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How to get rid of addiction is. How to get rid of food addiction? What to do to stop overeating? How to understand what has become addicted to food

In previous articles, we examined in detail the causes of and, as well as by establishing nutrition and creating an interesting, multifaceted life. Today we will talk about how to overcome food addiction by working independently with psychological problems.

How to beat food addiction

How to solve psychological problems

Work on proper self-esteem. Stop being unsure of your uniqueness. Take care of what you do best. Improve yourself, develop yourself. For example, create an album in social networks with photos of your achievements - your friends will appreciate them, increasing your self-esteem.

Stop reproaching yourself for weaknesses, give up self-flagellation. Constant digging in yourself brings only negative emotions that you want to quickly eat. The circle closes ...

Do not hold back emotions, let them find a way out. If you are upset about something, let yourself be with it for a while. Cry, grieve, and then smoothly switch to something that requires your attention and direct participation - this is the main part of the secret how to solve a psychological problem yourself.

Take your brain - solve logic puzzles, crosswords, read an interesting book. You will immediately notice how much you feel better, and you will understand that you can cope with negative emotions without overeating. The main thing is to get the first experience. Each time, less and less time will be spent on experiences, and you will learn how to solve your psychological problems without the help of food.

Ways to solve psychological problems

  • Love yourself. To do this, of course, is not easy ... But know that it is love of self that will help you overcome any difficulties. Loving yourself, it is much easier to fight food addiction.
  • Set short-term goals, they are achieved faster and easier.
  • Start praising yourself. Come up with some kind of encouragement for achieving your goals. Of course, a prize cannot be food. Treat yourself to a trip to the spa or the sauna. Buy a cute trinket that will remind you of your achievements.
  • Find motivation and. Start, he not only disciplines, but also helps to find mistakes, and correcting them.

If you feel the urge to eat something faster, drink water first. Then try to entertain yourself with an interesting activity that distracts you from worries and thoughts about food. If this turned out to be a trick, it means that you are on the right track, and it turns out that you defeat food dependence.

But what do we jam?

If there is a urge to quickly take a mouth and hammer in the abdomen, it would be necessary to analyze what specifically caused you such a reaction. This may be some minor problem that does not even require attention, or a real nuisance requiring a systematic approach. One thing is for sure: knowing the enemy by sight, it is easier to fight him. From everyday experiences and chronic stress, sedatives and meditation techniques are great help.

The resolution of major problems should be approached more carefully. First you need to draw up a step-by-step plan of action, seek help and support from loved ones. A clear plan of upcoming events will give you a certain confidence in yourself and relieve unnecessary anxiety and nervousness, thereby relieving your condition. Well, in this case, sedatives will perfectly help you.

Breaking the vicious circle

Remember, it’s best not to bring yourself to the symptoms of an eating disorder. Prevention of food dependence helps a lot in this.

Psychological dependence on food exists in about half of the world's population. It takes place when the need for food arises not because of an empty stomach, but as the mood worsens, a feeling of boredom, longing, stress appears.

Psychological dependence on food is, in fact, a manifestation of a feeling of dissatisfaction in a particular area of \u200b\u200blife: work, personal relationships, study, etc. At the same time, “jamming” does not solve the problem, but only exacerbates it, causing additional stress.

You can enjoy it in other, safer and even more useful ways, such as sports, walking, swimming, hobbies, massage, chatting with nice people, reading an interesting book, listening to your favorite music, but we choose food - the easiest and fastest way.

  1. The desire to eat something tasty regularly arises between the main meals with a full stomach.
  2. The presence of food addictions - products that are almost impossible to resist: coffee, chocolate, ice cream, smoked fish and anything else.
  3. Feelings of guilt arising after eating “forbidden” foods, which, in turn, causes stressful conditions that are offset by a new meal.
  4. Food is perceived as a means of rewarding oneself for something or achieving a sense of security, a certain psychological comfort (temporary, then developing into discomfort caused by guilt).
  5. Hunger causes not only unpleasant physical sensations, but also serious psychological discomfort. And dieting can lead to deep depression.
  6. The inability to really assess the severity of diseases caused or exacerbated by overeating: diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases.
  7. The tendency to absorb food volumes significantly exceeding the threshold necessary for physiological saturation.

