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Dream Dream Log, what a log is shot. Dream Dream Log, why the logs dreams dream logs big

I log in all nations - symbolizes penis. Therefore, almost all proverbs and sayings, in which the logs appear should be understood properly.

If you are carrying logs - frequent sessions of sex with your partner begin to bother you.

If you are easy to saw and cross - you have a full order in the sexual sphere.

If you have to make very big efforts for this - you doubt your male abilities.

If the log itself splits into parts - you will be expected to be confused on the love front.

If you stumbled about the log - you found a satellite of life, which have long been dreamed of, or soon meet him.

If you see a lot of logs - you tend to lead an erratic sex life.

Sitting on a log - talks about your thrust to anal sex or homosexuality classes.

The log that you squeeze your hands - symbolizes your craving for self-satisfaction.

Ivanova's log in the newest dream book

See the logs - to a conversation (meeting) with a stupid man; saw logs - to the blow of fate; To transfer to get rid of an unpleasant problem.

Spring Spring Dream

See a log - to guests; carry a log - to a hard case; Saw logs to the coffin; Choose a log - to a quarrel.

Summer Dream Log

To see in a dream, as you saw a log on a chock - you will run the accumulated money on trifles.

Log in the autumn dream

To see in a dream a huge log with bruises - to an unreliable business partner.

Log in the dreams from A to Z

To dream in a dream log - to the fact that there will be obstacles on your way, to overcome which alone will be impossible.

If you go around or climb through a log, lying on the road - I can have a lot of luck, if you do not miss the chance to grab your luck for the tail.

A huge log, which you can neither go around, neither bypass - you will be powerless to resist adverse circumstances, completely distinguished by the will of Providence.

Sleep in which you saw a log - talks about your enviable dedication.

Rotten logs - foreshadow hopes.

Log in Dream Simone Channel

Logs - profit, luck.

Log in the dream of Azara

log - to the arrival of guests

log to carry - to a hard case

to cut into the coffin

Stumble of a log, lying across the road, is to notice the danger in time.

Embed through a log - to find a new interesting occupation.

To drag heavy logs to the fulfillment of a difficult and responsible order.

Breast logs - good luck, profit.

A log, lying across the road - an obstacle in affairs.

To jump over it - to defeat failures, stumble, fall - to retreat before adversities.

Shatting a log - to show perseverance in solving your problems.

Log in Schiller-School School

good luck, profit, and property possession.

Log in the dream book Catherine Great

To see a log in a dream - you dream of a log, lying across the road - a faithful sign that some obstacle awaits you in business. You saw a log with someone - your family relationships leave much to be desired; You and your wife saw each other; If such a dream dreamed of a woman, she can expect a quick divorce; It is hardly a divorce will please her, although it is possible that she will strive for him. You see in a dream of a log swimming along the river - your business develops, as it should be; Of particular difficulties are not expected, and that it will arise from obstacles, it will be easily overcome. You seem to be floating by keeping one hand for a log - the dream foreshadows you difficult circumstances; But you have a friend who comes to the rescue; You should think about how to fully express your gratitude to each other.

Log in the noble dream book N.Grishina

On the road to see a log - you will have to remember the deceased or long-forgotten person.

Log in combined dream

Many logs in a dream - considerable success, profit.

Log, located across the road - the obstacle in matters.

Jump over the log - overcome obstacles; Stumble about the log - fold hands in front of trouble.

Shatting a log - to be persistent and stubborn to achieve the goal.

Folklore Dream

A log, taken out of the wall - to the dead man.

Email in electronic dream

Load - good luck, profit, and property possession.

Log in Islamic dream book

A log - to see in a dream log - to an increase in wealth.

Log in modern dream

Logs (cut trees) - good luck, arrogance

Log in a big dream

A log - to see in a dream log - to the fact that there will be obstacles on your way, to overcome which alone will be unable to you. If you go around or climbing through a log, lying on the road, I can have a lot of luck, if you do not miss the chance to grab your luck for the tail. A huge log that you can neither go around, neither bypass, "you will be powerless to resist adverse circumstances, completely distinguished by the will of Providence. Sleep, in which you saw a log, talks about your enviable purposefulness. Rotten logs foreshadow the wreck of hope.

