Repairs Design Furniture

Rectangular houses with a flat roof. Houses with a flat roof - selection of materials and technology for the implementation of roofing works (70 photos). Benefits of a flat roof

The usual tent roofs, forming a attic or attic, to a certain extent limit the spatial possibilities of a country house. Initially, this problem was tried to solve the use of mansard floors, and over time, the technologies of waterproofing were made possible by the appearance of houses with a flat roof and the directory of such structures now has most developers. Of course, they are somewhat unusual for our traditions, but interesting from an architectural and practical point of view.

Carefully thought out project with a flat roof Source

Advantages and disadvantages of flat roof

It is clear that a competently equipped flat platform at the top of the building can be used as a recreation area, a gym, an original living room - its appointment completely depends on the fantasy and interests of the hosts. But first of all, the roof of the house is a guarantee of reliability, waterproofing and durability of the whole building. Therefore, the roof without a row, like everything new, causes many questions, the main among them: what is good such a design and that it may be wrong.

Arguments "for" horizontal roof

  • The flat roof attracts simplicity and timing of mounting. Roofing layers are superimposed on concrete slabs leaving on the wall panels. There is no need to create a crate, use the timber, boards, other lumber, the installation of the surface is performed in the same plane, without scaffolding and insurance. It saves time, finance, resources.
  • The design of the horizontal plane is reliable, worn, does not require annual maintenance. In compliance with the technology and sequence of construction work, the proper arrangement of the drainage of melted and rainwater is long-term operational period.
  • High thermal insulation capacity of all roofing options.

Competently made roof allows you to equip the lawn on it. Source PROROOFER.RU

  • Saving materials, working time, cash costs by reducing area.
  • Ease of installation and service of various equipment (air conditioners, ventilation, antennas, solar panels);
  • Attractive house facade design with flat roof, clarity and finished lines.
  • The ability to use the additionally formed area at its own discretion - rest, sports, hobbies, entertainment.
In general, the design of the house with a flat roof successfully fits into the environment, and a practical attitude to an additional area formed on the roof improves the quality of accommodation, leisure activities.

Minuses of flat roof

The main and significant disadvantage of the horizontal design is the risk of leakage. Snow that has accumulated in winter, lifting, seeps through the smallest gap, gradually expanding them, moisturizing the walls of the house. This is an ordinary phenomenon for roofs mounted incorrectly. This disadvantage will not manifest, if all work has been fulfilled by technology, but it will not get to learn far away.

The second most important minus flat roof is a guaranteed accumulation of snow on it, which will have to be cleaned manually if the outputs "under the open sky" are planned in winter.

Video Description

What is worth thinking before creating a flat roof - on video:

As a result, you can only trust the construction of a house with a flat roof, you can only develop a guarantee for completed work, plus, you need to be ready for snow removal.

The main varieties of flat roofs

The unusual configuration of the flat roof is not only functional, beautiful, but also diverse. Without going into details, initially they are conditionally divided into two large groups - exploited and non-exploitable. Each of them, in turn, is constructively performed by traditional (classical) or inversion technologies.

Separation by method of use

Operated. Used home owners as an additional area of \u200b\u200bthe house. For this, it is important that the surface is durable, smooth and smooth. A small slope of up to 5 °, desired for water flow, does not interfere with moving freely and is practically not felt. In most cases, the house with an exploited roof is preferable due to additional features.

Part of a flat roof can be transparent source of

Non-exploitable. Structurally simpler, as there is no need for a hard base for waterproofing and hard insulation. To care for the roof, there are ladders and walkways in order not to create uneven load. This type of flat roofs is cheaper in construction, but because of this, the calculated life is less than the more complex in the design of the operated flat roof.

Constructive differences

Any flat roof is a kind of "pie", in which hydro, thermo- and vaporizolation alternate. In some embodiments, layers are still added to increase the total coating strength.

The classic (traditional) flat roof is also known as "soft." Its feature is the location of the waterproofing layer, which is exceeded. The softness of such a coating is due to the bitum-containing component of waterproofing.

The minus of this solution is that solar UV rays and temperature differences are constantly affected by the top layer.

Especially destroying their influence with the beginning of frosts, when the temperature may be minus at night, and in the afternoon the air is still well warmed. As a result, waterproofing over time collapses and moisture from rain and melting snow falls on a concrete base and through the slots in the joints of the plates inside the building.

Classic Flat Pie Source

The roof is inversion or lightweight, designed to take into account the sad experience of using the classic. She has a significantly longer service life due to the inversion (turning) of the layers of the cake, which eliminates the rapid failure of the waterproofing coating. Here, the concrete base is initially hydroizing, then a layer of durable hydrophobic (non-wetted water) of the insulation, on which the "working" coating is already located on which you can walk. The latter is often used gravel, rubbank or paving. The quality of insulation of the inversion roof allows even to equip herbal lawn on it or put the paving slabs.

Pie inversion roof Source

All start - project

Having thoughtfully build a house, with a flat roof, first of all it is necessary to determine the purpose of the roof - you need exploited or non-exploitable. Between them there will be a serious difference in value, because the first option provides reinforced foundation and bearing walls, taking into account the weight of reinforced concrete floors (especially for a two-storey house).

