strength, an assistant in the grievous tribulations that befell us. Therefore, we won’t be afraid when the earth shakes and the mountains move into the middle of the seas. Their waters roared and billowed, the mountains shook with His fortress. The currents of the river amuse the city of God: consecrated the city of His Most High. God is in his midst, and he will not be shaken: God will help him in the early morning. The nations came into confusion, bowed the kingdom, the Most High gave His voice: the earth shook. The Lord is with us, our intercessor is the God of Jacob. Come and see the works of God, the miracles that He performed on earth: He will stop scolding to the ends of the earth, he will crush the bow and break the weapon, and he will burn the shields with fire. Calm down and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted on the earth. The Lord is with us, our intercessor is the God of Jacob.

Psalm 50 (penitent)

Have mercy on me, God, by Your great mercy and by the multitude of Your bounties, cleanse my iniquity. Wash me many times from my iniquity and from my sin cleanse me, for I recognize my iniquity, and my sin is always before me. I have sinned for you alone, and I have created the evil one before you, so that you will be righteous in your judgment and will triumph when you judge. For behold, I was conceived in iniquity, and my mother gave birth to me in sin. You have loved the truth: you revealed to me the unknown and secret of your wisdom. You will sprinkle me with a hyssop (the grass used in worship) and I will be cleaned, you will wash me, and I will become whiter than snow.

Deliver my hearing joy and joy - and humble bones will rejoice. Turn Thy face away from my sins, and cleanse my iniquities. Create a pure heart in me, God, and renew the right spirit within me. Thou shalt not cast me away from thy presence, and thy Holy Spirit not be taken from me. Return to me the joy of Your salvation and confirm me with the sovereign Spirit. I will teach the thy wicked ways, and the wicked will turn to you. Deliver me from the (shedding) of blood, God, God of my salvation! And joyfully praise my tongue your truth. Lord Open my mouth and they will declare Your praise. If you wanted a sacrifice, I would give (but) to the burnt offering you do not favor. Sacrifice to God is a broken spirit; God does not despise the heart of the broken and humble.

Grace, O Lord, according to Your good pleasure, Zion, and may the walls of Jerusalem be built. Then you will favor the sacrifice of truth, the offering and the burnt offering, then they will lay the calf on your altar.

Psalm 53

Oh god In thy name save me, and by thy power judge me. God, hear my prayer, listen to the words of the mouth

mine! For strangers rebelled against me, and the mighty sought my soul, and did not represent God before them. But God helps me, and the Lord is the protector of my soul. He will turn evil upon my enemies: according to Thy truth, destroy them. I will willingly offer you a sacrifice, glorify your name, Lord, for it is good. For you have delivered me from all sorrow, and my eye has looked upon my enemies.

Psalm 54

Hear my God’s prayer and do not despise my prayers. Listen to me and hear me: I mourned in my grief and was embarrassed by the voice of the enemy and from the oppression (from the side) of the sinner, for they brought lawlessness upon me and were at enmity with me in anger. My heart fluttered in me and the fear of death attacked me. Fear and awe found on me, and darkness covered me. And I said: who will give me wings like a dove, and I will fly, and calm down? So, running away, I retired and settled in the desert. I expected from God to save me from cowardice and storm. Flood (them), Lord, and stripped their tongues, for I have seen iniquity and strife in the city. Day and night they walk around its walls, lawlessness and malice among him and untruth. And his vengeance and deceit do not impoverish in the squares.

If the enemy had reproached me, I would have suffered (this), and if the one who hated me was extolled above me, I would have taken refuge from him. But you are a unanimous person, my adviser and my close one; you, who, together with me, enjoyed the food, (with whom) we went together to the house of God. May their death befall, and may they descend alive to hell, for deceit is in their dwellings, in their midst. I called on God, and the Lord heard me. In the evening and in the morning and at noon I will tell, and I will proclaim, and He will hear my voice. Peacefully I will save my soul from those who approach me, for many of them were with me. God will hear and humble them Jehovah before centuries, because there is no change in them and they were not afraid of God. He stretched out His hand to give (to them): they broke His covenant. Separated from His angry face. (Although) they approached with their hearts, their words are softer than oil, but they are the arrows. Throw your grief on the Lord, and He will feed you: He will not give the righteous in agony. But you, God, will bring them to the perishing ditch: bloodthirsty and flattering men will not live to see their half days; but I trust in Thee, Lord.