Log in astrological dream

Log in a small profit after some effort. Calf.

Log in Maja's Dream

Good value log is in the water, then prepare for changes in your life. It can be both moving and changing work or just a new acquaintance. To come true, you need to find your old thing, burn, and ashes to put in the wind.

Bad is meaningful with a walrobe, be prepared for unexpected major expenses. To avoid this, find a dry branch and jump it near your home.

Log in Italian Dream Meneghetti

Symbolizes negative, vampire in essence psychology.

Idle Solomon's Dream

Logs - profits, new property.

Log on Russian dream book

Log in a dangerous disease of a loved one.

Log on the snorker of 1829

A log seeked in a dream on the road means an obstacle in the enterprise.

Log in the dreams for bitch

Load - good luck, profit, receipt of inheritance or purchase of property.

Bring your log or linked to the house - it is possible to change the place of residence or is waiting for a long road.

Log in the dream of the XXI century

To see in a dream a log on the road - to obstacles in affairs, successfully jump over it - you will be lucky, stumble or fall - it means that the circumstances will be stronger.

Saw in a dream a log - it means that the false accusation is waiting for you.

Dinking Polyente - may be a harbinger of difficult and responsible work.

Log in the dream bed

Log - good luck, profit; Tesp - well, the beginning of a good case; On the road lies - obstacles; Log in four of all - funeral.

In the article on the topic: "Dream Dream Log to see a lot" - represented current information on this issue for 2018.

What is the log dream? Dream interpretation considers this symbol very ambiguous. On the one hand, this is a barrier, an obstacle. However, also a similar vision in a dream is associated with a profit, a successful course of affairs. Also, this sign can signal about unnecessary stubbornness of sleep.

Obstacles are overcome!

Going on a log through the ravine - successfully overcome obstacles. It is important to remember how this transition ended in a dream, whether you switched to such a "bridge".

What dreams that they fall on you, but fly by? Soon there will be difficult, but you will overcome them, contrary to everything.

Swimming in the water rotten logs foreshadow undervalued hidden troubles. It is necessary to be attentive even to the small details of the business of interest to notice difficulties in time.


Did you dream of chopping them? Dream Interpretation Warns: A large quarrel with friends or acquaintances is possible.

Rotten logs in a dream to the girl's unpleasant Uhager. Or she dreams of relationships with a young man, and he will be rude and nasty.

For a girl, a dream of the logs that fall on her, but do not hurt, means many fans trying to conquer its location. But while her heart is silent.

Business sphere

Why dream of sawing wooden decks? Have a good business agreement that can bring large profits.

Dreamed, as if you save from falling logs? Starting will have to face powerful people who have a significant opposition to your affairs.

To see how they float along the river - this is, according to Miller's dream book, promises your undertaking successful development. Special obstacles are not foreseen, but even if difficulty will appear, it can be easily overcome.

Sing them in a dream: it will be possible to achieve the scheduled, only manifesting patience and perseverance.

A warning

What dreams birch logs? The dreams will punish a certain non-residential act. Large dry is full, it is like a Christmas Eve - a favorable sign. Dream interpretation claims: the most joyful expectations will come true during some big holiday.

The rotten decks seen in a dream predict the wreck of hope for a successful outcome of events, at least in the near future.

Saw logs means hard work, however, often unproductive. Dream Interpretation Stresses: Such a plot points to the stubbornness of the dream, and it is sometimes inappropriate.

Do not do good luck!

To see him in a dream means income, the emergence of a new property. Possible profit or getting an inheritance.

To go on it, turning the river - the interpretation of sleep says: the favorable situation will arise, which sleep will use.

Did you dreamed of log floating in the water - fused on the river? According to the dream, this is a symbol of future great luck, prosperity, even buying real estate.

