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Bible psalm 37. If things go wrong and there is no money: Orthodox prayers. Arseny of Cappadocia, “Psalms for various occasions”

1 Psalm of David. In remembrance [of the Sabbath].
   2 Lord! Thou shalt not condemn me in Thy fury, and chasten me not in Thy wrath,
   3 For thy arrows pierced me, and thy hand gravitates upon me.
   4 There is no whole place in my flesh from thy wrath; there is no peace in my bones from my sins,
   5 For my iniquities exceeded my head, as a heavy burden burdened on me,
   6 stink, my wounds fester from my madness.
   7 I am bent and completely wilted, I go all day complaining,
   8 For my loins are full of inflammation, and there is no whole place in my flesh.
   9 I am exhausted and overwhelmed; I scream from the torment of my heart.
   10 Lord! before you all my desires, and my sigh is not hidden from you.
   11 My heart trembles; my strength has forsaken me, and the light of my eyes - and I have none.
   12 My friends and sincere departed from my plague, and my neighbors stand far.
   13 Those who seek my souls set up nets, and those who wish me evil speak of perdition my  and plotting intrigues every day;
   14 But I, as a deaf person, do not hear, and as a dumb person who does not open his mouth;
   15 and I became, as a man who does not hear and does not have an answer in his mouth,
   16 For I trust in Thee, Lord; You will hear, Lord, my God.
   17 And I said: May they not triumph over me [my enemies]; when my leg hesitates, they are magnified above me.
   18 I am about to fall, and my sorrow is always before me.
   19 My iniquity I acknowledge, lament for my sin.
   20 But my enemies live and gain strength, and those who hate me innocently multiply;
   21 and those who render me evil for good are at war with me because I follow good.
   22 Do not leave me, Lord, my God! Do not move away from me;
   23 Hurry to help me, Lord, my Savior!

Translation of Averintsev:

Psalm of David. For the sake of memory [ο Saturday 14]

Lord Thou shalt not rebuke me,

and punish me not in your anger;

for thy arrows have come into me

and your hand is heavy on me.

There is no whole place in my flesh

because of your wrath

there is no peace in my bones

according to my sins;

for my iniquities have exceeded my head,

how heavy a burden oppresses me;

my wounds stink and fester

according to my madness;

i’m bent and very wilted,

i go mourn all day

for my loins are full of affliction,

there is no whole place in my flesh.

I'm relaxed and all broken

crying out of the turmoil of my heart.

Lord before you all my desire

and my groaning is open to you.

My heart trembles

and my strength left me;

and the light of my eyes - everything has left me.

My friends, my comrades

departed from my misfortune

and my neighbors stood in the distance;

but seekers of souls put in power

those who plot evil to me will bring death,

cook the whole day.

I can’t hear how deaf

as a dumb, I do not open my mouth;

yes, I'm like someone who has no hearing

and there is no answer in his mouth.

For on you, Lord, my hope;

You will hear, Lord, my God!

I said: may they not rejoice over me

my enemies

may they not boast about me

when my foot stumbles!

For I am ready for wounds

and my sorrow before me always

i declare my iniquity

and I grieve for my sin.

Meanwhile, my enemies live and are strong,

and multiplied, who hate me without guilt,

give me evil for good

feuding for the fact that I'm looking for good.

Do not leave me, Lord, my God!

Do not step back from me!

Hurry to help me

Lord, my salvation!

14 See both previous notes. Regarding the Jewish formula ??????????? lekhazki? p (“for the sake of memory”) its meaning is far from clear and is the subject of many interpretative conjectures. Some newer translations even refuse to translate it limited to transliteration.

