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Black dots on the tongue. Black plaque in the language: the main causes and methods of treatment. Oral cancer

With the help of language, a person is able to not only talk and feel the taste of food, but also to learn about possible problems in the body. It is enough every day to look closely at changes in appearance from the very morning and in the course of the day.

Black plaque in the tongue is a rather rare phenomenon that cannot be left unnoticed (it is often said about it when the language is gray plaque). There is no reason to panic if the discovery of such a specific “find” was preceded by the use of products with coloring properties - mulberry, blackcurrant, blueberries, sweets, activated carbon, dark drinks. In all other situations, blackening of the tongue indicates violations, therefore, is an indication for a medical examination.

A black coating on the tongue cannot appear suddenly, for no reason. Pathological plaque is a symptom of various diseases that occur in a chronic or acute form. It can be of different density, structure, color saturation. In addition, sometimes a plaque in the tongue in adults is distributed over the entire surface of the mucosa, is grouped with separate spots or covers the tongue pointwise (similar to a speck).

We will figure out under what diseases gray plaque appears on the tongue, and what are the causes of black plaque.

The concept of black hairy (villous) tongue

In medical practice, this deviation is very rarely diagnosed, characterized by lengthening and darkening of the papillary outgrowths located along the midline to the base. With the disease, the filiform papillae undergo keratinization and hyperplasia. In some cases, they grow to 3 cm, which is why they visually resemble hair. Modification of the muscular organ is painless for a person at the physical level, but is reflected in the psychological state, causing a real shock, complexation.

The specific appearance of the tongue is always accompanied by halitosis. The color scheme of keratinized elongated formations varies - villi can be light brown tones (gray coating on the tongue), or darken to black.

Specific etiological factors of the unusual disease have not been established, but it is noted that the phenomenon occurs:

  • under physico-chemical influence - the use of irritating food, smoking, alcoholism;
  • in cases where trophism is impaired, due to which the metabolic processes of the epithelial layer undergo changes;
  • microbial factor influences;
  • sometimes people with gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes mellitus get a gray tongue, as well as after antibacterial treatment, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy.

Among the listed reasons for the black villous tongue, the bacterial factor occupies a leading position due to unsatisfactory hygiene, therefore, a person is shown complete sanitation of the oral cavity, categorical smoking cessation without fail. Local therapy is carried out with keratolytic drugs, injections under the affected foci are not excluded. A too pronounced modification of the filiform growths is eliminated by cryodestruction. Carcinophobia develops in some patients against the background of a deviation; under such circumstances, treatment is supplemented by a course of psychotherapy.

Oksana Shiyka

Dentist Therapist

A translucent light coating on the surface of a light pink tongue is absolutely normal and means that a person properly cares for the cavity, rinses his mouth after eating and does not have serious health problems. It is important not to confuse the gray coating in the language with its normal color.

Significant acidification of the body - acidosis

Experts note that a disturbed acid-base balance is the most likely cause of such a phenomenon as black tongue (gray coating on the tongue refers to the same). With acidosis, acidity increases significantly, the condition is not considered a disease, it is provoked by external or internal factors.

Most often, acidosis is a consequence of impaired metabolism due to malnutrition. These can be various extremes - from hobbies to strict diets to the uncontrolled use of flour, confectionery, fatty or meat foods.

Dark plaque in the tongue indicates a strong acidification, and a neglected form of acidosis can lead to death. A person needs to see a doctor for examination and clinical trials. Mandatory correction of the daily menu is shown with the inclusion of products that normalize the alkaline balance (greens, vegetables, fruits), and in severe cases, the doctor prescribes medication.

Digestive system

In diseases of the digestive tract, a darkened yellowish or greenish tint on the surface is often observed. The appearance of black plaque with isolated spots or over the entire area, especially with a pronounced bitter aftertaste in the mouth, may indicate a chronic form of the pathological process that takes a long time.

If you notice dark spots on the tongue, you must seem to a gastroenterologist, even if there are no obvious symptoms of disturbances in the digestive tract. Particular attention during the examination should be given to the gallbladder, pancreas, liver.


In case of respiratory viral infections against the background of a steady elevated temperature, black clusters may appear on the basis of the muscular organ in the morning after waking up. As a rule, deposits of a dark color indicate a sore throat, and after recovery, the mucous membrane becomes clean.

With angina, it is useful to carry out fir inhalations, gargle with tinctures with chamomile, sage - this will make it easier to exfoliate clusters during hygiene procedures. Home methods should be combined with medication prescribed by your doctor.

Oksana Shiyka

Dentist Therapist

To the question - why the tongue of a person has turned black only a doctor can. He will tell you a sure sign of a spot on the tongue in adults and children.

Chromogenic fungal infection

When infected with a chromogenic fungus, deposits spread throughout the oral cavity in the form of swamp, almost black spots. Plaque accumulates on the teeth, tongue, gums. The dark green color is due to the abundance of chlorophyll. In that case, it is often said that in humans.

Blackening with Crohn's disease

Crohn's disease is a rare autoimmune disease characterized by an increased concentration of the melanin pigment in the mucous membrane and skin, impaired adrenal function, and inflammation of the digestive tract. With this pathology, a dark coating does not form, but it is the mucous membrane of the tongue, the papilla that blackens. Color alone is restored only upon recovery. Treatment is carried out with the inclusion of immunosuppressants, antibiotics, hormonal drugs.

Remak's disease

The appearance of point deposits of black color may indicate lead intoxication. The treatment is aimed at the immediate termination of work with lead sources, as well as the hospitalization of the patient for complex therapy.

Other reasons

Doctors identify an additional number of reasons why a dark one appears in an adult's tongue:

  • sometimes the formation of dark layers occurs with thrush with characteristic white, cheesy clusters in the tongue. In practice, this phenomenon occurs only with very advanced forms of fungal infections of the oral cavity;
  • against the background of pathologies of the urinary system;
  • with an extremely low threshold of the immune defense. Incorrectly prescribed antibiotics can provoke dark deposits;
  • with chronic intoxication of the body or intestinal slagging, a spot on the tongue can also come out.

Causes of black plaque in children

If we talk about the pathological formation of plaque in dark colors in a child, excluding staining with felt-tip pens, paints, food, and other factors characteristic of childhood, the problem often lies in dysbiosis and candidiasis. The accumulation of deposits on the basis of the mucous membrane may indicate enteritis, gastritis, colitis, and diseases of the gallbladder. If treatment is carried out with iron preparations, then blackening of the stool and gray coating on the tongue is considered a normal option, the color becomes natural at the end of the course.

If you notice a black coating in the language, it is better not to waste time on an independent search for the causes and ways to eliminate them. The most reasonable solution is to see a doctor for a qualified diagnosis and delivery of a set of laboratory tests.

You can start the examination with a therapist, who, on the basis of primary assumptions, will refer to a gastroenterologist, toxicologist, infectious disease specialist, and dentist. If you make it a rule twice a day to clean not only your teeth, but also the surface of the tongue, such a preventive habit will help avoid the formation of abnormal plaque and keep fresh breath.

Plaque in white, yellow or grayish tint may occur with minor disorders in the bodysuch as food poisoning or dysbiosis.

Important! If the mucous begins to change color - it becomes dark, it indicates that the matter of specific development processes, identify and cure that can only specialized professionals.

Why is the language a black spot

There are a lot of reasons why the tongue may darken or black dots and spots appear on it.

  1. Infectious diseases of the oral cavity, including tonsillitis. In this case, pathogens actively attack the oral mucosa, causing the occurrence of microbial plaque. This plaque has a dense structure - the highest density is observed on the root and back of the tongue. Symptom manifests itself mostly in the morning. During prolonged sleep, the salivary glands begin to produce less secretion, as a result of which the oral cavity dries up. Dry mucous membrane along with elevated body temperature (which is not uncommon with angina) causes plaque darkening.
  2. Cholera. This dangerous intestinal infection can also cause the appearance of dots in black on the back of the tongue. The course of the disease is always accompanied by high fever and severe dehydration. Due to the fact that the mucous membrane dries up and oxidizes saliva, plaque darkens. A doctor with cholera can determine the degree of dehydration just by the color intensity and the number of points.
  3. Decreased immunity. A person may find himself in a situation where the protective functions of the body are weakened and can not cope with their tasks. This can happen for many reasons, for example, such as a past illness, trauma, surgery, as well as in the diagnosis of immunodeficiency virus and other serious pathologies. With a weakened immune system, acid-base balance and metabolic processes in the body are disturbed. This causes the destruction of the epithelium. The upper layers of tissue on the muscle rapidly die, resulting in necrotic plaque appears, which looks like dark spots of various shapes.

Photo 1: Diseases of the group in question are treated with anti-inflammatory drugs and immunomodulators. A course of antibiotic therapy is also prescribed. In individual cases, appropriate procedures may be assigned to the department. Source: flickr (Victor).

Black dots on the tongue as a result of fungal damage

  1. Thrush (candidiasis). It is no secret that thrush can occur in the human oral cavity. This pathology is accompanied by the formation of a cheesy whitish hue. But with an intensive course of the disease, deposits on the mucous membrane can begin to decay and the shade, due to chemical reactions, changes to almost black.
  2. Chromogenic fungus infection. This fungus, once in the oral cavity, begins to multiply and produce chlorophyll, which is the reason for the formation of black spots on the gums, tongue and even teeth. The spots have a greenish core and clearly defined edges..

Black language and pathology of internal organs

  1. Impaired liver function. Many people know that if a yellow coating appears on the tongue and does not pass, then this is a signal that it is worth checking the liver. With dysfunction of this organ, a change in the acid composition of saliva occurs. Yellow plaque oxidizes and blackens. Moreover, the blacker the coating, the more neglected the disease.
  2. Pancreatic Malfunction. If this organ does not function properly, bile may stagnate in the ducts. As a result - the appearance of small black dots in the center of the tongue and on the tip. Thirst and bitterness in the mouth are added to this symptom.
  3. Gastrointestinal diseases. With disorders of the intestines or stomach, a white or yellowish dense coating on the tongue can form. But black spots may also appear, which will be an alarming signal that a serious pathological process has begun in the body. In the initial stages of the pathology, several spots may appear, which, when the disease develops, connect together and form large foci.
  4. Adrenal Malfunctioning. With this disease, red blood cells begin to decay, the body begins to experience iron deficiency, due to which plaque begins to turn dark. Spot localization - on the root and sides of the muscle.

