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As with hay for Christmas, make a wish. How to make a wish for Christmas so that it is fulfilled - correctly make a wish. Prayer for health

The night of January 7 is considered magical. Christians believe that angels descend from heaven at this time. The rituals performed at Christmas for fulfilling desires have a stronger effect if the holiday falls on the growing moon.

Christmas wishes come true quickly

Basic Rules

On the night of Christmas from January 6 to 7, the Christmas time make bright desires that the angels fulfill. Asking for:

  • about health;
  • love (desire for relationships, not sex);
  • about pregnancy;
  • about spiritual development;
  • about material well-being, including the search for a new job.

Do not carry out rituals to attract a certain person. The conspiracy on specific material goods (car, iPhone, computer, etc.) does not work. It is better to carry out the rite of material wealth and good fortune. It is more effective. Rituals can be performed by both a woman and a man.

Black magic is prohibited for use at home, especially for rituals with a voodoo doll, where you need to sell the soul to the devil, the shadow of the dead. In 2019, the holiday falls on Sunday, the full moon and the waning moon. This means that black magic and the conduct of any dark rituals will necessarily have negative consequences for the performer.

Also do not use hypnosis. Consciousness must remain pure when the performer reads the conspiracy to desire.

They formulate the desired, using the present tense, so that the sooner conceived words come true. It is believed that such formulations have a strong effect, contribute to the speedy implementation of the plan. Do not forget about gratitude to the higher powers for their help.

Nobody is told about the mysterious. The privacy rule applies to relatives and friends. The magic rite is carried out in solitude. They do not say anything even when their cherished desire came true.

They believe in the believability of rituals and the sale of what was conceived. Magic is based on the psychological mindset for the result. They try not to quarrel with anyone, improve relations with relatives, and forgive insults. Negative emotions are replaced by positive ones, so that desires have a quick effect.

Preparatory rituals

On the eve of the holiday of January 6, so that the desired thing can be quickly fulfilled, they do not eat anything from dawn until the first stars appear in the evening. The waning moon is not recommended to perform magical actions. Before the magic ritual, you can only drink water. If the holiday falls on the full moon, they must be fasted in front of him for 6 days in order to fulfill his wish.

Smoking, drinking alcohol is prohibited. After the appearance of Venus in the night sky, you can have a little snack.  You can’t eat before bedtime either. They are allowed to eat fully on January 7 in the morning.

After waking up, you need to clean up the house. Angels will not want to look into a dirty home to fulfill their plan.


To increase the effectiveness of the ceremony, they go to church on January 6 and ask God for what they want. Donate money to the church. If possible, then such a magical rite is carried out in 3 churches. During a donation, they whisper a strong conspiracy to fulfill a wish:

"To whom the church is not mother, I am not the father."

Then they find 12 people asking for alms. Each beggar is given a bag of fruit, sweets. Add money in a small amount. The bag must be new. In the process, the words are uttered:

Let the hand of the giver not be impoverished.

Sacks of sweets should be distributed to 12 people asking for alms.

Guest table

In the evening, after going around the churches, they begin to prepare a table for the guests. Mandatory is the preparation of 3 dishes:

  • Kuti. You need to boil whole wheat porridge. Add a little crushed poppy, fried chopped walnuts. The mixture is stirred, watered with a small amount of warm icing sugar syrup. Next, store 2-3 hours at room temperature.
  • Fish. Any cooking recipe will do. Fish is chosen at will. Can be served in baked, fried, steamed or salted. Before cooking, it is better to boil it for 5-10 minutes.
  • Of bread. It is better to bake a loaf or Christmas cake yourself. Also purchased bread is suitable.

The performer prepares 10 more any dishes at his discretion. It can be dumplings, dumplings, potatoes, pies, cabbage rolls, salads, etc. In total 13 dishes should be served. From drinks served wine, fruit drink, juice, compote.

A large festive table is served for 13 people. There should also be 13 chairs. Pull out a new set of cutlery. 13 spoons are placed in a plate with kutya. It is necessary to arrange 12 candles made of wax (one near the plate of each guest). The last candle should be the largest. It is set in the center of the table.

The table should be set by midnight. Candles should be lit at 00:00. First set the central candle on fire. In the process, prayers should be read:

  • "Our Father";
  • “Hail to the Virgin Mary”;
  • “May God rise again”;
  • other prayers that the performer knows.