The main goal of the design of the project is precisely in planning all loads that will experience the building to determine the number of materials that will go on its construction. In addition, the design helps to make a clear and understandable plan of alleged work. Specialized programs are used to draw up a project, so it is not recommended for this work independently, not possessing the right skills.

Especially one should not count on your strength, if you wish to get a house complex Source

The main stages of design are as follows:

  • Drawing up a general sketch of the building. When the developer knows the linear parameters of the elevated object and from which it is planned to build materials, the designers can already calculate the weight of the building, and therefore calculate the load on the foundation. In addition, the well-known form of structure allows you to calculate wind and snow loads that are added to the weight of the house.
  • Calculation of carrier structures. Here the number of beams is calculated to create a crate, their cross-section and length.
  • Creating a diagram. On it, in addition to the main walls, all additional elements of the future design are drawn and their location is denoted.

Video Description

Review of the project of the house with a flat roof from the architect on the video:

Houses with a flat roof can be designed in almost any style, but the most functional and appropriate style of High-tech style. It may be a small, calculated on a married couple cubic house or an extensive model cottage with terraces on Earth and on the roof.

In addition to the adapted architectural and construction project, it is advisable to order both the work plan, taking into account the characteristics of the house, reference to the construction volumes. Thus, the total cost of future dwellings is determined.

In terms of the roof, the slopes and location of additional elements are indicated Source

What should the plan take into account

Despite the external simplicity, the flat roof consists of a sufficiently large number of different elements and each of them has certain nuances of choice and installation.

  • Promotion nodes. These are all the places of intersection of horizontal and vertical planes - exterior sides, wall chimneys, ventilation conclusions, etc. The design of the adjoining nodes should provide complete tightness of the compound, so it is carried out strictly according to the technologies used for the materials used.

Sealing adjoining nodes Source

  • Cornice. It is necessary to protect the walls and the breakfast of the building from the flow of water from the roof, and simply gives the construction of an architecturally finished look. Depending on the climatic features of the region, the width of the cornice can be 0.5-1 meters.

Carnise departure is made on the required distance Source

  • Waterborne funnels. Installed for the output of water, which from the entire surface of the roof is assembled in its lowest sections. An approximate number of funnels is one thing for every 0.75 m² of roof surface area.

Water collection funnels Source

  • Aerators and Flyagarks. The purpose of these elements is the output of water vapor, which is formed inside the coating cake.

Flugka on a flat roof Source

  • Lightning rod. Performed in the form of a horizontal mesh or vertical lightning parameters.

Horizontal and vertical lightningwriter on a flat roof Source

  • Drainage. Organize the water flow from the roof. It happens an external or inner - the first option is cheaper and easier to operate.

It is more correct to make drainage through the drainage system Source

It should always be remembered that the well-coordinated interaction of all components provides exclusively to the use of suitable materials and strict compliance with construction technology.

Examples of projects

Choosing a project of the future at home, it is useful to pay attention not only to its architecture, sizes, but also on the nature of the roof, the material of the ceiling, the roofing device and the possibility of using it as an addition to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe house.

Video Description

Several examples of projects on video:

Two-storey Hi-Tech-style house

Draft House High-Tech Modern with flat roofs with warm walls from aerated concrete and ceramic blocks. Two-storey, medium sized (up to 150 m²), designed to arrange an exploited flat roof.

A stepped configuration allowed to divide the upper space, where one part of the roof is used to place the technological equipment.

The facade design is interesting, combining smooth walls and textured trim.

Exterior Project Type Source

Planning rooms of the first and second floor source


A small middle-weight family will conveniently be located in a modern one-story compact house, the roof of which serves as an addition to the total area. Panoramic windows, large kitchen, orientation of residential premises south, southwest support warmth and comfort at home.

A small inclination of the roof ensures the flow of rain and melt water and does not prevent safely moving around the roof. The calculated area of \u200b\u200b86 m² increases due to the operated roof. The monolithic overlap and PVC roof membrane guarantee a long service life of the house. The plane roof emphasizes the volume of the room, gives the world a modern look.

Stock Foto Project modern house with flat roof Source

Planning room location Source

The house for a large family corresponds to ideas about modern construction. Good warm and waterproofing of the roof allows you to equip additional places for recreation or training. Walls from aerated concrete and monolithic floors retain heat indoors.

Despite the significant area of \u200b\u200bthe building (more than 300 m²), due to the flat roof it looks light and neat source



On our site you can familiarize yourself with the most popular projects. two-storey houses From construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses a low-rise country.

House of cubic form

Square house with a flat roof in the cubism style for a family with two children looks stylish due to the absence of a high tent roof.

Neat, volumetric, with angular glazing, a two-storey house is firmly on the plot, attracting attention to himself. The house is interesting from all sides, while the roof serves its continuation, emphasizing the cubic architectural style. Building such a house is offered from sandwich panels, which provide sufficient heat insulation and structural strength.

Cubic two-storey house Source



Wooden two-story house

Not everyone prefer to use exclusively modern materials during construction, preferring a tested classic time. A wooden house with a flat roof is not just the right solution from the point of view of ecology building - it is also just a very beautiful design.

