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Interesting facts about foodstuffs. Health, medicine and longevity news. Classification of food additives

When it comes to food additives, most people express skepticism without possessing, with a sufficient amount of information. That is why this article will clarify the situation by providing you with five simple truths:

Truth number 1: We are owners of their own destiny

Believe it or not, but there are two simple and indisputable causes of premature death of two of every three adults every year - nutrient deficit and insufficient physical activity.

Indeed, five of the six main causes of death among adults around the world - heart disease, lungs, cancer, diabetes and stroke are very closely related to these two risk and lifestyles. Nutrient deficit and low physical activity interact, contributing to the deterioration of our immune defense and creating favorable conditions for the development of chronic diseases and premature death.

At the same time, our immune system spends a huge amount of energy in the fight against the consequences of these two factors. Various cells and molecules of our immune system apply incredible efforts in this daily battle. However, when ultimately, they lose, the following occurs:

The lower of our vital organs (blood vessels, intestines, respiratory tract) is damaged. As soon as this happens, the main cells of our organism are exposed to hazardous toxins, from which they do not have natural protection.

After the toxins reaches the cells of our main organs, these cells cease to perform the functions assigned to them. As a result, a number of chronic diseases develop in the body.

A comprehensive explanation of how all this happens in the body would take several pages. However, believe that the destruction mechanism is almost identical in all five major diseases listed above.

The conclusion is as follows: we can significantly improve the health of our body over time, by improving the quality of nutrients that we consume and increase the daily physical exertion. And, in our opinion, nutritional supplements play an important role in achieving the result. Company INSPIRITS - Vibro-massagers wholesale from a warehouse in Moscow.

Truth number 2: nutritional supplements improve the result of diet and physical exertion

If you are seriously tuned to work to reduce the level of risk of development of one or more of the five main chronic diseases mentioned above, the following will be of great importance for you. You will need not only to increase the level of daily physical activity, but also to completely go to healthy food in the diet, it is especially true for people with weak health. At the same time, the consumption of biologically active additives providing your body with additional support.

In fact, the intention to take nutritional supplements as additional therapy is the right choice for those who want to manage their health, while improving the food diet and increasing physical exertion. The reception of additives will not create miracles and will not replace the drugs to you (at least in most cases). However, nutritional supplements will help you feel better with long-term consumption.

In other words, food additives are mandatory diets and exercise satellites.

This statement is especially true if you have already been diagnosed with one or more of the five major diseases listed above. Each of these factors, changing the diet and physical activity, can significantly reduce the risk level of mortality and improve the quality of your life, but nutritional supplements are able to significantly simplify the work of diet and exercise.

Truth number 3: new look on additives

When mentioning additives, most doctors demonstrate our skepticity to benefit from their reception. However, according to the results of a recent study, about 70 percent of the adult population are consumers of one or more species of biologically active additives.

What is the reason for such a mistrust? For the most part, this is due to the lack of sufficient information, a small number of research, the results of which the scientific community would consider convincing.

The fact is that the majority of published studies of food additives were carried out on laboratory animals and samples of human tissues, since it is easier and cheaper to control variables that could affect the results of the experiment. Despite the fact that the results of the majority of these studies were convincing, subsequent experiments using a person as an object, did not always provide the same indicators.

Moreover, some companies - food additive manufacturers apply to themselves even more harmful of their reputation in the eyes of doctors and scientists, making unreasonable statements about the effectiveness of their products not confirmed by any research.

We are not trying to convince you that the opinion of traditional medicine is unreasonable and the consumption of biologically active additives will only benefit your body. But, at the same time, do you know that about 68 percent of specialist doctors, from time to time take nutritional supplements? In addition, the results of one of the surveys have shown that 72 percent of doctors and 89 percent of nurses involved in the study are at least random consumers of biologically active additives.

Based on this, we can conclude that, despite the existence of contradictory and, sometimes, not enough good scientific evidence of benefit from taking food additives, research results indicate that there are no negative impact on the human body.

Therefore, despite the existing distrust by scientists in relation to the use of nutritional supplements, as well as various views of nutritionists on the recommended dosage, doctors and researchers use additives in the same way as we all.