“We remember, and you remember. We believe, and you help, for it is said: "Let the believer be, he that he asks, let him be." I invite the twelve apostles to the table of Christ. Drink, eat and listen, fulfill the request and be heard. May I not drink the cup of misery; I and my family. Yes, let the giver’s hand not be impoverished, and his house will not be in need. Yes, the illness will not touch me and my family. Yes, losses will be gone so that they are not in decline, but in profit. Yes, my bins will be full. Yes, my family and I will not recognize my time of hunger. Yes, we will not be left without daily bread. Yes, we will not come in need. Yes, illnesses and health will be restored. Yes, my family and I will not suffer in vain death. Yes, betrayal of my neighbor will not touch me. Yes “My foot shall not stumble upon a stone on my road, and I shall not fall into ruin and loss.”

After reading the prayer, the light forces must be thanked. Be sure to promise to take care of those in need, to help everyone who asks for any difficulties. Food on the table must not be touched. They begin to carry out directly rituals and ceremonies for the fulfillment of desires.

After performing the rituals go to bed. In the morning they wake up, look at the table. Search for new items. If guests came, they will certainly appear, dishes will be moved. This means that the higher forces heard the request, concluded an agreement with the contractor to fulfill the desired. It happens that instead of the guests you need, dark forces came with their terms of the contract. They can show them with certain objects on the table or signs. Then, on an empty stomach, they go to church to attend morning service. It’s better to have communion. After returning home, they sit down at the table and try all the dishes. First they eat kutya. All the undernourished are not thrown away, but left on the table the next day. If the food is spoiled, it can be given to animals.

Wish Techniques

To fulfill the most cherished desire, you need a multi-colored candle. It is made from thin candles of different shades:

  • greens;
  • reds;
  • whites;
  • orange;
  • purple
  • blue;
  • yellow.

Take heat-resistant dishes. Candle melt the bottom of the tank. A white candle is placed in the middle. Cut the wax to align with the container.

Install the remaining candles. Most of all there should be things of the artist’s favorite color.

Pre-stocked with a sheet of paper, which indicates real desires. When the big candle is ready, pronounce the text from the paper, which is then burned.

Leave the fire until morning. You can strengthen the action by asking relatives to make a wish over the fire.  To enhance the effect, you can tie a red thread on your hand, holding it above the candle. Such a talisman is able to protect a person from the negative possible consequences of rituals and enhance the rapid effect of the conspiracy. This rite is carried out on New Year's Eve to the chimes.

You can make a colorful candle yourself

Rite of Mehdi

The famous psychic Mehdi Ebrahimi Wafa recommends a proven and necessary magic ritual to attract happy events on Christmas night. He claims that the method works 100 percent, especially on the new moon. It does not require special experience or skills. Suitable for a person who has never tried to guess.

Take a small mirror, wipe it with water and salt to remove memory. Then they leave at midnight in a quiet room. The mirror is placed vertically on the table. They sit behind him, placing a full glass of water in front of the mirror. Light a church candle. Take a glass of liquid with your left hand. Say the desired several times, detecting 10 minutes. Visualize the desired, clearly present the details, reflect on them.

Drink water. It happens that a person does not have a certain desire. When he simply wants to change for the better, to become kinder, happier, to pull luck, to have more wealth, pronounce a slander:

"I believe, I feel, I see that everything in my life will be fine."

Conspiracy of Stepanova

Natalia Stepanova is a Siberian healer. In the book The Christmas Book, she described an effective method of making a wish for Christmas.

On the morning of January 6, you need to buy rye flour. It should be good, not wet. Knead the dough from holy water and 3 tbsp. l flour. Bake a cake of well-being. While kneading the test, they read a secret conspiracy to fulfill a cherished desire:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Lord was born, the Cross was raised, the heavenly angel wept. The Mother of God said:" I promise every person to give any grace. Whoever takes the holy cake in the mouth two days before Christ is born, That Lord will take His God grace will send. ”In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Simoron ritual

For this ritual, it is not necessary to wait for midnight. The Simoron ritual is effective; it can be performed after the appearance of the first star. It is carried out to gain wealth and good luck.