Solving problems depends on you

Did you dream of carrying a heavy log, dreaming to throw it? The plot symbolizes many problems from which you want, but you can't get rid of. It is necessary to gain determination to do it, because while you continue to carry the cargo of the problems, they will not leave you.

Vision, when the logs are burning the dream book interprets as the foresight of the quarrel due to property. Its interpretation depends on the other details in a dream: how strong there was a flame (strong discord), whether it quickly faded (find a compromise).

Favorable omen

Did you dream of seeing a commodity house from a log that build builders? The reality of the dreams will create a nice family and will be able to provide its material well-being.

Why dream of buying them for building a house? Dream Interpretation reports: Sleeping expects to change the place of residence. Perhaps soon he will acquire new housing.

Sitting on them in a dream means the long-awaited pleasant stay in a good location, relaxation, removal of voltage after the conversion.

Dream interpretation logs

Reflect on the topic, what will the logs dream? According to Dream, this plot cannot be interpreted unequivocally. It can fill and obstacles in life, and well-being and profits. And maybe just to testify to the stubbornness of the dream. It all depends on the nuances of the dream.

All difficulties on shoulder

Perhaps in a dream to cross the ravine ravine? Remember whether you were safely passed through the "bridge" and were able to move on the opposite direction.

Do not know what dreams, as if the logs fall, but do not hurt you? In fact, you may have difficulty. However, you successfully overcome all the obstacles on your way.

Have you seen rotten logs, what are floating in a dream? In reality, hidden troubles are waiting for you. Try to be attentive in everything. Only so you can warn the emergence of problems.

Relationships with loved ones

Perhaps in a dream to chop logs? According to Dreamnik, in reality, you are very crowded with your loved ones and relatives.

The girl that saw in a dream rotten logs, should be afraid of an unpleasant Uhager in life. Or her view of the chosen is erroneous. She should remove pink glasses and take a look at it in a different way.

If the girl dreamed of how the logs fall on her, but they do not harm, it will not be surrounded by fans who will try to conquer its location. However, her heart will be deaf to them.

What can birch logs can dream? Such a dream promises the punishment that it will suffer for his misconduct in the past. However, if it was cut dry, then sleep is a favorable sign. According to Dreamnie, you have joyful and solemn events ahead.

Rotten logs, which was greeted in a dream, foreshadow a dream in reality to the collapse of all the dreams and plans. It is better for some time just to sail downstream and do not strother.

Perhaps in a dream to saw a log? According to dreams, such persistent and unproductive labor indicates your excessive stubbornness. Try to keep yourself, it only interferes.

Grab good luck

Sometimes to see a log in a dream, he foreshadows the dream appearance of additional income or the acquisition of property. So, in reality, you can get the inheritance or large to win in the lottery.

I had to move the river on the log in a dream? In reality, new opportunities or profitable prospects will open for you. You will be able to use them.

Saw in the water floating logs? Dream Interpretation believes that in life you will have everything well. You will find prosperity, financial stability or acquisition of real estate.

Everything depends on you

What to dream of a heavy log that you want to throw? Such a dream indicates a pile of problems that in reality you surrounded. And you can't get out of them. Try to find strength in yourself and get rid of this cargo.

The dream in which you see, how the logs are burning, according to Dreamnik, foreshadow quarrels or conflicts due to property. If the flame was strong, then the conflict will be heavy. And if it quickly went out, then I can come to a compromise solution with your opponents.

Good sign

Saw in a dream a good house from logs, what build up buildings to you? In reality you can make a family and worthy to keep it.

Reflect on what can go to buy logs to build a house? Most likely, in reality, you will change the permanent place of residence. For example, buy a new apartment or house.

Sitting on logs in a dream symbolizes a pleasant and relaxing rest in reality. Such a dream is sulit that soon you have the opportunity to remove the tension after hard work and how to relax.