Unusually beautiful wooden house of modern planning source

Such a kitchen will be glad by any mistress source

As a result - when it is worth choosing a house with a flat roof

All projects of flat roof houses are examples of beauty, conciseness and efficient use of the space of modern buildings. If these aspects are primarily important, such houses will be the right choice. The main thing for their construction is to choose the developer who will accurately comply with the instructed technology.

Architects and developers attract these unusual buildings on which you can equip the sightseeing platform or even smash a real hanging garden. Of course, in practice everything turns out to be more difficult than in the theory.

The design of a flat roof causes a lot of questions relating to its value, choosing materials for insulation and waterproofing, organization of water, maintenance and. Find on them the answers are not so easy. The fact is that domestic contracting firms working in the field of cottage and, well-known the most popular design - scope, and the experience of the construction of flat roofs arranged quite differently, they usually do not have.

The cost of flat roofing

Attention immediately draws attention to the fact that the area of \u200b\u200ba flat roof is less than the scope, and therefore, less materials will be required, and work will cost cheaper. However, this statement is valid only for regions with a warm climate and low snow load, despite this, if we are talking about the non-exploited roof. In the middle lane of Russia to ensure reliability and durability of the horizontal roof, it is required to apply fairly expensive engineering solutions.

Boy overlap

In principle, when the overlap is erected, you can use a combination of beams (wooden, steel) and carrier profile. However, experts do not recommend applying wooden beams (with the exception of made from the LVL-timing with a cross section from 200 × 100 mm) in the regions where the pressure of the snow cover exceeds 1.2 kPa (about 120 kgf / m2) - that is, most of the territory of the Russian Federation. The roofing overlap of steel 2-axis beams and professional flooring with a wave height from 60 mm and the thickness of the walls from 0.7 mm makes it possible to overlap the spit value up to 12 m and withstands the pressure of at least 6 kPa. But in general, it is less durable than concrete, and relatively rarely applied in individual construction. It is more reasonable to use professional flooring as a non-coordinate formwork, which, by the way, does not cancel the need to build a reorganate frame.

It turns out that 1 m2 of a flat concrete or steel base, the carrying ability of which will allow to withstand the weight of snow cover, is 2-2.5 times more expensive than the wooden beam construction of the pitched roof. The difference in the volume flow rate of the insulation is leveled due to the fact that a more expensive material of high density is needed for a flat roof. There is still hope to save on roofing, however, modern polymer membranes are optimal waterproofing for horizontal roofs - they are not cheaper (and sometimes much more expensive) flexible tiles. It is not necessary to install snowstanders, but without roofing hatch and the drainage system can not do. If you try to reduce costs on the estimate, it will later have to pay the need to repair the roof once every 10-15 years.

The durability of a flat roof largely depends on the ability of the bearing basis to withstand operational loads without significant deformations

Finally, it should be noted that flat roofs are appropriate only at houses of modern architecture - with a large area of \u200b\u200bglazing and complex finishing with the latest facade materials. That and the other will no longer be cheap.

On a solid foundation

As a rule, in low-rise house-building, the flat roofing overlap is a prefabricular or monolithic reinforced concrete plate. Reinforced concrete plates (PB, hollow PCs, PV, etc.) are capable of overlapping a span with a length of up to 9 m and withstand pressure 8, 9 or 12.5 kPa (the last figure in the product marking is indicated by this magnitude). They can serve as a "base" for any roofing pies, including with a top layer of paving slabs or fertile soil. However, for the installation of the design, it will be necessary to provide a race to the truck of the truck (while steel beams and flooring is easy to raise with the help of flounder). The depth of the overlap on the wall depends on the material of the latter - for example, for bricks, this parameter should be equal to the thickness of the plate. Before proceeding with the installation of the roof, it is important to close the joints of the elements with a solution and additionally be sealed with an elastic polymer ribbon.

The main advantage of membranes based on artificial rubber - they retain elasticity at low temperatures, that is, they can be mounted in winter

Classification of flat roofs

Flat roofs are divided into non-exploit and exploited. The first is visited only for revision, prevention and repair; For this purpose, the roofing hatch is equipped to which an attic staircase leads. The operated roof in the cottages most often serves as a terrace, that is, a durable wear-resistant coating should be laid on it, and the bearing base is designed for increased loads. A variety of exploited - roofing with landscaping, wild on top of the main heat-hydro-insulating cake with a turf layer; Usually it is arranged tracks and a platform for recreation. The operated roof should be provided with a convenient way out, for example, from a tambour journey.

The monolithic zh \\ b The overlap is erected from heavy concrete using a removable (for example, from OSP plates on rockets-jacks) or non-coordinated (from corrugated) formwork. It is reinforced by a two-or four-level welded frame from rods with a diameter of 12 mm. The dimensions of the monolithic plate are not regulated (in contrast to the national team), which provides the architect freedom when designing the building; Other advantages are the lack of seams, a comparative simplicity of the device of passing units (chimney, ventkanalov) and a high bearing capacity (subject to the technological regulation).

Roof protection from cold and heat

In the low-rise sector, in demand mostly airless flat roofs, because the attic requires additional costs and violates the architectural proportions of the house. So the roof should be protected from winter cold and summer heat. In this case, the overall feature of flat roofs is that the heat insulating layer is located on top of the carrier structure (in the rock it is usually between the rafters). If you warm the room below, the dew point can shift into the thickness of the overlap, which will lead to a reduction in the service life of the latter.

