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How to use a home electronic bread oven. How to use a bread machine. Programs and Features

Any kitchen appliances require proper care. Otherwise, it will not serve for long: breakdowns may not always be serviceable. About how to use a bread machine, I will tell you in this article.

Instructions for using the bread machine

It is very important to keep the kitchen clean. This also applies to kitchen appliances, including a bread machine. It must be washed very carefully, as the case very easily leaves scratches on itself. Each bread machine model may require special care. Therefore, you must first study the instructions attached to the technique.

If you have lost the instruction, then use the general:

  1. To clean the bread machine after use, remove all removable parts;
  2. Removable parts wash under the tap using conventional detergents;
  3. Wipe the body of the device from spots, but before that, unplug it from the network;
  4. Dry the appliance, only then you can collect the bread machine and use it again.

Terms of Use

When using the bread machine, be sure to observe the following rules:

  • Place the device only on a flat surface; it should not be inclined;
  • Do not put the bread maker near sources of heat: stoves and batteries;
  • Do not put the bread maker in a room with a draft. This will not allow the test to rise;
  • Make sure that the blades that stir the dough are always clean. They should not leave crumbs from the previous baking;
  • In different models of the device, the ingredients must be laid in different ways. In one case, it is recommended to first fill up dry foods, and then liquid ones. And in the other - first liquid, and then dry. Therefore, find out in the instructions or from another source what approach your bread machine requires.

You should also pay attention to safety:

  • When you take out the finished bread, do not lean low and do not lean your elbows on the hole near the stove;
  • Be sure to put on mittens, as the bread is very hot, and hot air comes out of the bread maker, burning the skin very much;
  • Let the stove cool before it cools. A hot stove may not always turn on.

How to choose a bread maker

There are several parameters that you should definitely pay attention to when choosing a bread machine:

  1. Answer the question, how much bread per day by weight does your family need? There are various models of bread machines for baking bread weighing from 450 grams to 2 kilograms. Usually the average loaf of bread in the store weighs 600-700 grams. Hence, calculate how much your family eats bread per day;
  2. Some oven models may have a baking weight adjustment function. This allows you to download fewer products. Without this function, when loading fewer products, the bread will turn out to be burnt;
  3. Determine which power consumption is optimal for you. Bread machines are produced with a power of 420 to 1650 W;
  4. Define the necessary functions in the bread maker and programs. Before buying a particular model, carefully study them. If you are not going to cook bread from wholemeal flour or milk, then you will not need the appropriate programs. And the more functions and programs the device has, the more it costs;
  5. Determine if you need a timer. With it, a bread machine is more expensive;
  6. Some models have such a function as work when disconnected from the network. But the operating time can reach a maximum of 40 minutes. However, this is very convenient when turning off the light or in the case when the socket for a while needs to be freed, for example, for a coffee grinder or blender, mixer.

These tips will help you use the bread machine for a long time without breakdowns and repairs. And advice on choosing a bread machine will allow you to choose a model that will be a pleasure to use. Delight your loved ones with delicious and hot bread every day.

Baking tasty and healthy bread at home has recently become very popular. A modern bread machine makes the whole cycle from kneading to baking in automatic mode. So that the result of the work of the equipment is justified, and the baking is well lifted and baked, it is necessary to observe all the parameters of the cycle at startup. So, how to use a bread machine for baking quality homemade bread?

For a beautiful and fragrant baking, a good multi-functional bread machine will not be enough. Particular attention should be paid to the preparatory phase of the stove for work, the sequence and quality of the ingredients used. The main recommendations for the proper operation of the equipment are the following factors.

  1. Proper placement bread makers. It should not stand in a draft or near working burners - external temperature affects the quality of the bread. For example, it can rise poorly if the stove is in a cool place and vice versa, rise too much when the room is hot.
  2. The form in which the ingredients are poured must be free from previous baking residues. It is necessary to check, and if necessary, remove all the crumbs.
  3. Ingredients to fall asleep room temperatureunless otherwise provided by the recipe.
  4. Adhere to the dosage and order indicated in the recipe. For these purposes, any bread machine is equipped measuring cup and spoon. An important point to add yeast: they should not come into contact with liquid ingredients immediately when loading. Mixing should take place evenly during kneading.
  5. It is possible to turn on the breadmaker in the network and set the mode only after all products are laid for kneading.
  6. You can control the process of baking bread only at the stage of kneading dough. At the moment when the technique mixes the ingredients, you can open the lid and see if the dough comes out of sufficient consistency. Add flour or water if necessary.
  7. The stove warns about the completion of the process sound signal: You can take mittens and take out a hot mold with bread. If the bread sticks to the walls a little, then you should, turning the form over, tap on the bottom with a spatula.
  8. You can start the bread machine on a new baking cycle only after complete cooling, as this will affect the speed of preparation of the dough for baking.

Baking problems and solutions

Muffin recipes that are attached to the bread maker are not always thorough. Sometimes baking may not work when replacing certain ingredients or not observing the proportions.

When choosing a form, you must take into account the weight of the recipe.

What problems may arise when baking homemade bread? Consider the most common errors and tips for resolving them.

Common problem: bread does not rise. In this case, there can be many reasons:

  1. The main stimulator of test growth is yeast. It is important to ensure that they are fresh.
  2. The quick baking mode was launched, and there was not enough time for the dough to fit well.
  3. During the loading of the ingredients, the salt combined with the yeast, which weakened their effect.
  4. Flour should be enriched with oxygen. It is imperative to sift and use only a quality product.
  5. There is no sugar in the recipe that activates the yeast.

And if bread rose and fell, this may indicate the following:

  1. A bread maker stands in a draft.
  2. The dough has risen too much due to the large amount of yeast. It is rational to use a faster baking regimen next time using the same recipe.
  3. The dough is too thin. You can adjust the consistency of flour.
  4. Lack of salt.

Strong burnt crust  formed with an excess of sugar. The process of browning can be adjusted by the mode “Weak crust” and “Sweet bread”. If formed too hard or even rubber crust, you can add a little more oil to the original recipe or replace part of the water with milk.

Bread not fully baked? This problem can have several sources:

  1. The volume of the batch does not match the baking dish.
  2. Multi-component in the recipe can make the dough very greasy. This usually occurs when ingredients such as cream, butter, and nuts are available.
  3. The lid might not have been hermetically closed, or the bread machine was in a cold room. If it is not possible to additionally heat the room, it is necessary to select a longer baking program to complete the recipe.

It so happens that candied fruits, raisins and nuts unevenly distributed  in the dough or have too large pieces. This process must be monitored and timely fill up additional ingredients. If you do this in advance, they manage to grind, and adding at the last moment will not make it possible to mix them well with the dough.

If the bread is too dry, this may indicate a violation of baking technology. The loaf dries faster with prolonged cooling and with a lack of fat content.

The bread machine is a very convenient and easy-to-maintain equipment. An ideal baking result is achieved during its operation in compliance with certain rules. Correctly set parameters and a good recipe will allow the bread maker to bake delicious crisp bread.

  With the help of our instructions, you can bake a beautiful loaf in a bread machine for the first time. General tips should work for all bread machines and should be applied in conjunction with the instructions for your bread machine. Use fresh, quality ingredients, as you cannot expect a good result from expired flour or yeast.

1. Place the bread maker on a flat, refractory surface. Make sure that it is away from heat sources, such as a stove or sunlight, and not in a draft, since all these factors affect the temperature inside the bread maker. Do not plug the bread maker into the power outlet at this point. Open the cover. Pull out the form by the handle, turning slightly to the side or pulling it up, depending on the model of your machine.

  2. Make sure that crumbs of bread left over from previous baking are not stuck in the kneading paddle. Slide the blade onto the shaft at the bottom of the mold. The blade can be put on only in one position, since the rod and that part of the blade that is worn on it are made in the shape of the letter D.

  3. Pour in water, milk and / or other liquids, except when the instructions for your bread machine say that you must first add dry ingredients. If so, reorder the ingredients in the bread machine, starting with yeast.