Psychological Addiction to Food: How to Get Rid

Losing weight or with food addiction is almost impossible. Therefore, work on the body should begin with the elimination of the psychological root cause, and not with diets, massages, sports, hardware techniques, and other secondary tricks. To get rid of the psychological dependence on food, you must first recognize its existence and realize the seriousness of the problem, and then:

  1.   , start to respect yourself.
  2. To part with resentment against yourself and others, let go of the past and feel freedom from unimportant moments.
  3. To understand that by seizing a grudge or pain, we are doing worse not to the offender, but only to ourselves, and do not compensate for the pain, but only worsen our condition.
  4. To realize that in fact only we can help ourselves.
  5. Start a food diary in which to mark breakdowns and their preceding condition (stress, loneliness, longing, resentment, boredom, fear, etc.).
  6. Find other sources of pleasure that are beneficial or at least neutral.
  7. Switch from thinking about delicious food to other pleasant moments that become available as a result of refusal from erratic nutrition: beautiful clothes, a feeling of lightness in the body, better health, a slender body that attracts the attention of the opposite sex, saving money, in the end.
  8. Make a clear meal schedule, adapted to your usual lifestyle. Stick to 2-2.5-hour breaks between meals.
  9. Ensure adequate intake of nutrients and calories during main meals.
  10. Do not buy foods that cause a special craving for uncontrolled eating. First of all, you will have to abandon the sweet and starchy foods that cause surges in glucose in the blood.
  11. Go to the store with a full stomach and a ready list of planned purchases.
  12. Drink large amounts of water to ensure the normal course of metabolic processes in the body and partially satisfy the feeling of hunger.
  13. Fight hunger attacks with warm chamomile, mint or other soothing tea.
  14. Do not consider “breakdowns” as failures, treat them as temporary overcoming difficulties. To drive guilt from them and believe in yourself.
  15. Do not be shy to seek the help of specialists: a psychologist and a nutritionist, who will help you choose the right and rehabilitation course.

At the first stage, food dependence is a way to compensate for stress and other unpleasant emotions. In such a situation, the correction of a psychological problem, as a rule, is easy and successful.

The second stage is the transition of dependence into a pathological state, which is practically impossible to compensate without the help of appropriate specialists.

To briefly explain the essence of the methodology, we propose to introduce a lemon. If you visualize the lemon in good faith, in all colors, then, most likely, involuntary salivation will begin. By analogy, you can “program” your brain for loss of appetite when mentioning unwanted foods. And any methods are good here: from presenting a vile inscription of product names to fantasies about turning the product itself into some kind of muck, including cellulite deposits.

In the same way, it is necessary to present useful products in the brightest colors and associate the most pleasant associations with them.

Do not persuade the child to “eat at least another spoon”, do not praise for the dinner eaten. Such tactics are able to further form a stereotype of a child’s connection between food and approval, receiving heat, affection.

Do not give the baby candy when it falls or hits. Do not bribe sweets. These adult-friendly ways to control the baby’s emotions can make him unhappy in the future.

When the baby’s diet is drawn up correctly and there are no problems with digestion and metabolism, refusing parental coaxing during meals cannot harm him. If you put a taboo on all kinds of crackers, chips, sweets, tasty, but unhealthy products such as sausages, then the child himself will gladly eat his breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Each of us knows: appetite is the main enemy of a beautiful figure. It is appetite, and not hunger, that pushes us on night trips to the refrigerator. It is he who insists on eating delicious food when we are already full. And many of us give up in the belief that it is impossible to take complete control of our appetite.

But if you are concerned about the question of how to overcome addiction to food, you are already on the right track. You can cope with appetite - not immediately, gradually, but if you set a goal, everything will work out. And we will show you the right direction - we will tell you how to get rid of the psychological dependence on food. And you just have to put the acquired knowledge into practice!

The enemy needs to know in person! Therefore, before we figure out how to escape from food, let's talk about why and where food dependence arises from.

Agree that there are practically no people who do not like a tasty meal. However, not everyone is addicted to food. Where does this problem come from?

The fact is that food dependence is not a physiological need to eat, but a desire to solve your own psychological problems with food.

Without noticing it, we seize the snacks with stress, anxiety and excitement. Or in this way we fight with boredom. Or we do not find other ways to have fun. In any case, the essence is one.

