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When to make a wish for the new year. How to make a wish for love in the New Year: rules and rituals. Rites of fulfillment of wishes for the New Year

Dear blog readers! A little more time will pass, a few days, hours, minutes and the New Year will come under the chime of the Spasskaya Tower. And on New Year's Eve from December 31 to January 1, there is a beloved worldwide tradition of making cherished desires.

Desires are made, but are they fulfilled? Statistics show that desires tend to be fulfilled !!! But not everyone, but the chosen lucky ones, who, as a rule, are in a proud minority. And for the rest, which are overwhelmingly, the fulfillment of a desired desire is postponed for many, many years. Why it happens? How to make a wish, what would it come true? How to get into the cohort of chosen lucky ones - favorites of Life?

There are so many “correct” and “100%” ways of making wishes. Here is one of them: “Before the New Year, that is, a few moments before the chimes, write your cherished desire on a napkin or a suitable piece of paper, which will certainly happen in the coming year. "You need to burn a napkin, pour ashes into a glass of champagne, which you need to drink while the chimes beat." It seems that the mystery, mystery and magic of this moment are present here, the magic of the moment gives a one hundred percent guarantee of a miracle ... But the desire will not come true - you have to repeat the ritual exactly one year later, and then another year later ... Something is wrong here ...

When we make a wish, we program our Subconscious to achieve some goal, and it is very important to do this in a state of positive excitement. We kind of tell our Subconscious that this will bring us a lot of joy, positive and we will joyfully think about this desire or goal, we will be happy when we reach it. A joyful, elated, happy and positive state can be achieved in many ways, but on New Year's Eve we are naturally in a festive elated state - we are waiting for a holiday, a miracle, the magic of the moment.

And now back to the method of making wishes described above. What is wrong with him? Yes all! Everything is wrong, and therefore does not work.

At first. A few moments before the onset of the new year, a real fuss begins, associated with the formulation of a cherished desire, attempts to remember your dreams and goals, after repeatedly, under the clink of glasses, we spent not only champagne with the old year. Some will frantically search for a pen or pencil, and then it turns out that they forgot to put napkins on the table. And if everything is found and the desire is recorded, then the people will nervously look at the hands of the clock so as not to miss the cherished moment, because the desire also needs to be burned, and this takes time. In a word, troubles and experiences. The subconscious mind will consider such actions as a rush, a panic or something else bad. In any case, he will try to block the onset of the desired event, as it “sees” that the fulfillment of desire greatly annoys the person. And one of the functions of the Subconscious is to protect the owner from unnecessary experiences.

Secondly. Have you tried to drink champagne with ashes? Personally, I do not. I think that the feeling is not pleasant. The subconscious mind “sees” that the desired desire is associated with unpleasant sensations and will try to block it in order to protect a person from them in the future.

Thirdly. Having wished ourselves something, we immediately forget about it. And the subconscious of most people, set up to defend against our stupid and changeable desires, expects confirmation of this “order”. And what confirmation can be on January 1? Well, if only the continuation of the banquet and the plate with olivier were planned ...

Therefore, the New Year’s order works as the formation of the desired event, but very rarely in very open, trusting and positive people. And where do you find such in our cynical and frightened world? So the tradition of making wishes for the new year is correct, but in order to give the desired result, we need to become more positive and kinder.

You need to understand that to shape the events we need, make wishes - it's not just lying on the couch and dreaming about the fabulous manifestation of a miracle, which is about to happen on the night of January 1. In order for the desired goals to become a reality, it is necessary to make equally real efforts to achieve them. But you need to do this systematically, correctly, otherwise there will be a lot of fuss and disappointment. This is a process of self-programming and real movement towards your goals. If you do everything right, then miracles will become your usual reality. Magic is the exact execution of rituals and all mysticism. Any action should be meaningful and deliberate. Otherwise, it will be pampering, from which you do not expect a result. Your Subconscious mind considers your true attitude to the stated goals, and will ignore your entertainment, which is drinking ashes in champagne.