Why are the nations troubled, and the tribes plotting in vain? The kings of the earth revolt, and the princes consult together against the Lord and against His Anointed. Let us break their bonds, and overthrow their chains. Living in heaven, the Lord laughs, they will swear. Then he will say to them in His anger, and with His fury will lead them into confusion: I have anointed My King over Zion, my holy mountain; I will declare the determination: the Lord said unto me: Thou art my Son; I have given birth to you now; ask me, and I will give the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for your possession; You will smite them with an iron rod; crush them like a potter's vessel. So be advised, kings; learn, judges of the earth! Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling. Honor the Son, that He not be angry, and that you not perish in your way, for His wrath will kindle soon. Blessed are all who trust in Him.

3 psalm

Lord how my enemies have multiplied! Many rebel against me; many say to my soul: there is no salvation for him in God. But You, Lord, have a shield before me, my glory, and You exalt my head. I cry to the Lord with my voice, and He hears me from His holy mountain. I lie down, sleep and get up, for the Lord protects me. I will not be afraid of those people who, from all sides, have taken up arms against me. Rise, Lord! save me my goodness! for thou shalt defeat all my enemies in the lanita; you crush the teeth of the wicked. Salvation from the Lord. Thy blessing be upon your people.

26 psalm

The Lord is my light and my salvation: whom shall I fear? Lord is the fortress of my life: whom shall I fear? If villains, enemies and my enemies step on me to devour my flesh, then they themselves will stumble and fall. If the regiment takes up arms against me, my heart will not be afraid; if war comes upon me, then I will hope. I asked one of the Lord, I only seek to stay in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to contemplate the Lord and attend His temple, for He would hide me in His tabernacle on the day of tribulation, would hide me in a secret place in His village would lift me to a rock. Then my head would ascend over the enemies surrounding me; and I would offer sacrifices of praise in His tabernacle, sing and chant before the Lord. Hear, Lord, my voice, which I cry out, have mercy on me and listen to me. My heart speaks of you: seek my face; and I will seek thy face, Lord. Do not hide Your face from me; Throw not thy servant in wrath. You were my assistant; Do not reject me and do not leave me, God, my Savior! for my father and my mother left me, but the Lord will receive me. Teach me, O Lord, Thy way, and instruct me in the path of truth, for the sake of my enemies; do not betray me to the mercy of my enemies, for false witnesses have risen up against me and breathe in malice. But I believe that I will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Trust in the Lord, take courage, and may your heart be strengthened, trust in the Lord.

36 psalm

Do not be jealous of the villains, do not envy those who do lawlessness, for they, like grass, will soon be mowed down and, like greening grass, will fade. Trust in the Lord and do good; live on earth and keep the truth. Take comfort in the Lord, and He will fulfill the desires of your heart. Betray the Lord your way and trust in Him, and He will complete it, and bring forth your righteousness and your justice as light as noon. Submit to the Lord and trust in Him. Do not be jealous of the one who succeeds in his way, the deceitful man. Stop angry and give up rage; do not be jealous of doing evil, for those who do evil will be destroyed, those who trust in the Lord will inherit the earth. A little more, and the wicked will not; you look at his place, and he is not. And the meek shall inherit the earth and enjoy the multitude of the world. The wicked one is malicious against the righteous and grinds his teeth at him: the Lord laughs at him, for he sees that his day is coming. The wicked draw a sword and pull their bow to depose the poor and the poor, to pierce those who walk in a direct way: their sword will enter their own heart, and their bows will be wrinkled. The little things of the righteous are better than the wealth of many wicked, for the muscles of the wicked will be broken, and the Lord strengthens the righteous. The Lord knows the days of the immaculate, and their inheritance will be forever: they will not be ashamed during the fierce and in the days of famine they will be full; and the wicked will perish, and the enemies of the Lord, like the fat of the lamb, will disappear, in the smoke they will disappear. The wicked takes loans and does not give, but the righteous has mercy and gives, for those blessed by him shall inherit the earth, and those cursed by him will be destroyed. The Lord affirms the feet of such a person, and He favors his path: when he falls, he will not fall, for the Lord supports his hand. I was young and old, and did not see the righteous who were left and his descendants asking for bread: he has mercy every day and gives loans, and his offspring will be a blessing. Evade evil, and do good, and you will live forever: for the Lord loves the truth and does not leave His saints; they will remain forever; and the offspring of the wicked shall be destroyed. The righteous will inherit the earth and will live on it forever. The mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom, and his tongue pronounces the truth. The law of his God is in his heart; His feet shall not be shaken. The wicked spies on the righteous and seeks to put him to death; but the Lord will not give him into his hands and will not allow him to be blamed when he is judged. Trust in the Lord and keep His way: and He will lift you up to inherit the earth; and when the wicked are destroyed, you will see. I saw a wicked formidable, expanding, like a rooted multi-branched tree; but he passed, and here he is not; looking for him and can not find. Watch the immaculate and look at the righteous, for the future of such a person is peace; but the wicked will all be cut off; the future of the wicked will perish. From the Lord is salvation to the righteous; He is their protection during tribulation; and the Lord will help them and deliver them; He will deliver them from the wicked and save them, for they trust in Him.

