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God does not give trials more power. Questions to the priest. Tests sent by the Lord for teaching or edification

1) A test may come immediately after being born again   (from water and the Spirit — John 3: 1-7)

Mrc 1: 10   And when he came out of the water, immediately [John] saw the heavens and the Spirit expanding, like a dove descending on Him. 11 And a voice came from heaven: You are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased. 12 Immediately thereafter, the Spirit leads Him into the wilderness. 13 And He was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan (Lk 4: 1,2; Mt 3: 16- Mt 4: 1).

Eccl. 3: 1   Everything has its own time, and the time of every thing under heaven (Lk 1: 80,2: 40)

2) God never gives trials beyond strength

1Cor.10: 13   You have not been tempted by anything other than human; and faithful godWho does not allow you to be tempted beyond strength, but when tempted will give relief, so that you can bear.

1 Pet. 4:12   Beloved ones! temptation of fire, to send you a test, do not give in, how adventures strange for you,

3) He was elevated to the desert for temptation (test)

Matt 4: 1   Then Jesus was elevated by the Spirit into the wilderness, for temptation from the devil,

The place of testing itself - the desert, speaks for itself. The desert is a place where vegetation is very scarce, there is extremely little water, and where plants can only survive if their root penetrates deep enough into the soil. Our Root is Christ, we must have a deep enough root to be able to get Living water. In the desert there is strong sun, little water and food, much thirst, this is a place of great difficulties, this is a place that makes you stronger than those who pass it. The desert is the place where God's miracles and signs occur most of all (the exodus from Egypt), therefore the desert is a place where not only our spirit is tempered, but also where we receive supernaturally everything necessary for life.
What else is important to remember? It was in the wilderness that the people of God murmured, despite the fact that God had repeatedly shown His help to him. It was because of the grumbling that all who grumbled did not enter the promised land. Therefore, we need to learn to patiently go through all the trials.

James 1: 3   Knowing that testing your faith produces patience;

4) Was elevated by the Spirit of God (Mark 1: 12-, 13, Luke 4: 1)

Luke 4: 1 Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led Spirit   into the desert.

Temptation was permitted by God. The test of Job was also admitted by God. Some confuse trials with attacks. In any case, we must remember that God over everything and over Satan, and that without His will not a single hair will fall from our heads. And even if the Lord Himself leads us into the desert to test our hearts, then we can trust Him in this, because God will not allow us to be tempted beyond strength.

1Cor.10: 13   A God who will not allow you to be tempted beyond strength, but in the temptation will give relief, so that you can bear.

In trials, we must trust God completely so that we can pass them successfully (hereinafter we will examine the example of the trials of Christ), but this does not mean at all that when passing trials we should not do anything. Jesus submitted to God and resisted the devil so that he departed, we must do the same (James 4: 7).

5) Jesus fasted to resist temptation (Luke 4: 2; Mark 1:13)

Fasting pacifies sinful flesh, thereby enabling the spirit to be stronger. It is for this reason that fasting enhances prayer. Jesus knew this, therefore, He fasted not only to stand, but also to emerge victorious from this test.

Luke 4: 2   There forty days He was tempted by the devil and did not eat anything these days

Mar. 1:13   And He was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan, and was with the beasts;

In other words, Jesus was tempted in the wilderness all the time, and not just at the very end, so He fasted all the time (fasting is our help in temptations)

6) The Devil approached when Jesus weakened (Luke 4: 2, Matt 4: 2,3)

A similar thing is happening today. When a person is strong, the devil takes a wait-and-see attitude, and as soon as a person begins to weaken, the devil is right there. “Devil” is translated from Greek as “seducer”, therefore he literally seduces with a lie (John 8:44). It is his character to lie, remember this every time you go through difficulties and trials, it’s a lie that the devil wants to rip you off the true path, therefore always resist him with firm faith based on the Word of God, especially when it seems to you that the whole world has fallen against you — remember God for you (Rom. 8:31), if you try to live righteously in everything, God is on your side and He is never late.

So, using the example of our Lord Jesus Christ, we will try to learn for ourselves so that we, like Him, could pass the tests successfully.

7) Three sentences - three temptations

a)Bread is a test of need.

Jesus was very hungry (from a modern translation) and he really needed physical strength. He did not eat for 40 days and at the end felt a great hunger.

MTF 4: 2   and fasting forty days and forty nights, he finally hung up.

Only after the devil was convinced that Jesus was weakened, he approached Him to tempt and the first thing he offered to Him was to satisfy his hunger, in other words, invited him to find an answer to his need.