Black dots under the tongue

Points and spots can appear not only on the surface of the muscle, but also under it as a result of:

  1. progressive stomatitis  (in this case they are white, but during certain processes they can darken);
  2. frenulum tear  - a hematoma forms, which eventually resolves by itself;
  3. mucosal burn;
  4. varicose veins of the hyoid.

Actions to be taken

To get rid of stains, it is necessary to determine the root cause of their appearance and eliminate it. A number of diseases accompanied by such a symptom are easily cured with the help of drugs and vitamin complexes. Along with medicines taken orally, it is prescribed organ surface treatment. This procedure is carried out using the following tools:

  • decoctions of sage and chamomile;
  • imudon or Lysobact tablets;
  • miramistin or chlorhexidine solutions;
  • treatment in a hospital with liquid nitrogen.

If a fungal infection occurs, bifido and lactobacilli and probiotics are prescribed to normalize microflora, as well as antifungal drugs such as nystatin, livrol, fluconazole or diflucan.

Homeopathic remedies for black spots on the tongue

Many doctors along with traditional remedies homeopathic medicines are also prescribed for the treatment of neoplasms in the tongue. Below we provide a list of drugs that treat black spots by eliminating the root cause of the disease.

Black spots and dots on the tongue.

Black spots, or simply in the language of the point of observation and demand identification.

What are the black spots on the tongue?

The characteristics of these spots may depend on the reasons and locations. They may look like small dots, and can cover a large part of the language, being located at its tip, the side or on the surface. Some spots that look dented or bulging can also, in rare cases, be associated with poor oral hygiene and the resulting medical conditions.

  Black spot on the side of the tongue   Black spots and dots on the surface of the tongue

See the rest of the photos in the article below.


Pigment spots in the oral cavity can occur due to changes in melanin, melanoid, lower levels of hemoglobin and carotene. Pigmentation caused by an increase in the amount of melanin can look like small brown, black or gray, and sometimes blue (depending on the concentration and location of the pigment) spots. Why? According to American Modern Clinical Dentistry, “the human epithelium of the oral mucosa is not evenly colored and may differ by several tones in physiological and pathological conditions.”

Pigmentation of the tongue can also manifest as brown spots. Clinical experience and observations have shown that dark pigments resulting from a change in type or an increase in the amount of melanin are not associated with trauma to the tongue.

Pigmentation can occur in all races and both sexes. However, the intensity may vary depending on endogenous and exogenous etiological factors.

The beginning of the development of black hairy tongue

The presence of black spots on the tongue is a characteristic manifestation of the first signs of a hairy tongue.

Common signs of this problem include a dark “mossy” mucous membrane of the tongue and burning sensation.

Although the development process and the causes of this pathology are not very clear, doctors identify a number of risk factors, including poor oral hygiene, the use of certain medications, chewing tobacco and smoking.

Over time, a black hairy tongue runs independently. However, the soft use of a tongue scraper will help remove plaque.

Damage, including piercing

Injury may cause small or very small black spots on the tongue. Examples of situations that lead to tissue damage to the tongue include biting, maxillofacial surgery and the use of dental equipment. Spots may also appear under the tongue or on its sides.

In addition to increasing the risk of an oral infection, tongue piercing is a possible cause of the formation of dark pigments or spots. After a puncture, irritation of the mucous membrane can lead to pigment loss, especially at the piercing site. The pigment formed around the piercing is expected to disappear after healing and good oral care.

Fibroma of the oral cavity

This is a single or rarely multiple benign tumorous growth of the oral mucosa, which can be hard or soft and usually white or pink. Signs of fibroma are well defined after a biopsy done due to the presence of a suspicious lesion.

Unlike cancer, which develops as a result of uncontrolled and rapid cell growth, oral fibroids are usually a growth of normal tissue in response to localized trauma or irritation. They can increase in size, but are not precancerous.

There are several types of oral fibromas, but the so-called fibroma from irritation is usually associated with the appearance of black spots on the tongue.

According to statistics, fibroids are much less common than cancer - only 1-2 per 100 patients.

Other reasons

The following are other factors that can cause a discoloration of the tongue:

  • certain medications, such as bismuth subsalicylate, containing drugs and antidepressants;
  • excessive chewing of tobacco and alcohol;
  • consumption of coffee and liquorice drinks;
  • birth control pills, especially during pregnancy;
  • immunosuppression, chemotherapy and infections that lower immunity, such as HIV infection and herpes;
  • allergic reactions can cause sudden spots on the tongue;
  • anemia (usually in children).

Black spots on the tongue, under the tongue and cancer of the oral cavity

According to experts from the Cancer Center for America, 90 percent of oral cancers are caused by squamous cell carcinoma. This form affects the larynx, pharynx, and oral mucosa, including the gums and lips. Another type of oral cancer is lymphoma, which leads to damage to the lymphatic tissues.

Symptoms of Oral Cancer

Typical symptoms of oral cancer may vary in patients, depending on what caused its development and on its type. Common symptoms include:

  • swelling, tubercles and lumps or spots in the mouth that do not heal so easily;
  • sudden bleeding in the mouth, especially from sores;
  • numbness in the mouth or loss of sensation;
  • soreness and swelling in the neck;
  • a sore throat;
  • hoarseness in voice;
  • difficulty speaking due to edema.

Half an oral melanoma - a rare cancer

Precancerous lesions, such as melanoma, can also develop in the oral cavity, especially in the hard palate and tongue. Although this is rare, medical research has established the nature of this disease. Its etiology (cause) lies in genetic defects or mutations. However, it is still unclear whether smoking or chewing tobacco can affect its development.

What are the symptoms? After evaluating one real case of a patient who had a rare form of oral cancer (see figure), the doctors found a lump (a bulging black tumor) in the tongue.

Dark blisters on the tongue

In addition to potential symptoms of oral cancer, black spots or tubercles in the tongue can be blisters. Unlike oral cancer, these vesicles are painful in most cases. The dark red appearance is due to the presence of blood inside them. If they burst, they become painful and cause pain in the mouth.

Blisters may occur due to accidental biting of the tongue or repeated injury. Although such bubbles under the tongue or on its side may look rather unpleasant, they are not related to cancer.

Violet veins under the tongue are normal and do not relate to cancer symptoms.

Black spots on the tongue in young children

The appearance of black spots on the tongue can also occur in children. In most cases, parents suspect that it is a thrush. In addition, it could be something else.

Hairy tongue

Hairy tongue can also occur relatively often in infants and toddlers. The biological mechanism that leads to its occurrence remains unclear. However, doctors believe that this is due to "insufficient peeling and reactive hypertrophy of the filiform papillae."

The hairy tongue in young children should pass independently without treatment. But still it’s worth showing the child to the doctor.

Some drugs

Certain antibiotics given to infants can interact with the mucous membrane of the tongue and cause black spots, green tongue and plaque. Also, some substances, such as bismuth subsalicylate in drugs, may be responsible for the development of the problem. Examples of other drugs include inhalers and anti-depressants.

Other causative factors include anemia, allergic reactions, and stomatitis medications.

If black spots are not a sign of something with more serious health consequences, it is not necessary to treat benign small pigment spots. And in some cases, they are quite easily removed. For example, if plaque is caused by taking medication, you can remove it with a brush.

Do I need to resort to the treatment of black spots in the mouth? This should be determined by the dentist during the examination, while he will pay attention to whether they are accompanied by pain and discomfort.

What are the forms of treatment?

Surgical excision

A simple excision can be done by a doctor to help with the diagnosis. On the other hand, surgery is one of the effective methods used to remove tissue from the oral fibroma (only if it is known for sure).

This procedure is quite simple and very safe when carried out by a specialist.

Note: fibroma tissue does not disappear on its own, naturally, if it has not been removed or processed.


The use of antibiotics to control or treat oral infections should be approached with caution. Before taking oral antibiotics, talk with your dentist and tell him about a language problem.


If good oral hygiene is not carried out, then the appearance of black spots on the tongue is more likely. The following are important tips.

  • Cleaning the oral cavity at least once or twice a day - through brushing your teeth, tongue and the use of dental floss.
  • Controlled or limited use of suitable mouthwashes. If you are not sure which rinse aid should be used and which should be avoided, please consult your dentist.
  • Stop or quit smoking and drinking alcohol, especially if you have ulcers in your mouth.
  • Transition to regular dental examinations, diagnostics and examination of the tongue.
  • Healthy eating habits and the right lifestyle. Avoid eating too hot and spicy foods.
  • Follow your doctor's advice to avoid problems, especially during pregnancy.

Black spots on the tongue in humans

A healthy person normally has a pink, glossy and moist tongue without dense plaque, spots or dots. Any deviations signal pathological processes in the body, and they can be associated both with diseases of the oral cavity and teeth, and with dysfunction of internal systems and organs.

The reason for the pathology is weak immunity and the development of infection

In the article, we will consider the causes of black spots in a person’s language, as well as methods for their effective treatment.

Black spots on the tongue

So, black tongue in adults and children is no accident.

If a yellowish, gray or whitish coating, as well as a scarlet surface, is often observed with minor ailments (dysbiosis, food poisoning, diseases of the nasopharynx and oropharynx), then the darkened mucosa indicates specific processes, the treatment of which can only be provided by a highly specialized doctor.

The causes of blackening of the mucosa are actually very many.

We will try to consider each of them, starting with infectious diseases.

  1. Angina and other infectious diseases of the oral cavity.  The thing is that the pathogenic microflora actively "occupies" the mucous membrane, provoking the appearance of dense microbial plaque. As a rule, the highest plaque density is noted on the back and root of the tongue, and after a night or daytime sleep. During prolonged rest, the salivary glands produce less secret, the oral cavity dries up. In combination with the high body temperature characteristic of angina, dry mucous membrane causes darkening of microbial plaque.
  2. Cholera. This serious illness can also trigger dark spots on the back of the tongue. The process is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and severe dehydration. Drying of the mucosa and oxidation of saliva again provoke darkening of the plaque. The doctor in the process of diagnosing cholera determines the stage of dehydration precisely by the number and color of the points.
  3. Weakened immunity. Many people experience a time when the body's defenses can not cope with the assigned functions. Often this happens after a serious injury, illness, surgery, as well as in the case of diseases such as HIV, AIDS and others. Against the background of weak immunity, metabolism and acid-base balance in the body are disturbed, which leads to the destruction of the upper layers of tissues. The epithelium of the language starts to die off actively, which leads to the appearance of black necrotic plaque in the form of small spots of various shapes and shades.