Psalm 62

Oh my god I am turning to you in the morning, my soul thirsted for you and how much my flesh (aspired) to you in the land empty, impassable and waterless! So he would appear to you in the sanctuary, to see your strength and your glory! For thy mercy is more precious than life. My mouth will praise you. So I will bless you in my life, in thy name I will raise up my hands. Like a fat and oil, my soul will be filled, and my mouth will praise You with the voice of joy. I remembered you in my bed, in the morning I thought about you. For you were my helper, and under the shelter of thy wings I will rejoice. My soul clung to you, and thy right hand took me. But they searched in vain for (my perdition) my soul, they will descend into the underworld, they will be devoted to the sword, they will be prey to foxes. The Tsar will rejoice in God, everyone who swears by Him will be glorified, for the mouth of those speaking the truth has been stolen.

Psalm 66

Oh god Have mercy on us and bless us, reveal Your face to us with light and have mercy on us, in order to know Your way on earth, Your salvation in all nations! God bless the people! May the tribes rejoice and rejoice, for you will judge the people by righteousness and rule the tribes on earth. May the nations praise you, God! May all nations praise you! The earth has given its fruit. Bless us, our God, bless us, God, and may all the ends of the earth fear Him!

Psalm 69

Oh god Hurry to help me. Lord Do not be slow to help me. May those seeking my soul be ashamed and shameful, may those who wish me harm come back and be ashamed! Soon let them come back with shame saying to me: “good, good”! May all who seek You, God, rejoice and rejoice in Thee, and may those who constantly loving Your salvation say: “May the Lord be exalted”! And I am a beggar and wretched. God help me: my helper and my deliverer - You. Lord, do not slow down!

Psalm 83

How long are Your homes, Lord of strength! My soul desires in every way (to enter) into the courts of the Lord. My heart and my flesh rejoice in the living God. For a bird finds a lodging for itself, and a turtledove’s nest for itself, in which it will lay its chicks: (such) for me are your altars, Lord of strength, my King and my God! Blessed are those who live in your house: forever and ever they will praise you. Blessed is the husband for whom You have protection, who in his heart laid the ascent to the appointed place, through the valley of lamentation. For the Lawgiver will give a blessing. They will ascend from strength to strength, God will appear to them (God) in Zion. Lord God of strength, hear my prayer, listen carefully, God of Jacob! Our protector, behold, God, and look at Your anointed! For one day in Your courtyards is better than thousands: I would rather be plunged at the house of my God than live in the houses of sinners. For the Lord loves mercy and truth, God will give grace and glory. The Lord will not deprive the blessings of those who walk without malice. Lord, God of strength, blessed is a man who trusts in You!

Psalm 84

Lord You have shown grace to Your land, returned the captives of Jacob. He forgave the iniquity of thy people, covered all their sins. Your anger ceased, restrained from Your angry rage. Restore us, God of our salvation, and turn Your rage away from us. Will you ever be angry with us? Or will Thy anger spread from generation to generation? Oh god You will revive us again, and Your people will rejoice in You. Show us, O Lord, Your mercy and Your salvation grant us. I will hear what the Lord God says in me: how He will speak peace to His people, and to His reverends, and to those who turn their hearts to Him. So, close to those who fear His salvation, so that glory dwells on our land. Mercy and truth met, truth and peace kissed each other! Truth shone from the earth, and truth came from heaven. For the Lord grants good, and our land will give its fruit. Truth will go before Him and put his feet on the path.

Psalm 85

Lord, incline Thy ear and hear me, for I am poor and wretched. Save my soul, for I am pleasing (to Thee). Save thy servant, my God, trusting in you. Have mercy on me, Lord, for I appeal to you every day. Your servant exalted the soul, for I have ascended to you with my soul. For you, Lord, are good, and gentle, and merciful to all who call you. O Lord, hear my prayer, and listen to the voice of my prayer. On the day of my sorrow, I cried out to you, for you listened to me. There is none like you, O Lord, between the gods, and no (similar) according to your works. All the nations that you have created will come and worship you, Lord, and glorify your name. For great are you and those who work miracles, you are one God. Lead me, O Lord, in Your way, and I will walk in Your truth. May my heart be glad, afraid of thy name. I confess to you, Lord, my God, with all my heart and I will glorify your name forever. For your mercy is great to me, and you have delivered my soul from the hell of hell. God, the criminals rebelled against me, and a bunch of strong people searched for my soul and did not represent You before them. But You, Lord, my God, generous and gracious, long-suffering, and many-merciful, and true. Look at me and have mercy on me, grant Your strength to Your youth and save the son of Your slave. Do a sign with me for the good: let those who hate me see and be ashamed (seeing) that You, Lord, helped me and comforted me.