MTF 4: 3   And the adversary approached Him and said: If You are the Son of God, say that these stones become bread.

It would seem that this is so? Jesus really is the Son of God and He really could turn stones into bread, because for Him there is nothing impossible. But the reaction of Christ was different:

MTF 4: 4   But he answered him: it is written: man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.

Why did Jesus answer that way? Jesus not only opposed the devil, finding what to answer according to the Scriptures, but placed God's word above food for the body. In other words, He says that the real reinforcement for life is not in ordinary food, but in God's word. He who hears the Word of the Lord and fulfills it is like a prudent man, and to fulfill the word of the Lord means to walk in obedience to God, means to inherit blessings and life (Deuteronomy 28- 30 ) It makes sense. That is why Christ not only opposed the devil, but also reminded him of the main thing - obedience to God, the fulfillment of His will, and not his own, even when it is within our power. Remember the reason for the fall of Lucifer? Jesus reminded him of the consequences of his willfulness, but he gives us an example to follow.

Phil 2: 8   humbled Himself, being obedient even to death, and death of the godmother. 9 Therefore God also exalted him.

Conclusion: the goal of Satan - when you feel the need, act according to your will, and not according to the will of God, this is according to your strength.

Those who do not succumb to this kind of temptation will be served by the angels of God, fulfilling the will of God for you (at the end of the test, we see that the angels of God began to serve Jesus, bringing him all the necessary support, bringing him the answer from the Lord).

Moreover, we know that Christ Himself is the Bread of Life that came down from heaven, whoever eats Him will live forever.

b)Temple roof

MTF 4: 5   Then the devil takes him to the holy city and puts him on the wing of the temple, 6 and says to him: if you are the Son of God, throw yourself down, for it is written: He commandeth unto your angels, and they will bear thee in your arms, lest you stumble upon thy stone.

This needs to be understood: the dialogue between the tempter and Man. Immediately after Jesus proved to him that man is alive, acting according to the word of God, that is, humanity must be faithful to the covenant with God, the devil questions God's faithfulness   just like he had already successfully done in the Garden of Eden:

Genesis 3: 1   The serpent was more cunning than all the animals of the field, which the Lord God created. And the serpent said to his wife: Did God truly say: Do not eat from any tree in paradise? 2 And the wife said to the serpent: we can eat the fruits of the trees, 3 only the fruits of the tree, which in the midst of paradise, God said, do not eat them and touch them, lest you die. 4 And the serpent said to his wife: No, you will not die, 5 but God knows that on the day that you taste them, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like gods who know good and evil.

Just as he did in the Garden of Eden, the devil also questions the truth and immutability of God's word: “Throw yourself down, and if the Borg is faithful to his promises, he will save you, He will command his angels to pick you up and then nothing will happen to you will not happen. "

Jesus' answer was again categorical.

MTF 4:   7 Jesus said to him: It is also written: Do not tempt (do not test) the Lord your God. (Genesis 22.1; 1Cor 10.13)

A familiar picture, isn't it? How often the devil sows us doubts about God's faithfulness to us and most often precisely when it is most difficult for us. When there is a need, and especially when we have been waiting for an answer for a long time, especially when it seems to us that the forces have completely abandoned us, then a flurry of doubts about God's faithfulness falls upon us. Then we start looking for signsthat God hears us and that He is near, that He did not leave us. Although we are familiar with examples from the Bible with the signs given to the people of God through Moses and Elijah, we also know about the signs given to Gideon to confirm him, but we should not be too careless in such matters. Through Moses and Elijah, God gave signs to his people, affirming His authority and power. Gideon was given signs because Gideon checked what he heard. Jesus did not need signs to confirm God's faithfulness and the truth of His word. Jesus believed God, trusted God because he knew God. There was no people here who would need confirmation from God that Jesus was the Son of God, and Jesus did not need to check anything, so this was not the case as with Moses or Gideon. To succumb to the temptation of the devil would be to express doubts in God himself and in the truth of His words. Jesus did not intend to do this in the wilderness or later.

Conclusion: the goal of Satan is to test God in His faithfulness, distrust of God in His word.

Mt. 12:38   Some of the scribes and Pharisees said: Teacher! we would like to see a sign from you. 39 But he answered them: A wicked and adulterous generation seeks a sign; and a sign shall not be given to him, except the sign of the prophet Jonah; 40 For as Jonah was in the womb of the whale for three days and three nights, so the Son of Man will be in the heart of the earth for three days and three nights. 41 The Ninevites will rise up in judgment with this generation and condemn it, for they have repented of Jonah’s preaching; and here, there is more Jonah. 42 The Queen of the South will rise in judgment with this generation and condemn him, for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to the wisdom of Solomon; and here, there is more than Solomon.

