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Large treasures. The most famous treasures in Russia

V recent times more and more news about the finds or the discovery of huge treasures, having tried to collect all the most valuable, I propose to look at them and remember in part how it was.

Last year, one of the largest treasures in human history was discovered in an Indian temple. According to experts, the treasures walled up in the lower tiers of the Padmanabhaswamy temple make up 6% of the total gold and foreign exchange fund in India, that is, about $ 22 billion.
The keepers of the temple, built in the Indian state of Kerala, began filling six underground vaults with donations since the 14th century, and in the 18th century it was decided to carefully walled up the caches.

Two years ago, a large treasure of coins of the Roman Empire weighing more than 160 kg was found in Great Britain. The bronze coins were kept in an earthen jug, which was only under a 30-centimeter layer of earth and was discovered by an amateur treasure hunter. According to experts, the jug of coins was intended as a sacrifice to the gods.

Gold and Jewelry in Staffordshire, Anglo-Saxon Treasure, 2009.

In 2009 in Staffordshire, amateur archaeologist Terry Herbert unearthed a treasure dating back to the Anglo-Saxon era. In total, it consisted of five kilograms of gold, about three kilograms of silver and precious stones.
Among the items found were gold brooches, armor and swords, dishes and religious utensils. A treasure hunter stumbled upon a treasure while exploring the territory of his friend's farm with a metal detector. More than 1,500 different items were found under the ground, which could have belonged to the representatives of the Anglo-Saxon elite.

One of the largest treasures in history was found this year on the island of Jersey in the English Channel. Amateur archaeologists have discovered a cache, the total weight of valuables in which amounted to more than 700 kg. According to scientists, the treasure is more than 2000 years old and it could have been hidden by the Celtic tribes fleeing from the troops of Julius Caesar.
Metal products have packed so tightly over 2000 years that they have turned into one huge ingot, the cost of which, according to various estimates, ranges from $ 5 million to $ 17 million.

A collection of unique coins, the total value of which can reach several million euros, was found among the books of the state library in one of the towns of Lower Bavaria. The cleaning lady found a box containing a collection of Greek, Roman, Byzantine coins, as well as French coins from the Napoleonic Bonaparte era.
According to one version, the collection was hidden in 1803 from the authorities, who confiscated coins and books kept in monasteries in favor of the state.

In 1981, in the Barents Sea, the largest deep-sea operation was carried out to lift gold from the sunken British cruiser Edinburgh. At the end of April 1942, the cruiser left Murmansk for England with 5.5 tons of gold on board, but, having received damage from German warships, she was sunk by order of the captain. Only in 1980 did British specialists determine the exact location of the vessel, and in September 1981, most of the gold bars were raised to the surface. Several ingots were never found.

17 tons of silver at a depth of 2.5 km, 2011.

About 17 tons of silver were found aboard a British ship that sank in the Atlantic Ocean. The ship Mantola was wrecked in 1917 as a result of an attack by the German submarine U-81. According to experts, the value of the treasure exceeds $ 19 million.

In 1985, after 15 years of searching, the legendary treasure of the Spanish galleon Atocha was found, which was wrecked in 1622 by a storm off the coast of Florida. The raised wealth was estimated at more than $ 400 million, among them there were 200 gold and about a thousand silver bars, jewelry, gold chains and a whole arsenal of weapons of the 17th century.

The treasure was found by one of the most famous treasure hunters, Barry Clifford, just a few hundred meters from Cape Cod Beach on the Florida coast. He discovered the wreck of the Wyde pirate galley, from which he raised about five tons of various valuables.
The total price of what was found exceeded $ 15 million: before crashing on the coastal reefs, pirates robbed more than fifty ships.

Recently, about 48 tons of silver were lifted from the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean - this is the largest cargo precious metal ever found in the depths of the sea. The treasure, worth approximately $ 38 million, was found aboard the Gersoppa ship off the coast of Ireland. This military transport ship sank in 1941 after an attack by German submarines.

The remains of a British cargo ship sunk by the Nazis during World War II were found off the northeastern coast of South America. The value of the find was that the ship was carrying a large cargo of gold, platinum and diamonds, intended to replenish the US treasury.
The name of the vessel was not disclosed, it was conventionally called the Blue Baron. The ship was wrecked in June 1942.