How to form the occurrence of desired events, the fulfillment of their desires?

At first. You need to clearly articulate the result that you want to achieve. It is important to indicate the basic qualities of what you want to achieve - in order to understand whether your goal has been achieved or not. It is necessary to set real, achievable and clear goals, to understand why you are doing this. Making a wish is necessary in a state of joy, positive emotions and a positive attitude. The subconscious mind must understand that achieving the desired goal will bring a person only joy and positive emotions.

Let me explain what it means to set realistic and achievable goals. Some, by virtue of their “I want everything, and immediately!” make unrealizable desires for themselves. Set unattainable, not real goals. For example, a person whose salary is 10,000 rubles, dreams of a salary of 1,000,000 rubles or euros. And where will he get them from? How to fulfill his order? If he works as a simple teacher, and among his relatives and acquaintances there are no Gazprom managers or a large bank. No salary increase is expected. Of course, you can win the desired amount in the lottery, but for this you need to buy at least a lottery ticket. A person who is not accustomed to such money will quickly lower the entire amount and will remain, like in Pushkin's fairy tale, at a broken trough.

But, on the other hand, if a person earns 950,000 a month, then earning 1 million is not a big deal for him. For him, this is a satisfying desire. If he makes a wish, the wish will come true.

Secondly. You need to configure yourself to achieve your goal. If you have only fears, doubts, beliefs like “this is not for me”, “I am not worthy (unworthy)” in your head, then you have almost no chance of getting the desired result. So, you need to remove all fears from your head, erase the memories of past failures and experiences, change your negative beliefs to positive ones, become an easy and confident person - everything will be wonderful with such a “new” person.

Thirdly. The most important thing!   You need to go to meet your dream, try to realize your desire yourself, do everything possible to make it come true. We live in a real, and not in a fabulously magical world, so all magic must be done with our own hands, with our zeal and diligence. And for this you need to work hard, put your strength, knowledge, skills. For example, if you want to learn French, you don’t need to take a drag, go to the blue sea in the hope of catching a goldfish, but you need to sign up for French courses, purchase textbooks and teaching aids, and start learning! To study every day, then there will be a result. The more you put effort and effort, the higher your result will be. Your desire will be achieved!

But not everyone wants to work for their own good, so they are waiting for a fabulous moment, a good fairy or a goldfish. Just for such lazy dreamers there are various miraculous rituals, such as ashes in champagne. Every year the number of these rituals only grows, and there were no fulfillment of desires either, and so most people from year to year make the same desires for the chiming clock.


1. Making wishes is possible and necessary. The main thing is that dreams and goals would be achievable, and their achievement would please, bring only positive emotions.

2. For making wishes, it is not necessary at all to wait for a certain “fabulous” moment, “Cinderella's Gate” or another arrangement of planets and clouds in the sky. You can guess at any time, the main thing is that there would be a desire!

... And under the chiming clock we simply and cheerfully celebrate the holiday! New Year! That's all! No miracles, except those that we create ourselves!

Ashes of the coveted piece of paper in a glass of champagne, 12 white grapes swallowed by the clock, a coin under the tablecloth as a symbol of wealth or new red linen as a guarantee of hot sex - all this you may have already done, and more than once. If it seems to you that traditional signs do not work, it is better to choose the time and perform your own ritual ... without forgetting the rules of Feng Shui and the advice of psychologists.

1. In a couple of days: free up space

Why do some dreams come true, while others do not? Maybe in your life there is simply not enough space for them? It’s better to start preparing New Year’s wishes by saying goodbye to the past. And you need to part with it both in word and deed.

It is not enough just to brush off the dust and remove from the surface everything that lies in place. Walking around the house, carefully look around to notice and throw away everything broken, old and unnecessary without regret. Look in the closets and get rid of at least those things or pairs of shoes that you have never worn in the previous 12 months. In general, all items from the “what if you need it” category are solid candidates for release. The Chinese or Feng Shui experts would say that such things accumulate in themselves stagnant, blocking energy. The New Year Italian tradition is based on approximately the same logic: on December 31, not only clothes, but sometimes even old furniture, fly from windows and balconies. The meaning of “parsing blockages” is to clear the space around from what is drawn into the past and make way for a new one in one’s own life.

