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When can I cut tulips after flowering. Care for tulips after flowering in the garden, at home. There are certain rules for this.

To find out in what to meet the 2017 Year of the Rooster by the signs of the zodiac, fashionistas are starting now. And they’re doing it right, because preparation for the celebration will take a lot of time and energy. It is important to have time to pick up traditional shades of dresses and fashionable styles, buy shoes and accessories to be in trend.

It is accepted that the meeting of the new year could appease his patron, bring good luck to the house. To do this, people dress in appropriate clothing and set the table, according to the recommendations of astrologers. 2017 year of the Rooster must be met in brightly colored outfits that evoke associations with the fire element. It is desirable to celebrate the new year in the following shades:

  • Ginger;
  • Brown;
  • Golden;
  • Yellow;
  • Orange;
  • Red;
  • Scarlet;
  • Burgundy.

Clothing of the color of the flame will surely draw the attention of the Rooster to bright people and bring happiness in 2017. The favor of fortune depends on how the meeting of the holiday takes place. In addition to traditional colors, the Rooster can be pleased with green, turquoise or blue shades. Choose a gamut depending on what hopes are assigned to the new 2017:

  1. For the appearance of posterity and financial well-being, it is recommended that all signs of the zodiac wear red clothes.
  2. If dreams are aimed at family, marriage and love, the choice must be stopped on blue. It will also be useful to careerists, since it promises Rooster success in the service in 2017.
  3. Real wealth will attract yellow and all shades of golden. And the tandem of blue and yellow will several times increase the chances of making a profit in 2017.
  A win-win option - to meet the new 2017 year of the Rooster in a red dress

It is advisable to celebrate the New Year in brilliant dresses, but not to overdo it, since the envy of the Rooster will cause subsequent anger.

Patterns and fabrics

Boring business dresses are best left to visit the office, as are regular blouses with straight skirts. New Year 2017 is held under the auspices of the Rooster, who loves light dresses with a lush hem. Will have to the yard and trousers of free cut, distinguished by comfort. Narrow clothes will constrain movement and quickly cause fatigue, and it is important to meet the new 2017 year in all signs of the zodiac in a fun and unforgettable atmosphere.

The material of the outfit should be selected only natural:

  • Velvet;
  • Atlas;
  • Silk;

Men may have a dilemma, since not everyone wants to add rhinestones to the belt or decorate the costume for the new year 2017 with colorful feathers. Representatives of the stronger sex should not worry, because a traditional suit of dark color is quite suitable for them. Bold persons can experiment with golden and burgundy shades. The outfit should be neat, clean and ironed - for the patron of the 2017 Rooster, order is of great importance.

Astrologers do not recommend “fashionable” to raise the shirt collar as a sign of independence and self-confidence. The owner of the coming year will not tolerate competition, leaving the dominant role for itself. If the patron is supportive of women, then men will not be granted concessions.

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Shoes & Accessories

Jewelery, quality jewelry and miniature handbags will help to complete the look. New Year's Eve is not always held at home, and the clutch in the cafe will certainly come in handy. The rooster likes small bags made of natural materials, it is important that they fit alongside.

Handbags decorated with sparkles, stones of different sizes and rhinestones are appropriate. In order not to anger the Rooster, in this case the clothes should be more than modest and restrained tones. The brighter the outfit, the less jewelery you need to wear; otherwise, the risk of celebrating the new year as a parrot is high. Stones must be selected in tone to the main outfit. Among the stones in jewelry, ruby \u200b\u200bor garnet should prevail. A combination of gold with warm amber, citrine or sapphire will be successful.

As for shoes, shoes with stable heels are ideal for the year of the Rooster. The hairpin is a classic and will never go out of fashion, but in such shoes a comfortable meeting of the holiday is impossible. Ballet shoes decorated with rhinestones and small stones, sandals on the platform or shoes with a heel “shot glass” will do.

