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How to help a person find a calling. How to find your calling? You do this for yourself and for others.

There are many people on the planet who suffer from idleness (passivity and laziness) in search of their calling or destiny in life. The inner conviction, in essence, the belief that a person is “intended” for something, for something such ... special, not like everyone else ..., is “called upon” for something - makes people constantly think about what I I want to try to understand myself, my inner "I".

Question:  “How to find one’s calling in life” (or mission) doesn’t go out of the minds of many: those who still do not understand themselves, high school students, and those who feel that they have chosen the wrong life path (profession) of students, and those who have not realized "Individuals with infantility in reasoning ...

How to find out your destiny, how to find your calling in life all the same - about all this especially for those who want to understand themselves and choose their life path correctly, on the site of psychological assistance http: // site  (first things first, step by step ...)

What is a person’s vocation and mission in life

  Vocation and purpose are similar concepts, but still somewhat different - the first is more realistic: that which can be realized, studied and investigated, the second - mystically, as if destined (destined) by the Higher powers, God, the Universe ... fate ... ... it’s possible only believe.

However, at the household level, both calling and destiny are essentially identical. The first of the verb is “to call”, i.e. when someone calls you to something, “showing” the life path. For example, God called the ancient Jewish priest Saul (Saul), who, it would seem, already had the mission to be a priest (he was an ardent persecutor of Christianity), to become the apostle Paul, a preacher of faith in Christ. (fig. above).

If you believe in the mystical, for example, that God is omnipotent and omnipresent, then it means a hidden, secret destiny Above the high priest Saul was to become an apostle, and even with a different name - Paul ?! (most of the messages to Christians in the New Testament are from the Apostle Paul, although he was not one of the 12 disciples of Christ, who, incidentally, were also called upon  to the service of Christ).

In one of his epistles, the Apostle Paul says: “Everyone remain in that rank in which called up. Whether you are called a slave, do not be embarrassed; but if you can become free, then take the best. "

If you "return from heaven to earth" to find your calling or purpose in life, then "calls" us to some choice in life, not a person and not God, but our soul (psyche). In transactional analysis (psychoanalysis), this is called a life scenario - the settings programmed in the subconscious (learned patterns of thinking, feeling and behavior), in the process of upbringing and primary socialization (parental programming), according to which a person unconsciously builds his life and destiny (which, by the way, can be changed ... if possible and willing ...)
Quote above: "... but if you can become free, then use the best"

How to use the best and find your destiny (calling) in life

  Let's understand in more detail how a person can find his destiny in life, unless, of course, you really want to find your calling and become happy.

To believe in something or in someone - it can be both good and bad. Each person believes in something, first of all, he fully and unconditionally trusts his inner beliefs, and no matter what sense they are - religious, mystical or more or less realistic ...

These beliefs form the worldview and stereotypical thinking of a person, and the latter - feeling and behavior in various situations.

All these scenario beliefs and beliefs in them, and "live" in our soul (psyche), it is from them that the call comes ... they call on us to be this or that person in life. It is on the basis of the life scenario programmed in childhood that we have one or another life purpose - and no mysticism.

When, for example, a person lived in a certain family (where programming takes place), say in a rich or poor family, then he is automatically programmed to be rich or poor. If a person is born and raised in a royal family, then he is programmed to be a king - this is his destiny. However, his calling may be different. For example, by appointment, he can rule the country like a king, but by calling he can be a good military leader, commander, politician, reformer or business executive ... Look, for example, the history of Russian monarchs - they were all intended by the tsar (tsarina), but the calling was everyone was different.

If a person grew up in a family of workers or peasants, then as if the machine should be destined to follow the family tradition - to become a good hard worker or collective farmer. So it would be if we lived a couple of centuries ago. Because then no information other than family came to mind - the script and program did not record other attitudes and beliefs other than family (people sometimes didn’t study at school, they didn’t read books, they didn’t watch movies and TV, they talked only with the same hard workers and collective farmers).

Therefore, then the question didn’t arise: “How to find one’s vocation or mission in life”, and so it was clear ... no one suffered from idleness, self-digging and empty thoughts - you had to work to live ... and that’s it ...