Truth number 4: diet and exercise themselves are insufficient to improve health

Regular physical activity and a permanent food diet rich in nutrients are those two obvious steps that anyone can do to improve their health. The results of most studies have shown that people engaged in physical exercises with moderate intensity, 30 minutes a day, five days a week, have a significantly lower level of risk of developing chronic diseases and reducing the mortality rate, compared with those who are engaged in sports less than three days a week. In fact, during a recent study, scientists have found that moderate physical activity is able to reduce the risk level of mortality by 19 percent.

In addition, the results of a plurality of studies have shown that consumption of the diet with a high content of fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, fish / seafood, olive oil and red wine, which is called a Mediterranean diet, contributes to a significant decrease in the level of development of chronic diseases, compared with Generally accepted diet. At the same time, scientists noted that the mortality rate subject to the Mediterranean diet is reduced by 50 percent, compared with the diet consisting of a large amount of red meat, sugar / salt, overloaded with processed food products, as well as products with high saturated fats.

Mediterranean type diet is also associated with a significant decrease in the level of development of heart disease, stroke, lung diseases and diabetes. This fact can be especially bright among residents of southern Mediterranean countries, such as Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece and France, compared with other developed countries. In addition, in these countries, with the exception of Italy and France, a much lower incidence of cancer has been marked. Researchers indicate that the Mediterranean diet helps to prevent the occurrence of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer, given that the population of the countries of the Southern Mediterranean is the least physically active.

However, is it enough of the right food diet and exercise? Many doctors would agree that these two steps themselves are more so sufficient to protect your health in the long run. Of course, it seems a reasonable conclusion based on research results, but only if you have followed the recommendations of doctors. However, we all know that most people do not adhere to diet and do not play sports throughout their lives. For those of us who fall into this category, of course, a healthy physical activity and the right food diet will be useful. But, at the same time, it should be noted that we probably have already caused damage to our body of an incorrect lifestyle over a long period of time, so we need to take some additional measures, except for changing the diet and exercise. This statement is especially important for those who do not want or not able to adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle and the correct food diet, as well as for those who already suffer from various chronic diseases.

Namely, many studies have discovered a significant lack of nutrients in people who are already suffering from chronic diseases. For example, the consumption of Vitamin D additives. Previously, we have already written that the high level of this vitamin in the body leads to. The results of a recent study of smokers and patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease have shown that 31 percent of smokers with a normal lung function, vitamin D deficiency was discovered. At the same time, 77 percent of people suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease have an insufficient level of vitamin D. during the other Studies, 75 percent of patients with heart attacks, scientists have discovered an insufficient level of vitamin D. Besides, a critical low level of vitamin D was noted in 34 percent with type 2 diabetes participating in the study. And, finally, in 67 percent of 224 patients with breast cancer, scientists recorded a lack of this vital nutrient.

As for vitamin C deficiency, the results of the study of patients suffering from the progressive form of cancer have shown that 30 percent of them had a lack of vitamin C in the body. When conducting a recent study of the health status of a group of non-smoking adults, scientists found that among men with the lowest level of plasma concentration of vitamin C, the risk of death from a heart attack grew by 57 percent, and the risk of death from cancer increased by 62 percent.

Thus, there is a sufficient number of scientific data in order to assume the existence of a link between the development of chronic diseases and a disadvantage of nutrients in the body.

Considering that many people do not want or cannot adapt their lifestyle under the compliance with all recommendations, scientists appealed to the study of biologically active additives to help fill this space. The results of many studies have shown the positive effect of additives of the main nutrients to combat various chronic diseases.

Truth number 5: never late to start

Sometimes we can smear our hands on your health, considering that it's too late to change something. Maybe you already suffer from heart disease. Maybe you already have overweight and you think that you will never be slim again. Or maybe you convinced myself that at your age you should not try to change anything.

Please change your point of view. The human body has a wonderful ability to restore. If you provide him with such an opportunity, your body will instantly respond positively. It does not necessarily mean that you can stop the disease or turn the time to reverse, because the consequences of bad habits that lead to the development of chronic diseases will not disappear overnight. Nevertheless, every step in the right direction to improve your food diet and regular exercise practices, will work quickly enough, and you can feel the results yourself.