Think about some things that you can get rid of for you: old delusions, old habits, empty deeds, outdated relationships, wrong relationships - all that you want to leave in the past. If you have a fireplace in the country or in the house, it’s good to throw some of the most “charged” symbolic objects into the fire: for example, a crumpled cigarette pack, a receipt from an unnecessary purchase, a note from an unpleasant person ...

Do not forget to clean the desktop, remove all garbage from the mail, update the diaries and notebooks.

In the days remaining before the New Year, try to complete at least one (albeit small) business, fulfill a promise given to someone, or repay a debt. Listen to yourself and notice how a new feeling of lightness is growing inside.

2. On the eve: set the desire vector

It is customary to thank the outgoing year, recalling all the good. This ritual has an important psychological meaning. Over the past 12 months, you have changed, and your desires are with you (even if at first glance this is not obvious). By analyzing your feelings and evaluating events, you can form a vector of movement for the better. For this, you can use the NLP technique. Take 2 sheets of paper and a pen, find some free minutes and try to honestly answer the following questions.


Remember: what events have happened in your life over the past year?

Which of them were the most joyful - and why?

And which ones and why - the most unpleasant?

Write down the three most important topics that identified the past year.

Which of the following do you NOT want to face in the new year?

Which of your accomplishments are you most proud of?

What do you think others underestimated?

Which of the things that happened during the year do you regret the most?

Which of what you desired did not materialize?

How do you feel the general mood of the outgoing year? Mark both positive and negative emotions.


If you look back - what did you miss most last year? (For example: time, cash, support, determination, etc.)

If something happened again, what would you do differently?

What did you learn this year, what lessons do you remember?

Name at least three things for which you are grateful to other people, the Universe, life itself.

Name at least three things that you thank yourself for.

Save the sheet with the second list (“Conclusions”), and burn the first, still carefully listening to the feeling of lightness that continues to grow inside. Noting the positive changes, you start the movement of time.

3. December 31 night: “charge” the dream

If the previous steps are done correctly, you are ready to name your desires. It is important to formulate them specifically, with details and your own feelings: imagine what exactly you feel when they become reality.

Pay attention to what or to whom your desire is directed: to you personally; on your relationship with people; globally on your role in this life or place in the universe.

Try to focus not on external circumstances (for example, “I want to meet an ideal man”), but on my own role and quality in this situation (“I want to be happy, loved and loving woman”).

Eliminate any denial and a “no” particle: for example, instead of “I want to lose 10 kg” it is better to say “It’s easy for me, I’m in optimal weight and excellent shape”; instead of “I don’t need anything” - “I always have enough money for what matters to me.”

Our words have powerful energy: if the desire is correctly formulated and written down, it becomes the goal, and the Universe immediately begins to realize it. Put the wish sheet in an envelope and hide it in a secluded place. If in the process your imagination created some kind of symbolic image, try to draw it - carefully, in colors, with love. Fold this piece of paper into a roll, tie it with a ribbon and hang it on a Christmas tree: after the holidays, it will also need to be removed in order to deploy it next December.

Finally, to consolidate the result, on the first day (or even the first night) of the new year, you can conduct a "Ritual of eight oranges." It is believed that these sunny fruits embody the energy of prosperity and the joy of life, and the number "8" symbolizes well-being in Feng Shui. Entering the house, throw them on the floor over the threshold - so that they roll out in all rooms except the bathroom and toilet. Kicking oranges, sincerely and aloud, wish yourself the very best - happiness, love, success, wealth, health, etc. During the first New Year week, give these fruits to guests or neighbors. But most importantly, catch the feeling of a holiday and bring it to the future: your dreams are already starting to come true!