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The choice of outfit according to the zodiac signs for the New Year of the rooster

Astrologers say that if you choose the right way in which to meet the year 2017 according to different signs of the zodiac, fate will be supportive over the next 12 months:

  • Aries can safely adhere to absolutely all of the above tips, giving preference to yellow. Female representatives of this fiery zodiac sign should better abandon the presence of a deep neckline in the outfit. Otherwise, the new year will bring love tragedy and a broken heart.

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  • Taurus is not afraid of any experiments, so the colors and their combination can be the most daring. However, this zodiac is not characterized by flashy antics and a bright personality, in connection with which the earth sign will probably withstand the measure in everything. In jewelry, pay attention to large earrings-rings.
  • If you look at the signs of the zodiac, the Gemini are considered the most eccentric, who are in time always and everywhere. A feature of the image should be its thorough thoughtfulness and correctly placed accents. Women will have to figure out not only what to wear for 2017 according to the zodiac sign, but also what accessories to use. To attract good luck, you need to decorate your hair with a hairpin or satin ribbon in red shades.
  • Complete freedom of choice will be given to the Cancers, but Rooster will especially appreciate the original costume outfit. For this reason, the meeting of the new year for the sign of Cancer should be held in the style of an unforgettable masquerade. When is there still a chance to have so much fun? If there are no supporters of the idea, it is enough to supplement the outfit with a mysterious mask with rhinestones.
  • It is difficult to please the pedantic and self-confident Leo, who sincerely consider such training in the zodiac signs as superstition and nonsense. Regal persons can relax and choose the outfit that they liked. Impeccable royal taste will be appreciated by the patron of the year. The main condition remains restraint in jewelry and accessories so as not to overshadow the beauty of the Rooster.
  • Zodiac virgins should choose bright clothes, but stick to soft makeup in soothing colors. Jewelry should be laconic to emphasize the natural beauty of the earth sign.
  • Scales, even in life, are two opposing bowls that outweigh one side or the other. And from this we can make a positive point by playing on natural contrasts. Libra is allowed to shine, meeting the new year, at least all night long. It is advisable to recall which outfit was dreamed of in recent months - and opt for it.
  • Scorpios are simply obliged to celebrate the new year by the zodiac, creating a personal highlight in the image. And the fair sex does not hurt the peppercorn to stand out from the crowd celebrating. There is more than enough space for imagination, the main thing is to attract the attention of others.
  • Celebrating the New Year of the Rooster for Sagittarius is recommended in a relaxed atmosphere, so women can safely dress up in short skirts and demonstrate an attractive neckline. Owners of a luxurious figure will ideally fit the image of a fatal woman.
  • Capricorns are encouraged to listen to their own intuition and fully trust their inner voice. The emphasis must be on well-groomed hands and a beautiful manicure. It is better to choose low-key accessories, avoiding excessive pretentiousness that the Rooster will not like.
  • Aquarians can try on floor skirts, pantsuits and long dresses with bare shoulders. Fashionable asymmetry will look interesting in the image, at least a small heel is desirable in shoes. Modest clothes in harmony with bright jewelry, which should not be forgotten in the new year.
  • Any style is suitable for Pisces, but the outfit must be new. You can look for a suitable option now, and go shopping no earlier than the second half of December. This tricky trick will attract success and money to the house in the coming year.

To win over the patron of the coming year, you should not save on the image and be modest. Whatever the New Year 2017 was to be celebrated by zodiac signs, the basis should be bright colors, large decorations and elegant accessories. Tikhoni did not like the Rooster, so they may not count on luck.

Anton Smekhov

Reading time: 17 minutes

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According to the Chinese calendar, the year of the Fire Rooster is approaching, which is strict and serious in character, but fair. How to meet and what to cook for the New Year 2017 to make the New Year's Eve memorable, enlist the support of the symbol and ensure the fulfillment of desires?

According to the Chinese sages, the Red Rooster with the help of a cleansing flame will drive away everything bad and fill the world with new and unknown. With the onset of 2017 of the Rooster, and this will happen on January 28, the changes will affect everyone. The nature of change depends on people. The symbol of the year is known for its sympathy for purposeful and hardworking people with remarkable willpower. The new 2017 year will be exciting and emotional, and all initiatives will bear fruit if you work hard and show persistence.