For example, the results of a study on the study of the effects of physical exercises on the health of people with severe diseases of the lungs, heart and cancer showed a pronounced improvement in the main indicators of physical health and a significant improvement in the quality of life of the project participants. Also, as an example, a recent study can be brought to study the effects of pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with various severity of the disease. At the same time, scientists noted that even the most severe patients were recorded an improvement in respiratory symptoms and a higher quality of life.

The same effect is observed in people with chronic diseases that adhere to a healthy diet. For example, the results of a study of the effect of the Mediterranean food diet on the health of patients who experienced a heart attack showed a decrease in the level of indicator of the markers of inflammation of the cardiovascular system (C-reactive protein and interleukin-6) compared with other patients consuming ordinary food.

So, biologically active additives must be taken to everyone. In combination with a healthier food diet and regular physical activity, they can help assist in improving therapy results and facilitate the body's ability to absorb nutrients.

1. Chocolate is an excellent product against increased pressure. It is enough to eat two candy to bring pressure to normal.

2. Chocolate raises the mood and creates a sense of love thanks to the component of the Fenamine.

3. White and milk chocolate contain more harmful fat and calories, while dark bitter chocolate with high cocoa content is considered the most useful (from 70%).

4. Chocolate tile per month can extend life for a whole year. But excessive use of the product will lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases.

5. One of the most unusual meat species is mouse. His ate in China, as well as in ancient Greece.

6. Rice ranks first among the products consumed, as it serves as the main ingredient in the menu of most Asian countries known to their numerous. There are more than 15,000 rice varieties that we are accustomed to sharing on black, white and brown.

7. Refined sugar can be called one of the most harmful products, as it does not contain absolutely nothing but carbohydrates and unnecessary calories.

8. Zucchini and pumpkin seeds over time acquire greater benefits and nutritional value. So, in fresh pumpkin seeds, calories can be 3-4 times less than in those that were stored for several months.

9. Only 5% of the salt produced is used as seasonings. The rest goes to preservation and even industrial goals - skin tossing, glass production, road strip.

10. Natural chicken meat soup for a long time was considered aphrodisiac.

11. The cereal is a natural substance necessary for the manufacture of many varieties of cheese. It is mined from the fourth ventricle of small calves.

12. The most unusual snacks bordering disgust - fried termites from South Africa, ants, bees and bulls scrongas glazed by chocolate - in America.

13. Potatoes and corn were first embedded in the mountainous regions called Ande.

14. One kilogram of potatoes is almost 200 times cheaper than 1 kilogram of chips received from it.

15. With the advent of the cartoon hero "Okay" in America, interest in spinach increased. It is this product in the cartoon that was positioned in the role of a valuable source of vitamins and vitamins.

16. It has been proven that fresh apples better help get up in the mornings than coffee.

17. Salt and beans in antiquity performed the money function. Last some scammers tried to even fake. But in Europe in the Middle Ages, often the main monetary remedies performed ... cows!

18. In the times of Ivan the Terrible, their illegal transportation existed. So, the ambassadors of the king of Russian transported the value from Muslim countries, wrapped them into pork clipping. Naturally, Muslims were bent to approach this meat.

19. In the era of ancient Rome, in one of the time segments of history, the authorities came to the conclusion that it was time to deal with luxury. So it was forbidden to refill chicken. But here the roosters refill forgotten forgotten to ban ...

20. In the Middle Ages, the ice cream recipe was considered one of the most classified. In Europe, it could only have kings, and the very brave spies were often sent for hidden knowledge, trying to explore the technology of cooking a delicious dessert.

21. In ancient Greece there was a special value of fig. It was impossible to be taken out of the country, and the disadvantaged citizens could be executed for smuggling.

22. Muslims have been controversial for a long time due to its exciting properties. So, in the Middle Ages, he was equal to the guilt, and he was almost forbidden.

23. In 1638, the Russian ambassador to China received several bags of incomprehensible dry leaves as a gift. The ambassador it was very saddened and the war was not unleashed. But someone thought of brewing these fragrant leaves, and since then we can enjoy the flavor of tea every day.

24. In Honolulu, cooks practiced a very non-standard method for chopping octopus meat: they erase them in washing machines.