In May 2007, Odyssey Marine Exploration, a treasure hunt company, announced that it had found a sunken ship with 500,000 gold and silver coins on board. The treasure was picked up and shipped to the United States, but the company never revealed who the sunken ship belonged to or where it was found.

Last year in the Caribbean Sea off the coast of the Dominican Republic, the American treasure hunt organization Deep Blue Marine discovered treasures. In the 16th century, a shipwreck occurred at this place. The divers found 700 ancient coins, the value of which can reach millions of dollars, ancient figurines and an unusual mirror stone that could be used in shamanic rituals.

In February 2012, the famous US treasure hunter Greg Brooks discovered the sunken British ship Port Nicholson, which in 1942 never brought platinum bars from the USSR to New York. The ship was sunk by a German submarine. Its cargo was intended for the calculation of the Soviet Union with the US government for the supply of ammunition, military equipment and food by the allies.

Based on materials from

On January 9, 1932, in the ruins of the ancient Indian settlement of Monte Alban in southern Mexico, the richest treasure of the 13th century, belonging to the Zapotec people, was discovered.

When and where else were the largest treasures in the history of mankind found?

1. Gulf of Finland

A cemetery of sunken ships that transported untold treasures is considered the Gulf of Finland. More than 6 thousand sunken ships rest at its bottom. In 1953, Finnish fishermen stumbled upon a ship that was sunk near the islet of Borst, near the city of Turku. At that moment, he did not make an impression on archaeologists and historians. However, in 1961, divers from Sweden began to study it. It turned out that this is the "Saint Michael" galleon. On October 15, 1747, he headed from Amsterdam to the shores of St. Petersburg. On board were valuable cargo destined for the imperial court. Also personally to Empress Elizabeth Petrovna a gift was delivered, made in the form of a carved convertible made of gold. When permission was obtained from the Finnish side to carry out work at depth, Swedish divers opened the cabins and during the first days of the expedition they raised many gold, inlaid with precious stones, objects. 34 gold snuff boxes, a set of watches made of gold and silver, porcelain. Among them was a gilded carriage for Elizabeth.

2. Baltic Sea

In the summer of 1999, a Finnish search expedition discovered the shipwrecked schooner Frau Maria in 1771, carrying treasures for the Hermitage on board - a variety of works of art ordered from Holland by the Russian Empress Catherine II.

In the holds of the ship there were many paintings, which were sealed not just in boxes, but packed in leather cases, placed in lead vessels, and then filled with wax. In addition to paintings, there were other valuable items on the ship, such as porcelain, bronze, items made of various precious metals.

After the treasures were indeed found, legal proceedings began on the subject of who they should belong to - those who found them or those who were originally intended. The court handed over the right of disposal to the discoverers. Russia did not agree with this. The case for this treasure has not yet been settled.

3. Moscow Kremlin

In 1910, during the construction of the shopping arcade (now the GUM is located on this place), a treasure was found, consisting of 4,820 copper kopecks, dating back to the time of Alexei Mikhailovich.

At the Spassky Gate in 1939, two metal vessels were found, which were filled with thirty-three thousand silver coins dating back to the reigns of Alexei Mikhailovich and Mikhail Fedorovich. This is until about 1654.

During the reconstruction of Red Square in 1945, a treasure of silver coins was found, the minting of which dates back to the reign of Ivan the Terrible - Alexei Mikhailovich.
In 1965, a cache was discovered under the building of the Patriarchal Palace. There were two crosses made of marble and lapis lazuli and bound in gold. The items date back to the 13th century. In 1884, a treasure was found there, consisting of letters with seals of the XIV century and documents.

In 1966, during the restoration of the Assumption Cathedral, a treasure was discovered consisting of three-bead temple rings made of silver.

The treasure is the contribution of the noblewoman Morozova to the Chudov Monastery of the Moscow Kremlin. XVII century (1664). Presumably hidden by the monks in 1917 (walled up in the wall). Discovered in 1931 during the destruction of the monastery. Paten. Zvezditsa. A spear. Moscow Kremlin workshops. Gold, precious stones, pearls. Enamel, carving. Photo: Dmitry Korobeinikov / RIA Novosti

4. Strait of Gibraltar

A huge treasure was found in the waters of the strait near Portugal. The treasure was found by the American company "Odyssey" on a sunken Spanish military frigate in 2007. 500 thousand silver and gold coins, as well as adornments and valuables were lifted from its side. The cost of this one of the most expensive treasures was $ 500 million. The court handed over all the found treasures to the Spanish government as a historical value.

5. Atlantic Ocean

In 2009, an incredible treasure, worth more than three billion dollars, was discovered in the Atlantic, off the coast of Guyana (a state in the northeastern part of South America). During World War II, a ship sank in those places, the holds of which were filled with gold, platinum and diamonds. According to the main version, the owners of this cargo were Soviet Union and Britain. The American company that discovered the treasure tried to classify information about it, but failed to do so. There is a version that with these diamonds, gold and platinum, Soviet Russia paid off the allies for clothing, food and weapons. In 1942, the treasure ship was torpedoed and sunk by a German submarine.

6. England

The "catch" in the amount of $ 5 million belongs to the English treasure hunter Dave Krypt, who in 2010 with the help of an ordinary metal detector discovered a vessel with ancient coins on a farm field in Somerset county - there were more than 52 thousand of them. Some of them date back to the 3rd century. How the lucky man disposed of the find is unknown.

7. Chile

In 2005, experts of the Chilean company "Wagner", using their own engineering development - a robot capable of scanning the molecular composition of the soil at a depth of 50 meters, found 600 barrels with more than 800 tons of gold.

It is believed that they belonged to the Spanish navigator Juan Ubil. In 1715, he buried a huge amount of gold on one of the islands of the Juan Fernandez archipelago off the coast of Chile.

Many famous treasure hunters were looking for treasures, for example, American millionaire Bernard Kaiser, who sold his super-successful NASA space suit fabric business for the search for a Chilean treasure. However, only the Chilean company was lucky, which, by the way, with difficulty later defended its right to 50 percent of the treasure with the Chilean government (the treasure was estimated at $ 10 billion).

8. India

In the summer of 2011, the world's largest treasure was found, worth $ 22 billion! The treasure was found in the temple of Sri Padmanambhaswamy in India, more precisely, in its four crypts. The treasure consisted of precious stones, jewelry and gold coins, as well as countless works of art, the most outstanding of which was already recognized as the 1.2-meter statue of the god Vishnu, cast from pure gold and decorated with emeralds and diamonds.

The number of treasures was so huge that the officials who evaluated them counted the coins not one by one, but weighed them in whole sacks.

Treasures every archaeologist dreams of finding

1. Ark of the Covenant

According to the Bible, this is the greatest shrine of the Jewish people. The Ark of the Covenant (sometimes also called the Ark of Revelation) contained the tablets with the ten commandments of Moses. V Old Testament it is said that the Ark was made of wood, but inside and outside it was trimmed with gold.
In 607 BC. NS. Jerusalem, where the Ark of the Covenant was kept in Solomon's temple, was besieged and then captured by the Babylonians. The Jews were able to reclaim the city only 70 years later. But when they returned to Jerusalem, they never found the Ark.

Historians and adventurers are still looking for it. Not only for the gold contained in it, but also because the existence of the Ark will mean the truthfulness of many events described in the Bible.

2. Treasures of the Templars

Knightly order, which at first was right hand church, and then it was announced worst enemy, managed to amass considerable wealth. The knights allegedly went to the Holy Land to guard the path to it for pilgrims, but in fact they were actively looking for ancient treasures and shrines. Some researchers suggest that the Templars managed to find the Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Grail and the treasures of King Solomon.

However, after the brutal massacre of the knights of the order, most of the wealth was lost.

3. Tomb of Genghis Khan

In the period from 1217 to 1227, Genghis Khan created the largest empire in world history and became the most influential person planets. He had at his disposal countless riches captured in China, India, Ancient Russia.

Historians are still wondering where these untold riches have gone. In particular, it is assumed that his tomb could overshadow all previous similar finds, for example, the tomb of Tutankhamun. According to legend, the conqueror bequeathed to kill every soldier from those who will participate in his burial, and then turn the river so that it passes over his tomb.

4. Amber room

The masterpiece of 18th century art, lost during the Second World War, has not yet been found. According to one version, she was kidnapped by the Nazis and put up for review in Konigsberg, which was destroyed by the Allied bombing.

According to another version, the Nazis exhibited a copy in Konigsberg, and the Amber Room itself was taken away in an unknown direction. There is also a version according to which the Nazis got a copy of the Amber Room, and the masterpiece itself was hidden by order of Joseph Stalin.

5. Treasures of Blackbeard

The pirate, nicknamed Blackbeard, roamed the Atlantic for only two years (1716-1718), but managed to plunder more than enough. It was at this time that the Spanish colonialists were actively transporting gold and silver mined in South America, to Europe. And the pirate made a good fortune on the robbery of the Spanish galleons.
Blackbeard was hiding the loot somewhere, but the secret about the location of his hiding place went with him to the grave on the day when the British officer Robert Maynard caught the pirate and hauled him onto the yard.

Some researchers believe that the key to the cache can be found in the remains of Blackbeard's ship, which was called "Queen Anne's Revenge" and was sunk by the British shortly before the death of the pirate. The ship is believed to be off the coast of North Carolina.

Dedicated to all lovers to look for someone else's good in the earth (and not only) - the largest found treasures from all over the world!

Did you play pirates or robbers as a child? Then you probably drew a map with an "X" at least once, and then pretended to be looking for a valuable treasure - a chest of gold, for example. Well, the treasures have indeed been found - by accidental lucky ones or true adventurers. Only, unlike your children's trinkets, these values ​​are worth much, MUCH more. The most interesting thing is that sometimes the treasure is practically under our noses.

1. Treasure in the foundation of a building in the town of Sroda lska

In 1985, builders undertook the renovation of the old building, who discovered a treasure in the foundation dating from the beginning of the XIV century. The walled vase contained over 3,000 rare coins, medallions and a gold crown. The find is estimated at $ 150 million. The treasure is currently on display in the Wroclaw Museum.

2. Sunken silver off the coast of Ireland

In 2012, search engines raised about 48 tons of silver from the ocean floor. The treasure has become one of the largest finds of silver. Its cost was estimated at $ 38 million. The valuable cargo was on a military transport ship that sank after an attack by German submarines. The treasure was found after the British Department of Transport announced a reward.

3. Half a million gold and silver coins near San Francisco

In 2007, the company Odyssey Marine Exploration, which specializes in geological exploration, found a Spanish ship offshore. Gold and silver coins were found on board. After the treasure was found, a terrible scandal erupted. The Spanish government demanded that the treasure be given. And the gold itself was exported from the territory of Peru.

4. A treasure found in the foundations of a temple in India

In 2011, gold was discovered in the foundations of the Padmanabhaswamy temple, which is estimated at $ 22 billion. And it weighed more than 30 tons. The son of the last maharaja was present at the opening of the treasure.

5. A hoard of 50,000 Roman coins dated 290 AD.

The treasure was found in 2010 by David Crisp. He is an amateur treasure hunter. The treasure is estimated at only $ 5 million. The treasure is most valuable in the historical aspect: this is due to the fact that during this period the Roman Empire was experiencing an economic crisis and the quality of the coins was very low, and the treasure itself represents a four-year salary of a legionary warrior. Found coins can be seen in the British Museum.

6. Ship with platinum from the USSR

The cargo with platinum was supposed to be delivered to New York during the Second World War - this platinum was used to pay for "allied aid." But the ship was sunk by a German submarine. It is very difficult to estimate the value of this treasure - according to rough estimates, it is worth $ 3 billion. It was found by the treasure hunter Greg Brooks.

7. The treasure found in Staffordshire

The largest treasure found in England was discovered in 2009. The treasure was found by amateur treasure hunter Terry Herbert. Almost all products date from the 7th century AD. The treasure consists of silver and gold items, their total weight is 7.5 kg, and the number reaches 1500 pieces. These are weapons, dishes, and jewelry.

8. Treasures of the Celts on Jersey

Archaeologists who excavated on the island of Jersey (Britain) have discovered a cache of Celtic treasures. The treasure was hidden about two thousand years ago. Most likely, he was hidden from the troops of Rome, who invaded the British Isles. Now the cost of jewelry and coins is estimated at $ 17 million.

9. Treasures of the Naryshkins in St. Petersburg

The treasure was found during the renovation of the mansion where the Trubetskoy-Naryshkins lived. During the renovation, a secret room was discovered that was not marked on the building plans. It contained whole deposits of silverware with the coat of arms of the Naryshkin family, awards and decorations. The dishes look great because they were in a linen cloth soaked in vinegar. This cache was created in 1917. The treasure was estimated at 189 million rubles.

10. Rare coins from the German library

In the state library of the town of Passau, a cleaning lady, Tanya Hels, accidentally discovered rare coins in 2011. Tanya took her find to the management. The treasure is estimated at several million euros. This cache contained very rare Byzantine, Greek, Roman coins. It is believed that this collection was hidden from the authorities in 1803, for the reason that the authorities took away the monastic coins and books for the needs of the government.

11. Treasures found off the coast of Florida, USA

This treasure was found in 1984 by an archaeologist who specializes in underwater excavations. The treasure is estimated at $ 15 million. He was on a sunken ship built in the 18th century.

12. Treasures of the Spanish "Atocha"

Galleon "Atocha" was loaded with jewels for two months! With great difficulty, the ship was sent to sail, but he never made it to the metropolis. The ship sank off the coast of Florida. The Spanish authorities have repeatedly tried to raise the treasure from the bottom, but all attempts were unsuccessful. It was only in 1985 that Mel Fisher was lucky enough to find the treasure. To find him, Mel created an entire company, Tragers Salvors Incorporated, and was also able to find investors for funding. While searching for the treasure, Mel's team surveyed about 120 sq. miles of the seabed. The value of the valuables raised is estimated at $ 450 million. It is believed that no $ 500 million worth of valuables was found from this vessel. And, probably, they will not find it anymore ...

Treasure- money or valuables buried in the ground or hidden by another method, the owner of which is unknown and cannot be found, or has lost the right to them. Some incredible treasures have been found throughout history. This list contains ten of the most famous and amazing treasure finds.

Java Treasure, Indonesia

The Java treasure, compared to other found treasures on this list, was discovered relatively recently. The wealth found contained approximately 14,000 pearls, 4,000 rubies, 400 crimson sapphires, and more than 2,200 garnets. They were found in a ship that sank off the coast of Indonesia over 1000 years ago. In addition to jewelry, treasure hunters have unearthed tiny perfume bottles, burnt clay jars, vases and utensils, possibly belonging to the Fatimis dynasty that once ruled ancient Egypt. The treasure is estimated at several million dollars, 50% of which will go to the Indonesian government. Finds of sunken ships of the 10th century are extremely rare, and this find fills a large gap in our knowledge of that time.

Treasure of Gourdon, France

The treasure of Gourdon (Trezor de Gourdon) was discovered near the district of Gourdon, Saone and Loire, in 1845. It is a reserve of gold dating from around the end of the 5th or the beginning of the 6th century. This treasure consisted of a bowl (see above), a metal mug (diskos), and approximately 100 gold coins.

the treasure of Pietroasel, Romania

The treasure was found in 1937 in Romania and dated to the 4th century. There were approximately 22 gold items. Of the twenty-two parts, only twelve have survived and are in the National Museum of the History of Romania, in Bucharest. Among them is a round sacrificial dish depicting Greek deities.

Nagy-Saint-Miklos treasure, Romania

This valuable collection consists of twenty-three gold vessels (with a total weight of 9.945 kg), dating from the 10th century. The treasure was found in 1791 in the vicinity of the town of Nagyszentmikl. The treasure is kept in the Vienna Kunsthistorisches Museum.

Tillya Tepe, Afghanistan

Tillya Tepe is archaeological excavations in northern Afghanistan near Shibargan, in 1979 under the leadership of Viktor Sarianidi, a year before the invasion Soviet troops to Afghanistan. The treasure discovered here consists of approximately 20,000 gold jewelry found in six graves (five women and one man). Decorations include coins, gemstone necklaces, belts, medallions, and crowns.