The red color present in the color of the Fire Rooster symbolizes financial success. This is a shade of career growth and the color of good luck. The Rooster also likes gold. Therefore, giving preference to golden flowers, get support for the symbol of the New Year 2017 in all endeavors.

The rooster is a family bird. He appreciates loved ones and keeps calm. Meet the New Year 2017 is recommended in the family circle. Thanks to the cheerful noisy company, the holiday will turn out to be incredibly active. New Year's holidays abroad is better to postpone.

As for gifts, the economical symbol of the year is prone to small presentations, because attention is more important. To appease the Fire Rooster, when creating a New Year's interior, be guided by the color scheme of the color of the bird.

The venue of the New Year does not matter, but it is better to avoid dubious establishments, otherwise the evening spoiled by even a small conflict will leave unpleasant memories. Bet on the company and do not forget about the festive mood.

The script for the New Year 2017 of the Red Rooster for home and family

New Year is a long-awaited holiday. This is a great occasion to get together with your family and have fun. To make the holiday a success, create a festive atmosphere for loved ones. Fantasy and a pre-designed script for the New Year 2017 will help in this.

Prepare masks and costumes in advance. I advise you to make the holiday themed: a fabulous ball, a pirate party. There are no restrictions. Songs, dances, congratulations and contests with gifts will help in creating a festive atmosphere. I propose a New Year's Eve script for a meeting with family or friends.

  • Introduction. Let the head of the family open the holiday. I recommend starting with a congratulation, complemented by a joke or a thematic poem.
  • Farewell to last year.   The best time to say toasts. Turn everything into a game. Let each participant remember the good moments of the outgoing year. The one who remembers the most events will win and receive a prize.
  • Warm up. Start with riddles. Give the gift for the correct answer. There are many inexpensive gizmos on sale: postcards, fridge magnets, key rings with the symbol of 2017.
  • New Year's Eve.   Glasses of champagne, holiday greetings and toasts. While the chimes strike, make a wish.
  • Presentation of New Year's gifts. Make the process intriguing. Tell the guests that the gifts were stolen by an evil sorcerer who left a note with clues. Let the family engage in an interactive game and engage in searches.
  • Contests.  Previously, people celebrated the New Year in front of the TV. Now it is irrelevant and boring. Contests, for example, “Draw a dream”, will help to diversify the atmosphere. Give participants paper and pencils, blindfold. When one of the participants completes the picture, others must guess the dream. The guesser will get a prize, and the author - the confidence that the dream will come true.
  • Family walk. The most anticipated stage of the celebration. Go out in a fun company, breathe in the frosty air, admire the stars, burn sparklers, blow up firecrackers or start fireworks.

What will be the New Year holiday is up to you. Let your imagination run wild and remember that real happiness lies in cheerful memories, unforgettable emotions and the festive mood of loved ones.

How to celebrate New Year 2017

It is easy to guess that the main color of the upcoming 2017 is red. Limited to the classic shade is not recommended. If you wish, you can wear a festive outfit of scarlet, burgundy or pink.

According to astrologers, the owner of the approaching year like fiery shades. Yellow and orange outfits are also relevant. If you are not happy with such flowers, opt for blue and violet colors.

Try to make the image bright, original and elegant. Even if you decide to put on pants and a jumper, the main thing is that the clothes emphasize masculinity. Women's attire should combine tenderness and femininity. The image of a daring young lady will not work.

What to wear for different zodiac signs

According to astrologers, if you choose the right outfit for the New Year 2017 and take into account the zodiac sign, fate will be supportive throughout the year. What to choose?