Mastics should be used primarily on the roofs of a complex configuration

As for the options of the roof, they are dozens. Suffice it to say that only in SP 17.13330.2011 more than 40 "recipes" are given. At the same time, companies - coatings and insulation manufacturers offer more and more new engineering solutions. However, they always lies one of the two concept schemes - traditional or inversion.

Schemes of device roofs "Tehtonikol"

"TN-roofing terrace": 1 - overlapping; 2 - vaporizolation; 3-5 - EPPS (including a bias-forming layer); 6 - glassball; 7 - Logicroof V-GR membrane; 8 - geotextile; 9 - Tile on Supports

The traditional design in general terms is as follows: a vapor barrier film (polypropylene, polyethylene, butumular polymer) was laid on top of the bearing base, then the insulation, for example, mineral wool plates with compressive strength with a decomplicit deformation of at least 30 kPa, one or two The layer with a total thickness of 200 mm. The above is the separation layer (for example, from a polyethylene film), according to which the reinforced zoom-forming screed is poured (a flat roof will necessarily give a bias of 2-3% to the center or edges to ensure the flow of water). The dried screed serves as the basis for a rolled or appliant waterproofing coating.

"TN-Roofing Green": 1 - overlapping; 2 - otkladka from the ceramisit; 3 - reinforced screed; 4 - bituminous primer; 5 - "Technoelast EPP"; 6 - "Technoelast Green"; 7 - geotextile; 8 - EPPS; 9 - Membrane Planter GEO; 10 - fertile layer

Other options are possible. For example, the incitement of the screed can be positioned at the bottom of the cake; In this case, roofing waterproofing is fixed with gravel ballast, paving tiles on supports or special dowels. Some materials, let's say the system "RUF BLAND" (Rockwool) or Tekhnonikol bias allow you to do without a screed: the plates have a variable thickness, and with their help it is easy to create smooth level drops to ensure water drainage.

The inversion roof is suitable differently: in it, the insulation resistant to the constant exposure of water (as a rule, extruded polystyrene foam - EPPS) is located over waterproofing. At the same time, the latter is reliably protected from mechanical damage and is in the zone of positive temperatures (freezing and defrost cycles are destructive for almost any material). Inversion roof is easy to turn into an exploited, for example, falling asleep by the insulation with a drainage layer of sandbravia and putting paving slabs. The disadvantages of the structure include a more complex drainage. However, the drainage needs to talk separately.

Special requirements are presented to thermal insulation for flat roof. The material should not only have a low coefficient of thermal conductivity, but also well resist mechanical loads - both distributed (the pressure of the above-mentioned layers of roofing pie, equipment, snow) and the local arising from installation. In addition, it is important that the material possesses hydrophobic properties and is non-combustible. At the moment there are several ways to install thermal insulation: using mechanical fasteners, adhesive and free laying. In addition to the traditional two-layer insulation, laying in one layer becomes more and more demanded solution. Rockwool offers unique double density plates, which consist of a hard top and light bottom layer, which accelerates the work and improves their quality.

Grigory Gromakov

Specialist in the development of the direction "Flat roofs" of Rockwool

Water removal on flat roof

The flat roof is equipped with parapet (attics) with a height of 30-90 cm, helping to provide organized; On an exploited roof, it also serves as a security fence. At the same time, the design of the drainage should be approached very responsibly, because in case of an error over your head, a huge puddle may form, which threatens and damage to the supporting structures.

As a rule, the choice is made in favor of the inner drainage. Such a system is less susceptible to the impact of the atmosphere and therefore more durable and reliable than the outer. We will tell you more about its basic elements.

Waterfronts are installed at low roof sections. As a rule, on the roofs of up to 150 m2, two funnels are mounted - the main connected to the riser, and the emergency - with a discharge of water through the hole in the parapet. With an increase in the number of funnels and risers, the reliability of the system increases, but its cost increases.

For inversion and landscaped roofs, special funnels with drainage rings, serving to collect moisture from intermediate layers, have been developed. Water receivers should be equipped with electric heating based on self-regulating cable - then they will properly perform their function when alternating thaws and frosts.

The coating is traditional with outer drain 1 - overlapping; 2 - the incitement of the screed; 3 - vaporizolation; 4, 5 - mineral wool insulation; 6 - waterproofing; 7 - drain

In the systems of a new type, so-called siphon-vacuum, special funnels are used, preventing air suction by the flow of water. Due to them, the speed of fluid movement in the pipe (and therefore the bandwidth of the latter) increases, which reduces the diameter of the system elements. However, for low-rise buildings, the savings are insignificant, moreover, such systems require more accurate calculation than gravitational.

The drainage is performed from sewer pipes - polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, and it makes sense to use noise absorbing products, such as Raupiano Plus (Rehau), or soundly insulated a riser, otherwise you will hear the murmur of water for hours. For funnel, the riser is attached with the help of an elastic coupling. When laying pipes, the amount of knees and the length of horizontal sections that reduce the bandwidth system should be minimized.

The drainage pipe, laid in the basement or insulated underground, connects the riser with rain sewage or provides a reset of water into a linear drainage tray. In the second case, there is a risk of clogging with ice, so the riser should be equipped with "winter" tap into domestic sewer (the latter must be equipped with a hydrotherapy). The tap tube is cleaned through a collapsible compound or an audit module.