Diseases of this group are treated with anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, as well as immunomodulators. In some cases, inpatient procedures are prescribed.

Black spots due to fungal infections

  1. Candidiasis. We all know that thrush often happens in the oral cavity, and is quite common even in infants. This disease is characterized by a dense curd coating of white shade. However, in the later stages of the disease, fungal deposits on the mucous membrane begin to decay and change color to a darker one during chemical reactions. This can only be noticed by a doctor, removing the usual white coating and detecting necrotic cells.

Black plaque on the tongue

For the treatment of fungal infections, antifungal agents are used (tablets for oral administration, as well as topical agents in the form of cream, ointments, etc.).

Darkening of the tongue due to diseases of internal organs and systems

  1. Liver dysfunction.  Most patients know that the appearance of a yellowish constant plaque on the tongue signals a violation of the liver. During this period, the acid composition of saliva changes, which leads to the oxidation of yellowish plaque. The usual chemical reaction in the oral cavity causes blackening of plaque, and the more pigmented and dense its spots, the more neglected are the pathological processes in the organ.
  2. Pancreatic and duct dysfunction.  If the gland does not work properly, then the bile can stagnate in the ducts, which ultimately leads to the appearance of tiny black dots on the tip of the tongue and in its center. Additionally, the patient feels a bitter aftertaste in his mouth and is constantly thirsty.
  3. Diseases of the digestive tract. Typically, about ailments in the stomach and intestine suggests a dense yellow or white coating on the tongue, but the black color of the muscles also indicates the presence of pathological processes. At the beginning of on the surface there are several spots with sharp edges, that with the spread of the disease combined in the centers, turning eventually the entire surface. The disease is often accompanied by indigestion, nausea, pain and colic.
  4. Adrenal dysfunction.  In the case of this pathology erythrocytes are beginning to disintegrate, the body develops a state of iron deficiency, which leads to plaque to the color black. Spots appear mostly on the sides and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe root of the muscle.

Other reasons

  1. Acidosis. This disease is a consequence of changes in metabolic processes in the body. Impaired metabolism also leads to an imbalance of the acid-base environment in the body and in particular the oral cavity. Increased acidity leads to darkening of the natural coating on the tongue. Metabolic disorder causes a change in the human diet, sitting on a carbohydrate diet.
  2. Remarc Syndrome.  A serious pathological condition - lead poisoning also manifests itself in the form of small dark spots on the tongue. The higher the level of lead in the body, the more points appear on the mucosa, and they do not combine into foci.
  3. Crohn's disease.  This disease is also accompanied by a blackening of the surface of the muscle, but it does not appear on it characteristic plaque or individual spots. It is the color of the upper tissues that changes, which is associated with an excess of melanin in the cells of the mucosa.
  4. Intoxication. Sometimes a black spot on the tongue in a person can indicate poisoning of the body with medications, waste products of pathogenic microflora and metabolism. Some toxins are quickly absorbed into the blood and penetrate through it into the tissues of the whole body. Additionally, the patient feels dizziness, nausea, notice putrid odor from the oral cavity and various kinds of dermatitis on the skin and mucous membranes.
  5. Radiation sickness.  Because this syndrome tissue structure is broken and mucous cells actively dying, causing necrotic plaque in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tongue. Also on the muscle appear furrows, and lost sensitivity of receptors.
  6. Taking medications.  Antibiotics and iron-containing medicines can also cause blackening language.
  7. False color change. Often, the blackening of the tongue is not associated with any pathological processes, especially when the patient regularly uses activated charcoal, dark sweets and soda, fruit drinks, teas and, of course, the well-known blueberries.

Artificial dyes, pigments and even nicotine resins after smoking densely settle on the tongue and stain its surface.

In children, this can happen after licking pencil lead or dark felt-tip pens.

Digestive problems one of the causes of the black tongue

Treatment in this case will depend on the specific disease, its form (acute or chronic), stage and degree of lesion of the language itself. As a rule, when the root cause of the disease is eliminated, the background symptoms also disappear.

Diagnosis of the specified pathology

If the tongue has changed color under the influence of pathological processes, then you cannot eliminate the disease yourself. There is no remedy that can help remove black plaque or spots, only a comprehensive targeted treatment.

Diagnosing the cause of the disease occurs on the basis of the blood test results. The doctor determines the level of leukocytes and red blood cells, ESR, antibodies, bilirubin. In the case of suspected gastrointestinal diseases coprogram used and ultrasound.

Almost always held bakposev  mucosally language to determine the type of pathogenic microorganisms in plaque. Also assigned X-ray and ultrasound for the detection of dysfunctions and pathologies of internal systems.

Also, the doctor conducts a mandatory visual examination, scrapes the plaque and determines how quickly it forms again, whether the mucosa changes its color, etc.

Pathology in children

We found out that this is a black dot in the language, and what reasons can contribute to its appearance. But what kind of specialists should be contacted if you yourself have identified a change in the structure and color of the surface of the muscle?

If the color lasts for several days, changes in intensity, dots or spots appear, then make an appointment with the dentist to exclude glossitis and other dental pathologies.

If the process is accompanied by other symptoms, contact the district physician, who may refer you to a more highly specialized doctors - Laura infectious diseases, immunology, gastroenterology or toxicology.

Sometimes the black surface of the tongue is the result of an improper diet or bad habits, but in other cases it can signal serious pathologies in the body. It will not be superfluous to play it safe and make an appointment with a doctor to prevent the development of the disease, its transition to a chronic form and the appearance of complications on the internal systems.

Mucosal defect - black dot on the tongue

Language since ancient times is considered an indicator of the state of the body. Examination of the oral mucosa can help determine the presence of pathologies in the body that can be associated with problems with teeth and the oral cavity, as well as with diseases of the internal organs. A black dot in the tongue requires an initial diagnosis by a dentist.

Why a black spot in the tongue of an adult may appear

The appearance of black dots and spots on the surface of the tongue puzzles many people.

Undoubtedly, dark spots on the tongue cause a lot of aesthetic inconvenience, but also signal the presence of any diseases and pathological processes that occur in the body.

At the first detection of such a point, it is necessary to consult a dentist, since they often arise due to banal biting.

If the problem is not of a dental nature, then the doctor will certainly refer to another specialist (oncologist, therapist, gastrologist) in order to deal with this problem.

It is worth noting that there are situations when the black dot is not at all a consequence of any disease. Few can suggest that the unusual little black spot is actually an ordinary mole.

This ignorance is due to the fact that moles, as a rule, appear on such parts of the body as the neck, arms, legs, etc. In addition, moles can also form on the mucous membranes, which include the tongue.

Moles of the tongue are a dark spot that does not rise above the surface of the mucous membrane, or in the form of a small tubercle, the color of which coincides with the surrounding tissue. The type of mole depends on its location. If it is located in the deep layers, it has the appearance of elevation. If the mole is located on the upper layers, then it is a black or dark brown spot.


  Dark spots can also occur due to hyperpigmentation, which is formed during transformations of the level of carotene and hemoglobin in the blood, as well as changes in melanoid and melanin.

Pigmentation, which is caused by an increase in melanin, is a small brown or black dots that may cover a large number of mucosal language.

Sometimes they can get a bluish tint, depending on the location of the pigment and its saturation.

Hyperpigmentation can occur in both sexes at any age, but its intensity may vary due to exogenous and endogenous factors.

Hyperplasia of the filiform papillae of the tongue

  In some cases, the presence of dark spots on the tongue indicates the first manifestations of such a disease as hyperplasia of the filiform papillae, which is popularly called a black hairy tongue.

The key signs of hyperplasia are acute burning in the mouth and the appearance on the mucous membrane of a dark coating that looks like moss.

Until now, the development process of this pathology is extremely incomprehensible, although scientists have managed to identify a certain number of risk factors that lead to a black hairy tongue. These include:

  • Lack of proper oral hygiene.
  • The use of chewing tobacco.
  • Excessive smoking.
  • The use of certain medications.

Nevertheless, consultation and certification of the diagnosis by a doctor is extremely necessary, since in some cases the signs of a black hairy tongue can lead to darkening.

Mechanical injuries including piercing

Some injuries may be the cause of small dark spots in the tongue.

  Basically, they arise under the following circumstances:

  • Maxillofacial Surgery.
  • Application in the treatment of dental equipment.
  • Biting.
  • Injuries resulting from the presence of a foreign object in the oral cavity.

Also, black spots often occur due to piercing.  Such punctures can not only cause the formation of dark spots and dots in the tongue, but also increase the risk of infection in the oral cavity.

Most often, spots and dots appear near the piercing, due to irritation of the mucous membrane that occurs during puncture and can lead to pigment loss. With proper care of the oral cavity, the pigment in the form of black dots completely disappears.

Fibroma of the oral cavity

Fibroma oral cavity is a benign tumor growth in the mucosa. As a rule, fibroma manifests itself in the form of small hard or soft seals that have a pink or white hue. The signs of fibroma can be easily determined as a result of a biopsy, which is prescribed when the appearance of dubious formations.

Fibromas are not the result of cancer, although they can often increase in size.

There are several types of fibromas, but it is black spots that are usually associated with fibromas resulting from irritation.

Other causes of dark spots and plaque

In addition to the above factors, there are other reasons as a result of which black dots and spots form on the tongue.

  These include:

  • Medicines that contain antidepressants and drugs.
  • Overuse of chewing tobacco and alcohol.
  • Excessive use of coffee.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • The use of contraceptives (especially during pregnancy).
  • Chemotherapy.