25. Any marine and river fish is one of the most useful products. It supplies light protein into the body, improves the memory and condition of the skin, and also struggles with harmful cholesterol.

26. Fresh or properly frozen strawberry is able to improve the mood and give a vigor. After all, it contains many vitamins responsible for the tone of our body!

27. Potatoes, contrary to the negative opinions of many nutritionists, can be useful for the body, but only in boiled and baked. It displays an extra liquid and helps to get rid of cellulite.

28. Bananas Although "arrived" to Europe from Africa are more often shipped from India, more than half of all imports fall on this country.

29. Apricot, Avocado and Malina come to the top of the list of the most useful products on the planet. Moreover, apricot and raspberries are able to maintain all their benefits not only in a fresh form.

30. Salad "Olivier" was invented in Russia. But a French prescription came up! Salad was distinguished from a modern more refined set of products, among whom were: calf language, caviar, peak and crayfish.

31. In Africa Lemon - Panacea from many diseases. It is believed that juice 1 Solk Lemon during the food will save from overeating and help digestion. That is why it is so useful to drink water with lemon juice before meals!

32. Breakfast should not be easy. It is at this time that the most satisfied and high-calorie dishes should be preferred.

33. Regular use of vegetables, fruits and croup helps to clean blood. However, in harsh environments without heavy meat protein, the body simply will not be able to survive.

34. True borsch was prepared from the plant, which today is considered weed, - Borshevik.

35. Freshly squeezed juices are stored only 3-4 hours. Glass and metal packaging is not suitable for them.

36. Natural apple vinegar is very useful for the skin. Just milking 1 tsp. In the glass of water and have a drink per hour before meals.

37. Guayava - record holder among vegetables and fruits in the content of vitamin C.

38. High-quality rustic cottage cheese contains a minimum of fat at the maximum amount of protein and calcium, which is extremely useful for the heart.

39. Cold Scandinavian countries do not differ at all the big love for hot dishes. It is found there only in the afternoon and only once. The main share of the diet is cold snacks and a variety of sandwiches.

40. Mango and pistachios are the closest "relatives". They belong to one family, although there are few similarities in them.

41. All products with yellow color serve natural antidepressants, break fats and speed up metabolic processes.

42. Blue products are able to eliminate insomnia, calm the nerves. There are many vitamin C. This can also include purple and dark burgundy products.

43. Green fruits and vegetables help lower the acidity of the stomach, normalize pressure, possess a powerful antiseptic effect and strengthen the immunity.

44. Ginger and cinnamon powerfully affect the body. You can buy spices in dried and add to a pinch in tea or coffee: weight loss, health improvement and good mood guaranteed!

45. Faicho in the content of iodine can be with various seafood.

46. \u200b\u200bApples are a faithful friend of people leading the lifestyle "at the table". There are many useful substances in them and all this for small money and year-round availability. Apples improve the state of the nervous system, have a general strengthening effect.

47. Olives and olives are the same. Only here are the first to hang on the trees for a long time, but this is not profitable for industrial purposes. Therefore, green olives are often stained in black and sell for olives.

48. Corn helps the body to recycle fatty food and alcohol. This is one of the rare products that, when preserving, retains all its properties.

49. Celery contains very few calories. At the same time, if it is in a fresh form, it is spent several times more calories for the chewing process.

50. Almost half of all the mining of almonds falls on the production of chocolate products.

51. Preparation of grapes and eggs in the microwave is fraught with an explosion.

52. In 1991, in Europe, the carrot was officially recognized as a fruit.

53. And in 2001, the same fate climbing tomatoes.

54. Matsarella, tomato sauce and parsley - the traditional ingredients of the real Italian pizza, imitating the colors of the state flag.

55. Gasoline ranks first in the global turnover of goods. And in second place - coffee.

56. The smell of fried bacon is able to greatly increase appetite. This uses various catering establishments.

57. In most restaurants, salmon dishes are prepared from cheap humpbacks or cozhi, and are issued for expensive salmon or trout.

58. Fruit fat burners who are really effectively fighting with an excess "stock": Kiwi, pineapples, grapefruits.

59. The rate of consumption of vegetables per person per year is about 125 kg.

60. Wine was invented by the ancient Greeks of more than 3 thousand years ago.

61. In 2006, from the sprouts of the barley grown in weightlessness, the limited batch of beer from 36 bottles was welded. Each costs more than 300 dollars.