This is how a person works - it’s typical for him to start a “new life” from Monday, from the first day of the next month and, of course, from the New Year. And that is why it is so important for us to make a wish on New Year's Eve. This is an impulse, a charge of vivacity, an incentive finally that will last for 365 days. And next year - as much as 366.

When we tune in to the wave of fulfillment of desire, we want it so much that desire has to be fulfilled by will or not. Still, it’s not just a wish that was made, but on the most magical night of the year. So about how to make wishes on New Year's Eve, and how to do it right, we’ll talk today.

Ashes in champagne

The most common way to make a wish is to write down your wish on a piece of paper, chime it, mix the ashes with champagne and drink while the clock is twelve. Many tried, not all came true. And why? The thing is that, doing these manipulations, a person is engaged not so much in a magical ritual as in thoughts about what needs to be done - write, burn, drink, not choke. And all this until the last blow. And this is fundamentally wrong. It is not necessary to focus on actions, but on desire itself. Hands should act autonomously from thoughts and images. It is necessary to clearly understand not only desire itself, but also how it comes true. It is difficult to do this - everyone clinks around, wants something for each other, shouts, tries to push him by the arm. To prevent this, pre-place next to each plate a pencil, a piece of paper and a box of matches. Then the people will involuntarily join in the ritual, and no one will disturb you.

One more piece of advice - choose specific rather than abstract desires for this ritual, that is, you should not write: I want a lot of money, better write: I want to increase my salary (I want to win the lottery - then remember to buy a lottery ticket, or: I want to be successful invest - and after the holidays start looking for decent options). The same thing applies to desires for personal life - an abstract formulation: I want to get married “works” extremely rarely. If you have someone in mind, then write: I want to marry (name). If there is no such person, then better write: I want to find a husband. The more specific your desire, the more likely it will be fulfilled.

Therefore, think over the wording of desire in advance so that you can quickly write it down, focusing only on visualizing the fulfillment of desire.

Twelve desires

Another way to make a wish on New Year's Eve is to write on paper 12 different desires, roll up the tubes, put them under the pillow, and in the morning at random get one piece of paper - what is written there will come true. Here, too, there are nuances - that this desire is guaranteed to come true, you have to go to bed before 3 o’clock, that is, while the night lasts. Later morning already begins, and fortune-telling turns simply into a game. The second condition is that you should not sleep with your arms wrapped around the pillow, then there is a chance that not one desire will be fulfilled, but several at once - if you don’t specially “turn over” the pillow, and in the morning you find that some pieces of paper are on the floor, then these desires will be fulfilled along with the one that will be written on the pipe you pulled out.

There are rules for writing wishes for this ritual:

* Start writing wishes after the New Year (paper can be cut in advance).

* Do it alone.

* Guess what should (may) be fulfilled within a year.

* Think about the details and consequences of desire.

* All that can be specified is concretized, write names, dates, events.

* When writing every wish, imagine how it comes true.

* If you have already made a wish at exactly midnight, do not repeat it in this ritual.

And further. Write what you really need - do not spray New Year's Eve magic on wishes like: I want a diamond ring. Better ask for health (yours and your loved ones, especially those who need it in the first place), material well-being, getting rid of something, love, etc. Of course, you can ask for a thing, but then specify whether you want to buy it yourself or want it to be presented to you, and, preferably, if you specify the name of the donor.

Naturally, you will have something to do on New Year's Eve, therefore, so as not to spend a lot of time on this ritual, you can not only cut the paper in advance, but also draw up a “wish summary” on a piece of paper so that you can rewrite them in the New Year, focusing on visualization rather than inventing desires.