  1. Aries  yellow outfits will do. It is better for girls to refuse a deep neckline, otherwise it will turn into a love tragedy and a broken heart in the coming year.
  2. Taurus the road to experimenting with colors and their combinations is open. This zodiac is not friends with a bright personality and flashy antics. Among jewelry, the best option is large earrings in the form of rings.
  3. Twins   the most eccentric. The highlight of the image is thoughtfulness, complemented by the correct arrangement of accents. To attract good luck, decorate your hair with a red satin ribbon or hairpin.
  4. For Cancer   the best solution is a costume outfit, complemented by a mask with rhinestones. Such a robe will provide an unforgettable masquerade effect and give an excellent mood.
  5. Lions   - self-confident and pedantic personalities who consider preparation for the holiday, taking into account the zodiac nonsense. The patron of 2017 will appreciate any outfit they choose. The main thing is that the accessories are restrained.
  6. Virgins   Bright clothes and soft makeup will do. Laconic decorations emphasize natural beauty.
  7. Weights   Betting on natural contrasts is recommended. They are allowed to shine all New Year's Eve in an outfit that has been dreamed of lately.
  8. In the New Year's image Scorpions   must be present zest. Young ladies seeking to stand out from the crowd, do not interfere with peppercorn. Fantasy will help to attract attention.
  9. Sagittarius   It is prescribed to celebrate New Year 2017 in a relaxed atmosphere. A short skirt or dress with an attractive neckline will help to create the image of a fatal girl.
  10. Capricorn   The rooster recommends listening to the inner voice. The key to success is a beautiful manicure, well-groomed hands and discreet accessories.
  11. Aquarius   Long dresses, floor skirts and suits with trousers are suitable. To add a highlight to the image, asymmetry will help, complemented by a small heel and bright jewelry.
  12. For Pisces   any style is appropriate. The main thing is to put on new clothes. Going to the store is better in mid-December. This will attract money and luck to the house.

If you seek to win over the symbol of the coming year, do not be shy and do not save. Regardless of what you have to celebrate the New Year of 2017, the image should be based on massive decorations and bright shades. Tikhoni the Fire Rooster will not attract.

What to cook for the New Year 2017 - step by step recipes

The holiday is approaching, and the housewives are increasingly plunged into the ocean of trouble. They have to clean up the house, dress up a Christmas tree, purchase gifts for the household and solve the issue of the New Year’s menu. Each of these tasks is important and requires attention.

For the New Year, it is customary to richly and generously set the table. Each hostess strives to meet the culinary expectations of guests. She browses themed TV shows and visits culinary sites in search of recipes. But there are so many dishes that making a choice is problematic.

For the sake of facilitating preparation for the upcoming holiday, I suggest assembling step-by-step recipes. Dishes like everyone. They correspond to the character of the Fire Rooster, under whose auspices the next year will pass, because in the culinary masterpieces there are a lot of greens, fresh fruits and vegetables.

It's hard to imagine New Year's Eve without a table breaking from all kinds of dishes, goodies and drinks. On the eve of the celebration, every housewife mulls over a list of treats that will become an ornament of the New Year's feast.

New Year's salads deserve special attention, because you want to please the guests with something new and unknown, in addition to the classic Olivier and Mimosa. I offer some interesting recipes with which you will surprise everyone.

Salad "Santa Claus"


  • Hard cheese - 150 g.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Canned corn - 1 can.
  • Tomatoes - 200 g.
  • Canned tuna - 1 can.
  • Mayonnaise, salt.


  1. Open a can of tuna and drain the liquid. Mash the fish well with a fork.
  2. Finely chop one boiled egg, and remove the yolks from the remaining eggs. They are useful for salad, and squirrels are suitable for decoration.
  3. Cut half the tomatoes into small slices. Save the rest for decoration.
  4. Cheese through a grater and mix with other ingredients. Add mayonnaise and salt, mix and place on a plate in the form of a small slide resembling Santa Claus's hat.
  5. To make the salad realistic, decorate the edges with grated protein, and make a bubo on top. To keep the dish in shape, fix it with a mayonnaise net. Garnish the sides of the beanie with finely chopped tomato.

Video recipe

Salad "New Year's cockerel"


  • Chicken Fillet - 300 g
  • Pickled mushrooms - 150 g.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Cucumber - 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream, herbs, salt.