Lighted candles are placed on all windowsills. It should be near the east window. Say prayer words, reading them from a sheet:

“Glory to God, glory to Christ! Angels, praise, you yourself know: Christ was born, Herod was indignant, Judas was surprised, the world was rejoiced. The glory of the Lord stands forever, does not break, and silver money is added to me. Lord, I praise your Christmas! Blessed be the day and hour, at the same time my Lord Jesus Christ was born for me less, the crucifixion suffered and death suffered. O Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, at the time of my death, receive thy servant, being on a pilgrimage, with the prayers of your Most Holy Mother and all your saints, as if blessed be forever and ever. Amen".

A leaf is burned with a candle from the windowsill. Ashes are collected, they are rubbed with 3 coins. They are placed there where the rest of the money is stored, not spent.

For the rite on the windows should be placed lighted candles

Hex with a scarf

After midnight, a short meditation is performed. She will help to visualize the plan. Particular attention is paid to the psychological attitude. It should be imagined that the desired has already come true. Take the old handkerchief, clamp it with both hands. Look down at the scarf. Then they close their eyes and pronounce the words of the spell:

“The great spirit of the Lord’s help will fulfill my cherished desire, For Heavenly Father helps those who ask for his help. Help will come in ways unknown to me, my desire will grow in reality, it will acquire events the way for implementation. It will be given by the Holy Spirit to the servant of God (name) that which I ask. I’ll tie a scarf to my desire, I’ll ask God for it and I will wait for fulfillment. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After completion, the scarf is tied in a knot, put in a pocket or bag. They carry a thing with them until the fulfillment of the enigmatic.

Six day volshba

Since January 6, the ceremony is carried out for 6 days. Every day before bedtime, in solitude, 3 p. read the text of the ritual:

“In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Saint Nicholas the Blessed Virgin, I beg you. Help the servant of God (name) let him come true (name what he wants). Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then after each time it is necessary to read the prayer “Our Father”. The plot is slow. Conceived can come true in 1-2 years. If the cherished desire has not come true, it is recommended to conduct a second ritual next Christmas.

Cake spell

Magic events can be held by people whose birthday falls on January 6 or 7. In the morning they bake or buy a birthday cake. From the church they bring a candle. It is squeezed with two hands, visualizing the desired. It is necessary to feel a sense of gratitude for the help of higher powers.

A candle is placed in the middle of the cake. Set on fire by saying:


Then they present a silver, sparkling stream of energy that fills the candle. He embraces the fire, taking it with him to heaven.

A candle is extinguished while pronouncing:

“Fly there, you know where, come back to me already filled! May it be so!".

The cinder is hidden in light blue material, hidden from outsiders in a secluded place until the execution of the plan.

Magical effect on bay leaf

To perform the ritual with bay leaf, you must prepare:

  • 2 large bay leaves;
  • orange marker;
  • clay plate or cup;
  • white candle.

They take a marker and they write a wish on a sheet of laurel. A candle is lit. They look at the fire, visualizing what is written. They kiss the text three times drawn on a sheet, set fire to it with a candle. An unburned sheet is placed in the clay plate, covered with a second sheet on top, pronouncing the text of the spell:

“By the power of the Universe and by the power of Miracles, by the power of the Gods and by the power of Heaven! My desire comes true, as I wish - it is done! ”

Ring spell

To fulfill a monetary desire, they take any ring that the performer likes, and he wears it. After midnight, they put it on red material. This color enhances the effect of the magical rite. Pronounce the following words:

“Our luck is on hand, but I put my wealth in my pocket. With me success, with me prosperity. Money flows fast river. Only to me, only to me. The key, the lock, it is said - will come true. ”

Leave the decoration to lie until morning. In the morning put on a hand. Now it has become a powerful money mascot. It is recommended to wear it on the index finger.

After the ritual, the ring should be worn on the index finger


Rites are held not only on Christmas, but also on New Year's Eve. To the chiming clock, New Year’s rituals are performed to fulfill the desire, and on January 6 they are duplicated to increase the likelihood of implementation. Under the tree, you can put the text with the desired and burn it in the morning of January 7. You can hide a piece of paper with words in a candy and hang it on a Christmas tree as a decoration.