37 psalm

Lord Thou shalt not condemn me in Thy fury, and chasten me not in Thy wrath: for Thy arrows pierced me, and Thy hand gravitates upon me. There is no whole place in my flesh from your wrath; there is no peace in my bones from my sins, for my iniquities exceeded my head, like a heavy burden burdened on me, stink, my wounds fester from my madness. I am bent and completely wilted, I walk all day complaining, for my loins are full of inflammation, and there is no whole place in my flesh. I am exhausted and overwhelmed; I scream from the torment of my heart. Lord before you all my desires, and my sigh is not hidden from you. My heart trembles; my strength has forsaken me, and the light of my eyes - and I have none. My friends and sincere departed from my plague, and my neighbors are far away. Those who seek my soul set up nets, and those who wish me evil speak of my destruction, plotting every day intrigues; but I, as a deaf person, do not hear, and as a dumb person who does not open his mouth; and I became, as a man who does not hear and does not have an answer in his mouth, for I trust in Thee, Lord; You will hear, Lord, my God. And I said: May my enemies not triumph over me; when my leg hesitates, they are magnified above me. I am close to falling, and my sorrow is always before me. I recognize my iniquity, lament for my sin. But my enemies live and strengthen, and those who hate me innocently multiply; and those who render me evil for good are at war with me because I follow good. Do not leave me, Lord, my God! Do not move away from me; Hurry to help me, Lord, my Savior!

In the six psalms 37 psalm takes the second place. With his words, anyone can repent of their sins or express devotion to the Lord. In addition, in the words of the psalm, he can turn to God for help, using either the text itself, or enhancing its effect with an icon and candles. The icon is best used with the image of God or Jesus, as well as Spyridon of Trimyphus. You can read the text of the psalm in any language that is closest to the human soul.

Text Psalm 37 in Russian

Psalm of David. In remembrance [of the Sabbath].

2 Lord! Thou shalt not condemn me in Thy fury, and chasten me not in Thy wrath,

3 For thy arrows pierced me, and thy hand gravitates upon me.

4 There is no whole place in my flesh from thy wrath; there is no peace in my bones from my sins,

5 For my iniquities exceeded my head, as a heavy burden burdened on me,

6 stink, my wounds fester from my madness.

7 I am bent and completely wilted, I go all day complaining,

8 For my loins are full of inflammation, and there is no whole place in my flesh.

9 I am exhausted and overwhelmed; I scream from the torment of my heart.

10 Lord! before you all my desires, and my sigh is not hidden from you.

11 My heart trembles; my strength has forsaken me, and the light of my eyes - and I have none.

12 My friends and sincere departed from my plague, and my neighbors stand far.

13 But they who seek my souls set up nets, and those who wish me evil speak of my destruction and plot every day;

14 But I, as a deaf person, do not hear, and as a dumb person who does not open his mouth;

15 and I became, as a man who does not hear and does not have an answer in his mouth,

16 For I trust in Thee, Lord; You will hear, Lord, my God.

17 And I said: May they not triumph over me [my enemies]; when my leg hesitates, they are magnified above me.

18 I am about to fall, and my sorrow is always before me.

19 My iniquity I acknowledge, lament for my sin.

20 But my enemies live and gain strength, and those who hate me innocently multiply;

21 and those who render me evil for good are at war with me because I follow good.