62. Pomegranate juice is the most useful non-alcoholic drink.

63. The first bottle of the carbonated drink was made from bubbles of wandering beer in 1772.

64. In Peru, a frog tincture is considered to be a drink. There they drink it almost the same as often as the Chinese use tea.

65. Traditional kvass rarely falls in taste to foreigners. Almost everyone responds about him as an "sour purlous fat."

66. Good red dry wine in an amount of 0.1 liters is useful for the heart and can fight cancer tumors.

67. Milk is widely used in the production of glue basics, paints and even plastic.

68. Ice cream is a kind of rocker symbol. Often, original recipes are in coming in memory of different performers and groups, for example, "Baskin Robins" released a product in honor of Beatles.

69. Most ice cream eaten on the east coast of the United States.

70. Margarine in the world is eaten several times more than butter.

71. Baskin Robins released ice cream with a taste of ketchup.

72. Cheese, according to the majority of the world's population, the most delicious dish.

73. The first candy invented the Egyptians more than 3 thousand years ago. Filterns and honey were used for this. A little later, the Romans added nuts and flour to them.

74. In the Middle Ages, chocolate in Europe was considered a witch product.

75. But in Russia until the XX century, candy was the privilege of the rich nobles.

76. The only candy visited in space, - Chupa Chups. Only she passed all security requirements.

77. Most smoked meat products have a modified soybean.

78. Chicken meat is considered the most useful. But only if we are talking about natural chicken without hormones and antibiotics.

79. Loda serves excellent preservative. Fast frost fresh berries, vegetables, fruits and meat can extend the "useful" product life.

80. Only 12 species of plants and 5 animals provide delivery of 70% of all foods.

81. Strawberry and raspberries contain a substance in their small specific seeds responsible for the formation of testosterone in the human body. It is this hormone that increases sexual attraction.

82. A white wine is served to fish, and to any other meat - red. The exception is a tuna, which is better combined with red wine.

83. The most juicy lemon has a thin skin.

84. Sunflower seeds helps to strengthen the nervous system.

85. Chile pepper, like chocolate, is able to raise the mood.

86. White and beige eggs do not differ at all from each other. There are only chickens that demolished them.

87. Parmesan cheese in Italy serves as a deposit with loans by raid money in banks. Ripe heads are placed in a special storage.

88. In 2003, after the invasion of America in Iran and disturbances, France in this case, in Washington's cafeteria, Potatoes Friend renamed Freedom's potatoes.

89. Creamy cheese was invented in New York in 1872. Only he received "Philadelphia".

90. What fell - it was not lost. Food for 5 seconds does not collect bacteria from the floor, but only provided that the floor surface is dry.

91. Chips "Pringles" do not even consist of potatoes. They have a lot of starch and corn flour, and potatoes are only 42%. However, the indicator is quite high for the product of this category.

92. In the US, there is a ice cream cemetery. There are tombstones with the names of those tastes that have lost their popularity.

93. Salad with asparagus on Russian shelves - nothing more than cheating. White pods are obtained from soybean milk and asparagus with asparagus.

94. It is simple vegetables - cabbage, carrots, onions and beets - helped simple peasants to be healthy in the royal time, while the noble people were often unenedned with other unpleasant diseases due to the lack of simple products in the diet.

95. "Friendship" chemale is immortalized in Moscow by a monument. You can find it at the intersection of Rustaveli and Garden Drive.

96. Vegetable apricari oil does not contain cholesterol.

97. The cunning British use coffee grounds as fuel at the Kraft Foods chocolate factory.

98. Meat, or rather the need for its proper storage opened the age of geographical travel. Turks asked too much for spices, which contributed to the right preservation of mlyas products. This prompted navigators to seek the cherished seasonings on new lands.

99. Copper Luvak is the most expensive variety of coffee. It is made from Asian cyvelt feces, devouring coffee grains. But the fruits are not processed, but in the stomach of animals are saturated with useful substances.

100. Doctoral sausage appeared in 1936 and was intended for the recovery of people affected during the royal rule.

Food additives indicated by the letter E are part of almost all food products. How safe are they for health?