Also, dark spots on the tongue may appear due to the following infectious diseases:

Among the fungal lesions that lead to the formation of black spots on the tongue, are noted:

Diseases include internal diseases of the organs that provoke the appearance of black spots:

  • liver
  • adrenal glands;
  • pancreas;
  • gastrointestinal tract.

A dark speck in a child’s tongue - what could it be?

Black dots and spots can also form on the tongue in children. Most often, parents explain this with thrush, there are other reasons for their appearance:

  • Antibiotics.  Some groups of antibiotics that can be prescribed to young children often interact with the oral mucosa and cause black spots and plaque on the tongue.
  • Bismuth subsalicylate.  Some drugs contain a substance such as bismuth subsalicylate, which provokes the development of this problem.
  • Inhalers and antidepressants.  The use of these medicines can cause the appearance of dark spots, which will result from a mild side effect.
  • Anemia.  This is a fairly common disease in children, which is accompanied by a decrease in the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood, as a result of which black dots form on the tongue.
  • Hairy tongue.  This disease, as well as in adults, has not been fully studied. However, the risk factors that provoke the appearance of a black hairy tongue are attributed to insufficient oral hygiene and the use of drugs.

What to do if the stain hurts?

Pain sensations that occur in the area of \u200b\u200bblack spots and spots on the tongue signal the presence of serious pathological processes. In such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Sometimes pain in the area of \u200b\u200ba spot or point is not something serious. The fact is that sometimes dark spots may be blistered, that are due to biting and repetitive trauma. These blisters contain accumulated blood inside and can be extremely painful.

Treatment methods

If black spots are not a sign of any pathology in the body, then treatment, as a rule, is not carried out. If they are caused by taking specific drugs or as a result of lack of oral hygiene, they can be easily removed by a brush.

In other situations, a physician may resort to the treatment of dark spots, which has two forms:

  1. The use of antibiotics.  If the stains are caused by the presence of an infection, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.
  2. Surgical excision.  Some doctors resort to a simple excision, for a more accurate diagnosis. If black spots are fibromas, then the patient undergoes a surgical operation during which fibroma tissue is removed.

When black spots appear, do not panic. First of all, you need to contact the dentist and follow all his recommendations. And do not forget that proper oral hygiene to help avoid future problems and many diseases.

A healthy person normally has a pink, glossy and moist tongue without dense plaque, spots or dots. Any deviations signal pathological processes in the body, and they can be associated both with diseases of the oral cavity and teeth, and with dysfunction of internal systems and organs.

The reason for the pathology is weak immunity and the development of infection

In the article, we will consider the causes of black spots in a person’s language, as well as methods for their effective treatment.

Black spots on the tongue

So, black tongue in adults and children is no accident.

The causes of blackening of the mucosa are actually very many.

We will try to consider each of them, starting with infectious diseases.

  1. Angina and other infectious diseases of the oral cavity. The thing is that the pathogenic microflora actively "occupying" the mucous membrane, causing the appearance of dense microbial plaque. As a rule, the highest plaque density is noted on the back and root of the tongue, and after a night or daytime sleep. During long rest salivary glands produce less secretion, dry mouth. Combined with a high temperature body, characteristic of angina, dry mucous causes darkening microbial plaque.
  2. Cholera. This serious disease can also trigger the appearance of dark spots on the back of the tongue. The process is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and severe dehydration. Drying of the mucosa and oxidation of saliva again provoke darkening of the plaque. The physician in the diagnostic process determines cholera dehydration step is for the number of dots and markings.
  3. Weakened immunity. Many people experience a time when the body's defenses can not cope with the assigned functions. Often this happens after a serious injury, illness, surgery, as well as in the case of diseases such as HIV, AIDS and others. Against the background of weak immunity, metabolism and acid-base balance in the body are disturbed, which leads to the destruction of the upper layers of tissues. The epithelium in the tongue begins to actively die, which leads to the appearance of black necrotic plaque in the form of small spots of various shapes and colors.

Black spots due to fungal infections

Darkening of the tongue due to diseases of internal organs and systems

  1. Liver dysfunction. Most patients know that the appearance of a yellowish constant plaque on the tongue signals a violation of the liver. During this period varies acid composition of saliva, leading to the oxidation of yellow plaque. The usual chemical reaction in the oral cavity causes blackening of plaque, and the more pigmented and dense its spots, the more neglected are the pathological processes in the organ.
  2. Pancreatic and duct dysfunction. If the gland is not working properly, the bile can stagnate in the ducts, which eventually leads to the appearance of tiny black dots on the tip of the tongue and in his cent. Additionally, the patient feels a bitter aftertaste in his mouth and is constantly thirsty.
  3. Diseases of the digestive tract. Typically, about ailments in the stomach and intestine suggests a dense yellow or white coating on the tongue, but the black color of the muscles also indicates the presence of pathological processes. In the beginning, several spots with clear edges appear on the surface, which, as the disease spreads, unite into foci, eventually staining the entire surface. The disease is often accompanied by indigestion, nausea, pain and colic.
  4. Adrenal dysfunction. In the case of this pathology, red blood cells begin to decay actively, a state of iron deficiency develops in the body, which leads to a black plaque. Spots appear mostly on the sides and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe root of the muscle.

Other reasons

Treatment in this case will depend on the specific disease, its form (acute or chronic), stage and degree of lesion of the language itself. As a rule, when the root cause of the disease is eliminated, the background symptoms also disappear.

Diagnosis of the specified pathology

If the tongue has changed color under the influence of pathological processes, then you cannot eliminate the disease yourself. There is no remedy that can help remove black plaque or spots, only a comprehensive targeted treatment.

Diagnosis of the causes of the disease is based on the results of a blood test. The doctor determines the level of leukocyte and erythrocyte sedimentation rate, antibodies bilirubin. In case of suspected gastrointestinal diseases, a coprogram and ultrasound are used.

Almost always, bacterial inoculation with the mucous membrane of the tongue is carried out to determine the type of pathogenic microorganisms in plaque. An x-ray and ultrasound are also prescribed to detect dysfunctions and pathologies of the internal systems.

Also, the doctor conducts a mandatory visual examination, scrapes the plaque and determines how quickly it forms again, whether the mucosa changes its color, etc.

Pathology in children

We found out that this is a black dot in the language, and what reasons can contribute to its appearance. But what kind of specialists should be contacted if you yourself have identified a change in the structure and color of the surface of the muscle?

If the process is accompanied by other symptoms, contact the district physician, who may refer you to a more highly specialized doctors - Laura infectious diseases, immunology, gastroenterology or toxicology.

Sometimes the black surface of the tongue is the result of an improper diet or bad habits, but in other cases it can signal serious pathologies in the body. It will not be superfluous to play it safe and make an appointment with a doctor to prevent the development of the disease, its transition to a chronic form and the appearance of complications on the internal systems.

Black dot in the language, we understand the reasons for its appearance

Language is a kind of indicator of a person’s health status. In his appearance, one can speak not only about the microflora of the oral cavity, but also about the health of the digestive and genitourinary system, the persistence of human immunity, his tendency to allergic reactions, and even his eating habits. Any neoplasms, spots or a specific plaque in the tongue should be the reason for contacting a doctor. Today we’ll talk about black dots that appear on the surface of the tongue. Let's find out what black dots say in a person’s language, why they can appear and which doctor needs to be addressed with this problem.

Black dot in the language: what could it be?

If during the examination of the tongue you notice any disturbing changes, you need to see a doctor immediately.

If a black dot appears on the tongue, the cause of this phenomenon can be both a banal bite of the tongue and dangerous diseases of internal organs and systems. In any case, if the point does not disappear within 2-3 days, and even more so if its size becomes larger or new spots appear, you need to visit a doctor.

First of all, you need to contact a dentist who will redirect the patient to a therapist, gastroenterologist or oncologist if the problem is not of a dental nature. By the way, in some cases, the cause of the appearance of a black dot or a few spots on the tongue may be the dentist's dental treatment. This happens due to the patient’s allergic reaction to the materials used by the dentist during treatment. In this case, you will have to pay a second visit to the dentist.

Hematoma due to biting the tongue

Accidental biting of the tongue in the process of chewing food is a commonplace and non-dangerous phenomenon. However, in addition to painful sensations, trauma due to rupture of blood vessels can lead to the formation of hematomas on the organ. Most often, a hematoma appears when biting the lower part of the tongue, where the thickness of the mucosa is less.

Outwardly, it may look different - from a bluish tumor on a large part of the surface to a black dot. In the latter case, as a rule, nothing needs to be done. The problem should disappear after 3-4 days on its own. To quickly resolve the hematoma, you can rinse your mouth with chamomile broth or salt water (a teaspoon of salt per glass of water).

Biting the tongue can cause a hematoma to appear on it.

However, if other symptoms are found, such as fever, chills, severe pain, swelling, you should not hesitate to consult a doctor. It is also worth a visit to a specialist if black dots on the tongue periodically appear and disappear. It is believed that provoke frequent bruising on the tongue may be abuse of coffee, as caffeine negatively affects the elasticity of the vessel walls.

Birthmark on the tongue

Having discovered a black dot in the tongue, rarely can anyone suggest that this is an ordinary mole. Despite the fact that moles most often cover the surface of the skin of the hands, legs, and neck, they can also appear on parts of the body covered with mucous membranes - on the tongue or in the vagina in women.

Moles are also in the language.

Moles may look like dark spots that do not rise above the surface of the skin and mucous membranes, or as a tubercle that matches the surrounding tissues in color. The appearance of a mole depends on what layer of skin it is located in: moles of the deep layers look like elevations, and the upper ones look like flat brown spots. Moles on such a non-standard part of the body as the language most often appear in women. As a rule, they do not bring discomfort, but are detected by chance, when examining the oral cavity.

Do you know how a person’s teeth are structured?

What is the essence of the white diet after teeth whitening, why is it needed and what products are forbidden to use when it is followed, you can read here.

Aside from bruises and birthmarks black dot appeared in the language can be a sign of dangerous conditions and processes occurring in the body:

  • dark spots on the surface of a muscle organ can be a symptom of severe dehydration;
  • with the appearance of black dots, one can suspect problems with the functioning of the digestive system, violation of the acid-base balance of the contents of the stomach - acidosis;
  • intestinal dysbiosis may be the cause of warning spots;
  • lead intoxication, known as Remarque's disease, may appear with black dots;
  • dots can appear in a person after a course of antibiotic therapy;
  • disruption of the gallbladder and pancreas can also be manifested by the formation of dark spots;
  • the cause of the unpleasant symptom may be a fungal infection.