22 Do not leave me, Lord, my God! Do not move away from me;

23 Hurry to help me, Lord, my Savior!

  1. To make amends for their guilt or sin before God and before man.
  2. When a person suffers mental anguish or depression.
  3. If there is a physical illness - to speed up recovery and reduce pain.
  4. If in the professional field things are going badly.
  5. To improve the financial situation, the psalm is used as a prayer for money. In this case, the text is recommended to be read together with an appeal to Spiridon of Trimyphus.

Interpretation of the psalm

The 37th psalm was compiled by David during one of the most difficult periods of his life. In the text you can see not only a picture of his physical suffering, but also the mental torment associated with the author’s repentance for his crime. As you know, in order to take possession of Bathsheba, David sent her husband to death, in which he repents before God.

The entire text of the psalm is a sincere emotional appeal to the Lord with a request to have mercy on David and reduce his troubles. The author is powerless on the verge of despair and there is nothing more to hope for him except for God's help. He realizes the severity of the crime committed by him, and brings his repentance as a sign of humility. David, although he believes that he deserved God's righteous wrath, prays to the Lord not to punish him with all his strength. He paints a picture of the fact that not only his soul is suffering, but his body, apparently affected by the disease.

Based on the text of the psalm, after the illness, even his friends begin to move away from David, and on the contrary, enemies become closer. Even those close to the king turned into his enemies. This whole situation makes him feel very lonely. In this he sees the punishment for his sin. Therefore, he first of all prays to God to forgive his transgressions, and then, if possible, to prevent his enemies from defeating him.

Psalm 37 - text in Russian, interpretation of why they read  was last modified: August 2nd, 2017 by Bogolub

  PSALTER, Psalm 37 Psalm of David. In remembrance of the Sabbath.

  Lord Thou shalt not condemn me in Thy fury, and chasten me not in Thy wrath: for Thy arrows pierced me, and Thy hand gravitates upon me. There is no whole place in my flesh from your wrath; there is no peace in my bones from my sins, for my iniquities exceeded my head, like a heavy burden burdened on me, stink, my wounds fester from my madness. I am bent and completely wilted, I walk all day complaining, for my loins are full of inflammation, and there is no whole place in my flesh. I am exhausted and overwhelmed; I scream from the torment of my heart. Lord before you all my desires, and my sigh is not hidden from you. My heart trembles; my strength has forsaken me, and the light of my eyes - and I have none. My friends and sincere departed from my plague, and my neighbors are far away. Those who seek my soul set up nets, and those who wish me evil speak of my destruction and plot every day; but I, as a deaf person, do not hear, and as a dumb person who does not open his mouth; and I became, as a man who does not hear and does not have an answer in his mouth, for I trust in Thee, Lord; You will hear, Lord, my God. And I said: May my enemies not triumph over me; when my leg hesitates, they are magnified above me. I am close to falling, and my sorrow is always before me. I recognize my iniquity, lament for my sin. But my enemies live and strengthen, and those who hate me innocently multiply; and those who render me evil for good are at war with me because I follow good. Do not leave me, Lord, my God! Do not move away from me; Hurry to help me, Lord, my Savior!

  PSALTER, Psalm 37.