In the food industry, various additives have always used, but until 1953, manufacturers honestly informed customers about all product ingredients. But after the European Commission on Supplements proposed to use a system of letter designations using Code E, the composition of semi-finished products, sausages, sweets and many other in our diet turned into something classified.

Hence the fear of buyers: is it not hidden under the next designation with the letter E something dangerous to health? Let's try to find the truth and find out what nutritional supplements should be excluded from the family menu.

Food additives themselves do not apply to the human body
Harmful influence, scientists approve. However, warn that
Ingredients with designation E, reacting with other substances
In the body, there may be unpredictable impact on our health.

Dangerous food additives for children

The children's body is less protected from harmful external influences. Therefore, parents are important to carefully monitor the quality of products that make up the kids menu. And if the child already eats adult food, it is necessary to know that some of the additives with the index e are not recommended in baby food.

E330 - citric acid, which is part of the favorite carbonated beverages, with use provokes the selection of gastric juices and can lead to the development of gastritis.

E951 - Aspartame, an artificial sugar substitute, is used in the production of many sweets. However, there is an assumption that this dietary supplement contributes to the development of genetic mutation leading to a rare disease - phenylketonuria.

E216 and E217 - propyl ether and sodium salt. These preservatives are contained in chocolate with filling, sweets and in excess consumption in food can cause food poisoning.

E102 - Tartrazine. Dye, which is used in the manufacture of confectionery, candies and ice cream. However, Tartrazine can cause food allergies.

E400-499 - thickeners, stabilizers to increase the viscosity of food. They are used to prepare yogurts. The possible consequences of the abuse of this food additive may be diseases of the digestive tract.

Dangerous food additives for women

Pregnant women and nursing mothers are advised to stick a diet. However, even allowed during the waiting or feeding of the baby's chest products should be passed through the "sieve" food additives. The fact is that some of them are able to harm both female health and children. We give examples.

E957 - Taumatin. Officially, its use in the food industrial is prohibited, but the risk of acquiring falsified products still exists. Therefore, it is worth remembering: E-957 violates the hormoneal balance.

E128 - Red 2G red dye with carcinogenic effect, is used in the production of sausages. It is capable of leading the fetal development anomalies during pregnancy and congenital pathologies.

E250 - Sodium nitrite - dye, seasoning and preservative, used for the manufacture of sausages. It is noteworthy that the E250 is allowed to use in Russia, but is prohibited in the European Union. Possible consequences of the impact of this nutritional supplement to the female organism - the development of hypoxia of the fetus during pregnancy, a decrease in the content of vitamins in the body, an increase in the excitability of the nervous system.

Dangerous food additives for men

The harmful influence of food additives on the male body of information is a bit. Of course, representatives of the strong half of humanity, as children and women, are not insured against the development of allergic reactions, cancer due to the effects of ingredients with an index E, as well as the negative effect of these substances on the systems and the function of the body.

There is a dietary supplement that men need to know "in the face." It is known that E520, or aluminum sulfate, used as a starch modifier, can adversely affect the male reproductive system.

How to protect yourself from the harmful effects of food additives

It is not easy to maintain family health in conditions when the composition of food includes more artificial additives than natural ingredients. How to be? Perhaps awareness of the effects of abuse of food additives will lead many to the thoughts of healthy diet.

And for this it is worth opening your refrigerator, evaluate the ratio of sausages, sausages, smoked fruits and canned food with the number of fresh fruits, vegetables and home meals. If the comparison in favor of "chemistry" means, the new day is time to start with cleaning in the refrigerator, and then go to the store for the right meal.

And although it is almost impossible to avoid products on the label of certain either either, try that their number in the daily diet is still small.

Our products contain a huge number of different dyes, taste, preservatives and other amplifiers. Naturally, we are terribly afraid of these additives. Because we look at TV, we read various articles on these topics, and we are regularly scared there with terrible and incomprehensible Egesh. It became interesting for me to understand: how dangerous are they dangerous and dangerous at all? Especially, given the fact that nutritional supplements are present in almost all food products and beverages. So…

What is a nutritional supplement?