  4. Pour the flour so that it completely covers the liquid, add all the dry ingredients specified in the recipe, for example, milk powder. Lay the salt, sugar and butter in different corners of the mold so that they do not touch each other.

  5. Make a small well in the middle of the flour so that it does not reach the liquid and add yeast to it. If your well reaches the liquid, the yeast will get wet and start to work quickly.

  6. Put the mold in the bread machine, tightly fastening in place. Depending on the model, there may be special fasteners in the bread maker that fix the shape in the bread maker, or you need to slightly screw the shape into the bottom of the bread maker. Lower the handle and close the lid. Then plug the bread maker into a power outlet.

  7. Select a program, peel color and loaf size, if possible. Press the “Start” button. The kneading process will immediately begin if your machine does not have a special “rest” period to set the temperature and you have not programmed the bread maker so that the bread is baked by morning.

  8. When the dough is kneaded, the bread maker will emit a few beeps and you can add additional ingredients, such as dried fruit, if you wish. Open the lid, pour in food and close the lid.

9. At the end of the cycle, the bread maker will issue several more beeps to indicate that the dough or bread is ready (depending on the program). Click the Stop button. Open the cover. If you take out bread, do not forget to put on oven mitts so as not to get burned. Do not bend or lean over the open bread machine, as hot air can come out from there, which can also be burned.

  10. Still in the hands, turn the mold upside down and shake several times. If necessary, tap the bottom on a wooden board.

  11. If the kneading pad is stuck in the bread, use a wooden spatula or other refractory tool to get it, for example. She will come out easily.

  12. Put bread on a wire rack and allow to cool. Unplug the breadmaker and allow it to cool before using it again. A too hot machine will not be able to bake a normal loaf, and many will not turn on if they are too hot. Rinse the mold and dough paddle and wipe the bread machine. All parts of the breadmaker should be cold and dry when you put them inside.

More than 30 years have passed since the first bread machine appeared in the home kitchen. Many housewives managed to appreciate the merits of this device. Problems with use do not arise when there is instructions for use on the hands. And what if the bread machine was bought from hand, or received by inheritance (as a gift) without a maintenance memo? Or was it lost? There is no need to hide such a practical and convenient household appliance on a shelf. You can cope with a bread machine without a manual printed on paper, the main thing is not to be afraid and approach the matter thoroughly.

Using a bread machine in everyday life

Today, there are innumerable models of electric bread makers. But their design and production algorithm are not much different. Therefore, the algorithm for studying the “unknown” household device will look the same.

Familiarization with the model

The first step is to visually examine the instrument. Any bread machine consists of three main elements:

  • Housing with cover and control panel;
  • Form for baking;
  • Removable spatula for mixing.

Make sure that all parts are present and that they are not damaged. Shape and spatula are removable parts. The spatula, as a rule, is simply put on the shaft located at the bottom of the baking bowl. The mold can be removed / inserted into the housing in different ways, so you should first try. You may have to crank it, or detach the clips, or just pull with some effort.

Determining the volume of the bowl

How many products can be loaded into the bread machine, and how much bread will turn out, depends on the volume of the form:

  • With a bowl capacity of 3 liters of water, a loaf weighing up to 0.9 kg will be obtained .;
  • With a volume of 2.5 liters. - 0.5-0.7 kg.;
  • If the capacity of the form is less than 2.5 liters, then the bread will weigh up to half a kilogram.

To find out the volume of the baking bucket is quite simple. It is necessary to take a vessel of known displacement (a jar, a glass, a measuring container) and fill it with water. Pour the liquid into the bowl and repeat the procedure until the mold is completely filled. In this case, it is necessary to calculate the amount of poured water.

Important! In the future, choosing a baking recipe, you will need to focus on the volume of the bowl. Exceeding the capacity may cause damage to the bread maker.

Learning Settings and Management

The next step is familiarization with the management. Modern models, in addition to a set of buttons, most likely will have a display reflecting the choice of the program and its progress. And on older samples, control will be carried out by standard functions: Start / Stop, Menu, Crust color (not always present), Timer. The Menu button selects the work program by which cooking will take place. Their number will depend on the specific model (Bread, Main, Special, French, Fast, Dough, Cupcake, etc.). Using the Timer function, you can set the start time for turning on the bread machine. So, having loaded the ingredients in the evening, you can get a loaf of hot bread right by breakfast. The timer is set after selecting the work program.

Ingredient preparation

To bake ordinary bread you will need:

  • Yeast - use only dry yeast, the packaging of which has the inscription "High-speed". For 0.5 kg of flour, 2 teaspoons are taken;
  • Flour is the main ingredient on which the quality of the final product largely depends. For a bread machine, a baking variety made from durum wheat and containing a lot of gluten is best;
  • Salt is a necessary component that improves the taste of bread. On average, take 2 teaspoons per 0.5 kg of flour;
  • Sugar - gives baking softness and is involved in the fermentation of yeast. Instead, you can use honey or other sweeteners. For ordinary bread, sugar is taken at the rate of 1.5-2 tablespoons per 0.5 kg of flour. Naturally, it will take more to bake it;
  • Fats - use butter, margarine, chicken, pork or vegetable fat. It will not allow pastries to stick to the form, and aroma and taste will acquire a special shade;
  • Liquid - mainly use water, but you can use milk, yogurt, whey. It is recommended to use about 220 ml of liquid per 0.5 kg of flour.

Important!  All ingredients must be fresh and warm (at least room temperature).

Ingredient placement

There are two ways to bookmark ingredients. In some models, you must first put the yeast in the bowl, then pour the flour and carefully pour the liquid on it and add the remaining components. Less commonly used is the second method, when liquid is poured onto the bottom, and then flour is poured. Yeast and everything else are laid out on it. But no matter what method is used, there is a single rule - yeast should not be in contact with water. This is especially important for baking with a delayed start.

Depending on the recipe, there may be another order of loading the ingredients in the bread machine.


Before laying the components in the mold, make sure that it is absolutely clean and that the mixing spatula is in place. The filled bowl is put in place and the lid is closed. The baking program is selected, the degree of frying of the crust and the start is pressed (or the timer is set). While the kneading process is in progress, the bread machine can be opened by controlling the consistency of the dough. If necessary, flour or liquid can be added. And if the recipe involves the presence of special components (raisins, dried apricots, nuts, etc.), then it is also better to put them with stirring. The machine will sound the end of the dough production step and the baking process will start. Do not lift the cover at this time. The stove will also inform about the readiness of bread by a buzzer. Now it can be opened and the form taken out.

Important!   Follow safety rules - take out the bowl only in kitchen gloves, do not lean low over the open bread maker and do not lean on it. By following these simple rules, burns can be avoided.

Turning the bowl over and shaking it lightly, remove the bread. If necessary, you can lightly knock on a wooden board. It is important not to forget to get a spatula. After cooling down, delicious homemade bread is ready to eat. Now it remains to tidy the bread machine - wash, wipe dry and remove until next use. This is only necessary when the device has completely cooled down.

Common baking problems, methods for solving them

Most often, housewives complain that the bread does not rise. There may be several reasons for this: stale yeast, the wrong choice of a work program, and the lack of sugar in the bookmark. A small amount of oxygen in the flour can also reduce the splendor of the dough, so it must be sieved before baking.

It happens that the dough fits well, and then falls off and the bread turns out tasteless. This can happen due to the fact that the bread maker was placed in a draft or in a cold room. Do not "keep in shape" too thin dough. Next time you need to make changes to the recipe and add flour.

If the dough is not baked, it means that the volume of the ingredients does not correspond to the capacity of the bowl or the lid of the device was not closed tightly. Too large a set of additional components (especially fat-containing ones - nuts, cream, butter) can also cause a similar problem. Conversely, with insufficient fat, the bread will turn out to be too dry.

In custody

A bread machine is a necessary technique and not very difficult to use. What hostess does not want to please her loved ones with freshly baked bread, fragrant muffin or an original muffin. And everyone, the main desire and serious mood, will be able to deal with the management.