As if in a good old fairytale on Christmas night something magical, beautiful, bewitching descends on Mother Earth ... Christmas night comes from December 24 to 25 - according to the Gregorian Catholic, as well as Protestant calendar, or from July 6 to 7 according to the Julian Orthodox calendar . It is from this night in Russia that the Christmas time begins. They last 12 days and end on January 19, the great feast of Baptism.

Esotericists claim that these days the information portal of the Universe opens, and people say that at this time “the heavens open up." Particularly magical in this series of days and nights is Christmas Day - Christmas Eve, the time of the birth of the Savior of the World - Jesus Christ. The one who makes requests to heaven for the most cherished, is sure to receive the fulfillment of his dream. How to make a wish for Christmas correctly so that it comes true? How to tell the Angels flying that night over the Earth about their sincere, secret desire, coming from the heart?

About ancient customs and not only

The performance of this ritual among the people is associated with the observance of certain customs. It should be noted that esoteric knowledge with each new discovery only confirms their expediency. So, before making a wish in Christmas, you need to follow these recommendations:

  1. In requests to the Higher powers there should not be commercialism! The desire for material wealth can come true if it goes on par with love, harmony in family relations, happiness, care for children and the health of loved ones. You can’t ask for a new apartment because the old one is just tired of it or the car, because a more “cool” brand has come out. But the newlyweds can be asked for housing, but precisely for the upbringing and health of children, for the opportunity to build relationships based on love and happiness.
  2. Ascension times to Heaven vary by different sources. Someone advises to do this strictly at 12 o’clock in the morning, and someone allows you to make wishes throughout the night. However, everyone gathers for the “opening of the vault of heaven” at three in the morning. Having gone outside, they look up to the starry sky and make a wish. Well, if at this time a star falls - a sign of the fulfillment of desire! Believers also make wishes in the church at this time.
  3. In no case should one at this time take revenge on your enemies, make wishes with evil intentions, otherwise all this evil, like a boomerang, will return, having gained triple power. Good intentions have a very big chance of fulfillment: meeting true love, having a baby, wishing you good health, love and happiness to yourself and your close relatives!
  4. But how to make wishes in Christmas, how to formulate a thought correctly? She must be clothed in the dream come true of the present and be sure to thank God for the fulfillment. For example, you can say, “This year I will meet the guy of my dreams, and he will become my husband. Thank you, Lord, for that. ” It is undesirable to guess a specific person, pronounce his name, since no one is given the command of the will of another person. As a punishment for this, your relationship may not be good for both of you. The exception is someone else's healing. Such wishes can and should be accompanied by names, to clarify from what, from what ailment, you would like to save a loved one.

There is a belief on Christmas Eve: Angels fly above the earth and fulfill good sincere desires. How to make a wish for Christmas so that these unearthly creatures can find out where they are waiting and fulfill your order? To do this, put a lighted candle on the window (doing all the fire fighting!) Or use a safer way: they hang a Christmas star.

In magical requests, wishes, you can use paper, where you need to write your requests for Higher powers, and candles: for love - red, for better health or well-being - green, for relaxation - blue, for a romantic mood - pink. Light the appropriate candle and drip all the wax from it onto your wish-note. In a thread of the same color as the candle, tie a piece of paper wrapped in an envelope. You need to wear this amulet all year. The fulfillment of all your desires will be guaranteed 100%!

  • A wish made on Christmas night on January 7, 2019 will certainly come true

There is a theory that on Christmas night from January 6 to 7, an information portal opens and there is a direct connection between a person and the Universe. This moment is considered the best in order to make a cherished desire. But the main thing is to correctly guess and still make a lot of efforts to implement all that was planned. If all this is taken into account, then the desire will certainly come true.

So, on the eve of Christmas night in 2019, it’s worth to find out exactly which folk rituals will help to correctly articulate the desired and make sure that the request is necessarily realized.

There are several ancient ways to make wishes. Each of them has its own characteristics. It is very important to clearly articulate your thought so that higher powers cannot interpret it incorrectly and bring to life not at all what a person wanted.

The night sky will help fulfill a wish on Christmas night in 2019

One of the most popular ways to make wishes on Christmas night is with the sky. To implement it, you need to go out after sunset. It is advisable to move to a place where nothing will interfere and give you the opportunity to be a little alone and think carefully about what you want to make. If it is not possible to leave the house, then you can go through this rite in a dark room without the lights on, so that the reflections from the moon and stars were clearly visible.

