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Ways of self-organization of rational time planning. Work planning is the most powerful tool for self-organization. Accounting and control

When I was little, my mother repeatedly told me that in childhood time goes more measured and smooth, and in adult life it literally flies. I did not believe it, saying that time is a generally accepted unit that does not fluctuate in any way depending on age. In my youth, I came across a man who tirelessly repeated: “ Now, if there were more than 24 hours in a day, how much could be done!».

It was then that the first thoughts came about the correctness of the parental narrative. A little later, reaching 25 years old, I met another young man who was too serious for his age. Every evening he sat down at the table, took his notebook, pen, and detailed plans for the next day, right up to the “breaks”.

This might seem to me like rabid snobbery and sickening pedantry, if not for one significant “but” - this person was already extremely successful, wealthy, wise and collected.

How many hours are there in your day?

The modern rhythm of life does not spare anyone, and sometimes even the youngest, most energetic and ambitious people feel tired old people, barely reaching their thirtieth anniversary. We are always in a hurry somewhere, we are stuck in work and do not have time to pay attention to loved ones, we often do not have time to do so many simple but extremely important things!

Do you know this situation and are you seriously committed to changing it into a positive direction for yourself? Then time planning is a must for you. Surely you have heard the strong assertion that thoughts are material. And if they are set out on paper, then they are completely realized in the shortest possible time.

We don’t undertake to judge the esoteric teachings, but we guarantee you that with the help of a banal diary you can not only gain a lot of free time, but also achieve important plans that you’ll be put under the pressure of circumstances.

If you want to make life easier and more productive, you only need to optimize your own time, making small adjustments to your usual daily routine.

And believe me - these changes will not become burdensome for you, even on the contrary: soon you will be drawn into a new lifestyle and will begin to feel much easier. Time planning as a way of perfect self-organization is an important step on the road to multifaceted and fruitful success!

Alps Method in Daytime Optimization

Alps’s method in planning daytime work was developed with the aim of increasing the productivity of workers in certain segments of the business. This option of time management has been firmly rooted in the masses, and today even non-business people are actively using it.

He helps to get involved in truly important matters, without wasting time on his own hobbies, family and entertainment. The program and its methods are based on determining priorities. With its help, there is an ideal planning of working time, without rumors and “deadlines”. Try it and see for yourself!

We detail the principles of the Alps system:

  • Outline a plan. To get started, make a list of tasks planned for the day (no more than 15 items);
  • Distribute actions into three sectors: A - important and urgent, B - important, but not urgent, C - urgent, but not important;
  • Count the time - describe in detail how many minutes and hours you can (or are ready) to spend on certain actions;
  • Organize a “respite”. Allocate 10-15 minutes of rest for each hour of work, during which you can do whatever you want;
  • Define the framework. There is no need to set supernatural goals: paint only those cases that fully fit into the boundaries of the time spent;
  • Put the pegs. These are unique marks for extremely important matters (meetings, negotiations, visits), which are scheduled for certain hours and cannot be rescheduled;
  • Prepare patches. "Patches", or "RAM" - these are quick things that can be done in an unexpectedly hour of "idleness";
  • Organize the composition of the day. Build the whole day to start it with the most important things, and finish it easy and quick.

10 basic rules of time planning

If you persistently do not want to follow any specific time planning program, we advise you to create your own! But it should also be based on the golden rules of self-organization. In general, the method of self-discipline is a sure step on the path to accomplishing the main goals of life.

A well-organized personality faster than others achieves career heights and upgrades, earns large capital, gains the ability to work for themselves and live by their own rules.

The principles of quality time planning are simple, their implementation does not require extra forces. On the contrary, it will free you from fatigue and permanent sensation " underachievements ". Life can be optimized simply, without trifling expenses. To do this, you will need only control over your affairs.