Heb. 11: 6 It is impossible to please God without faith; for it is necessary that he who comes to God believes that He is, and gives to those who seek Him. ( whole chapter).

c)Bow to the devil ???

Surely Jesus believed God and trusted Him completely. The Devil understood that Man believes in God and lives by His Word. There was nothing to complain about, so the devil decided to try again to seduce the Man, but this time in a more sophisticated way: the most seductive bait, which many even Christians “peck” in our time - this is power and glory. It was an all-in move!

MTF 4: 8   Again the devil takes him to a very high mountain and shows him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, 9 and says to him: all this I will give you, if, having fallen, you worship me.

Or Luke 4: 6 and the devil said unto him, I will give thee authority over all these [kingdoms] and their glory, for it is devoted to me, and I, to whom I want, give it; 7 So, if You bow to me, then everything will be Yours.

Christ also rejected this offer. But where does the devil worship? Do you believe that you can serve God and be rich at the same time, or have power or have glory?

We could often hear about the gospel of prosperity, but what does God's word say? Christ did not have his own home, often suffered hunger and was in contempt, he was later even killed as a robber.

To seek power and glory not from God means to become like Lucifer, who wanted to exalt himself above the stars, to seek glory and power not from God means not to trust God and go of his own free will, it means to go against God, it means to turn your back on God, and facing the devil, it means bowing to the devil.
Do you think that only after a person sells his soul to the devil will the devil give him power and glory? If you think in this way, then you do not understand the deception that conceals in itself the desire for power and glory. Whenever a person embarks on the path of seeking power and glory, recognition from people, not waiting for recognition from God, even by serving in the Body of Christ, he already goes his own way, on his own. He already goes on about his desires, thereby worshiping the idols of his soul and body. There is a difference between when God puts in the ministry and when when a person. When God puts in the ministry, then people will acknowledge it, and if it comes from a person, then destruction is inevitable (Acts 5:39).

Mt. 6: 24   No one can serve two masters: for either he will hate one and love the other; or one will be zealous, and neglect the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon. ... 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all this will be added to you.

Mar 10: 25   It is more convenient for a camel to go through needle ears than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

About power   it is written, true power comes only from God.

Dan 2:21   he changes seasons and summers, deposes kings and sets up kings; gives wisdom to the wise and understanding to the rational;

Ps. 146: 6   The Lord exalts the humble, and humiliates the wicked to the ground.

About glory   it is written, only God gives true glory, God glorifies

John 8:54   Jesus replied: if I glorify myself, then my glory is nothing. My Father glorifies me, about whom you say that he is your God

Matthew 6: 2 when you do alms, do not trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in synagogues and in the streets, so that people glorify them. Verily I say unto you, they already receive their reward.

Jacob 4: 6   God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. 10 Humble yourself before the Lord, and he will exalt you.

The desire for power and glory in front of people does not come from God, because God has other priorities - God gives grace to the humble, humble exalts   and raises those who become less.
Jesus knew this, and therefore did not seek power and glory from either the devil or people. It is for this reason that Christ said:

Mt. 4:10   Depart from Me, Satan, for it is written: Worship the Lord your God and serve Him alone.

We know that God gave Him power very soon. As soon as Christ became the victor in this temptation, He came out of the desert in the power of the Spirit and began to perform great miracles and signs, the angels served Him, the Father glorified Christ on earth.

Conclusion: the goal of Satan is through the desire for power and glory to make a person go his own way and thereby turn away from God, become an idolater of their lusts and a servant of the devil.

All these temptations exist today. They also come in times of need and weakness of spirit. Jesus fasted to strengthen his spirit and be able to withstand the desires of the flesh and soul (He was tempted in everything-), but still the moment came when he was the most weakened (he finally hung up), the devil used this very moment. We can stand in the gap, but most often weaken before receiving an answer   (angels served soon, Arbor of rest) - this is the peak moment, it needs to survive. Even strong-minded people (and Christ was the strongest spirit of Man) can be vulnerable at certain points, and it is then that the tempter comes up. We must remember these lessons in order to foresee some moments in our lives, be prepared and armed to face trials with dignity   and come out victorious.

Heb. 4:15   For we have not such a high priest who cannot sympathize with us in our weaknesses, but who, like [us], is tempted in everything except sin.

Heb. 2:18   For, as He himself endured, being tempted, he might also help the tempted.