These are various special chemicals added to products in order to give them any properties. For example…

Flavors are needed to Give a certain smell, the conservatives extend the implementation and consumption of products, the dyes are needed to give the desired color, sweeteners make products sweet, stabilizers retain the physical and chemical properties of products, but the antioxidants are needed to save vitamins.

Well, so need nutritional supplements or not? It seems to me the answer is obvious: you need!

With any thermal processing (cooking, frying, drying), various chemical reactions occur in potatoes, as a result of which new substances are formed. But these substances were not in potato cheese. Hence the conclusion: the nutritional supplements are not necessary! You just need to know what nutritional supplements can really harm and avoid products with their content. .

In an industrial scale, produce products without special additives absolutely unreal. Such products will quickly deteriorate. Therefore, you should not believe the inscriptions "without preservatives" or "without food additives". That manufacturer who writes it on the package, frankly deceives you. Just as a preservative, it (manufacturer) used acetic acid And it is not included in the official list of preservatives. Although essentially is. But its esters or salts include, these are food additives E260 - E269.

Nutritional supplements by numbers

Each dietary supplement has its own unique number or code that consists of an English letter E and three-digit number. Additives from E100 to E199 - Dyes, E200 - E299 - Preservatives, follows a hundred antioxidants and so on.

It is worth noting that food E-supplements themselves do not carry a special threat, and many with excess are in natural products or can be produced by a human body. For example, the E270 additive is a lactic acid formed in the cells of our body when glucose cleavage.

Many people scares the glutamate sodium (mononodium salt), which is essentially an amino acid, generously represented in nature. Its abundantly in tomatoes, milk, mushrooms, meat, corn, fish, cheese and cottage cheese.

Of course, there are such additives that can be called harmful if one but: for harm to health, their quantity must be significantly higher than that that use products manufacturers. But allergic and children are better to consume foods that contain such additives. They can accumulate in the body.

Ideally, you need to remember all harmful and dangerous ehshe, but in practice it is not fulfilled. Therefore, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the most dangerous.

Doctors, especially nutritionists, are not advised to eat a lot of sausages, because of the preservative and color enhancer E250 (sodium nitrite), since in large quantities it is toxic. But without him, the sausage could not have been there, the risk of getting botulism would be very high. It is strange that the same researchers and criticism of nutritional supplements for some reason do not tell consumers that, for example, in one kilogram of broccoli or spinach contains sodium nitrite exactly as much as its 50! Kilograms "Doctoral" sausage.

Now the question is: Through what product is more real than getting this "harmful" preservative, revealing broccoli kilograms or 50 kilograms of sausages? I think everyone is understandable how will the answer will be.

The useful and well-known Kranber berries contains E211 (sodium benzoate) more than manufacturers are used in preserving products.

Many people are afraid to give children a sweet soda, fearing sweeteners. The share of truth in this is, the sugar substitute - aspartame (E951) disintegrates in the body on amino acids and allocate methanol. And methanol is undoubtedly poison. But the question is again in the amount of dose consumed. An adult man with a weight of 70 kg, you need to eat 266 aspartam tablets or drink 25 liters of dietary cola per day to harm health. Well, how real is it? That's right, not really at all.

Nutritionists joke: In the fresh apple, additives are E296, E141, E330, E440 and a couple more will probably be. So what? Now you will not eat apples, and you will not give them to your children? Doubtful.

Some manufacturers are also characterized by a good sense of humor. For example, on a beverage label "Buratino" can be read in composition: water, carbon dioxide, sweetener, lemon acid E330, preservative E211 and flavoring, identical to natural. Everything would be nothing if it was a lemonade or an orange drink, but what kind of natural aroma we should feel from "Buratino" - it is not clear. Maybe the smell of fresh wood?


As you can see, there is nothing very terrible in food additives. I would even say that they are designed not to harm, but on the contrary, help us, and producers of products. Otherwise, how would we consume sausages, candy, cookies, ice cream or gas production? Yes, no You just need to be aware and carefully study the composition of the purchased product. . It is not bad to know and what kind of ehs are dangerous. Especially carefully worth buying products to children, elderly people and pregnant women.

And those who stealing natural products without food additives are so honest? Why then they consciously silent about how much different chemicals are used to grow vegetables and fruits.