Why dream logs in dream

In a dream, the log in a dream protrudes the illness threatening your relatives. Many logs promise good luck in affairs, improving the material situation.

Chop logs to a serious conflict, a major quarrel with familiar or good friends. Saw logs - enter into a successful deal, reach a profitable agreement capable of bringing significant income to stabilize the financial situation.

Safety from falling logs - pressure mighty people will be put on you, trying to counteract your deeds. To see the logs floating along the river - the case you start will receive successful development. There will be no obstacles on the way, but even if difficulties arise, you will easily overcome them.

Birch logs promises the receipt of punishment for committing a non-aggregate act. Big dry logs foreshadows well-being: during the next holidays your most cherished dreams will be performed.

They carried heavy log, dreaming quickly to reset it with themselves - you are overcome by the problems that you want to get rid of, but do not know how.

Take the definition, collect the will in the fist and make a risky step. Problems need to be addressed otherwise they will constantly chase you without giving peace

See a big log

What dreams of a big log? In reality, you will find yourself powerless against circumstances, trusting the will of the case. High log, which cannot be accessed or bypass, foreshadows an irresistible barrier against which any of your action will be powerless.

Trust the will of the chance and hope for good luck, they will become your reliable support in all endeavors. It will not depend on you, it is necessary to simply gain patience and expect some decision to make fate on this score.

Dreamed rotting brave

Dream Interpretation Oracle examines the rotten log as a symbol of unfulfilled desires. Rotten logs in water promise the appearance of trouble, the power of which you underestimate. Without giving due value to difficulties, you risk to face them at an inappropriate moment.

Show care and attentiveness, do not miss sight of the minor details of the affairs of interest. This will help in time to pay attention to the emerging complexity and take response.

Dream that log burns

He dreamed that the log was burning - the vision reflects the torment experienced by you or suffering due to a certain circumstance that occurred in reality. Seen the burnt logs at home - the outlined plans are not destined to come true.

Try to pay more attention to planning. This will help pre-outline possible obstacles, develop tactics for overcoming them. You should not let things go on samoneck, you will not achieve solving problems in this way.

What dreams to go on a log

It is dreaming that you go on a log - in reality it will succeed to successfully overcome all obstacles, cope with emerging difficulties. Of particular importance should be to pay the end of your campaign - if it turned out to successfully cross the log, the luck awaits.

Do not give up, despair ahead of time. You have enough strength and patience, so as not to lower your hands and cope with the problems that have arisen, it is only necessary to find the right application of your abilities able to help in a difficult moment.

Dreamed that logo rolling

The sleep in which the log is rolling, promises the change of residence or foreshadows a long journey. You are waiting for a business trip or long-awaited vacation, in any case it turns out to combine a pleasant with useful: fruitfully work and relax well.

Perceive changes as an opportunity to know something new and unknown, as an incentive to achieve new frontiers and means for expanding the horizons. Your future depends entirely on the actions and decisions undertaken, but do not treat them frivolous.

Greeting trumulous log

Trummer log in a dream acts as a warning about the unscrupulousness of business partners. The deal offered to you or cooperation will actually be failed, and the second party will be known in advance.

Be careful not to lose vigilance - the danger can toucher where they do not expect it at all. Before making a decisive step, think well and weigh all the "for" and "against". Try to calculate the possible options so as not to be "at the broken trough."

Dreamed that the log fell

What dreams of a fallen log? The vision foreshadows the return of good luck, especially if the log in the fall did not cause you any harm. If the falling log almost killed you, reveal to attempt to invade someone else's life.

Take advantage of luck to extract the maximum benefit from the situation. Try to catch as much as possible as possible while good luck on your side. Pay more attention to your own life, not trying to teach the mind of others.

Personal horoscope for 2018 will prompt, in which areas of life you are waiting for success in the new year.

Dreamed the logs, but the necessary interpretation of sleep is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the logs are shot in a dream, just write a dream in the form below and you are plundered what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try!