  1. Boil the fillet, cool and cut into cubes. Grind boiled carrots, pickled mushrooms and cucumbers to match the chicken.
  2. Combine the prepared ingredients in a bowl, add salt and season with sour cream. The amount of sour cream is determined by personal taste preferences. The main thing is that the salad does not turn out too liquid.
  3. It remains to make a salad. Sprinkle the dish with egg crumbs first. From the peas of pepper, make eyes, tail and wings from the beam, and from the carrots cut the scallop and beak. Garnish the dish with herbs.

Salad "Zimushka"


  • Chicken Liver - 200 g.
  • Korean carrot - 200 g.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 head.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Wheat flour - 1 spoon.
  • Vegetable oil, dill, mayonnaise, salt and pepper.


  1. Put the chicken liver with the egg in a blender bowl and chop.
  2. Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl, add two tablespoons of vegetable oil, pepper, salt, flour and mix.
  3. In a preheated pan, fry thin pancakes on both sides.
  4. In a separate bowl, combine chopped dill, chopped pickled cucumbers and onion half rings. Add julienne pancakes and Korean carrots.
  5. It remains to fill the dish with mayonnaise, mix and send in the refrigerator for several hours, so that the ingredients make friends.

Agree, salads, the technology of preparation of which I shared, are incredibly simple. At the same time, they will become a wonderful and unusual table decoration and will delight guests with new tastes.

If you do not want to spoil the mood for the symbol of the upcoming New Year 2017, replace the chicken liver with the rabbit liver, and use beef tongue instead of fillet. The result will not change.

Delicious Snack Recipes

On the New Year's table various dishes are appropriate. In this part of the article we will talk about delicious and unusual snacks. There are many recipes and it is easy to get confused in this variety. If there are difficulties with the choice of dishes, I will help by offering several detailed recipes that correspond to the upcoming New Year 2017.

“Lavash rolls”


  • Pita bread - 1 pack.
  • Cream Cheese - 400 g
  • Lightly salted salmon - 200 g.
  • Greens.


  1. Lay the pita bread on a table, spread with cream cheese, top with lightly salted fish chopped with thin plates and sprinkle with chopped herbs.
  2. Lavash roll. Cut the resulting sausage into even slices, put on a dish and decorate as you like.

Video recipe

“Baked champignons”


  • Fresh champignons - 9 pcs.
  • Breast - 9 slices.
  • Hard cheese - 9 slices.
  • Blue cheese - 9 slices.
  • Sour cream sauce - 1 spoon.
  • Greens.


  1. To prepare a snack, first rinse the mushrooms and peel. Cut the legs, finely chop and mix with chopped herbs and sour cream sauce. If there is no sauce, use mayonnaise. The filling is ready.
  2. Fill the champignon caps with the filling and put on a greased baking sheet. Place a slice of cheese and brisket on each hat.
  3. It remains to pour the appetizer with olive oil and send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for fifteen minutes. When the cheese melts, remove the mushrooms, transfer to a dish and decorate with greens.

"Vol au vent"


  • Puff pastry without yeast - 500 g.
  • Cream Cheese - 300 g
  • Red caviar - 1 can.
  • Egg - 2 pcs.


  1. Roll out the dough into a layer 3 mm thick. Using a reference measure or glass, cut out circles from the dough. Put half of the blanks on a baking sheet, grease well with beaten eggs.
  2. From the remaining circles cut out the middle. Combine the resulting rings with circles on the baking sheet. Bake a snack in the oven at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.
  3. Fill ready-made flounces with a mixture of cream cheese and red caviar, decorate with fresh herbs.

At your disposal are step-by-step recipes for delicious and original snacks for the New Year 2017, which complement the New Year's salads, which were discussed above. Do not run away, the formation of the New Year's table does not end there.

Hot Food Recipes

Chicken is traditionally used for the preparation of festive salads, appetizers and hot dishes due to taste, ease of preparation and low cost. This year, chicken is recommended to be replaced with other types of meat, so as not to offend the symbol of the coming year. Fortunately, a worthy replacement is not difficult to find.

Consider recipes for hot dishes that will serve as the basis for the New Year's table. Together with salads and snacks, they will make up the whole picture of the holiday menu, leaving room only for desserts.