Basic time planning methods:

  • Time planning with a paper diary is the best option for self-discipline! Buy yourself a beautiful, good-quality notebook in which you will make daily plans for the coming day. Write about them correctly, beautifully and accurately. Think about each case so as not to clutter up your regime with trifles. When writing a plan, focus and take your time. You can use an electronic organizer, but, as practice shows, such methods are inferior to the handwritten method;
  • The 70/30 method is best for beginners. This means that you will plan 70% of your time, and 30% - let it drift. At first, you will not be able to paint all the details of your day, and with such an attempt, a priori violate the plan of specific actions;
  • Perform most of the important tasks before lunch (14.00), so that in the late afternoon fatigue does not reduce the productivity of your activity at a later hour;
  • Write in the evening. They say that the morning of the evening is wiser. But not in time planning! Of course, you should not headlong to rush home, and, having barely taken off your shoes, run for a pen or pencil. After work, take a walk, think carefully about what you managed to do today, and what needs to be done tomorrow. Perhaps you will recall something that you wanted to do a long time ago, but in a hurry you put it off for a later date;
  • Plan realistic. Of course, flying to Hollywood tomorrow at 6 is a good idea, but hardly realized for the average layman. Write grandiose goals in another notebook. Time for them can also be planned, but the method for this must be spatial;
  • Rest is an important aspect of a productive work day. Even if you fulfill all the plans, but will not rest for a minute, you will return home in a state of “squeezed lemon” and will not be able to gain strength for the next day. So, its productivity will significantly decrease;
  • Determine the time (for example, lunch time) at which you can be alone with yourself, in complete silence. Move away from the office for a walk, wait until the colleagues leave for the cafe, in a word, use any means to stay alone and alone for 10-15 minutes;
  • The "fractional method" is good not only for nutrition, but also for large tasks. Perform them in small "portions";
  • Get rid of trash. Things that we do not use only make our workspace heavier and create a state of fuss in it. Is there a pile of books on your desk that you haven’t touched for a long time? Think about what role they play on it, and why not put them in the closet, freeing up for themselves a fraction of the extra "air"?
  • Lead a healthy and active lifestyle. Let your plans even at least sometimes feature a jog, a contrast shower or a trivial exercise. Doing all this in the morning, you are charged with energy and efficiency for the whole day!

When planning your working and personal time, you will be able to quickly achieve your “big” goals, find time for small family joys, work without emergency, sleep peacefully at night, and even save a certain amount of money. We wish you a productive lifestyle and work that brings only joy!

Dear friends, I am glad to welcome you to my blog! Today we will talk about time planning as a way of self-organization.

Time is expensive! Saying this, we do not always understand how accurate and relevant the phrase is. Especially nowadays, when it is almost physically felt how rapidly minutes and hours are running.

How to learn not to lose time, but to make it work for yourself? Let's turn to the advice of time-mediation experts to understand this difficult issue.

How often do we reproach ourselves for wasting time, spending new precious minutes on self-flagellation! Everything would be simpler if we correctly understood what time planning is and how effective it is.

Even a simple “debriefing”, that is, honest recognition of one’s own mistakes, analysis of the lost will help to avoid such significant losses in the future. This is where we start.

So what are the main reasons for our lack of assembly:

  • Lack of motivation;
  • Scattered and inconsistent;
  • Low concentration of attention;
  • Inability to isolate the main tasks;
  • Perfectionism, that is, setting high goals.

Honestly, this is just the beginning of a long list. Further banal laziness may follow, inability to say no, habit to take over other people's concerns, etc.

Before you start studying the methods of time planning, just look at yourself from the side, analyze at least one day lived, draw up its timing. Yes, write down - what, when, “weigh” in minutes. Then sit over this "compendium" and you will understand a lot about yourself. Try to cross out the excess, without which it was possible and necessary to do. And in the column “Total” there will be a substantial reserve of hours that were worth spending more productively ...

Topic article:

There are many different methods, published a lot of books on time planning. For example, here this.

One of the founders of this science is considered Benjamin Franklin, who laid the foundation for the literate. To one degree or another, his ideas are used in all subsequent systems, including the Eisenhower matrix. Of the many recommendations for self-organization, he singled out the main: the ability to accurately prioritize .

The result is four groups of tasks:

  1. Important and urgent matters. You can’t get away from them, because their non-fulfillment threatens with serious consequences in the future. For example, if tomorrow you need to submit a report to the boss by 8 in the morning, it is better to do it on time.
  2. Just important tasks. Like preparing for an exam or developing a new program. They bring us closer to the goal, bring satisfaction from what has been done.
  3. Urgent affairs, but not too large. We are in a hurry all the time, but this race is far from always justified. Running to the hairdresser, rather to a friend, etc. Maybe you should sometimes heed the advice: "Do not rush, or you will have time?"
  4. Not urgent, and not significant, but we devote hours and days to them, because we just want or think what we need. We can wallow around the TV, flip through fashion magazines, chat on the phone about trifles, “hang out” in social networks. And then belatedly lamenting that they did not have time to do a general cleaning before the arrival of the mother-in-law.