The first half of this day will bring an increased desire for personal freedom and independence. He wants to show itself with the original way, to prove its uniqueness.

The magazine's website is located the largest online dream book, which contains 90 dream collections and more than 450000 Dream interpretations. Regularly updated horoscopes for today, tomorrow, week, month and year, among which love, compatibility and many others.

Dream Dream Log See a lot

Some characters interpreters of dreams are visible ambiguous. This includes the vision of the logs.

What is the log dream? Such a vision can predict the obstacles to you on the way to achieve goals. At the same time, sleep is promoting profit, a successful deal, business promotion.

Slices of wood

According to the dream book, the logs can be familiar with that the dreams have great stubbornness. Often you make such things that only interfere with you in achieving the goal.

Interpretation of dreams

This vision is often considered interpreters. You will be able to find many different predictions, it will only be left to choose what is suitable for you.

Do in a dream

Employee Catherine Great

In a dream, you see a log, which lies across the road - the obstacles await you ahead.

I dreamed that you saw the logs with another person - you are not all right in your family. You live on the same area in the inertia, constantly quarrel and conflict. For a woman, such a vision is especially unfavorable, soon she can divorce his spouse.

Alloy logs on the river - a sign that everything goes as it should, you are on the right track, you are waiting for luck in affairs.

To sail himself along the river, keeping the log - next to you will always be a faithful friend, ready to feed a helping hand.

Big interpreter

According to this dream book, the logs to see in a night vision - a sign that you will come across obstacles with which you can not cope with alone.

Dreamed a huge branch on the road

A huge branch was dreamed of the road that you went around or climbed - you will be able to achieve certain heights, if you focus on time and take advantage of the chance given to you.

Large, huge log, which you can't get around, nor go around - there are such difficulties in front of you, with whom you will not be able to cope. All you have, so to rely on the will of the case and sail downstream.

Saw logo - you are a purposeful person until you reach the goals set in front of yourself, you do not calm down.

Rotten boards - your dreams are not destined to come true, all your plans and hopes are collapsed.

Interpreter Azara

Stumble about the log, but do not fall - at the last moment you will notice the danger and you will be able to avoid it.

Wear in a dream

Embed through it - you will find a lesson that will not only bring you income, but also to please the soul.

Wear a log on yourself - you have a challenging job.

Autumn interpreter

If in a dream you saw the logs, from which the hut was made, then you tweak through the past times. You are tormented by nostalgia.

See a huge log with bumps - your business partner will betray or will bring you out of negligence.

Spring interpreter

For those people who are born in the spring, the vision of the log can align different things. Everything will depend on what you did:

  • just look at him - guests will come to you;
  • carry in their hands - you will work hard;
  • sleep it - to death;

Chop up

Interpreter 21 century

A piece of wood overlapped you - come across obstacles and difficulties. You will have to work hard and hard.

Stumble about it, fall - the external circumstances will be stronger than you, you will not be able to cope with them.

To jump, climb through it - a good case that will help you resolve old trouble.

Collapped with their own hands - you will be accused of what you have not committed.

Small Velezov Interpretator

Interested in what dreams of a log? This dream book will give you some brief and accurate explanations:

  • just see the log - to financial profit, good luck;
  • to process it - start a new case that will be successful;
  • in the middle of the road - obstacles;
  • four people carry it in their hands - get ready for a funeral.

Dream cut Sruba

Summer interpreter

Pulling the log into small parts - you will spend a big amount of money invested. If you see the hut made from logs, then it's time for you to relax both physically and morally.

Interpreter of the Wanderer

This interpreter, in contrast to the Summer Dream, believes that sawing the log into pieces - to obtain financial profit.

In general, the vision promises a serious work, obstacles in affairs.

Turn to psychology

The most important interpreter of dreams, which considers visions from the point of view of psychology, is the dream book Sigmund Freud. Log symbolizes the men's childbearing organ.

Drag of wooden bars in a dream means that too frequent sessions of sex with your partner are tired of you.