Figure: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media

Roof covering inversion with inner drain 1 - screed; 2 - PVC membrane; 3 - EPPS; 4 - funnel with a drain ring; 5 - drainage membrane; 6 - sand; 7 - Paving Tile

When choosing a sizes of elements of the traditional gravitational system, the rain intensity in this area, focusing on the joint venture 32.13330.2012.

The outer drainage system is more vulnerable than internal, and also affects the appearance of the facades, but it does not require a device of holes in the roof and overlap and does not eat the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house. Water is discharged through the parapet funnels or sealed pipes, under which the classic funnels are installed (like on the pitched roof) and the troughs attached to the walls of the brackets. When calculating, it is based on the fact that each square meter of the roof area should accounted for 1-1.5 cm2 of the sections of the drainage pipes. Elements of the outer system can be made of PVC, steel, copper, zinc-titanium.

For the operated roofs, as well as the roofs suitable in the regions with harsh climatic conditions, an inversion scheme is perfect. Since the waterproofing layer is under thermal insulation, it is protected from mechanical effects, as well as from temperature drops and UV radiation, which significantly prolongs the service life of the roofing system. Waterproofing materials based on a modified bitumen must be laid at least two layers - such a technology is more common, and in addition, it allows you to level potential errors when the material is moving. For a polymer membrane, a single layer is enough, and the reliability provides automatic welding equipment, which increases the speed of work. In addition, when installing the polymer membrane does not apply an open flame, so the technology is considered more secure.

Dmitry Mikhailidi

Head of the Engineering and Technical Center for Technical Directorate of Technonikol Corporation

Gardening roofing

The covered rod roofs have been used in countries with a moderately cold and humid climate, and the green carpet performed the main moisture protection function.

As part of the modern concept of the landscaped roof, the layer of fertile soil with plants is needed to make unusual features of the building, decorate the roof terrace and extend the service life of the coating, closing it from ultraviolet rays. In addition, it absorbs rainwater, unloading the drains, quenches the sound of the rain, protects the premises of the upper floor from overheating in the summer and reduces heat loss in winter. It is believed that landscaping almost twice extends the service life of the roof. Its disadvantages include an increase in loads for the support of the building structures and an increase in the cost of construction. In addition, the green carpet needs to be careful, the intensity of which depends on the selected plant species. If not paying proper attention, they will freeze and die from drought.

For landscaping, the roof should be put on top of the main waterproofing layer (with an inversion scheme - over the insulation) an additional pie from materials that will provide protection for the waterproofing layer from the roots, filtering and removal of rainwater. For these purposes, special films are used, dense geotextiles, gravel benchings or drainage-moisture membranes from high density polyethylene, such as Planter GEO or Delta-Floraxx.

Then poured a mixture of minerals and fertilizers - the so-called soil substrate. It can be prepared independently by adding a small clamzite in a light neutral peat (5-15%), sand (about 20%) and fertilizers. As for the plants, the easiest way is to restrict meadow disintegration and drought-resistant soils - Sedumom, cloves-herbicap, thyme. For them, it is not necessary to organize the irrigation system, and the thickness of the soil layer can be only 6-12 cm (the roof of this type is called extensive). If you plan to walk along the roof among decorative shrubs, it will have to provide watering and increase the thickness of the soil to 20-40 cm. This roof is called intense, it creates a significant additional load on the overlap, so it must be provided at the building design.

The terrace design provides a convenient message between the residential premises of the cottage and the operated roof, serving the place of rest.

No leaks

Sheet and piece coatings are unsuitable for flat roof: water will inevitably leak through the jokes of the elements. Therefore, we use rolled materials and mastic. We give them a brief description.

Rolled reinforced polymer-bituminous roof . The mechanical strength of these materials is several times higher than roofing cardboard (, only). A modifying additives increase resistance to moisture, air and ultraviolet. The material is glued to the base of the mastic, fixed mechanically or (most often) is removed. The coatings for the lower layers of the roof ("Tehnoelast EPP", "Uniflex EPP", "Breplust TPP", etc.) and for the upper ("Technolast ECP", "Uniflex ECP", "Hydrosteclozole TCP", etc.). The second mills sprinkled by the mineral crumb that reduces the risk of fire and additionally protecting from mechanical damage and UV exposure. The cost of waterproofing both types of low - respectively from 65 and from 150 rubles. For 1 m2, and the average service life of the roofing carpet is 15-30 years.

Roll PVC membranes , for example, Sikaplan WP, Logicroof, Ecoplast is distinguished by strength and durability (up to 30 years without repair) and do not support combustion. However, they require a professional approach to installation (the joints of the bands must be carefully welded with hot air) and are relatively expensive - from 320 rubles. for 1 m2. It is important to take into account that this material does not tolerate contact with bitumen.

Roll membranes from ethylene-propylene rubber (EPDM) and thermoplastic polyolefins (TPO) For example, Firestone Rubbergard, Logicroof P-RP, retain elasticity at negative temperatures. Note that the EPDM-membranes of strongogoruchi (class G4) and are designed mainly to use in the construction of an exploited roof, where waterproofing is covered with tiles, gravel or soil. The EPDM and TPO membranes are 1.3-1.5 times more expensive than polyvinyl chloride (mainly imported products).