Pereshchepinskoe treasure, Bulgaria

The treasure deposit was discovered in 1912 in the village of Malaya Pereshchepina (13 km from Poltava, Ukraine) by a shepherd boy who literally stumbled over a golden ship and fell into the tomb of Kuvrat, the founder of Great Bulgaria and father Asparukh, the founder of the first Bulgarian kingdom. The treasure includes more than 800 objects, the total weight of gold items - antique, Byzantine, Persian, Caucasian - was twenty-five kilograms, silver - fifty kilograms. Among the jewelry were amphorae, cups, dishes, eleven gold and ten silver bowls, knee pads, a blade in a gold sheath, stirrups, a saddle and much more.

Treasure of Tutankhamun, Egypt

The treasure was discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter. Perhaps the most impressive found in Tutankhamun's tomb were not the masks (see above), but most likely a golden coffin that shows the quality of workmanship and attention to detail that is unrivaled. The coffin is made of solid gold. The tomb contained many other treasures, including the throne.

Preslav treasure, Bulgaria

The Preslav treasure was found in the fall of 1978 in a vineyard in Castana, 3 km northwest of the second Bulgarian capital, Veliki Preslav. During the excavations, more than 170 gold, silver and bronze objects were found, including 15 Byzantine silver coins belonging to Constantine VII.

Panagyurishte, Bulgaria

On December 8, 1949, the three brothers - Pavel, Petko and Michaud Deikovs worked together in the Merul area at a slab factory near Panagyurishte. While working on a new layer of clay, they encountered an unusual glossy object. What they discovered was Thracian treasures, some of the most famous treasures in the world. The total weight of the treasure was 6164 kg. pure gold. All objects were richly decorated with scenes from myths, customs and life of the Thracians. The treasure dates back to the 3rd – 4th centuries BC.

Schroda's treasure, Poland

This treasure is one of the most valuable archaeological finds XX century. It was found in 1985 when they carried out renovation work in the town of Shroda Slaska, Poland. The found treasure contains a gold crown, apparently belonging to Blanche of Valois, wife of Emperor Charles IV, 2 gold pendants of the 12th century, 2 gold pendants of the 13th century, medieval gold clasps decorated with precious stones, three rings, 39 gold, and 2924 silver coins. The main part of the treasures is now in the local history museum.

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While some only dream of finding valuable artifacts, others, armed with tools, go to excavations. Finding ancient treasures is always a thrilling event. It is difficult to count how many treasures have been found in Russia today, but it is worth highlighting the five most famous.

The largest treasures in Russia

Scythian gold

The vast space between the Danube and the Don is strewn with many mounds left after the disappearance of the Scythian tribes. The raids on the kurgans began in the Middle Ages, and today's collection of the Hermitage and other museums is replete with a huge number of gold items from the Scythian burials.

The Scythian gold treasure became scandalous

Vladimirskie Golden Gate

According to legend, oak doors were upholstered copper sheets with a thick layer of gilding. Disappeared in 1238, during the offensive of the Tatar-Mongol troops. Legend has it that on this moment they rest at the bottom of the river. Klyazma.

According to legend, the Golden Gate in Vladimir still keeps a treasure

Kolchak's gold

Over 1600 tons of gold. For part of the gold, Kolchak bought weapons. The second part was found by the Red Army after his arrest. And there are conflicting rumors about the third part of the gold reserve, but all traces lead to Tyumen.

Kolchak hid one of the most legendary treasures in Russian history

Napoleonic treasure

The plundered riches of Moscow were placed on two hundred carts. With the onset of winter, Napoleon's troops returned to France, but the difficulties of movement forced him to get rid of a certain amount of booty on the way. On the route from Moscow in the direction of Smolensk, it was possible to find many valuables, but the fate of the main part is unknown to our time.

It is not known whether anyone will find Napoleon's treasure in Russia

Treasure hidden by Sonya Golden Handle on Khitrovka

Has a weakness for jewelry, the cheat skillfully appropriated them for himself. It is believed that in the center of Moscow, she hid a huge diamond. The exact location is not known. According to legend, the fraudster hid it in a samovar buried next to the Khitrovy market.