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You need to carefully look at the sky and visualize yourself a picture of what you really want to get in the year 2019 has already come. You can completely compose a kind of plan for the fulfillment of one’s desire on points. After that, you need to close your eyes with your right hand and start saying aloud all those things that you want to bring to life. After the stream of thoughts is over, you need to use the same hand to direct all visualized images towards the sky.

In order for the result to be final and irrevocable, upon arrival home you need to take a red candle and carefully write on it in a couple of sentences everything that was sent to heaven before that. Then it must be ignited and allowed to burn out to the end.

Fulfillment of the desired with the help of a Christmas angel figurine

Among the Christmas rites, there is another most popular way. You will need to take a sheet of paper or cardboard, and then draw on it a large image of an angel. It should be cut out and picked up in order to make a wish.

It is important to describe in detail all that you want to achieve. The best option would be - if you can pre-compile a kind of list of things that you want to bring to life. After all this is said out loud, you need to take a pen or pencil and draw only one eye on the figure of an angel.

Once everything is ready, you need to hide the angel in a secluded place. Over time, fate will begin to show signs indicating that desire is beginning to come true. After they become most obvious to perception, then you need to get an angel and add a second eye to it. It is important to keep the figurine even after the wish is fulfilled. Thus, it will be possible to consolidate the effect obtained.

See also: Weather forecast for January 2019 in Russia: what the weather will be in January in Russia

What you can't wish for yourself and your loved ones on Christmas night

It is very important to understand that not all wishes made on Christmas Day have the right to be realizable. Do not ask the higher forces for material wealth if a person is not ready to work for them. After all, an expensive foreign car or a million dollars just won't fall from the sky, because fate only gives a person ways to fulfill his desires, pushing him on the right path.

In no case should one wish evil for other people. It is worth discarding all grievances and not remembering them on Christmas night, no matter how strong they would be. Moreover, one cannot ask the higher powers to punish people who caused inconvenience or hurt. On a festive night this will be completely inappropriate.

The formulation of one’s thoughts is of great importance so that higher powers can accept the desire and do everything possible to fulfill it. It is important for her to talk about what she would like, and to express her thoughts as if the desire had already come true. Thus, the energy of words will become stronger. Do not forget to thank heaven for listening to a person and taking note of his request.

Useful Christmas Wishing Information

Make a Christmas wish at 12 nights on the night of January 6-7. And most importantly - the formulation of desire should be in the present tense. Do not make plans for the future. Formulate in the present as if you already have what you want, and in the end - gratitude.

Here is an example of desire: “This year I meet a man, love breaks out between us, and we think about the wedding, thank God for that.” “This year, my beloved and I find compromises in our relations and live in happiness and harmony, thank God.” That is, the desire should be formulated in the present tense and in a positive form, without negative statements. For example, “we do not quarrel” should be replaced by the statement “our relations are full of mutual understanding and harmony”.

Attributes that will help in the fulfillment of wishes made on Christmas night

To perform the ceremony, you will need a candle, the color of which should be chosen in accordance with your need

  1. Peace and harmony in the family is red.
  2. Well-being and health is green.
  3. The embodiment of romantic fantasies - pink.
  4. Rest, recuperation - blue.
  5. The solution to material problems is brown.
  6. Success in business is yellow.

The night before Christmas is considered one of the most energetically powerful of the year. Wishes made on Christmas Eve and fortune-telling, according to legend, will come true within 7 months. Fortune telling options on Christmas Eve, you will find. The main thing is to correctly formulate your request by performing a certain ritual.

Mystical rites are passed from generation to generation, the purpose of which is to get what you want. However, before you think about your dream, you need to make sure that its fulfillment will not harm anyone.

7 Ways to Make a Wish for Christmas to Come True

During the festive service, it is necessary to stand at the Icon of the Virgin, light a candle for the health of your close relatives and mentally ask the Most Holy One for good health, good luck and blessings in the New Year. You can’t leave the icon until the end of the service, and the candle stub should be carefully packed in thick paper, taken home and hidden under a pillow.

On Christmas Eve, they go out on the street at exactly midnight, reach the intersection connecting the three roads. One road should lead to the church, another to the old cemetery, and a third to the bridge. They look at the moon and repeat their desire three times, after which they leave without turning around.

