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When you can cut the stems of faded tulips. Faded tulips, what to do next? Do I need to fertilize a wilted plant

Despite the fact that tulips can be found in almost every garden with the advent of spring, not everyone knows how to care for tulips, from the appearance of the first tender shoots to the moment when all the flowers fade and the stems dry out.

Care for tulips from the moment of planting until the first buds appear

Tulips are quite persistent and unpretentious perennial plants, however, errors in caring for them throughout the growing season can very well lead to problems such as rotting of bulbs, an abundance of blind (non-blooming) buds, as well as the curvature of thin stems, giving the impression as if they were lying on a plot.

Tulips are quite resistant and unpretentious perennials

The first thing you need to take care of to significantly increase the chances of getting healthy tulips with flawless flowers: choose a suitable sunny place with loose, fertile soil for planting tulips and. If you do not pay attention to sorting planting material, selecting the best quality bulbs and pre-planting them, in the future you are unlikely to avoid damaging the tulips with diseases, which means that the hassle will significantly increase.

Video about spring tulip care

The appearance, size of the flowers and the health of the tulips themselves will depend on what bulbs you plant on flower beds. Therefore, choose large bulbs without the slightest sign of rot, strong and smooth.

Delicate shoots of tulips emerge from under the snow from about the twentieth of March to mid-April, depending on weather conditions and on the characteristics of the variety. In the event that for the winter you mulched the planting of bulbs, it is recommended to remove the mulch after the snow has melted - so the earth warms up faster, and the flowering of tulips will begin earlier.

The appearance will depend on which bulbs you plant on the flower beds

What is required from a gardener after sprouting tulips:

  • At the stage of germination of the tulip sprouts, they should be carefully examined to immediately determine which bulbs did not germinate, which plants showed signs of disease. The revealed “marriage” needs to be dug up and immediately destroyed, otherwise the diseases can go to the remaining tulips.
  • Around the small shoots of tulips that have appeared, the earth is gently loosened, increasing the access of necessary oxygen to the roots and helping to reduce the evaporation of moisture from the earth. In general, caring for tulips in the garden implies regular loosening of the soil throughout the entire growing season, and especially after watering and rains.
  • Before flowering, tulips need to be watered fairly moderately, but the soil should never dry out.
  • The first top dressing is carried out, as soon as the sprouts appear from the ground. During this period, tulips especially need nitrogen for rapid growth and leaf formation. For feeding, you can use nitroammophos or crystallin with the addition of trace elements in tablets.
  • The following dressing is not mandatory, but tulip tulips will be more useful than harm from the introduction of complex mineral fertilizers when the second or third leaf is unfolded.

The first top dressing is carried out, as soon as the sprouts appear from the ground

  • During budding, tulips absorb nutrients from the soil most effectively and are in dire need of potassium and phosphorus for the normal formation of a peduncle with buds. Fertilizing at this time should contain more phosphorus with potassium and less nitrogen.
  • When the buds begin to blossom, you can again feed the tulips with full mineral fertilizer.

Top dressing must be done very carefully so as not to damage the roots or burn the leaves, so it is best to combine it with watering or spend on a rainy day. The first top dressing should not be scattered in the snow, as it comes off unevenly. It is more advisable to make top dressing in the form of solutions.

The main actions during the flowering of tulips

When the buds begin to open one after another, and magnificent flowers appear on the flowerbed, tulips require special care. Water them abundantly, spending 10 liters of water per square meter, so that moisture penetrates to the roots, and the water should not be cold. When watering and fertilizing in sunny weather, moisture should not fall on the leaves and especially on the flowers to avoid burns.

During the abundant flowering of tulips, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers must be applied, the proportion of nitrogen should be minimal or you can completely do without it. Trace elements such as boron, zinc, manganese will be useful - they have a beneficial effect on the condition of tulips in general and on the development of bulbs.

During the abundant flowering of tulips, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers must be applied

Experienced flower growers during the flowering of tulips carry out sorting (transplantation of impurities of other varieties to maintain the purity of a particular variety) and phytopurification (removal of diseased plants from plantings). Blooming tulips need regular inspection so that plants infected with diseases can be immediately destroyed. Especially dangerous is the viral disease of the variegation of tulips.

It is incurable and is transmitted with the sap of plants during cutting, so garden tools need to be decontaminated with alcohol or potassium permanganate. During the budding and flowering of tulips, it is easiest to identify.

Do not forget to loosen the soil between the tulips after each watering, in order to prevent the formation of crust on the soil and at the same time to destroy weeds that are extremely undesirable for tulips.

Tulips have faded - what to do next?

Unfortunately, the flowering of tulips does not last very long, and after a few days the magnificent flowers begin to fade, reducing the aesthetic appeal of the flowerbed. The fastest tulips bloom in hot, dry weather. Nevertheless, even if all the flowers have already withered, continue to water the plantings for another two weeks, because at this time there is an intensive formation of bulbs underground - due to regular watering, they better accumulate nutrients.

So that the yellowing tulips do not spoil your garden with their dull appearance, plant the bulbs in special baskets or containers - then the flowering plants can be dug together with containers and removed from the flower bed in another place for the ripening of the bulbs.

To prevent yellowing tulips from spoiling your garden with their dull appearance, plant bulbs in special baskets or containers

Caring for tulips after flowering is based on the following rules:

  • if you plan to propagate the variety you like and grow large healthy bulbs for this, cut the flower heads on the fourth or eighth day after blooming (when the flowers are ready to crumble), then the bulbs will begin to intensively increase their mass;
  • all fallen petals must be removed immediately, otherwise they will accumulate in the axils of the leaves and rot;
  • it is impossible to cut the stems of faded tulips until they turn yellow at all, otherwise the bulbs will stop their development;
  • you can find out if the bulbs have ripened by digging one of them - the formed roots and brown spots on the scales indicate that the bulb is ready;
  • dig the bulbs carefully, lowering the shovel deeply so as not to accidentally injure the roots, try to do this on a sunny day in order to be able to dry the dug bulbs on the street.