Are you addicted to food? This can be diagnosed by yourself. The main symptoms that indicate a problem are:

  • You constantly think about food: what foods are in the refrigerator, what would be a tasty snack right now, what to cook for dinner and so on.
  • Passing by the vases with sweets or cookies, be sure to eat something, even if you did not plan.
  • You can’t control the amount of food consumed: for example, instead of the desired portion, eat several times more.
  • Comfort yourself with sweets in any unpleasant situation.
  • Even with mild hunger, you feel physical discomfort or irritation.
  • Often retire with food.
  • After eating, feel guilty.
  • Do not like to share sweets with anyone, even with relatives and friends.

Recognized yourself? So the problem exists. Still want to know how to stop being addicted to food? We will tell you now!

Food addiction: how to get rid so that it is not excruciatingly painful

Here are a few dozen tips. It’s not necessary to listen to everyone: even if you realize half of this list, your life will change dramatically. Will we try?

With the help of a liquid, you can fool the stomach and dull the feeling of hunger. It is best to drink plain pure water, you can with a slice of lemon. If you want variety - brew yourself green tea or make a glass of tomato juice, but it is pure water that launches.

We do not give advice on how to refuse food completely - you must eat, otherwise you will only harm your body. But to replace a couple of extra meals with tea and juices is not only possible, but also necessary.

How to beat addiction to food? First of all, listen to your own feelings. Eat only when hungry. Throw a snack “for company” - you can chat with loved ones over a cup of tea.

Are you used to eating with a working TV or your favorite music? Do not do like this! Thus, you are distracted from the process, which means that much more food will fit into you.

If you prefer a shower - it's time to change your habits. It is proved that a hot bath is an excellent assistant in our difficult business. It helps to relax, dull appetite, increase sweating and, accordingly, get rid of excess fluid.

How to satisfy hunger without food? Everything ingenious is simple - you need to do a little exercise! It will not only help to slightly reduce your appetite, but also burn some extra calories.

Have you ever thought about what colors surround you? But it has long been scientifically proven that one shade can whet an appetite, and the other, on the contrary, reduce it. Avoid yellow, red and orange colors - they are guaranteed to push you to the "crime". But the blue color is our best friend who helps us deal with temptations.

Use a blue tablecloth, dishes, napkins for the holidays - eat much less.

Another answer to the question of how to get rid of hunger without food is to “feed” oneself with aromas. Everything in the world is used: perfumes, aroma candles, oil and even peel of citrus fruits. The most effective are flower or fruit odors. Also from fruits and herbs, the smell of which discourages appetite, you can distinguish an apple, banana and mint.

Forget this word once and for all! How much they put on the plate is yours, everything else is already superfluous. In addition, you do not need to add extra spices and seasonings - they whet your appetite. Yes, salt also applies. Try it and the swelling will go away, the cellulite will become less pronounced, the skin will smooth out. And this is not a complete list of what will happen if you abandon the salt.

How to refuse junk food? That's right - hide it somewhere far away! Remove from the table baskets with sweets and cookies. And better - replace it with a vase of fruit, which you will have a bite to eat if necessary.

How to distract yourself from food? That's right - for a walk! Best of all - before eating. Thanks to a walk in the fresh air, hunger will be dulled, and during the meal you will eat much less. And to enhance the effect, try while breathing deeply several times while breathing in and out, doing simple exercises.

Are you sure that the dream has nothing to do with overeating? You are mistaken! A person who sleeps 5-6 hours a day is more prone to obesity than someone who rests 8 hours. How to stop being addicted to food? Start getting enough sleep, and the process of getting rid of addictions will go faster!

Great advice on how to keep yourself from eating is to click on a special point. It is located in a hollow between the nose and upper lip. Massage it for several minutes - and the feeling of hunger will be dulled.

Another great way to fool your body is to eat voluminous, but low-calorie dishes. For example, green salads or milkshakes. You will think that a lot has been eaten, but in fact it is not.

A bag of vanilla is a must-have for any sweet tooth who wants to lose weight. As soon as you wanted to eat another cake - smell the vanilla, and it will become easier. If there is no natural spice, even cosmetics or aroma candles will do.

Another way to stop depending on food is to drink a glass of cold water before eating. So you can partially fill the stomach, which means you eat less. In addition, the body will spend energy to “warm” the drunk water, which means it will spend extra calories.

As you can see, there are many ways to deceive the appetite and overcome the dependence on food. Use and share the results!

And it happens that you just don’t know what to do with yourself, or you don’t want to do anything, and therefore eat. You can’t imagine watching a movie or sitting at a computer without popcorn, sandwiches or sweets at hand ...