This problem should be consulted by a dentist.

How to examine your tongue right?

  • for inspection, effective protrusion is important - protruding the tongue from the oral cavity, for this you need to stretch the vowel "A" or "E";
  • inspection should be carried out in daylight before brushing your teeth;
  • no less than an hour should elapse between inspection and the last consumption of food and drinks, as food can cause plaque formation;
  • after examining the main surface, you need to pick up the language to explore the space beneath it;
  • take a piece of a sterile bandage, grab the tip of the tongue with it and pull it to examine the side surfaces of the organ;
  • on the health of the organism says clean surface pink, allowed a slight whitish bloom;
  • you need to pay attention to the structure of the surface of the muscular organ, the presence of grooves, spots on it, the uniformity of the relief and the state of the strip in the middle.

Find out if the Anti-Policeman smell odor can eliminate.

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When used in dental block anesthesia, you will learn here:

Upon detection of any tumors in the oral cavity, it is important to exclude their malignant nature. Points, knots, having a different hue, seals and swelling can occur tongue cancer. The initial symptoms of cancer are often absent. With the development of oncology, the swallowing process becomes painful, salivation can intensify. Most often, patients go to the doctor already at a developed stage of the disease. It is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own, it is very important to seek medical help if you find the first warning signs.

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Black spots and dots on the tongue - photos, causes and treatment

Black spots, or simply in the language of the point of observation and demand identification.

What are the black spots on the tongue?

The characteristics of these spots may depend on the reasons and locations. They may look like small dots, and can cover a large part of the language, being located at its tip, the side or on the surface. Some spots that look dented or bulging can also, in rare cases, be associated with poor oral hygiene and the resulting medical conditions.

Black spot on the side of language Black spots and dots on the surface of the tongue

See the rest of the photos in the article below.



Black dots in hyperpigmentation of the tongue

Pigment spots in the oral cavity can occur due to changes in melanin, melanoid, lower levels of hemoglobin and carotene. Pigmentation caused by an increase in the amount of melanin can look like small brown, black or gray, and sometimes blue (depending on the concentration and location of the pigment) spots. Why? According to American Modern Clinical Dentistry, “the human epithelium of the oral mucosa is not evenly colored and may differ by several tones in physiological and pathological conditions.”

Pigmentation of the tongue can also manifest as brown spots. Clinical experience and observations have shown that dark pigments resulting from a change in type or an increase in the amount of melanin are not associated with trauma to the tongue.

Pigmentation can occur in all races and both sexes. However, the intensity may vary depending on endogenous and exogenous etiological factors.

The beginning of the development of black hairy tongue

Black hairy tongue

The presence of black spots on the tongue is a characteristic manifestation of the first signs of a hairy tongue.

Common signs of this problem include a dark “mossy” mucous membrane of the tongue and burning sensation.

Although the development process and the causes of this pathology are not very clear, doctors identify a number of risk factors, including poor oral hygiene, the use of certain medications, chewing tobacco and smoking.

Over time, a black hairy tongue runs independently. However, the soft use of a tongue scraper will help remove plaque.

Damage, including piercing

Injury may cause small or very small black spots on the tongue. Examples of situations that lead to tissue damage to the tongue include biting, maxillofacial surgery and the use of dental equipment. Spots may also appear under the tongue or on its sides.

In addition to increasing the risk of an oral infection, tongue piercing is a possible cause of the formation of dark pigments or spots. After a puncture, irritation of the mucous membrane can lead to pigment loss, especially at the piercing site. The pigment formed around the piercing is expected to disappear after healing and good oral care.

Fibroma of the oral cavity

This is a single or rarely multiple benign tumorous growth of the oral mucosa, which can be hard or soft and usually white or pink. Signs of fibroma are well defined after a biopsy done due to the presence of a suspicious lesion.

Unlike cancer, which develops as a result of uncontrolled and rapid cell growth, oral fibroids are usually a growth of normal tissue in response to localized trauma or irritation. They can increase in size, but are not precancerous.

There are several types of oral fibromas, but the so-called fibroma from irritation is usually associated with the appearance of black spots on the tongue.

According to statistics, fibroids are much less common than cancer - only 1-2 per 100 patients.

Other reasons

The following are other factors that can cause a discoloration of the tongue:

  • certain medications, such as bismuth subsalicylate, containing drugs and antidepressants;
  • excessive chewing of tobacco and alcohol;
  • consumption of coffee and liquorice drinks;
  • birth control pills, especially during pregnancy;
  • immunosuppression, chemotherapy and infections that lower immunity, such as HIV infection and herpes;
  • allergic reactions can cause sudden spots on the tongue;
  • anemia (usually in children).

Black spots on the tongue, under the tongue and cancer of the oral cavity

According to experts from the Cancer Center for America, 90 percent of oral cancers are caused by squamous cell carcinoma. This form affects the larynx, pharynx, and oral mucosa, including the gums and lips. Another type of oral cancer is lymphoma, which leads to damage to the lymphatic tissues.

Symptoms of Oral Cancer

Typical symptoms of oral cancer may vary in patients, depending on what caused its development and on its type. Common symptoms include:

  • swelling, tubercles and lumps or spots in the mouth that do not heal so easily;
  • sudden bleeding in the mouth, especially from sores;
  • numbness in the mouth or loss of sensation;
  • soreness and swelling in the neck;
  • a sore throat;
  • hoarseness in voice;
  • difficulty speaking due to edema.

Half an oral melanoma - a rare cancer

  Tongue melanoma is a very rare form of cancer in the oral cavity

Precancerous lesions, such as melanoma, can also develop in the oral cavity, especially in the hard palate and tongue. Although this is rare, medical research has established the nature of this disease. Its etiology (cause) lies in genetic defects or mutations. However, it is still unclear whether smoking or chewing tobacco can affect its development.

What are the symptoms? After evaluating one real case of a patient who had a rare form of oral cancer (see figure), the doctors found a lump (a bulging black tumor) in the tongue.

Dark blisters on the tongue

Dark red tongue blister (filled with blood)

In addition to potential symptoms of oral cancer, black spots or tubercles in the tongue can be blisters. Unlike oral cancer, these vesicles are painful in most cases. The dark red appearance is due to the presence of blood inside them. If they burst, they become painful and cause pain in the mouth.

Blisters may occur due to accidental biting of the tongue or repeated injury. Although such bubbles under the tongue or on its side may look rather unpleasant, they are not related to cancer.

Violet veins under the tongue are normal and do not relate to cancer symptoms.

Black spots on the tongue in young children

The appearance of black spots on the tongue can also occur in children. In most cases, parents suspect that it is a thrush. In addition, it could be something else.

Hairy tongue

Hairy tongue can also occur relatively often in infants and toddlers. The biological mechanism that leads to its occurrence remains unclear. However, doctors believe that this is due to "insufficient peeling and reactive hypertrophy of the filiform papillae."

The hairy tongue in young children should pass independently without treatment. But still it’s worth showing the child to the doctor.

some medications

Certain antibiotics given to infants can interact with the mucous membrane of the tongue and cause black spots, green tongue and plaque. Also, some substances, such as bismuth subsalicylate in drugs, may be responsible for the development of the problem. Examples of other drugs include inhalers and anti-depressants.

Other causative factors include anemia, allergic reactions, and stomatitis medications.


If black spots are not a sign of something with more serious health consequences, it is not necessary to treat benign small pigment spots. And in some cases, they are quite easily removed. For example, if plaque is caused by taking medication, you can remove it with a brush.

Do I need to resort to the treatment of black spots in the mouth? This should be determined by the dentist during the examination, while he will pay attention to whether they are accompanied by pain and discomfort.

What are the forms of treatment?

Surgical excision

A simple excision can be done by a doctor to help with the diagnosis. On the other hand, surgery is one of the effective methods used to remove tissue from the oral fibroma (only if it is known for sure).

This procedure is quite simple and very safe when carried out by a specialist.

Note: fibroma tissue does not disappear on its own, naturally, if it has not been removed or processed.


The use of antibiotics to control or treat oral infections should be approached with caution. Before taking oral antibiotics, talk with your dentist and tell him about a language problem.


If good oral hygiene is not carried out, then the appearance of black spots on the tongue is more likely. The following are important tips.

  • Cleaning the oral cavity at least once or twice a day - through brushing your teeth, tongue and the use of dental floss.
  • Controlled or limited use of suitable mouthwashes. If you are not sure which rinse aid should be used and which should be avoided, please consult your dentist.
  • Stop or quit smoking and drinking alcohol, especially if you have ulcers in your mouth.
  • Transition to regular dental examinations, diagnostics and examination of the tongue.
  • Healthy eating habits and the right lifestyle. Avoid eating too hot and spicy foods.
  • Follow your doctor's advice to avoid problems, especially during pregnancy.

Black dots on the tongue

Quite often, a person turns to a specialist for help, finding black dots on the tongue. As evidenced by such an uncharacteristic change color? How dangerous can this condition be?

In fact, the color of the tongue, the presence of plaque or spots on it is an important indicator of the state of the whole organism. Of course, the causes of black spots or dots can be relatively harmless. For example, a similar phenomenon may be associated with the consumption of dyes.

On the other hand, black dots are often formed in people who abuse tobacco. Together with cigarette smoke in the oral cavity fall into various compounds, which can damage the mucosa of tongue or settle on it in the form of a dark-colored plaque.

Naturally, there are more dangerous conditions that are accompanied by the appearance of a similar symptom. In particular, black dots on the tongue may indicate a beginning fungal disease of the oral cavity. If untreated black film extends over the whole tongue, gums, and sometimes on the tooth enamel.

Black spots often appear with various diseases of the digestive tract. In particular, a similar symptom may indicate disorders in the functioning of the pancreas and gall bladder. In such cases, there are other signs, in particular, the appearance of unpleasant bitterness in the mouth.

Black dots or spots are one of the symptoms of severe dehydration. The same color change may be present in violation of the acid-base balance of the body. In addition, an uncharacteristic plaque in the tongue often appears during exacerbations of certain chronic diseases.