And Eisenhower warned about proper time planning времени

Accounting and control!

The so-called Alps technique is also based on isolating the main. But he also teaches it to paint, to put it on the shelves, that is, lines, columns, columns of the paper plan. Bored? No, interesting and very useful.

In the evening, after analyzing the day past, we sit down to compile a table for tomorrow. First, you can sketch out a draft: a general list of what we plan to master. Then select from it the most important and priority. In order of priority, add these tasks to our matrix.

It is imperative to estimate the time that we spend on each of the scheduled tasks. We emphasize those activities that are tied to a specific time. Experts, and not only in the Alps method, call it “put the pegs”, that is, drive the exact beginning of the event. For example, the meeting starts at 14.15, there are simply no options. But on a trip to the supermarket, you can provide some temporary "backlash", there may be surprises.

To provide for “patches” for unforeseen loss of minutes. Let's say you have to run to the clinic, sit in line with the therapist or dentist. Maybe 10 minutes, or maybe all 40. So take a magazine with you or plan for this period optional “secular” calls.

We agree with the poet that it is useful to "summarize what I have lived through." This helps to achieve a high level of self-organization. Therefore, by the end of the day we return to our tablet and scroll through the day in memory. We put the pros and cons, transfer something to other days, cross out something for the loss of relevance.

In "networks" and operating systems

So far, all we have been talking about has been planning in its simplest forms. But both industrialists and scientists, who are faced with large, even global goals, have to build their activities. For example, we need to plan a reform of the financial system, or paint an algorithm for large-scale cultural events, or we need a detailed work schedule for the construction of an important urban infrastructure facility, etc.

Here comes to the rescue network planning , that is, special programs for time planning, including calculation and graphical techniques for modeling, analysis of the situation for complex developments. The difficulty here is that some stages are tied to others.

Say, if the foundation is not ready, it’s too early to involve specialists in house communications, and even more so finishers. To meet the deadlines, it is necessary to clearly predict the progress of each stage of construction.

For this, a set of calculations and graphs is built. They will help draw up schedules for a specific period, find reserves, correctly use people and equipment, and effectively analyze what has been done.

Considered in these systems and time reserve in network planning - this is a certain temporary reserve or the maximum period for which it is possible to delay the implementation of one of the stages of work without harm to the final result. In relation to "our" building, for example, you should calculate how much you can deviate from the schedule for installing the roof in order to catch up with this time in painting and plastering.

Even more modern techniques involve the use of computer simulation . Any operating system has certain mechanisms for calculating the implementation of tasks, including planning in real-time systems. These are feasible tasks for programmers and advanced users, but all the rest remains to use the results - a clear and efficient work of programs that we can all use in our daily activities, saving our time and effort.

How to tame the "obstinate" time?

Above, we met with a number of theoretical calculations, justifications for the importance of time management and useful tips. Are there people to whom such recommendations have definitely benefited? It turns out there are a lot of them. Moreover, having tested the theory in practice, some of them themselves joined the ranks of developers of the most modern time management systems. One of them is Evgeny Popov, author of the course "The master of time".

This is a very sensible training, based on our own experience and knowledge of the author, who has become a successful businessman.

In it, Eugene will help to understand why and where exactly we are losing precious hours, tell you how to make plans for every day and other periods, give recommendations to those who have problems with motivation, or a wave of fatigue, or emotional “burnout” has occurred.

And many more interesting and useful things you will learn at this training. The author will answer your questions, help you navigate in a difficult situation.

I hope you took the time to read this review. Everyone will be able to choose for themselves something necessary and the closest, put into practice. And become a little stronger, rise above the circumstances. What I sincerely wish you!

Let's discuss with you in the comments how you plan your time? What techniques do you use?

Do not forget to share information with friends (social buttons just below) and the blog.

  When the goals are set and the action plan is clear, all that remains is to act. Sometimes it’s easy, and sometimes you need to organize yourself. Self-organization - the ability to organize yourself: for work, for fulfilling agreements with yourself and others, for achieving your goals.