The next way to make a wish for Christmas is this: after the first star rises, you need to draw an angel, thinking about your dream. An angel is cut out and sewn into a small pad. With this pillow you need to sleep until the moment when the dream is not fulfilled. After that, the pillow is hidden in a secret place, inaccessible to prying eyes.

At Christmas, they light a red candle in front of the iconostasis and mentally ask God to contribute to the fulfillment of desire. Cinder candles are taken to the church.

In order to bring the desired event (wedding or childbirth) closer, you need to go out at the crossroads of two roads on Christmas night (one of them should lead to the temple), light a candle and say loudly: "I want ..." Then you should leave, leaving a cinder Candles and sweets at the curb. If noise is heard, it should not be turned around - this unclean force wants to intimidate, mislead.

In some regions, mothers instructed their daughters that it was necessary to sew a rag doll before Christmas time, whisper their desire to her and hide it from prying eyes. When the dream came true, the doll was burned, and the house was smoked with incense.

White magicians believe that on Christmas Eve and for Christmas you can not borrow anything, otherwise you can turn away luck from the family for a whole year. And in order for the most secret desire to come true, you should put the moonstone in the left pocket before the all-night service and the icon in the right pocket. During the service, white magicians advise to mentally ask God to translate the desired into reality, rubbing a stone with his fingers. After the service, the stone is hidden in a secret place, once again mentally repeating the desire: after 7 weeks and 7 hours it will certainly come true.

Priests believe that conducting magical rites on Christmas night is sinful. They advise just to pray and ask God for blessings for his family, if that is His will.

Despite the fact that we live in the 21st century, each of us believes in miracles and magic. Well, in any case, I want to believe in miracles for Christmas. It is Christmas Eve that is considered the traditional time for fortune telling, as well as for making and fulfilling the most cherished desires.

After all, so that they certainly come true, you need to be able to correctly guess them. Here are some of the most popular ways to make Christmas wishes:

How to make a wish for Christmas

Method number 1:

On the night of January 6-7, you need to go outside and try to move away from houses, people, noisy places in order to concentrate.

It is advisable to be in complete solitude and complete darkness.

If due to some circumstances there is no way to go out, you can reproduce the entire ritual, sitting in your room and turning off the light. You need to stand at the window so that the light comes only from the stars and the moon.

So, look at the sky, dissolve with it and mentally connect with the whole Universe. Then, also mentally formulate all those desires and goals that you would like to realize in the coming year.

Remember that Christmas is the right time to make the right wishes.

Also focus your thoughts on what you want to get rid of. Close your eyes with your hands, whisper utter everything that you do not need in life and what you want to get rid of, then throw it away with your hand far into the sky.

And the last but main step:

Returning home (if you performed the ritual on the street), light the red candle, after writing down the main wishes and goals on it.

Formulate your desires briefly so that they fit on the candle.

Then the candle should be placed in a place where it can calmly burn out to the end. It will become a kind of lighthouse, which will attract the implementation of goals.

Method number 2:

Another cute ritual of making wishes is especially appreciated by children. After all, the cooking process itself is quite interesting and creative.

So, you need to draw an angel on thick paper or cardboard. Then you need to cut it out and make a wish.

In order not to lose time, think over the desire in advance.

Make a wish to yourself, draw an angel with one eye.

Then this image of an angel needs to be hidden or put in a place where no one will find it. When the wish comes true, finish the angel with the missing second eye.

After fulfilling a wish, it is best to keep the angel in your home. The ritual is very effective. The main thing is to truly believe in the fulfillment of desire.

Method number 3:

Starting on the morning of January 7, as soon as you wake up, utter to yourself the most cherished desire. Thus, you attract its fulfillment.

Desire must be spoken every morning for 40 days.

Guardian angels and the bright forces of the Universe contribute to the realization of our most cherished and right desires.

On the 40th day, you need to go outside and feed the birds bread crumbs. And then just wait for the execution of the conceived.

Method number 4:

The next way to make wishes for Christmas is considered the most effective. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers also claimed that the desire would come true, if you follow some simple recommendations.

So, for this ritual the following things are needed:

Items symbolizing all 4 elements;

Candles of the right color;

White candles;


Aromatic oil.