"ELECTRIC BREADER Instruction / Recipes BM300 Series QUICK START-UP GETTING STARTED WITH A BREADER Before using your first one ..."


Instruction / Recipes

BM300 Series



Before using your bread machine for the first time, carefully read the instructions and

recipe book. To get acquainted with the bread machine, we suggest you use the following

recipes for baking bread.

Recipe Large loaf of white bread Whipped white bread Program 1 12 1 kg medium crust (3 hours 10 minutes) Ingredients (59 minutes) 400 ml (14 fl oz) Water 400 ml (14 fl oz) (temperature 30-35 ° C) 600g (1l lbs. 5 oz.) Unbleached flour for white bread 600g (1l lbs. 5 oz.) 2 tbsp. l 2 tbsp. l Powdered skim milk 1 tbsp. l 11/2 Art. l Salt 5 tbsp. l 4 tbsp. l Sugar 25 g (1 oz) Oil 25 g (1 oz) 4 tbsp. l Dry yeast 11 / st. l Water should be warm (30-35 ° C), Note otherwise the dough will not rise. Measure the temperature with a thermometer or mix 90 ml of boiling water with 310 ml of cold water.


1. Always follow the specified recipe and accurately measure the ingredients. Always measure the ingredients with a special spoon, and if you need a half-tablespoon, fill the measuring spoon to the indicated mark. A measuring cup is used only for liquid ingredients. Inaccurate measurements of ingredients lead to poor results.

2. Always use fresh products and check the expiration date of products, especially yeast and flour. Open yeast should be used within 48 hours. Opened packaging can be sealed and stored in the freezer until the next use.

3. The amount of water required by the recipe may vary slightly depending on the type and brand of flour you use, small changes may be required when a particular brand of product is used for the first time. If the dough is not raised enough and too thick, next time add another 15 ml (3 tbsp. L) of water. Note: The EXPRESS 12 program bakes a loaf smaller in size and denser in texture than other programs, thanks to a shorter test cycle.

4. For best results and preserve the crust on a loaf, remove the bread from the oven immediately after baking. The crust will soften if the loaf remains in the oven for a heating cycle.

5. Whole grain cooking programs 3 and 4 begin with the heating phase. The dough mixer will not work during this cycle.





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Wash the capacity of the bread machine and the dough mixer immediately after use.

Leave the dough mixer in the soaking container for 10 minutes before removing.

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If you, like most people, want to immediately start baking your first loaf using your new machine, try the recipes from the quick start section of the bread machine at the beginning of this manual.

Get to know your bread maker better and don't be discouraged if your first attempts do not look perfect, they will still be delicious. After you bake a few loaves according to our recipes, you can experiment to achieve better results.

Here you will find information on the main ingredients that will help you better understand their significance for successful baking. You will also find tips to ensure the best results in baking, and also how to use your personal recipes when working with a bread machine.


   For your safety and the safety of those around you, read the Cautions below:


1. Read all instructions carefully.

2. DO NOT touch hot surfaces. When used, the surface of the machine can become very hot. Always use gloves to remove the hot capacity of the bread maker.

3. To prevent ingredients from entering the bread pan, always remove the baking pan from the machine before adding the ingredients. Products that enter the heating element may catch fire or smoke.

4. Use the bread machine only at home.

5. DO NOT use this appliance if there is visible damage to the wires, or after an accidental fall of the machine.

6. DO NOT use this appliance if the power cord or plug is in water or other liquid.

7. ALWAYS disconnect the machine from the power supply when you are not using it before removing parts and containers or before washing.

8. DO NOT leave the power cable hanging from a work surface or near hot surfaces, such as a gas or electric burner.

9. Do not leave a working bread machine unattended in the presence of children or infirm persons in the room.

10. DO NOT put your hands in the bread machine chamber after removing the container, as it will be too hot.

11. DO NOT TOUCH the moving elements inside the bread machine.

12. DO NOT exceed the indicated maximum amounts of ingredients; this may lead to overloading the bread machine.

13. DO NOT place the bread maker in direct sunlight, near heating appliances, or in a draft. All this affects the temperature inside the bread maker, which can lead to undesirable baking results.

14. If the mains voltage drops after partial processing of the ingredients, you will have to start the process again.

15. DO NOT USE the appliance outdoors.

16. DO NOT turn on the bread machine when it is empty, as this can cause serious damage.

17. DO NOT USE the bread maker chamber for storage.

18. DO NOT cover the steam holes in the lid and make sure that there is ventilation around the bread maker during operation.

19. Thoroughly clean the camera and container after use, but only after cooling.

20. DO NOT let children play with this machine.

21. DO NOT leave the bread maker unattended when you use the baking time program.

22. If the electric cable of your bread maker is damaged, it must be replaced only at an authorized Kenwood service center

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Before connecting to the mains:

Make sure that the mains voltage matches the voltage indicated on the bottom of the bread maker.

Before using the bread machine for the first time:

Remove all packaging materials and labels, including the protective cover on the control panel.

Wash all parts (see Care).

ON / OFF switch Your BM300 is equipped with an ON / OFF switch and will not work until you press the ‘ON’ switch.

Connect the device to the network and press button 1 - ‘000’ will blink on the display.

Always turn off the bread maker and unplug it after use.

How to measure the ingredients:

It is very important to use precisely measured ingredients for the best result.

Do not use the mixed values \u200b\u200bof the metric and imperial systems. Use only one of them.

ALWAYS measure ingredients with a transparent graduated measuring cup. Liquids should reach appropriate marks on the glass at eye level, not higher and not lower.

ALWAYS use liquids at room temperature, 20C / 68F, except when baking bread using the quick program for 1 hour.

Follow the instructions in the recipes section exactly.

ALWAYS use a measuring spoon to measure small quantities of dry and liquid ingredients. To measure 1 tsp or 1 tbsp. Fill the spoon to the brim without top. To measure half, fill it to the indicated mark.


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The control panel has the following functions and buttons:

DISPLAY The panel displays the program number and cycle time.

MENU BUTTON The MENU BUTTON allows you to select various programs for baking bread, pastry and jam. Each time you press the MENU button, the program number on the display will change to the next from 1 to 12.

When you turn on the bread machine for the first time, a beep will sound and ‘000’ will appear on the display until you select the setting. Press the MENU button to select the desired program. The bread machine automatically sets the program for a 1 kg loaf and medium crust.

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The plain white program can be used for any bread recipe using white flour as the main one. You can also take dark flour for this program. Press the MENU button once to select a program 1.

The Quick White Baking program can be used to reduce the white baking cycle by 1 hour. In this program, you can also bake ready-made bread mixes. Press the MENU button twice to select a program 2.

The bran bread baking program is used for coarse flour / bran bran bread recipes. Press the MENU button three times to select a program 3.

The quick bread baking program with bran bran is used for rye bread and the quick baking of whole grain flour. Not suitable for 100% wholemeal bread. Press the MENU button 4 times to select program 4.

The gluten-free bread program is used for gluten-free flour and gluten-free mixes. Press the MENU button 5 times to select program 5.

A muffin baking program bakes bread at a low temperature to reduce the darkening of high-sugar dough. Press the MENU button 6 times to select program 6.

The French bread baking program makes the bread crisp and more suitable for baking loaves that are free of fat and sugar.

Press the MENU button 7 times to select program 7.

The baking program for muffins, pies / instant bread is unique, as it bakes non-yeast bread, such as ginger. Fast baking does not require a test approach cycle. Just mix the ingredients and bake the bread. Press the MENU button 8 times to select program 8.

A jam program automatically brews fresh fruit jam. Press the MENU button 9 times to select program 9.

The baking program only allows you to bake bread for 80 minutes. It is also used to warm loaves that have already cooled. Press the MENU button 10 times to select program 10.

The Dough program is used when you want to knead the dough for manual shaping and baking in another bread machine. Press the MENU button 11 times to select program 11.

The Express program is used to bake fresh bread in just one hour. For best results, it is better to use light kneading yeast and less salt.