Psalm 87

Lord God of my salvation! Day and night I cried out to Thee. May Thy prayer come before Your face, incline Thy ear to my prayer. For my soul was filled with calamities, and my life approached the grave. I became like a helpless man, censured to the dead, like the dead, lying in a tomb, of which You no longer remember and who are cast off from Your hand. They put me in the underworld, in the darkness and the shadow of death. Thy rage weighed upon me, and Thy waves thou hast brought upon me. You removed my friends from me: you considered me disgusting to yourself. I am imprisoned and cannot go out. My eyes were exhausted from suffering. I cried out unto Thee, Lord, all day, lifted up my hands unto Thee. Can you do miracles for the dead? Or will the doctors resurrect them and they will confess you? Will anyone in the sepulcher declare your mercy and thy truth in the (place) of perdition? Is your miracles and your truth in a forgotten land recognized in darkness? But I appealed to Thee, Lord, and in the morning my prayer will anticipate Thee. Why, Lord, do you reject my soul, turn your face away from me? I have been poor in labors since my youth: rising, humbled myself and exhausted. Your anger swept over me, Your fears shocked me: they surrounded me like water all day, they hugged me all together. You removed my friend and neighbor and acquaintances from me because of my suffering.

Psalm 89

Lord, You are our refuge from generation to generation. Before the mountains appeared and the earth and the universe were created, you are from century to century. Do not humiliate a person. You said, “Come back, sons of man!” A thousand years before Your eyes, Lord, like yesterday, which has passed, and like a night watch. Their years will be insignificant: how the grass disappears, which blooms in the morning, becomes green, by the evening it falls, wilts and withers. We have disappeared in Your wrath, and have been shocked by Your fury. Thou hast laid our iniquities before Thee, and our age before the light of thy face. All our days have passed, and we have disappeared in Your anger. Our summers are like a web. Our term is seventy years, and if we have eighty years, and most of them are labor and illness, for humiliation has befallen us, and we (sim) were taught. Who can know the strength of your wrath and in fear comprehend your rage? Therefore, bring thy right hand to me and to those whose heart is taught wisdom.

Turn, Lord! How long? Have mercy on Thy servants. May we soon be filled with Thy mercy, Lord, we will rejoice and be glad, all our days (as a reward) for the days in which You humbled us, for the summers in which we saw evil. And look at thy servants, at thy creatures, and instruct their sons. And may the light of the Lord our God abide in us, help us in the work of our hands, help us in the work of our hands.

Psalm 90

Living by the help of the Most High, under the shelter of the God of heaven will be established. He will tell the Lord: “You are my intercessor and my refuge, my God, I trust in you.” He will deliver you from the network of catchers and from the rebellious word. He will protect you with His shoulders, and under His wings you will be safe. His truth will shield you. You will not be afraid of the horror of night, an arrow flying during the day, an ulcer walking in the darkness, an infection that devastates at noon. A thousand will fall near you, and ten thousand to your right - they will not come nearer to you. You will only watch with your own eyes, and you will see retribution to sinners. For you said: the Lord is my hope. You have chosen the highest as your refuge. Evil will not come to you, and the ulcer will not come near your dwelling. For he commanded his angels to keep you in all your ways. They will take you into their arms so that you do not stumble with your foot on a stone. On the aspid and the basilisk (aspid and the basilisk - poisonous snakes) you will step and trample the lion and the snake (devil).

“Since he trusted in Me, I will deliver him, I will cover him, for he has known My name. With him I am in sorrow: he will call upon me - and I will hear him, deliver him and glorify him, saturate him with long days and reveal my salvation to him. ”

Psalm 91

It is good to confess the Lord and sing Thy name, the Most High, to proclaim Thy mercy and Thy truth in the morning every night, on the ten-stringed psalter, with singing, on the harp. For You, Lord, have delighted me with Your creation, and I will admire the works of Your hands. How magnificent are thy works, Lord! Your thoughts are marvelously deep! The mad man does not know and the unreasonable does not understand this. While sinners grew like grass, and all who do lawlessness appeared to disappear forever, You are high forever, Lord! For behold your enemies, Lord, for behold your enemies perish and all who do iniquity are scattered. And my horn will rise like a unicorn, and my old age will be anointed with fat oil. And my eye will look at my enemies, and my ear will hear about crafty wicked people. The righteous, like a date, flourishes and, like a cedar in Lebanon, multiplies. Those who were planted in the house of the Lord, they thrive in the courts of our God. They will still succeed in an honest old age and will be blessed to declare how the Lord our God is righteous and there is no unrighteousness in him!

Psalm 92

The Lord reigned, clothed himself in splendor, clothed the Lord in strength and girdled, for he affirmed a universe that would not shake. Your throne has been destined from time to time: you have existed forever. Lord exalted the rivers, their voices exalted the rivers. Their waves will raise high rivers, from the noisy movement of many waters. The sea waves are marvelous, the Lord is marvelous in the highest. Your revelations are very true. Your house, Lord, befits holiness for long days.