The harvested bulbs are sorted, processed and sent for storage. First, the future planting material is stored at a temperature of +20 degrees, and from the second half of August - at +17 degrees.

Video about caring for tulips after flowering

In the fall, choosing, the bulbs are planted on prepared beds and abundantly watered. Caring for tulips in autumn also involves preparing plants for winter. To do this, in mid-October, planted bulbs are fed with ammonium nitrate, the bed is mulched with a small layer of peat and covered with the onset of cold weather.

Not all gardeners agree that tulip bulbs need to be replanted annually, however, thanks to a transplant, the flowers remain large, beautiful, and suffer less from diseases.

Delicate tulip flowers need constant care. Usually gardeners focus on watering, fertilizing, loosening and weeding the soil mixture, rarely transplanting, but they forget about such an important stage of care as pruning tulips after flowering. Is it necessary to prune tulips after flowering and at what stage, preferably, to carry out this procedure, we have to figure out this article.

The timing of flowering tulips depends on the variety of plants. For example, early varieties bloom as early as the end of March and are already full of seeds at the planting sites, but late varieties only open by the end of June. On average, the flowering period of tulips is in the month of May. These spring flowers are so attractive that you want to extend their flowering as long as possible, but nature takes its toll - tulips begin to wither. What to do with them after flowering?

Proper care of tulips in the period after flowering would be pruning and transplanting or digging tulips (with subsequent storage). That is, the answer to the question " whether to cut tulips after flowering "  will be unequivocal - yes it is necessary! True, this process has its own nuances.

How to prune tulips after flowering?

You need to trim only completely drooping inflorescences and tulip leaves after flowering. Why is that? Chemical processes continue in the peduncle and in the leaves. It is thanks to these parts that the plant is stocked with nutrients, laying the foundation for the development of new bulbs in the next season. By removing the aerial part of the tulip ahead of time, we risk ruining the bulb itself.

What should be cut off from a faded tulip?  A wilted tulip usually discards its peduncle and its arrow, as well as leaves, as soon as it has finished its nutrition. Others will have to help. The flower grower must, for starters, mark where each bulb is in the open ground, so that then inadvertently not damage them when digging.

The approximate term for pruning and digging tulip bulbs is 2-4 weeks from the end of flowering. We also ask you to note that each flower will individually go into the mode of energy storage, accumulation of nutrients and the subsequent rest period - you should not expect that all flowers will bloom at once, and remove dry peduncles and leaves in one. No, this is rather a painstaking and long process during which the grower gets to know his beautiful flowers more closely.

How to store tulip bulbs after flowering?

Most bulbous flowers have the same storage rules:

  • bulbs are cleared of the remains of the earth;
  • labeled: grade, time of collection;
  • placed in a wooden box;
  • sent for storage in a dry, moderately warm place without access to lighting, moisture, mold and drafts;
  • the air temperature is the same - no more than 17 degrees of heat;

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Florists are often interested in the question of what to do with tulips after flowering. After the tulips have faded, the trouble with them does not end. To make them happy with colorful blooms in the new season, a number of actions will be required. It is necessary:

  • Water tulips abundantly after flowering;
  • To feed;
  • Dig and store the bulbs properly.

So the last petals from the tulips showered, but this does not mean that the planting can be abandoned without care. For the formation of good quality bulbs, favorable conditions will be required. However, caring for tulips after flowering in the garden is quite simple, even a schoolboy can handle this.

Do I need to cut tulips after flowering?

When to crop tulips after flowering photo

When to cut tulips after flowering? First cut the flower stalk: cut the flower stalks after all the petals have crumbled. If you leave the peduncles, the bulb will give nutrients to the formation and maturation of seeds. If you cut off the ground part completely, the bulb also does not get the necessary amount of nutrients, so be sure to leave the leaves. When the leaf plates themselves turned yellow and dried, then the bulbs are ripe and you can dig them out.

Watering tulips after flowering

Within 1-2 weeks after cutting the peduncles, it is necessary to water the plantings abundantly, loosen the soil and remove weed grass.

How to feed

Immediately after flowering, feed tulips with potassium-phosphorus fertilizer to prepare for future wintering and flowering; you can’t add nitrogen.

Tulips after flowering what to do video:

When to dig out tulips after flowering in the open ground

Should I dig up tulips after flowering?

You can not dig out tulip bulbs for several seasons in a row. Dig bulbs if necessary, planting less often when the lawn has become thickened. They also have to dig in regions with severe winters for storage indoors until spring.

When to dig tulip bulbs after flowering?

When to dig out tulips after flowering in Siberia and Moscow region? Dig the tulip bulbs when the leaves turn completely yellow and dry. Follow this order:

  • To dig out the bulbs, it is better to choose a warm sunny day so that the bulbs can dry out normally;
  • Work shovel carefully so as not to damage the roots and bulbs of tulips;
  • After digging, carefully inspect the bulbs. Painful in appearance, rotten discard;
  • If you dig up the bulbs in rainy weather, wash them and dry them in a warm, ventilated room;
  • If there are signs of disease (fungus, spots, dots), treat the bulbs with fungicide, then store them separately from the total mass.

