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What does it mean to face the fact

PUT BEFORE THE FACT whom. DELIVER BEFORE THE FACT whom. Razg. Tell someone about something that has already happened. - Put the old woman before the fact, tell her: “I'm going to the theater”   (P. Adamyan. The beginning of life). And it would be possible to discuss properly, not to put the district committee before the fact   (D. Granin. After the wedding).

"Facing Fact" in books

The myth has become a fact

  the author    Akimushkin Igor Ivanovich

The myth has become a fact

   From the book Traces of Unseen Beasts   the author    Akimushkin Igor Ivanovich

The myth has become a fact. Fantastic kraken. Since ancient times, people, whose life and work are closely connected with the sea, believed that strange and huge creatures living in the deep sea resemble neither fish, nor jellyfish, nor crayfish, nor other inhabitants of the ocean. . True, in the legendary

Before the fall of communism

   From Margaret Thatcher's Book: From the Grocery Store to the House of Lords   author Thierio Jean Louis

Before the fall of communism, Margaret admits in her memoirs that she was relentlessly haunted by one phrase from de Tocqueville from his book “The Old Order and the Revolution”: “Experience teaches that for a bad government the most dangerous moment usually comes when it starts

From the delegation to the Head Team of the UGA. My turn to metro Zhivotova. Before the fact of the pre-tragedy. At night

   From the book of Tragedy of the 3rd Division of the Army of the UPR   the author    Vishnivsky Oleksandr

2. What takes place, which is a fact, is the existence of atomic facts.

   From the book Logical and Philosophical Treatise   the author    Wittgenstein Ludwig

2. What takes place, which is a fact, is the existence of atomic facts. 2. 01. An atomic fact is a combination of objects (things, objects). 2. 011. For an object, it is essential that it can be an integral part of an atomic fact. 02.012. There is nothing accidental in logic: if

6. A tall building in front of the biblical temple of Solomon and a minaret in front of St. Sophia

   From the book Forgotten Jerusalem. Istanbul in the light of the New Chronology   the author    Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

6. A tall building in front of the biblical temple of Solomon and a minaret in front of St. Sophia. And now - one curious detail from the Bible. The synodal translation speaks of the temple of Solomon, that a “vestibule in front of the temple was built twenty cubits in length, corresponding to the width of the temple,

Is the Holocaust an undeniable fact of history?

From the book On the Eve of the World Disaster   author Count Jürgen

Is the Holocaust an undeniable fact of history? Student: Mr. F. Bruckner! After all that has been said, I consider it quite possible that something should be corrected in the traditional history of the Holocaust and that the revisionists are right in certain issues. But essentially it's nothing

How to put

   From the NetAMS Documentation Book   the author    author unknown

How to install It is necessary to install Netams 3.3.1 – release, although the script itself will work with previous versions. You must correctly configure the admintool.cgi, config.cgi scripts from the admin / cgi – bin directory of the distribution. In fact, the card module is called from there and uses part

(2.1) How to put W2K?

   From the book Win2K FAQ (v. 6.0)   author Shashkov Alexey

(2.1) How to put W2K? There are several ways. It would be most correct to start the installation from a CD-ROM, for which, in BIOS-e, set the "Boot sequence" parameter to CD-ROM, insert a CD and reboot. After the computer starts, the installation program starts. Next - just follow

2.1. How to install XP?

   From the WinXP FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions for Windows XP)   author Shashkov Alexey

2.1. How to install XP? There are several ways. Firstly, if your distribution CD is similar to the one released by Microsoft, then it should be bootable (bootable). To boot from it you need to set the "Boot sequence" parameter in the BIOS-e equal to the CD-ROM, insert the CD and reboot. After

III. You can not argue with the fact

   From the book Party Politics in Art   author Lelevich G.

III. One cannot argue with the fact. The need for awareness of the ongoing grandiose shift is enormous. Fiction is one of the most important tools of this awareness. Only literature looking at the world through the eyes of the proletarian can fulfill the task of such an instrument.

Stage 3: comparing the plan with the fact.

   From the book Fundamentals of Project Management   the author    Presnyakov Vasily Fedorovich

Stage 3: comparing the plan with the fact. Periodic monitoring and measurement of project status allow you to compare expectations with fact. Usually status reports are heard every 1-4 weeks, in which case they are effective and allow correction

But what about the fact that our ancestors ate a lot of meat?