Psalm 95

Sing to the Lord a new song, sing to the Lord, all the earth! Sing to the Lord, bless His name, preach daily of His salvation. Proclaim His glory among the nations, His miracles in all nations. For the Lord is great and very glorious, terrible for all gods. For all the gods of the Gentiles are demons, but the Lord created the heavens. Praise and beauty before Him, holiness and splendor in His sanctuary. Bring to the Lord, the homelands of nations, give the Lord glory and honor! Give the Lord the glory of His name, take the sacrifices, and enter into His courts. Worship the Lord in His holy court. May the whole earth move in His sight! Tell the nations that the Lord reigned, for he affirmed a universe that would not move; He will judge the nations in truth. May heaven rejoice and may the earth rejoice, may the sea move, and what fills it! The fields and everything on them will rejoice. Then all the oak trees will rejoice on behalf of the Lord, for He is coming, for He is coming to judge the earth. He will judge the universe in truth and the nations according to His truth.

Psalm 96

The Lord reigned, may the earth rejoice, may numerous islands have fun! A cloud and darkness around Him, truth and judgment are the foundation of His throne. Fire will pass before Him and will burn around His enemies. His lightnings lit up the universe, the earth saw and fluttered. Mountains, like wax, have melted from the face of the Lord, from the face of the Lord of the whole earth. Heaven declared His righteousness, and all the nations saw His glory. May all worshipers of idols boasting of their idols be ashamed. Worship Him, all His Angels! Zion heard and rejoiced, and the daughters of Judah rejoiced for the sake of thy judgments, Lord. For You, the Lord above all the earth, are highly exalted over all the gods. Loving the Lord, hate evil! The Lord preserves the souls of His reverends, He will deliver them from the hand of the sinner. The light shone forth for the righteous, and with the right heart - joy. Rejoice, righteous, about the Lord, and tell the memory of his holiness.

Psalm 100

I will sing of mercy and judgment to you, Lord! I will sing my thoughts about the immaculate path: when will you come to me? I walked in the middle of my house in the malice of my heart, did not consider illegal things in my eyes, I hated the perpetrators of the crime. A corrupted person did not stick to my heart; I did not know the evil one (a person) who changed me. Secretly slandering my neighbor - this I cast out; with a beholder proudly and with an insatiable heart - with this I did not eat. “My eyes are (turned) upon the faithful lands, that they may sit with me; He who walked the blameless path served me. He did not live proudly inside my house; He who told the truth was not right before my eyes. In the morning I beat all the sinners of the earth in order to exterminate all those who commit lawlessness from the city of the Lord. ”

Psalm 102

Bless my soul, Lord and all my innards - His holy name! Bless my soul, Lord, and do not forget all His good deeds: He forgives all your iniquities, heals all your ailments, delivers your life from the grave, surrounds you with mercy and generosity, fulfills your good wishes, renews your youth like an eagle.

The Lord shows mercy and truth to all offended. He revealed His ways to Moses, the sons of Israel - His desires (laws). The Lord is generous and merciful, long-suffering and multi-merciful. He will not be completely angry and will not resent forever. It was not according to our iniquities that He did to us, and not according to our sins, He gave to us. For how high is heaven above the earth, so great is the mercy of the Lord to those who fear him. How far is the east from the west, (so much) has He removed our iniquities from us. As a father has mercy on his sons, so the Lord has mercy on those who fear Him. For He knows our nature, remembers that we are dust. Human days are like grass; like a wild flower, and it fades. The wind will pass over him, and he will no longer be, and he will not find his place. But the mercy of the Lord from century to century on those who fear Him, and His truth on the sons of sons who keep His covenant and remember His commandments to fulfill them.

The Lord in heaven established His throne, and His kingdom possesses everything. Bless the Lord all His Angels, strong in strength, fulfilling His word, listening to His voice. Bless the Lord all his armies, his servants, fulfilling his will. Bless the Lord all his works, in every place of his dominion. Bless my soul, Lord!

Psalm 103

Bless my soul, Lord! Oh my God! You are marvelously great, in glory and splendor You are clothed. You dress with light, like clothes, stretch the sky like a leather tent. You cover your waters with your waters, you make your clouds your chariot, walk on the wings of the wind. You create angels with your spirits and your servants with a fiery flame. He founded the earth on its firmament: it will not bend over for centuries. The abyss is like a garment, its cover. There will be waters on the mountains: they will flee from Thy prohibition, they will be afraid of the sound of Thunder. They ascend (like) the mountains and descend (like) the plains to the place that you appointed them. You have set a limit, which they will not cross, and will not return to cover the earth.