Saw, prick them and not feel fatigue - in the sexual sphere you are all right. If the dream of a man at the same time is very strained, deprived of the latter forces, then he can be traced serious trouble with the male force.

The logs fall and disintegrate into parts - you are awaiting disappointment in your loved one, trouble in love.

In addition, Freud issued a number of interesting assumptions:

  • stumble about the log - to the meeting with your second half;
  • sitting on it - for women, the vision speaks of addictions to anal sex, and for men means homosexual inclinations;
  • keep it in his hands, press to yourself - you love to engage in self-satisfaction;
  • a variety of logs in a dream mean that the dreams are used to a messy sex life.

Positive predictions

Watch in a dream how builders build a beautiful house of logs - you will have a good family, material well-being, good luck in business.

To buy logs intended for the construction of the house - soon you will have our own housing. It is possible that you will move to another locality.

Sit in a dream on hemp

Sitting on hemp - unlike Sigmund Freud, other predictors perceive this vision completely differently. It means that the dreams will finally be able to relax after a long intense period of anxiety and excitement, it will smile good luck, and he will heal calmly.

In a dream, do you carry a log, dreaming to get rid of him? You will oppose some troubles, anxiety, unresolved questions. The interpreter advises: throw doubt and alone decide all your troubles.

What dreams of a log in dream -
"Large universal dream book for the whole family O.Smurov"

Sleep, in which you will see a log, lying across the road, means that you are waiting for obstacles in matters. If in a dream you can push it away, then an unexpected luck is waiting for you in the case, which seemed to you hopeless. To see in a dream of a log, fused on the river, or just a lot of logs - a sign of great good luck, profits, enrichment and acquisition of real estate. To dream in a dream log and surprise means that you will be amazed how insensitive the person you loved to be.

What dreams log in dreams - "Dream Vanga"

The appearance in a dream of a log is interpreted in two ways. In some cases, this symbol characterizes the obstacle, the barrier, but at the same time it is a symbol of stubbornness, excessive perseverance and limitedness.

Cut the log in a dream:
In a dream, you are trying to bypass a huge log that has blocked the way to you - this means that I will reveal you are ready to put all your strength to achieve the goal.

Move the log in a dream:
The dream in which you are trying to move the log means that you will encounter limitations passing into stupidity, and therefore all your attempts will not bring the desired result.

Carry a heavy log in a dream:
You carry a heavy log, it puts on you with your own mass, and all your thoughts are directed to get rid of it - this dream symbolizes your desire to get rid of problems. But while you voluntarily carry them, you can not get rid of them.

Cut the log in a dream:
To see in a dream, as you try to cut the log, is a sign that to achieve your goal you will need perseverance and patience.

Falling logs in a dream:
The dream in which the logs fall on you, and you are trying to escape from them, warns that in the near future you will come across the opposition of powerful people.

Dream S. Karatov

What dreams log in dreams:

Log - if you have dreamed of a log, you will be waiting for an obstacle on your life path.

To see that we successfully overcome the log and not stumbled - it is for good luck.

See what fell from the log - nothing good will not have to wait.

See also: What the trees are shot to what the board is shot, what dreams of a saw.

Dream Interpretation A.Vasiliev

Do you dream about?

Log - if you dreamed the log - you will find a small profit after certain efforts.

Dream Nostradamusa

What dreams log in a dream:

Log - if you have dreamed of a log lying on the road - then one of the unfriendlies will try to prevent the implementation of your plans.

To see that we saw a log - then in the near future you will need an excerpt in order to take an important and responsible decision. To see Mount Brunen is to temporary difficulties.

Dream Interpretation V. Melnikova

Why dream log in a nighthood?

Log - if you have dreamed of a log - it is to the fact that there will be obstacles on your way, to overcome which alone will be unable to you. To see what goes around or climb through a log, lying on the road - then you can be big lucky, if you do not miss the chance to grab your luck for the tail.