8) The devil knows the Scriptures and can tempt by perverting God's word

John 4: 1   Beloved ones! believe not every spirit, but experience   spirits whether from God

2 Cor. 11:14 And no wonder: because Satan himself takes the form of an angel of light

John 4:23 But the time will come and it will already be when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the spirit   and the truthfor the Father seeks such worshipers for Himself. 24 God is a spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.

2Cor. 3: 6   He gave us the ability to be servants of the New Testament, not letters but spirit, because the letter kills, but the spirit gives life.

We must understand that the letter of the law and the truth are not the same, otherwise John 4:23 and 2 Cor. 3: 6 would contradict each other and this would lose all meaning. The devil tried to play this and misleadtempting Christ, he tries to do the same to us today. It is difficult for people who do not know God (Truth itself) to resist the errors that come through the letter of the law, despite the fact that the law is given for good. You need to know the heart of the Father, His Spirit, in order to correctly understand His laws.

9) The devil leaves when you withstand temptations

Mt. 4: 11   Then the devil leaves him

Jacob 4: 7   So submit to God; Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Jesus did so.

10) Anointing comes only after trial

a)Angels began to serve Him (Mark 1:13)

Mt. 4: 11   Then the devil leaves him, and behold, the angels came and served him. (Mark 1:13)

b)Returned from the desert in the power of the Holy Spirit

Luke 4: 13   And, having finished all the temptation, the devil departed from Him for the time being. 14 And jesus returned in fortitude   to Galilee; and rumors spread about him throughout the whole neighboring country. 15 He taught in their synagogues, and from all was glorified. 16 And he came to Nazareth, where he was raised, and entered, as usual, on the sabbath day into the synagogue, and stood up to read. 17 They gave him the book of the prophet Isaiah; and He, opening the book, found the place where it was written: 18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me; for He anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor, and He sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach for the captives liberation, the blind to enlightenment, to let those tormented to freedom, 19 to preach the Lord's favorable year. 20 And he closed the book and gave it to the minister, and sat down; and the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on Him. 21 And He began to say unto them, Now this scripture that you heard is fulfilled.

c)   He began to preach the gospel and serve people (before the test, Christ did not work miracles)

11) The devil in temptations leaves for a while.

Luke 4:13 - And, having finished all the temptation, the devil departed from Him until time

Therefore, we should not relax too much. The Bible clearly gives us the following advice:

Matthew 26: 41   Watch and pray, lest you fall into temptation: the spirit is alert, but the flesh is weak.

2 Tim. 4: 5   But be vigilant in everything, endure sorrows, do the work of an evangelist, do your ministry.

12) Christ remained faithful to God all his life, He was tempted in everything (Heb. 4:15), remain faithful to God and you:

A) not doing his will, but the Lord God

B) do not tempt the Lord God, but trust Him in everything

C) Worship only the Lord God

James 1:12   Blessed is the man who endures temptation, because, having been tested, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord promised to those who love Him.

1 Pet. 1: 7   so that your tested faith is more precious than the dying gold, although with fire, to the praise and honor and glory of the appearance of Jesus Christ,

Asks Galina
Answered by Alexandra Lants, 02/18/2013

Question: "The Bible says that God does not give a person more trials than a person can endure, but why then do people sometimes not withstand all that has fallen on them and end their lives with suicide?"

Peace be to your heart, Galina!

Yes, the Bible really does. And here is the most striking New Testament text on this subject:

We break down not because circumstances are too difficult (after all, God measured them to the millimeter and milligrams), but because we refuse to turn to the One who allowed them in our lives and admit that we are wrong before Him, that we are dirty and weak, that our hearts are dark and heavy, that we need Him, so that He can correct us from the inside out. But we very quickly fall into a state of resentment against Him for such "wrong" treatment with us, we pour out on Him all the claims that have accumulated in us in previous years, we refuse to analyze our path that led us to where it is difficult. We find many excuses for ourselves to blame God. ... and if we allow ourselves to get stuck in this state for a long time, then once nothing will help us ().

Some years ago, during a Saturday school debrief, one of my sisters expressed an idea (it seems quoting some source), which seemed strange to me then, but now, years later, peering at people at how they accept the winds of loss and pain, I see that she was right. “At the end of time,” she said, “when God will bring sinners back to life to show them why they will not go into Eternity,” He will show them the lives of those who entered His presence, and the dead will see that the saved people passed through the same upheavals, through the same circumstances of life, but with only one difference: they chose to trust God, humble themselves before Him, hold on to Him and change in His likeness. ”

May we be with you, Galina, among them - among the saved,


Read more on the topic "Miscellaneous":

Is it true that the Lord does not give man trials that he cannot afford?