Press the MENU button 12 times to select this program.

Button to select a loaf size After selecting the desired program with the MENU button, press the SIZE button to select the desired loaf size (500g / 750g or 1kg). The indicator next to the icon of the size you selected will light up. Automatic tuning selects a loaf size of 1 kg. Loaves of 500 g are baked by setting to 750 g. The choice of the size of the loaf is disabled when using programs 2, 4, 5, 7-12.

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Auto-tuning selects medium fill. The choice of crust color is disabled when selecting programs 2, 4, 5, 7-12.

Start / end button Press the START button to start the selected program or to start the timer. To stop a program or timer, press and hold the START / STOP button for 2-3 seconds until you hear a beep. After use, disconnect the breadmaker from the mains.

Bread Machine Status Indicators The indicators above the corresponding symbol will light up to indicate the stage of the cycle that the machine has reached during baking.

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Preheating Preheating only works at the beginning of programs for baking bread from coarse flour 3-4 and making jam 9. During the preheating stage, the ingredients warm up for 15 minutes with a program for making jam, 5 minutes with a program for quick baking bread from whole flour and 30 minutes with a program baking bread from coarse flour before starting the first stage of kneading the dough. During this stage, test mixing does not occur.

Dough mixing The dough is either at 1 or 2 stages of kneading, or between lifting cycles.

During the last 10 minutes of the second kneading cycle in programs 1 - 6 and 11, you will hear a beep that tells you that you need to manually add the ingredients.

Raising the dough The dough is in 1, 2 or 3 stages of raising.

During the last 5 minutes, 3 lifting cycles in programs 1, 2, 3, 6 - 7 and 12, the lifting time can be continued for up to 20 minutes (see page 9).

Baking A loaf is in the last stages of baking.

During the last 5 minutes of the baking cycle in programs 1 - 8, 10 and 12, the baking time can be continued for up to 20 minutes (see page 9). To create a crisp, immediately remove the loaf from the bread machine after the baking cycle.

Heat Preservation While using programs 1 - 4, 6, 7, 10 and 12, the bread machine will automatically switch to the Heat Preservation mode at the end of the baking cycle. The mode is maintained for 1 hour or until the device is turned off.

Note: The heating element will turn on and off, and also blink during the heat storage cycle.

Extending the dough lifting cycle The last dough lifting cycle can be extended manually if necessary by 20 minutes. An extended test lifting cycle can be included in programs 1, 2, 4, 6-7 and 12.

The device will emit 8 beeps when it reaches the last 5 minutes of the last test rise cycle. To extend the rise time, press the LOAF button once during a beep, and the rise time will be extended for another 10 minutes. When the additional 10 minutes have elapsed, the lifting cycle can again be set for another 10 minutes by pressing the LOAF button.

The rise time can be continued only twice for a maximum period of 20 minutes.

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The continuous baking function allows you to extend the baking for 20 minutes to get a loaf of bread as you need. Continuous baking is enabled for programs 1-8, 10 and 12, and it can only be set during the last 5 minutes of the baking cycle in these programs.

The appliance will emit 8 beeps when it reaches the last 5 minutes of the baking cycle.

To extend the baking, press the CRUST button during the signals and the time will last an additional 10 minutes. When these 10 minutes have passed, the baking time can again be extended by 10 minutes by pressing the CRUST button.

Baking time can be continued only twice for a maximum period of 20 minutes.

Note: If you press the START / STOP button, the program will be canceled.

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The baking program is selected separately and can be used:

a) together with the “only test mixing” cycle.

b) for heating or creating a crust on loaves that have already been baked and cooled.

Do not leave the bread maker unattended while using the “bake only” program to heat the loaves. Stop the program manually when the crust has acquired the desired color. Turn off the appliance after use.

Delay timer The delay timer allows you to delay the baking process for 15 hours. The delayed start of baking is not recommended for use when kneading dough, baking toppings, express programs or baking gluten-free bread.

REMEMBER: When using this function, do not use perishable products - ingredients that quickly turn sour at room or higher temperatures, such as milk, eggs, cottage cheese, yoghurts, etc.

In order to enable the delay timer function, simply place the ingredients in the bread container and insert it into the bread machine chamber.


1. Press the MENU button to select a program.

2. Select a loaf size and a crust type.

3. Set a delay timer.

4. Press the timer button, the display will show the cycle time for the installed program. Press the timer button until the full required time is displayed.

The timer button, when pressed, jumps at intervals of 10 minutes. You do not need to calculate the difference between the selected program time and the total number of hours, as the bread maker will automatically turn on the program time when you press the timer button for the first time.

Example: A loaf should be ready at 7-00 in the morning. If you charge the necessary ingredients in the bread machine at 10-00 pm, the total time set in the delay timer should be 9 hours.

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Press the START button, and the colon on the display, and \u003d also the heating indicator will flash.

The timer starts counting down.

If you make a mistake or want to change the set time, press the START / STOP button until 000 is displayed. Now you can reset the time again.

Breakdown of baking / dough mixing cycles In order to let you know what happens inside the breadmaker during a particular process, the following table breaks down the time into minutes and seconds that are required for each cycle. This time is approximate and is used only as an indication. The total process time is also given in hours and minutes, depending on the choice.

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* During the heating step, the ingredients are heated before the start of the first kneading step. No kneading occurs during this stage.

** 8 minutes before the end of the kneading cycle, programs 1, 2, 4, 6-7 and 12 will sound a beep to add ingredients, if so indicated in the recipe.

*** 5 minutes before the end of the test lifting cycle for programs 1, 2, 4, 6-7 and 12, a sound signal will sound, as well as during the baking cycle for programs 1-8, 10 and 12 to add additional time.

Note: When using programs 1-4, 6, 7, 10, 12, the bread maker will automatically turn on the heat storage mode at the end of the baking cycle. The mode will work for 1 hour or until the machine is turned off, whichever comes first.

Note: Total time does not include the time of the heat preservation mode.

Protection against power outages Your bread machine is equipped with protection from power outages for 5-8 seconds in case the device suddenly accidentally disconnects from the network during operation. The bread machine will continue the program if it is immediately included in the network again.


   REMEMBER: Before cleaning, turn off the bread maker and let it cool.

DO NOT lower the bread maker housing or the outer housing of the bread pan into water.

DO NOT use the dishwasher to clean the lid or bread pan. This can spoil the inside of the container and the dough will stick to the surface during baking.

DO NOT use metal washcloths or metal cleaning tools.

Clean the container and the mixer immediately after each use, partially filling the container with warm, soapy water. Leave it to soak for 5-10 minutes. To remove the dough mixer, turn it clockwise and pull it up. Wipe the cleaned container with a soft cloth, rinse and dry. If the dough mixer is not removed after 10 minutes, hold the shaft from the bottom and twist until you pull out the dough mixer.

Use a soft, damp cloth to clean the outside and inside of the bread maker if necessary.

The cover can be removed for cleaning.

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   The main ingredient in baking bread is flour, respectively, choosing the right kind of flour is key in baking a good loaf.

Wheat flour Wheat flour makes the best loaves. Wheat consists of an outer shell, often called bran, and an inner grain that contains wheat germ and endosperm. It is the endosperm protein when mixed with water that forms gluten. Gluten is stretched like an elastic, and the gases released during yeast fermentation are held by this film, which makes the dough rise.

White flour In such flour, the external bran and wheat germ are already separated, only the endosperm remains, which is ground into white flour. It is very important to use strong white flour or white bread flour, because it contains the highest level of proteins necessary for the formation of gluten. Do not use plain white flour to bake yeast bread in your bread machine, as this will lead to worse quality loaves you bake. There are several varieties of white flour, always choose the highest quality flour, preferably unbleached. French bread recipes often add a certain amount of French white flour of the highest grade to obtain a texture that is associated with these types of bread. See recipe on page 42.