You direct the springs to the valleys: waters flow among the mountains, water all the wild animals; wild donkeys (of them) quench their thirst. When they live birds of heaven from the middle of the cliffs make a voice. You drink mountains from Your heights: the earth is saturated with the fruits of Your works. You grow grass for cattle and greens for the benefit of people in order to bring (them) food from the earth: wine cheers a person’s heart, oil softens his face, and bread strengthens a person’s heart.

The field trees, the Lebanese cedars that you planted are saturated. Birds make nests there, the stork’s dwelling rises above them. High mountains - for deer, rocky rock - a refuge for hares. You have created the moon for the (pointing) of times; the sun knows its west. You spread the darkness, and night comes, during which all the animals of the forest, young lions, roaring about prey, go to beg God for food for themselves. The sun rose, and they gathered and lay in their lairs. A man (then) goes to his work and to his work until the evening.

How magnificent are thy works, Lord! You have created everything wisely. Your earth is full of creature. This is a great and vast sea: there are reptiles, of whom there is no number, animals are small with great ones. Ships sail there, and this snake (whale) that you created to play in it. Everyone expects food from You to give them in good time. When you give them, they accept; when you open your hand, everyone will be filled with good. When you turn your face away, they are dismayed; if you take their spirit, they will disappear and return to your land. You will send Your Spirit, and they will be created, and you will renew the face of the earth. May the Lord be praised forever! The Lord will rejoice in his work. He will look at the earth, and it will shake, touch the mountains, and they will smoke.

I will sing to the Lord in my life, I will sing to my God, as long as I exist. May my conversation be pleasant to Him, and I will have fun about the Lord. May sinners disappear from the earth and the wicked so that they are not there! Bless my soul, Lord!

Psalm 109 (Prophetic about Christ)

The Lord said to my Lord: Sit at my right hand, until I half-see your enemies at the foot of your feet. A rod of power will send the Lord to you from Zion, and rule among your enemies. With You is power on the day of Your strength in the splendor of Your saints. “From the womb before the first day I begat you.” The Lord swore and does not repent: You are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. The Lord is at the right hand of You, He will smite on the day of the wrath of His kings, execute judgment on nations, fill (the earth) with corpses, crush the heads of many on the earth. He will drink from the stream on the way, and therefore he will exalt the head.

Psalm 111

Blessed is the man who fears the Lord: he will greatly love his commandments. His offspring on earth will be powerful; the race of the righteous will be blessed. Glory and wealth are in his house, and truth abides forever. The righteous light shone in the darkness: he is merciful and generous and righteous. A good husband, giving generously, will arrange his affairs in court, so that he will not hesitate forever. In the eternal memory there will be a righteous person; a thin rumor will not be afraid. His heart is ready to trust in the Lord, his heart is unshakable, he will not be afraid until he sees (perish) his enemies. He wasted, gave to the poor, his truth abides in the century, his power will be exalted in glory. The sinner sees (these things) and is angry, with his teeth he gritters and melts. The desire of the sinner will perish.

Psalm 114

I rejoice that the Lord will hear the voice of my prayer. Since He bent His ear to me, I will invoke (His) all my days. Mortals embraced me, infernal calamities befell me. I met sorrow and torment and called on the name of the Lord. Oh Lord, deliver my soul! The Lord is merciful and righteous, and our God has mercy. God keeps babies. I humbled myself, and He saved me. Return, my soul, to your rest, for the Lord has blessed you. For He delivered my soul from death, my eyes from tears, and my feet from stumbling. I will be pleasing to the Lord in the land of the living.

Psalm 115

I believed and therefore said: I am very afflicted. But I said in my frenzy: every man is lying. What will I pay the Lord for all that He has given me? I will receive the cup of salvation and I will call the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord before all his people. Honest before the Lord is the death of His saints. Lord I am Your servant. I am Your servant and the son of Your slave. You have broken my bonds. I will offer you a sacrifice of praise and I will call upon the name of the Lord. I will fulfill my vows to the Lord before all his people, in the courtyards of the house of the Lord, among you, Jerusalem!

Psalm 116

Praise the Lord, all nations, praise Him, all people, for His mercy is unshakable to us, and the truth of the Lord abides forever.

Psalm 117

Confess to the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy forever. Let the house of Israel say, for he is good, for in his age his mercy. Let the house of Aaron say, for He is good, for His mercy in the age. Let all those who fear the Lord say, for He is good, for in His age His mercy. In sorrow I called upon the Lord, and He heard me (having informed) in the open. The Lord is my helper and I will not be afraid: what will a man do to me? The Lord is my helper, and I will look at my enemies. Better to trust in the Lord than to trust in man. It is better to trust in the Lord than to trust in princes. All nations surrounded me, but in the name of the Lord I resisted them. They surrounded me like bees of honeycombs, and flared up like fire in thorns, but in the name of the Lord I resisted them. Depressed, I was ready to fall, but the Lord supported me. My strength and my singing are the Lord, and He was my salvation. The voice of joy and salvation in the villages of the righteous: the right hand of the Lord showed strength. The right hand of the Lord exalted me, the right hand of the Lord showed strength. I will not die, but I will live and tell the works of the Lord. Teaching me, the Lord punished me, but he did not betray me. Open to me the gates of truth: as I enter them, I confess to the Lord. This is the gate of the Lord: the righteous will enter into them. I confess to you, for you heard me and was my salvation.

The stone that the builders neglected became at the forefront: From the Lord it was, and it is marvelous in our eyes. This day the Lord created: we will rejoice and rejoice in it. Oh Lord save me! Oh Lord, hurry up! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! we have blessed you from the house of the Lord. God the Lord appeared to us. Gather for the holiday crowds (reaching) to the horns of the altar. You are my God, and I will praise you. You are my God, and I will exalt you. I will confess to you, for you heard me and was my salvation. Confess to the Lord, for He is good, for His mercy forever.

Psalm 120

I lifted my eyes up from where my help would come. My help is from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not let your foot stumble, your Guardian will not doze off. Behold, the Guardian of Israel does not sleep or sleep. The Lord keeps you, the Lord is your cover on your right hand. In the afternoon, the sun will not burn you and the moon at night (it will not hurt). The Lord will protect you from all evil, the Lord will protect your soul. The Lord will guard your entrance and your outcome from now on and forever.

Psalm 129

From the depths (of the heart) I appealed to You, Lord: Lord, hear my voice! Thy ears be attentive to the voice of my prayer. If you see lawlessness, Lord, Lord, who can stand? For you have cleansing. For the sake of your name, I was waiting for you, Lord, my soul trusted in your word, my soul trusted in the Lord. From the morning watch to the night, from the morning watch let Israel trust in the Lord. For the Lord has mercy and great deliverance, and he will deliver Israel from all his iniquities.

Psalm 140

Lord, I have appealed to You, hear me, have heeded the voice of my prayer when I appeal to You. May my prayer go, like incense before Thee, raising my hands is an evening sacrifice. Lay, Lord, guard my mouth and the door to the fence of my mouth. Do not deviate my heart to evil words, to fabricate an apology for sins along with people who commit lawlessness, and may not be counted among the elect among them. The righteous will instruct me graciously and reprove me, but let the oil of the sinner not anoint my head, but my prayer is against their good pleasure. They were swallowed up like a stone of their judge; my words were heard, for they had overcome. As a block of earth disintegrates on the earth, so their bones crumbled in hell. But to you, Lord, Lord, my eyes are (turned), I have counted on you: do not take away my soul. Save me from the network that they have set up for me, and from obstacles (from the side) that commit lawlessness. Sinners will fall into the net, and I will remain alone until I cross it.

Psalm 141

With my voice I called upon the Lord; I prayed with my voice to the Lord. I will pour out my prayer before him, I will proclaim my sorrow to him. When my spirit disappeared from me, You (then) knew my paths. On the way this, which I walked, (they) spread the net to me. I looked to the right and saw: there was no one who knew me, there was no place where I could run, and no one cared about my soul. I appealed to Thee, Lord, and said: You are my hope, my part is on the land of the living. Listen to my prayer, for I am very humble; deliver me from my persecutors, for they have become stronger than me. Lead my soul out of prison, that I may confess thy name. The righteous are waiting for me while you pay me back.

Psalm 142

Lord Hear my prayer, listen to my prayer according to thy truth. Hear me in Thy righteousness, and do not enter into court with Thy servant, for none of those who live will be justified before You. For the enemy pursued my soul, humbled my life to the earth, put me in the dark, as from the age of the dead. And my spirit was sad in me, my heart was troubled in me. I remembered the days of old, reflected on all your affairs, edified by the works of your hands. I extended my hands to you (in prayer): my soul (strives) for you, like a waterless land. Soon hear me, Lord: my spirit has disappeared. Do not turn Your face away from me, (otherwise) I will become like descending into the grave. To raise Thy mercy to me in the morning, for I have trusted in Thee. Show me, Lord, the way I should go, for I have ascended to You with my soul. Take me away from my enemies, for I have come running to you. Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. Your good spirit will lead me to the land of truth. For the sake of thy name, Lord, you grant me life; in thy righteousness you shall bring forth my soul out of sorrow. And by Your mercy you will destroy my enemies and destroy all who oppress me, for I am Your servant.