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) answers:

This is indicated by sv. Apostle Paul: You have not been tempted by anything other than human; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond strength, but in temptation will give relief, so that you can bear   (1 Cor. 10:13). These words express an idea that explains why some people fall under the burden of temptation. Most people incur the heavy temptations of sins (fornication, pride and daring arrogance, trampling on the divine commandments). For many, these temptations are fatal. The apostle says to the Corinthians: while you were struggling with the trials sent by God, you were not in danger of falling into sin and falling from faith, because God does not allow us temptations beyond strength.   But when you yourself bring temptations upon yourself, then you cannot be sure of victory over them.

The Holy Apostle Jacob calls to tolerate temptations: the test of your faith produces patience; patience must have a perfect action so that you are perfect in its entirety, without any flaw (James 1: 3-4). Sometimes it seems to a person that the trials exceed the measure of his strength. This can be overcome with complete trust in God and trust in His Divine mercy. In one ancient Byzantine manuscript, the consoling edification of the holy elder is given: “Someone told me that one person always prayed to God that He would not leave him on his earthly path, and, as the Lord once descended with His disciples on their way to Emmaus (see : Lk 24, 13-32), so that he might also come with him along the path of his life. And at the end of his life, he had a vision: he saw that he was walking along the sandy shore of the ocean (of course, think of the ocean of eternity, along the coast of which the mortal path passes). And, looking around, he saw the prints of his feet on the soft sand, going far back: it was a path traveled by his life. And next to the prints of his feet were the prints of a couple more feet; and he understood that it was the Lord who descended with him in life, as he prayed to Him. But in some places of the path traveled, he saw imprints of only one pair of feet that cut deep into the sand, as if testifying to the severity of the path at that time. And this man remembered that this was when there were especially difficult moments in his life and when life seemed overwhelmingly difficult and painful. And this man said to the Lord: Lord, you see, in the difficult times of my life, you did not come with me; You see that the prints of only one pair of feet in those days indicate that then I walked alone in life, and you see from the fact that the tracks cut deep into the ground, which was then very difficult for me to walk. But the Lord answered him: My son, you are mistaken. Indeed, you see prints of only one pair of feet in those times of your life that you recall as the most difficult. But these are imprints not of your feet, but of mine. Because in difficult times of your life, I took you into my arms and carried you. So, My son, these are imprints not of your feet, but of My ones ”( Meditation of a humble heart).

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Once a rich man walked along the street and saw a poor old man.
He stood on the steps of the building in dirty clothes and without shoes. But his face shone with an incredible smile.
The rich man wanted to ask the old man something, but changed his mind and continued on his way.

The next day he again saw the poor man ... whose face still glowed with happiness.

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The rich man could not understandwhy this man who has nothing is happy.

So he went to the old man and asked:
- How can you smile while living in such poverty? You look very happy.

The poor old man answered:
“I'm really a happy person.”

© FunnyEpicVids

Why are you happy? You have money?

I have nothing, good man. Sometimes a couple of times a day I am fed by passers-by.

Do you have a home? A family?

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I have no home, no family. I am free, like a bird in the sky.

Then you are absolutely healthy.

No, good man. Cold nights outside don't make me healthy ... and almost all my teeth fell out.

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Then I do not understand ... Why are you happy? Maybe your recipe for happiness will be useful to me. I have everything I could wish for, but I'm unhappy.

God never gives a person more trials than he can endure. I accept what I am, where I am and what happens in my life.

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They say: "God gives man as many trials as he can stand." Is this fair? Continuous trials give the impression of punishment. For what? Natalya.

Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko answers:

Hello, Natalia!

The phrase that embarrassed you refers to the fact that no one is being tested beyond strength, that no cross is given to anyone. I would compare the test with the necessary training. After all, the main goal of earthly life is to prepare for eternal life. And for this we sometimes have to work hard on ourselves in order to develop the good qualities of the soul and prevent the evil from developing. Life with its tests can be compared to training, when an athlete, preparing for competitions, trains, improves his results. Here is how the apostle Paul wrote about life's sorrows: “but we also boast in sorrows, knowing that patience comes from sorrow, from experience patience, from experience, hope, and hope does not shame, because the love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit given to us” . And another very important aspect. The word “punishment” you used is true in the sense that it comes from the word “punishment,” that is, a lesson. Thus, all life can be considered a lesson that we must learn in order to pass our main exam - to give a worthy answer to the Lord about our life at the Last Judgment. “You need patience in order to fulfill the promise of God and receive the promise”   (Heb. 10.36), that is, eternal life and eternal bliss.

Sincerely, Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko.