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Present Perfect is the present perfect tense. Present Perfect. Present Perfect time. English - Present Perfect

It is necessary to learn to recognize and use one more time group Perfect- The Present Perfect Tense - Present Perfect Tense... The very name “perfect” speaks for itself - the action is done, it is over.

For example: He has passed his exam. He passed the exam. That is whatwith did? - passed, committed ( but not what did you do? - handed over).

Present Perfect Tense is used:

    to express an action that has taken place so far and the result of which is known. e.g. I have just talked to my wife. I just spoke to my wife.

  1. in order to show that the action began in the past and lasted until the present moment e.g. 1) I have had a cold for a week. I have had a cold for a week now. 2) She has been at home for 10 minutes. She's home for 10 minutes. 3) Ann has loved apples since she was a little girl. Anya loves apples since childhood.
  2. to describe experiences e.g. He has been to Spain. He visited Spain.

    in order to show changes that have occurred over a period of time e.g. The government has become more interested in higher education. The government has become more interested in higher education.

    to describe achievements (without specifying a specific time in the past) e.g. Our daughter has learned how to write. Our daughter learned to write. Doctors have cured many deadly diseases. Doctors have found cures for many deadly diseases.

Marker words for Present perfect tense:

    ever- ever, in any situation, in any case e.g. Have you ever heard about it?- Have you ever heard of this?

    never - never e.g. She's never been to Mexico.- She has never been to Mexico.

    recently- recently; the other day, recently. e.g. He's been ill quite often recently.- Recently he is often ill.

    lately- recently, recently e.g. I haven’t received any letters from him lately.

    just- just now. more recently e.g. The taxi has just arrived.- The taxi just arrived. IMPORTANT!!! With adverb just now just now used e.g. I saw them just now. I just saw them.

    alread y - already e.g. We’ve already told you what happened.“We've already told you what happened.

    yet- not yet, still (in interrogative and negative sentences) e.g. He hasn't seen the film yet.- He hasn't seen this movie yet.

    for- during, continued e.g. We’ve known each other for half a year.- We have known each other for six months.

    since- since then e.g. I have held two jobs since I graduated.- I have changed two jobs since I graduated.

    this week- this week, this month- this month, this year- this year, provided that they also indicate not elapsed time periods... e.g. I haven’t seen her today. I haven't seen her today.

To compose sentences in Present Perfect Tense, you need to know, namely, their third form (Past Participle)


Present perfect tense

Affirmative Present Perfect Tense

Interrogative Present Perfect Tense


you(you you)



V3 / Ved?




Examples of Translation

- Has your mother come?

- Has your mom come? (the speaker is interested in the result)

- Have you ever been to China?

- Have you ever been to China?

- Has he done his homework?

- Did he do his homework?

Special questions in Present Perfect Tense

(start with special words)


you(you you)






Examples of Translation

What have you learned?

What have you learned?

Where has she been?

How has he found us?

How did he find us?

Important!!! Questions that begin with the adverb When? - when, they require the use of Past Simple, and not Present Perfect, since such questions imply a past moment or period of time. e.g. When did you leave your country? When did you leave your country?

in Present Perfect Tense

- Who has finished this task? Who finished this quest? - We have. We.

- Who has sent you this e-mail? - Who sent you this letter?

negative form
Present perfect tense

Interrogative negative form
Present perfect tense

Schematic structure of a sentence in Present perfect tense looks like that:

S + have / has + V3 / Ved.

Have / has + S + V3 / Ved?

Wh -?
Wh + have / has + S + V3 / Ved?

S + haven't / hasn't + V3 / Ved.

? –
Haven’t / hasn’t + S + V3 / Ved?

Exercise. Watch the video and write down all the example sentences in Present Perfect Tense. Compose your own sentences in Present Perfect Tense with the perfect forms written out.

(have, has) and past participle: I have done, he has played... Past Participle (participle) of regular verbs is formed by adding an ending to the infinitive –Ed: to invite- invit ed... When added to a verb –Ed sometimes there are changes in its spelling: to stop - stopp ed... Past Participle irregular verbs you need to remember: to tell - told - told... Additionally about.

Abbreviated forms:

'Ve= have
’S= has
haven’t= have not
hasn’t= has not

Using the Present Perfect

1. An action that has taken place up to the present moment, the result of which is obvious. The speaker's emphasis is to draw the attention of the interlocutor to the result of the fact that the action took place (there is always a connection between the past and the present).

Examples: I have lost my luggage. - I lost my luggage. (I now have no baggage - the speaker reports a specific result of the action have lost; you can express this thought also by the following sentence: My luggage is lost. - My luggage is lost.)
I have read a new book. - I read new book... (I have already read the book)
She has bought a new car. - She bought new car... (she now has a new car)

2.With adverbial words denoting periods of time that have not yet elapsed ( today - today, this week / month / year - this week, this month / year, this afternoon - this afternoon)*

Examples: I haven’t read your documents today. - I have not read your documents today.

3. Often with adverbs of indefinite time ( ever - ever, never - never, already - already, yet - still, often - often, so far - yet, so far, not yet - not yet, ever - ever)*

Examples: I ’Ve never been there before. - I've never been here.
They haven’t finished dinner yet... “They haven't finished dinner yet.

* Please note that the absence or presence in the sentence of the above adverbs (3) or adverbial words (2) is not a clear indicator of the use of Present Perfect.

4. Always used with adverbs lately - (for / in) recently and just - just now.

Examples: They have just finished... - They just finished.
Have you heard from her lately? - Have you heard about her lately?

5. Actions performed during a certain period of time up to the present moment with verbs that do not have the Continuous form. Often used with for ( for an hour - within an hour, for two weeks - within two weeks, for a long time - long time ) and since ( since twelve o'clock - from twelve o'clock, since 12 April - from 12 April, since May - from May). Additionally about.

Examples: I have known her mother for 10 years. - I have known her mother for 10 years.
He has been here since 3 o'clock. - He's been here since 3 o'clock.

6. Never used with the designations of the past moments or periods of time ( yesterday - yesterday, last week - last week, an hour ago - an hour ago, on Sunday - on Sunday, in 2005 - in 2005), with questions starting with when - when... These marker words indicate the need for use.

Examples:When did he draw this portrait? - When did he paint this portrait?
I came here an hour ago... - I came here an hour ago.

7. In circumstantial clauses time and conditions ( after conjunctions when - when, while, after - after, as soon as - as soon as, if - if, until - not yet) instead of to express an action that will end at a certain point in the future. It is translated into Russian in the future tense.

Examples:After he has repaired the washing machine, he’ll be paid. “After he fixes the washing machine, he gets paid.
I’ll come as soon as I have finished writing this letter. - I will come as soon as I finish writing this letter.

Present perfect (present perfect) is used to denote an action that took place in the past and has a result in the present.

Education Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect is formed using the auxiliary verb to have in the present tense form ( have, has) and the past participle of the semantic verb. This form the verb is also called "the third form of the verb" and is designated conditionally as V3 (verb 3). For regular verbs it is the infinitive with the ending –ed, for irregular verbs it is the third column v ):
I have played.
He has played.
We have played.

Interrogative form: have (has) + subject + V3:
Have I played?
Has he played?
Have we played?

In a special question, the necessary interrogative pronoun is put before have (has):
Where have I played?
Why has he played?
With whom have you played?

In a subject question, the interrogative pronoun who placed before the predicate instead of the subject itself (in this issue the auxiliary verb has is always used):
Who has worked?

Negative form: have (has) + not + V3:
I have not played.
He has not played.
We have not played.

Interrogative negative: have (has) + subject + not + V3 or haven "t (hasn" t) + subject + V3:
Have I not played?
Has he not played?
Have we not played?

V colloquial speech abbreviations are used:
have not = haven "t =" ve not
has not = hasn "t =" s not
have = "ve
has = "s
I haven "t played. = I" ve not played.
I "ve played.
Haven "t I played?

Affirmative form negative form
I have play ed
He (she, it) has play ed
We have play ed
You have play ed
They have play ed
I have not play ed
He (she, it) has not
play ed
We have not play ed
You have not play ed
They have not play ed
Interrogative form Interrogative negative form
Have I played?
Has he (she, it)
play ed ?
Have we play ed ?
Have you play ed ?
Have they play ed ?
Have i not play ed ?
Has he (she, it) not play ed ?
Have we not play ed ?
Have you not play ed ?
Have they not play ed ?

Using Present Perfect Tense

Present Perfect is used:

1. To express an action that took place in the past, but has a result in the present. The presence of such a result connects the past action with the present:
I have lost my keys. I lost my keys.
(lost in the past, but there is a result - now I do not have them, I cannot open the door)

Has the rain stopped? Is the rain over?
(I'm interested in the absence of rain at the moment)

The duration of the action may not be specified (as in the previous sentences) or may be expressed in adverbs just just, ever ever, never never, already already, yet yet(in questions and denials), lately recently, recently, recently recently. At the same time, the sentence should not contain adverbs indicating the past tense:
I have never been in London. I've never been to London.
He hasn "t come home yet. He hasn’t come home from work yet.

But compare:
My mom has already cooked dinner. Mom has already prepared dinner.
My mom already cooked dinner yesterday. Mom already made dinner yesterday. (yesterday indicates the past tense, so it is used )

Note... Past Simple Tense is just now used with the adverb just now:
I broke it just now. I just broke it.

2. To express both a single action and an action that was repeated several times in the past (the sentence may contain words often often, twice twice etc.) and in sentences answering the question how much / many how many:
I have read that book twice. I have read this book twice.
I have been in London three times. I have been to London three times.
I "ve ironed 8 skirts. I ironed 8 skirts.