We were born for pleasure, for pleasure. The easiest way to get it is to eat deliciously. Sometimes it’s not even necessary to be tasty. It happens that just a feeling of satiety or even oversaturation gives satisfaction or a short-term feeling that everything is fine.

Deceptive sensation. Especially for those who "seize" problems or stress. And, as a rule, very short-lived. And although the feeling of satisfaction does not last long, many still often resort to this method of filling their desires for pleasure. Food becomes a trap, and dependence on it becomes a burden. How to win?

Here we sing, and then I'll think about what to do with all this

But when all thoughts are only about food, literally all the time: before meals, during meals and after - you no longer think that stress is not going to go away thanks to this. You just seem to go away from solving problems and pretend that you are busy with something important now, that you have to wait for the problems for now. “Here we sing, and then I’ll think about what to do with all this”.

It happens that you go home after a crazy working day with a full packet of sweets and already chewing something along the way. And the mere thought that now all this will be consumed at home gives a certain calm and joy. And this is the only pleasant moment for the whole long, busy day. The rhythm of a big city, running around require compensation in the form of delicious bonuses. Over time, you get used to perceive food as a source of a smooth emotional state, a dependence is formed. The desire to get rid of it complements the list of problems that now need to be somehow solved.

And it happens that you just don’t know what to do with yourself, or you don’t want to do anything, and therefore eat. You can’t imagine watching a movie or sitting at the computer without popcorn, sandwiches or sweets at hand.

Or so. So you earned money or ran in on business - did not have time to dine. It seems, well, eat less. But no! Lunch is eaten during dinner, in fact, along with dinner itself. And then something else sweet, but more. Because you deserve it: you worked so much, redid so many things, that even, poor thing, I did not find time for lunch. And it turns out that I ate no less in a day, and overeaten so that it is difficult to walk and not even to fasten my pants. Excesses were deposited with extra centimeters on the sides and not only, from this the mood falls even more. Now you are focusing on how to get rid of them, and you understand that food has become addicted.

You have to pay for everything in this world. And soon after such “endorphin” or “anti-stress” or “encouraging” dinners, standing on the scales, you realize that you didn’t even notice how much you gained weight. And here the fun begins.

Lose weight!

You begin to think about how to get rid of extra pounds. All kinds of diets are used, the most modern or proven grandfather methods, a gym membership is bought. You keep a diet and exhaust yourself with loads, which is completely unusual and even hostile to your body and psyche.

All this on a subconscious level is seen as ruthless restrictions and tortures. It’s impossible to stretch out like that for a long time, and after two weeks (and the especially stubborn ones manage to hold out for a month), you break down and the four kilograms returned come back, taking with them a couple more as a gift.

But you are not going to give up! Until you are going to ... You are determined to win an unequal battle with food addiction. And the circle repeats: diet - reset - stall - set. And so not once or twice. You continue to go through diets, count calories, write down in grams that you ate for the day. Someone follows the path of least resistance, indulging in their laziness and resorting to diet pills and other emissions from the fitness and beauty industry, which are far from the concept of health and adequate human existence.

But all this does not bring the desired result and further leads you into a network of manic thoughts about food. Previously, you just ate, not thinking what exactly you are absorbing, but now you are supposedly “eating properly”, but in fact it turns out that you eat, maybe even more than before. After all, what happens if you overeat fat-free cottage cheese or chicken breast? “Of course, nothing”- you think, and then, standing on the scales, you are surprised to see that it’s not that I threw off nothing, limiting myself to sweet and bold, but even gained a little.

And somehow it becomes sad. You tried so hard, kept a diet, tormented yourself - but nothing good. And I want to stick to this terrible injustice. And you eat. Naturally, not cucumbers and leaf lettuce, but a cake and sweets, hoping for a saving reassurance of the soul that has suffered from overwhelming restrictions.

How to get out of this vicious gastronomic circle? How to eat in order to live, and not live for the sake of food, for the momentary pleasure that it gives? The training on System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan can help with these questions.

The best wives, mothers and mistresses

Still, not all people try to compensate for their shortages and stresses by eating. Someone, on the contrary, cannot swallow a piece during stress, someone takes drugs, alcohol, and someone strikes a religion.

Food as a consolation or reassurance or a kind of "reward for work" is used by people with a special mentality. It is they who most often suffer from addiction to food and are looking for ways to get rid of it. According to Systemic Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan, people with an anal vector may be affected.