If you have dreamed of a huge log, which you can neither go around, neither bypass - then you will be powerless to resist adverse circumstances, completely distinguished by the will of Providence,

To see that sawing a log - it talks about your enviable purposefulness. Rotten logs in a dream foreshadow the wreck of hopes.

Lunar dream book

Log to what dreams:

Log in a small profit after effort. Calf. Breast logs - good luck, profit.

Dream Interpretation O. Adaskin

What dreams in a log, what does this mean:

A log, lying across the road, is an obstacle in affairs. To jump over it - to defeat failures, stumble, fall - to retreat before adversities. Shatting a log - to show perseverance in solving your problems. This is a favorable sign, especially for those who are engaged in their own business.

Dream Interpretation A. Pushkin

What is the dream of a log? Interpretation of sleep:

The log - dream in the dream dream, it symbolizes prosperity in the house, profit acquisitions, justified efforts that will bring not only material benefit, but also the prospect of future profitable cases. At the same time, the more logs in your dream, the strongest and you will be happier you and your family. But one log also promises wealth and well-being in the house.

To see that you build out of the logs of Izbu, then such a dream promises to receive an inheritance or acquisition of large property. Perhaps you will receive a large house or land. In any case, you can enrich yourself and become more independent in the material plan. To see you put on logs, then in real life you risk take over the fulfillment of the duties with which you can not cope. Therefore, before you take for some business, weigh everything for both against, and also appreciate your own strength: Can you actually cope with what you decided to take? Also, this dream may mean an unexpected profit that will choose you from the rut and make you thoughtlessly waste the funds obtained.

What dreams of seeing what you saw a log, it means that any business for which you will take, will be on the shoulder. You will handle all the difficulties and achieve tangible results. Representatives of the older generation a dream in which they see logs or saw them, promises the receipt of unexpected, but necessary material assistance from the part.

What dreams of a big log? In reality, you will find yourself powerless against circumstances, trusting the will of the case. High log, which cannot be accessed or bypass, foreshadows an irresistible barrier against which any of your action will be powerless.

Trust the will of the chance and hope for good luck, they will become your reliable support in all endeavors. It will not depend on you, it is necessary to simply gain patience and expect some decision to make fate on this score.

Dreamed rotting brave

Dream Interpretation Oracle examines the rotten log as a symbol of unfulfilled desires. Rotten logs in water promise the appearance of trouble, the power of which you underestimate. Without giving due value to difficulties, you risk to face them at an inappropriate moment.

Show care and attentiveness, do not miss sight of the minor details of the affairs of interest. This will help in time to pay attention to the emerging complexity and take response.

Dream that log burns

He dreamed that the log was burning - the vision reflects the torment experienced by you or suffering due to a certain circumstance that occurred in reality. Seen the burnt logs at home - the outlined plans are not destined to come true.

Try to pay more attention to planning. This will help pre-outline possible obstacles, develop tactics for overcoming them. You should not let things go on samoneck, you will not achieve solving problems in this way.

What dreams to go on a log

It is dreaming that you go on a log - in reality it will succeed to successfully overcome all obstacles, cope with emerging difficulties. Of particular importance should be to pay the end of your campaign - if it turned out to successfully cross the log, the luck awaits.

Do not give up, despair ahead of time. You have enough strength and patience, so as not to lower your hands and cope with the problems that have arisen, it is only necessary to find the right application of your abilities able to help in a difficult moment.

Dreamed that logo rolling

The sleep in which the log is rolling, promises the change of residence or foreshadows a long journey. You are waiting for a business trip or long-awaited vacation, in any case it turns out to combine a pleasant with useful: fruitfully work and relax well.

Perceive changes as an opportunity to know something new and unknown, as an incentive to achieve new frontiers and means for expanding the horizons. Your future depends entirely on the actions and decisions undertaken, but do not treat them frivolous.

Greeting trumulous log

Trummer log in a dream acts as a warning about the unscrupulousness of business partners. The deal offered to you or cooperation will actually be failed, and the second party will be known in advance.