Lord, do not expose me with your fury to me, punish me with less than your anger; like thy arrows tearing in me, and hath established your hand on me. There is no healing in my flesh on behalf of your wrath, there is peace in my bone on behalf of my sin. As my iniquity exceeded my head, as a heavy burden burdens me. My wounds are bent and bent, from the face of my madness. Suffered and sleazy to the end, complaining all day long; for my love is filled with reproach, and there is no healing in my flesh. They are embittered and humbled themselves to evil, roaring from the sighing of my heart. Lord, before you all my desires, and my breath from you are not concealed. My heart is crumpled, leave me my strength, and my light, and that be with me. My friends and my sincere ones are right now approaching me and stasha. And my neighbors are a little farther stasha, and I am in need of seeking my soul; and seekers who have an evil verb that is vain to me, and I will go and study with flattery all day. But I am, as I hear, not deaf, and for him do not open your mouth; and when they don’t hear a man, and not having conviction in his mouth. Like on thee, Lord, hope you hear, Lord my God. Yako Reh; let not when I am glad smite my; and always move at my feet, on me of your great lover. It’s as if I’m ready for wounds, and my disease is before me to take out. For I will declare my iniquity and take care of my gress. My defeat live and become stronger than me, and multiply those who hate me without truth; repaying the wicked waggle good to the slaughter of me, chasing the alms. Do not leave me, Lord God, do not depart from me; get my help, Lord my salvation.

The song of suffering and sadness can be called Psalm 37, which is also a “memory of the Sabbath,” a memory of peace. Based on the content of the Orthodox Psalm 37, this phrase can be understood as the prayer of the afflicted to the Lord for the sending of rest. The psalmist David considers his physical and mental condition, the persecution of enemies by him, as the punishment that was sent to him from above for the grave sin he committed. With his repentant prayers, David begs God for compassion and deliverance from punishment. He will temper His anger, because the pain that David is tormenting him and is like an arrow piercing his body is unbearable.

Verse 3 of Psalm 37 describes the image of “the hand of God hanging over him,” which strikes David with a serious illness. The Prophet realizes that his sins are great and now he will have to bear a heavy physical and mental burden. In his prayer verses, David very vividly describes the suffering of his body and soul both from the loss of respect on the part of people and from personal awareness of his guilt.

Trust in the Lord in Psalm 37

Sufferer David in the prayers described in Psalm 37 passionately hopes for the mercy of the Lord, before whom all his desires are revealed, who hears all his sighs. From the disease sent by God, the king’s vision, his strength and health were weakened. All that was good in the life of the king — the loyalty of friends and relatives, and most importantly — that accompanied him throughout his life — all this did not happen. Relatives rejected David, seeing what happened to him, God's punishment. The enemies of the prophet took what happened as a sign of their innocence and intensified the machinations against him.

This part of Psalm 37 is the hope of the sufferer, showing the result of sins for which the Lord punishes everyone without looking at the rank and position. The main motive of repentance and the hope that the Lord will have pity on the sinner was the second part of the psalm thirty-seven, which sounds with special strength. David hopes that He will not give up to his enemies, who seek to show their superiority over the king at a time when he is close to a fall. David with all his heart realizes the serious sin committed by him and laments about his act with Bathsheba and the murder of Uriah. David asks the Lord to complete psalm 37  not to leave him, but to rush to his aid, seeing in God his Savior. This psalm 37 is a warning to the ancestors, who must remember the punishment of God and that it is inevitable for anyone.

Text in Russian Psalm 37

Lord Thou shalt not condemn me in Thy fury, and chasten me not in Thy wrath: for Thy arrows pierced me, and Thy hand gravitates upon me. There is no whole place in my flesh from your wrath; there is no peace in my bones from my sins, for my iniquities exceeded my head, like a heavy burden burdened on me, stink, my wounds fester from my madness. I am bent and completely wilted, I walk all day complaining, for my loins are full of inflammation, and there is no whole place in my flesh. I am exhausted and overwhelmed; I scream from the torment of my heart. Lord before you all my desires, and my sigh is not hidden from you. My heart trembles; my strength has forsaken me, and the light of my eyes - and I have none. My friends and sincere departed from my plague, and my neighbors are far away. Those who seek my soul set up nets, and those who wish me evil speak of my destruction and plot every day; but I, as a deaf person, do not hear, and as a dumb person who does not open his mouth; and I became, as a man who does not hear and does not have an answer in his mouth, for I trust in Thee, Lord; You will hear, Lord