If the goal lives in the soul in the form of desire, it, as a living one, draws us to itself, attracting both our attention and our strengths. Happy are those who want what they need, but all that connected  with desires - unreliably. Desires  - like the wind or weather, the weather tends to change, the wind easily changes its direction, so the desire can go out and disappear. Without self-organization, many of our desires turn out to be only desires, only dreams.

If the goal lives in the soul in the form of intention, it is more durable, but there may not be traction in it. An intention is formed primarily by the head, but without a developed will, the intention is empty. The young man intended to run during the holidays in the morning and do exercises every day, but if the rhythms of a night disco pull him over and over again, the intention remains nothing. If there is no will, self-organization is needed.

It is not only self-organization that helps to achieve large and difficult goals: Volition helps one, volitional efforts help someone, Self-motivation helps someone: stick or carrot in relation to oneself, motivating and pushing oneself to fulfill assigned goals.

Self-organization is such a situation and such an organization of life, when everything that should happen, happens easily and naturally, by itself.

For example, the walls in your apartment: strictly speaking, it is they that control the direction of your movement when you go from the hallway to the kitchen or bedroom. But at the same time say that they "make" you go a certain route ... - no, the walls do not force. They just stand as they stand, and you go along the route that the walls have built. This is the organization of life.

Unfortunately, you have to pay for ease and naturalness: the charms of self-organization are available only to those who have accustomed themselves to self-organization in advance, who have spent time and energy in advance. Self-organization is new habits of life, and you need to accustom yourself to new good habits.

Several effective methods of self-organization:

    What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax

Any plan, while it is only in your imagination, is only a dream. Write down your plans and they will turn into a goal! Also - celebrate your successes and achievements, in any convenient way highlight the accomplished and achieved - this will be a good incentive and reward. In 1953, scientists conducted a study among a group of graduates from Yale University. Students were asked if they had clear plans for the future. Only 3% of respondents had plans for the future in the form of records of goals, objectives and action plans. After 20 years, in 1973, it was these 3% of former graduates who became more successful and happier than the rest. Moreover, it was these 3% of people who achieved greater financial prosperity than the remaining 97% combined.

    Intensive as a way of life

If you want to clean the room today, do not stretch it for the whole day, but agree with yourself (or rather someone else) clearly: 15 minutes to disassemble the cabinet (only!), 15 minutes to clean up the table (not a minute more !!), 15 minutes to wipe the dust and vacuum the floor (catch it in time !!!), and then - absolute freedom and perfect joy!

    Make a habit

We are made of habits, and habit is the result of repetition. Habit usually formed  for 21 days, and what previously required efforts for itself becomes already easy and familiar. You decided to pour cold water: even if you started in the summer and you liked it, at first you need efforts to organize yourself for this. Three weeks later, it became a habit, it became natural, and by the fortieth day the habit gradually turns into Need: if you don’t pour today, it’s somehow strange to you. Something is already missing ... Total: if you start a new one and quit each time, tormenting yourself for a week, you will only suffer all your life. If you accustom yourself to the new a little longer, the new becomes familiar and natural. Previously someone else’s - it becomes ours.

    Time management: plan and schedule of affairs

If in the morning you made yourself the image of the future day, made a list of what you plan to do today, arranged all the things in order and tied everything obligatory to a specific time, your day goes easily and clearly. As planned.

    Teach another

One of the best ways to accustom yourself to order is to start accustoming your family or friends to order. “Once said - he did not understand. Two said - did not understand. The third time he said - I already understood everything myself, but he does not understand everything! ”

To be a purposeful person, you need a will, a skill to overcome yourself, your laziness and your fears (See Development of will). Will develops in sports under the supervision of a good trainer and in the army under the commands of a ruthless sergeant, and this technique is not suitable for everyone. Security officials - suitable, Dushkam  and Tactics like something softer and more flexible.

For Dushka and Tactics, a more flexible and positive Technique is suitable: to know where to think about something. The essence of the methodology: there are two situations - while you are thinking and when you have already made a decision. So: while you think, you need to doubt. When a decision is made, there is no longer room for doubt. For more details see the Methodology Know where to think about

Hello, friends! In touch Dmitry Shaposhnikov.