There are also more dangerous state, accompanied by such symptoms. For example, with some cancers of the oral cavity, the appearance of dots, nodules and other neoplasms of a dark or black color. By the way, in most cases, cancer pathologies are accompanied by discomfort when swallowing.

Black dots on the tongue may indicate lead poisoning. This is extremely dangerous for the state of a person's life, in which a medical emergency.

In any case, if you notice spots or dots of an uncharacteristic color on the tongue, then you should not hesitate to visit a doctor. First of all, the specialist will determine the cause of the symptom, and then prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Tongue  - a muscular organ that is located in the oral cavity. The main tissues that make up the tongue:
  • on the outside, the organ is covered with a moist pink mucous membrane, on the surface of which are taste buds - papillae, giving it a texture;

  • the bulk of the tongue is muscle tissue;

  • dense connective tissue helps the tongue attach to the bottom of the mouth.
Anatomical structure of the tongue:
  • tongue root  - the back located closest to the pharynx;

  • body of tongue- the main part of the body;

  • tip, or tip, of language;

  • back of the tongue  - surface facing up;

  • bridle - fold, which is located under the tongue and helps to keep the front part.

Language plays a critical role in chewing, swallowing, and pronouncing various words.

On the surface of the mucous membrane of the tongue are taste budspapillae. A person is able to perceive four basic tastes: sweet, sour, bitter and salty. Fifth flavor called mindshave products containing glutamate.

The tongue has many nerves that transmit taste information to the brain. In old books you can find “taste cards”, which show that the perception of different tastes mainly occurs in different zones of the language. Now it is proved that this information is not true: different types of taste buds are scattered throughout the surface of the tongue.

What are the spots and patches on the tongue?

  Spots and plaque on the tongue come in red, pink, white, yellow, black and other colors. They can be flat or rise above the surface (convex spots on the tongue). The arrangement of elements also varies: on the entire surface, on the tip, on the sides, in the root area, under the tongue.

The shape and size of the spots also vary. The surface of the tongue in the area of \u200b\u200bthe spot can be smooth or rough, with protruding papillae. Sometimes the spot is one, in other cases there are many, they are evenly distributed on the surface of the tongue or grouped into clusters.

Spots on the tongue can occur in both adults and children of different ages. Some diseases, such as Kawasaki disease, more common in childhood (usually found up to 5 years).

The color intensity of spots and patches on the tongue also varies. For example, red spots may be dark, light, bright or pale pink. White spots may have a gray or yellow tint.

Despite this diversity, one of only spots or patches on the tongue accurate diagnosis often is not. The doctor should carefully examine the patient, evaluate other symptoms, prescribe additional tests and studies.

What symptoms may be accompanied by spots and patches on the tongue?

  Sometimes there is only one painless spot on the tongue, while other symptoms and complaints are absent. In other cases, changes in the tongue are accompanied by other symptoms:
  • pain;

  • soreness, discomfort during eating;

  • numbness of the tongue;

  • burning;

  • pustules;

  • sores;

  • spots and other elements on the mucous membrane of the gums, palate, lips, cheeks.
Additional symptoms help in diagnosing the cause of spots on the tongue. For example, an increase in body temperature may indicate an infectious process. Nausea, heartburn, belching, bloating, digestive disorders indicate that changes in the tongue have arisen as a result of diseases of the digestive system.

Red and pink spots and plaque on the tongue

  Many people, having noticed that their tongue is reddened, covered with red dots or spots, are frightened, believing that this is a sexually transmitted infection, or cancer. In fact, there are a huge number of reasons for the appearance of red spots or red plaque on the tongue.

Causes of red and pink spots in the tongue:

Inflammation of the papillae of the tongue The most common cause of red spots and plaque in the tongue. Possible causes of the inflammatory process:
  • injuries
  • strong and frequent accidental biting of the tongue with teeth;
  • the use of a large amount of spicy, spicy, hot food;
  • smoking;

Scarlet fever
Bacterial infection caused by streptococci. With this disease, the tongue has a bright red color - “raspberry tongue”. With scarlet fever, antibiotic treatment is prescribed for 5-7 days. Other symptoms of scarlet fever:
  • increase in body temperature to 38-39 ° C;
  • sore throat while swallowing;
  • weakness;
  • headache;
  • a rash in the form of red spots protruding above the skin with a diameter of 1-2 mm, first on the skin of the upper half of the body, then extending to the lower;
  • “Flaming” face with a white rim around the mouth and nose.
Raspberry Tongue   The mucous membrane of the tongue becomes bright red, protruding papillae are visible on it. The most common causes of "raspberry tongue":
  • lack of vitamin B 12;
  • lack of folic acid;
  • benign migratory glossitis ("geographical language");
Oral cancer Cancer on the tongue may look like a small, painless red or white spot, a sore. Additional symptoms that support cancer:
  • soreness, numbness in the oral cavity;
  • ulcers in the oral cavity that persist for a long time bleed;
  • pain, sensation of a foreign body in the throat;
  • discomfort, pain while eating.
Erythroleukoplakia Red and white spots on the tongue, which can transform into malignant tumors. If they do not pass within two weeks, you must visit a doctor.
Erythroplakia Bright red spots with a velvety surface appear on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and tongue. In 75-90% of cases, they are transformed into cancer, so when they appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Kawasaki disease A viral disease that most often affects children under the age of 5 years. With Kawasaki disease, the tongue is coated with white plaque, covered with red cones. Other symptoms of the disease:
  • swollen, purple palms and feet;
  • dry, red, cracked lips;
  • rash on the chest, abdomen, in the genital area;
Allergic reactions During contact with various allergens, the tongue can become swollen, red dots appear on it. Other allergy symptoms (nasal congestion, sneezing, swelling, redness of the eyes, itching, etc.) also occur.
Digestive Disorders In people suffering gERD  (a condition in which hydrochloric acid from the stomach is thrown into the esophagus and can reach the tongue), the tongue is covered with red dots or bumps. Other symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux:
  • frequent heartburn;
  • violation of swallowing;
Stomatitis At aphthous stomatitis(inflammatory process in the oral mucosa) spots on the tongue most often have a yellow or white center with a red rim around. Other possible symptoms of stomatitis:
  • general malaise;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • swollen lymph nodes.
Vitamin deficiency Red spots on the tongue can result from lack of vitamins, especially B 12. Foods High in This Vitamin:
  • clam meat;
  • mackerel;
  • liver;
  • crustacean meat;
  • fortified soy products;
  • skimmed milk powder;
  • fortified cereals;
  • red meat;
  • eggs
Pernicious anemia The disease, which arises from the body's inability to properly absorb vitamin B 12. In addition to red plaque in the tongue, this condition is accompanied by the following symptoms:
  • nausea;
  • heartburn;
  • confusion.
Venereal diseases The first manifestation of some sexually transmitted infections can be a painless red spot or an ulcer on the surface of the tongue. Subsequently, ulcers can cover the entire oral cavity.
Eczema The disease can lead to irritation of the mucous membrane of the tongue, as a result of which pathogens penetrate into it and cause an inflammatory process.

The most likely causes, depending on the nature, size, location of red spots on the tongue, accompanying symptoms:

Manifestations Probable reasons
Small red spots or dots
  • scarlet fever;
  • venereal diseases;
  • early cancer of the tongue;
  • acute pharyngitis  (inflammation of the pharynx);
  • geographic language;
  • allergic reactions.
Red spots or dots under the tongue
  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the tongue;
  • allergic reactions;
  • injuries
  • salivary duct stones;
  • other diseases.
Red spots or dots on the tip of the tongue
  • inflammatory process;
  • injuries
  • scarlet fever;
  • geographic language;
  • allergic reactions;
  • primary syphilis (in rare cases).
Red spots or dots on the back of the tongue (closer to the throat)
  • streptococcal infection;
  • injuries
  • allergic reactions;
  • stomatitis;
  • syphilis;
  • herpes;
  • kawasaki disease
  • scarlet fever;
  • throat cancer.
Red spots on the tongue of a young child
  • aphthous stomatitis;
  • inflammation of the papillae of the tongue;
  • streptococcal infection;
  • kawasaki disease.
Red spots on tongue and sore throat
  • inflammation of the pharynx (pharyngitis);
  • scarlet fever;
  • throat cancer;
  • kawasaki disease.
Red dots on the side of the tongue Spots on the lateral surface of the tongue are not a specific symptom and can occur with various diseases.
Red spots, inflammation and soreness of the tongue
  • oral cancer;
  • stomatitis;
  • injuries
  • inflammation of the papillae of the tongue.
A painless red spot on the tongue In most cases, with various diseases, red spots on the tongue are not accompanied by soreness. The pain is most characteristic of cancer, aphthous stomatitis, inflammation of the papillae of the tongue, burns and other injuries.

White spots on the tongue, white plaque on the tongue

Why do white spots and plaque appear on the tongue?

  The white color of the tongue may be associated with an increase ( hypertrophy) its papillae, their inflammation. Between the enlarged and inflamed papillae, dead cells, bacteria, and other “debris” accumulate.

Causes of white spots and plaque in the language:

  The most “harmless” reason for the appearance of white spots is insufficient moisture in the mucous membrane of the tongue with saliva during dehydration - dehydration. Moreover, the elements in the tongue are flat, do not cause any discomfort, except for dry mouth.

Causes associated with irritation, inflammation and hypertrophy of the papillae of the tongue:

  • insufficient oral hygiene;
  • dry mouth
  • frequent use of alcohol;
  • breathing through the mouth, not the nose;
  • low fiber in food;
  • tongue irritation with sharp edges of teeth or dentures;
  • fever;
  • some congenital heart defects.
Diseases in which white spots on the tongue may occur:
  • Candidiasis (thrush)the oral cavity. Infection caused by fungi of the genus Candida.