   From the book Nutrition as the basis of health. The easiest and most natural way to restore body strength and lose weight in 6 weeks   by Furman Joel

But what about the fact that our ancestors ate a lot of meat? I want to say that in ancient times there were both tribes of meat-eaters and tribes of primitive people who ate exclusively vegetable products. People are desperate to "get"

Differences between Opinion, Justified Judgment and Fact

   From the book Psychology of Critical Thinking   Halpern Dayan's

Differences between Opinion, Justified Judgment and Fact Compare the following three statements. Computereasy is the best personal computer you can buy. I like him. Computereasy is the best personal computer you can buy for less than 2000

Having decided on the execution of the tsar’s family and having carried it out, the leaders of the Ural Soviet put the Kremlin before the fact

   From the author’s book

Having decided on the execution of the tsar’s family and having carried it out, the leaders of the Ural Soviet put the Kremlin before the fact - it sounds convincing enough that at that time Lenin and Sverdlov had no intention of destroying the tsar’s family. But maybe such intentions arose in them

Instruction manual

Sometimes it is difficult to confront others, especially close and dear ones, with the fact. Some may delay the need for such a conversation to the last, fearing to offend someone. You should not postpone this conversation, since every day it will be harder for you to start this conversation.

Another case when you have to confront someone with a fact is if the person is going to do something no matter what. When a decision is made, and it is unlikely that anything can change this decision, a person is forced to tell a close friend or several friends about it. You must always remember that all people are different, you can consult with someone and get a constructive answer, but someone should only talk about what has happened, because he answers questions for a long time, tediously and stretched out. In any case, it is imperative to focus on the fact that everything has already been decided so that others do not have any thoughts to somehow influence the event or change it.

If you are going to put someone before a fact, you need to understand and imagine a possible reaction. For different people, for the story of the same event, it is worth choosing different words and expressions. Firstly, because of how differently people understand and perceive information, and secondly, from considerations of possible consequences. If it’s difficult to predict a person’s reaction, it’s best to start with careful statements.

Such a conversation should start with positive points. If the event has already happened, and you need to put a loved one before the fact, it is worth mentioning the good consequences and changes. If the situation is unpleasant and can bring negative consequences, try to mitigate the fact. And it is also advisable to immediately suggest possible solutions to the issue or problem.

With all the necessary softness and sensitivity to the reaction of another person, you need to have a certain hardness and confidence in the voice. Otherwise, the fact that needs to be reported loses its uniqueness. A person who perceives information must understand that they are confronted with a fact. In this case, the reaction will be easier and calmer. It is always easier for people to come to terms with what has already happened, than to try to stop or, conversely, accelerate what is just about to happen.

To put someone in front of a fact, you need to be confident in your decision, immediately inform the interlocutor of this and try to soften the information if it is negative. With this conversation, you need to restrain pity for the interlocutor. Especially if the consequences of the conversation will adversely affect the future life of this person.

Levitas Alexander

Imagine that you arrived in Siem Riap or some other exotic city, and on the way from the airport a taxi driver asks you about plans for the evening. You have no special plans, and he offers you after checking into a hotel for ridiculous (albeit ridiculous) money to take you to some local attractions, painting their beauty. You agree, the taxi driver takes you 30 kilometers away from the city ... and already at the entrance informs you that you need to pay 1000 rubles per person to visit the attraction. No, not him, it's just a standard admission fee.

If a taxi driver immediately told you that admission is paid, you would almost certainly refuse this trip. But since the information about the additional payment was heard when you were already almost there, it will be easier for you to agree and pay - otherwise it turns out that you simply spent the evening in vain and paid for the taxi.

This is how the manipulative technique “Put before the fact - in the middle of the way” works.

Manipulation scheme - how it works

This technique is used in situations where the manipulator wants to force the victim to perform some action that the victim doesn’t seem to want to perform - however, there is some “but”, some factor that is unacceptable to the victim. A man wants to buy an apartment, but not with a view of the cemetery. A person wants to rent a hotel room, but not with dozens of negative reviews. A person wants to see the sights, but not for the money. Etc.

In this case, the manipulator informs the victim of all the attractive information about the action for which he wants to hit the victim, or about the object that he wants to sell, and receives a fundamental consent. But this is not enough - because the victim, as agreed, can just as easily refuse.

Therefore, the manipulator immediately involves the victim in some action. What for? So that with each next step, the victim will be harder and harder to turn back. For example, the same taxi driver first takes you out of the city, and only then reports on the entrance fee. Or, say, if a travel agent wants to sell you a tour to an extremely poor quality hotel, he can first book tickets for you, arrange transfers and excursions ...

And only in the middle of the path (or even closer to the end of the path) does the manipulator reveal unpleasant details - they say, I don’t remember if I talked about this, but ... and then it talks about additional expenses, the terms of the transaction, etc. Either these details are disclosed themselves, and the manipulator pretends to just forget to mention them.

Since the victim has already gone to the expense of time or money, she understands that turning back is more expensive for herself. And she begins to convince herself that it’s not scary, it can be endured, you can put up with it ... that the manipulator needed.

Application illustrations

Herbalife sellers advertise in newspapers, but they know - if they just write: “We invite those who wish to become Herbalife distributors,” the response will be modest, to say the least. Therefore, they write in the announcement something like: “An international company is looking for initiative and sociable people for a high-paying job,” and when people apply for a job, they are told “We cannot discuss the details by phone, you need to come to a personal meeting” - so that when, having traveled half a city, a person will hear that this is a Herbalife, he would be sorry to immediately turn around and leave, at least he will listen to the presentation ... and, look, he will sign the contract.

A woman with children, posting an ad on a dating site, may be silent about the existence of children. The calculation here is that if a man likes her, he will love her and the affair will move to the wedding, and then it turns out that she has children - the man is more likely to put up with this. And if he read “two children” on a dating site, then even his first date would hardly have taken place.

  • An old joke on this subject:
       “Now, dear, when we got married, we will have three children - two girls and a boy
       “How do you know, dear?”
       - Now they are with mom

And if the travel agent wants to sell you a place in a bad hotel, which you indignantly refuse, just looking at the reviews, he can first offer you another hotel (more comfortable), arrange tickets, transfer, excursions. And then it turns out that by the chance you didn’t have any places in the hotel you agreed on, a delegation of Swedish cotton growers or Hungarian sailors arrived, so the agent ordered you a place in another hotel, and the voucher has already been issued ... And even if you have a hotel I don’t like it, chances are good that you will go to it, since everything else has already been ordered and you will not want to re-plan your vacation.

How to counteract this manipulation

In order not to fall into this trap, it is appropriate to be slightly paranoid in cases where you suspect or at least allow a catch, check and negotiate everything in advance.

In everyday life, it is just about issues. For example, the same taxi driver could be asked: “But besides $ 10 you will have other costs? And which ones? For what? And that’s exactly all, there are no other costs? ”The woman could be asked directly:“ Do you have children? ”

  • My esteemed colleague Vladimir Tarasov writes about such an approach in his “Book for Heroes”, based mainly on old Chinese texts on strategy - calling it “Get closer to the deer”. Recommend

It is important to understand that the manipulator is not interested in direct deception, it is important for him to limit himself to default. After all, if he himself did not say something, but only because you did not ask, then what claims could be to him? None. But if you asked a question and he lied in response, and then his lie is revealed, the conversation with the deceiver can be completely different, much tougher. So you will almost certainly get a direct answer to a direct question (or you will see how the interlocutor is trying hard to evade the answer).

In business, it’s worth not just asking questions, but also including all the points discussed in the contract. “How much will a ticket cost? And there will be no additional costs for the road? Let's write it down. ” “By what date will this be done?” Totally? And does this term include delivery too? In two weeks the goods will be in my warehouse? Let’s write it directly in the contract. ”

Extra protection in business

An additional degree of protection may be the penalties prescribed in the contract for violation of obligations. “Let's not just indicate the date when the goods arrive at my warehouse, but also indicate the amount of the penalty for each day of delay.” If the counterparty intends to honestly fulfill its obligations and is confident in its abilities, it will most likely either treat this as a formality or try to create a security pool (“Let's just increase the maximum delivery time by one working week, so that some small failures did not prevent us ”), or he will prescribe separately force majeure circumstances that relieve him of responsibility.

Well, if you are faced with a strict requirement not to include penalties in the contract, then, most likely, you should expect a trick, because with high probability, this may mean that the counterparty is simply not going to comply with the agreement.

Of course, such a “do” preparation is a bit troublesome and requires additional efforts - but it will help save you from unpleasant “do” surprises. As the ancient Romans said: “Let the buyer be vigilant!”

In the section to the question Can I pose a fact? set by the author Mark of Herzard   The best answer is Talk to her. Perhaps with all these quarrels she specially wants to part with you. Pretend you don't care for her and look at her reaction

Answer from Olena Oleynik[guru]
... of course you can ... if the girl is smart!
... talk and talk about how to eat .... what you like, what not ....
... do not demand an answer right away ... give time to think about the conversation, to realize the annoying ...
... and breaking is always easier than building ... take your time ...

Answer from Alexander[guru]
“but the feeling that she herself creates these conflict situations” is the correct feeling.
There is no real problem, you just get nervous over nothing.
Fuck her and don't bother.
"I have soon thought and other things" - stop thinking about it

Answer from Element unorganized[guru]
to pose a fact is not an option. “He loves control, but it feels like she creates these conflict situations.” Any action has its own reason. "I myself do not understand what she wants and what I do and I want)" is the root of all problems. trust is the right direction.

whom. Razg. Tell someone about something that has already happened. - Put the old woman before the fact, tell her: “I'm going to the theater”   (P. Adamyan. The beginning of life). And it would be possible to discuss properly, not to put the district committee before the fact   (D. Granin. After the wedding).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M .: Astrel, AST. A.I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what "Face the fact" in other dictionaries:

    To put / put before the fact   - whom. Razg. Tell someone what l already happened. F 2, 182 ...

    BEFORE THE FACT whom. DELIVER BEFORE THE FACT whom. Razg. Tell someone about something that has already happened. Put the old woman before the fact, tell her: “I am going to the theater” (P. Adamyan. The Beginning of Life). And it would be possible to discuss properly, not to set ... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    PUT   - I bet, you bet, nesov. (to deliver). 1. who what. Give to whom what n. standing position, strengthen the stand, put that n. where n so that it stood. Put the stick in the corner. To set up pillars. Put flowers in a vase. Put books on the shelf. Bottles ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    PUT   - SET, love, love; infused; disbelief. 1. what. To place, strengthen the stand, in a standing position, not lying. C. Pillars. C. books on the shelves. C. portrait on the table. 2. whom (what). Force to become 1 (in 1 value), take where n. standing position. FROM.… … Explanatory Dictionary Ozhegova

    to set   - I see, you see; nsv. (St. Lent / Vit) see also 1) what to attach to l. standing position, position, strengthen in a standing position. Stay / twist the mast, antenna. Set up / telegraph poles. Sta / twist stairs to the wall ... Dictionary of many expressions

    to set   - I see, you see; nsv. (St. deliver). 1. what. Add to what standing position, position, strengthen in a standing position. C. mast, antenna. C. telegraph poles. C. stairs to the wall. C. books in the cupboard. S. vertically, stagnant (open.), Obliquely. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    FACT   - Put / put before the fact of whom. Razg. Tell someone what l already happened. F 2, 182. Not in fact. Zharg. pier Disapproving 1. Unreasonably. 2. Inappropriate. CSF, 92, 97. To rustle not in fact. Zharg. pier Disapproving To deceive, to introduce into ... ... Great Dictionary of Russian Sayings

    Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich   - Lenin V.I. (Ulyanov, 1870-1924) - genus. in Simbirsk on April 10 (23), 1870, his father, Ilya Nikolaevich, came from the townspeople of the mountains. Astrakhan, lost his father at the age of 7 and was raised by his older brother, Vasily Nikolayevich, who ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia

    Lenin   - I. Biography. II. Lenin and literary criticism. 1. Statement of the problem. 2. Philosophical views of L. 3. The doctrine of L. about culture. 4. The theory of imperialism. 5. The theory of two ways of development of Russian capitalism. 6. L.'s views on individual Russian writers. ... ... Literary Encyclopedia

    Trotsky, Lev Davidovich   - Perhaps this article or section requires a reduction. Reduce the amount of text in accordance with the recommendations of the rules on balanced presentation and size of articles. For more information, see the talk page ... Wikipedia