Painted happiness

The next way to make a wish in the New Year is to draw it. After midnight, take a sheet for watercolor, bright colors and brushes. It is absolutely not necessary to be able to draw, the main thing is that you can present and sketch out what you want. For example, you dream of falling in love - just draw a heart pierced by an arrow, if you want mutual love, then draw a double heart with one arrow; or want to solve the housing problem in the coming year - draw a house. If you want to find a couple (get married) - you portray a man and a woman hand in hand, if you know the name of the desired man, sign the names with your figures - yours and his, if you want to get married, then draw two intersecting rings; you dream of a rich lover - you draw two nudes practically merged into one, and next you depict something material - a coin, a bill, a gem, a car, etc. Include imagination, any desire can be depicted on paper by finding its image.

Just avoid black. The brighter your drawing, the more joy the fulfillment of desire will bring you.

And then - nothing to burn, mix and drink is not necessary. Fold your drawing with desire into a scroll, tie it with a red ribbon, melt the wax and seal the scroll so that the wax falls on both the ribbon and the paper. Scrap your initials on still warm wax. After that, hang the scroll on the Christmas tree, but warn that no one will touch it. Let the week hang on the tree. At Christmas (at night), remove the scroll and put it in a secluded place. After the wish is fulfilled, print the scroll, circle the picture with red paint and leave it to be stored until you have a new cherished desire. Then the scroll can be burned.

New guest

Making a wish on New Year's Eve is also possible for a new guest. If suddenly someone (whom you don’t know) comes to you (or to the company where you will celebrate the New Year), then you can make a wish that is based on changes, that is, not aimed at getting something, but to change your life path. To do this, after midnight, seize the moment and, making a wish, take this person by the hand. Just remember that a person should be very friendly towards you, and indeed his coming and his behavior should not foreshadow problems and troubles. But if this person first behaved perfectly, you made a wish, and then for no reason began to rage, behave inappropriately, beat dishes or scandal, so you should not strive to fulfill your desire, since besides unpleasant and you won’t get anything in vain, or at least try to protect yourself from unforeseen difficulties. Think about what could go wrong in your life if this desire is fulfilled, and act according to the circumstances - abandon the plan or “lay the straw”.

Similarly, you can make a wish on a person you know, if you did not expect to see him on New Year's Eve, that is, if his visit was unplanned.
   In general, there are a great many ways to make a wish in the New Year. Surely you yourself have your own method. The main thing is that you want from the heart, take the ritual of making a wish seriously, and do not act “on the machine” and only because it is customary. And on New Year's Eve, in no case should you make those desires that, one way or another, can bring harm or pain to someone else - do not want revenge, do not want to get something that does not belong to you (for example, do not make relations with a person who has a family in which he is happy, and in which they love him very much), do not wish evil even to those who have offended you greatly. All New Year's wishes should be positive and constructive. And then they will certainly come true and bring you happiness.

Nothing rules our heart more than believing in miracles. On New Year's Eve even the most inveterate skeptics are transformed.

Someone is rustling a bill in his pocket, trying to catch a wave of financial prosperity, someone is stirring paper ash in a glass, and someone is kissing a stranger, just not to be left alone. Adults for a moment turn into real children, because they believe - New Year's Eve is special, it will certainly bring success and fulfillment of desires! And even if there are no Snow Maidens, and the costume of Santa Claus has not converged at the waist for a long time, the universe is multifaceted, it fulfills not only children's dreams.

How to make a wish for the New Year to be fulfilled? We have collected for you 7 of the simplest and most effective ways that will not leave anyone indifferent. But first, we’ll clarify the rules for setting goals so that they will definitely please you in the coming year.

How to formulate a desire?

When you speak to yourself or write a wish on a piece of paper, use the present tense form: not “I want”, but “I received” or “I already have”.
   Talk about the dream in the affirmative form, without any particles “don't”: instead of “I don’t want to be alone anymore” or “I don’t want to be sick”, it’s better to use a positive form in the sense of “I’m welcome and beloved”, “my body is healthy”.
   Thinking of a cherished desire, concentrate not on the visual picture, but on the emotions of owning your dream. Want a new home? Do not imagine it to the smallest detail, it’s better to imagine yourself inside this house, feel with your skin that he is yours, that you are happy in him.
   Your desire should concern only you, you should not tie your dreams to the actions and actions of other people. It will come true that depends on you, not your friends or superiors. You cannot influence the will and feelings of outsiders.