Psalm 145

Praise, my soul, Lord. I will praise the Lord in my life; I will sing to my God, as long as I exist. Do not rely on the princes, on the sons of men, in whom there is no salvation. His spirit will come out, and he will return to his land, that day all his plans will perish. Blessed is he to whom the God of Jacob is an helper and who has hope in the Lord his God, who created heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them. Keeps the truth forever, performs the (right) judgment for the offended, gives food to those hungry. The Lord permits those bound, the Lord makes wise the blind, the Lord raises the cast out, the Lord loves the righteous. The Lord protects the aliens, he will accept the orphan and widow, and he will destroy the path of sinners. The Lord will reign forever. Thy God, Zion, into the genera of the genera!

Psalm 149

Sing to the Lord a new song: Praise be to Him in the assembly of the saints. May Israel rejoice in its Creator, and the sons of Zion rejoice in their king. May they praise his name with his face, may they sing to him under the tympanum and psalter. For the Lord favors his people and will lift the meek for salvation. The reverends are glorified in glory and rejoice in their boxes. The majesty of God is in their mouth, and two-edged swords in their hands in order to carry out vengeance on nations, punishment on tribes. To tie the kings with their knots and their nobles - with hand iron fetters. Conduct a pre-ordered trial on them. This glory will belong to all His saints.

Psalm 150

Praise God in His saints, praise Him in the firmament of His strength. Praise Him in His power; praise Him in His excessive greatness. Praise Him with the voice of the trumpet; praise Him in the hymnals and the harp. Praise Him on the tympanum and choir, praise Him on the strings and organ. Praise Him at the harmonious cymbals; praise Him at the loud cymbals. All breaths praise the Lord!


Psalms used in worship

Matins:  Start: 19, 20. Shestopsalmie: 3, 37, 62, 87, 102, 142. Before the canon: 50. Praising Psalms: 148, 149, 150.

Clock:  The first: 5, 89, 100. The third: 16, 24, 50.

Sixth:  53, 54, 90. Ninth: 83, 84, 85.

Vespers:  Initial psalm: 103, “Blessed is the husband:” 1. On “Lord's cries:” 140, 141, 129, 116. At the end of Vespers: 33 (only by Lent).

Compline: 4, 6, 12, 69, 90, 142.

Before Communion: 22, 23, 115.

Liturgy: 102, 145.

Burial: 118.

About the sick:  70, thank you: 117, new year: 64, traveling: 120, prayer service: 142.

Psalms for content

Thankful and laudatory: 33, 65, 66, 91, 95, 96, 102, 103, 116, 145, 149, 150.

Praising God: 8, 17, 92, 102, 103.

Edifying: 1, 40, 32, 45, 84, 89, 100, 111, 126.

Pouring sorrow: 3, 12, 16, 37, 54, 87, 141, 142.

Expressing hope in God: 53, 85, 90, 111, 120

Asking for protection and assistance: 3, 4, 24, 40, 54, 69, 142.

Penitent: 38, 50.

Expressing joy: 32, 83, 114.