Varieties of wholemeal flour There is both bran and wheat germ in the wholemeal flour, which imparts a nutty flavor to the flour and makes the bread texture coarser. Use coarse coarse flour. Loaves baked from 100% wholemeal flour will be denser than white bread. Bran in the flour prevents the formation of gluten, and dough from wholemeal flour rises slowly. Use special programs for baking bread from wholemeal flour to give the dough time to rise. For lighter loaves, replace a portion of the coarse flour with white flour. You can quickly bake whole-wheat / whole-grain bread using program 4.

Cool dark flour This variety of flour can be used in combination with white flour or separately. It contains about 80-90% of wheat grains and gives a lighter loaf with a rich taste. Try using this flour in your main white bread cycle, replacing 50% cool white flour with dark flour. You may need to add a little more fluid.


   Rye flour A combination of white flour, wholemeal and rye flour mixed with whole malt grains that add texture and flavor. It is used both separately and mixed with cool white flour.

Non-wheat flours Other flours, such as rye, can be used with white flour and whole grades to bake traditional breads, such as wholemeal / whole grain bread or rye bread. Adding even a small amount gives the bread a distinctive aftertaste. Do not use this variety without impurities, as it produces sticky dough that will produce a heavy, dense loaf.

Other cereals, such as millet, barley, buckwheat, corn and oats, are low in protein and do not secrete enough gluten to bake traditional bread.

Such varieties of flour can be successfully used in small quantities. Try replacing 10-20% of white flour with any of the above.

Salt In bakery, a small amount of salt should be used to raise the dough and taste.

Use fine table salt or sea salt, but not coarse salt, which is best used to sprinkle hand-molded buns to form a crispy surface. Low salt substitutes are best avoided since most of them are soda free.

Salt strengthens the structure of gluten and makes the dough more elastic.

Salt slows down the growth of yeast and prevents the dough from dropping.

Too much salt will not allow the dough to rise well.

Sugar substitutes Use white or brown sugar, honey, malt extracts, golden syrups, maple syrup, black or plain molasses.

Sugar and liquid sugar substitutes add color to the bread, forming a golden crust.

Sugar absorbs moisture, bread is stored longer.

Sugar nourishes the yeast, although new varieties of dry yeast can absorb the natural sugar and starch found in flour, but it makes the dough more active.

Sweet rolls do not contain too much sugar, and sweets add fruit, icing or molasses. Use baking cycles for baking such rolls.

If you are using a liquid sugar substitute, then the total volume of liquid in the recipe needs to be slightly reduced.


   Fats and Oils Some fat or oil is often added to dough to make it softer.

It also helps prolong the freshness of bread. Use butter, margarine, or even lard in small amounts, up to 25 g (1 oz.), Or 22 ml (11/2 tbsp) vegetable oil. When large quantities are indicated in the recipe to enhance the taste, it is best to use butter.

Olive or sunflower oil can be used instead of butter, respectively reducing the amount of liquid by more than 15 ml (3 tsp). Sunflower oil is a good alternative if you are worried about cholesterol.

Do not use low fat greases as they contain up to 40% water and will not have the same properties as butter.

Liquids Some forms of liquids are very important; mainly water or milk.

Water creates a crispier crust than milk. Water is often mixed with powdered milk. When using a process delay timer, this is very important, as fresh milk may turn sour. For most programs, ordinary tap water is suitable, but for a fast baking cycle, the water should be warm in 1 hour.

In cold weather, measure the required amount of water and let it warm at room temperature for 30 minutes before use. If you take milk from the refrigerator, do the same.

Cream, yogurt, sour cream and soft cheeses such as ricotta, pressed cottage cheese and fromage frais are used as part of the liquid to form a wetter, more delicate crust. Cream adds a pleasant, slightly sour taste that is not found in rural breads and sour dough.

Eggs can be added to enrich the dough, improve the color of the bread and add structure and stability to gluten during the raising of the dough. When adding eggs, reduce fluid accordingly. Break the egg into a measuring cup and fill with liquid to the required mark indicated in the recipe.


   Yeast Yeast is fresh and dry. All recipes in this book have been tested using dry fast-acting yeast that does not need to be dissolved in water. They are pitted in flour, where they remain dry and separate from the liquid until mixing begins.

Use dry yeast for best results. The use of fresh yeast is not recommended, as the result of their use can be quite diverse. Do not use fresh yeast when turning on the delay timer function.

If you want to use fresh yeast, consider:

6 g of fresh yeast \u003d 1 tsp dry yeast Mix fresh yeast with 1 tsp sugar and 2 tbsp hot water. Leave on for 5 minutes until the mixture begins to foam.

Then add the mixture to the rest of the ingredients in a baking dish.

You may need to slightly change the amount of yeast.

Use quantities indicated in recipes; too large a dose can cause the dough to rise too high and overflow over the edge of the container.

An open pack of yeast should be used within 48 hours, unless indicated otherwise by the manufacturer. Close the pack after use. Re-sealed packs can be stored in the freezer until next use.

Use dry yeast before the date indicated on the package, as their effect gradually deteriorates over time.

You can use dry yeast that is made specifically for use in bakeries. This will also give a good result, but you will have to slightly change the recommended amount of ingredients.

Using your personal recipes After you have tried several recipes from our instructions, you can adapt your own recipes if the dough was previously kneaded manually. Choose from our recipes the one that most closely resembles your own, and use it as an instruction.

Read the instructions below and you can change your recipes.

Make sure you use the right amount of ingredients for the bread machine. Do not exceed the recommended maximum. If necessary, reduce the amount of ingredients to match the portions with the amount of flour and liquid in the recipes that came with your bread machine.

Pour liquid ingredients into the container first. Separate the yeast from the liquid by adding it after the flour.

Replace fresh yeast with dry, lightly stirred. Note: 6 g of fresh yeast \u003d 1 tsp (5 ml) of dry yeast.

Use milk powder and water instead of fresh milk if you turn on a delay timer.

If your traditional recipe has eggs, add them as part of the total amount of liquid.

Yeast should not be mixed with other ingredients until the mixing step is completed.

Check the consistency of the dough during the first minutes of mixing. Bread machines require a milder dough, so you may need to add more liquid. The dough should be wet enough to gradually drop.

Extraction, slicing and storage of bread

For best results, as soon as your bread is baked, remove it from the machine and immediately remove it from the container, although the bread maker can keep it warm for 1 hour if you are not nearby.

Remove the container from the bread maker with kitchen gloves, even if the bread maker is in the heat storage phase. Turn the container upside down and shake several times to remove the baked bread. If the loaf does not come out, try gently tapping the corner of the container on a wooden surface, or turn the shaft base at the bottom of the container.

The mixer should remain inside the container when you remove the loaf, but it can sometimes be inside the loaf. In this case, remove it before slicing bread using heat-resistant plastic dishes. Do not use metal tools, as they may scratch the non-stick coating of the dough mixer.

Leave the bread to cool for 30 minutes on a wire stand to leave the steam. Bread is hard cut if it is hot.

Storage Homemade bread does not contain preservatives, so it should be consumed within 2-3 days after baking. If you did not eat it right away, wrap it in foil or seal it in a plastic bag.

Crispy French bread during storage will become softer, therefore it is better not to cover it with anything until it is uncut.

If you want to store bread for several days, put it in the refrigerator. Cut the bread before cooling in the refrigerator, so that it is easier for you to take the required amount.

Key tips and notes The results of your bakery depend on various factors, such as the quality of the ingredients, the precise measurement, temperature and humidity. In order to ensure successful baking, we give you a few tips that you should follow.

The bread machine is not an isolated device, so it will be affected by temperature. If the weather outside is hot or the bread machine is used in a hot kitchen, the bread will rise faster than in cold weather. The optimum temperature is between 20 ° C / 68 ° F and 24 ° C / 75 ° F.

In very cold weather, leave tap water at room temperature for 30 minutes. The same goes for ingredients taken from the refrigerator.

Use ingredients that have been warmed to room temperature unless otherwise specified in the recipe, for example, to quickly bake for 1 hour, you will need to heat the liquid.