“Potato with cheese and sour cream”


  • Potato - 1 kg.
  • Sour cream - 450 ml.
  • Hard cheese - 200 g.
  • Butter, spices, salt.


  1. Pour the peeled potatoes with water and cut into thin circles. Cheese through a coarse grater. Grease the mold with butter.
  2. Put a layer of potato circles on the bottom of the mold. Top potatoes with sour cream, sprinkle with salt and spices, sprinkle with grated cheese. Alternate layers until the ingredients run out.
  3. Send the completed form to the oven for 25 minutes. The baking temperature is 200 degrees. Remove the finished potatoes from the oven and place them on the plates.

Video cooking

"Roast in pots"


  • Pork tenderloin - 1.5 kg.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.
  • Red onion - 2 heads.
  • Butter - 2 tablespoons.
  • Red wine - 2 glasses.
  • Chicken broth - 300 ml.
  • Sour cream - 3 spoons.
  • Ground pepper, olive oil, sea salt, fresh thyme.


  1. Grate the pork tenderloin with a mixture of ground pepper and sea salt. Set the meat aside and prepare the rest of the ingredients.
  2. Peel the onion and garlic and chop. Pour a little olive oil into each pot, add onion, garlic and pieces of meat. Pour the contents of the pots with wine and add a little butter. Put the pots in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for an hour.
  3. While the meat is baked, prepare the sauce. Bring the chicken stock to a boil and adjust the flavor using your favorite seasonings. Then, add sour cream into the broth and cook until the sauce is reduced in half.
  4. Sprinkle the prepared meat with chopped thyme and serve it hot with aromatic sauce.

"Vegetable stew"


  • Potato - 6 pieces.
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Zucchini - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 head.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons.
  • Greens, salt, pepper.


  1. Peel potatoes, garlic, carrots, zucchini, onions and garlic and peel them. Pour the tomatoes over boiling water and remove the peel.
  2. Cut the vegetables into small cubes, and chop the garlic finely. Put the prepared ingredients in a pan, add vegetable oil, pour half a glass of water and simmer for 40 minutes until the vegetables are soft.
  3. At the end of the stew, add chopped garlic to the pan along with salt and pepper. Before serving, decorate the dish with chopped greens.

I think these hot dishes will take their rightful place on the festive table and will delight the household with an incredible and original taste. None of the guests will remain hungry and unsatisfied on New Year's Eve.

The best recipes for desserts

New Year's feast is a good occasion to please loved ones with culinary masterpieces. The hostess does not always have time to prepare a holiday cake, and dessert is the most anticipated treat. To inspire you a little, I collected several recipes for simple and delicious desserts that will captivate guests from the first bite.

"Curd Blanmange"


  • Milk - 0.5 cups.
  • Gelatin - 15 g.
  • Vanilla Sugar - 10 g.
  • Cottage cheese - 250 g.
  • Sour cream - 0.5 cups.
  • Powdered sugar - 0.5 cups.
  • Pineapple Rings - 2 pcs.


  • Dilute gelatin in milk. Leave the resulting mixture for 20 minutes so that it swells and becomes lush.
  • In a separate container, combine sour cream with cottage cheese, add vanilla sugar and powdered sugar. Stir to make a homogeneous mass.
  • Grind the pineapple rings into small pieces. Enter the gelatin, heated to a hot state, into the curd mass, mix, add pineapple cubes and re-mix.
  • Pour the dessert into the bowl and put it in the refrigerator for 5 hours to freeze.

"Chocolate mousse"


  • Butter - 200 g.
  • Walnuts - 50 g.
  • Eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Powdered Sugar - 60 g.
  • Dark Chocolate - 450 g


  1. Grind walnut kernels. Break the chocolate into small pieces and send to the steam bath, adding a piece of butter. I recommend to spread the chocolate in portions, mixing the mass. Cook over medium heat without boiling.
  2. Beat the egg whites thoroughly with a pinch of salt. Combine the chocolate with icing sugar, add half the proteins, and after mixing, the second half.
  3. Mousse move in a beautiful dish and put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle the treat with nut crumbs.