Polymer-bitumen mastics allow you to create a seamless coating, but it is permissible to apply only for a durable, incurring base - the slab of the overlap or a thoroughly reinforced tie, and this process is rather long and labor-intensity. Lifetime of two-layer coating with a thickness of 5 mm - about 20 years, the price is from 120 rubles. For 1 m2. In practice, mastic is used mainly for repairing roofs and gluing rolled materials.

Polymer and cement-polymer bulk waterproofing , say Aquascud, Osmolastic, Osmoflex, is distinguished by high elasticity
and durability to ultraviolet. To improve the characteristics, materials are used in combination with special primers and lining films, reinforced with mineral fiber (all components are supplied as a single system). Settlement service life - more than 50 years; Price - from 700 rubles. for 1 m2.

Flat Roof: Pragmatics View

Benefits disadvantages
Eliminates avalanche snow similarity and reduces the risk of falling ice. Requires significant costs for the base device with a high bearing capacity.
Provides convenient access to chimneys, ventilation risers, antennas; Compared to the scope easier to maintain and repair. More exposed to atmospheric factors than scope, therefore durability is guaranteed only if there is expensive materials.
It can serve as a platform for recreation, terrace. Requires increased attention to the arrangement and state of the drainage system (especially with internal drainage).
Single less susceptible to wind loads than scope.
Allows you to implement the principle of phased modular construction (to make an extension to the house with a scope roof, you need to solve a difficult architectural and design task).


Most often, when designing private houses, scope roofs are used, but the cottages with a flat roof, as in the photo, are much less common. In recent years, after the emergence of the latest technologies and modern materials for overlapping flat roofs, it is possible to create effective waterproofing, despite this unusual form.

The presence of such a roof makes the appearance of the private home is exclusive and original, since it stands out against the background of buildings with toll or scanty roofs.

The projects of cottages with a flat roof have their own characteristics, and their construction is associated with some nuances, since the roofs may be:

Advantages and disadvantages of flat roof

Flat roof provides property owner a number of advantages, including:

The disadvantages of the structural solution of flat roofs include:

  • conducting installation with strict observance of the technology of their waterproofing and. The slightest violation of the rules due to negligence or negligence is completed by the roof flowing if atmospheric precipitations accumulate on it. Extraordinary roofing repair will cost considerable costs, and sometimes it is necessary to carry out a complete reconstruction of the cottage roof;
  • the presence in the winter period on the flat surface of a large number of snow suggests (if the roof is planned to be used) its regular cleaning, which can be performed only manually;
  • in the process of snow melting on the waterproofing layer it turns out to be a significant load

Features of flat roofs

When a project of a cottage with a flat roof is developed, regardless of the number of floors in it, it is certainly taken into account the following features:

Creating a flat lightweight roof

If the cottage with a flat roof planned to build with a lightweight roof, it does not plan to operate.

The procedure for the construction of such a design is as follows:

As a result of the work produced, a flat roof is obtained, which refers to a lightweight type. It is fully entrusted with it fully, but it is not even able to withstand even a minor load. If you wish to equip on a flat roof a small place to rest, you need to build a roof in a completely different technology.

The device at home with a flat roof, more on video:

Construction of an exploited flat roof

When the cottages are design with a flat roof and a solid coating, it is assumed that the created roof will not be fed under the severity of the load (read: ""). There are several ways to build the operated coverage.

One of the easiest options is the laying of concrete slabs as overlapping. Bearing structures for this should have a significant margin of strength, in addition, installation is performed using construction special equipment. The roof, created from concrete slabs, must be insulated, but you can only perform such work from the inside of the room.

Another way is the construction of roofing overlap based on metal supporting beams - brass or foreign and chapels. On top, the boarded flooring was placed from sawn timber with a minimum thickness of 22 millimeters, and a layer of claympsite is poured on top of it, which is minimum of 150 millimeters. The solid coating provides a concrete screed.

The most advanced way to improve the solid is the use of ceramic large-sized construction blocks. They are placed on the support beams, and they provide a roof along with mechanical strength good sound insulation and thermal insulation characteristics. Among the advantages of such ceramic roofing blocks, it is impossible not to mention their excellent resistance to humidity. Before making a screed for such a roof, the belling of the clamzite is not required. The disadvantages of ceramic blocks include their high cost.

Build cottages with a flat roof of a solid type with styling of roofing membranes (optional). They provide additional waterproofing and improve the operational characteristics of a flat roof.

Houses with a flat roof is a modern trend in the construction of residential real estate. But, not everyone attracts such projects, and many often immediately consider these objects poorly suitable for living.

However, modern houses with a flat roof are quite comfortable for accommodation, functional, performed in an attractive style based on the principles of minimalism.

One-storey house with flat roof

Traditionally, in the CIS countries, it is customary to build houses with scanty roofs. But, not so long ago, the popularity and one-story houses with a flat roof began to recruit. Moreover, often the construction of such an object costs cheaper than at home with ordinary roof.

In the photo of houses with a flat roof, you can visually familiarize yourself with the various variants of such objects. They look really stylish and minimalist. The popularity of such houses is due, among other things, the emergence of new building materials.