Where, for example, dynasties come from? After all, there are dynasties of actors, circus artists, teachers, and even workers ... Imagine that the child is constantly with his parents' artists: at home, in the theater, at the events, and on the road ... The only (or main) information that enters his head (programming) is the life of artists, how will he have a calling or a mission to be, say, a miner or a sailor ... especially if he doesn’t have any mines or the sea where he lives.

If, nevertheless, he becomes a sailor, considering this his vocation, then he will inspire (give the setting) this choice again information from the psyche (soul), made there, for example, from books, films about the sea, or interesting marine stories and stories.

How to understand yourself and find out your life purpose and calling

Usually, those people who cannot understand themselves in any way and find out their life purpose and vocation suffer either from an excess of thoughts, fantasies, dreams and desires, or from spiritual emptiness.

Their life program at its core, of course, is predetermined - they, according to the scenario, are losers or trivials - they "do not shine" according to their destination ("by calling") to be a winner (to achieve serious success in life).

However, if they still really want to understand themselves, their inner "I", the secrets of their souls, they will be free to find themselves in life, to find out their purpose and calling.

Look at the conditional diagram  (from the structural analysis of the personality), of which the soul consists, the person’s personality. Then you will be able to better understand, know yourself: your true desires, motives, thinking, emotions and behavior, you will be able to know your calling and purpose.

If you do not have a tendency, constant internal attraction and abilities for any business, then so far no vocation has been observed.

What you see in the “scheme of the soul” (Fig. Above): the three large circles - “P” (Parent “I”), “B” (Adult “I”) and “D” (Child I) are internal subpersonalities, in a simple, modern language we can say - folders, files with some information laid down since childhood. ()

The upper “parent” circle (“P-2”) stores all the information (introjected) that you copied from early childhood from your real parents or other important persons, including characters from films, books, etc. In fact, these are your parents with their attitudes and beliefs (stereotypes) stored in their head.

If you have too many thoughts, orders, prohibitions and precepts, as well as beliefs and beliefs that form stereotypical thinking - this is from this file (P-2), and not your own ...

Also, there are three “subfolders” in the “file” of D-2 (this is the Children's Ego state, the child’s Self) - in fact - this is you, only in childhood. The main scenario program of life is stored here. For example, from the “folder” P-1 (the Parent in the Child is an internal enemy), all the negativity comes out, which confuses you about calling and your purpose, because the purpose (who needs to be) comes from the "family, parent P-2 file", and the calling (who I want to be) comes from the "sub-folder" D-1 (natural Child).

Readers of “It’s interesting to live!” Know that happiness without professional self-realization is difficult to achieve. Today we offer you a selection of materials on how to find your way and your business in life.

What business would you like to devote the last days of your life to? How would your life change, what would you finally do if you were provided for the rest of your life? What would you decide if you were sure that everything will work out for you, that as a result, you will receive prosperity, recognition, and satisfaction?

Many people do not suspect that they are gifted. The article describes five features that clearly indicate the presence of talent. Test yourself - what do you yourself have a penchant for?

“I kept asking myself what should I do to realize the gift that is inherent in me from birth? I was looking for an answer at psychological trainings, on the pages of books on self-development, at all kinds of courses, seminars, lectures ... But it turned out, I answered it all my life, I just had to pay attention to some tips that I found thanks to my favorite movie heroes. "

A beloved business, to which you surrender with all your passion, can not only give pleasure and the opportunity to fulfill oneself. It can bring real love to life. How this happens, she said.

To find his calling, he advises you to look at the “dark” sides of your soul: we often criticize exactly what we feel inclined to.

What is more effective - to strengthen their weaknesses or enhance outstanding abilities? Participants in the Marathon of Awareness, organized by and exchanged views on this issue.

The path to your destination is least like a direct highway. Most often, the road has to be felt literally blindly, a long circle in one place. advises not to be afraid of the unknown: ignorance of your route is a completely normal thing at the stage of finding support.

Vocation is passion, obsession, this is what makes us burn, it can become one of the meanings of your life. And after a person finds his calling, his life will never be the same. It is divided into "before and after." That's right, and this is not a joke!

Van Gogh got up every day at 5 in the morning, and by the end of the day he had a completed picture. During his short creative life, the artist created more than 800 paintings and 700 drawings. Incredible productivity, right?

Leo Tolstoy, during the period of his literary work, left an inheritance in the form of more than 270 works of literary work. Mozart created music everywhere, even in the midst of a noisy party; he could compose music on a regular paper napkin. And imagine if all of the above have become "engineers." We would lose a serious part of the world cultural heritage.