Add the ingredients to the container in the order indicated in the recipe.

Keep the yeast dry and do not add them to the container until the start of the mixing cycle.

Accurate measuring is probably the most important factor to get a good loaf. Most problems arise because of inaccurate measurement of the ingredients or the omission of one of them. Stick to either the metric or imperial system; they are not interchangeable. Use a measuring cup and a spoon that come with the bread maker.

Always use fresh unexpired foods. Perishable foods such as milk, cottage cheese, vegetables, and fresh fruits can go bad quickly when heated. Such ingredients should only be used in breads that are baked immediately.

Do not add too much fat, as it forms a barrier between the yeast and flour, slowing down the action of the yeast, which can lead to the baking of a heavy compact loaf.

Cut the butter and other fats into small pieces before adding them to the container.

Replace some of the water with fruit juices, such as orange, apple, or pineapple, when you bake fruit bread.

Vegetable cooking broths can be added as part of the liquid. Boiled potato water contains starch, which is an additional nutrition for yeast and helps to produce softer bread with a longer shelf life.

Grated carrots or mashed potatoes can be added for a taste.

The amount of liquids in the recipe will have to be reduced, since these products contain water. Add a little water and check the dough during mixing, adjust the amount of liquid if necessary.

Key tips and notes

Do not exceed the quantities indicated in the recipes, as this may damage your bread machine.

If the dough does not rise well, try replacing tap water with drinking or boiled chilled water. If tap water contains a large amount of bleach, this may affect the rise of the dough. Hard water can have the same effect.

It is worth checking the dough after five minutes of constant kneading. Keep a flexible rubber spatula near the oven so that you can scrape off any ingredients that adhere to the walls of the container. Do not leave the blade close to the dough mixer or attempt to obstruct its rotation. Also check the dough for consistency. If the dough is lumpy, or the machine is difficult to knead, add water. If the dough sticks to the walls of the bowl and does not form into a ball, add flour.

Do not open the lid while approaching or baking, as this may lower the dough.

RECIPES Plain white (Program 1) Medium crust 500 g 3 h. 05 min.

750 g 3 h. 05 min.

1 kg 3 h. 10 min.

2. Pour water into a container.

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1. Pour water and oil into the container.

2. When the machine beeps after approximately 17 minutes of a kneading cycle, add the dried tomatoes.

Plain White (Program 1)

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1. Put pepper in a small skillet, pour in sunflower oil and fry over medium heat for 3-4 minutes until it softens. Remove from heat and let cool.

Add liquid to the pan.

2. Add the ingredients to the bread pan in the order shown in the recipe.

Variation You can reduce the amount of pepper and replace it with young finely chopped onions.

For a sharper flavor, take hot pepper varieties, such as Scotch Bonnet.

Plain White (Program 1)

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Dark bread (Program 1) Middle crust 500 g 3 h. 05 min.

750 g 3 h. 05 min.

1 kg 3 h. 10 min.

2. Pour water into a container.

3. Add the rest of the ingredients in the order shown in the recipe, except yeast.

4. Make a groove in the flour so that no liquid can flow out and add yeast.

5. Place the container at an angle to the back of the breadmaker, then turn it to the front wall and lock it. Lower the handle.

6. Press the MENU button once and select program 1 - Normal White.

7. Select a loaf size and crust color. Press the START button.

8. At the end of the baking cycle, turn off the bread maker. Pull the container by the handle, turning it to the back of the bread machine. Always use gloves to protect hands.

Then lay the loaf on the wire rack for cooling.

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tsp \u003d teaspoon 5 ml tbsp \u003d tablespoon 15 ml Fast white / mixture (Program 2) 750 g 2 h. 13 min.

1 kg 2 h. 15 min.

1. Remove the bread container from the bread machine and insert the dough mixer.

2. Pour water into a container.

3. Add the rest of the ingredients in the order shown in the recipe, except yeast.

4. Make a groove in the flour so that no liquid can flow out and add yeast.

5. Place the container at an angle to the back of the breadmaker, then turn it to the front wall and lock it. Lower the handle.

6. Press the MENU button twice and select program 2 - Fast White.

7. Select a loaf size and crust color. Press the START button.

8. At the end of the baking cycle, turn off the bread maker. Pull the container by the handle, turning it to the back of the bread machine. Always use gloves to protect hands.

Then lay the loaf on the wire rack for cooling.

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Ready-made bread mixes can be mixed and baked in a bread machine. Make sure that the total weight of the mixture does not exceed the maximum amount of ingredients that your bread machine can handle.

Program 2 can be used for most batch mixes of white bread and wholemeal bread. If the dough from wholemeal flour does not rise well, next time try using the program to quickly bake bread from wholemeal.

First, pour the amount of water recommended by the manufacturer into the breadmaker's container, then add the bread mixture.

It is better not to use the delay timer for such mixtures, since you cannot separate the yeast from the liquid.

Unbroken bread baking cycle (Program 3) Average crust 750 g 4 hours 10 minutes.

1 kg 4 h. 15 min.

Note: Bread / bran / whole grain bread baking programs start with a 30 minute preheat cycle. The dough mixer will not work during this cycle.

1. Remove the bread container from the bread machine and insert the dough mixer.

2. Pour water into a container.

3. Add the rest of the ingredients in the order shown in the recipe, except yeast.

4. Make a groove in the flour so that no liquid can flow out and add yeast.

5. Place the container at an angle to the back of the breadmaker, then turn it to the front wall and lock it. Lower the handle.

6. Press the MENU button three times and select program 3 - Unselected.

7. Select a loaf size and crust color. Press the START button.

8. At the end of the baking cycle, turn off the bread maker. Pull the container by the handle, turning it to the back of the bread machine. Always use gloves to protect hands.

Then lay the loaf on the wire rack for cooling.

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2. Pour the bread machine into the bowl with honey and lemon juice.

Quick bread baking program from bran flour / whole grain (Program 4) Average crust 750 g 2 h. 45 min.

1 kg 2 h. 48 min.

Note: Baking bread from bran flour begins with a 5-minute preheating cycle. The dough mixer will not work during this cycle.

1. Remove the bread container from the bread machine and insert the dough mixer.

2. Pour water into a container.

3. Add the rest of the ingredients in the order shown in the recipe, except yeast.

4. Make a groove in the flour so that no liquid can flow out and add yeast.

5. Place the container at an angle to the back of the breadmaker, then turn it to the front wall and lock it. Lower the handle.

6. Press the MENU button four times and select program 4 - Unselected fast.

7. Select a loaf size and crust color. Press the START button.

8. At the end of the baking cycle, turn off the bread maker. Pull the container by the handle, turning it to the back of the bread machine. Always use gloves to protect hands.

Then lay the loaf on the wire rack for cooling.

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Gluten-free (Program 5) The following recipes using bread mixes and gluten-free flour varieties have been tried and tested in the BM300.

Baking gluten-free bread is different from baking ordinary bread using cereal flour, so read the following carefully:

It is very important to avoid mixing varieties of flour containing gluten, especially if gluten-free bread needs to be eaten for health reasons. It may make sense to purchase a second container for bread if you also bake regular bread in a bread machine. Otherwise, make sure that the containers, utensils, and cutlery that you use are thoroughly washed and cleaned after each use.

For best results, carefully weigh all ingredients, including water.

Gluten-free mixtures produce an airy, fluffy cake mix instead of the usual lump of dough that comes from traditional bakery.

It is very important to clean the walls of the container while kneading the dough so that all components are used in the dough.

Most gluten-free mixtures are sold with yeast, which also does not contain gluten. If you use other varieties of yeast, make sure they are gluten-free.

Gluten-free mixtures, such as Glutan, Trufree and Juvela, can be purchased with a pharmacy prescription, as well as in health food stores.

In most mixtures, the ingredients contain xanthan or guar gum. These are cream powders that strengthen the structure and help the bread rise and maintain its shape during baking. Guar gum contains a large amount of fiber and can have a laxative effect for people with a sensitive digestive system.