Previously, flat lids were equipped mainly with mastic and rubberoid. These are not the most durable materials, which entailed serious difficulties in the operation of the house.

Today, more efficient materials that provide durability, high waterproofing and thermal insulation characteristics are used.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pros and cons of flat roofs come from its installation technology and used materials. The main advantages include:

Rational use of the area. The roof area is quite large, it can be used for various purposes, for example, to arrange a summer recreation area.

Savings on materials, especially in the construction of small houses, since the need to build a full-fledged rafter system.

Expansion of living space. Often there is a desire for the construction of the 2nd floor. In the case of a rafter roof, it is impossible to do this without dismantling.

If the flat roof has been made from suitable materials with compliance with technology, it is possible in a short time without unnecessary costs to build an additional floor.

The projects of houses with a flat roof for the most part suggest the construction of the operated roof. On the roof you can equip a gazebo or even a flowerbed.

Communication systems can be paved in the walls of the house. This is primarily refer to the pipes, which has a positive effect on the aesthetic qualities of the building.

But, in order to obtain these advantages, modern materials should be used - polymer membranes and various fuel formulations. Their service life is about 50 years, and with timely maintenance - much more.

However, there are disadvantages:

  • the limit of the range of roofing materials. The roof has a slight slope for the drain, but still many traditional materials cannot be used;
  • in winter, you will often clean the roof of snow, which is especially relevant for the northern regions with abundant precipitation;
  • high heat loss due to a large roof area. But the disadvantage can be corrected by multi-layer insulation with high-quality materials;
  • internal drainage should be additionally insulated, since it can freeze it in winter.

Types of flat roofing

There are catalogs of cottages with flat roofs, which contain ready-made projects of such houses. To build a house, you can use a finished project, adapting it to your preferences and features of the terrain.

In such projects, the roof is divided into 2 main types:

  • operated;
  • not operated.

The arrangement of these roofs is made according to various technologies, which should be considered at the design stage.

The roof is not more simple in the installation, but does not allow the roof for certain purposes. The operated roof requires a significant strengthening of the design, which entails additional costs.

Foundation for flat roofing

Choosing materials for mounting overlaps, you need to consider from what the walls are erected. With frame construction, the overlap can be mounted only with lightweight materials, otherwise the design will not power the load.

Modern construction uses such materials:

  • reinforced concrete plates;
  • the fill of the cement-sand solution is monolithing throughout the area;
  • profiled sheets of large thickness.

The operated roof can be equipped only with the use of durable overlaps from reinforced concrete. This is necessary to provide the ability to withstand high load from the objects located on the roof.

The SBBP and the screed is the optimal option for such a roof. But, regardless of the type of roof, it is necessary to mount the waterproofing and thermal insulation layer.

Materials for structures

Flat roof, similarly to normal, is a cake from 3 main layers:

  • waterproofing;
  • thermal insulation;
  • roofing material.

For waterproofing, special membranes are used from polymers or bitumen. Polyethylene film is better not to apply due to low durability.

The heat insulation layer should be rigid and stable to loads. Material must be moisture resistant. For the arrangement of this layer, such materials are usually used:

  • polystyrene foam;
  • foam glass;
  • minvati sheets with a hard structure;
  • filler from clay.

The most effective in terms of thermal insulation properties is foam glass. But, it is at the same time the most expensive material.

However, for long-term operation of the building it is worth preferred by foam glass. Ceramizite is much cheaper, but is distinguished by low thermal insulation qualities.

To mount the roof itself it is worth using light and moisture-resistant materials. You can pour the roof with a special solution, to lay polymer membrane materials, or bitumen coatings.

Stock Foto Houses with flat roof

Residents of the post-Soviet space are steadfastly associated with a flat roof with multi-storey model houses. Modern architectural thought is not standing on the spot, and now there are many solutions of private houses and cottages with a flat roof, which look no less interesting than scanty structures.


A single-storey house with a flat roof has a stylish and modern view. Basically, such structures are stylized by a special way, choosing the directions of minimalism or high-tech. Traditional styles for buildings with such a roof will not suit, because they get properly such roofs turned out quite recently, therefore, any of the classical directions will look at ridiculous.

Of particular interest is how the roof will be used: either according to its intended purpose, or as an additional open tier terrace. It is necessary to decide in advance with this question to competently draw up a project plan.


For the construction of 1-storey cottages with a flat roof, various materials are used, however it is necessary to keep in mind that they are not all suitable for the Russian climate. In winter, almost throughout Russia falls a large amount of snow, which greatly increases the load on the flat roof. Therefore, it is impossible to make walls of lungs and not enough durable materials. In this regard, popular frameworks will not fit, but there is another prevailing option.

Materials are distinguished for overlap and walls. If almost all durable types (monolith, brick, wood) are suitable for the walls, then the roof will have to choose the type of building raw materials more thoroughly.

Reinforced concrete plates

Empty or flat reinforced concrete plates are used in modern construction for floors of floors. They have sufficient strength to withstand the weight of a flat roof.

Plates have many positive qualities:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • good sound and thermal insulation characteristics;
  • installation speed;
  • resistant to corrosion phenomena.


The main minus material is that it is produced only in typical sizes, it must be taken into account when creating a project. Reinforced concrete plates are suitable for overlappings only in the house that has a reinforced foundation.