So, 7 amazing ways to make a wish for the New Year

1. Red envelope

If you like to keep a personal diary, you have good literary inclinations, the sure way to achieve your desired goals in the new year is to write yourself a wish letter in the future. To do this, half an hour before the start of the holiday, try to be left alone with a pen and a sheet. Answer the questions: how do you see yourself in the new year, how you look, what you do, who surrounds you, how do you feel? Describe everything as detailed as possible, then put it in a red envelope, put it in your pocket and drink with all the champagne! Red color helps to attract the energy of luck, and everything written will come true if your intentions were serious.

2. Boxes of surprises

Sincere generosity towards others always comes back handsomely! The more we give, the more we get in the end - these are the laws of the universe. This method of making wishes and takes this principle as a basis. So, prepare in advance 12 boxes with surprises. You can put anything inside - sweets, nuts, Christmas balls, handkerchiefs and even perfumes, it all depends on your financial condition. When the chimes are struck 12 times - go out and give out the boxes to the first ones you wish with happiness in the new year. Just do not forget to think about your desire! Very soon, the world will respond with the same generosity, the main thing is to do everything with a pure heart.

3. Ashes in champagne

To help the dream come true, prepare in advance thin strips of paper, a pen and light a candle. When there is a minute left before the New Year, and everyone around them will keep a per-second report, write a wish faster, then to burn a leaf and drink along with sparkling champagne. This method is phenomenally true and works flawlessly, the main thing is to clearly state the goal and be prepared for unforeseen consequences. After all, sometimes desires come true in a completely different way from what we drew for ourselves.

4. Collage drawing

For lovers of the visual component, a suitable method to make a wish for the New Year is to draw a dream picture with your own hands or make a wish collage from photos. So, an hour before the fight, festive chimes give everyone a piece of paper, lay out paints and pencils, and then proceed to visualize the dream on paper. At this moment, think only of desire and emotions about its fulfillment. Roll the finished drawing with a tube, wrap with a satin ribbon and hang it on a pine branch. At 12 o’clock drink for your desire, it will come true!

5.12 grapes

Grapes at all times and in all cultures acted as a symbol of fertility, health and wealth. That is why in Italy they decided to combine the myth of its divine origin with the celebration of the New Year. In order for the goal to become materially embodied, with every stroke of the clock you need to have time to eat grapes, thinking about your desire. Sparkling wine will consolidate the magical effect of an ancient ritual, the universe will certainly hear you.

6. Magic toy

For this ritual, it is best to make a Christmas toy with your own hands to invest your energy in the holiday decoration. It can be a snowflake, a painted cone, a snowman made of cotton and even an old Christmas ball made in a new way. Inside the toy or next to it, hide the note with your desire, then hang the ornament back on the Christmas tree. On the night of January 1, repeat the desire to yourself again - and it will certainly come true!

7. Romantic kiss

This method of making wishes is perfect for lovers or couples who celebrate the holiday in the company of friends and have one desire for two. For example, give birth to a child, buy a house or fly on a romantic trip. So, with the onset of the holiday countdown, the light turns off in the room, lovers need to have time to find each other in order to merge in a kiss. If they succeed, they will succeed!

Do not be afraid to dream, do not be afraid to fight - and even the most incredible goals will find you in the new year. The universe is abundant, and therefore on your side. Have patience, think positively, do not be afraid to give. Holiday greetings!

On New Year's Eve, when the air is literally saturated with the expectation of change, I want to believe that everything will change for the better, that miracles can happen. In this we become so much like children. It is especially believed that the desire that we make under the chiming clock will come true. And they really come true, you just need to know exactly how to make a wish for the New Year 2018 and observe all the smallest details. There are several rituals of making a wish.