Remove the bread container immediately after the baking cycle. Do not use the heat preservation function. Leave the bread in the bowl for about 5 minutes before taking it out and placing it on the grid for cooling.

Gluten-free bread should be dense and heavy, and the crust will be paler than conventional breads. Results may vary depending on gluten-free mixtures or varieties of flour used in baking.

Bread should be stored in a cool, dry place and consumed for 2 days, or stored chopped in the refrigerator.

Do not use the delay timer while baking gluten-free bread, as some ingredients deteriorate quickly.

1. Remove the bread container from the bread machine and insert the dough mixer.

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Gluten-free bread (Program 5) Recipes for gluten-free breads

1. Remove the bread container from the bread machine and insert the dough mixer.

2. Pour water into a container and add the remaining ingredients in the order specified in the recipe.

3. Insert and lock the container inside the bread maker. Press the MENU button 5 times to select program 5 - BREAD WITHOUT GLUTEN. Then press the START button.

4. After 5 minutes of mixing, scrape off the remaining ingredients from the walls with a plastic spatula so that all the ingredients are involved.

5. At the end of the baking cycle, turn off the bread maker and remove the container with gloves. Put bread on a wire rack to cool.

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Muffin (Program 6) Average crust 750 g 3 h. 20 min.

1 kg 3 h. 35 min.

1. Remove the bread container from the bread machine and insert the dough mixer.

2. Pour water into a container.

3. Add the rest of the ingredients in the order shown in the recipe, except yeast.

4. Make a groove in the flour so that no liquid can flow out and add yeast.

5. Place the container at an angle to the back of the breadmaker, then turn it to the front wall and lock it. Lower the handle ..

6. Press the MENU button six times and select program 6 - Baking.

7. Select a loaf size and crust color. Press the START button.

8. At the end of the baking cycle, turn off the bread maker. Pull the container by the handle, turning it to the back of the bread machine. Always use gloves to protect hands.

Then lay the loaf on the wire rack for cooling.

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1. Add pecans and cranberries to the bowl when the breadmaker beeps after about 17 minutes during the kneading cycle.

Note: For best results, use the light crust setting when baking a 500g loaf.

tsp \u003d teaspoon 5 ml tbsp \u003d tablespoon 15 ml

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1. Add nuts, orange and lemon peels to the bowl when the breadmaker beeps after about 17 minutes during the kneading cycle.

French muffin (Program 7) 750 g 3 h. 45 min.

1 kg 3 h. 50 min.


1. Remove the bread container from the bread machine and insert the dough mixer.

2. Pour water into a container.

3. Add the rest of the ingredients in the order shown in the recipe, except yeast.

4. Make a groove in the flour so that no liquid can flow out and add yeast.

5. Place the container at an angle to the back of the breadmaker, then turn it to the front wall and lock it. Lower the handle.

6. Press the MENU button seven times and select program 7 - French bread.

7. Select a loaf size and crust color. Press the START button.

8. At the end of the baking cycle, turn off the bread maker. Pull the container by the handle, turning it to the back of the bread machine. Always use gloves to protect hands.

Then lay the loaf on the wire rack for cooling.

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Note: Instead of French flour, premium white flour can be used.

This program is unique because it can be used to bake non-yeast pies and breads. It does not have a dough lifting cycle, so it should not be used for yeast baking and cakes. For yeast baking, use program 6 (see pages 39 - 41).

Always use this program for non-yeast bread and pies. Other programs will not bring the desired result.

The butter or margarine should be at room temperature, cut into small pieces or melted before adding the bread machine to the container to ensure uniform mixing.

Use regular flour, baking soda, sodium bicarbonate, and tartar sauce.

After 5 minutes of mixing, scrape the adhering ingredients from the walls of the container with a plastic spatula. Do not touch the mixer or obstruct its movement. Do not turn off the bread machine or take out the container to clean the walls.

Leave the cake or bread inside the bowl to cool for 5 minutes before removing it. Carefully draw a smooth spatula with rounded edges between the surface of the loaf and the walls of the container, so that the loaf can be removed more easily.

Leave the bread on the wire rack to cool before slicing it. Wet cakes, such as ginger, improve palatability if wrapped and stored 24 hours before use.

A bread machine will bake bread or cake for 1 hour in this program.

Some pies are baked faster, so you should check the bread maker after 1 hour, as if you baked bread in a regular bread maker. If the loaf is ready, turn off the bread maker and remove the container. Put the bread on a wire rack to let it cool.

Cupcake / instant bread (Program 8) Time: 1 h. 30 min.

1. Follow the instructions for the individual instructions.

2. Insert the container into the bread machine and lock.

3. Select program 8 - Pies / instant bread.

4. After 6 minutes, open the lid and scrape off the ingredients that adhere to the walls.

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1. Put butter, molasses and sugar in a small saucepan and heat over low heat until the butter and sugar melt, stir occasionally. Refrigerate and pour into the container of the breadmaker.

2. Remember the bananas and add to the bowl with eggs, cream and milk.

3. Sift flour, baking soda, sodium bicarbonate, and cinnamon. Then add the mixture to the container.


To make a loaf of bananas, dates and walnuts, add 40 g (1 oz) of chopped dates and the same amount of nuts to the dough after you have cleared the walls of the sticking ingredients while kneading the dough.

Cupcake / Instant Bread (Program 8)

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1. Put the butter, molasses, sugar and marmalade in a small saucepan and heat over low heat until the butter, sugar and marmalade melt, stir occasionally.

Refrigerate and pour into the container of the breadmaker.

2. Add milk and eggs.

3. Sift flour, baking soda, sodium bicarbonate, and salt. Then add the mixture to the container.


Pour the icing cake after baking and cooling. Combine 140 g (5 oz) of fatty soft cheese or pasta, 40 g (1 oz) of sifted icing and 15 ml (1 tbsp) of orange marmalade. Spread the pie.

Cupcake / Instant Bread (Program 8)

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1. Put butter, molasses and sugar in a small saucepan and heat over low heat until the butter, sugar and molasses melt, stir occasionally. Refrigerate and pour into the container of the breadmaker.

2. Add milk and eggs.

3. Sift flour, ginger, baking soda, sodium bicarbonate, and salt. Then add the mixture to the container.

Note: Ginger bread is best left in a vacuum pack or container for 24 hours before use to make it sticky.

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Cooking jam (Program 9) Time: 1 h. 20 min.

The cooking cycle will begin with a 15-minute heating. At this time, the dough mixer will not work.

During the cooking cycle, the dough mixer will mix the ingredients.

Always use fresh, ripened fruits and cut large fruits in half or four.

Use pectin sugar for jam.

If you make jam from fruits that are low in pectin, add 5-10 ml (1-2 tsp) of lemon juice.

Always use gloves when removing the container from the bread machine.

Watch the work of the breadmaker during the preparation of jam so that it does not overflow over the edge of the container, and stir it from time to time.

Pour jam into a clean, sterilized jar, close and label the jar.

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1. Remove the container from the bread maker and insert the dough mixer. Halve the apricots and take out the seeds. Cut each half into 4 parts and put in the container of the bread machine. Add the rest of the ingredients.

2. Insert the container into the bread machine chamber and lock it. Close the lid and use the MENU button to select program 9 - COOK PREPARATION.

3. Leave to mix for 15 minutes, then scrape off adhering ingredients from the sides of the container. Be careful as the container can be very hot.

4. At the end of the cycle, turn off the breadmaker, then remove the container by wearing gloves.


Instead of apricots for this jam, you can take plums.

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1. Remove the container from the bread maker and insert the dough mixer. Cut the strawberries in half if the berries are large, and put the bread makers in a bowl with raspberries and red currants. Add the rest of the ingredients.

2. Insert the container into the bread machine chamber and lock it. Close the lid and use the MENU button to select program 9 - COOKING JAM.

3. At the end of the cycle, turn off the breadmaker, then remove the container by wearing gloves.

Carefully pour the jam into a sterilized jar, seal and label it.

Kneading the test (program 11) Time: 1 h. 20 min.

This program allows you to knead and try the dough without baking, which is very essential for the manual formation of buns. After forming, you will need to leave the dough for the last sample, and then bake in a conventional oven.

The dough kneading cycle is ideal for making various loaves, pizza, rolls, croissants, donuts, bread sticks and cookies.

The bun recipe on page 50 will explain how to give the dough a variety of forms. You can also use this recipe to make bread sticks. Instead of water, eggs and butter, you can take 250 ml (9 fl. Oz) of water and 50 ml (2 fl. Oz) of olive oil. Add olive oil with water.

Bread sticks

1. Divide the dough in half and roll each piece into a rectangle about 1 cm thick. Cut it into strips about 7 cm long and 2 cm wide.

2. On a flat surface, lightly sprinkled with flour, roll these strips into long thin ropes. You can take each such rope in your hands and slightly stretch the dough. If necessary, leave the dough for a few seconds during formation.

3. Sprinkle the resulting sticks with poppy seeds, sesame seeds, sea salt or grated parmesan cheese.

4. Place on a lightly greased baking sheet so that they do not touch each other.

5. Lightly grease the surfaces of the sticks with olive oil, cover and leave for 10-15 minutes in a warm place so that the dough rises.

6. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 ° C / 400 ° F / gas 6 for 15-20 minutes, or until they turn golden. Put the sticks on the wire rack for cooling.

1. Remove the container from the bread maker and insert the dough mixer.

2. Pour water into a container.

Make a depression in the flour so that water does not leak out and put yeast in it.

4. Insert the container into the breadmaker chamber and lock it. Press the MENU button and select program 11 - TEST. Press START. Oil two baking sheets.

5. At the end of the cycle, lay the dough on a floured surface. Knock down the dough a little and divide into 12 equal parts. Roll the pieces into fluffy round rolls or into one of the following shapes:

Homemade rolls: cut the third part of the dough and roll both pieces into balls. Put the smaller ball on the larger and make a hole with your finger dipped in flour.

Nodules: roll the dough into a long rope and tie it in a knot.

Pigtails: divide each piece of dough into three parts and roll each into a rope.

Blind three ropes at one end and weave a pigtail out of them. Tuck the ends to fasten the shape.

6. Place the rolls on the prepared baking sheets so that they do not touch. Cover the oily film and leave it in a warm place for 20-30 minutes, so that the dough rises, or until it doubles. Preheat oven to 220 ° C / 425 ° F / gas 7.

7. Lubricate the surface of the rolls with egg glaze and sprinkle with sesame seeds or poppy seeds.

Bake for 15-18 minutes, or until golden brown. Lay out on a wire rack for cooling.

Kneading the dough (Program 11)

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2. Pour milk into the container. Add the eggs. Sift the flour on top to cover the liquid.

3. Add salt, sugar and 25 g butter. Make a depression in the flour so that no liquid leaks out and put the yeast in it.

4. Insert the container into the bread machine and lock. Use the MENU button to select program 11 - TEST. Press START. Soften the butter into a 2 cm (3/4 inch) cube.

5. At the end of the cycle, lay the dough on a surface lightly dusted with flour and knock it a little. Roll it into a rectangle twice as large as a cube of butter and a little wider.

Put the butter on one half, wrap the other edge of the dough and blind the edges.

6. Roll into a 2 cm (34 in.) Thick rectangle, double the length. Wrap the bottom corner up, and the top - down, and close up. Wrap in a clean film and refrigerate for 20 minutes. Repeat rolling, folding and cooling two more times, each time turning the dough 90 degrees.

7. Roll the dough into a rectangle of 30 x 52 cm (12 x 21 inches). Cut it in half along the length, then across into equal triangles with a base of 15 cm (6 inches), tearing off excess dough on each side.

8. Loosely wrap each triangle from the base to the top so that the edge wraps underneath. Turn the resulting shape into a bagel. Place on baking sheets to prevent them from touching.

9. Cover with oily film and leave in a warm place for 30 minutes to raise the dough. Preheat oven to 200 ° C / 400F / gas 6.

10. Combine the egg yolk and milk and grease the croissants with this mixture. Bake for 15-20 minutes until they become crispy and golden. Lay out on a wire rack for cooling.


Chocolate croissants: Put a cube of chocolate or 10 ml (2 teaspoons) of grated chocolate on the wide end of the dough before sculpting and make sure that the chocolate will not spill out when the croissant is molded.

1. Remove the container from the bread machine chamber and insert the dough mixer.

2. Pour water, yogurt, melted butter, ghee, or olive oil into the bowl.

Add the rest of the ingredients except yeast.

3. Make a groove in the flour so that no liquid leaks out and put the yeast in it.

4. Insert the container into the bread machine and lock. Use the MENU button to select program 11

- TEST. Press START.

5. Before the end of the cycle, place three baking sheets in the bread maker and heat it to the highest possible setting. At the end of the cycle, lay the dough on a lightly floured surface. Knock down the dough and divide into three equal parts, roll them into balls.

6. Roll the dough into ovals approximately 25 cm (10 inches) long and 13 cm (5 inches) wide. Heat the grill. Lay the bread rolls on the heated baking sheets and bake for 4-5 minutes until they rise. Remove them from the bread machine and place them under the heated grill until they turn brown and rise.

7. Lubricate the bread surface with melted butter and serve warm.

Variations Add 5 ml (1 tsp) ground coriander and caraway seeds with flour to make a spiced bread.

Wholemeal bread: replace 50% white flour with bran flour.

For poignancy, you can add grated clove of garlic and / or a little freshly ground black pepper. Black pepper can also be used as a powder after you have greased the bread with ghee.

Express cycle (Program 12)

Your bread maker has the function of quick bread baking, thanks to which you can get a ready-made tasty loaf of bread in just one hour. Read the instructions carefully for the best result.

Use a warm liquid to speed up the dough lifting process (optimum temperature 32-35 ° C / 90-95 ° F). Cold water will give a smaller loaf, and hot water will kill the yeast. Measure the temperature of the water with a thermometer or mix 90 ml of boiling water with 310 ml of cold.

Bread recipes should contain at least 65% white flour for this cycle.

100% wholemeal or other cereal flour will give a bad result, because the dough will not have enough time to come up.

The amount of salt is reduced for the bread varieties cooked in this program, since salt reduces the activity of yeast. However, do not rule out salt completely, as it is necessary for the taste and texture of bread. For 600 g (1 pound 5 oz) of flour, take 5 ml (1 tsp) of salt.

The amount of yeast when using this program is greater so that the dough rises faster. Use 15-20 ml (3-4 tsp) of dry yeast quick-acting.

If you want to make several loaves with this program, leave the lid open and turn off the machine for 30 minutes between baking loaves. This will ensure the accuracy of the temperature sensor inside the bread machine, as it is very important for quick baking.

The bread baked using this program will not rise as high as the bread baked in other programs, the crust will be softer and slightly denser, but this is considered the norm.

Express cycle (Program 12) 1 large loaf Duration: 59 min.

1. Remove the container from the bread machine chamber and insert the dough mixer.

2. Pour warm liquids (32 - 35 ° C) into the container.

3. Add the rest of the ingredients in the order shown in the recipe, except for yeast.

4. Make a depression in the flour so that no liquid leaks out and put the yeast in it.

5. Insert the container into the bread machine at an angle to the back wall and unfold to the front. Lower the handle.

6. Press the MENU button 12 times and select program 12 - EXPRESS.

Press START.

7. At the end of the cycle, turn off the bread maker. Remove the container by the handle, turning it to the back of the bread machine. Always use gloves.

Then put the bread on a wire rack to cool.

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Below are some typical problems that may occur when baking bread in a bread machine. Review the problems, their possible cause, and steps to fix them.

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   If the electric cable of your bread maker is damaged, it must be replaced only at an authorized Kenwood service center.

To clarify service issues, contact the store where you purchased the bread machine.

Kenwood Ltd New Lane, Havant, Hampshire PO9 2NH

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