  • Taking certain medications.For example, with prolonged use of antibiotics, a yeast infection of the mouth can occur. Inhaled forms of glucocorticoids  with bronchial asthma, they reduce the local immune defense of the mucous membranes, so that they become more vulnerable to the growth of fungi.
  • Leukoplakia -  towering white spots that occur on the mucous membrane of the gums, cheeks, bottom of the mouth, tongue. It is impossible to scrape them off. In most cases, white spots on the tongue are benign, but can sometimes transform into cancer. Thus, leukoplakia is a precancerous disease. Science does not fully know why leukoplakia occurs. The main risk factor is believed to be smoking.

  • Lichen planus.  A chronic disease that can manifest itself with white lace spots on the mucous membrane of the mouth and tongue, swelling and redness, or open sores. A sick person experiences pain, burning and other unpleasant sensations. Lichen planus is not a contagious disease; it occurs as a result of immune disorders in the body. Constant monitoring by a doctor is necessary. Lichen planus in the oral cavity increases the risk of cancer.

  • Cancer of the tongue.  In some cases, the tumor looks like a white spot on the surface of the tongue. Currently, scientists are increasingly linking this form of cancer with infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). If the tumor is closer to the tip of the tongue, it is easy to notice. Cancer, located closer to the root of the tongue, to the pharynx, is usually diagnosed in the later stages.
  • HIV  Infection reduces immunity, which creates the conditions for the growth of fungi on the surface of the tongue.
White tongue coating in the morning  Is a normal occurrence. During the night, dead cells of the mucous membrane, food debris, particles of the mucin protein, which is part of the saliva, microorganisms accumulate on the back of the tongue. During morning brushing and mouthwash, white plaque disappears. If it persists continuously during the day, this indicates pathology.

  Possible causes of white plaque in the tongue:

  • Gastritis  - inflammation of the gastric mucosa. If gastritis is accompanied by low acidity, the surface of the tongue is smooth, and dry mouth is felt. With increased acidity, the tongue is rough.
  • Stomach ulcer. The tongue is coated with a touch of white and gray in the form of spots.
  • Duodenal ulcer. With this pathology, a white coating on the tongue is accompanied by a burning sensation.
  • Enterocolitis, colitis (inflammation of the small and large intestines). White plaque is located at the base of the tongue, closer to the pharynx, on the lateral surfaces you can notice tooth prints.
  • Cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder). The language has a coating of white-gray or white-yellow.
  It is impossible to establish a diagnosis with a white coating alone in the tongue. The doctor always takes into account all the symptoms in the complex, the data of additional studies and analyzes.

Black spots and black patches on the tongue

  Black spots on the tongue coating can look very scary, but they do not always indicate serious diseases and are often no reason to sound the alarm. The appearance of such dark spots on the tongue may be different. Sometimes they take the form of small, barely noticeable black dots, while in other cases, starting at the sides, strongly expand and cover almost the entire surface of the tongue.

The color of dark spots on the tongue may also vary. They can be gray, light brown, dark brown or completely black.

The main causes of black spots and plaque in the language:

  • Hyperpigmentation. In fact, such a dark spot is a birthmark that arose in the tongue. The shades and color intensity of such spots may vary.

  • tongue piercing. A dark-colored area that appears around the puncture site may be associated with hemorrhage or the effect of metal on the tissue of the tongue.

  • Injuries. Accidental biting tongue can cause bleeding (hematoma), which will have a dark color.

  • Exposure to chemicals. The entire tongue may turn black, covered with a black coating. For example, bismuth can enter into a chemical reaction with organic acids, which are normally found in the tissues of the tongue - this metal is found in some anti-heartburn drugs.

  • Black hairy tongue. The name sounds intimidating, but in fact the disease is not dangerous. It is caused by bacteria or fungi that grow on the surface of the tongue, the taste buds begin to lengthen and become dark in color, due to accumulating in their metabolism and substances produced by bacteria products. Typically, black hairy tongue occurs in smokers, with inadequate oral hygiene. Spots appear on the tongue, which can have black, brown, green, yellow and other colors. A person may be bothered by a burning sensation in the oral cavity, a metallic taste in the mouth, and nausea. Sometimes there is bad breath.

  • Oral cancer. In rare cases, black and dark spots on the tongue can be a manifestation of cancer. The likelihood of an oncological disease is higher if black spots on the tongue are accompanied by a sensation of a “coma in the throat”, a violation of swallowing.

Yellow spot and plaque on the tongue

  Most often, yellow spots and plaque on the tongue represent a temporary condition and are harmless to health.

Possible causes of yellow spots and plaque in the tongue:

  • The initial stages of the "hairy tongue"  - The most common reason. Dead cells accumulate on the surface of the papillae of the tongue. The papillae increase in size, bacteria that secrete colored pigments begin to multiply actively on them.

  • Jaundice. With problems with the liver and gall bladder in the blood, the concentration of bilirubin, a toxic decomposition product of hemoglobin of red blood cells, rises. It gives yellow color to the skin, sclera of the eyes, all mucous membranes, including the tongue. In this case, the whole language is painted yellow.

  • Mouth breathing and increased dryness of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

  • Geographic language is also sometimes manifested in the form of spots and yellow plaque.

Typically, yellow spots on the tongue do not require medical treatment. If they cause you inconvenience, you can try to carefully clean them with a solution prepared from one part of hydrogen peroxide and five parts of water (the procedure should not be performed more than once a day). Rinse your mouth with water several times a day.

In which cases it is worth visiting a doctor:

  • Spots on the tongue cause severe inconvenience to you, accompanied by other symptoms, such as pain, burning, swallowing disorders.

  • Not only the tongue is painted yellow, but also the skin, mucous membranes. As a rule, this occurs as a result of impaired liver function, which can be associated with serious diseases.

Blue spots and plaque on the tongue

   Blue spots on the tongue can be associated with the accumulation of pigment (moles), “hairy tongue”, sometimes this is the first sign of cancer or hemangioma (a benign neoplasm consisting of blood vessels).

The blue color of the tongue is often caused by disorders of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems:
Disease Description
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome A life-threatening condition in which the lungs swell and cannot normally cope with their function, as a result of which organs and tissues cease to receive the necessary amount of oxygen. Acute respiratory distress occurs in various diseases, common causes:
  • diffuse pulmonary hemorrhage;
  • lung transplantation;
  • contusion of the lung;
  • inhalation of toxic, radioactive gases and aerosols;
  • sepsis ("blood poisoning");
  • severe burns, injuries;
  • a large amount of blood transfusion;
  • pancreas inflammation;
  • overdose of certain drugs.
  Acute respiratory distress - a dangerous condition that requires mechanical ventilation and intensive care.
Airway obstruction Violation of air passage through the respiratory tract can be due to a large number of different diseases. Obstruction can occur at any level of the larynx, the trachea, the large and small airways.
Asthma attack During an asthmatic attack, a spasm of the small bronchi occurs, the formation of thick, viscous sputum in them. It is relatively easy for a person to inhale, but it is difficult to exhale. His face becomes cyanotic, puffy, marked cyanosis of the mucous membranes, including the tongue.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) The disease is characterized by the development of chronic inflammation in the bronchial tubes, which leads to respiratory failure. COPD develops with prolonged inhalation of irritating and toxic substances, such as tobacco smoke.
Congenital heart defect With some heart defects, venous blood is discharged into arterial vessels, as a result, blueness of the face skin, mucous membranes, and tongue develops. Symptoms arise from childhood.
Pneumonia Pneumonia. The disease is accompanied by respiratory failure, cyanosis of the skin, mucous membranes.
Poisoning In case of poisoning with some substances, suffocation occurs, as a result of which the skin and mucous membranes acquire a bluish color.

"Bald" spots on the tongue

  Bald spots on the tongue - a condition which is also known as atrophic glossitis  and " bald tongue". Certain areas of the tongue lose taste buds and look like spots with a smooth surface. They can be painted in different colors, from bright red to pale.

  Bald spots on the tongue can result from many different causes. The most common ones:
Deficit conditions
  • pellagra  - lack of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP) and proteins as a result of prolonged malnutrition;
  • vitamin deficiencyB 12;
  • various types of anemia;
  • vitamin deficiencyB 1(in this case, a disease called beriberi develops) ;
  • chronic malnutrition;
  • vitamin deficiencyB 2.
Tongue diseases
  • allergic reaction to substancesIncluded in a toothpaste, mouthwash;
  • excessive drinking;
  • smoking;
  • food allergy;
  • tongue infections;
  • allergic reactions to dentures and filling materials;
  • contact of the tongue with caustic substances;
  • drinking very hot drinks.
Other diseases
  • pernicious anemia;
  • psoriasis;
  • reactions to certain medications;
  • side effects of chemotherapy;
  • geographic language;
  • dehydration -in this condition, the amount of saliva decreases and conditions are created for the propagation of pathogens.

Gray spot on the tongue

  Sometimes, white spots or patches on the tongue have a grayish hue. The conditions in which they can occur are described above.

Green spots and raids on the tongue

  Spots and plaque in the language of green can have different shades: pale green, yellow-green, dark green, blue-green, white-green, depending on the causes of the symptom.

The main causes of green spots and plaque in the tongue:

Candidiasis (thrush) oral Generally candidiasis appears as white spots on the tongue and mucous membranes. But sometimes, after eating certain foods, or while taking medication, patches may become yellow-green, dark green, whitish-green.
Hairy tongue Characteristic “fluffy” spots appear on the tongue, which can be painted in a variety of colors, depending on the products and means used for oral hygiene, including whitish green, light green, pale green, yellow green.
Injury, tongue piercing Green spots on the tongue in the area of \u200b\u200binjury and puncture can occur as a result of the introduction of infection into the mucous membrane.
Smoking Frequent smoking tobacco, marijuana and the use of chewing tobacco is able to lead to staining of the language in the green.
Damage to the oral mucosa: ulcers, sores, blisters Because of these elements, the tongue can become greenish, especially after eating certain foods and drugs.
Throat irritation and upper respiratory tract infection With these conditions, spots, raids and green cones may appear on the tongue.
Green Products Green products, including various sweets and candies, temporarily turn the tongue green.
Mouthwashes Some mouthwashes contain ingredients that can be painted tongue in green.

Green spots and plaque on the child’s tongue, baby

If green spots on the tongue occur in a child, the most likely cause is thrush. Oral candidiasis is quite common in newborns and infants. Other common causes are stomatitis, a “hairy tongue,” upper respiratory tract infection (if the elements are located on the back of the tongue).