For overlaps, a special professional flooring is used, which is called carrier. Like the previous version, it is perfect for laying as a flat roof. Borrowing professional flooring is very popular mainly due to its cheapness. This material costs significantly less than everyone else. However, the low price did not interfere with it to prove himself as a durable and universal material that has excellent ability to withstand large loads that the flat roof is exposed.

Carrying professional flooring weighs much less than reinforced concrete plates, so optimally suitable for creating flat roofs in an average climatic belt with a small amount of precipitation in winter.

Monolithic concrete

This material is used for overlap rather rarely due to the complexity of the installation. Here you must first prepare the mixture, after which you can make the fill. This is only the real professionals of your business. However, it should be noted that the monolithic concrete as a flat roof is perfectly exploited, but only provided that the manufacturing and installation technology has been fully respected.

Modern single-storey houses with a flat roof are not taken to build from traditional materials. For this, modern developments can best be suitable for both harsh winter and summer heat. At the same time, it is easy to work with them, and the construction itself does not take much time.

Sip or Sandwich Panel

In the catalog of each self-respecting construction agency, there are typical projects of single-storey houses with a flat roof of sip-panels. Please note that cottages from this material are best ordered. Construction requires compliance with special technology, so newcomer working with sandwich panels can be difficult.

Speaking about the merits of panel houses, their low thermal conductivity and high noise insulating characteristics can be noted. Construction costs much to a smaller amount than a brick. At the same time, the abandonment of the pitched roof also plays a considerable role.

Flat roof

We all accustomed to see flat roofs only from high-rise houses of Soviet buildings. Among many there is an opinion that such roofs are boring, and the real house should be equipped with only the pitched roof. In the light of the latest architectural developments with this belief, it is possible to argue, especially if you recall the numerous advantages of such roofs.

It is impossible not to make a reservation that one-story houses with flat roofs will be stylized only in the modern direction. The flat roof itself looks futuristic, and you need to use this free space.


Among the advantages of flat roofs there are many characteristics.

  • Easy installation. Flat sample roofing structures can be performed in a record short time.
  • Reliability. If you organize the roof in the right way, it will be able to withstand a lot of weight. At the same time, in the case of which the repair of such a design is much easier than fixing the solo system.
  • Excellent thermal insulation. Regardless of what type of flat roof design was selected, it will exceed the heat inside the house.

  • Cheapness.Compared to scanty, flat constructs are much cheaper both by materials and time consumption.
  • Easy equipment installation. Antennas, air conditioners, various service communications on the plane are much easier than under the slope.
  • Interesting view. If the house itself is decorated in the style of "minimalism", then the laconic roof without a skate will perfectly complement the general appearance.
  • Additional area.If desired, the roof can be strengthened and used to organize space under the playground, garden or recreation area. Some even make a pool here.


There are not many minuses, but still they are.

  • No matter how good the roof is, there is always a chance that it will leak. In the case of a flat design, the risk increases many times, because it is exposed to large loads due to the fact that the snow does not roll.
  • If you plan to use the lid for your needs in the winter, snow and score will have to finish manually.
  • The construction of the roof of a flat sample should be carried out with the full observance of the technology, otherwise there is a risk that it will leak or can endure loads and will roll.


Unknown roofs are divided into several criteria, among which is a method of use and type of material laying. As a rule, the name of each of the characteristics speaks for itself.

By way of use

The roofs are exploited and non-exploitable.

Operated roofs - those used not only as roofs, but also as an additional space for pastime. Here are used enhanced systems, allowing not only to place heavy inventory on the roof, but even organize a "green corner" here, planting lawn, flowers and even trees. Equipment of the design of this type is quite a lot, while it is important to put in advance in the project, what kind of weight load will be roofing.

Non-exploited roofs cost much cheaperdue to the fact that they do not need to be additionally enhanced and equipped with waterproofing. The only thing you need to pay attention to is snow loads that will be roofing in winter.

By laying materials

Classic, inversion and breathable roofs differ.

Classic types are commonly used in the design of non-exploitable roofs. This is due to the fact that they have a smaller resistance coefficient of loads. Moisture or mechanical exposure can be destructive for these roofs.

The layout layout scheme looks like (from top to bottom):

  • upper weld material (waterproofing);
  • bottom fill material (waterproofing);
  • screed (if provided);
  • insulation;
  • vapor insulation layer;
  • overlapping.

Thus, the non-protected waterproofing layer is quickly encouraging.

The inversion roof looks exactly the opposite, which can be understood from the name:

  • ballast (gravel, crushed stone or other heavy material);
  • vaporizoation;
  • hydrophobic insulation;
  • waterproofing;
  • protective substrate (primer);
  • overlapping.

Such flat roofs have a long service life and are optimally suitable for operating roofs.

Breathable can be both classic and inversion structures.They are equipped with aerators or deflectors to provide additional ventilation, because there is no clearance between flat roofs and house, as in the case of scanty roofs. This leads to insufficient air exchange, so the organization of the ventilation system is so important.


By drawing up a project of a single-storey house with a flat roof, it is imperative to pay close attention to the type of roof. Here the roof is the most important component. Russian firms are not so long ago engaged in such design, so contact us only to verified agencies.