Wording Rules

When formulating your wish, you send a request to the Universe, which may be misinterpreted, so the phrase with which you are trying to express what you want should be selected very carefully, thinking through every word.

  • Use positive wording i.e. without a particle "not." For example, the right desire: "I want to be healthy in the coming year," wrong: "I want to not be sick in the coming year." Remember that for the subtle world, as well as for our brain, the particle “does not exist”.
  • It is even more correct to formulate a desire in the present tense, i.e. not just “I want to be healthy in the coming year”, but “I have good health in 2018”.
  • Do not categorize the desire categorically with the words “required”, “at any cost”, “must”. Leaving the universe no choice, you can pay too high a price. Everything that you ask for is "understood" literally.
  • Make sure that your desire does not affect the will of others. For example, you can’t guess: “I want such a person to fall in love with me”, you can “I meet a person who sincerely loves me.” In the first case, we seem to force a specific person to feel certain feelings with our desire, in the other, we give the Universe the opportunity to offer us a relationship with a person who is capable of falling in love on his own.
  • Do not make desires that are negative in relation to other people. For example, you can’t think of "Let ... (name) be fired, but they will put me in his / her place", you can "I get a promotion / move up the career ladder in the coming year."
  • Clearly define what you want. The desire should not be “or.” You should not build the wording as follows: “Let this and that be, but if not this, then let this or that.” Ask for exactly what you want; don’t downplay your desires; otherwise, getting what you asked for will not be satisfied.
  • Do not complicate the wording, state the desire as simple and short as possible.
  • Imagine a dream in the form of visual images, as if materializing it.
  • Make a final goal, not an intermediate one. Wanting to buy an apartment, make no money for the apartment, namely housing.
  • Add emotionality to the desire that makes the dream meaningful. For example, "I have a rest on the sea and am very happy."
  • Do not want several things at once. Focus on one thing. Remember the proverb “Chasing Two Hares ...”

How to drive negativity out of life

To give a place to the positive in your life, you need to free yourself from the shackles of the past: resentment, grief, trash.

  • Prepare new clothes for the New Year.
  • Clear out the entire apartment.
  • Ventilate the room well on December 31st.

It’s even better to throw away everything that reminds of failures or causes unpleasant emotions. Carry out such a ritual: write a list, adding there everything that you would like to get rid of in the coming year (for example, from debts, illnesses, enemies). Cut the leaf into stripes so that each one says one. Fold them in a bag. There, by the number of adversities, send unnecessary things and take them to the trash. Leaving the bag, say: "Get rid of trash, get rid of negativity, forgive everything bad."

Until January 13, try to be positive, according to popular belief, every day determines what the next months of the coming year will be: January 1 is responsible for January, January 2 - for February, and so on.

Rituals of making a wish for it to come true

Now let's talk about rituals that help desires come true.

Exactly at 12

A special moment is the moment of transition from one year to another, when the joint rush of many people who make their wishes at that moment greatly enhances the likelihood of your dream coming true. That is why it is customary to make a wish for a chime.

Drink the ashes. The most famous and most effective way is the following: for the chiming clock, write down your dream on a piece of paper that you have formulated in advance or prepare a leaflet with a wish in advance, and at the crucial moment just read the inscription, reflecting on each word and imagining what you want. Burn a leaf over a glass of champagne, let the ashes fall into the glass, and drink. You have to catch up to the last hit of the clock. Do not forget to "clink glasses" with relatives and guests and wish everyone happiness and health in the coming year. After that, you need to stay in silence for a couple of minutes. By the way, not only champagne can act as a drink. If you do not take alcohol, drink juice, mineral water or something else. If you celebrate the New Year without champagne in your hand - this will not reduce your chances.

Leap from a chair. The leap into new life with the last blow of the chime is symbolic. When the clock begins to count down strokes, you need to stand on a chair and at the last moment, clearly realizing your desire, jump down.

To attract money. Want to improve your material well-being? At exactly 12, in one hand hold a glass of champagne, and in the other hand - a banknote: the larger, the better.