"Fruit salad"


  • Orange - 4 pcs.
  • Prunes - 400 g.
  • Lemon - 2 pcs.
  • Walnut Kernels - 100 g.
  • Mandarin - 4 pcs.
  • Apple - 4 pcs.
  • Dark raisins - 200 g.
  • Powdered Sugar - 40 g.
  • Dry white wine - 40 ml.
  • Sour cream - 400 ml.
  • Vanilla Sugar - 20 g.
  • Cream - 200 ml.


  1. Grind apples peeled from straws and moisten with lemon juice. Disassemble citrus fruits and chop. Cut the orange peel into thin strips.
  2. Pour dried fruits with water and place on a plate. Immediately after boiling the liquid, remove the container with dried fruits from the stove, cool, drain the water and grind with straws. Crush the kernels with a rolling pin.
  3. Combine the cream with wine, add vanilla sugar and cook for 5 minutes. After removing the mixture from the stove, add sour cream and mix. Put the prepared ingredients in a deep salad bowl, pour the sauce and sprinkle with slices of orange zest.

To attract good luck and prosperity in the New Year will help a competent choice of clothing. What accessories and colors of the wardrobe will attract the attention of the capricious Red Rooster, this article will tell.

New Year's holidays are just around the corner, and many have already begun preparations. To meet the owner of the next year fully armed will help the talismans that bring good luck. In order for luck not to leave you and your home, you must also choose the right decorations and products for the feast. The Fiery Rooster is finicky and eccentric, changeable in mood and unpredictable. In this regard, the choice of colors for the evening toilet is not limited. Feel free to take the opportunity to look extraordinary and brilliant.

Clothing and color schemes

The bright plumage of the Rooster allows you to experiment and enjoy trying on dresses. Pay attention to the rich red color. Spectacular satin dresses will not go unnoticed and will attract not only luck, but also admiring glances. Bright accessories and multi-colored shiny sequins will help diversify the suit and not get lost in the crowd. Saturated colors will suit ladies in search of a chosen one and emphasize sexual energy. Those who are in a relationship, astrologers are advised to choose the gentle shades of coral, yellow and orange.

You can turn your attention to emerald, gold, brown and black colors. The bright plumage of the Rooster combines the modulations of almost all the colors of the rainbow, and the Symbol of the New Year will definitely not deprive the attention of self-confident individuals. Organza, silk and velvet fabrics symbolize luxury and attract wealth.

You can look spectacular not only in a short cocktail dress or a classic toilet on the floor. Bright blouses with intricate patterns and ruffles, as well as pants and skirts will be a success. Shoes should be comfortable in the first place. A high heel will emphasize harmony and will symbolize spurs on the paws of a bird, and a flat or raised sole will embody stability and self-confidence.

Men do not have to use classic costumes this night. Fashionable jeans or skinny pants combined with a catchy shirt and suspenders will create the image of a self-confident bully, and additional accessories will emphasize the playfulness of the image and remind you of confidence and self-sufficiency.

Accessories and amulets for happiness

When choosing accessories, you should remember the combination of colors and not go too far. Flirty hats decorated with multi-colored feathers will definitely not leave indifferent the wayward bird. A light veil will add charm and mystery. The choice of jewelry and amulets that bring good luck depends on your taste preferences. In order not to make a mistake with the choice, use the jewelry that will suit you according to the Zodicak sign.

On this day, men can diversify their wardrobe with an unusual bow-tie or tie with an outstanding print. Remember that the clothes of your companion should be in harmony with the outfit of your choice. And if you have a luxurious burgundy dress, make sure that the man looks to match you and put on a shirt of consonant color.

About choosing clothes and hairstyles on this magical night. Make wishes, dream, love and improve yourself. Let the New Year bring you only positive emotions and a stable income. Happy holidays, and don’t forget to press the buttons and

04.12.2016 06:20

Color affects the energy of a person, therefore, the choice of shade of clothing should be approached responsibly. Using certain ...