Secret treasures are also kept in the center of Moscow

Top-most famous treasures of world history

But not only in Russia all over the world it is possible to find hidden treasures. There are legends about them, films are made, books are written. Every year, thousands of people from all over the world try their luck in search of sunken ships, pirate hiding places, caves, grottoes, excavate in the most different parts the globe. Here is a list of just a few of them:

Treasure on the island of Java (Indonesia)

More recently, an amazing find was discovered, consisting of 14,000 pearls, 4,000 rubies, 400 crimson sapphires, and 2,200 garnets. They were found on a ship that sank over 1000 years ago. Also treasure hunters found small flasks for spirits, jars of baked clay, dishes, vases of the Fatimis dynasty, which once ruled in Ancient Egypt. Such finds of the 10th century from sunken ships are extremely rare and this will fill a large gap in knowledge about those times.

The treasure from the island of Java has become one of the largest

Treasures of Tillya Tepe in Afghanistan

In northern Afghanistan, near Shibargan in 1979 (a year before the Soviet troops entered), archaeological excavations were carried out under the leadership of V. Sarianidi. In six graves, a treasure was discovered, which is a collection of approximately 20,000 gold jewelry. The find consisted of coins, belts, necklaces inlaid with precious stones, medallions and a crown.

A treasure discovered in Staffordshire

In 2009, archaeologist Terry Herbert discovered a treasure dating back to the Anglo-Saxon era. The weight of the treasure was 10 kg, and consisted of gold, precious stones, silver. Among the items were armor, swords, dishes, religious items.

Pirate Treasure - Florida Beach

In 1984, treasure hunter Barry Clifford discovered a treasure that once belonged to pirates on the Florida coast. From the site of the shipwreck, about five tons of various values ​​were raised. The treasure was valued at $ 15,000.

Pirate treasures are kept on the seabed

Tut's Treasure (Egypt)

In 1922, Howard Carter discovered a golden coffin made in an unsurpassed manner in the tomb of Tutankhamun, as well as a throne, masks and many other treasures. The tomb was the first one that had not been plundered before. The find was hailed as a huge discovery.

Tutankhamun's treasure is recognized as a great treasure

Pereshchepinskoe treasure (Bulgaria)

The treasure was discovered by chance in 1912 in the village. Small Pereshchepino in Ukraine, 13 km from Poltava. The shepherd boy literally fell into the Kuvrat tomb, which belonged to the founder of Great Bulgaria, the father of Asparukh. More than 800 items, the weight of gold items - 25 kg, silver - 50 kg. Amphorae, dishes, cups, 12 gold and 11 silver bowls, stirrups, a blade in a gold sheath, a saddle, etc. were found.

The largest treasure found

History keeps many legends about treasures and the lucky ones who managed to find them. But there are treasures of which the most notorious skeptics are breathtaking. In the dungeons located in the temple of Sri Padmanabhaswamy (India), the researchers managed to find untold treasures that amazed the whole world.

The largest treasure found in the world was discovered in the temple of Sri Padmanabhaswamy In the temple of Sri Padmanabhaswamy, built in honor of the god Vishnu, five hidden vaults were opened. According to experts, their price is $ 25 billion, and this gives reason to consider it the largest treasure to date. To date, research continues in 2 more secret chambers and, possibly, new caches will be discovered. The largest treasure in the world includes gold coins, ingots weighing about 2 tons, a diamond necklace 5.5 meters long, and several bags of diamonds. And the most outstanding find is the statue of the god Vishu, made of gold, 1.2 m high.

Ancient treasures continue to be found in Russia Very often there are problems with the right to own the discovered treasure. For example, treasures found American company Odyssey near Portugal, from a drowned Spanish military frigate. 500,000 coins, jewelry and jewelry were raised to the surface. Until now, the fate of these artifacts has not been determined. The Spanish government put forward its right, but the company defends its rights, since the treasure was found on neutral territory. The frigate Nuestra Señora las Mercedes transported coins from the Spanish colony to Peru in 1804, and was sunk by the British near Cape St. Mary. About 200 sailors of the frigate were killed in the explosion. The hoards often contain not only jewelry, but also money ..