Another question is that more dangerous: Refined to the dose of food additive or uncontrolled watering on the fields and in the greenhouses of different chemistry of cucumbers, tomatoes and other supposedly natural products. Only watermelons annually determine a huge number of people, including children. So, it is worth thinking: for what purpose is such a serious info against food additives and who is profitable? Maybe manufacturers of "natural" products?

Elena Belokonova

When we come to the store, we always choose high-quality products, beautiful, appetizing with sight. No one will buy, for example, gray sausage or focused oil. After all, every buyer wants the products to be fresh, fragrant and pleasant to taste. And this a lot of food additives contribute to this.

So why are they needed?

They are able to improve the appearance, aroma and taste of the product (aromatic substances, taste amplifiers, dyes).

Slow product damage (preservatives, antioxidants).

Increase the nutritional value of the product (vitamins, mineral substances, sweeteners).

Required in the process of industrial production (emulsifiers, stabilizers).

I would like to talk about the most common food additives in more detail.

So, preservatives. So that the products are not spoiled and remained for a long time, preservatives add to them. After all, the spoiled product is not only incredible, but also dangerous to health. Preservatives protect us from food poisonings, impede the growth of mold fungi and microorganisms, stop the selection by microorganisms of poisons, for example, aflatoxin.

Benzoic acid and its salts (benzoate) - a preservative, occurs in almost all canned products in plastic packaging, for example, in herring, in beverages. It is a danger to allergies that sensitively react to salicylic acid, and for patients with bronchial asthma.

Sorbic acid. Most often it can be seen in canned products, as well as in cakes and baking. It is considered the most harmless and particularly effective preservative.

Sodium nitrite. It is also an amplifier in color and a preservative at the same time. Add it in smoked and sausages. Thanks to the sodium nitrite, the natural color of the sausage is preserved much longer. By the way, this salt prevents the growth of botulism in sausage canned food. It is in the poisoning of sausage for the first time this disease (Botulus-sausage) was described. Sodium nitrite is very toxic. Its amount is strictly normalized by gtostas. And this concentration is very small, does not exceed 0.005%. I will say on my own experience: I have never met the excess of sodium nitrite above the standard not met.

One option is not to add preservatives to the products is vacuum packaging, and the salt itself (sodium chloride) is nothing but a preservative. The same situation with vinegar. In one situation, it is seasoning, and in another preservative. Is it really in picking up vinegar? Although I prefer natural apple.

Antioxidants. Their action is based on the fact that they bind oxygen by air preventing oxidation (birching). More often they are added to vegetable and butter, chips, cheesecake sausages. These include ascorbic acid (vitamin C), citric acid, tocopherols (vitamin E), lactic acid, lecithin. They are natural and harmless, which cannot be said about Sulfite. It is added to wine, dried fruits, but for some reason they do not write words about his presence.

Tiaabendazole, diphenyl, orthophenol. They cover the finest layer of bananas and citrus. Thin wax raids saves fruits from damage. So carefully wash the fruit before meals.

Vitamins and minerals. Add to baby food products, juices, dairy products. Help make products balanced and useful.

Emulsifiers and stabilizers. Without them, we would not eat or ice cream nor mayonnaise. Products just disintegrate parts. Here, for example, lecithin is a good natural emulsifier. Its a lot in egg yolk. That is why the mayonnaise made at home is not smears, and the entire cholesterol contained in the eggs is not fully absorbed by the body.

Modified starch, pectins, agar-agar, gelatin. Belong to thickeners. They are a good ballast substance, practically not digested by the body. I would like to mention Agar-Agar. Get it from red and brown algae. It has the ability to remove toxins from the body. So jelly and marmalade based on agar-agar are very useful (if, of course, there are also natural dyes in them).

Glycerin and sorbitol - moisture regulators. Well absorb moisture from the air, that's why bakery products do not worry so long.

I listed the most common nutritional supplements, although they are much more. As you can see, there are useful, and not very. By hygienic requirements, the use of nutritional supplements is allowed only if they even do not threaten human health. Their content in products is strictly controlled at all stages of production.

In our age of progress and general employment, life itself pushes to the fact that increasingly and more often we buy ready-made factory production dishes and we are still preparing food from fresh products. And go to home cooking. The choice remains only for you.