Snowflake in hand. If there is very little left before the New Year, and it snows outside, use this rare opportunity, make a wish on a snowflake. Catch a snowflake at midnight and make a quick guess. If the snowflake does not melt on the mittens while the chimes hit, the dream will come true.

Free will. Your chances of fulfilling your dreams will increase significantly if, while the clock strikes, you have time to say what you want through an open window, window or on the balcony, i.e. in the open air, as if letting go of desire in free flight.

Italian custom. If we are used to writing what we want on paper, then Italians believe that, making a wish, you need to eat 12 grapes. Give it a try.

Before New Year

But you can make a wish before the New Year, when there is no need to rush anywhere.

Letter to Santa Claus. A good way that is mistakenly considered playful and intended only for children. However, adults can also use it. Practice shows that this method works. After all, much is determined by attitude, strength of faith, atmosphere of the moment.

Wish Bag. Invite guests to write their wishes, and then put them in a bag and give them to Santa Claus at exactly 12 a.m.

Chinese fortune cookies. Chinese culture is not in vain known for its wisdom. And in an effort to meet the coming year in Feng Shui, in full accordance with Eastern traditions, it is worth baking Chinese cookies with wishes and predictions. Among them may be phrases with a philosophical meaning, warnings, predictions and wishes. Put cookies in a bag and give guests the opportunity to choose their own "fate".

On the needles. Try to express your desire in one or two words and lay it out of the needles that have showered from the Christmas tree on the eve of the holiday. Make a wish, blow on the needles, collect in a bag. When chiming, keep close to you. Keep the whole year in a secluded place, but so that the bag catches your eye.

Before the New Year, make a wish card, where reflect all that you want to achieve in the new year. It must be framed in a certain way. In each square you need to put an image that expresses what you want, and in the center stick your best photo.

Christmas tree toy. Another surefire way to make a dream come true is with Christmas toys. In one case, it is recommended to write a wish on a leaf and put it in Christmas tree dyeing. The toy should be hung on a Christmas tree, preferably taller. In another case, it is recommended to make a Christmas-tree decoration with your own hands, which embodies what you want to get in the new year. If you want an apartment - make a house, a child - hang up a baby doll, etc. According to reviews, desires come true with enviable consistency.

After the New Year

If for some reason you did not manage to make a wish before the New Year or at midnight - do not be discouraged. You still have the opportunity to rehabilitate yourself in the first minutes and days of the New Year or make a wish for the Old New Year.

Wishes in a bottle. Use this method. Write the wishes on the leaves and, wrapping them in tubes, put in a bottle of champagne. Close the bottle well and leave until next year.

Tips from the Blue Light. In the first minutes of the new year (focus on how old you are), listen to what they say on TV or radio. Try to interpret what you hear as a hint to achieve what you want.

12 wishes. If you can’t choose what to make, let the Universe choose for you. Write twelve desires according to the number of months, put the leaves under the pillow on New Year's Eve, mixing well. Pull out a leaf at random in the morning with desire. What you get, this will come true.

  • On the New Year’s Eve, you can get rid of the burden of adversity by writing all your problems on a piece of paper and burning it.
  • Before midnight, you should pour champagne or any other drink into the glass, blow it into the glass, making a wish and drink at midnight.

We fulfill the desire ourselves

If you are used to relying on yourself rather than chance, then you will definitely like the next method. He is absolutely pragmatic, but he is good at that. Before the new year, you need to sit down and carefully think about what you would like to change, complete, achieve in your life. All that comes to mind - write down. These are all your goals. Choose the 12 most important ones. Then, for each month, choose your goal, which you will go to. And then identify specific steps to achieve the goal. If, for example, you want to lose weight, note that you need to sign up for a fitness club, go on a diet or run in the morning. Moreover, the more specific the steps, the better. Thus, each month of your life in the new year will be devoted to the realization of the desired in life.

And finally, I want to say this: sincerely wish other people what you want for yourself, then everything will be fine with you.