What if Leo Tolstoy, Coco Chanel or Van Gogh doze in us? And we lock them in a cage with the sign “accountant”, “engineer” or “lawyer”. How to find your calling in work?


We are looking for something that brings us pleasure.

" What do you like to do? What do you like to do? ”Calling should be fun. Write a list of 30 activities that you enjoy doing. Do not think, just write everything that comes to mind. Brainstorming Announced! Can the following questions be your clue?

“What did you like to do as a child, as a teenager?”In this period, especially in early childhood, we often do not need to be someone, we do not need to make money and think about how we will survive. Our parents do all this for us. And it was at that moment that we did what we loved, what we liked. Remember what you wanted to become in your childhood. You can attract your family - they will surely remember something interesting about your childhood hobbies.

“What can't you do?”You look through magazines and always dress stunningly, give advice to girlfriends on how to behave with a man, endlessly photograph everything and everyone, read a lot, or are you a desperate music lover? At this stage, you can already think about the following: how can I stop this in the profession? Do not forget to write down, it is very important.

“What do you want to learn?”This question is a lifeline for those who have difficulties with the previous two. If it happened that the "adult life" blocked all the paths to retreat - no trouble. Learning is never too late. Write at least 5 points of what you would definitely want to learn. And your task in the near future is to choose training courses for yourself. And please do not think: what will I do with it later? And if this is not a vocation? And if you work on an unloved job for up to 60 years?

"What do you absolutely dislike doing?"  This list will also be extremely helpful. Your task is not to break yourself for the sake of work, but to understand your characteristics and choose a vocation, taking into account the unique qualities and character traits. Feel the difference?

Determine what works well

“What am I doing well?”  Best of all, no worse than others, better than some, and so on. What do you get really good? Call for help from your relatives, acquaintances, colleagues and do not let them out of your hands until they name 5 cases that you do very well.

Find a field of interest

What science granite do you chew on at regular intervals? It can be anything: special literature, educational events, forums, biographies, films, programs, special magazines. Observe yourself for a week, which sources of information do you use most often and what is this information about? This will help to understand your calling and how to find yourself in adulthood.

We exclude the influence of the monetary factor

Money is not a strong enough motivation that will keep us busy for a long time in a business that we are not interested in. Therefore, we take pens and a notebook, and answer the question: “What would I do if there was enough money?”  Of course, for a couple of weeks we would simply lie in bed and do nothing, but gradually we would begin to get bored. Therefore, try to imagine yourself in a similar situation and be sure to write down at least 10 lessons of your carefree life.

We shape and select possible calling options

After our fruitful analysis, a heap of written paper should lie in front of you. If not, return to step number 1, as further movement is pointless for you. The next task is to shape desires. Namely, to understand in which area you can realize yourself. The result will be a list of professions in front of you. Brainstorming Continues!

For example, if you have a pronounced penchant for the fashion industry, you can be a columnist, journalist, designer, open a store or an online store, make a blog.

Need to feel the profession

All you can do to understand is to try. Immerse yourself in your intended calling at least once. You may have 1000 and 1 one guess, but in reality everything may turn out differently. Dreaming about calling and working are two completely different things. The most important thing is that you feel good in the process of work. Part of the unpleasant routine can then be transferred to other people. How to join a new team.


To become truly successful in your calling, your product and services must have consumers. Without unnecessary conversations, modesty - put the products of your creativity on the network, demonstrating yourself. It is likely that someone from your acquaintances, friends or colleagues will ask: “Can I do this?” I want it too! ”

How to find your calling in the profession: working with objections

The next block is for doubters. We begin to work with objections and braking mechanisms.

"I will not make money on this."  Ponder the question “Does anyone make money on this in the world?” Is someone earning an income that will be enough? ”If someone is already earning, then you can.

“I’ve been many years to change something.”  The grandiose fallacy inherent in people of all ages. We would forever lose one of the trendsetters Christine Dior, because he began working as a designer of women's clothing only at 42 years old. Or Van Gogh, only 27 years old, began to take painting lessons and then could no longer stop in his work. Therefore, age is not an obstacle.

“I do not have the necessary skills and professional education.” The field of continuing education now offers a huge number of courses on a variety of topics. In a short time, you can easily get the necessary skills. And the best education is practice. Therefore, even if you decide to get an additional education, immediately start working.

"I'm afraid to start all over again."  Find your duty notebook, divided the sheet of paper into two columns. Now we will describe your future in 50 years, no kidding! On the left, describe how you see your future, if you still haven’t decided to change something and go to meet your vocation. On the right, try to imagine what your life will be like if you find your calling. Which option do you like more?

It’s never too late to take a step towards your calling, just imagine how different your life will be. Calling is not a magical treasure buried in the impenetrable jungle of the unconscious. This is what lies on the surface. And your task is simply to understand how to find your calling.

Text: Anastasia Zaloga

Living in harmony with oneself is one of the greatest benefits a person can achieve. And in many ways, the possession of this good depends on what he devotes his life, time and strength to; is he happy doing this. And from whatever side we look at this problem, in any case it will lead us to the search for a destination. It is unlikely, of course, that we will offer a ready-made way to find our vocation, but nevertheless we are sure that the thoughts and advice from this article will allow you to answer at least some of the troubling questions.

Why are we looking for ourselves

Today there are many articles and materials on how to find your calling in life, in the profession, etc. There are even special tests on this subject, for example, the famous one. Some advice and recommendations are more effective, some less. But be that as it may, any reasoning about the meaning of life comes down to the fact that the search for one's calling is a natural state of a person.

Thinking and developing people have no doubt that there must be some global business of life that you can gladly surrender with your head; for the sake of which it will be easy to wake up at 6 in the morning and rush headlong to do something somewhere; on which it will not be a pity to waste your time and energy. Such activities can become the meaning of human existence.

It is this premise that indicates that in order to find happiness and contentment, you must look for your calling. It should correspond to aspirations, talents and abilities. In addition, in many cases, the work of life allows you to earn a livelihood, and quite comfortable. However, finding a destination can be quite difficult, as evidenced by ordinary life experience - many people never find it in their entire lives.

Next, we will talk about the barriers to finding a destination and overcoming them, but first we suggest you watch a short video in which the personal development expert Yitzhak Pintosevich tells how to find your mission.

What do you want?

Difficulties in finding one's destiny, contrary to a common misconception, are not related to luck, karma, or the fact that a person was not lucky to find an occupation that matches his aspirations, needs and desires. The problem needs to be sought much deeper, although the answer, in fact, lies on the surface.

No matter how strange it may sound, but almost no one asks himself why to look for a destination at all. People simply take the idea of \u200b\u200bthis search for granted, believing that it is necessary to become an entrepreneur, scientist, politician, doctor, actor, etc., and then devote their entire lives to this profession. In other words, specialty is equated with vocation. But the belief that the purpose of life is to find and gain a calling, just serves as a serious obstacle to destiny. Let's see a little what this means.

Most people cannot find their calling because of the incorrect formulation of the main questions. They look something like this: “What social role is more in line with my abilities and talents?”, “What social role is best for me?”, “What role will allow me to fulfill my potential?”, Etc. The answers to these questions are not easy to find, because they are wrong.

To find a favorite work or work of life, it is necessary to pose questions differently, namely: “What do I want in life and what do I need to do to achieve this?”, “Is there any social role that will help me achieve my goal? ? ”,“ If there is no such role, with what else can I achieve my goal? ”. Asking ourselves such questions, we no longer place a social role at the forefront, but focus on our desires. Moreover, we can not only subordinate the role to our goals, but also, if necessary, completely get rid of it. That is why it makes sense to talk a little specifically about the goals.

The importance of life goals

A little talk about goals will help us better understand the essence of the above. For example, you already know what you want from life. You love life, and learn new things. You want to be independent and free, so it is important for you to live and enjoy life, communicate, travel and explore the world around you. You want your actions to make the world a little better.

These are your goals in life. But what can you do to realize them? What social role will suit you: writer, teacher, psychologist, director? Which profession and business meet your basic needs? As you yourself see, the answer is difficult. But what if you try to come up with a profession that is suitable? What kind of profession will this be?

Firstly, your work should not. You will start a family, and you will have children, and, of course, you will want to spend more time with your loved ones. Therefore, your calling should leave you more time than that which allows ordinary work. In addition, you have a desire to devote your time to hobbies and hobbies, such as self-development, hiking, reading books, sports, movies, music, talking with friends, etc.

You have absolutely no desire to “get attached” to the workplace, and spend 5-6 days a week from morning to evening, come home angry and tired, have two miserable weeks of vacation for 6 months of endless work. Your favorite work or work of life should allow you to enjoy every day, rest regularly, discover new places and chat with your family. Based on this, it is better to make the source of income remote and autonomous, at least in part.

But you do not prioritize independence and freedom, and you are quite ready to devote as much time and effort to the vocation as you need. But this is only so if the lesson allows you to realize your ideas, get inspiration and bestowal. Therefore, it is best that your business belongs to you, but if it is not, it should in any case give you the freedom that you dream of.

You probably noticed that so far we are only discussing working conditions, but its content remains in question. So what exactly do you do? You can become a programmer or copywriter (or choose another direction of freelance), or you can. The most important thing here is that this business allows you to earn money and stay free.

But what about personal preferences and bringing benefits to people? And here lies the trick - in fact, no one says that it depends on the work. Think for yourself: starting to engage in an ideal business that gives you freedom and prosperity, you will receive a lot of time that you can devote to what you are interested in.

Of course, it would be nice if the source of income alone allowed it to be done, but, firstly, today's realities are such that there is very little such “work”, and secondly, this is not necessary. For example, you can try to monetize this business in order to achieve your goals. But along with this, you can master the art of photography and start selling your services as a photographer. For the sake of this, of course, you also need to work hard, but then you will have time for writing.

You can develop what has been said for a very long time, but now we can draw one fundamental conclusion: vocation must necessarily be subordinate to life goals. And here the issue of choosing this calling, both in life and in the profession, deserves special attention.

The ability to choose

The method of earning is not at all obliged to correspond to your talents or vocation, but it should allow you to achieve your goals. Let us return to our examples: it is likely that you do not have a flair for the photographer, and photographing is not in your blood. But you must admit: would you not engage in professional photography if it allowed you to be independent and free, have a lot of time for your favorite things and make the world a better place, bringing beauty to it? Most likely, you would not mind such a job.

Each of us needs a livelihood - this is the truth of life. Even if you don’t hover in the clouds with happiness running around your brides and grooms with your “photo gun”, but if this business does not require constant employment and allows you to live a good life, then why not, right?

A lot of people work 6 days a week, and it would be great if such work was to them high, because they practically live on it. However, this is not at all true, but still they work, although this is not their choice in the full sense of the word. Despite this, seeking a vocation, they try to make their life better so that the need for unloved work disappears forever.

And here we are just talking about a choice: in the search for their destiny, people begin to change one job for another, one employer for another, one six-day or five-day schedule for another. Does that make sense? It would not be an exaggeration if we say that there is no point here, because it's a run in a circle. It would be naive to believe that, as a seller, we, having exchanged one trading floor for another, will find our calling. Sales are just an example, but they apply to any business.

Perhaps there is a sound grain in changing the profile altogether? But even here you can drive yourself into the same trap: now you are no longer a seller, but an office manager, but you are no longer a manager, but an IT-person in a large office, but what has changed? But nothing has changed - you still get up in the morning, rush to work and do something that anyone needs, but not you, continuing to dream that once the search for a destination will succeed.

Engaged in any activity that does not bring you closer to achieving your goals, you are wasting your time. Making a choice between different forms of the same activity, you will never find your calling, because you choose where there is simply no choice. And this is the second main problem, which hinders finding one's destiny. And from here one more fundamental conclusion follows: a vocation can consist in completely different things.

But do not think that the problems we have examined exhaust the question of finding your favorite job or work of life. There are several other equally important things that make it difficult to find a destination.

Boundedness and Routine

It happens that a person seems to find his calling, but contrary to logic, it becomes not a source of his happiness, but a stumbling block. Try to understand an important idea: if you find in life what you like and what you need to give all of yourself to, you risk losing your freedom and independence. A new activity may simply limit you, and after some time of joy, you will realize that you have cornered yourself again.

Or the work of life does not mean finding a new wheel in which you need to run like a squirrel. You should be careful when heading into new hobbies and making “all bets” on them. There should always be room for maneuver, and this means that you do not need to limit yourself to just one thing. As we said, a vocation can be in different things, but in order to find them, you need to have space for searches.

In addition, almost any activity always includes an element of routine, and you can easily get tired of any work, even the most creative one. Of course, you can find a business that will bring pleasure to the end of your life, but it’s very, very difficult, and it’s very likely that after a couple of years there will be no trace.

In search of a destination, one should always keep in mind the idea that over time something will again want to change. The desire for change is a normal condition for a person, and therefore we say again that we do not need to squeeze ourselves into the framework of any one occupation or one profession. To believe that the meaning of life consists in one thing is fundamentally wrong.

From all this we can conclude that we must try to look for several areas that correspond to life goals, and do what we currently want. And yet how to find such things? This question is absolutely appropriate, because talking and thinking is one thing, and doing is absolutely another.

Finding the right direction

Determining the right direction for movement is not easy, because you need to find something that will meet your goals. We think you will agree with us that any person strives for happiness - this is a natural need. But here the ways to achieve this state in each individual case will vary.

We (and not only us) have repeatedly said that for the most part, the state of happiness is due to the internal state of a person, rather than external factors. Happiness is an internal harmony, an adequate perception of the world, but not the presence of a car and a country house or the status of director of a large company.

If a person is unhappy within his being, no worldly goods will change the situation. Maybe sometimes it will seem to him that he is happy and everything in life is wonderful, but these moments are so momentary that they will disappear when the joy of owning something passes away. As a result, there will come an understanding that this is not happiness, and the whole cycle will begin from the beginning.

We want to say that it is not entirely true to set the goal of achieving certain material wealth. The most important thing is to find happiness in oneself, and after that there will come an understanding of what to strive for in life, what to devote to it, what is the purpose.

The life experience of a huge number of people says that no spiritual and life searches bring success if a person does not know what exactly makes him happy. People change professions and jobs, move from place to place, hoping that now everything will be different. But joy never comes, everything repeats again, and disappointment and depression come.

So the whole fuss is that these people could not find their internal source of happiness. And so that the situation does not worsen, you need to ask yourself: “Why am I unhappy? What is the cause of my misery? Am I going the right way or trying to open those doors that will remain locked for me forever? ”

No, we will not argue that the internal state is very much influenced by what we do, and the state of security, and the possession of material wealth. But this is not the root cause, and the understanding that you are not living your life in vain should in no case depend on money, nor on car-apartments, iPhones, or even on achieving goals. Happiness must be inside, otherwise even the found destination will not change anything.

It is necessary to search for your favorite work or work of life, to search for a destination and to determine your life goals and priorities, starting with yourself. And what makes you happy? Only you can answer this question, and to find the answers, you need, again, to ask yourself:

  • What would I like to change in this world?
  • What do I want to change in my life?
  • What did I like to do as a child?
  • What did I dream about when I was little?
  • What do I like to do and in what I could become the best?
  • What could I do for many years?

Take this quirky test, write down the answers to the questions, and then choose the time and think carefully about them. And also remember that life is fleeting, and the older we get, the faster time flies. Would you do what you are doing now if you suddenly found out that you have six months to live or a maximum of one year? If the answer to this question is no, think about what you would do if such a situation happened, and why are you even doing something that doesn't matter to you?

In most cases, people always know what they want from life. But with age, many aspirations and desires are "erased", dreams seem unrealizable, reality becomes a necessity to carry out some tasks, solve problems, and earn money. Life turns into a road to nowhere. But this can be changed if you ask yourself the right questions, take responsibility for yourself and your desires, accept the idea of \u200b\u200btime running out and build actions in accordance with all this.

Summary of Reflections

At the beginning of our article, we said that we could hardly offer a ready-made method for finding our destination. And this is indeed so, because the search for vocation is a purely individual matter, even to some extent intimate. There are no patterns or techniques that can be simply performed, and everything will be resolved, as if by magic.

But still we think that our thoughts on the meaning of life and happiness will be able to direct your thoughts (and future actions) in the right direction. To understand what you need, note those moments when a feeling of harmony, peace and that everything is good comes to you.

You can sit in the office for years, and once, having succumbed to the persuasion of a friend, through a force to jump with a parachute and understand that this is what you have been dreaming of all your life. You can throw boxes in the warehouse, and one fine day write from nothing to do a little story and understand what exactly you wanted to do since childhood. You can go on vacation and, lounging on the beach, ask yourself the idea of \u200b\u200bworking remotely, to be able to explore the world, and, ultimately, come to the design of Internet sites.

In general, the answer to the question of how to find one’s destiny consists, among other things, of having the courage and the audacity to accept the call of one’s desires and dreams; in unleashing your imagination; is to understand that your happiness is in your hands. Study yourself, communicate with purposeful and enthusiastic people, expand your own boundaries, think about life, try new things, take time for what is important to you, what you like, and do not indulge your weaknesses and habits. This is what will allow you to find your calling.

And, of course, we just can not help but advise you a couple of books on this topic. This is the book “Set Goals! Find your goal and achieve it in 1 year "(Yitzhak Pintosevich) and" Find your calling. How to discover your true talents and fill life with meaning ”(Ken Robinson). And also watch this video from Ken Robinson, where this amazing person talks about calling and its meaning.

We sincerely hope that our small philosophical and analytical essay clarified for you some points about finding your calling, and you can find something to your liking, your favorite job or work of life. We wish you good luck and loyalty to yourself!

A source:
Transfer:  Balezin Dmitry

Understand your mission in life, to understand why you appeared on Earth, sometimes it is also difficult how to assemble a puzzle whose particles are scattered around the world. Some people never assemble this puzzle into a single picture, as they often lack patience and desire. Or perhaps they are too afraid of this ...

However, the five pieces of the puzzle called "My destiny in life"that you need to complete a holistic picture is quite easy to find.

These are the components that need to be put together

1. Identify your talents and passions

This is probably the easiest and most common way to determine your calling in life. So start with it.

Following your talents and passions will lead you to satisfaction, happiness, and even allow you to make money “for bread” (and possibly much more). It doesn't matter if your talent is innate or acquired. You have talent, and it was given to you for a specific purpose.

To discover your talent and discover your passions, think about the following:

What makes you cry for joy?
   What makes you smile?
   What are other good people saying you’re really good at?
   What makes you laugh?
What makes you stay up all night because you just can't stop?

2. Take a look at your past

Sometimes it is difficult to remember your past. There are many such events that I would like to erase from my memory. However, that would be stupid. Instead, we should use our past to move forward to understand the meaning of our current situation.

A look into your past, with an attempt to determine your purpose, also consists of some components of the puzzle:

In what circumstances were you born?
  Perhaps you were born in poverty. Then your task could be to get out of poverty and bring others out of it, by example.

What are the main mistakes your parents made?  What negative traits of their characters did they fight?

Did they behave abusively, perhaps they were addicted to alcohol or were they passionate about any other destructive patterns of behavior? If so, then your goal may be to break this vicious circle (not continue it). You must break with this and set an example for others.

In what endeavor did you fail?

Failure or failure should not become something permanent for you. They only exist in order to separate those who really want something from others. If a certain setback affects you so much, then your life calling is to return “to the game” and, using a new approach, win this time.

Who has influenced you the most (in a positive way)?

Was he (she) your teacher? An actor? The author? The director? By the president? Local hero? If they changed your life, then perhaps you should continue their mission?

3. There are three callings that unite us all

1. Be as happy as possible;
  2. Live as you wish;
  3. Change the lives of other people;
  4. Leaving the world behind is a little better than what it was at our birth

And I say “yes” to all those negatively minded people ... Yes, not everyone realizes these callings, but everyone could.

4. Be open to many destinations.

Many of us have several destinations in life, but often we still have one main mission in life and several smaller reasons for existence. Perhaps someone's calling is to be a wonderful parent, but at the same time he can change the world in his own way.

However, it also happens that several destinations merge into one, more significant. I was often told that I was good at writing, and that I should think about how to turn this ability of mine into a career, but I constantly “denied” it. However, one of my desires has always been the desire to change the world. So one day, I just decided to combine these two components and change the world through my written work.

Our vocation can also be very dependent on age. Usually, our goals are very materialistic when we are young, but they cease to be such when we get older.

All this leads me to think about the fifth component of the puzzle.

5. Find out what your calling is TODAY

What is the meaning of your stay on Earth today is much more important than the goal that you must realize later in your life. Today - guaranteed, tomorrow - no.

We expect the perfect moment, but it does not exist. Concentrate on your calling today ... tomorrow, next month, the most extreme of next year. Life is flowing now, not tomorrow.

Copyright © 2008 Dmitry Balezin