When to transplant tulips after flowering

When to dig and plant tulips after flowering? It is not worth replanting tulip bulbs that have just faded. It is necessary to wait until the ground part begins to turn yellow and dry (it is advisable to cut off the faded peduncles immediately after the leaves are showered). By this time, all the nutrients will go into the bulb, and it will be ready for the new growing season. Tulips are planted after flowering or in June, immediately after excavation, or in mid-September to mid-October. In regions with severe winters (for example, in the Urals), many flower growers plant tulips in the spring.

Tulip transplant after flowering in June

The leaves should flow and dry, then proceed to transplant. To do this is quite simple: dig out the bulbs and plant less often, maintaining the same level of planting. You can not specifically dry the bulbs, but plant them immediately after digging. You can cut dry tops already after transplanting, it is more convenient to control the depth of planting. But if you are sure that you are not mistaken, you can trim the leaves immediately.

How to store tulips after flowering

How to store tulip bulbs after flowering?  After the dug up tulip bulbs are dug up, dried and sorted, we proceed to storage. It is best to use mesh boxes, bulbs can be laid in 1-2 layers, so they do not rot. In addition to sorting and unfolding properly, an important component of the proper storage of bulbs is the appropriate temperature. So:

  • In July, store at a temperature of 24-26 ° C;
  • In August, lower the mark to 20 ° C;
  • Starting in September, a temperature of 17 ° C is required if you plan a spring planting;
  • In the following months (until planting in spring in open ground), store at a temperature of 12-15 ° C.

It is very important to observe the correct temperature regime when storing the bulbs, since during this time the kidneys are formed, leaf plates and peduncles are laid.

Store the bulbs in a dry, ventilated area. Periodically look through the bulbs, spoiled (rotten) discard, so as not to destroy all planting material.

How to dig and store tulips before planting in the fall we look at the video:

Dug tulips can also be planted in the fall, in the middle - the second half of September, until mid-October. Learn how to dig and save tulips before autumn planting from the video.

In order to grow a large bulb or propagate a variety, on the 4-8th day of flowering, it is necessary to cut off the flowering head. This measure helps to increase the mass of the bulb.

Remove crumbling petals, yellowed leaves from the garden - they will rot, which contributes to the development of pathogens in the area.

To greatly facilitate the work of caring for tulips, plant them in plastic baskets (there are also special containers for this). After flowering, dig out the containers with the bulbs and rearrange them in a secluded place for the ripening of the bulbs.

How to understand that a tulip bulb has ripened? Dig one of them and carefully inspect. The ripened onion has superficial scales of a pleasant saturated brown color, with a slight glossy shine.

For flower growers, the question of the timing of digging up tulips is quite exciting, their future growth and flowering depends on this. I will explain to those who are not yet in the subject: they dig up tulips when they bloom for summer vacations, plant in autumn, they winter in the garden.

The opinions of gardeners differ, there are those who do not dig bulbs at all, believing that it is better not to disturb the flowers. But this is a very vague argument, in fact, without digging up the tulip bulbs they are smaller, they are reluctant to multiply, the risk of diseases and pests is increased, and if you do not dig up more than 2 years, it is very difficult to find the bulbs - they literally go to the depths.

Varietal tulips of the Dutch selection (up to 90% of them on the world market), even acclimatized to our latitudes, are noticeably smaller without transplantation. Sometimes, due to the banal lack of time (garden, berries) and laziness, expensive and beautiful varietal tulips disappear. Although my grandmother dug out outbred simple red tulips every year, they bloomed every year for everyone! It is permissible to dig them out after 2, maximum 3 years, if this is not done, then the bulbs will gradually sink into the ground so that there is not enough strength to germinate.

There are varieties that completely lose varietal characteristics without drying and a warm dry period in the summer - in other words, in the second year, flowers of a different color and terry will bloom from un digged bulbs. Sometimes they do not bloom at all, unfold the leaves, vegetate their period and safely fade, not even pleased with the flower. Sometimes they wither away and completely disappear. An angry grower can blame unscrupulous sellers and breeders, but in fact, you just need to know in advance which variety you are purchasing.

In general, all tulips can be divided into three groups:

  • Requiring annual excavation: lilac, fringed, parrot, green, terry late, rembrandt tulips
  • Varieties that can not be dug up for 2 years: Darwin hybrids, Triumph tulips and simple ones - it is possible, but not desirable, i.e. ideally, it’s better to dig out every year.
  • Tulips that can grow up to 5 years without digging are varieties and hybrids of Kaufmann, Foster, Greig.

Although there are tulips that lose varietal characteristics due to inconsistent conditions, our climate zone does not help, either proper planting or care. This is explained by the genetic dependence of the variety on clear climatic factors (temperature deviations of 3-4 ° C already cause deviations in the formation of color or terry). Especially capricious are some varieties of Kaufman tulips Tulipa kaufmanniana, Greig tulips Tulipa greigii, some terry varieties, for example, varieties "Stresa", "Miranda", "Princess Charmant" and others).

Producers do not have much benefit in striving to develop sustainable varieties, they have a simple policy - you buy new bulbs every year, and after flowering, throw them out, buy new ones.

By the way, there are light, resistant varieties among fringed tulips: Blue Heron, Lambada. Of the simple ones - the purple “Queen of the Night”, the Darwin hybrid “Blushing Apeldoorn” and the lilac-colored “Claudia”, from the Triumph group - “Yokohama” and “Arabian Mystery”.

Why dig up tulips

To summarize, why do you still need to dig out tulip bulbs:

  1. The need to divide the overgrown nest of bulbs, otherwise they lack nutrition area.
  2. Selection of healthy planting material and rejection of damaged and weak bulbs.
  3. Adaptation to the local climate. Tulips are very thermophilic, during normal cultivation they lack warming, because the temperature at the depth of the beds or flower beds is much lower than the ambient temperature. Even in the southern regions of Russia, the soil temperature at a depth of 15-20 cm in June-July is not always sufficient, for example, to grow parrot and fringed varieties (this leads to a loss of variety). And we can store dug bulbs in the most optimal conditions.
  4. Soil preparation for the next cycle: during the season, the soil is compacted, depleted, loses nutrients and porosity, having cleaned the flower bed, it can be qualitatively prepared for fresh plantings.
  5. Plant the bulbs to the desired depth, if you do not dig up tulips, the bulbs gradually "go" to the ground.
  6. Another reason for the need to dig up the Dutch is a tendency to rot. There are varieties whose bulbs need to be dug up earlier, immediately after flowering, when the leaves just begin to turn yellow, and do not leave even in dry ground - they rot.

How to determine the timing of digging tulips

There is a general rule: you can dig out the tulip bulbs when one third of the leaf turns yellow. If you dig up at this stage, you will save the entire bulb nest intact - they do not fall apart. In central Russia, this is approximately the end of June, the beginning of July.

Advice on how to determine the time for digging the tulip bulbs: if the end of the tulip stem can be easily wrapped around your finger, it’s time to dig it out.

Even if the weather is dry and hot, do not leave tulips in the ground - if you are late with digging, when the leaves are completely dry and yellow, the nests of the bulbs easily break up when digging, the bulbs are small, it is difficult to select all of them, you have to sift the soil.

However, there are exceptions to the rule - if in the spring and early summer the weather turned out to be damp and cold - unfavorable for tulips. No need to wait for yellowing, the bulbs need to be dug up and dried well. It is necessary to dig out, first of all, the earliest varieties that bloomed in April. Later varieties, immediately after flowering, you need to feed and dig out after 2 weeks. These bulbs, dug up prematurely, can be planted for ripening in containers, boxes. Those. sprinkle dry leaves and peduncles and put in a warm, dry place.

How to dig bulbs

Bulbs need to be excavated on dry ground when it is friable and pliable. Dig out with a pitchfork, grabbing a piece of land slightly departing from the planting, if the leaves and peduncles are still strong, shake off the ground and do not cut off the aboveground part - the remaining tops still give out nutrients to the bulbs.

If the ground is moist, rinse the bulbs in plenty of water. Then inspect.

A sign of ripening of tulip bulbs: the scales are dense, acquire a golden brown color.

Pay attention to mold and rot. Then, the bulbs should be washed in a pink solution of potassium permanganate or foundationazole, you can use the drug maxim, copper chloride or medex. Stand in the solution for 30 minutes.

The bulbs are now ready for storage.

How to store tulip bulbs

First, the bulbs must be dried. For this we use cardboard boxes. It is important to sort by grades and immediately be sure to sign. We lay out in one layer.

Together, put only healthy, good onions without spots. All suspects in the quarantine box, possibly alarms will be in vain and the bulbs well lie, especially after treatment with fungicides.

You can dry the onions like onions in nylon nets for vegetables in which they are sold in the supermarket.

It is important that the place for drying is well ventilated, not in the sun, slight shading, best of all - the attic of a country house or in a barn.

In the first two days, the old covering scales will dry on the bulbs, they can be removed like peel from the onion. Remove residual dried roots and debris. Well-dried bulb nests break up easily, if you do not want to, carefully separate them.

After drying and removing leaf debris (dry ones can be easily separated), you need to calibrate the bulbs in order to decide what to do next. First, select the largest ones for planting, with this, everything is simple for tulips - the larger the bulb, the better. The ideal size is a diameter of at least 4 cm, the shape is round. We plant a trifle as well as large ones, just remember that in the first year they may not bloom - they can be planted separately.

Storage temperature

The first month the temperature is needed around 24-25 ° C, not lower than 23 ° C, with humidity not higher than 70% and very good air movement. For example, it is unacceptable to store in the garage, any garage, it is an inhospitable box where mold can easily grow, it is better to store it right on the street, under a canopy. If the weather has failed, we take the bulbs home on the mezzanine or under the bed, an old proven way ...

Temperature is important in order for a flower bud to form in the bulb. Sometimes flower “primers” warn us to raise the temperature, but in fact, the temperature depends on the needs of the varieties, for example, parrot and fringed tulips need to be stored at a temperature of about 30 ° C.

Since August, the temperature must be lowered, on average, about 20 ° C, if the bulbs were in a warm house, transfer to a barn or to the veranda. From the end of August to the beginning of September it is even cooler, about 15-16 ° C, it is these temperatures that can withstand in Dutch greenhouses, where everything is verified to a degree. But as the humidity rises, it is already unacceptable to store it under a canopy on the street, look for a dry place.

Experts argue that it is impossible to deviate from the rules and violate the cyclical ripening of tulip bulbs: in the first month after digging, the buds of a flower, the formation of buds replacing (the main young bulb) and daughter bulbs, the laying of buds of leaves are laid. Two months later, the rudiments of stamens, ovary, pestle.

If there is a deviation of the temperature regime from the norm and the needs of the variety, after distillation or when growing in open ground, the formation of “blind” buds is observed (drying has not yet been opened).

However, blind buds can form for a number of reasons (insufficient cooling period before distillation, infection with fusarium infection, etc.)

We store dug bulbs up to the optimal planting dates, until about mid-September - mid-October, when the soil temperature is + 9-12 ° C, it depends on the region and the weather.

You probably heard or read stories about how someone has the same parrot tulips grow without digging and bloom for everyone to enjoy. Indeed, sometimes not digging up the summer is not fatal, but experienced gardeners know everything, even if the summer is warm, they can get by, but cooling for a week can lead to rot and other diseases.

Olga Treuhina

Tulips grown in the garden delight the eye with their bright flowering in early spring, when all other plants only awaken from hibernation. But their flowering does not last long, and after that, a period of dormancy begins in the bulbs, when they begin to prepare for the next season. The rest period is a crucial moment in the cultivation of tulips. The flowering of next year depends on the observance of the rules for digging and storing bulbs.

Is it necessary to dig up tulips after flowering

Tulips are frost-resistant flowers that are not afraid of even the most severe frosts. They winter without problems in open ground and in the spring make their way out of the ground when the first heat comes. At the same place, tulips can be grown for more than one year, and this does not affect their vegetation. But this does not mean that the bulbs can be planted in the ground once and forget about them at the end of flowering.

Tulip bulbs must be dug up every year.

Tulips require careful care, not only during the growing season, but also after it. Bulb care after flowering is an important event, on which the preservation of the size and brightness of the color of the flowers depends. Inexperienced flower growers often encounter a situation where purchased varietal bulbs, elegantly blooming in the first year after planting next spring give small, inconspicuous flowers. And a year later, only leaves appear on the planting site of the bulbs, and not a single flower is formed.

Inexperienced flower growers conclude that they were the victim of cheating sellers. But this opinion is erroneous. In fact, the cause of poor flowering is the result of improper care of the bulbs. Bulbs of varietal tulips must be dug out of the soil to care for them annually.

This must be done for the following reasons:

Therefore, the need for annual digging and drying of tulip bulbs for their proper development is beyond doubt. Therefore, after flowering in the open ground, all the bulbs need to be dug, sorted and dried.

In general, all varieties of tulips can be divided into three subgroups:

  1. Digging up every year. these include fringed, lilac, green, terry late, rembrandt.
  2. Varieties that can be excavated once every two years. These are Darwin hybrids, Triumph tulips and simple, non-varietal species.
  3. Tulips that you can not dig out for 5 years. These include hybrids of Kaufman, Greig, Foster.

Dates and technology of digging tulips

The answer to the question of when to dig up tulips depends on several factors. The timing is affected by climatic and weather conditions, variety and age of flowers. Most often, the digging dates come in late June and early July. But for early varieties, time may come in mid-June. Later varieties can end their vegetative period by the end of July.

The specific period of digging of bulbs can be determined by the condition of the aerial part of the flower. Yellowing of the leaves is a signal that the roots have begun to die, and the plant goes into a dormant state.

If the tulip leaves began to turn yellow, and the stem became more dry, then it is time to dig up the plant.

You should not rush the procedure until the leaves dry. If the bulbs are removed from the soil too early, they will be immature and subsequently poorly winter. Delaying with the process is also not worth it, since there is a risk of losing bulbs in the garden. Children from overripe bulbs easily fall off and are lost in the soil. In addition, the long presence of bulbs in moist soil will lead to their defeat by fungus and mold.

Important. If the spring stood out cold and rainy, but the summer heat did not come. Bulbs must be dug up without waiting for the leaves to turn yellow. In this case, the bulbs are planted for ripening in boxes filled with dry soil.

Dig bulbs only in dry weather, when the soil freely scatters. Plants are carefully removed from the soil along with the leaves and stems remaining on the bulbs. The remains of the aerial part and too long roots from the bulbs are cut off. The bulbs are washed in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate, after removing coverts from them.

After digging up the tulip bulbs, they are carefully cleaned of the earth and washed in manganese.

If bulbs are dug in wet weather, all soil should be thoroughly washed off. Raw bulbs are recommended to be treated with Fundazol or Maxim. In a solution of these preparations, the bulbs must be kept for 30 minutes.

Bulb drying and sorting rules

Before sorting, the bulbs are pre-dried and only then sorted by grade and size. Before drying, sorting is not recommended, since you can accidentally damage the delicate surface of the bulbs.

Bulbs must be dried in a well-ventilated place, protected from the sun. It is best to lay them in one layer on the shelves in the barn or in the attic of the country house. In the first week after drying, the upper, coarse scales and the remains of the roots will fall from the bulbs.

After drying, the bulbs are laid out in different boxes, sorted by size and grade. At the same time, specimens with injuries and signs of the disease are rejected. A healthy onion has a hard, smooth cream-colored surface. On top of the bulb is covered with a thin, golden brown scale.

Methods and conditions of storage of bulbs until planting

Bulbs are sorted and stacked in wooden boxes.

The question of how to store bulbs before planting in the fall also causes difficulties for beginning gardeners. Ideal place for bulbs - wooden boxes. This storage option is preferable to the use of cardboard boxes, which soak over time.

Large specimens are laid out in one layer, a trifle can be laid in 2-3 layers. To remove excess moisture and additional protection, some growers recommend sprinkling bulbs with dry sawdust.

Bulb storage temperature

Boxes with tulips set in a dry, ventilated area. The optimal storage temperature in the first month is 24-25 degrees with a humidity level of not more than 70%. If weather conditions permit, boxes can be installed under a canopy right on the street. In cold and damp weather, leaving the bulbs on the street is not worth it. It is better to bring tulips into the house and place under the bed or on the mezzanine.

In August, the storage temperature of the bulbs must be reduced to 19-20 degrees. If the bulbs were stored at home until then, it is recommended that they be moved to the barn or to the veranda. In summer cottages, it is permissible to lower the bulbs into the basement. Since the end of August, the temperature of the content of the bulbs should not exceed 15-16 degrees.

Some flower growers store bulbs all the time before planting in the refrigerator at a temperature of 8-9 degrees and claim that after such storage tulips bloom beautifully and do not get sick.

Lighting and Humidity Requirements

During storage, the bulbs must be protected as much as possible from light access. Under natural conditions, the bulbs are constantly in the ground, so the extra light is unnatural for them. So that the natural physiological processes in the bulbs are not disturbed, they need complete darkness.

Tulip bulbs cannot be stored in rooms with high humidity.

Bulb humidity is absolutely contraindicated in bulbs. The humidity level in the room where tulips are stored should not exceed 70%.  Otherwise, the bulbs will damp and begin to mold.

At the same time, excessive dryness is also dangerous for the bulbs. When stored in a hot, dry room, the bulbs dry completely and literally turn into dust.

Experts say that maintaining all bulb ripening cycles ensures that varietal traits of plants are preserved. In the first month after extraction from the soil, the bud of a flower and the formation of buds of the replacing and daughter bulbs are laid. In the second month, the laying of leaf primordia occurs. And in the last month, the stamens, ovaries and pestle are laid. Violation of the recommended temperature conditions leads to the formation of "blind" buds during the cultivation in the soil.

Compliance with the rules for digging and storing bulbs ensures that tulips will delight the summer resident with their luxurious flowering for more than one year. This procedure is not complicated, therefore it is not worth neglecting it so that elegant, large flowers adorn the flowerbeds in spring.

This video will help you understand how to dig out tulips and when to do it.

The end of spring, the beginning of summer. One of the first spring flowers faded - tulips. The florist begins other troubles. It is necessary to dig the bulbs in a timely manner, sort them, lay them in storage and plant them in the fall at the optimum time.

Consider each type of work in more detail.

Why do they dig tulip bulbs?

There are several reasons. A feature of the growth of tulip bulbs is their constant desire to go deeper. If you do not dig out the bulbs after each flowering, then with each season the tulip children go deeper and deeper into the soil. From a great depth, it is more difficult for them to grow. Seedlings are becoming smaller and smaller every year, flowering stops. Over time, tulips will stop sprouting. The flowers will fade.

Another reason that forces gardeners to dig bulbs every year is the rapid degeneration of varietal tulips. It is noted that if exotic varieties of tulips (parrot or fringed) are not scooped up at the end of the season, then after a short time the tulips return to their original form. Most often, tulips become ordinary, red.

Another reason tulips are better to dig up is the need for a resting period. During this time, a flower arrow forms in the bulb. For the safe progress of this process, an elevated temperature is required - at least 25 ° C, but not higher than 35. At the landing depth, it is impossible to withstand such a temperature even in the southern regions.

Continuous cultivation of any plant in one place leads to the accumulation of waste products and pathogens around it. The annual digging of bulbs and planting them in a new place will reduce the likelihood of infection of plantings and provide plantings with fresh soil.

Currently, many tulip lovers plant bulbs in planting baskets. Do I need to dig bulbs planted in this way, because they almost do not go deep into the soil? Yes, of course, the baby of tulips will not go to great depths, but the small bulbs remaining in large numbers will interfere with flowering, taking food from the mother's bulb. In addition, digging up tulips planted in a basket will not take much effort and a lot of time, and almost everything, including the smallest ones, will be dug up the bulbs.

Another reason to dig up tulip bulbs is sorting. Bulbs are sorted by size. In autumn, it is better to plant large and small bulbs separately, rejecting sick and weak plants.

There are exceptions to any rule. Species tulips and bulbs of tulips of some varieties can be left in the place of growth for several seasons.

When to dig out tulips, optimal timing?

Choosing the right time to dig up the bulbs is very important for getting abundant flowering in the next season.

When tulips are planted by curtains among perennials, they can be dug in two to three seasons. You can decide whether or not to dig bulbs, given the flowering intensity. Plants, luxuriantly flowering, with healthy leaves can not be dug up annually.

In advance, when you need to dig bulbs is impossible. In each region, this happens differently. You can determine the required time by external signs.

  1. The main sign of the time to dig tulips is a change in the color of the leaves after flowering. Withered and yellowed leaves are the first sign that bulb formation has completed.
  2. Another sign showing that tulips need to be dug is the wilt of the peduncle. If the peduncle can be wound on a finger without breaking, it means that all the necessary substances from it have gone into the bulb and you can dig it out.
  3. Another sign of bulb ripening is the color of the bulb coverings. In sufficiently ripened bulbs, the outer layer is deep brown and dried.

But pull with this is not worth it. In an optimally ripened onion, the children hold tight and do not fall off with a light touch. Having missed the necessary timelines, there is a danger that most of the small bulbs will remain in the soil and give small shoots for the next year.

In central Russia, the optimal time for digging tulip bulbs comes in late June - early July. And of course, you need to dig up tulips, given the timing of flowering. Early flowering varieties are dug up earlier, late flowering - later. To wait until all the best solution fades. The bulbs of early-flowering tulips overripe and lose the baby, and in late-flowering tulips, bulbs have not yet formed.

How to dig tulips so that the bulbs are well stored?

Bulbs begin to dig on a clear day, when the soil is well-dried. In this case, dry and loose soil will fall off easily and painlessly.

As a tool, it is better to use a pitchfork. Using a shovel, the probability of damage to the bulbs increases. After digging up the tulips, it is better to dig the plot again, removing the remaining bulbs.

It is better to keep the forks or the shovel when digging the bulbs upright - less likely to damage the bulbs.

It is not worth taking out tulips from the earth, pulling them by the stem, the stem can remain in the hands, and the bulb in the ground.

How to save bulbs before planting?

Get the abundant flowering of tulips in the next season, if you properly prepare the bulbs for storage. It is better to cut flowers before buds open, leaving at least two leaves on the plant. If the flowers are not cut, then try to avoid the formation of seeds, weakening the bulb.

Dug bulbs need:

  1. To dry. Dug bulbs are dried in the shade at a moderate temperature for up to three weeks.
  2. Choose the optimal storage conditions. At the initial stage of storage, the temperature should be at least + 15ºС, optimally + 25ºС and air humidity of 70%. Gradually, the temperature should be reduced and brought to + 13ºС by the time of disembarkation. This will complete the ripening and harden the bulbs before planting. It is better to store planting material in trays, with a layer of no more than 3 rows, protecting from rodents and insects. Lighting for stored tulips is not required, weak, diffused light is allowed. Good ventilation will help protect tulip bulbs from diseases before planting.
  3. Before laying for storage, the bulbs are cleaned of the earth, freed from integumentary scales, dried roots are removed, and the bulbs are sorted by size. The depth of planting depends on the size of the planting material.

How to dig and store tulips: video

We plant tulips in the fall

Most often, tulips are planted on a flower bed in the fall. By this time, the dormant period ends and the bulbs begin to sprout. Timing is almost unlimited. You can plant in the early autumn, and you can later, along with garlic, shortly before frost. Some gardeners plant tulips in early spring. In this case, they will bloom in mid-autumn. Such terms require a lot of labor - in the middle of summer, in the very heat, the flowers will need to be removed for a while in a cool place, in the basement or refrigerator. In late September, plants are returned to the flowerbed for flowering.

When planting tulip bulbs, you need to remember that:

  • Depending on the size of the bulb, the depth of planting is chosen. It should be equal to three bulb diameters, but not more than 15 cm.
  • Larger bulbs look more harmonious in the center, smaller on the edges.
  • The distances between large bulbs leave about 10 cm, for small ones 5-8 will be enough.
  • The space between tulips of different types and colors is left at 20 cm - this will prevent bulbs from getting mixed up during growth.
  • A layer of sand is poured into the bottom of the hole, the onions are distributed on the surface without pressing them into the sand.
  • Landing holes are covered with earth and leveled.
  • In dry weather in the fall, 10 days after planting, flowers are watered.

Tulips will decorate and delight any site in the spring - plant and grow them correctly. And admire the flowers for many years!

“Can tulips be cut after flowering?” Gardeners have long answered this question. They are much more interested in when to cut tulips after flowering, because the process has its own nuances.

In today's article, you will learn how and when to cut tulips after flowering, as well as when to dig out planting material, how to store bulbs, when to plant them, and how long after that they will bloom.

Before pruning, tulips are prepared in order to carry out the procedure with minimal damage to the plants. It is necessary to reduce the frequency of fertilizing and watering by the end of flowering tulips. The bulb accumulates all the nutrients necessary for laying new shoots through the stem and leaves.

The stem and leaves serve as a kind of battery for tulips, so premature pruning can kill the bulbs and forever deprive the gardener of the pleasure of observing the flowering of these plants.

When to crop tulips: after flowering. The end is indicated by the complete extinction of the surface part. The stem and leaves have completely lost their petals. In addition, they will be dry and will easily become detached from the bulb.

Here the gardener enters: it is necessary to mark where the bulbs are in the soil mixture, then with a sharp knife or secateurs (disinfected) cut off the already faded surface of the tulips. Cropping completed.

What to do with tulip bulbs after pruning?

After flowering is completed, the surface of the tulips is trimmed, the location of the bulbs in the soil mixture is noted, the gardener proceeds to dig the bulbs from the soil. In order to make this easier, the soil mixture can be loosened up a bit, then pry the onion with a garden spatula and remove it to the surface.

When to dig tulip bulbs:

  • Second half of June;
  • Early July;
  • When the leaves are completely yellowed;
  • If the surface part wilted;

Where and how to store tulip bulbs after digging?

Dug out tulip bulbs are placed in separate wooden boxes, then slightly sprinkled with earth (1-2 layers). Tulip bulbs are stored sorted by date of extraction and grade. In order to ease your future task, you can prostrate the bulbs.

The bulb is placed in a cool, dark place. Future planting material should not be exposed to direct sunlight or lighting, water. In the place where tulip bulbs are stored after digging, drafts, insects, rodents, and temperature fluctuations are excluded.

Where to store tulip bulbs:

  • In the attic;
  • In the basement;
  • In the pantry;
  • In a dry basement;
  • In a dry cellar;

As soon as the planting season begins - the temperature of the soil and air, the lighting will be available - the tulip bulbs return to their original place, but already in the prepared, nourished, moistened and loosened soil. Large bulbs will begin to develop and bloom in the first year after re-planting, while those that are smaller will sprout in the first year and bloom in the second.

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When can I cut tulips after flowering?

Can tulips be cut after flowering?

Do I need to cut tulips after flowering?

“Messengers of spring” is what tulips are called in common people. At the first warm rays of the sun, tender inflorescences begin to delight their fans with the delightful bright colors of the coming spring. But not everyone, even an experienced gardener, knows how to properly care for them. When to cut tulips after flowering what to do next. This and many other questions regarding the care of flowers, concern many connoisseurs of beauty.

So that in your garden or under the window it is always bright and sunny, plant tulips. This is a universal option that won the hearts of many gardeners lovers. An exciting activity for every woman will be the cultivation and care of this unpretentious flower. To achieve a decent result, listen to the recommendations presented later in this article. They will help you learn how to properly care for tulips.

Tulips after flowering, what to do?

Special care for tulips and additional watering is required for tulips after the end of the flowering period. First you need to remove all the peduncles. Watering the plants and fertilizing is necessary within two weeks. It is during this period of time that the bulb is stored with nutrients for the next season.

Fertilizing the soil with wilting tulips is enough once. This will affect the formation of onion flakes, as well as the development of new children. The state of flowers next year will depend on how high quality fertilizers you choose.

How to feed the soil for tulips:

  • fertilizers with a high content of phosphorus and potassium, namely: solution, aquarin, etc .;
  • beware of fertilizers that contain particles of chlorine and nitrogen;
  • use a reduced dosage to prevent chemical burns to plant cells;
  • on average, they take 30-40 grams of fertilizer per 10 l / m².

Removing tulip leaves after flowering

Do not rush to cut the leaves, as soon as the inflorescences of tulips wilted. The bulb is still in development. Premature damage to the trunk can adversely affect the future condition of the flower. It is necessary to wait until the plants are completely yellowed and only then remove all leaves.

At the same time, it is impossible to delay the harvesting of plants, if the seed box is on the trunk for a long time, it takes all the food from the bulb and does not allow it to fully form.

The question is especially acute when pruning tulips is of interest to those who do not like yellowing and wilted flowers, which spoil the view and occupy a precious place in the flowerbed. In such cases, delete everything except one or two leaves.

Video "Tulips after flowering, care"

And to improve the appearance of the flower beds, the following proven methods are used:

  1. Initial drop-off in special baskets. The perforated surface of such containers does not allow the bulbs to deepen, and at the end of the flowering period, they can be easily removed. After planting flowers according to the season.
  2. Annual plants. It is they who can be put in a newly vacated place. First you need to grow seedlings in separate containers. After harvesting the tulip bulbs, plant late blooming annual flowers into the ground. Great for this role: dahlias, chrysanthemums, petunia, etc.
  3. A winning option from designers. The alleged neighbors of tulips are chosen so that during their vegetation and flowering, the unsightly appearance of wilted flowers was masked as much as possible. These are plants that begin to come to life closer to the summer period. You can use perennial hosts, ferns, astilbe, as well as phlox, purslane, periwinkle, etc.

But remember, if you decide to plant another flower next to the tulip bulb, be careful with watering. Excessive soil moisture can ruin the bulb.

Digging bulbs and preparing for storage

By the end of June - the first half of July, the stems dry completely. For those who decide to dig up tulips after flowering, it's time to do it.

Scheme "The life cycle of tulips"

Many gardeners argue about how often it is necessary to remove bulbs from the ground. An important argument is the creation of a favorable temperature regime for the varietal properties of the future tulip. Temperatures in the range 23–25⁰ above zero are essential for the bulbs for the next two months. In the territory of the Russian Federation, the soil is not able to warm up to such an extent. Therefore, the relevance of the annual digging of tulip bulbs on the face.

Another important reason for such a useful procedure is the disappearance of varietal characters and a decrease in the ability to reproduce tulips. It is a transplant that can sort out full-fledged bulbs and reject damaged and diseased ones.

It’s not enough just to know when to dig up tulips after flowering, you need to be able to properly preserve the bulbs for the next season. All bulbs should dry well during the week. A warm, darkened and well-ventilated place is well suited for these purposes. After that, they begin breeding work, namely: remove all roots and damaged scales. The selection goes on the size of the bulbs. Damaged and diseased specimens are removed.

Before planting, tulips are stored on average 2 - 2.5 months. During this period, it is important to create optimal conditions for laying flower buds in the bulb. The temperature regime fluctuates between 23–25 ° C above zero, after a month it is reduced to 15–18 ° C above zero, and a month later they are brought closer to the maximum natural temperature of 10–12 ° C above zero. Bulbs can be laid out in two layers. You should monitor the condition of the scales. Excessive drying will negatively affect future colors.

Bulb planting in the ground

It depends on what class and grade the tulip is where it is best to plant it. Lighting is one of the most important requirements of this photophilous plant. The most illuminated place on an open plot of land is selected. Avoid landing in the shade. Due to the lack of sunlight, they bloom late, and the inflorescences themselves are significantly small and weak.

With the correct observance of the above rules, you can begin to transplant flowers. September is great. Take all the onion boxes out into the open to allow them to “breathe”. In sunlight, you will clearly see which bulbs may have deteriorated during the storage period. A fungicide can be used to reprocess damaged specimens. Also, immediately before planting, you can soak all the bulbs in a weak solution of potassium permanganate to remove pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

To avoid depletion of the previous soil, it is worth changing the place for the flowerbed. Bulbs can be planted in the following ways:

  • By spot landing.

To do this, vigorously loosen the earth and make indentations of 20 cm in it. Evenly distribute the bulbs, pour over warm water and fall asleep. Two weeks later fertilize.

  • With the help of the trench.

The chosen place is drawn and a trench is organized, the depth of which is not more than 20 cm and the width is 25 cm. The bottom of the trench is woken up with ammonium nitrate or ash. Then the bulbs begin to spread. Moreover, at first they spread large ones, then smaller ones, and at the very top - small children. Then they are sprinkled with earth.

Planting tulips in autumn

Mistakes in the autumn planting of tulips

Inexperienced gardeners often make mistakes when planting flowers. What absolutely can not be done:

  1. Pressing the bulbs into the ground. This leads to injury to the roots, which will not be able to recover. It should be laid freely and then sprinkled with earth.
  2. The correct temperature condition of the landing. It should not be hot, but not cold. The recommended temperature range ranges from 7 to 10 ° C above zero. Before the onset of frost should be at least three weeks. During this period, the bulb has time to take root.
  3. With the onset of cold weather, they need to be insulated. A layer of peat or humus is well suited for this. In early spring, the first sprouts of new tulips will appear, which will delight you with their bright colors.

Compliance with simple care rules is the key to a beautiful flower bed

If you like flowers, you should know how to properly care for them. Spring opens a delightful flower season for all flower growers of the world. That is why it is important to know: how to care for tulips after a flowering period and what to do so that in the new year they bloom again in all its glory.

Flowers love care and gentle care. With proper watering, top dressing - tulips will present you with their delicate petals in the midst of the season.