Vector is a set of properties and desires of a person, which is laid down in him by nature. It forms the basis of human behavior, his thinking, determines the system of life values, intelligence, human character and even physical characteristics.

As for the external features, people who possess are, as a rule, short, sedate, inclined to fullness people. They naturally have a slow metabolism. It is difficult for them to limit themselves to food - this is not their way.

If we turn to the distant past, to the primitive flock, each one there had his own duty, the so-called “species role”. A man with an anal vector served as the keeper of the cave, the home, while the rest of the men were on the hunt. The main values \u200b\u200bin life for such a person: home, family, children, loyalty, devotion. Until now, they have shown themselves to be homebodies and good hosts.

If we talk about the beautiful half of humanity with an anal vector, now these are the best wives, mothers and mistresses. Everywhere they have order, impeccable cleanliness, everything is in its place, the children are dressed and fed.

Such women see the meaning of life, their realization in the family, in the creation and maintenance of the hearth. And naturally, when they are deprived of such an opportunity for various reasons, this causes them tension.

Where does stress come from?

It can be difficult for them to adapt to the rhythm of the modern world, especially in big cities, where everything happens on the run, with lightning speed. When such people are driven, for example, forced to do work quickly, in a short time, this causes them tremendous stress. Because by nature they are leisurely, they do everything honestly, ideally. The speed of the work can suffer from this. And if done hastily, they will not have a sense of satisfaction from the work done.

So the unrealization of innate properties increases, as a result of which stress appears in the anal vector. Not always a person understands the true causes of their conditions: because of what exactly he is so worried. Doesn't know how to solve this problem.

Therefore, all kinds of “gags” of spiritual voids are used. And seizing problems is far from last in the list of “solutions”. Food becomes a life-saving refuge from stress and problems, a way to make up for shortages arising in the vector. There is a dependency. And food, instead of solving the problem, creates a new one, which also needs to be disposed of.

This is due to the fact that a person does not realize his desires, does not understand what he really wants from life and what he lacks right now.

How to stop seizing stress and start living?

Training System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan gives a complete picture of what is needed and important for each specific person, which fills and helps him to realize himself in life. When you realize your essence, your mission, you understand your desires and comprehend that it may be pleasing to you, you are no longer looking for filling with the help of such an not always useful tool as food.

Here are just some of the results of our listeners.

Why are more and more people in the world suffering from food addiction? What kind of gluttony epidemic is marching around the planet? Where does it come from, what are its signs, are children exposed to it, how dangerous is food addiction, and how to get rid of it - you will find a lot of useful information about the current problem in this article.

Food Addiction - Where Does It Come From?

Just think: almost a third of the world's population today is addicted to food. The addiction has been dubbed food addiction. More often women suffer from it, men are not much behind, this dependence is manifested even in children.

Why does food addiction arise? The reasons are different - physiological and psychological.

Genetic abnormalities and heredity.   A person in the body may simply not have the hormone of joy and pleasure - dopamine. So it stimulates its production of delicious food.

Pleasure center nourishment.   The signals from the taste buds are sent to the pleasure center of our brain. As a result, we get positive emotions, reassurance, a sense of joy.

Hormonal disorders.   In the body, insufficient production of the hunger hormone leptin, which reduces appetite, can occur. From this there is a desire to constantly have a snack.

Improper nutrition. Food that contains sugar, starch and flour provokes drug addiction. A man is uncontrollably drawn to junk food, it is becoming increasingly difficult for him to cope with his desires. As soon as the blood glucose level decreases, the brain requires nutrition.

Important: most often the dependence develops on the use of ice cream, chocolate, pizza, chips, sausages.

The habit of "seizing" problems and failures . By gluttony, a person reacts to stresses, troubles, tries to deal with a bad mood.

The desire to lose weight. Often dieters do not withstand restrictions and break down, as if catching up. At the same time, the head of a losing weight is constantly occupied with thoughts about food, they become obsessive and a dependence on food is formed.

Food Addiction in Children - Myth or Reality?

The causes of the problems need to be sought in early childhood, then the child may already be addicted to food. If the baby receives maternal attention only during feeding and lacks warmth, bodily contact, affection at another time, he has an unconscious connection - only eating will give him closeness to his mother.

Often we feed our children too much, forcing us to eat another spoon, then another.

The child understands - the approval of the parents, their praise can be obtained if you eat well. And such a stereotype is fixed, forming with time the dependence on food.

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