3. Present Perfect is used with adverbs denoting periods of time that have not yet elapsed today today, this week this week, this month this month, this year this year etc.:
Have you listened to the radio today? Have you listened to the radio today? (not expired today)
It has not rained this week. There was no rain this week. (this week is not over)

But if the specified period of time has already ended, then the Past Simple Tense form is used:
I have drunk coffee this morning. I drank coffee this morning.(said in the morning)
I drank coffee this morning. I drank coffee this morning.(the morning has already passed, it is said, for example, in the afternoon or in the evening)

4. Present Perfect is used to express an action that began in the past and continued until the moment of speech or is still continuing at the moment of speech. The sentence must contain the prepositions since with (from some past moment to the present) or for during. At the same time, Present Perfect can be translated both in the present and in the past, depending on the situation.
a) with verbs that are not used in Continuous (see details):
I haven "t seen you for ages. I haven't seen you in ages.(did not see and just saw at the moment of speech)
Has not been here since two o "clock. He has been here since two o" clock.(started at two o'clock and is still here now)
I have known him for three years. I know him for three years.

b) with some verbs instead of Present Perfect Continuous, if the speaker wants to focus not on duration, but on the fact of performing an action.
I have lived in Moscow for five years. I have been living in Moscow for five years.(fact is important)
I have been living in Moscow for five years. I have been living in Moscow for five years.(duration, process is important)

Present Perfect has also been used with since since. In this case, Present Perfect is used in the main clause, and in the subordinate clause starting with since, Past Simple is used:
I have wrote only one letter to my relatives since I left. I have only written one letter since I left.
I haven "t
received letters from him since he left. I have not received any letters from him since he left.

Present Perfect has also been used with the adverb since since:
We moved to a new flat last year, and we haven "t met our friends since. We moved last year and have not seen our friends since.

5. Present Perfect is used to express a perfect future action instead of Future Perfect in adverbial clauses of time and conditions that are introduced by unions after, when, as soon as, until (till), if and others. In this case, Present Perfect is translated by the future tense of the perfect form:
He will wait for you until you have come. He will wait for you until you come.

Use Cases of Present Perfect Tense

  1. An action, the result of which is present in the present tense (in Russian it corresponds to the past tense).
  2. An action repeated several times in the past.
  3. With adverbial words denoting periods of time that have not yet elapsed.
  4. To express an action that began in the past and continued until the moment of speech or is still continuing at the moment of speech: instead of Present Perfect Continuous (in Russian it corresponds to the present and past tense).
  5. The future perfect action in the subordinate clauses of time and conditions (in Russian it corresponds to the future tense).

Today in our article we will look at how to use the tense of the verb in the present perfect, the rules for the formation of this grammatical form, examples of use, and much more. I must say that this is one of the most difficult tenses used in the English language. denotes someone's action that took place (began) in the past, but at the same time is related to the present moment in time. That is, you can observe the result of this action in the present.

Present perfect: formation rules

Present perfect is formed as follows:

I / we / you / she / he / it + have or has + past participle

Means in the past tense). For the so-called "regular" verbs (they are, as we remember, the majority) can be obtained by adding the ending "-ed" at the very end of the word. For "irregular" verbs, this method is unsuitable, their past form need to be learned by heart. Note that the helper verbs have and has are usually shortened to 've and' s, see:

In case of negation, you should use have not or has not, for short we get haven’t / hasn’t.

Present Perfect: Applying Correctly

It is often difficult for beginner students to understand when to use Present Perfect tense, since it is often confused, for example, with Past Simple. Read this section carefully, here we will consider in great detail the Present Perfect time, the rules for its application:

  • Present Perfect is used when it comes to actions that began in the past, but, nevertheless, they continue to this day. Often such sentences contain the words "for" and "since":

This old beautiful building has stood on this square for three hundred fifty years - This old beautiful building has stood (and, in fact, continues to stand) on this square for 350 years.

I'm starving. I haven’t eaten since lunch - I'm incredibly hungry. I haven't eaten anything since lunch.

Maria has been to London once, but she would like to travel there again - Maria has already been to London once, but she would like to visit there again.

  • The present past tense is used with these phrases: this year / day / week / month, recently, ever, yet. It can be seen that the time period is not defined, but it is closely related to the present. For example:

Have they heard from John recently? - Have they heard anything about Mark lately?

I've been in a lot of places last few weeks - I've been in a lot of places over the past few weeks.

I’ve had five cups of green tea today - I drank 5 cups of green tea today

  • As for the Present Perfect time: the rules for its use also apply to those situations when we can already see the result of an action. For example:

The earthquake has destroyed the industry in the whole region - The earthquake destroyed the industry in the whole region (as a result, and now the region still has problems with industrial production).

Present Perfect is the short and most common name for the time of the rules of use which we have just considered. We hope that our article helped you understand this difficult grammatical topic. And remember - everything is learned in practice, that is, the more exercises you do to consolidate the use of the present perfect tense, the fewer mistakes you will make in the future. Note also that Present Perfect is a fairly simple time to use in comparison, for example, with the rules of which imply both the formation of a complex structure (have or has been + Verb-ing), and use in cases where the action began in the past, but at the same time it has not yet ended and, moreover, continues to this day. One way or another, only practice will help you master the English language at a sufficient level to speak and write clearly and competently.