The Psalter or Book of Psalms is one of the Bible books of the Old Testament. Zveta, -yalthrion in Greek, tehillim in Heb. The book consists of 150, and in Greek. (glor.). Bibles from 151 songs or psalms, which contain the pious outpourings of an enthusiastic heart during various trials of life. King David is usually considered the author of this book, and indeed, in many psalms one can find echoes of his hectic, full of all kinds of perversities of life. But at the same time, many psalms bear obvious traces of later origin. There are psalms dating back to the coves of the captivity of Babylon, for example. famous ps. "On the rivers of Babylon," and even later. In general, P. is a poetry collection, which gradually grew, like any collective poetic work, and entered the canon of Heb. holy books are already relatively late, when P., obviously, has undergone one strict edition. As a result of this, P. is of the nature of artificial processing. It begins with two introductory psalms that set the tone for the entire collection and constitute an introduction to it. The songs themselves are completely composed according to the rules of Jewish poetry and are an alternation of verses of parallelism, often reaching amazing beauty and power of expression. The book of psalms was made (even under David, at least in some parts) of the liturgical book, which was used in worship at the tabernacle, then in the temple. Subsequently, P. received the correct use of the temple service and was regularly read or sung in the well-known periods of time. Liturgical use of P. from the Jews passed to the Christians, who also began to use it early in their prayer collections (1 cor. XIV, 26; Col. III, 16). Currently, all 150 psalms are divided into 20 Kafism, and each Kafism into three glories, that is, small branches, after which hallelujah is read three times. The Psalter is read in every morning and evening worship, so that the whole is read every week, but during the course of. fasting - twice a week. P. serves as the primary source of most of the evening and morning prayers and its influence is felt in all forms of general prayers. As a book necessary for worship, P. translated the Slavic language, according to Nestor, still sv. Cyril and Methodius, and since then has become a favorite book of the Russian people. Printed by glory. for the first time in Krakow in 1491. As a book constantly used in worship, P. received a more widespread form, and in this video is known as Sledovannaya - P. : this is the same book of psalms, but in conjunction with the Hourglass, that is, a collection of prayers and psalms as applied to certain times of worship. The following psalter was first printed in glory. in Serbia in 1545, then it was printed a lot in Russia and many other additions gradually entered into it, with the aim of concentrating all the necessary services in it. In some editions, brief interpretations are placed on the most important psalms, and such a theory is called sensible. Of the ancient comments of P., the interpretations of I. Zlatoust (there are Russian translations), Ambrose, Augustine, and others are known. Of the new ones, the interpretations of Tolyuk, DeVette, Ewald, etc. are known. Vishnyakova (in the magazine "Christ. Reading"), Bishop Theophanes (for some), and others. Interpretations are usually accompanied by the critic. the introduction (e.g., at Archpriest Vishnyakova), the psalms were shifted by almost all of our poets of the 18th century, from the poets of the 19th century. Khomyakov, Glinka, Yazykov, etc. A. L. Being a part of each, even the shortest rite of worship, P. made herself the main educational book of ancient Russia. Those that were not intended for church-ministerial positions were limited to studying simple P., without those additions that are in the following (see above) P. .. The following was, for the most part, already the final book in ancient Russian education. Archbishop of Novgorod Gennadiy considered his study sufficient to be capable of church and ministerial positions. Sometimes a study of the Acts of the Apostles and the Gospel joined the study of P. But in general, the one who studied P. was considered a literate person — a book person, that is, capable of reading all kinds of books. Having learned to read P., the ancient Russian man usually did not part with it. P. was not only a reference book, which was read by the house in his spare time, but she accompanied even on trips (St. Boris, Vladimir Monomakh). Incidentally, the custom of taking P. along the road is indicated by the fact that the next P., published in 1525. in Vilna Skorina, is called the "road booklet". Reitenfels, who was in Moscow in 1670, speaks of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich that “using most of the day for state affairs, he also engages in pious thoughts and even at night gets up to glorify the Lord with the songs of the crowned prophet” (see “Features of Russian Life” by Zabelin in "Fatherland. Zap.", 1857, No. 1). St. Michael, Prince of Chernigov and his boyar Theodore, martyred in the Horde in 1245, sang psalms during the torment. In the monasteries read P. not only in her spare time, but even during classes, because many knew her by heart. Theodosius "sang the psalter softly" while he spun the wave with his hands or did something else; the monk Spiridon, in spite of a certain occupation — baking prosphora for the monastery every day, managed to read all of P .; Oh bliss. Theodore is told that in his cave he milled for the brethren and at the same time sang psalms “from the mouth.” The brothers engaged in strict life reading and singing in monasteries. In everyday life, they resorted to reading P. in all emergency cases: they read psalms over patients who suffered from serious and long-term illnesses, and especially over those who were considered to be under the influence of unclean spirits. The custom of reading P. on the deceased, observed in Russia to this day, dates back to the early days of the Church Christian. There was also a tradition in ancient Russia to divine according to P. An indication of this custom can be seen in the words of Vladimir Monomakh: "and having sent the ambassadors, we take the psalm in sorrow and then take it out: Vskaya sadness and soul ... Don’t be jealous of the cunning." P., naturally, had to respond to the writing of ancient Russia. The chronicle of Nestor, the writings of Theodosius of Pechersky, Metropolitan Hilarion, Cyril of Turov, Sepapion of Vladimir and others - are filled with different places from the psalms. Vladimir Monomakh in his teachings to his children constantly turns to psalms. The influence of the psalms was also very clearly expressed in folk literature, and especially in parables and proverbs. Between proverbs there are a lot of those that are nothing more than separate sayings, borrowed from various psalms and somewhat changed from use (such, for example, proverbs: “be angry and do not sin” [psalm 4, 5], “truth from the earth” truth from heaven "[Psalm 84, 12]," as long as the Lord does not build a house, then he will eat it "[Psalm 126, 1]; there are proverbs compiled on the basis of some sayings of the psalms, or pointing to P. in general (see .. "The use of the book P. in the ancient life of the Russian people" "The Rule of Law. Interlocutor. 1857, pp. 814 - 856).