Green spots, plaque on tongue and sore throat

  The presence of green spots on the tongue and sore throat most likely indicates an infection of the upper respiratory tract. This symptom can accompany diseases such as pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx), acute respiratory viral infections, sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses), rhinitis (runny nose).

What are geographic spots in a language?

  "Geographic" spots on the tongue occur with a disease called geographic language, which is also called benign migratory glossitis  and desquamative glossitis.

  With the geographical language, detachment of the upper part of the mucous membrane occurs, as a result of which a pink or red spot with raised edges appears on it. Usually there are spots on the back or side of the language. Over time, they migrate. Sometimes worried burning, discomfort while taking salty, spicy, hot, spicy foods.

The causes of the disease are unknown, preventive measures do not exist. Geographic spots in the tongue more often occur in people whose relatives have suffered from this condition. The risk of developing a geographical language is increased with another pathology called " fissured tongue"Manifested in the form of deep cracks, grooves on the surface of the tongue.

Geographic spots on the tongue can persist for several months or years, after which they often pass on their own. After some time, they may occur again. Sometimes doctors prescribed to patients with mouthwash solutions antiseptics, antiallergic drugs, glucocorticoids.

Geographic language is a benign disease. Despite the fact that the spots look intimidating, they do not lead to complications and do not pose a threat to health.

Stains on the tongue during pregnancy

  During pregnancy, the language can appear almost all types of stains and plaque, as described above. Features during pregnancy:
  • Significant changes take place in the body of a pregnant woman; he experiences an increased need for nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. As a consequence, increases susceptibility to the development of a number of diseases, exacerbated by chronic disease.

  • Any diseases that lead to the appearance of spots on the tongue during pregnancy can adversely affect the course of pregnancy, the condition of the fetus. Therefore, when the first symptoms occur, you should immediately visit a doctor.

  • In pregnant women, not all medications can be used. Only a qualified doctor should treat you.

To what doctor to go if there were spots on the tongue?

  Depending on the cause of spots or patches on the tongue, diagnosis and treatment can practice different doctors: dermatologist, gastroenterology, ENT doctors, dentists, pulmonologists, etc. In most cases, in the first place is better to address to the therapist (child - take to the pediatrician). , and he will already direct to the necessary narrow specialist.

During the appointment, the doctor will examine the language, find out other complaints and symptoms, and if necessary, prescribe additional studies and tests.

Tongue stain treatment

  Treatment for spots and patches on the tongue depends on the cause. Sometimes drug therapy is not required at all. For infections, antibacterial and antifungal drugs are prescribed. For allergies and autoimmune diseases - antiallergic drugs, glucocorticoids. Treatment of diseases of the respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular systems requires the use of special drugs and techniques. If the stain is a cancerous tumor, treatment by an oncologist is indicated, surgical methods, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy, etc. are used.
  • Pay more attention to oral hygiene. Consult your dentist on this issue.

  • Stop smoking.

  • If possible, give up alcohol.

  • Timely treat respiratory infections, diseases of the stomach, intestines, liver and gall bladder, do not allow their chronicity.

  • Take medications only as prescribed by your doctor, do not change the dose and regimen yourself.

  • Visit your dentist every six months to a year.

  • Time treat patients teeth.
Before use, consult a specialist.

Language since ancient times is considered an indicator of the state of the body. Examination of the oral mucosa can help determine the presence of pathologies in the body that can be associated with problems with teeth and the oral cavity, as well as with diseases of the internal organs. A black dot in the tongue requires an initial diagnosis by a dentist.

Why a black spot in the tongue of an adult may appear

The appearance of black dots and spots on the surface of the tongue puzzles many people.

Undoubtedly, dark spots on the tongue cause a lot of aesthetic inconvenience, but also signal the presence of any diseases and pathological processes that occur in the body.

At the first detection of such a point, it is necessary to consult a dentist, since they often arise due to banal biting.

If the problem is not of a dental nature, then the doctor will certainly refer to another specialist (oncologist, therapist, gastrologist) in order to deal with this problem.


It is worth noting that there are situations when the black dot is not at all a consequence of any disease. Few can suggest that the unusual little black spot is actually an ordinary mole.

This ignorance is due to the fact that moles, as a rule, appear on such parts of the body as the neck, arms, legs, etc.   In addition, moles can also form on the mucous membranes, which include the tongue.

Birthmark on the tongue

Moles of the tongue are a dark spot that does not rise above the surface of the mucous membrane, or in the form of a small tubercle, the color of which coincides with the surrounding tissue. The type of mole depends on its location. If it is located in the deep layers, it has the appearance of elevation. If the mole is located on the upper layers, then it is a black or dark brown spot.

According to statistics, moles in the tongue most often occur in women. They do not bring any discomfort and are found only when examining the oral cavity.


Dark spots can also occur due to hyperpigmentation, which is formed during transformations of the level of carotene and hemoglobin in the blood, as well as changes in melanoid and melanin.

Pigmentation, which is caused by an increase in melanin, is a small brown or black dots that may cover a large number of mucosal language.

Sometimes they can get a bluish tint, depending on the location of the pigment and its saturation.

Hyperpigmentation can occur in both sexes at any age, but its intensity may vary due to exogenous and endogenous factors.

Hyperplasia of the filiform papillae of the tongue

In some cases, the presence of dark spots on the tongue indicates the first manifestations of such a disease as hyperplasia of the filiform papillae, which is popularly called a black hairy tongue.

The key signs of hyperplasia are acute burning in the mouth and the appearance on the mucous membrane of a dark coating that looks like moss.

Until now, the development process of this pathology is extremely incomprehensible, although scientists have managed to identify a certain number of risk factors that lead to a black hairy tongue. These include:

  • Lack of proper oral hygiene.
  • The use of chewing tobacco.
  • Excessive smoking.
  • The use of certain medications.

Hyperplastic filiform papillae language may eventually go on their own, without carrying out any kind of treatment. But this process can be accelerated by using a soft scraper.

Nevertheless, consultation and certification of the diagnosis by a doctor is extremely necessary, since in some cases the signs of a black hairy tongue can lead to darkening.

Mechanical injuries including piercing

Some injuries may be the cause of small dark spots in the tongue.

Basically, they arise under the following circumstances:

  • Maxillofacial Surgery.
  • Application in the treatment of dental equipment.
  • Biting.
  • Injuries resulting from the presence of a foreign object in the oral cavity.

Also, black spots often occur due to piercing.  Such punctures can not only cause the formation of dark spots and dots in the tongue, but also increase the risk of infection in the oral cavity.

Most often, spots and dots appear near the piercing, due to irritation of the mucous membrane that occurs during puncture and can lead to pigment loss. With proper care of the oral cavity, the pigment in the form of black dots completely disappears.

Fibroma oral

Fibroma oral cavity is a benign tumor growth in the mucosa. As a rule, fibroma manifests itself in the form of small hard or soft seals that have a pink or white hue. The signs of fibroma can be easily determined as a result of a biopsy, which is prescribed when the appearance of dubious formations.

Gum growth - fibroma

Fibromas are not the result of cancer, although they can often increase in size.

Cancer develops in the mouth due to rapid and uncontrolled cell growth and the fibroids are the result of normal tissue growths, which are formed as a result of injury or irritation.

There are several types of fibromas, but it is black spots that are usually associated with fibromas resulting from irritation.

Other causes of dark spots and plaque

In addition to the above factors, there are other reasons as a result of which black dots and spots form on the tongue.

These include:

  • Medicines that contain antidepressants and drugs.
  • Overuse of chewing tobacco and alcohol.
  • Excessive use of coffee.
  • Allergic reaction.
  • The use of contraceptives (especially during pregnancy).
  • Chemotherapy.

Also, dark spots on the tongue may appear due to the following infectious diseases:

  • Cholera.
  • Angina.
  • HIV infection.

Among the fungal lesions that lead to the formation of black spots on the tongue, are noted:

Diseases include internal diseases of the organs that provoke the appearance of black spots:

  • liver
  • adrenal glands;
  • pancreas;
  • gastrointestinal tract.

Doctors from American Modern Clinical Dentistry in the course of research found that the epithelium of the oral mucosa is not pigmented evenly, as a result of which it may differ in pathological and physiological states in different tones.

A dark speck in a child’s tongue - what could it be?

Black dots and spots can also form on the tongue in children. Most often, parents explain this with thrush, there are other reasons for their appearance:

  • Antibiotics.  Some groups of antibiotics that can be prescribed to young children often interact with the oral mucosa and cause black spots and plaque on the tongue.
  • Bismuth subsalicylate.  Some drugs contain a substance such as bismuth subsalicylate, which provokes the development of this problem.
  • Inhalers and antidepressants.  The use of these medicines can cause the appearance of dark spots, which will result from a mild side effect.
  • Anemia.  This is a fairly common disease in children, which is accompanied by a decrease in the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood, as a result of which black dots form on the tongue.
  • Hairy tongue.  This disease, as well as in adults, has not been fully studied. However, the risk factors that provoke the appearance of a black hairy tongue are attributed to insufficient oral hygiene and the use of drugs.

What to do if the stain hurts?

Pain sensations that occur in the area of \u200b\u200bblack spots and spots on the tongue signal the presence of serious pathological processes. In such cases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Sometimes pain in the area of \u200b\u200ba spot or point is not something serious. The fact is that sometimes dark spots may be blistered, that are due to biting and repetitive trauma. These blisters contain accumulated blood inside and can be extremely painful.

Treatment methods

If black spots are not a sign of any pathology in the body, then treatment, as a rule, is not carried out. If they are caused by taking specific drugs or as a result of lack of oral hygiene, they can be easily removed by a brush.

In other situations, a physician may resort to the treatment of dark spots, which has two forms:

  1. The use of antibiotics.  If the stains are caused by the presence of an infection, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics.
  2. Surgical excision.  Some doctors resort to a simple excision, for a more accurate diagnosis. If black spots are fibromas, then the patient undergoes a surgical operation during which fibroma tissue is removed.

When black spots appear, do not panic. First of all, you need to contact the dentist and follow all his recommendations. And do not forget that proper oral hygiene to help avoid future problems and many diseases.