Items symbolizing the elements can be completely different, the main thing is that they really fit the symbols of fire, water, air and earth.

For example, a symbol of water can be a shell, a vase of water, a symbol of the earth - an ordinary stone, blade of grass, spikelet or a handful of earth.

White candles are used as a symbol of fire. Please note that their number must be even. Candles must be square.

Let it be a symbol of the elements of air, for example, a feather, a paper airplane, a star or a photo of a bird.

Prepare all this in advance so as not to waste time.

But the colors of the candles must be carefully selected.

Remember that blue is wisdom, violet is happiness and joy, red is passionate feelings and love, pink is interesting acquaintances and meetings, green is money, material wealth. Yellow candles, as a rule, symbolize parting with something bad and unwanted.

So, you need to prepare the entire inventory in advance. Exactly midnight on Christmas night, go to the window. It is important that the room is completely dark.

Before making a wish, wash your hands so that they are clean and spray a couple drops of aromatic oil on them.

Then arrange all the above objects on the table in the following order: there should be white candles in the corner of the table, elements of the elements on the edges of the table, place the colored candles in the center.

Also do not forget about paper and pen.

After you have arranged all the items in the correct order, you must write on paper your most cherished desire. It should be stated clearly, clearly and in detail.

Remember, the more detailed you write your desire on paper, the more accurately you describe it, the more likely it will come true. After you write down the desire, in a whisper in a few words, ask for help from each of the four elements.

There are no specific rules or norms for what needs to be spoken. Say what your heart tells you.

What is important here is sincerity and, indeed, a tremendous belief that the desired desire will certainly come true.

Then you need to install colored candles on this sheet with a written desire. Light them with a match, not a lighter, and watch the flame. Mentally draw yourself how your wish comes true.

After a while, you should have a feeling that all your plans have come true.

At the end of the ceremony, you need to clean all the items that took part in the ritual with water, in which ordinary salt of salt was added.

Then hide all the objects somewhere in a closet, and a sheet of paper with blots of colored wax should be placed in a secluded place away from prying eyes.

Method number 5:

This is perhaps the easiest, but from this, no less effective way of making wishes for Christmas.

It is believed that it is on Christmas night that the skies are especially active, and the very information portal opens.

Each of us can just go to church, make a wish and light a candle. This desire will certainly come true if it is correct, good and pure.

Christmas wishes

As mentioned earlier, clear rules and norms on how to make a wish do not exist. However, there are some recommendations that are best followed.

So you increase the possibility that your desire will certainly come true.


Your requests should not be mercantile. This means that it is best to refuse material requests.

But you can, for example, ask for a good job. Financial stability and prosperity will flow from here.

If a person lives in humility, works hard and honestly, it is unconditional that he deserves all the best, including material well-being.

A request for a new Iphone will look out of place, but you can certainly ask for housing for your family.

Many agree that their dream or desire must be formulated in advance. But at what exact time is it best to ask heaven to fulfill your desire? Here, many find it difficult to answer.

At midnight? At sunset or dawn? Or maybe at 4 a.m.? In fact, it is best to make wishes between 12 a.m. and 4 a.m.

According to biblical history, it was at this time that the stars lit up on the night of the birth of Jesus Christ.

You can’t think of something bad. Therefore, if you have plans for revenge or other bad deeds, it is best to forget about it. After all, the Universe will immediately notice such requests. She accepts exceptionally good wishes.

And how to correctly formulate your thoughts so that the desire will certainly come true? Try confidently voicing your request, as if your desire was an event that will certainly happen in the coming year.

After you make a request, be sure to thank God for fulfilling the desire.

For example, if a woman wants to become a mother in the near future, her desire should be formulated as follows: "I will soon give birth to a wonderful healthy child! Thank you for that, Lord."

Express thoughts with verbs in the present tense - Christmas night does not like subjunctive moods.

And the last rule: you can make something good only for yourself and those you love.

Please note that when you talk about your loved ones, be extremely careful. It’s so easy to dispose of someone else’s fate.

Of course, if you make for someone happiness, love and health, then this is allowed. For example, a request for the healing of your loved one from an illness will be quite appropriate.

Adhering to these simple rules, you can correctly make a wish, and it will certainly come true in the very near future. After all, the main thing is to sincerely believe in it.