In my observation, a modern successful person inevitably encounters the concept of "time management." Everyone, to one degree or another, felt a lack of time, pressure from deadlines, and experienced stress from a forced rush.

After reading the article, you will learn the most important thing about time management, get acquainted with the basic concepts of successful time management. All this is accompanied by my examples and comments. I hope that studying this topic will be useful, interesting and exciting for you!

Let's start, friends!

1. What is time management - definition and history of occurrence

Direct translation of the term " Time management"From English -" time management". It is clear that in the literal sense it is impossible to manage time: the real function of time management is to use the time of your life with maximum efficiency.

The most accurate definition of time management is as follows:

Time management  - This is the accounting, distribution and operational planning of own time resources.

One more variant of definition.

Time management  - This is a scientific approach to organizing time and increasing the effect of its use.

The motto of a professional time manager:

Work smaller, keep up more!

People who know how to efficiently manage their own reserves of time, live a richer and fuller life, do their job with minimal time.

By managing our time, we have more living space: it becomes more real the opportunity to do what we really like.

Considering in what kind of emergency all modern people live, the issue of managing the resources of time is becoming more and more relevant, if not vital. The developed skill of time management significantly increases personal effectiveness. This I understood already 12 years ago.

Time management allows you to streamline work and personal time during the day (week, month) in order to manage to do all the important and necessary things, without being distracted by secondary or extraneous issues and problems.

Effective planning allows you to free up enormous resources of time for a full and fulfilling life. According to professionals, the size of such resources is calculated over the years and decades.

History of Time Management

A scientific approach to organizing time is not a new problem. The history of time management is rooted in the distant past.

Even 2000 years ago, in ancient Rome, the famous thinker Seneca suggested dividing all time into wasted usefully, that is, good, bad and useless.

Seneca also began to keep a constant record of time in writing. The thinker said that living a certain period of time, it is necessary to evaluate it in terms of occupancy.

In the subsequent history of time management, these ideas formed the basis of such a concept as “personal effectiveness”.

Alberti, a writer and Italian scientist who lived in the 15th century, said that those who know how to manage time with profit will always be successful.

For this, he suggested using two rules:

  1. Make a to-do list every day in the morning.
  2. Arrange business in decreasing order of importance.

For many centuries, all these principles existed only in a theoretical form and only from the 80s of the last century did this topic begin to move from theory to practice.

Time management is necessary not only for executives and owners of our own business: each of us must be able to manage our own assets in order to enjoy the life process in its entirety.

Of course, not everyone needs time management. If a person has nothing to do in his life, and his main task is to “kill time”, then time management for such a person is irrelevant and unnecessary discipline.

In other words, you should first decide whether you really have enough time and where you would like to spend your free minutes, hours and days when they appear.

Time management consists of several components:

  • strict time tracking;
  • optimization of temporary resources;
  • planning a day (week, month, or another period of time);
  • organization of motivation.

Time management is important not only for work: people who have mastered the art of time management are more cheerful, healthy and successful in professional and personal life.

Effective time management allows you to comprehend all your actions and decisions in terms of their appropriateness for their own development and improvement.

2. Myths about time management - 3 main misconceptions

There are a number of social stereotypes and misconceptions regarding time management.

Some believe that time management is needed exclusively for work, that in Russia this discipline is ineffective due to the peculiarities of the national mentality, that life strictly according to the plan turns a person into a robot and deprives him of free will.

All these myths are not consistent: below I will try to completely debunk them.

Myth 1. Nobody can control time.

The statement is true in form, but erroneous in content. Time management is really impossible   (unless, of course, you are an inventor of a time machine). No one is able to slow down his objective course, accelerate or stop even for a moment.

But a person can do the following : manage yourself, your decisions and actions over time, and also engage in determining priorities. This is what the practice of time management discusses - about managing your own life.

A reasonable and pragmatic approach to your actions is time management: you will be surprised how many minutes and hours are released as soon as you begin to act more thoughtfully and consciously.

Remember that all successful people, regardless of their type of activity, plan their affairs and act with maximum productivity. At the same time, they work about the same as ordinary people, but they always have time to do more.

Their secret is that in a unit of time they manage to do more things, which ultimately affects their life results.

Myth 2. Time management will make me work more and more intensively.

To work a lot and get tired, neglecting rest - a direct way to overwork and depression. It is necessary to constantly strive to reduce the volume of work while increasing productivity. How to do it? In short, act strictly according to plan and be able to separate the minor from the main.

Effectively using time management methods does not mean doing more or increasing productivity due to the speed of work.

It is about improving personal performance by eliminating unnecessary tasks and eliminating the so-called "time eaters" or "chronophages."

The category of chronophages includes hundreds of meaningless and small things that we do during the day, without even thinking about their feasibility: frequent checking of mail, communication and viewing news on social networks, conversations with colleagues that are not meaningful.

A person’s commitment to things abstracted from the main task is partly due to procrastination - the desire to postpone important and necessary events “until better times”.

However, if you discard reflection and recognize for yourself the importance and significance of current tasks, you will not be distracted by extraneous matters, you will have neither strength nor desire.

Myth 3. Using time management will turn me into a robot that will do everything on schedule, will deprive me of freedom and choice

People are afraid to turn into robots, but in fact they are already them, as well as slaves of their own psycho-emotional habits and patterns of behavior.

Time management does not limit our freedom, but rather creates it.

Time management is necessary not only for office employees, managers and managers: to manage the main life resource - own time - is necessary for everyone who takes themselves seriously and seriously.

A practical criterion for the need to implement the principles of time management in life is 4 or more cases  in the plan for the current day (not only professional, but also personal matters are taken into account). This is necessary for businessmen, and free artists, and housewives.

Today, as never before, the popular saying “Time is money” is relevant. And today it is not aphorism. The inability to manage one’s own time today is a problem for both companies and each individual.

The reason for this is the incorrectly prioritized time planning and the implementation of secondary tasks in the first place. Self-organization at work and work day planning will help a competent manager to increase personal efficiency up to 100%. This procedure will take you no more than 10 minutes of time, but will save most of the wasted time in an attempt to remember what you forgot?

These problems are characteristic of the sales, supply, technical department, and arise most often when one department interacts with another. The problem is the inability to explain some and listen to others.

Therefore, the development of self-organization on an individual level is a working and effective tool for solving this problem. To manage time, learn to plan, starting with small, with small household chores, accustoming yourself to discipline.

The main objective of planning is the ability to divide urgent matters into 3 groups:

1. Urgent - business, the implementation of which is in strict time limits.
  2. Medium-term - everyday business.
  3. Not urgent - things that can be postponed for a while.

Having distributed all the cases into these categories, you will understand which ones you can wait a bit with and get extra time for planning more urgent tasks. Start by planning your day's work while putting important business first. Having successfully coped with this task, start planning work for the week.

At the same time, do not forget that, having planned the main task for the day, the rest should be described around it, so you will not lose time on insignificant details.

"Never start a day if it is not already planned out on paper." Jim Rohn

Important is not only personal, but also self-organization of employees. The development of employees' self-organization will be favorably affected by trainings, well-thought-out motivation systems, and ways of encouraging them to achieve their goals.

  1. Prioritization

    Form business by urgency and importance. In the morning, do the most difficult things, those that you don’t even want to touch. Having made them, you will feel much better. If the business requires a lot of time, “dilute” it with minor tasks from the list. This will help to distract.

  2. Case planning.

    After mastering the skills of planning work for the day, start scheduling the implementation of as many important tasks as possible, expanding work planning: week, month, six months. Having a clear work structure, you will greatly simplify your life.

  3. Accuracy.

    Keep your personal items in order - this will allow you not to waste time searching for the right thing. Breeding chaos is unlikely to save time and quick solutions.

  4. Delegation of authority

    Hand over tasks to a subordinate. At the same time, take the time to explain what result you expect from the subordinate. This will significantly relieve the day and still come to a result.

  5. Make lists of tasks for unloading memory.

    Do not bother with unnecessary information that can be recorded. It is more fruitful, after completing the task, to delete it from the list. Crossed out affairs - cheer up and motivate for further work.

  6. Adequately evaluate resources.

    You should not devote 10 minutes to a case that requires a minimum of 30 minutes of your time. Straying from the rhythm, you will reduce work efficiency, provoking mistakes in work and the development of stress.

  7. Discipline.

    The development of self-organization directly depends on how disciplined you are. People around you must understand the value of your time. Getting to work, bring the matter to the end, without being distracted by "empty talk" and not succumbing to external factors and laziness.